Urinetown: The Musical Program

University of Southern Maine University of Southern Maine USM Digital Commons USM Digital Commons Programs 2006-2007 Season Theatre Programs 2000-2010 Spring 3-2007 Urinetown: The Musical Program Urinetown: The Musical Program University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre University of Southern Maine School of Music Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/theatre-programs-2006-2007 Part of the Theatre History Commons Recommended Citation Recommended Citation University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre and University of Southern Maine School of Music, "Urinetown: The Musical Program" (2007). Programs 2006-2007 Season. 4. https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/theatre-programs-2006-2007/4 This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Theatre Programs 2000-2010 at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Programs 2006-2007 Season by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Transcript of Urinetown: The Musical Program

University of Southern Maine University of Southern Maine

USM Digital Commons USM Digital Commons

Programs 2006-2007 Season Theatre Programs 2000-2010

Spring 3-2007

Urinetown: The Musical Program Urinetown: The Musical Program

University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre

University of Southern Maine School of Music

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/theatre-programs-2006-2007

Part of the Theatre History Commons

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre and University of Southern Maine School of Music, "Urinetown: The Musical Program" (2007). Programs 2006-2007 Season. 4. https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/theatre-programs-2006-2007/4

This Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Theatre Programs 2000-2010 at USM Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Programs 2006-2007 Season by an authorized administrator of USM Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected].


SOUTHERN MAINE m The Department of Theatre and

The School of Music present


the mustcal

Directed by Edward Reichert Book & lyrics by Greg Kotis,

Music & lyrics by Mark Hollman

Sponsored by Drs. John and Elizabeth Serrage

March 16-25, 2007 Russell Hall

USM Gorham Campus

"URINETOWN: the musical" is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MT!). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MT!, 42 West 54th

Street, New York, NY /0019 . Tel.:(212)541-4684 Fax: (212)397-4684 www.MTJShows.com

About the Play (Excerpted from Greg Kotis' introduction to URINETOWN: The Musical)

The idea for URINETOWN: the musical first came to me during what might generously be described as a poorly planned trip to Europe during the late winter/early spring of 1995. On our return flight, I decided to extend an overnight layover in Paris to spend two weeks bumming arc_mnd Western Europe by myself, to see the sights, and also try to decide whether I would propose to my girlfriend. For some reason, I thought $300 would cover my expenses, and I ran out of money almost immediately. What I had intended to be a meditative, economy-style backpacker excursion through the capitals of France, Germany, England, and Spain quickly devolved into a grim test of endurance, (with) the defining question . . . "How can I not spend any money until I can reclaim my ticket to the States and go home?" For me, th~ ~nswer involved sleeping in the train stations, eating cheap but belly-f1lhng foods, and, strangely enough, avoiding going to the bathroom as much as possible.

Public bathrooms in Europe are pay-per-use. Some are old buildings in parks complete with towel-distributing attendants; some are state-of-the-art, self-cleaning, toilet-pods set proudly near city crossroads. Each involves a fee of some kind, some more expensive than others, all the time prohibitive to me . .. And so it was that on one particularly cold, rainy afternoon in Paris, while I was making my way past the Luxembourg Gardens, trying to determine how badly I needed to go to the bathroom ... that the notion of a city where all the public amenities in town were controlled by a single, malevolent, monopolizing corporation came to me. And not only would the corporation control all the public bathrooms but, being malevolent and monopolizing, it would somehow ensure the prohibition of private toilets, thus guaranteeing a steady flow of customers to its overpriced comfort stations. With its wealth and influence on the rise, it would pay off politicians and police, outlaw going in the bushes (and between parked cars), and generally employ all available tools of persuasion to maintain its hammerlock on power. At its head would be an evil capitalist genius controlling the world from behind his corporate desk. But would he really be so evil? For the world he was controlling was suffering from a nearly uncontrollable ecological disaster - a drought that, at the beginning of our story, had already entered its twentieth year.

