Urban Design and Preservation Division · FY2016 ANNUAL DIVISION PERFORMANCE REPORT: URBAN DESIGN...

APA DIVISIONS COUNCIL FY2016 ANNUAL DIVISION PERFORMANCE REPORT DUE NOVEMBER 15, 2016 Division: Urban Design and Preservation Chair (or primary author if not Chair): Rebecca Leonard 1. Workplans and Budgets We’re planners, so tell us what you planned to do this past year and what you’re planning for next year. 2015-2016 (Appendix A) and 2016-2017 (Appendix B) work plans and budget attached as appendixes to this report. 2. Communications So much of our time is communicating with members. How do you do it? Please identify how often each tool was used to communicate with Division members (include weblinks for any posted material and dates if available): a. Newsletter (including hard copies, electronic versions, or other) i. The Division Newsletter is a quarterly publication with Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter editions issued on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. All UDP Division Newsletter content is original and includes member-contributed articles, images, opinion pieces, member updates, and industry news relating to the multi-disciplinary fields of urban design and historic preservation planning. The following is the URL to the Division Newsletter Page editions: http://www.planning.org/divisions/urbandesign/newsletter/. ii. This year there were only two newsletters distributed due to change over of newsletter editors and expectations about newsletters (we are relying more on eblasts to get information out to our memberships). i. Winter 2015 ii. Summer 2016 iii. Cecilia Garcia-Hours continued her role as UDP Division Newsletter Editor in the FY 2015 reporting period, but Brandon Robinson and Mitra Rad have now taken over those responsibilities. The Newsletter Editor works with the UDP team to identify new source materials, solicit authors and content, develop a content pool, expand the communications committee, and to continue to improve upon the Division’s rebranded and redesigned newsletter to achieve greater visibility and communication.

Transcript of Urban Design and Preservation Division · FY2016 ANNUAL DIVISION PERFORMANCE REPORT: URBAN DESIGN...




Division: Urban Design and Preservation

Chair (or primary author if not Chair): Rebecca Leonard

1. Workplans and Budgets We’re planners, so tell us what you planned to do this past year and what you’re planning for next year. 2015-2016 (Appendix A) and 2016-2017 (Appendix B) work plans and budget attached as appendixes to this report.

2. Communications So much of our time is communicating with members. How do you do it? Please identify how often each tool was used to communicate with Division members (include weblinks for any posted material and dates if available):

a. Newsletter (including hard copies, electronic versions, or other)

i. The Division Newsletter is a quarterly publication with Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter editions issued on February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. All UDP Division Newsletter content is original and includes member-contributed articles, images, opinion pieces, member updates, and industry news relating to the multi-disciplinary fields of urban design and historic preservation planning. The following is the URL to the Division Newsletter Page editions: http://www.planning.org/divisions/urbandesign/newsletter/.

ii. This year there were only two newsletters distributed due to change over of newsletter editors and expectations about newsletters (we are relying more on eblasts to get information out to our memberships).

i. Winter 2015

ii. Summer 2016

iii. Cecilia Garcia-Hours continued her role as UDP Division Newsletter Editor in the FY 2015 reporting period, but Brandon Robinson and Mitra Rad have now taken over those responsibilities. The Newsletter Editor works with the UDP team to identify new source materials, solicit authors and content, develop a content pool, expand the communications committee, and to continue to improve upon the Division’s rebranded and redesigned newsletter to achieve greater visibility and communication.



b. Website updates

i. Didn’t do many updates this year given that the APA website was under construction during the first half of the year.

ii. Lauren Trice is participating on the APA Steering Commiittee to develop the Division and Chapter website templates.

c. e-blasts

i. E-blasts are done through the Division’s new MailChimp account rather than Vertical Response. This allows us to easily update the list of member emails. The e-blasts are used for advertising APA and Division activities.

d. social media sites

i. The Division has active Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn sites. The Division Facebook page has increased from 1,027 “likes” to more than 1,448 “likes” this year. The Twitter handle has increased from 408 followers to 486 followers and has a high level of engagement. The LinkedIn page has increased from 2,571 members to 2,695 members and has the highest level of engagement of the Division’s social media sites. Lauren Trice, Communications Vice chair is using Hootsuite to manage the Division’s social media accounts.

e. Membership surveys

i. The UDP Division did not conduct any membership surveys in 2016.

3. Annual National Planning Conference Activities The Annual National Planning Conference is when everyone comes together. What did you Division organize at the NPC? Please identify any and all of your Division’s-sponsored sessions at the Annual Planning Conference:

a. General sessions, facilitated discussion, mobile workshops, or other

i. Saturday, April 2 – Business Meeting [7:00 – 8:00 p.m.]

ii. Sunday, April 3 – Ethics of Design Review (Facilitated Discussion) [10:45 a.m. – noon]

iii. Sunday, April 3 – Division Reception [7:30p.m. – 9:30p.m.]

iv. Monday, April 4 – Mobile Workshop [7:30a.m. – 8:45a.m.]

v. Monday, April 4 – Design Practices that Help Build Thriving Communities [2:45pm – 4:00p.m.]

vi. Monday, April 4 – Division Sponsorship/Participation for Next Gen/Mentor Match [2:45 – 5:00 pm]

vii. Tuesday, April 5 – Annual Meeting & Leadership Honors ceremony [9:30 am – 10:45 am]

viii. Tuesday, April 5 – Division Booth [11:00am – 12:00pm]

b. Annual Business Meeting (provide date and time, Business Meeting notes and attendance list included as an Appendix C)

i. Saturday, April 2 – Business Meeting [7:00 – 8:00 p.m.]

c. Staffing of the Divisions Council booth at the direction of the Divisions Council (provide date, time, and name of Division members who staffed booth)



i. Tuesday, April 5 – Division Booth [11:00am – 12:00pm] – Emily Risinger

4. All Other Events/Programs What did you work on before and after the NPC? Please identify any events/programs sponsored by your Division (other than those at the National Planning Conference), including the number of participants, revenue generated (if applicable), and CM credits offered (if applicable):

a. Education programs (including webinars, events at local APA conferences, events co-sponsored with other organizations, etc.)

i. November 18 webinar: Best Practices for Production of Plans and Guidelines, Stephanie Grigsby, AICP.

b. Networking/social events (events at local APA conferences, events co-sponsored with other organizations, etc.)

i. Social Meet Up in Denver – April 20, 2016 at the Market. Had two members attend.

ii. Social Meet Up in LA – July 7, 2016 at the Standard Hotel. Had a handful of members attend.

c. Recognition events/programs

d. Awards you give out (student papers, scholarships, diversity, etc.)

e. Any Division management meetings/conference calls

i. Monthly leadership conference calls. All titled volunteers are invited (@ 20 people). We have typically 5-10 people in attendance. Emily Risinger provides an agenda and notes from the call.

f. Other events

5. Membership Who are your members and how many do you have? Please identify the number of Division members at the start of FY 2016 and the end of FY 2016 by member type. (Note: This information will be provided to you by APA National in October).

Also, does your Division have any committees, task forces, or other groups? If so, tell us the name of the group, who’s on it, and what they’re working on.

a. We had 773 members (10/1/2015)

b. We have 744 members (11/29/2016)

6. Division Assistance Programs What are your Division members doing for the community? Tell us all about it. Please identify any assistance provided by your Division members:

a. To other APA divisions, chapters, students, staff, CPAT’s, or general membership (provide date, topic, and division member(s) who participated).

b. In response to external requests (provide date, topic, and division member(s) who participated).

c. If any member was quoted or cited in a publication? (We recommend you highlight it to your whole Division too.)



7. Research and Publications Are you conducting technical work or publishing? If so, please identify any Division-sponsored research activities, and/or publications (provide a weblink for all publications)

a. Our Fellow, Priya Desai, has begun research on Urban Design and Resiliency as a focus for our case study effort which is still in its infancy.

b. So far, a literature search, development of a definition and general layout of the effort has been completed. (Attachment D)

c. Dedicated volunteer, Elizabeth Morton, has been overseeing the Fellowship.

