US Embassy Cables_ Saudis Fear 'Shia Triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan _ World News _

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  • 7/29/2019 US Embassy Cables_ Saudis Fear 'Shia Triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan _ World News _


    9/23/12 US embassy cables: Saudis fear 'Shia triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan | World news | guardian.c


    Thursday, 09 April 2009, 04:22

    S E C R E T STATE 034688

    EO 12958 DECL: 04/07/2019


    SUBJECT: (U) Secretary Clinton's April 7, 2009 meeting

    with UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin


    1.(U) Classified by Bureau Assistant Secretary

    Jeffrey Feltman. Reasons: 1.4 (b) and (d)

    2. (U) April 7, 2009 1:30 p.m. Washington,


    3. (U) Participants:



    The Secretary Acting Assistant Secretary

    Jeffrey Feltman Jake Sullivan, S staff Barbara

    Masilko, NEA Notetaker



    UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed (AbZ)

    Ambassador Yousef al Otaiba Abdullah al Saboosi, UAE Notetaker

    4. (S) SUMMARY. The Secretary reviewed the status of the US-

    UAE 123 agreement and additional action the UAE can take to

    encourage a positive Congressional review. The UAE request for

    participation in the Major Economies Forum on Energy and

    Climate (MEF) is under serious consideration. The Secretary

    expressed her interest in participating in a GCC plus three

    meeting in Baghdad in the near future. The UAE ForeignMinister Abdullah bin Zayed (AbZ) also suggested a GCC plus 3

    and P5 plus 1 joint meeting to discuss Iran. AbZ confirmed his

    intention to participate in the Pakistan Donors conference in

    Tokyo and expressed concerns about Saudi back peddling. The

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    US embassy cables: Saudis fear 'Shiatriangle' of Iran, Iraq and, Friday 3 December 2010 14.58 GMT


    Regional rivalries over

    Pakistan surface during

    Hillary Clinton's visit to

    the Gulf. The UAE

    foreign secretary tells

    her that the Saudi

    government is

    discriminating againstAsif Ali Zardari , the

    Pakistani president,

    because the Saudis fear

    he is a Shia allied with

    Iran. Key passage

    highlighted in yellow.

    Read related article:

    Saudis want military

    rule in Pakistan

  • 7/29/2019 US Embassy Cables_ Saudis Fear 'Shia Triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan _ World News _


    9/23/12 US embassy cables: Saudis fear 'Shia triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan | World news | guardian.c


    Secretary thanked the UAE for the positive support for both

    the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Palestinian Authority. AbZ

    noted that Qatar wants the Arab League to request a meeting

    with the Quartet focused on settlements and East Jerusalem.



    Nuclear Cooperation and Export Control


    5. (S) The Secretary expressed the Administration's commitment

    to the U.S.-UAE Agreement for Cooperation on the Peaceful Uses

    of Nuclear Energy (aka 123 Agreement). She emphasized that our

    goal is to get the agreement completed as smoothly as

    possible. AbZ said that he is delighted with the progress on

    the agreement. He added that the UAE's goal is to create a

    gold standard for a nuclear power program. Then, because of

    the strong commitments the UAE has made, it will be impossible

    to have improper use of its nuclear facilities.

    6. (S) Turning to the need to be prepared to respond to

    Congress, the Secretary committed to form a State Department

    committee including H, NEA and ISN to work on the

    notification. The Secretary noted the importance of

    implementing the UAE export control law and continued UAE

    efforts against illicit Iranian trade and Iranian front

    companies. The Secretary encouraged action on nonproliferation

    treaty commitments as especially helpful actions the UAE could

    take to support our efforts. AbZ noted that the UAE would

    formally join the additional protocol on April 8.

    7. (S) AbZ agreed that the August 2007 export control law had

    some "loopholes" and said that the UAE Cabinet "revisited" the

    issue last week. Otaiba said that AbZ had personally

    intervened to ensure timely action. Otaiba elaborated that the

    committee charged with implementing the export control law

    will have its first meeting later this month to begin


    8. (S) Otaiba noted that, even in the absence of a formal

    implementation committee, the UAE is taking action - citing a

    recent case involving German-made Siemens computers and a

    Chinese ship bound for Iran interdicted in port in the UAE.


