US Government PreTest

US Government Pre-Test 1. ________ How lo ng is the P resi dent’s term of off ice? 2. ________ How ol d do you have to be to be t he Pre sident? 3. ________ Our S tate h as a t otal of how many e lect oral vot es? 4. ____ What is t he ter m for a US Senator? 5. ____ ____ ___ Ho w old must y ou be in orde r to be a United States Representative? 6. ________ How is t he numbe r of re presen tati ves per S tate de termined? 7. ________ Each st ate is repres ented by how many S enators? 8. _______ Anyone who i s tr ied on a cri minal offens e in a federal court is tried by what? 9. ________ The Sup reme Court consis ts of how ma ny ju stice s? 10. _______________ Who has the sole power to try officials who have been impeached? 11. _______________ What group brings the charges of impeachment? 12. _______________ Which Article in the Constitution deal s with t he Judiciary? 13. _______________ Which Article in the Constitution deal s with t he Legislature? 14. _______________ Which Article in the Constitution deal s with t he Executive? 15. _______________ How many articles are in the Constitution? 16. _______ How many Amendments have been made to the Constitution since its creation? 17. _______________ What are t he first ten amendments cal led? 18. _______ In whic h amendment are you giv en the right to bear arms? 19. _______ What amendment protects you from incriminating yourself? 20. _______ What amendmen t outla wed slavery? 21. _______ What amen dment gives you freed om of speech? 22. _______ What does t he 18 th amendment mean to you? 23. _______________ For what office named in the Constitution must you be a natural born citizen? 24. _______________ Who were t he only two Presi dents ever impeached? 25. _______________ What President served the longest term of office? 26. _______ What President was known for the Watergate Scandal? 27. _______ Was Joh n F. Kennedy a Republi can or Democrat? 28. _______________ Prior to P res. Clinton, who was the last Democratic President? 29. _______________ What does it mean if you are the State’ s Senior Senator?

Transcript of US Government PreTest

Page 1: US Government PreTest

8/8/2019 US Government PreTest 1/2

US Government Pre-Test

1. _______________ How long is the President’s term of office?2. _______________ How old do you have to be to be the President?

3. _______________ Our State has a total of how many electoral votes?

4. _______________ What is the term for a US Senator?5. _______________ How old must you be in order to be a

United States Representative?

6. _______________ How is the number of representatives per State determined?7. _______________ Each state is represented by how many Senators?

8. _______________ Anyone who is tried on a criminal offense

in a federal court is tried by what?

9. _______________ The Supreme Court consists of how many justices?10. _______________ Who has the sole power to try officials

who have been impeached?

11. _______________ What group brings the charges of impeachment?

12. _______________ Which Article in the Constitution deals with the Judiciary?13. _______________ Which Article in the Constitution deals with the Legislature?

14. _______________ Which Article in the Constitution deals with the Executive?15. _______________ How many articles are in the Constitution?

16. _______________ How many Amendments have been made

to the Constitution since its creation?

17. _______________ What are the first ten amendments called?18. _______________ In which amendment are you given the

right to bear arms?

19. _______________ What amendment protects you fromincriminating yourself?

20. _______________ What amendment outlawed slavery?21. _______________ What amendment gives you freedom of speech?

22. _______________ What does the 18th amendment mean to

you?23. _______________ For what office named in the Constitution

must you be a natural born citizen?

24. _______________ Who were the only two Presidents ever 

impeached?25. _______________ What President served the longest term of 


26. _______________ What President was known for theWatergate Scandal?

27. _______________ Was John F. Kennedy a Republican or 

Democrat?28. _______________ Prior to Pres. Clinton, who was the last

Democratic President?

29. _______________ What does it mean if you are the State’s

Senior Senator?

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8/8/2019 US Government PreTest 2/2

30. _______________ What type of committee is used to iron out

differences in a bill from the House and Senate?

31. _______________ How much cash money can you give aPresidential Candidate?

32. _______________ The President of the Senate also holds

what position?33. _______________ What is it called when a Senator tries to

talk a bill to death?

34. _______________ What type of Committee is permanent andhas jurisdiction over specific items?

35. _______________ How many members are in the House of 


36. _______________ Are the Speaker of the House and theHouse Majority leader from the same political party?

37. _______________ Name the only woman serving on the

Supreme Court.

38. _______________ How many departments are there in thePresident’s Cabinet?

39. _______________ What Philosopher was very important instating many of the ideas used in the constitution?

40. _______________ Who is the governor of Kansas currently?

41. _______________ What can a President do to a law after its

 passed the House and Senate?42. _______________ In what city was the Constitution written?

43. _______________ What type of legislature do we have in our 

federal government?44. _______________ Declaring acts of government

unconstitutional is called what?

45. _______________ What were the first two political partiescalled?