8. Elections Who’s going to write the FY 2017 Annual Report? It’s whoever your Division elected this year! If your Division held an election this Fiscal Year, please tell us the names of your Nominating Committee members, names of candidates by position, and winners by position. (Note: This information will be provided to you by APA National in October).

a. Wendy Tinsley Becker, Past Chair, Andrew Vesselinovitch, Chair Elect, and Margaret Rifkin, Vice Chair Webinar Program, formed the elections committee for 2016.

b. The committee reviewed nominations for Chair Elect and Secretary-Treasurer.

c. The following nominees were included on the ballot. For Chair Elect: Kevin Dunphy, Lauren Trice, Richard Wilson, and Marc Yeber. For Secretary-Treasurer: Cynthia Albright, Ashley Allis, Kate Clark, and Pat Maley.

d. Lauren Trice was elected to Chair Elect and Kate Clark, to Secretary-Treasurer.

9. Financial Report Show us the money! As an appendix, please provide a final Financial Report for FY 2016 (make sure to use the Financial Report template). In text, let us know if your Division met its FY 2016 financial plan in terms of revenues and expenses. If your end of year balance is less than your start of year balance, please explain why (especially if this was planned). Please highlight any new revenue generating programs initiated this year.

a. Attached as Appendix E.

10. Bylaws Did you make any changes to how you operate? Let us know. If your Division updated its bylaws this Fiscal Year, please tell us the names of the review committee members, summarize the key changes you adopted, and attach your updated bylaws as an appendix. Also, tell us if you updated your bylaws based on the 2014 Model Divisions Bylaws.

a. Bylaws were approved by the Division leadership in 2015.

b. Bylaws were put out to Division membership for comment in 2015.

c. Final bylaws need uploaded onto Division website.

d. Attached as Appendix F.



11. Divisions Council Meetings Who represented your Division at the Divisions Council meetings at the National Planning Conference and Fall Leadership meetings? (Note: This information will be provided to you by APA National in October).

a. Rebecca Leonard FAICP, Chair, attended the DC meeting in Phoenix on behalf of the division.

b. Rebecca Leonard FAICP, Chair, attended the DC division business meeting teleconference on June 26, 2016.

c. Andrew Vesselinovitch AICP, Chair-elect, attended the DC meeting in Washington DC on behalf of the division.

i. Andrew Vesselinovitch, Chair Elect, attended select events on Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17, of the fall Leadership Meeting in Washington, DC. He represented the Urban Design and Preservation Division as Rebecca Leonard's, Chair, proxy. The relevant events were the APA Regional Reception - Regional Roundtables of Leaders on Friday and, on Saturday, the Leadership Plenary, Divisions Council Business Meeting, Divisions Council Lunch - Research with David Rouse, Divisions Council Performance Reports, Plan4Health, and the Chapter Presidents Council/Divisions Council Topical Exchange.

12. APA Development Plan Let’s show how much Divisions contribute to APA. Please identify any specific efforts your Division undertook to support the APA Development Plan and/or Divisions Council Initiatives.

a. Rebecca Leonard FAICP, Chair, serves on Cynthia Bowen’s Leadership Task Force.

b. Rebecca Leonard FAICP, Chair, serves on a committee tasked with looking at the Specialty Exams for Felicia Braunstein.

13. Division Challenges Life’s not always a bed of roses. Has your Division had any challenges this year? Don’t be shy, we’ve all been there. Tell us what happened and let’s see how the Divisions Council or other Divisions can help. Historically, Divisions have struggled with membership, finding active volunteers, and limited funding. Tell us if your Division dealt with any of these, any other emerging issues, and how you addressed them.

a. Time! Rebecca Leonard FAICP, Chair, was overwhelmed with her day-job this year and fell off the radar a little around July 2016.

b. Rebecca Leonard FAICP, Chair, and Andrew Vesselinovitch AICP, Chair-elect, left their day jobs in autumn of 2016. Created challenges with this performance report and regular Division business since.

14. Shout it from the Mountains You’ve told us so much already, we want to make sure we really hear the highlights. Even if you’ve mentioned it above, please tell us about your Division's efforts from this year that you’re most proud of, so we can tell everyone about (the answer to this question could be the start of your application for a Divisions Council award!). Also, include any new initiatives you're



exploring that you’re excited to try and especially anything focused on growing your membership. We provide this information to the APA Board – the more you tell us, the more you shine!

a. We had much more involvement from volunteers we recruited in 2015.

b. We had great attendance, participation and exposure at the National Planning Convention.

c. We approved new bylaws.

d. We held a successful election.

e. We provided a study guide for the AICP-CUD exam.

f. We had a fellowship (Priya Desai) led by an academic member and dedicated volunteer – Elizabeth Morton.

Appendixes (attach all and submit with this report in 1 .pdf): A. FY 2016 Work Plan with Approved Budget

B. FY 2017 Work Plan with Proposed Budget

C. Annual Business Meeting Notes and Attendance List

D. Current conditions of Urban Design and Resiliency research by Priya Desai (Division Fellow)

E. FY 2016 Financial Report

F. Updated bylaws

Urban Design and Preservation DivisionFY2016 Work Plan

Item No. Policy / Goal Parties Responsible Action(s) Supporting Tasks Required / Recommended Outside Resources Budget Expenditure Date to Complete

1Division Administration.Preparation of the FY 2015 Division Perfomance Report.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-TreasurerPast ChairVice Chair(s)

Prepare the UDP Division Performance Report for the previous 2015 Fiscal Year (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015).

Write and submit the required performance report using the previous year's report as a template.

Review submitted budget and accounting of FY expenses to inform conclusions included in the performance report.

See APA Division Leadership Page (www.planning.org/leadership).

See UDP Division Business Page(www.planning.org/divisions/urbandesign/business)

$0.00 Previous year performance report is due by November 15 of each FY.


Division Administration.Preparation of the 2016 Fiscal Year (FY) Work Plan and Budget.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-TreasurerPast ChairVice Chair(s)

Prepare the UDP Division Work Plan for FY2016 (October 1, 2015-September 30, 2016).

Write and submit the required work plan and budget using the previous year's work plan and budget as a template.

Different sections of the work plan may be authored by separate members of the leadership team based on programming assignments, interests, and availability.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall work with the Chair to create the Division Budget and finalize the work plan pursuant to budgetary constraints.

See APA Division Leadership Page (www.planning.org/leadership).

See UDP Division Business Page(www.planning.org/divisions/urbandesign/business).

Contact APA Divisions Staff or Divisions Council leadership for assistance in preparing the FY Work Plan.


Complete the next year Division Work Plan and Budget by April 1 of each year for presentation and adoption at the annual Division Business Meeting held at the National Planning Conference.

The adopted Work Plan shall be effective October 1-September 30 of each FY.

3 Division Administration.Regular Election.

Division ChairNominating CommitteeSecretary-Treasurer (Chair of Nominating Committee)

Hold a reglular election to fill future positions in accordance with the new Combined Elections schedule.

Assemble a Special Election Nominating Committee.

Prepare and issue a Call for Candidates.

Review nominations received and identify top two nominees for recognition as candidates.

Request Candidate Statements.

Hold online voting with APA assistance.

APA to tally election results and forward results to the Division Chair and Nominating Committee.

Division to announce election results with election winner immediately assumming the open position.

APA Divisions Staff for guidance on elections process and schedule. $0.00 January 15, 2016.

4 Division Administration.Bylaws Update.

Division ChairBylaws Committee (to be established)

Update the UDP Division Bylaws in accordance with the Model Division Bylaws (adopted by Divisions Council Septemer 2014).

Assemble a Bylaws Committee from the UDP Division Membership.