I stood there on the sidewalk for a moment or two, thinking the thing through. The notion seemed like a patently awful one, grand and ridiculous, a career (such as it was) ending embarrassment. And yet, at its core, it would also be a grand, ridiculous reflection of the world as we know it to be, complete with rich and poor, the powerful and the powerless, a government controlled by industry and an industry that exists apart from and above us all. And driving it all would be the disaster, in this case the drought, a fact that trumped all the other facts: the love, the rage, the greed, everything. It would be a

musical, yes, a very big musical, and it would be 'called URINETOWN: the musical. It might not be performed, but it would be called URINETOWN: the musical, and it would take place in a town where everybody had to pay to pee. Such is the thinking that comes from being too homesick, too broke, and too full of belly-filling foods, while inhibiting natural bodily functions for too long.

Director's Note

Welcome to URINETOWN! Not the place, the musical. This innovative, wacky, and wonderful. musical is a wild mix of biting satire and loving parody. Inspired by the work of Kurt Weill and" Bertolt Brecht, the show irreverently pays homage to the great American musical theatre tradition with references to classics such as West Side Story, Les Miserables, Fiddler on the Roof, Sweeney Todd, ahd Chicago among others: I think it's hilariously funny and touchingly

· honest, providing our students (and audience) with a fresh perspective to one o_f Am~rica's greatest art forms. Winner of three 2002 Tony Awards mcludmg best score and best book of a musical, we're very excited and proud to bring you the Maine premiere of URINETOWN: the musical. (Google Thomas Robert Malthus when you get home to clarify the mention of his name at shows' end. Oh yeah ... this is also a musical filled with social significance !)

URINETOWN: the musical

Book & lyrics by Greg Kotis, music & lyrics by Mark Hollman

Director/Musical Director Choreographer Scene Design Costume Design Hair and Makeup Design Light Design Sound Designer


Edward Reichert Raymond Marc Dumont

Charles S. Kading. Jodi Ozimek

Kate Caouette Br:ian Hapcic

Peter .White

(iµ order of appearance)

Officer Lockstock Penelope Pennywise Bobby Strong Little Sally Hope Cladwell Mr:McQueen Senator Fipp Old Man Strong/Hot Blades Harry

-Tiny Tom/Dr. Billeaux Soupy Sue Little Becky Two~Shoes Robbie The Stockfish/UGC Exec #2. Billy Boy Bill/UGC Exec,#i Josephine Strong/Old Woman Officer Barrel Caldwell B. Cladwell Cladwell's Secretary Mrs. Millennium

Erik Moody Slaney Rose Jordan

Derrick J agues Ashleigh St. Pierre

Caitlin Kelty-Huber . Matt Withee Jack W. Doherty-Scannell

Travis M. Grant Joseph Valliere·

Alexis R.D. Handy · Ashley Christy

Joshua Adams . Joseph Murphy

Catherine Goetschius Joelle Clingerman Roger L. Marcotte Audra Anne Curtis

Kimberly Stone

Understudies . Lockstock, Joelle Clingerman; Pennywise, Catherine Goetschius;

Bobby, Joseph Valliere; Little Sally, Autumn Pound; Hope, Ashley Christy; Soupy Sue/Little BeckyTwo-Shoes, Audra Anne Curtis;

Cla:dwell's Secretary/Mrs. Millennium, Greer Vashon; Barrel/Josephine Strong/Old Woman, Megan Leddy.

Setting: A Gotham-like City Time: Sometime after the Stink Years.

.Thank You Accent Dry Cleaners

Classic Tuxedo {formally Strictly Formal) PortlandStage Company ·

The Musicians

Conductor, Pianist Clarinet, Alto & Soprano Sa,~ Trombone

Edward Reichert Jason Giacomazzo

Scott Thurston Alex Mills

Jon Simonoff Drums, Percussion Bass ,

Assistant Director Dance Captain

Artistic Staff

Assistant ~ostrtme Design

Calien Lewis Ashley Christy Kate Caouette

Production Staft

Production Stage Manager · Kristin P. Kurz Stage Manager Kristin P. Kurz Assistant Stage Manager Heather Scammon Technical Director Matt Meeds Carpenters Stagecraft Laboratory · Costume Director Kris Hall Props Mistress . . Jessica Savory . · Stitchers Elizabeth Althschuler, Caitlin Ballou, Mary Bastoni,

