US IMMIGRATION 1890-1910. What is immigration? To enter and settle in a country or region to which...


Transcript of US IMMIGRATION 1890-1910. What is immigration? To enter and settle in a country or region to which...


What is immigration?

To enter and settle in a country or region to which one is not native.

To send or introduce as immigrants: Britain immigrated many colonists to the New World.


Ellis Island

Peak Immigration

Immigration reached its historical peak in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era when almost 12 million immigrants entered the U.S. between 1890 and 1910.

Motivations for Immigration:

Push factors (need to leave in order to survive)

Pull factors (attracted to new way of life)

1607-1830 Political Freedom (pull and push) Religious intolerance in home country

(push) Economic Opportunity - People want a

better life - better jobs - more money in US (pull)

Political Refugees fear for their lives (push) Some want free social atmosphere (pull) Forced Emigration (Slavery) Family Reunification

Reasons for Immigration

Reasons for Immigration

1830-1890The main reason for immigration

in the period from 1830-1890 is Land.

It remained plentiful, and fairly cheap.

Jobs were abundant, and labor was scarce and relatively expensive.

A decline in the birthrate as well as an increase in industry and urbanization reinforced this situation.

Reasons for Immigration1890-1924Jews came for religious freedom Italians and Asians came for Work Russians came to escape

persecution America had jobs America had religious freedom America was described in many

countries as the "Land of Opportunity."

DISILLUSION“I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, I found out three things: First, the streets weren’t paved with gold; second, they weren’t paved at all: and third, I was expected to pave them.”





“All of us (immigrants) clustered on the foredeck and looked with wonder on this miraculous land of our dreams.”

How did they enter? Immigrants entering through the east coast

would enter through Ellis Island, in New York Harbor.

Immigrants entering on the West Coast gained admission at Angel Island, in San Francisco Bay.

Immigrants endured harsh questioning and physical examinations. At Angel Island, immigrants were often subjected to long detention periods while awaiting entrance into the United States.

People who could not meet guidelines, had contagious diseases or mental disorders, had criminal records or no means to support themselves were deported.

Immigration Restriction

Many native-born Americans thought of the United States as a melting pot, a mixture of people of different cultures and races who blended together by abandoning their native languages and customs.

Many immigrants did not want to give up their native customs, causing anti-immigrant feelings.

Anti-Immigrant groups began springing up, which led to nativism, or favoritism toward native-born Americans.

Why did Native-born Americans view immigrants as a threat?

•Unable to fit into society•Caused social problems; crime, poverty, violence.

•Cheap labor robbed Americans of jobs

Chinese Exclusion

In California, Chinese immigrants were unable to own property or work at certain jobs.


Denied citizenship and prohibited immigration of Chinese workers


Wanted a literacy test for all immigrants.

Passed by Congress, but vetoed by President Cleveland.

He called it “Illiberal, narrow, and un-American”