Urban forestry

Arborist Certification preparatory Class Urban Forestry Brett O’Brien Park Natural Resources Supervisor Columbia Parks & Recreation Department [email protected]

Transcript of Urban forestry

  • 1. Arborist Certification preparatory Class Urban ForestryBrett OBrienPark Natural Resources SupervisorColumbia Parks & Recreation [email protected]

2. Benefits and Costs of trees Sociological-trees have an influence on our societal, cultural and individual well being Environmental- Trees have an ecological impact of trees in a community 3. Sociological Higherproperty values Improves business in commercialdistricts Reduces AD/HD symptoms Reduces aggression and violence Builds stronger communitieshttp://lhhl.illinois.edu/research.htm 4. Environmental Runoff reduction and stormwatercontrol Air pollution reduction Energy savings Carbon sequestration Provide habitathttp://na.fs.fed.us/urban/treespayusback/index.shtm 5. The costs Treepurchasing and planting Pruning Irrigation Removal and disposal Pest, disease prevention and control Sidewalk repair Leaf litter clean-up Legal liability and otheradministrative aspects 6. Appraisal and valuation Singletree benefits Community tree benefits 7. Single tree appraisal and valuation theNinth Edition of the Guide for Plant Appraisal published by the International Society of Arboriculturehttp://treebenefits.com/calculator/ 8. The CTLA The Council of Tree & LandscapeAppraisers (CTLA) is an organization oftree care and landscape associations,including TCIA, the American Nursery andLandscape Association (ANLA), AmericanSociety of Consulting Arborists (ASCA),American Society of Landscape Architects(ASLA), PLANET, and International Societyof Arboriculture (ISA) 9. basic approaches for plant appraisals: Cost Approach -Replacement costs -Cost of cure -Cost of repair Income Approach -Crop value -Forest appraisal (timber value) Market Approach Benefit based approachhttp://www.asca-consultants.org/ 10. Replacement costs This method is used when the plants areof a size that can be replaced The Replacement Cost Method can be used toappraise the value of transplantable landscapetrees, shrubs, and vines. The Appraised Valueof a landscape plant is based on the cost ofplanting a plant of the same or comparablespecies, conditions, and size in the same place.If the appraised plant is to be replaced, thecosts of plant removal and cleanup are addedto obtain the Appraised Value. 11. Trunk Formula Method Appraised Value = Basic Value x Condition x Location Basic Value = Replacement Cost + (Basic Price x [TA(A) -TA(R)] x Species) Condition = A rating of the trees structure and health and basedon 100 percent Location = the average for the trees Site, Contribution andPlacement and based on 100 percent Replacement Cost = the cost to purchase and install the largestlocally available and transportable tree in the area. Basic Price = the cost per square inch of trunk area of areplacement tree measured at the height prescribed by theAmerican Nursery Standards. TA(A) = Trunk Area at 4.5 feet above the ground of theappraised tree TA(R) = Trunk Area at 6 inches or 12 inches above the groundof the replacement tree Species = the rating for a particular species and based on 100percent 12. Example - 18 inch DBH sawtooth oakCondition=70%Location= 80%Replacement Cost= $300Basic Price= $38TA(A)=254 inches= 18 inch dbh oak*TA(R)= 5 inches= 2.5 inch replacement treeSpecies rating=70%Basic Value = $300 + ($38 x [254 - 5] x .70)$6923 x .70 x .80Appraised Value = $3877*3.14 times Radius squared http://www.illinoisarborist.org/SpeciesRating.htm 13. Community tree appraisal and valuation i-tree suite of software toolsi-tree eco -provides a broad pictureof the entire urban forest.i-tree street -focuses on the benefitsprovided by a municipalitys streettrees.i-tree storm-provides a method for acommunity to assess widespread stormdamage after a severe stormhttp://www.itreetools.org/ 14. Regulatory and legal issues Liabilityissues Insurance issues Ordinances License and permit requirements Tree preservation Planting and tree care standards 15. Liability issues R.O.W. trees-utility line clearance -municipal responsibility and ownership Public nuisances -dead or hazardous trees -low branches over streets/walks -infectious diseases or insects -impeding line of sight 16. Insurance issues Proofof insuranceA reputable