Review the existing Bylaws to identify missing information or language requiring clarification, improvement, or updating.

Complete draft Bylaws revisions and present to the UDP Division Executive Committee for discussion.

Issue the draft Bylaws to the UDP Division membership for comment.

Finalize Bylaws upon receipt of member comments and adopt at a regular Division leadership call or at the annual Division Business Meeting.

Other APA Divisions Bylaws (for comprative analysis).

APA Bylaws (for comparative purposes and for consistency with Division requirements and procedures).

$0.00 September 30, 2015.

5 Division Administration.Monthly Leadership Calls.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-Treasurer

Continue the existing fourth Friday conference call schedule for all UDP Division Leadership Team members including elected and appointed officers as well as other volunteers.

Provide calendar invitations and teleconference details.

Set agenda.

Check-in with absent team members.

Invite new team members to participate.

Call-in # to be provided through UDP reservationless plus system. $0.00 Ongoing thru FY2016.

6 Division Administration.Fall Leadership Meetings.

Division Chair Designated Proxy (backup)

(Note: Designated proxy is typically a member of the Executive Committee. Proxy form must be submitted to APA in advance of the Divisions Council Business Meeting.)

Attend APA leadership meetings scheduled annually in the Fall (location TBD).

Assemble and review all materials provided by APA.

Attend the Divisions Council Business Meeting.

Attend other required leadership events.

Attend scheduled Divisions Council Committee meetings per committee assignments.

Airfare or Travel

Lodging$800.00 September 30, 2016.

7Division Administration.National Planning Conference.Membership Program.

Division ChairChair-Elect (backup)Secretary-Treasurer

Plan and prepare for a UDP Division presence at the National Planning Conference including but not limited to a by-right session, annual business meeting, and Division reception.

Promote Division events and activities in advance of the conference to UDP Division and APA members.

Participate in all pre-conference APA leadership meetings.

Set Agenda for and preside over annual UDP Division Business Meeting.

Represent the Division at the Divisions Council Booth.

Introduce the Division at the By-Right Session and other Division sponsored or hosted events.

Recruit new Division members at all events.

Identify new Division volunteers at all events.

Airfare or Travel


Note: The Chair shall receive a reimbursement of up to $1,250 for conference expenses including registration, travel, and hotel costs. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive a reimbursement of up to $500 towards conference expenses including registration, travel, and hotel costs.

Refreshments and incidental miscellaneous costs in support of the Division Business Meeting ($500)

Printing/production costs for flyers/handouts for recruiting at Divisons Council booth ($250).

$2,250.00 April 30, 2015.

8 Education & Outreach.Division Fellowship Program.

Chair-Elect to serve as the Fellowship Coordinator. Select and Manage the 2015 Division Fellow.

Facilitate the application and Fellow selection process.

Work with the Chair and the Executive Committee to establish the Fellow's work program or project(s) to be completed by the end of the Fellowship term.

Provide an IRS Form W9 to the selected Fellow.

Provide an hours timesheet for the selected Fellow to record hours worked and to submit for milestone payments.

Supervise milestone payments with the Division Secretary-Treasurer and APA.

Monitor Fellow's work progress and completion of tasks at scheduled deadlines.

Share Fellow progress at 4th Friday conference calls.

Contact information for Universities and Colleges with appropriate undergraduate and graduate programs.

(Note: Request contact list from APA.)

The Division Fellow shall receive a reimbursement of up to $200 for conference registration costs and shall be required to attend and assist with Division administration at all events.


Updated Fellowship Application Information to be posted on the UDP Division website by March 1.

Email and social media announcements advertising the Fellowship opportunity to be issued March 1-7 with reminder issued April 1-3.

Fellow to be selected April 10-17 at the Division's annual business meeting as part of the National planning Conference.

Updates to the Division Fellowship page to be completed after the Fellow is selected, including name of selected Fellow and previous Fellows, and dates for next Fellowship opportunity.


9Education & Outreach.Division Webinar Program.Membership Program.

Vice Chair - OutreachVice Chair - CommunicationsNewsletter Editor

Manage the Division Webinar Program.

Compile ideas, proposals, and requests for educational webinars relating to the interest of the UDP Division.

Issue a Request for Proposals for webinar topics and speakers.

Identify method of webinar delivery (through APA Webinar Program or the Planning Webcast Series).

Establish the webinar line-up including speakers and dates.

Communicate with speakers and facilitate speaker presentations in advance of the scheduled webinar dates.

Administer the webinar on behalf of the UDP Division.

Division participation in the APA Utah Chapter Planning Webcast Series ($150 annually) a no-cost webinar series for UDP Division members (http://www.utah-apa.org/webcasts).

Miscellaneous unknown expenses relating to the creation and broadcast of Division webinars ($500).

$650.00 Two webinars to be completed by December 2015.

10Education & Outreach.National Planning Conference Events.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-TreasurerPast ChairVice Chair(s)Conference CoordinatorNewsletter Editor

Plan Division events and programming for the FY2015 National Planning Conference relating to the interests of the UDP Division to benefit existing Division members and recruit new Division members.

Hold a Division Reception.

Explore reception partnership possibilities with other Divisions.

Select a Session Proposal as the UDP Division 'By-Right' Session.

Select a Session Proposal as the UDP Division 'Facilitated Session'.

Work with APA Planners Press to publicize "In Motion: The Experience of Travel" a Division sponsored paperback book.

Support a Mobile Workshop proposal and related activities.

Recruit a UDP Division Conference Coordinator to facilitate conference planning activities and requirements.

APA Conference Website (www.planning.org/conference)

Reception Budget is $1,500 inclusive of food and beverages.

Reception to be a ticketed event ($5 for UDP Division Members and $10 for non-UDP Division Members).


Respond to all APA conference requests and requirements according to established dates (session proposal selection, program content submissions, etc.) in the Fall of each year preceeding the April conference.

Complete all planning and events, as well as event follow-up by April 30, 2015.

11 Education & Outreach.Social Media management. Vice Chair - Commications Manage the Division's social media campaign using tools

such as Hootesuite, Facebook, LinkedIn Twitter and Flickr.

Create and develop content valuable to members.

Update social media sites weekly.

Advertise upcoming events.

Coordinate social media content with Division Newsletter.

Manage posts and track effectiveness of branding and messaging using Hootesuite software.

Hootesuite software





$150.00 Ongoing through FY 2015.

12 Communications.UDP Division Newsletter.

Newsletter EditorChairSecretary-Treasurer

Manage, edit, publish, and issue the quarterly Division Newsletter for compliance with the Division Bylaws.

Solicit newsletter content including articles relating to the interests of the UDP Division and updates on industry news and Division Members.

Work with the Division's consulting graphic designer to design and assemble each newsletter.

Review draft newsletters and finalize as an editor.

Submit final newsletters to APA Divisions Staff for upload to the Division website.

Issue an email to the Division Membership via Vertical Response to advertise the availability of the latest newsletter edition.

APA Branding Guidelines.

UDP Division Vertical Response Account.

UDP Division consulting graphic designer (Giacini Atelier Design Services).

$4,000.00 Ongoing through FY 2015.

13 Communications.Email Updates and E-Blasts

Newsletter EditorChairSecretary-Treasurer

Issue electronic communications to Division Members as needed. Maintain and revise a UDP Division Email / E-Blast template. UPD Divison Google Email (Gmail) account. $0.00 Ongoing thru FY2015.