Emily Carter, Joelle Clingerman,Gabrielle Cyr, Jessica Dlimmich, Nicole Etchie-Wood, Becky Farr, Cate Goetschius; Travis Grant,

Slaney Jordan, Christa Langbehn, Kate Law, Desiray Roy, Gwen Tatro, Hillary Sproul, Laurel Snyder and Costume Practicum

Master Electrician . Bobby Wilcox Electricians Lighting Laboratory Properties Supervisor Jessica Savory Properties Construction Dan Lovely, Ali Berry, Erin Rooney,

Deck Crew Props Crew Wardrobe Head Wardrobe Crew

Light Board Operator Sound Board Operator Follow Spot Operators

Haley O'Connor, Brady Keuch

Production Crew

Lucy Hancock, Monica Morrison, Lucas Perry Julia Hillman-Forbush

Kate Law Joelle Schutt; Desiray Roy, Jon Rogers, Amber

· Sauliniers, Jessica Staggs · , Kaitlin McGinley

. Ryan Nash David Lovejoy, Brenden Tenen

Musical Numbers Act I



. It's a Privilege To Pee

It's a Privilege To Pee_ (Reprise)

Mr. _Cladwell

. Cop Song

Follow Your Heart

Look At the Sky

Don't Be the Bunny

Act I Finale

Lockstock, and Company ·

Pennywise, Old Man Strong, Bobby, Little Sally, The Poor


Lockstock, The Poor

Cladwell, McQueen, UGC Staff

Lockstock, Barrel, The Poor

Bobby, Hope

Bobby, Pennywise, The Poor

Cladwell, Fipp, McQueen, " Hop~. UGC Staff


Full Company

What is Urinetown? Little Becky Two-Shoes, Hot Blades Harry, The Poor, Cladwell, McQueen,

Fipp, Josephine, Bobby, Little Sally, Lockstock, Barrel

Snuff That Girl · Hot Blades Harry, Little Becky

Run, Freedom, Run!

Why Did I Listen To That Man?

Two-Shoes, The Poor

Bobby, The Poor

Pennywise; Fipp, Lockstock, Barrel, Hope, Bobby

Little Sally, Bobby, The Poor Tell Her I Love Her

We're Not Sorry · Little Sally, Hot Blades Harry, The Poor, Josephi~e, Hope, Cladwell & UGC Staff.

I'm Not Sorry (Reprise)

I See A River

· Cladwell, Pennywise

Hope and Company

There will be a fifteen minute intermission. . ,

Please, no photos are allowed during the performance. Also please turn off beepers ana phones as a courtesy to the actors.

and other audience members. The videotaping or other video or audio recording of this production is strictly prohibited. ·

A reception will follow the performances on March 16th and 17th.

Who's Who in URINETOWN ·

Joshua Adams (Robby The Stockfish/UGC Exec #2) is a .sophomore . Music major at USM studying Jazz Performance and · Music Education. Joshua played "Second Officer Lightoller" in USM's production of Titanic last semester . in Corthell, Concert Hall. Amesbury, Massachusetts is his hometown, and there is no place else he would rather pee ... er,'be! · .

Ashley Christy (Little Becky Two-Shoes; Hope Understudy) A sophomore Musical Theatre major, · Ashley has done many high

. school productions including "Mrs. Walker" in Tommy. She has been part of Encore At The Point for 3 years: "Sandy," Grease; "The 'POP' girl aka Liz, Velma US" , Chicago. USM credits include: the · "Mute Mexican Adopted child of Mrs. Johnstone," Blood Brothers; "Soloist," · By Rodgers! She is proud to be a representative of this Urine-Nation.

Joelle Clingerman (Officer Barrel; Lockstock . Understudy) is originally from Orono, Maine and is a third year Theatre major. USM credits include Six Characters in Search of an Author; The Good, the Bad, and the Wilde, and most recently "Charlotte Cardoza" in Titanic with the School of Music. Joelle can no longer hold it (her excitement, that is ... ). ·

Audra Anne Curtis (Cladwell's Secretary; Soupy Sue Unders'tudy) is . a freshman Theatre major from Belfast. She was last seen on the USM stage as "Clarice" in A Servant of Two Masters and on the Portland Players stage as "Dorothy" in The Wizard of Oz. Past roles include: "Winnifred,"' Once Upon A Mattress (Belfast Maskers); "The Baker's . Wife," Into the Woods and "Frenchy," Grease (Belfast Area High

· School). Audra will be seen at Northport Music Theater this summer.

