urma Examples of Brieng Anti-Muslim Propaganda briefing analysis from Burma Campaign UK urma Brieng...

Comment, briefing & analysis from Burma Campaign UK Burma Briefing This briefing paper provides examples of some of the anti-Muslim propaganda being spread in Burma. While a lot of attention has focussed on propaganda spread on social networks such as Facebook, most people in Burma do not have access to the internet. Leaflets inciting anti-Muslim hatred are being distributed across the country, including by Monasteries. Burma Campaign UK has produced a detailed briefing paper looking at some of the underlying causes of recent violence in Burma, which calls on the international community to share its expertise with political and religious leaders in Burma in tackling communal violence. The briefing paper, Burma Briefing No.19: An international task force is needed to help tackle growing religious violence in Burma, is available here: www.burmacampaign. org.uk/index.php/news-and-reports/burma-briefing/ title/an-international-task-force-is-needed-to-tackle- growing-religious-violence Examples of anti-Muslim propaganda are provided here in the original Burmese and English translations. Examples of Anti-Muslim Propaganda No. 21 March 2013 Leaflet being distributed in Karen State, Hpa-an Town October 2012 Original in Burmese Translation 4 rules from Alliance to Protect Buddhism Group (Thar Tha Nar in Burmese) 1. Traditionally Buddhist owned houses, compounds and farms are not to be sold, rented or pawned to Muslims. 2. Buddhist women are not to marry Muslim men. 3. Buddhists are to buy goods only from Buddhists’ shops. 4. Buddhists are not to use their Burmese names to buy property, build or rent property for Muslims. If one of the above rules has been broken, serious effective penalty would be given. (Meeting decision from Alliance to Protect Buddhism group on 10th September 2012, 9th Wah Khaung Last Quarter moon, year 1374. Monday- 1pm. Mae Baung Monastery, Hpa- an)

Transcript of urma Examples of Brieng Anti-Muslim Propaganda briefing analysis from Burma Campaign UK urma Brieng...

Page 1: urma Examples of Brieng Anti-Muslim Propaganda briefing analysis from Burma Campaign UK urma Brieng No. 1 ul 2010 This briefing paper provides examples of some of the anti-Muslim propaganda

Comment, briefing & analysis from Burma Campaign UK

Burma Briefing

No. 1 July 2010

This briefing paper provides examples of some of the anti-Muslim propaganda being spread in Burma.

While a lot of attention has focussed on propaganda spread on social networks such as Facebook, most people in Burma do not have access to the internet. Leaflets inciting anti-Muslim hatred are being distributed across the country, including by Monasteries.

Burma Campaign UK has produced a detailed briefing paper looking at some of the underlying causes of recent violence in Burma, which calls on

the international community to share its expertise with political and religious leaders in Burma in tackling communal violence. The briefing paper, Burma Briefing No.19: An international task force is needed to help tackle growing religious violence in Burma, is available here: www.burmacampaign.org.uk/index.php/news-and-reports/burma-briefing/title/an-international-task-force-is-needed-to-tackle-growing-religious-violence

Examples of anti-Muslim propaganda are provided here in the original Burmese and English translations.

Examples of Anti-Muslim Propaganda

No. 21 March 2013

Leaflet being distributed in Karen State, Hpa-an Town October 2012

Original in Burmese Translation

4 rules from Alliance to Protect Buddhism Group (Thar Tha Nar in Burmese)

1. Traditionally Buddhist owned houses, compounds and farms are not to be sold, rented or pawned to Muslims.

2. Buddhist women are not to marry Muslim men.

3. Buddhists are to buy goods only from Buddhists’ shops.

4. Buddhists are not to use their Burmese names to buy property, build or rent property for Muslims.

If one of the above rules has been broken, serious effective penalty would be given.

(Meeting decision from Alliance to Protect Buddhism group on 10th September 2012, 9th Wah Khaung Last Quarter moon, year 1374. Monday- 1pm. Mae Baung Monastery, Hpa-an)

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Letter distributed in and around Meiktila shortly before the violence.

Original in Burmese



A Shin Bawana ThunamaTownship Monks chairmanMeiktila.

Subject: We are writing to report about the Burmese Buddhists who have been living in terror.

1. According to the above situation, Muslims in Marhtila, those tiger kalar are wearing their kalar mosque clothes and going around in the town more than before.

2. In that group, there are some stranger kalars who we haven’t seen before.

3. Although it is not Kalar’s Eid period, they have been attending meetings at mosque. ( Day/night).

4. Using money Saudi allocated to mosques, they have been buying land, farm and houses both in and out of the town with incredible amount of money under the Burmese names.

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5. Two Burmese women from North Pyi Tharyar were married off to two Kalar under the responsibility of a mosque.

6. Moreover, Kalar are urging each other that only Halal branded kids product such as snacks, fizzy drinks and tea are edible for Kalar.

7. With the money they received from Saudi, construction shop (Kalar shop) is selling things with loans to the officials.

8. Some of the officials from government offices that happened to buy from the shop are pretending not to see those Kalar’s activities.

9. The officials who have been tied by those loans are not investigating the guest lists or the meetings going on in mosques.