13 Total FY2015 Work Plan Items Total FY 2015 Work Plan Budget Expenditures $10,550.00


TypeFunds Available

10/01/13Funds Available

09/30/14Checking $17,427 $22,914

Money Market None NoneOther None None

TOTAL $17,427 $22,914

FY2014 BudgetProposed

Budget FY2015REVENUE Description Subtotal REVENUERebates Q4 Division Dues Grants 1,800 2,069 2,500

Q1 Division Dues Grants 1,800 1,273 2,500Q2 Division Dues Grants 1,800 3,393 2,500Q3 Division Dues Grants 1,800 2,069 2,500FY13 Division Dues Grants - 3,836 -Rebate Revenue 7,200 12,639 10,000

Other Revenue NPC Reception Ticket Sales 900 558 500NPC Reception Co-Sponsor (PBC) - - -APA Planners Press Royalties 150 69 50Advanced Specialty Certification Study Material 500 - -Other Revenue 1,550 627 550TOTAL REVENUE 8,750 13,266 10,550

EXPENSES Description Amount Subtotal EXPENSESNewsletter Design and Production 4,000 4,000 4,000

Email Communication - 0 0Newsletter Expense 4,000 4,000 4,000

Annual Business Meeting Refreshments 100 0 200Printing - 0 25Annual Meeting Expense 100 0 225

Travel - Division Chair APA National Planning Conference 1,500 877 1,250APA Fall Leadership Meetings 1,200 795 800Travel Expense 2,700 1,673 2,050

Education and Outreach Webinar Fees 650 150 650Second Chances and Discovered Places 800 0 -CM Provider Registration - 95 95Planning Student Organization Donation - 400 -Social Media Management Tool (Hootsuite) - 0 150Education and Outreach Expense 1,450 645 895

Other Expenses NPC Reception Food and Beverages 1,500 1,461 1,500Division Fellowship 800 0 1,000NPC Registration for Division Fellow - 0 200Other Expense 2,300 1,461 2,700TOTAL EXPENSES 10,550 7,778 9,870

-1,800 5,487 680

Urban Design and Preservation Division FY2014 Financial Report (10/01/2013 - 09/30/2014)FY2015 Proposed Budget (10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015)

Submitted by: Rebecca Leonard, AICPDate: 11/21/14, Revised 12/29/14

FY2014 Actualsas of 09/30/2014

Revenue over (under) Expenses for reporting period:


Appendix A

Urban Design and Preservation DivisionFY2016 Work Plan

Item No. Policy / Goal Parties Responsible Action(s) Supporting Tasks Required / Recommended Outside Resources Budget Expenditure Date to Complete

1Division Administration.Preparation of the FY 2016 Division Perfomance Report.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-TreasurerPast ChairVice Chair(s)

Prepare the UDP Division Performance Report for the previous 2016 Fiscal Year (October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016).

Write and submit the required performance report using the previous year's report as a template.

Review submitted budget and accounting of FY expenses to inform conclusions included in the performance report.

See APA Division Leadership Page (www.planning.org/leadership).

See UDP Division Business Page(www.planning.org/divisions/urbandesign/business)

$0.00 Previous year performance report is due by November 15 of each FY.


Division Administration.Preparation of the 2017 Fiscal Year (FY) Work Plan and Budget.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-TreasurerPast ChairVice Chair(s)

Prepare the UDP Division Work Plan for FY2017 (October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017).

Write and submit the required work plan and budget using the previous year's work plan and budget as a template.

Different sections of the work plan may be authored by separate members of the leadership team based on programming assignments, interests, and availability.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall work with the Chair to create the Division Budget and finalize the work plan pursuant to budgetary constraints.

See APA Division Leadership Page (www.planning.org/leadership).

See UDP Division Business Page(www.planning.org/divisions/urbandesign/business).

Contact APA Divisions Staff or Divisions Council leadership for assistance in preparing the FY Work Plan.


Complete the next year Division Work Plan and Budget by April 1? of each year for presentation and adoption at the annual Division Business Meeting held at the National Planning Conference.

The adopted Work Plan shall be effective October 1-September 30 of each FY.

3 Division Administration.Monthly Leadership Calls.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-Treasurer

Continue the existing fourth Friday conference call schedule for all UDP Division Leadership Team members including elected and appointed officers as well as other volunteers.

Provide calendar invitations and teleconference details.

Set agenda.

Check-in with absent team members.

Invite new team members to participate.

Call-in # to be provided through UDP reservationless plus system. $0.00 Ongoing thru FY 2017.

4 Division Administration.Fall Leadership Meetings.

Division Chair-Designated Proxy (backup)

(Note: Designated proxy is typically a member of the Executive Committee. Proxy form must be submitted to APA in advance of the Divisions Council Business Meeting.)

Attend APA leadership meetings scheduled annually in the Fall (location TBD).

Assemble and review all materials provided by APA.

Attend the Divisions Council Business Meeting.

Attend other required leadership events.

Attend scheduled Divisions Council Committee meetings per committee assignments.

Airfare or Travel

Lodging$800.00 September 30, 2017.

5Division Administration.National Planning Conference.Membership Program.

Division ChairChair-Elect (backup)Secretary-Treasurer

Plan and prepare for a UDP Division presence at the National Planning Conference including but not limited to a by-right session, annual business meeting, and Division reception.

Promote Division events and activities in advance of the conference to UDP Division and APA members.

Participate in all pre-conference APA leadership meetings.

Set Agenda for and preside over annual UDP Division Business Meeting.

Represent the Division at the Divisions Council Booth.

Introduce the Division at the by-right session and other Division sponsored or hosted events.

Recruit new Division members at all events.

Identify new Division volunteers at all events.

Airfare or Travel


Note: The Chair shall receive a reimbursement of up to $1,250 for conference expenses including registration, travel, and hotel costs. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive a reimbursement of up to $500 towards conference expenses including registration, travel, and hotel costs.

Refreshments and incidental miscellaneous costs in support of the Division Business Meeting ($500)

Printing/production costs for flyers/handouts for recruiting at Divisons Council booth and elsewhere during the conference ($750).

$3,000.00 May 6 - 9, 2017.

6 Education & Outreach.Division Fellowship Program.

Chair-Elect to serve as the Fellowship Coordinator. Select and Manage the 2017 Division Fellow.

Facilitate the application and Fellow selection process.

Work with the Chair and the Executive Committee to establish the Fellow's work program or project(s) to be completed by the end of the Fellowship term.

Provide an IRS Form W9 to the selected Fellow.

Provide an hours timesheet for the selected Fellow to record hours worked and to submit for milestone payments.

Supervise milestone payments with the Division Secretary-Treasurer and APA.

Monitor Fellow's work progress and completion of tasks at scheduled deadlines.

Share Fellow progress at 4th Friday conference calls.

Contact information for Universities and Colleges with appropriate undergraduate and graduate programs.

(Note: Request contact list from APA.)

The Division Fellow shall receive a reimbursement of up to $200 for conference registration costs and shall be required to attend and assist with Division administration at all events.


Updated Fellowship Application Information to be posted on the UDP Division website by March 1.

Email and social media announcements advertising the Fellowship opportunity to be issued March 1-7 with reminder issued April 1-3.

Fellow to be selected May 6 - 9 at the Division's annual business meeting as part of the National planning Conference.

Updates to the Division Fellowship page to be completed after the Fellow is selected, including name of selected Fellow and previous Fellows, and dates for next Fellowship opportunity.

7Education & Outreach.Division Webinar Program.Membership Program.

Vice Chair - Outreach Vice Chair - Webinar ProgramVice Chair - CommunicationsNewsletter Editor

Manage the Division Webinar Program.

Compile ideas, proposals, and requests for educational webinars relating to the interest of the UDP Division. Explore collaboration with academia.

Issue a Request for Proposals for webinar topics and speakers.

Identify method of webinar delivery (through APA Webinar Program or the Planning Webcast Series).

Establish the webinar line-up including speakers and dates.

Communicate with speakers and facilitate speaker presentations in advance of the scheduled webinar dates.

Administer the webinar on behalf of the UDP Division.

Division participation in the APA Utah Chapter Planning Webcast Series ($150 annually) a no-cost webinar series for UDP Division members (http://www.utah-apa.org/webcasts).