Catherine Goetschius (Josephine/Old. Woman; Pennywise Understudy) is a 4th year double major in Musical Theatre and Theatre. Recent roles: "Alice Beane," Titanic (Corthell Hall); "Dolly," · Annie Get Your Gun; "Jack's . Mom," Into the Woods and "the , Wardrobe," Beauty and the Beast (Boothbay Playhouse). She enjoys doing costume, wardrobe and make-up work for the theater, including designing hair and make-up for USM's productions of Servant of Two Masters and Arms and the Man. ·

Travis M. Grant (Old Man Strong/Hot Blades Harry) is a 2nd year Theatre major from Waldoboro. USM credits: '.'Andrews," Titanic; "Teddy Boy/Cop/Lyons US," Blood Brothers; By Rodgers!. Regional credits: "Sid," The Pajama Game; "Benny," Guys & Dolls; The

· Laramie Project (MF, Premiere); Warbucks, Annie; "Schmendiman," Picasso at the Lapin Agile. Directorial debut: Pennies from Heaven (Waldo). It may be a privilege to pee, but it's been an honor to work with this cast.

Alexis R. D. Handy (Soupy Sue) Alexis is a junior Musical Theatre major from Lewiston, Maine who studies voice with David Goulet and Edward Reichert. This fall she was awarded 4th place in the Maine Musical Theatre · NATS competition·. Recent USM credits: "Kate Mullins," Titanic; "Donna Marie," Blood Brothers; "Soloist," By Rodgers!. Favorite roles: "Susan," tick, tick ... BOOM! and "Andrea," Once on This Island.. ·

Derrick Jaques (Bobby ·strong) is a junior Musical Theatre Performance major from Windham. Productions at USM include.: Barrett, Titanic; Sammy, Blood Brothers; Soloist, By Rodgers!; Slave, The Magic Flute; Adam, Children of Eden; and Daniel, Once on Th.is Island. He made his professional debut last summer at Maine State Music Theatre as a performance intern. He recently performed for composer Maury Y eston. Derrick hopes th'at you will all be "impassioned" by URINETOWN.

Slaney Rose Jordan (Penelope Pennywise) is · -a junior · Musical Theatre Performance major originally · from Bar Harbor. Her past roles at USM include: "Madame Lombardi," Servant of Two Masters (Irene Ryan Nomination); "Caroline Neville," Titanic; "Mother/Aunt Mary," How I Learned to Drive (Irene Ryan . Alternate);

· "Ensemble/Mrs. Johnstone US," Blood Brothers; "Soloist," By Rodgers!; "Chorus," The Magic Flute. She feels very privileged to pee ( ... oops), be a part of this production!

Caitlin Kelty-Huber (Hope Cladwell) is a sophomore Musical Theatre major from Wells, Maihe. She was the winner of the Maine Musical Theatre NA TS Competition in both 2005 and 2006. Select credits include: "Kate McGowan," Titanic; "Soloist," By Rodgers!; "Sister Mary Leo," Nunsense; "Annie Oakley," Annie Get Your' Gun; and · "Anita," West Side Story. Caitlin is extremely pleased to be part of this wonderful show ... she feels as if she's been dealt a Royal Flush.

Megan Leddy (Barrel/Josephine Understudy) is a freshman Musical Theatre major from Brunswick. She recently won second place in the Maine Musical Theatre NATS competition. Megan has appeared in Titanic at USM. Other roles include: "Anita," West Side Story; "Annie" Annie Get Your Gun; "Mme Thenardier," Les. Miserables to name only a few. Enjoy the show! ·


. Roger L. Marcotte (Caldwell B. Cladwell) is a freshman Musical Theatre major from Rockland, Maine. This is his first Main Stage show. He appeared as "Etches" in the School of Music's production of Titanic this fall. Some favorite roles include: "Beast," Beau.ty and the Beast; and "Nick Piazza," Fame: The Musical! with the RDHS Just Off Broadway Players; "Moonface Martin," Anything Goes and "Claudius," Hamlet with the Camden Civic Theatre.

