Urban Forestry



ppt on urban forestry

Transcript of Urban Forestry

Name : Sneha Appaso Shendge MIS : 111205057 Branch : Electrical Engineering Year : T.Y.Btech Topic : Urban Forestry Mentor Name : Mr. S.M.Kakade

Name : Sneha Appaso ShendgeMIS : 111205057Branch : Electrical Engineering Year : T.Y.BtechTopic : Urban ForestryMentor Name : Mr. S.M.Kakade

Urban Forestry


Urban forestryis the careful care and management ofurban forests, i.e., tree populations inurbansettings for the purpose of improving theurbanenvironment.Urban forestryadvocates the role of trees as a critical part of theurbaninfrastructure.

Effects Of Urbanization on Environment

Urbanization refers to general increase in population and the amount of industrialization of a settlement. Its adverse effects on the Environment are:

1. Erosion and other changes in land quality: Rapid development can result in very high levels of erosion and sedimentation in river channels.

2. Pollution :Pollutants are often dispersed across cities or concentrated in industrial areas or waste sites.

3. Water: The water quality has degraded with time due to urbanization that ultimately leads to increased sedimentation there by also increasing the pollutant in run-off

4. Eradication of Habitats of Native Species: There is also complete eradication of habitats as an outcome of urbanization and native species are pushed out of cities

Benefits of Urban Forestry

Trees make our cities more attractive and provide many ecosystem services, including air quality improvement, energy conservation, storm water interception, and atmospheric carbon dioxide reduction.

Trees produce oxygen, clean the air and reduce global warming

Trees and sidewalk gardens reduce flooding and water pollution

The presence of trees reduces the speed of drivers, and reduces the frequency and severity of crashes.


Practicing Urban Forestry

Urban forestry is a practical discipline, which includestree planting, care, and protection, and the overall management of trees as a collective resource.

The urban environment can present many arboricultural challenges such as limitedrootandcanopyspace, poorsoil quality, deficiency or excess of water and light, heat, pollution, mechanical and chemical damage to trees, and mitigation of tree-related hazards.

The lack of space requires greater use of rigging skills and traffic and pedestrian control.


Challenges of Urban Forestry

Management challenges for urban forestry include maintaining a tree and planting site inventory, quantifying and maximizing the benefits of trees, minimizing costs, obtaining and maintaining public support and funding, and establishing laws and policies for trees on public and on private land.

Urban forestry presents many social issues that require addressing to allow urban forestry to be seen by the many as an advantage rather than a curse on their environment. Social issues include under funding which leads to inadequate maintenance of urban trees.

Constraints of Urban Forestry

Inadequate space is allowed for the root system.

Poor soil is used when planting specimens.

Incorrect and neglected staking leads to bark damage.

Larger, more mature trees are often used to provide scale and a sense of establishment to a scheme. These trees grow more slowly and do not thrive in alien soils whilst smaller specimens can adapt more readily to existing conditions.

Lack of information on the tolerances of urban tree cultivars to environmental constraints.

Too few communities have working tree inventories and very few have urban forest management plans.

Lack of public awareness about the benefits of healthy urban forests.

Poor tree care practices by citizens and untrained arborists.