arborist carriespersonal and property damageinsurance ($1million peroccurrence, $2million aggregate)and Workers Compensationinsurance ($1 Million) 17. Ordinances Street tree ordinances primarily cover theplanting and removal of trees within publicrights-of-way Tree protection ordinances are primarilydirected at providing protection for nativetrees or trees with historical significance View ordinances are designed to helpresolve conflicts between property ownersthat result when trees block views orsunlight 18. License and permit requirementsA variety of local, state, and federal laws. Examples include:business licensePesticide applicator licenseLand disturbance permits 19. Tree Preservation Tree preservation orders (TPOs) are established under municipal ordinances and can be for;-single tree-group of trees-all trees within a defined area-woodland areashttp://www.gocolumbiamo.com/Council/Code_of_Ordinances_PDF/index.php 20. Planting and tree care standards The American Standards Institute (ANSI)ANSI A300 (Part 6)-2005TransplantingANSI Z60.1-2004American Standard for Nursery Stockhttp://isa-arbor.com/education/onlineResources/cadPlanningSpecifications.aspx 21. Management Tree selection Insects and diseases Protection Tree inventories 22. Tree selection municipalities should strive for diversity of tree species throughout their city -An accepted rule recommends nomore than 30 % from a singleplant family, less than 20 % of thetrees should be from the samegenus and no more than, 10 %from the same specieshttp://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdffiles/EP/EP31000.pdf 23. Insects and diseasesCan have a devastating impact on a community forest A Urban Forest Master Plan can help formulate policies and procedures for managing these threats identifying Monitoring Determining the economic threshold Selecting the correct treatment Proper timing of management strategies Record keeping and evaluation 24. Protection Urban Forestry Master Plan can set thepolicies and strategies needed to enhanceand protect the urban forests -maintenance -removal and replacement -storm-response/emergency plan -preservation -tree risk management planhttp://www.leesburgva.gov/Modules/ShowDocument.aspx?documentid=1003 25. Tree inventories Partial Downtown trees Park trees Historic or other significant treecollection Complete 100% inventory of all public trees andpotential planting sites GIS/GPS optionhttp://www.gocolumbiamo.com/Maps/NaturalResourcesInventory.php 26. Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEEDS) Established a set of standards for building anddevelopment certification. Measurements basedon; Sustainable sites Water efficiencies Energy and atmosphere Materials and resources Indoor environmental qualities Location and linkages Awareness and education Innovation in design Regional priorityhttp://www.usgbc.org/ 27. Sustainable sites Initiative (SITES) was created to promote sustainable landdevelopment and management practicesthat can apply to sites with and withoutbuildings The Initiative developed criteria forsustainable land practices that will enablebuilt landscapes to support naturalecological functions by protecting existingecosystems and regenerating ecologicalcapacity where it has been lost http://www.sustainablesites.org/ 28. Information and education Audience types topics 29. Audience Types Whom does a urban forester need toshare information with? City administrators Other city departments Utilities, educational institutions, and otheroutside agencies Commercial and business enterprises Non-profit organizations State and federal agencies Homeowners and other private citizens 30. Arbor Day FoundationTree City USA A tree board or Department A tree care ordinance A community forestry program withan annual budget of at least $2 percapita An Arbor Day observation andproclamation http://www.arborday.org/programs/treeCityUSA/index.cfm 31. Topics Developing management goals for thecommunity urban forests.-Tree planting and increased forestry canopy cover.-Improved tree planting/protection legislation and policies.-Expanded education and public relations.-Improved organizational structure and funding.-Improved urban forest maintenance. http://www.on-line-seminars.com/ 32. Deep thoughtsIf trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down?We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.