Erik Moody (Officer P. · Lockstock) is a senior Theatre major from Saco_. USM credits in~lude: '.'Silvio," The Servant of Two Masters, "Narrator," Blood Brothers (Irene Ryan alternate nominations); "Oscar Wilde/Giant," The Good, The Bad; and The Wilde (Irene Ryan nomination); "Oberon," A_ Midsummer Night's Dream; "Ensemble," The Laramie Project. Erik proudly · advanced to the finals of the 2007 Region One KCACTF Irene Ryan acting competition . .

Josepb Murphy (Billy Boy_ Bob/ UGC Exec #1) is a freshman Music ,Education major with a focus on vocal and trombone studies. USM credits include "The General" in Titanic. Additional credits: "Henry Higgins," My Fair Lady; "The Baker," Into the Woods; "Nicely Nicely," Guys And Dolls (all with the Oyster River Players). He hails from Lee, New Hampshire and spends his time trying to make it to the urinal as often as possible -

Autumn Poqnd (Little Sally Understudy) is a freshman Musical Theatre major at USM. She is from Portland and graduated from Deering High School where she appeared in House · of Blue Leaves

· and Funny Girt: She was featured as "Kate Murphy" in the School of Music's production of Titanic this past fall. Autumn hopes you enjoy the show.

· Jack W. Doherty-Scannell (Senator Fipp) is 19 years old anq is just starting here at USM. Jack has performed in numerous plays

· including the title roles of Pippin .at Windham Center Stage, and Tommy at Encore At . The Point. · He was a_lso "Harry Beaton" in Brigadoon (Lyric Stage) and "just some guy" in Chicago. Jack plans · on turning his focus from theatre to something just as outrageous and' overdone: Psychology. He hopes you didn't drink too much water before the show ... Drip ... Drip.

. . Kimberly Stone (Mrs. Millennium) is a sophomore Musical Theatre major from Newington; CT. She has been anxiously waiting a year for

.her Main Stage debut 'at USM and is relieved to be in Urinetown. Pr.eviously she· has appeared in By Rodgers! at USM. Additional credits include Cabaret and Dandelion. at the Ivoryton Playhouse in Ivoryton, CT where she was an intern last summer. ·

Ashleigh St. Pierre (Little Sally) is a senior Musical Theatre major from Brunswick, Maine. Previous USM credits: "Marion Thayer," Titanic; "Soloist," By Rodgers!; "Featured soloist/Storyteller," Children of Eden. Additional credits: "Gertrude McFuzz," .s eussical (Children's Theatre of Maine); "Mrs. Pugh," Ann(e (Portland Players). Ashleigh is. very . passionate about musical theatre and loves to sing! She studies voice with David Goulet and Ec,l Reichert . .

!oseph Valliere (1:'iny Tom/Dr. B~lleaux; Bobby Understudy). Joseph 1s a freshman Musical Theatre maJor from Old Orchard Beach. This is ~is firs~ Main ~fage produc~ion _at USM. Last _ se!llester he -played ~red~nck Fleet (Looko.ut) .m the School of Music's production of

Titanic, as well as appearmg m Dance USM! here in Russell Hall. Joe was a winner in the Maine Musical Theatre NATS competition this fall. -

Greer Vasho~ (Cladwell's S~cretary/Ms. ~illenium Understudy) ·is a fre_shman ~us1cal Theatre maJor from Waterville. She played "Eleanor Widener" m the School of Music's production of Titanic this past fall , and . most recently appeared as one of Wendy Getchell's dancers in Dance USM! (part of the Main Stage season in Russell Hall) . ·

Matt Withee (Mr. McQueen) is a freshman Musical Theatre major from Rockland, Maine. He previously appeared as "Edgar Beane" in the School of Music's production of Titanic. Some favorite roles include: "Gaston," Beauty and the Beast; "Billy Crocker," Anything Goes; and "Ottavio," Scapino.