Certification Maintenance Provider registration ($95). Miscellaneous unknown expenses relating to the creation and broadcast of Division webinars ($500).

$745.00 Two webinars to be completed by September 30, 2017.

Appendix B

8Education & Outreach.National Planning Conference Events.

Division ChairChair-ElectSecretary-TreasurerPast ChairVice Chair(s)Conference CoordinatorNewsletter Editor

Plan Division events and programming for the FY2017 National Planning Conference relating to the interests of the UDP Division to benefit existing Division members and recruit new Division members.

Hold a Division Reception.

Explore reception partnership possibilities with other Divisions.

Select a Session Proposal as the UDP Division 'By-Right' Session.

Select a Session Proposal as the UDP Division 'Facilitated Session'.

Work with APA Planners Press to publicize "In Motion: The Experience of Travel" a Division sponsored paperback book.

Support a Mobile Workshop proposal and related activities.

Recruit a UDP Division Conference Coordinator to facilitate conference planning activities and requirements.

APA Conference Website (www.planning.org/conference)

Reception Budget is $2,500 inclusive of food and beverages.

Reception to be a ticketed event ($5 for UDP Division Members and $10 for non-UDP Division Members).


Respond to all APA conference requests and requirements according to established dates (session proposal selection, program content submissions, etc.) in the Fall of each year preceeding the April conference.

Complete all planning and events, as well as event follow-up by May 9, 2017.

9 Education & Outreach.Social Media management.

Vice Chair - Communications

Manage the Division's social media campaign using tools such as Hootesuite, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Flickr.

Create and develop content valuable to members.

Update social media sites weekly.

Advertise upcoming events.

Coordinate social media content with Division Newsletter.

Manage posts and track effectiveness of branding and messaging using Hootesuite software.

Hootesuite software





$150.00 Ongoing through FY 2017.

10 Communications.UDP Division Newsletter.

Newsletter EditorChairSecretary-Treasurer

Manage, edit, publish, and issue the quarterly Division Newsletter for compliance with the Division Bylaws.

Solicit newsletter content including articles relating to the interests of the UDP Division and updates on industry news and Division Members.

Work with the Division's volunteer graphic designer to design and assemble each newsletter.

Review draft newsletters and finalize as an editor.

Submit final newsletters to APA Divisions staff for upload to the Division website.

Issue an email to the Division Membership via MailChimp to advertise the availability of the latest newsletter edition.

APA Branding Guidelines.

Books and copyrighted image use ($500).

Prizes and awards for submissions ($500).

UDP Division MailChimp account.

$1,000.00 Ongoing through FY 2017.

11 Communications.Email Updates and E-Blasts

Newsletter EditorChairSecretary-Treasurer

Issue electronic communications to Division Members as needed. Maintain and revise a UDP Division Email / E-Blast template. UPD Divison Google Email (Gmail) account. $0.00 Ongoing thru FY2017.

11 Total FY 2017 Work Plan Items Total FY 2017 Work Plan Budget Expenditures $9,395.00

Appendix B

TypeFunds Available

10/01/15Funds Available

09/30/16Checking $22,986 $22,273

Money Market None NoneOther None None

TOTAL $22,986 $22,273

FY2016 BudgetProposed

Budget FY2017REVENUE Description Subtotal REVENUERebates Q4 Division Dues Grants 2,500 0 2,500

Q1 Division Dues Grants 2,500 1,354 2,500Q2 Division Dues Grants 2,500 3,260 2,500Q3 Division Dues Grants 2,500 1,150 2,500FY16 Division Dues Grants - 0 -Rebate Revenue 10,000 5,764 10,000

Other Revenue NPC Reception Ticket Sales 500 97 500NPC Reception Co-Sponsor (PBC) - - -APA Planners Press Royalties 50 0 50Advanced Specialty Certification Study Material - - -Other Revenue 550 97 550TOTAL REVENUE 10,550 5,861 10,550

EXPENSES Description Amount Subtotal EXPENSESNewsletter Design and Production 4,000 2,000 0

Books and Copyrighted Image Use 500Submission Prizes and Awards 500Email Communication - 0 0Newsletter Expense 4,000 2,000 1,000

Annual Business Meeting Refreshments 200 0 400Printing 25 0 100Annual Meeting Expense 225 0 500

Travel APA National Planning Conference - Chair 1,250 0 1,250APA National Planning Conference - Secretary 500APA Fall Leadership Meetings - Chair 800 421 800Travel Expense 2,050 421 2,550

Education and Outreach Webinar Fees 650 150 650Second Chances and Discovered Places - 0 -CM Provider Registration 95 0 95Planning Student Organization Donation - 500 -Social Media Management Tool (Hootsuite) 150 0 150Education and Outreach Expense 895 650 895

Other Expenses NPC Reception Food and Beverages 1,500 2,357 2,500NPC Promotional Materials 750Division Fellowship 1,000 0 1,000NPC Registration for Division Fellow 200 0 200Other Expense 2,700 2,357 4,450TOTAL EXPENSES 9,870 5,428 9,395

680 433 1,155

Urban Design and Preservation Division FY2016 Financial Report (10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016)

FY2017 Proposed Budget (10/01/2016 - 09/30/20157)

Submitted by: Andrew Vesselinovitch, AICP, AIADate: 12/6/16

FY2016 Actualsas of 09/30/2016

Revenue over (under) Expenses for reporting period:

Appendix B

Meeting Record APA Urban Design and Preservation Division

Annual Business Meeting (Seattle) 2 April 2016

7 PM - 8 PM CST

1. Call to Order

2. Introductions• Refer to Attachment #1: Sign in sheet.

3. Volunteer Recognition• Our volunteer leadership group doubled this year!• Chair recognized each volunteer for their amazing contributions to the success of our Division.

4. 2015 “Year in Review” Recapa. Division accomplishments

• Increased membership• Published four newsletters• First ever reception awards program• Three webinars• Reinvigorated our fellowship• Updated our bylaws

b. Case studies overview and next steps• Ideas for future topics of interest to our readers:

1. How can urban design contribute to resilience? Resilience could be natural or non-natural. Resiliency of earthen architecture, ancient architecture. Preservation.

2. Inspiring retrofits of historic buildings3. Preservation, safety, and security – how do you build to improve safety?

• Share additional ideas with Elizabeth Morton

5. 2016 “Forward Planning” Group Brainstorming Exercisea. Communications/newsletter updatesb. State-level Division liaisons

o New chapter presidents on January 1o Need Division volunteer to reach out to each new chapter president and let them know we are a

resource and are interested in Division-sponsored session at their state conferencec. Other projects

• Columbia University rotunda could be reception location for New York Conference

6. Housekeeping Handoutsa. 2015 Annual Business Meeting (Seattle) minutes

• Unanimous approvalb. 2015 Fiscal Performance Reportc. 2016 Fiscal Work Plan and Budgetd. 2016 Bylaws (ongoing ballot version)e. 2016 Division recruiting materials

7. Adjournment




URBAN RESILIENCE - Priya Desai 1 30 March 2016

Analyzing Urban Design and Resiliency

Priya Desai

Available literature discusses cities’ “resilience” at many levels and to a wide variety of risks, actually experienced and hypothetical. Definitions of “resilience” are usually too broad for the purposes of Urban Design. Metrics, if any, are usually not found in common use. I propose an approach to collecting information on projects that can be anchored in the mandates of Urban Design at different jurisdictional levels, because networks for the built environment extend beyond city and sometimes state boundaries.

Findings: 1. The terms “resilience” and “resiliency” are used interchangeably and often without any

metrics. The question of linking a particular definition of resilience to the role of UrbanDesign is rarely raisedi.

2. “Resilience” is a subjective concept, and is best understood as reduction of “vulnerability” or“loss of security”. The perceptions of security and vulnerability vary across individualsaccording to particular situations and the individuals’ respective roles.