10. Military buildings lookalike mosques are willing to become a higher authority over Burmese Buddhists’ monastery.

11. The religion should not be destroyed by bribery.

12. We are very terrified whenever we see a big group of Kalar who go to mosque everyday. Therefore we would like to ask support from monks who wouldn’t take bribery.

13. Please investigate the above problems.

(Buddhists who feel helpless)Meiktila Town.

Leaflet being distributed in Karen State, Hpa-an Town October 2012 and which is also being distributed in Rangoon.

Original in Burmese

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It is time for new Myanmar generation to know in order to prevent from a heart-breaking situation.

“After you die”

“Due to human nature, you will get old, sick and die. It is the truth. However, after you die, your birth country, land should be left behind in better developing stage. Your ancestral language should elevate. Pagodas where you paid respect should be left behind in shining lights.”

Saya Zawgyi.

(If you have this leaflet, please continue sharing with others who have love in the religion and nation.)

Letter to urge the whole nation.

Dear Myanmar people,

To wipe out our religion and nationality, bad Muslims Kalars are using several strategies such as using business and humanitarian sectors as leverage. Using such strategies, they have won over Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh where Buddhism was once well practiced. In India in AD 11 (Buddhist year 1700), they brutally burned and destroyed recordings of Buddha teaching, killed over a hundred thousand of monks and put out rewards to kill monks who escaped.

In our country, Myanmar, they have done appalling things such as throwing King Narathu off the throne in Bagan era, invading Hantharwaddy, forceful involvement of Mohammedens in national politics in Bagyidaw King era, raping many Burmese women while depending on U Pain in Pagan King era, creating Kalars-Bamar riot in 1930, again starting 1938 Kalars-Bamar riot because of religious papers written by Mawlawi Shwe Phi, raping of many young women in 1940/1941 Kalars-Yakhine riot, involvement of Mujahid Kalars rebels in era of Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL), demanding more rights after marrying Colonel U Maung Maung Kha’s daughter in AFPFL’s era, plotting to invade Rakhine State, Buu The Taung and Maung Taw with help from

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Pakistan and Bangladesh in British Colonial and SLORC time, demanding autonomy for Maymyo and Yangon Mogul street ,and including asking for ethnic identity for children who were born from Mohammeden and Myanmar ethnic woman. Therefore, in order to fight out the those Kalars who have been living on our land, drinking our water, eating our rice but plotting heinous ideas to wipe out Buddhism and our Myanmar nationality,

• Stop shopping from Kalars’ shops with sign 786 or Halah, stop using cars, carts and dealing with them in business and household matter.

• “No extinction of human kind can happen from being swallowed by earth but will happen, when one human kind swallow up another human kind” Remember this saying and to protect our nationality, do not marry Muslim Kalars for money, gold and wealth.

• Please use pictures of Buddha, monks at Buddhists shops, homes to pay respect, put signs of Buddhism and sell various goods with reasonable prices. Please don’t put prices up for bigger profit.

• Only buy from Buddhist shops.

• In order to improve knowledge on nationality, townships and villages’ religious leaders are to help and form religious youth groups, organise discussion groups and encourage reading religion’s paper.

Note: There is no purpose to create riot or political instability because of this letter.This has been issued so that loving in nationality and religion will live long.

You should still shop form Myanmar ethnic’s shops even they are profiting 10 kyats per item whereas Kalars shops are profiting 1 kyat per item. Because that 10 kyats from Myanmar ethnic’s shops are going towards building pagodas and monasteries whereas Kalars’ 1 kyat is going towards destroying our religion and nationality.

(Min Kon Monk)

To know the truth about Muslim Kalars’ heinous plots, please read the extracts from their secret leaflets.

Oh dear Muslim people who live in Myanmar, we should help each other and love our religion while living in this country. Therefore to target trade and humanitarian sector, except for selling goods from our side, we Muslims will buy goods only from shops with 786 or Halah signs. The sign 786 is 21 when it combines together. 21 means in 21st century, our Islam religion will have to influence in Myanmar, and all other nationalities and religions on earth.

Note: We all have to use trade and humanitarian sectors as our strategies to promote our Islam religion in Myanmar. Therefore except from shops with our religion’s signs, we won’t be shopping or doing business with any other shops owned by Myanmar ethnics such as Bamar, Chinese, Shan, Karen, Arakhine and etc. Especially we will only consume food from restaurants with 786 or Halah signs.(Extracts from Islamic directory.)(Written by Ama sander Nu Marmi, from page 500, chapter 30 and 280)

There are many potential for Islam religion to widespread in Myanmar. The easiest and surest way to promote Islam is to marry Buddhist Burmese women. For those who have been struggling with jobs, they should go to Myanmar to find a job and spread Islam by marrying Burmese women. Burmese women are unfaithful therefore by marrying them we should promote Islam.

Islam’s heinous way to promote their religion.

Oh dear Islamists, for all of us Myanmar have become a poison. That is why we need to be united and take any possible ground we can. Even if we have to get out of this country, we will have to leave our blood behind in this country. Buddhist Burmese and ethnic Myanmar women are

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Myanmar Post Global newspaper distributed in Meiktila.