· Artistic Staff Biographies

_ Greg Kotis (Story & Lyri~s) wrote t~e book and co-wrote the lyrics for URif!ETOWN: the 1:1-usical, for which he won two Tony Awards in 2002. His new play, Pig Farm, opened at The Roundabout Theatre in New York Citr and· at T.he Old Globe Th~atre in S,an Diego in 2006. · Currently, he 1s developmg two new musicals with Mark Hollmann: Yeast Nation (the triumph of life),- an original story that tells the tale of the dawn of hfe on Earth, and The Man in the White Suit a musical version of the 1951 Alec Guiness film. other plays incl~de Eat the Taste (at Ne~ York's· Barrow Street Theatre), Jobey and Katherine, Baron von Szebenburg Melts Through the Floorboards, and Give the P.eople What T~ey Wan~. Greg l!ves in Brooklyn with his wife Ayun, his daughterJndia, and his son Milo. ·

Ma~k Hollma~n (Music & Lyrics) won a Tony Award for writing the music and lyncs for Broadway's URINETOWN: the musical. He is curre~tly writing. music and lyrics for the Broadway muskals based on the films . Soapd!sh· and My A:fan Godfrey. He is also developing two ne.w. musicals with Greg Kotis: Yeast Nation (the triumph of life), an ongmal story that tells the tale of the dawn of life on Earth and The Man in the White Suit, a musical version of the 1951 Ale~ Guiness film_. ~e recently wrote the music and lyrics and starred with Greg Kotts m Eat the Taste at New York's Barrow Street Theatre. A former member of the Cardiff-Giant 'Theatre Company in Chicago he played trombone for the Chi~ago art-rock band Maestro Subgu~ . and the Whole and pla_Yed p1~no . fo.r the Second City national touring company and Chicago City L1m1ts. He attended the Making Tuners -_

Workshop ~t New Tuners Theatre in Chicago and the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre workshop in New York. A member of the Dramatists Guild and ASCAP, he lives in Manhattan with his wife Jillian and their son Oliver.

Ed~ard Reic~ert (Director/Musical Director) is a member of the Artist Faculty m the School of Music where he works as the musical theater vocal coach. His USM credits include: Titanic By Rodgers' Children Of Eden, Bat Boy, and Songs For A New World (Cortheii Concert Hall); Blood Brofhers, Company, Cabaret, and Quilters (Russell Hall). Regional/Stock credits: Walnut Street Theatre North Shore Music Theatre, Ogunquit Playhouse, Portland Stage Co~pany, Seacqast Repertory Theatre, Maine State Music Theatre, Florida Rep~rtory. Theatre, and L~ng Island Stage. Off B'Way and NYC: Equity .L1br~ Theatre, Circle Rep, AMAS Musical Theater, Soho R~p, R1v~rs1de Shakespeare, Chelsea Rep, St. Bart's Playhouse, and Eight)'. Eight~. As a member of Actors' Equity; he has appeared opposite Lucie Amaz and Rosemary Prinz in productions of Master Class. He recently performed December Songs wtth vocalist Marie Pressman for composer Maury Yeston. Ed's academic affiliations as a ~uest director, master class clinician, and vocal coach/accompanist m~lude: CSU (Sacramento), SUNY (Purchase), PACE University (Lmcoln - Center), The Aaron -Copland School of Music (Queens College/~UNY), ~t. Joseph's College (Standish), and UNH (Durham) where his production of Blood _Brothers was a Semi-Finalist entry in the New England KCACTF competition six years ago. He can be seen and heard on the soon-to-be released DVD of Nunsensations! also airing on PBS. Upcoming: Crazy For You (NSMT) and Grand Hotel (MSMT). Sto Lat!

· Raymond · Marc - Dumont (Choreographer) has directed and choreographed musical theatre productions all over Southern/Central Ma~ne. He · was Managing Director of Maine State Music Theatre for four years. He ~s a proud - member of Actors' Equity and has performed professionally at numerous regional theatres in the United States. Favorite productions include A Chorus Line, Grand Hotel; Cabaret, and B lood Brothers. For USM, Ray has taught Musical Theatre Dance · and Beginning/Intermediate Tap, and has choreographed Cabaret and Company. Ray lives in Portland with his partner Rodney, and their 7 year old son, Ethan.