3. Urban resilience is about collective, citywide, resilience, and should be considered in a multi-system perspective. While each system – e.g., utilities, transport – may have its ownvulnerability to particular risks, these systems interact, and cities need all systems to workreliably.

4. Owners and operators of systems for the built environment have “standards of performance”applied to particular geographies (e.g., water or drainage networks of a city) or to multi-citynetworks (e.g., electricity and communication networks). The key aim of analyzing urbanresilience is to investigate whether and how these “standards of performance” need to bechanged to be prepared for new risks.

5. The institutional structure and clear assignment of responsibilities and resources also play acritical role in ensuring that the “standards of performance” are achieved in practice.

6. Designers, planners, system operators, and urban governance apparatus plus civil societyneed to be aware of risks and disaster mitigation strategies.

QUESTIONS: i) In terms of Urban Design, is cities’ “resilience” different from conventional practice of

“disaster risk mitigation and emergency response capabilities”? ii) Whose responsibility is it to identify or revise parameters of risks and to accordingly

modify the theory and practice of Urban Design to enhance resilience?

II. Recommendations:a) Definition: I propose the term “urban resilience” be defined as “reliable operation of

infrastructure systems for the built environment under extreme conditions.”

This definition is inspired by the NYC Planning report A Stronger, More Resilient NewYork, June 2013:


URBAN RESILIENCE - Priya Desai 2 30 March 2016

“The underlying goal of this report is resiliency. That is, to adapt our city to the impacts of climate change and to seek to ensure that, when nature overwhelms our defenses from time to time, we are able to recover more quickly.

In short, we have to be tough. …. The time has come to make our city even tougher.”

Table 1 shows urban systems covered by the NYC report on resiliency:

Table 1: Examples of urban systems under “resiliency” framework, New York City Citywide Infrastructure and the Built Environment Coastal Protection Buildings Insurance Utilities Liquid Fuels Healthcare Telecommunications Transportation Parks Water and Wastewater Other Critical Networks

The proposed definition is more narrowly crafted as relevant to Urban Designii.

i. While the NYC report extends to “Community Rebuilding and Resiliency Plans,” thedefinition here restricts itself to the section “Citywide Infrastructure and the BuiltEnvironment” because Urban Design is directly relevant to the reliability of thesesystems and the built environment.

ii. The NYC report is aimed at new risks due to climate change, whereas the generalprinciple of “resilience” is applicable to all extreme conditions, including thosearising from natural hazards (earthquakes) or human activities (terrorism, acts ofaggression).

iii. Engineering design practices of individual systems – transportation, electricity andtelecommunications, water – may not have the same characterization of risks. Forexample, reservoirs and transit systems may be planned for a higher level ofearthquake risk, whereas portions of electrical grids for a lower level.

iv. Some networks extending beyond the geographical boundaries of a city are alsocritical for resilience. For example, electricity networks connect many cities;information and communication networks connect most of the world; freshwatercanals and pipes connect lakes, rivers, farms and the built environment.


URBAN RESILIENCE - Priya Desai 3 30 March 2016

b) Metrics of resilience: While resilience is subjective, systems for the built environment dohave objective “standards of performance.” Uniform “standards of performance” apply tosome engineering systems nationwide, e.g. utility and transportation systems. Forinstitutional systems – e.g. policing and security – the “standards of performance” varyaccording to physical, economic, and demographic conditions. Uniform city-wide (orregional, or national) resilience metrics may be impossible to apply. Therefore, I proposeexplorations along technically precise “extreme conditions” and corresponding “standards ofperformance” for individual systems in Table 1. While urban resilience should be seen in amulti-system perspective, it may not be possible nor particularly fruitful to have a singlemetric for comparability across cities or projects.

i. Extreme conditions refer to scenarios not included in existing technical standards andoperations manuals. That is, they are “beyond design basis” – e.g., for bridges orlevees. Enhanced resilience is a matter of meeting newer extreme conditions.

ii. Standards of performance can be proxies for metrics of resilience, e.g. the ability towithstand a particular severity of an earthquake, a flood, a windstorm, or an urbanfire.

iii. Loss and damage due to a failure by systems to meet their standards of performancevary by location and affected entity.

The key advantage of adopting this approach to definition and metrics is that each of the systems has “standards of performance” and there are processes in place for revision while considering new types of threats. New “standards of performance” may have to be created for new threats, and become proxies for resilience against those threats. Collective, system-wide resilience as proposed here is appropriately the jurisdiction for urban design.

c) Whose resilience comes first: Planning for resilience should seek to set priorities inemergencies.

d) Backlogs of vulnerability: Different systems and populations have different vulnerabilityprofiles. A water supply system may be at risk throughout – e.g., via contamination ortorrential storms – or in parts – e.g. due to an earthquake. Lower-income areas may havemore fragile waste management or drainage systems. Resilience design has to consider suchan existing backlog of vulnerability.

e) Time-frames: Studies on resilience should be specific as to the time-frame over which a moreresilient design is to be achieved. Similarly, newer risks such as climate change also affectthe duration of extreme conditions planned for – e.g. the California drought.

f) Types of projects to be submitted under Spotlights: I further propose projects submittedunder Spotlights be classified in the following categories.

i. Design projects for urban planning including renewal and rehabilitation, and cross-jurisdictional (regional) cooperation;


URBAN RESILIENCE - Priya Desai 4 30 March 2016

ii. Investment projects requiring planning approvals that seek to improve on a specificstandard of performance (or a set of standards) for one or more infrastructure system.(Investment projects that do not require planning approvals may well enhanceresilience, and can be considered if there are relevant lessons for changing thepractice of UDP practitioners)

iii. Pure conceptual research about what resilience means, what is it, how to assess it,how to measure it, how to develop frameworks for analysis (purely analytical);

iv. Other

g) Submission eligibility: I suggest liberalizing the eligibility for submission to audiencesadditional to UDP membership. This is in part to enhance the number of submissions and toobtain varied views. Also, considering the multi-disciplinary nature of the subject, APAmembers other than those from UDP Division are likely to provide useful suggestions.Opening up the invitation may also attract more people to UDP membership and encouragemulti-disciplinary work.

i One report states: “Cities’ adaptive capacities were ranked according to the following: the strength of local governance, a robust sector of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and community organizations, access to technology, disaster preparedness and planning, and access to capital and funding mechanisms.” This begs the question how these criteria could be quantified – strength of local governance or access to technology – and also who has the mandate to provide “access to capital and funding mechanisms”, urban planners or a combination of Federal, State and Local governments. The specific role of urban design is not addressed at all.

To take another example, ARUP appears to have a flexible approach that is subject to the same concerns about relevance to Urban Design: “working with the Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities to provide cities chosen to participate in the program with tools and definitions as they develop resilience across infrastructure and social and economic institutions.” Urban design influences but has limited jurisdiction over “social and economic institutions”, and its indirect influence comes from the reliability of infrastructure. ARUP’s framework “categorizes 150 variables across four broad categories: health and well-being; leadership and strategy; economy and society; and infrastructure and environment.” While all these variables may be relevant to cities’ resilience, urban design per se may have no direct influence on “leadership and strategy” but a lot on “infrastructure and environment” directly and some on “health and well-being” or “economy and society” indirectly.

ii By way of comparison, the Rockefeller Foundation report City Resilience Framework (rev. December 2015), suggests “City resilience describes the capacity of cities to function, so that the people living and working in cities – particularly the poor and the vulnerable – survive and thrive no matter what stresses or shocks they encounter.” Such a definition raises questions of jurisdiction and accountability – who needs to do what – and specifies no limits on resilience – “no matter what stresses or shocks”.