    Major Economies Forum


    9. (S) The Secretary noted UAE interest in the Major Economies

    Forum on Energy and Climate (MEF). While noting that the UAE

    does not technically meet the criteria for the meeting, based

    on size of the economy alone, the Secretary said there are

    many criteria that make it important for the UAE to attend,

    adding she will make a recommendation for UAE participation as

    an observer. AbZ said the UAE bid to host the International

    Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) headquarters would be very

    difficult to achieve if the UAE is locked out of the MEF

    preparatory meeting in Washington and promised "we will

    remember your help."

  • 7/29/2019 US Embassy Cables_ Saudis Fear 'Shia Triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan _ World News _


    9/23/12 US embassy cables: Saudis fear 'Shia triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan | World news | guardian.c





    10. (S) The Secretary said the U.S. is looking to see if Iran

    can be engaged in any productive manner and noted that Special

    Advisor Ross would travel to the region soon for

    consultations. AbZ told the Secretary that UAE feels

    threatened by Iran today, even though Iran does not yet have a

    nuclear capability. AbZ asserted that the UAE is even more

    worried about Iranian intentions than is Israel. AbZ

    encouraged the U.S. to consider a GCC plus 3 and P5 plus 1

    joint meeting.


    Iraqi GCC plus 3


    11. (S) The Secretary expressed interest in the Iraqi

    invitations for a GCC plus 3 meeting in Baghdad, at a date to

    be determined. She noted the value of the GCC plus 3 mechanism

    not only for furthering Arab engagement with the Iraqi

    government during a time of transition, but as a way to send a

    message to Iran that Iraq has broad support in the Arab world.




    12. (S) The Secretary told AbZ that the U.S. needs help to

    stem the flow of funds from the Gulf to the Taliban. She noted

    that one area of potential action is reviving training related

    to bulk cash smuggling.

    13. (S) Thanking the UAE for hosting the Friends of Pakistan

    preparatory meeting, the Secretary said she hopes AbZ would

    attend the April donors conference in Tokyo. AbZ confirmed

    that he plans to attend and said that the UAE will make a

    "strong" pledge, but no decision has been made on an exact

    dollar figure.

    14. (S) AbZ express concern over Saudi Arabia's decision not

    to make a pledge at the Tokyo conference. AbZ said that the

    Saudis have never liked the Pakistan Peoples Party, and

    support Nawaz Sharif. In addition, AbZ posited that Saudi

    Arabia suspects that Zardari is Shia, thus creating Saudi

    concern of a Shia triangle in the region between Iran, the

    Maliki government in Iraq, and Pakistan under Zardari. Feltman

    noted a pattern of Saudi behavior of withholding financial

    assistance - not supporting March 14 in Lebanon, not sending

    funds to the PA, and not planning a pledge for Pakistan.

    Otaiba added that Saudi Arabia also failed make a commitment

    at the G20 meeting.




  • 7/29/2019 US Embassy Cables_ Saudis Fear 'Shia Triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan _ World News _


    9/23/12 US embassy cables: Saudis fear 'Shia triangle' of Iran, Iraq and Pakistan | World news | guardian.c


    15. (S) The Secretary noted the need to support Lebanese Armed

    Forces (LAF) in the run up to the elections with concrete

    displays of support. Feltman added that the UAE had been

    particularly helpful already by funding the delivery of the

    first ten refurbished tanks for the LAF. AbZ noted that he

    would meet with visiting Lebanese Minister of Defense Murr

    later on April 7. AbZ said the UAE will purchase additional

    munitions for LAF helicopters, donated by the UAE to LAF last

    year, but is waiting for France to provide a price estimate.


    Middle East Peace Process


    16. (S) The Secretary thanked the UAE for its strong financial

    support for the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Secretary

    asked if AbZ had an update on the status of Palestinian unity

    talks. Acknowledging that Hamas and Fatah are not coming to an

    agreement, AbZ replied with a smile that things are "going


    17. (S) AbZ said that in addition to financial support for the

    PA it is important that the new Israeli government reach out

    to President Abbas. AbZ said that the Secretary should expect

    the Qatari Prime Minister to request an Arab League meeting

    with the Quartet focused on settlements and East Jerusalem.

    AbZ said the Quartet will need to use the same standards for

    the new Israel government as already applied to the

    Palestinians regarding respecting previous agreements. The

    Secretary agreed. AbZ said that it is important to create a

    road map of Israeli and Palestinian actions towards an end

    game. The Secretary agreed on the importance of simultaneous

    reinforcing actions in support of negotiations. AbZ said that

    the UAE candidacy to host IRENA could yield political

    benefits, if successful. Israel is already a signatory to the

    agreement, so it would have a representative IRENA mission in

    Abu Dhabi should the UAE be chosen to host headquarters.


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