This is an example of how newspapers in Burma treat Muslims as foreigners by calling them ‘non-indigenous’.

Original in Burmese Translation

Myanmar Post Global newspaper.

Husband and wife from non-indigenous people group who beaten a person who came to sell gold are now charged under……..

In Meiktila, fire and looting are still going on till March 20th evening.

like prostitutes and we are able to get them anytime with money. For us, it is the best time to be active so we have to manipulate and get those Buddhist Burmese and ethnic Myanmar women by winning their hearts, using our money or businesses. The most important thing is to leave out blood and genes with them. For your hard work, we will be awarding 500 kyats if you can implant your blood inside Buddhist Burmese women. If you can implant into 4 Buddhist Burmese women, mosque will support 1,000 kyats every month. 2,000 kyats will be awarded, if they are graduated Buddhist Burmese women, and 50,000 will be awarded, if they are daughters of brigadiers. We have to be aware that we can only multiply more with each other. Only then our Islam will live long. There is nothing to worry about financial support for you as every year we have received fifty thousand sterling pounds from our mujahidin government. Please contact mosques as soon as possible to collect money for your success. We hope that you can contact us very soon.

You can only distribute this letter to Muslims who promise not to share or talk about this with other religions.(An Eyewitness saw above awarded scheme on Kyon Done ship, Mawlamyine, 1984)

This is how Muslims instruct each other secretly.

Warning for parents!

Since Muslim Kalars are trying to wipe out our Myanmar nationality and religion, if you can’t discipline your children, our nationality and religion will no longer exist. Therefore, please follow the four guidelines below.

1. Teach Buddhism and Buddhist culture to our children since they were young.2. Do not buy from Muslims’ shops.3. Discipline your children not to communicate with Muslims.4. Discipline your children not marry Muslims.

“Message to new generation. When a pot was branded while in process of making, that brand is still visible long after it has been broken. Similarly only when we can cast a brand of religion in our children, Buddhism in them will last until they die.”

A Shin Zanakar Bi wintha (Maha Gadaryone monk)

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Speech by Buddhist monk Wirathu made before the Meiktila violence and uploaded onto YouTube on 24 March

Whatever you do, do it with nationalist vision. When you are looking, look at with nationalist point of view. When you are listening, listen with nationalist’s ears. When you do business, do it with nationalist vision. We are very weak at that at the moment.

But for them, they are very good at it. Before this government, military was in control. They worked together with the military and nationalist views, and now they control the construction market in Yangon. Don’t think they love the military but they worked together for the benefit of their own people. Now when the time is good under this USDP government, they all became members and do politics with nationalist vision. They do politics not because they understand or love democracy and respect human rights but they do it for their own people. They are the people who have been breaking human rights rules. They have been brutally breaking rules of freedom of belief. …….Now NLD is in a better position so they are in NLD. If you look at NLD offices at any towns, you will see bearded people. When I went to Meiktilar, one of the local people told me, “the NLD peacock is no longer peacock but a mootdoan (meaning a muslim person) NLD party is full of Muslims”. Now that they have places they can work for their people and religion. When I went to Myot Hla, a lot of monks told me that they were not allowed to hold a Buddhist ritual on Martyrs day. I was really furious and thought how rude the authorities to do that. But they replied that it was coming from the Kalars from the NLD office and they own the property! Just think about it, they are from NLD and they didn’t allow us to perform Buddhist rituals just because they own the property, what is going to happen when they become leader of the party or minister or leader of the country. It is really scary. It gets scarier the more you think about it.

They do everything in nationalist’s way and that’s why they keep buying lands and properties. They carried bags of money to propose girls for marriage, and they use those to manipulate girls.………If they have power, even the Ka Htein (Buddhist charity) will be gone from our country. …….Buy only from our shops. If our money goes to enemies’ hands, it will destroy our whole nationality and religion. They will use that money to manipulate women, forcefully convert those women into their religion, and the children of them will become enemy of the state. They will destroy the whole nation and religion. When their population grows, they will do the same thing as they did in Rakhine state: invading. They will take over the whole county. …….That is why by looking long term, use only places with the sign 969. So if we win this one event, our people will win the future events. We need to target one by one of those to protect our religion.

Translation For the long stability of our religion, let’s buy at 969.

The usage of 969 is to pay respect to 9 special elements of Buddha, 6 special elements of Dhamma (Buddha’s teachings), and 9 for the element of Buddhist Sangha.

This is an example of a 969 sign. 969 is a Buddhist nationalist anti-Muslim movement calling for the boycott of anything Muslim related. 969 signs are displayed in Buddhist businesses.

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Published by Burma Campaign UK, 28 Charles Square, London N1 6HT www.burmacampaign.org.uk [email protected] tel: 020 7324 4710

for Human Rights, Democracy & Development in Burma

Abuse posted on Burma Campaign UK’s Facebook page after posting photos of a London Protest for Peace in Burma organised by the Burmese Muslim Association UK.

We have not received any reports about anti-Buddhist propaganda being circulated.