719 URBAN DESIGN & PRESERVATION 12/14/2016 12:01 PM

C:\Users\rleonard\Desktop\APA\APA UDPD\2016 Performance Report\Appendix E 719 URBAN DESIGN & PRESERVATION

AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATIONUnrestricted Cash - Division100719 - Urban Design & PreservationAs of October 31st, 2016

Date Transaction Type Reference Description Amount (+/-) Ending Balance10/01/16 Beginning Balance as of 10/01/16 26,272.5110/03/16 AP-Check 179649 111511 Vesselinovitch (421.12) 25,851.39


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

Urban Design and Preservation Division Bylaws Last amended on September 25, 2015

1. General

1.1. Name

The name is the Urban Design and Preservation (hereafter the Division) of

the American Planning Association (hereafter APA or the Association).

"Urban design" and "preservation" are mutually beneficial practices that

contribute to the health and vitality of cities and towns.

The Division has been authorized by and is subject to the Bylaws of the APA.

1.2. Purpose

The Division shall advance the theory and practice of urban design and preservation as integral to the comprehensive planning by:

1.2.1. Disseminating materials and information about current urban design and preservation practice and theory to members of the Division;

1.2.2. Assisting and educating the Association about influencing

legislation; planning policy; and membership welfare, which may

include but is not limited to workplace fairness, equitable programs

and benefits, and opposing discrimination – that affects urban design

and preservation;

1.2.3. Facilitating connections with Divisions, Chapters, and other

professionals and professional organizations that are concerned with

urban design and preservation; and

1.2.4. Promoting professional communication among members of the

Division through a variety of member services, including but not

limited to newsletter, conference sessions, workshops, webinars and

other publications.


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

1.3. Mission

The mission of the Division is:

1.3.1. Promoting urban design and preservation as elements of public

policy formulation and program implementation;

1.3.2. Promoting the use of urban design and preservation principles and

practices to improve the comprehensive planning process;

1.3.3. Improving techniques and procedures that directly apply to the

practice of urban design and preservation;

1.3.4. Disseminating information concerning the availability of applicable

data, techniques, best practices, procedures, and legislative issues

impacting urban design and preservation among the members of the


1.3.5. Fostering the development of skills needed for urban design and

preservation, including the promotion of quality urban design and

preservation education, research, and public services;

1.3.6. Assisting the Association in advancing urban design and

preservation in the planning process; and

1.3.7. Providing liaison with governmental and nongovernmental

organizations involved in urban design and preservation.

1.4. Nonprofit status Divisions are recognized as subordinate entities under the nonprofit 501(c)(3)

status of the American Planning Association.

2. Procedures

2.1. Procedures shall be informal for meetings with fewer than 12 people.

2.2. For meetings with 12 or more people, procedure shall be governed by

basic parliamentary procedures as a guide (or Robert's Rules of Order).

3. Membership

3.1. Eligibility

Any Association member may join upon payment of the Division’s dues.

3.2. Non-Association members may become Division Affiliates upon payment

of Division Affiliate dues.


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

3.3. Division-only affiliates shall not represent themselves as members of the


3.4. Termination Division membership or affiliation will be terminated upon failure to pay

Division dues.

4. Decision-making

4.1. The Executive Committee shall make decisions by a majority of votes,

except where specified otherwise in these bylaws.

4.2. The Executive Committee shall determine the means of disseminating

information about decision requiring a vote by Division membership to

ensure accessibility.

5. Officers and Elections

The officers are Chair, Chair-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer, the ImmediatePast Chair, and others as required. Elected officers shall include at least theChair, or Chair-Elect, and the Secretary – Treasurer. A StudentRepresentative or other leadership team members may be appointed orelected at the discretion of the Officers.

5.1. Elections

5.1.1. Elections will be held every two years. Newly elected officers will

assume office on January 1 of odd-numbered years.

5.1.2. The terms for all officers are two years.

5.1.3. No Division member may serve more than two terms as Chair of

any single Division. Terms may be consecutive or non-consecutive.

5.1.4. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same


5.1.5. The Division Chair will appoint a Nominating Committee consisting

of at least three Division members to issue a call for nominations from

the Division membership and conduct an election. Nominating

committee members may not include members running for office.

5.1.6. The Nominating Committee will present an election schedule which includes a call for nominations, submission of candidate material, and balloting window for the Executive Committee’s approval.

5.1.7. The Nominating Committee shall allow at least two weeks for

nominations to be submitted.

5.1.8. A Division Affiliate member is permitted by the Bylaws of the Division to hold an elected office other than Chair or Chair-Elect.


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

5.1.9. Election results are based on a plurality of the valid ballots


5.1.10. In the case of a tie, the Nominating Committee Chair shall

determine the winner by random drawing.

5.1.11. The Nominating Committee will issue a call for nominations,

verify candidates' eligibility, coordinate notifications to candidates,

provide ballots and candidate statements in a manner accessible to

all members, and count the votes.

5.2. Chair The Chair shall:

5.2.1. Act as the presiding officer of the Division;

5.2.2. Preside over all Division meetings;

5.2.3. Prepare or oversee preparation of an Annual Performance Plan,

Work Plan, and Budget for approval by the Executive Committee;

5.2.4. Serve on the Divisions Council of the Association;

5.2.5. Appoint committees and others necessary to carry out the annual

work program; and

5.2.6. Make other delegations and decisions necessary to carry out the

Mission and Purpose of the Division; and

5.2.7. Be responsible for Division compliance with requirements in the

APA corporate by-laws, current Division Performance Criteria and

Division Council Policies and Procedures.

5.3. Chair-Elect The Chair-Elect shall:

5.3.1. Assist the Chair as directed including, but not limited to, manage

committee activities, assist with special projects, assist with the

creation of the Annual Performance Plan and Work Plan and planning

efforts associated with the annual business meeting or the APA

Annual Conference; and

5.3.2. In the absence or resignation of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall

assume the duties of the Chair, and other duties as assigned by the

Chair. The Chair-Elect shall assume the duties of Chair until the term

of the vacated Chair is complete, whereupon the Chair-Elect will

complete his or her elected leadership term.


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

5.4. Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

5.4.1. Prepare minutes of the Division’s annual business meeting and all

Executive Committee meetings;

5.4.2. Submit proposed Bylaw amendments to the membership;

5.4.3. Fulfill all recordkeeping and reporting requirements as stipulated by

APA National;

5.4.4. Be responsible for on-going communication to members;

5.4.5. Manage Division funds in accordance with the Division budget; 5.4.6. Assist the Chair in preparing the Budget to be approved by the

Executive Committee and submitted with the Annual Performance

Plan and Work Plan;

5.4.7. Prepare an annual financial report to be presented to the Executive

Committee as well as the Division’s members at the annual meeting.

5.5. Immediate Past Chair The Immediate Past Chair succeeds to this position upon completion of his/her two-year term as Chair and serves in this position for two years. The Immediate Past Chair shall undertake such duties as may be assigned by the Chair.

5.6. Student Representative

The Student Representative is appointed by the Chair after consultation with

the officers and shall:

5.6.1. Serve as a liaison between the division’s student members and

executive committee

5.6.2. Lead efforts to recruit student members to join the division

5.6.3. Represent the division in activities and committees where student

representation is needed

5.6.4. Promote student involvement and engagement in the division

5.7. Vacancies

5.7.1. In the absence or resignation of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall

assume the duties of the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall assume the

duties of Chair until the term of the vacated Chair is complete,

whereupon the Chair-Elect will complete his or her elected leadership



Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

5.7.2. All other vacancies will be filled for the unexpired term by a vote of

the membership within three months or by the Executive Committee if

general elections are less than six months away.

5.8. Termination of Division Officers

In the event that a Division officer is unable to perform his/her duties and/or is

not functioning within the guidelines their elected position outlined by the APA

and Division Bylaws and the Division Performance Criteria and Policies, the

subject Division officer may be asked to resign or be terminated from his/her

position by the majority vote of the Executive Committee.