Charles_ S. Kading (Sc~nic Desig~) has taught design and stagecraft at USM for 26 years. His professional credits include Titanic Hans Christian Andersen, Ragtime, and Aida for Maine State ' Music Theatre; Big River, My Fair Lady, She Loves Me, Cabaret, and Annie for Philadelphia's Walnut Street Theater; Noises Off! and Blithe Spirit at the Alabam.a Shakespeare Festival. He worked extensively at The Alley Theater m Houston where his credits include the l:JS premiere of Alan Ayckbourne's Henceforwqrd. Charles has also designed scenery

for the Seattle Repertory Theatre, Intiman Theatre, Cabaret Repertory Theatre and Portland Stage. He is currently chair of the Theatre

· Department.

. Jodi Ozimek (Costume Design) is an Assistant Professor of Theatre· at the University of Southern Maine .. Select USM credits include: Equus, Blood Brothers, Arms and the Man, The Magic Flute, Six Characters in Search · of an Author, The · Laramie Project, Shakuntala, and Company. Other select credits include Two Rooms (Portland Stage Company), Lobby Hero · ·(Portland Stage Company), South Pacific (Maine State Music Theatre), Gypsy (Texas Star Theatre), Enchanted April (The Good Theatre) and · The Ugly Duckling (Add Verb

· Productions). Jodi served as assistant costume designer at American Players Theatre in Spring Green, · Wisconsin on Cymbeline, The Taming of the Shrew, The Cherry Orchard, and Hamlet. She received her B.A. in theatre from Michigan .State University and her M.F.A. in costume design from Purdue University.

'' " '

Brian Hapcic (Lighting' Design) has been working in theatre and the entertainment industry since 1989. H~ is a member of USITT and I.A.T.S.E. local 339, and currently employed as a Professor of Lighting and Sound Design at the University of Southern Maine. He · earned his MF A in Lighting Design and Technology from the University of Montana, and a BA in English from Ohio University. some recent credits from over 100 designs include work with the Maine State Music Theatre . and the Montana Repertory Theatre. in 2004 he was awarded the KCACTF Faculty Fellowship for meritorious achievement as a professor of Lighting Design. '. . .

Kate Caouette (Hair and Make-up Design) is a senior in the USM theatre department. Her previous credits include the role of a chorus woman in Euripedes' Medea at the University of Maine at Farmington and . "Raina Petkoff" in USM's production of George Bernard Sl)aw's . Arms and the Man, for which she received a 2006 KCACTF Irene Ryan nomination.

Production Staff Biographies

Kris Han (Costume Shop Director) has returned for her sixth season in the costume shop after a summer in residence at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Last spring a costume she designed was featured at the Maine College of Art graduation ceremony (worn by MECA president Bill Dill). Last fall , she designed costumes for the season opening production of The Nerd at . the Public Theatre in · Lewiston, and had a sculpture in the show The Inspired Hand 111 at USM Lewistop-Auburn College Atrium Gallery. Kris received her BA from USM, and an MF A in Studio Art from the Maine College of Art.

Kri~tin P. Kurz (Production Stage Manager: Stage Manager) is a semor' Theatre major concentrating in stage management. She is the Kennedy Center Ameri~an College Theatre Festival Region 1 Stage Mana~ement Award wmner and will be attending the Nationals in Washmgton D.C. Select USM credits include: The Servant of Two Masters , Blood Brothers, How . I Learned To Drive ,november/december. Additional credits include: The Second Annuai Chester Horn Short Play Festival with Theatre Rats (Medicine Show Theat~e NY, NY), KCACTF ·Irene Rxan Competition; Chocolate Chip Cookies, and All My Sons (School House).

Ca~i~n Lew~s (Assistant Director) is originally from Louisville, KY. Wntmg credits m~lude: The Rape of the Locked, a script adapted from other so:1r~es; scnpts produced a.t USM, Scat Song, a ten-.minute play and _Gom to Gracela_nd. She . served as drarhaturg for USM's The Magic Flute and Arms and the Man; assistant director for Blood Brothers, props supervisor for Equus and The Servant of Two Masters,

· and lec!urer for PORTopera's Carmen and Don Giovanni.

Matt Meeds (Technical Director) joined the depart~ent in September of 2000. Matthew came from the local · the.atre community where he

. has worked at the Mad Horse Theatre, the Public Theatre and the Theatre at ~onmouth, as well as "awayl! theatres such as Geo~ge Street

_ Playhouse m New Jersey, Syracuse Stage, and Pennsylvania Center Stage.

Jessica ·savory (Props Mistress) from Methuen, Massachusetts, is a junior Theatre major with a business minor: With USM: Six Characters in Search of an Author (deck crew), The Magic Flute (deck crew), The Goo.d, The Bad, & The Wilde (ASM), Arms and the Man (head of pro11 d~sign and construction), D.ance USM! spring 06' (stage ma~ager). She 1s currently the props mistress for this season on the folfowmg shows: SOAPs, URINETOWN, Beyond Therapy and The Mandrake. · ·

Heather Scamm~n (A~sistant Stage Manager) is a sophomore from Sc~borough, Mame with a major in the performing arts. · She was ass!stant stage manager for The Servant of Two Masters and is dehght~d to _be ASM-ing again for · Urinetown. Currently, ,she's an apprent~ce with Acom Productions and in -rehearsals for a touring production of Romeo and Juliet as "Juliet."

Coming in 2007 !

~ PORToperq OONA D. VAUGHN, Af1istic Director

Three performances:

Wednesday, J,uly 25

Friday, July 27

Sunday matinee, July 29

Merrill Auditorium Portland, Maine

• Call (207) 879-7678 .

or www.po1topera.org

Administrative Staff

Executive Director, Public Affairs Arts Events Director Administrative Assistant

Bob Caswell Emmanuelle Chaulet

Lil Campbell Heather Green

MaiaTurlo J ak.e MacGillivary Linnea Bradshaw

Jack Fossett

Box Office Manager House Manager Graphic Design Program Proof Reader

Please visit our websites

www .usm.maine.edu/theatre www .usm.maine.edu/music

for upcoming show information.

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incUviduaf s honor for a donation ef ,..., $150 yer seat. ,...,

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'Become a yart of 'USM 'Theatre fiistoryl ca« tfie 'T'lieatre 'D'1artment at 780-5480 far more infonnation.

by Niccolo Machiavelli Directed by William Steele

Scheming and deception are the tools of the determined Lothario, who succeeds in claiming his conquest. But the schemer, his accomplices, and his target

are all complicit and compliant in this racy, witty tale. In the end, everyone is happy with the situation the fraud has created.

A witty comedy of personal treachery or a timely lesson in power and politics.

USM Theatre performs at Saint Lawrence Arts and Community Center. Located at 76 Congress St. in Portland's Munjoy Hill.

Reservations: 780-5151 7:30 p.m. April 20, 21 and 26, 27, 28

5:00 p.m. April 22 and 29 Special Wednesday Matinee! 5:00 p.m. April 25

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The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festivalw. XXXIX

sponsored in part by

Stephen and Christine Sclm:arzman l11e Kennedy Center Corporate Fund

U.S. Dep,utment of Education The National Committee for the Perfom1ing Arts

mid Dr. and !vlrs. Gerald McNichols

This production is entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF). The a.ims ofthis nation.al theater education program are to identify and promote quality in college-level theater production. To this encl each production entered is eligible for a response by a regional KCACTF representative, and selected students and faculty are invited to participate in KCACTF programs involving scholarships, internships, grants and awards for actors, directors, ch-amaturgs, playwright-;, designers, stage managers and c1itics at both the regional and national levels.

Productions entered on the Participating level are eligible for inclusion at the KCACTF regional festival and can also be considered for invitation to the KCACTF national festival at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Perfonning A1ts in \Vashington, DC in the spring of 2007.

Last year more than 1,300 proch1ctions were entered in the KCACTF involving more tl1an 200,000 students nationwide. By entering this production, our theater department is sharing in the KCACTF goals to recognize, reward, and celebrate the exemplary work produced in college and university theaters across the nation .