6. Executive Committee

6.1. Composition

The Officers, as defined in Section 4.0, and additional leadership team

members elected or appointed at the discretion of the Officers, shall comprise

the Executive Committee. The Officers, as defined in Section 4.0, and

additional leadership team members elected or appointed at the discretion of

the Officers, shall comprise the Executive Committee. Additional members

may be added as necessary to facilitate division administration and programs

by a majority decision of the officers of the Division.

6.2. Duties of the Executive Committee

6.2.1. Manage the affairs for the Division. 6.2.2. Prepare and approve the annual performance plan, work plan and

budget, using templates specified by the Divisions Council Executive


6.2.3. Authorize expenditures consistent with the budget and subject to

consent by the Chair.

6.2.4. Administer the division’s by-right educational session at the

National Planning Conference, and other sessions as warranted.

6.2.5. Consult, electronically or in person, to coordinate the activities of

the Division as needed.

6.3. Meetings

6.3.1. Meetings of the Executive Committee, be they through a traditional

meeting gathering, a teleconference, or some other type of electronic

communications, shall be called by the Chair, or by a majority of the

Committee members.


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

6.3.2. A majority of Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum or by

a majority of all Executive Committee members if the decision is not

made in a meeting (e.g. via email).

7. Committees

The Executive Committee may form (and dissolve) committees, drawn from

Division membership to carry out the activities of the Division. The Chair shall

appoint a Committee Chair for each Committee. Committee Chairs may, at

the discretion of the Executive Committee, serve as advisory members of the

Executive Committee. Committee Chairs may be appointed to or removed

from said position at the discretion of the Division Chair.

8. Finances

8.1. Dues

Dues shall be consistent with the APA division dues schedule for all

categories. Dues are collected by national APA and are rebated by the

Association’s national office.

8.2. Non-Dues Receipts

Subject to approval by the Executive Committee, the Division may accept

contributions, donations, and grants. The Executive Committee may

establish fees for publications and services to be offered to non-members, or

as special services to members, as long as these fees are consistent with

charges determined by the APA Board.

8.3. Contracts

The Division shall not enter into contracts or obligate the Division

financially or in name if said obligation or contract exceeds $500 and is

not described and proposed in an approved annual work plan and

Division budget. All agreements, partnerships with outside organizations

or individuals, or previously unidentified expenses shall be submitted to

APA prior to any action being taken.

9. Publications, Media, and Branding

9.1. Identification The Division shall utilize developed APA branding, logos, and imagery for all

publications and media produced by or for the Division. Division publications

shall be identified with the full name, as, “a Division of the American Planning

Association;” and with the uniform logotype of the Association.


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

9.2. Newsletter and other Member Communications

9.2.1. The Division is required to produce and disseminate regularly-

scheduled communications to Division members in conformance with

Divisions performance Criteria. The purpose of these

communications is to provide a benefit to Division members including

opportunities to contribute articles and other content, stay current on

Division or generalized urban planning industry news, and share

information with other Division members.

9.2.2. Newsletters and other communications may be distributed in digital

format or in hard copy via United States mail at the discretion of the


9.2.3. A digital file of each newsletter shall be filed with National APA.

9.3. Division Website

9.3.1. If the Division uses the APA Division website, the Division shall

work with APA to ensure regular and current content is included on

the Division’s APA website.

9.3.2. For all division websites, quarterly website updates are


9.4. Other Media Communications

9.4.1. The Division may also maintain a presence through social media,

e-bulletins, or other communications as supported by APA.

10. Meetings

10.1. The Division shall hold an annual meeting during the APA National

Conference. Notice of the annual meeting shall be distributed to Division

membership via regular mail and/or email to the Division membership at

least 30 calendar days prior the meeting.

10.2. Special meetings of members may be held at such times and

places as may be ordered by: the Chair; or in the case of the

Chairperson's absence, death or disability, the Vice Chair (or Chair Elect);

or, a majority of the Executive Committee; or, by petition of 10 percent of

Division members. For special meetings, a written notice shall be


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

delivered via regular mail and/or email to the Division membership at

least 14 calendar days prior to the meeting.

11. Event Attendance and Travel Reimbursement Policy

11.1. The Division Chair, or designated proxy, must attend the annual

meeting, held at the National Planning Conference held in the spring. All

other Division Officers are encouraged to attend the annual meeting.

11.2. The Division Chair, or designated proxy, must attend APA

Leadership Meetings held in the fall.

11.3. Reimbursement of travel and lodging for all required Division officer

activities shall be identified in the Division Work Plan and Budget as

approved by APA. Levels of reimbursement shall be in stated the

Division's budget, as determined by the Division Chair and Treasurer in

conformance with Divisions Council Travel Policy.

12. Public Policy

No member shall represent the Division on Division policy without obtaining

the approval of the Executive Committee. No member shall represent APA

without obtaining the approval of the Executive Committee as well as the APA

Executive Director.

13. Right to Privacy

All Division member anonymity shall be respected with regards to billing and

other Division activities. Division members will be provided the opportunity to

opt out of inclusion in division membership directories.

14. Amendments or Replacement

Any Division shall be free to amend or replace its bylaws at any time using

the following procedure:

14.1. Proposed amendments or replacement bylaws may be proposed by

either the Executive Committee or by a petition signed by at least ten

Division members.

14.2. A copy of proposed bylaws or amendments shall be filed with the

Association’s National Office for review before distribution to members for

adoption. If no response is received by the Association within 14 days of


Adopted by Divisions Council – September 2014

service, the Division may proceed with its adoption of the proposed

amendments or replacement bylaws as drafted.

14.3. The Secretary shall submit the proposed amendments or

replacement bylaws to the membership for their consideration.

14.4. Bylaws may be amended by a plurality of the valid ballots received.

Mail or electronic ballots may be used.

14.5. Once approved, the current bylaws shall be filed with the


Bylaws approved by Division Board: September 25, 2015


2016 APA Urban Design and Preservation Division Bylaws Ballot

Thank you for your support of the APA Urban Design and Preservation Division.

This fall, the Executive Committee of the APA Urban Design and Preservation Division approved a revision to the Division bylaws. A draft of these revisions can be viewed online here.

Now, to formally adopt these bylaws, it is time for all Division members to vote on them.

Why these revisions? Two main reasons:

1) APA’s consolidated elections – the revised bylaws make UDP’s elections consistent with this cycle.

2) Update and consistency - The last UDP bylaws on record are from 2007 – before many procedureswe use today were in place. This revision updates the bylaws to be more consistent with currentpractices. The Divisions Council also has created a set of model division bylaws, to create moreconsistency across all divisions, and these bylaws are based on the template offered by the model.

Please cast your vote on these revised bylaws no later than April 15, 2015.

Are you a current member of the Urban Design and Preservation Division?



Your Name

Please indicate your approval of the newly developed Bylaws of the Urban Design and Preservation Division.



What did you work on before and after the NPC? Please identify any events/programs sponsored by your Division (other than those at the National Planning Conference), including the number of participants, revenue generated (if applicable), and CM credits offered (if applicable):

a. Education programs (including webinars, events at local APA conferences, events co- sponsored with other organizations, etc.)

i. November 18 webinar: Best Practices for Production of Plans and Guidelines, Stephanie Grigsby, AICP.

b. Networking/social events (events at local APA conferences, events co-sponsored with other organizations, etc.)

i. Social Meet Up in Denver – April 20, 2016 at the Market. Had two members attend. ii. Social Meet Up in LA – July 7, 2016 at the Standard Hotel. Had a handful of members attend.

c. Recognition events/programs i. Our Division contributed funds to assist the Planning Student Organizations (PSOs) awards program. In addition, our division volunteered time to review PSO nominations and serve as a member of the reviewing jury. This annual program provides a means for student groups to share their ideas, learn from one another, and receive recognition for creative, successful activities.

d. Awards you give out (student papers, scholarships, diversity, etc.) i. In partnership with the Sustainable Communities Division (SCD), the Urban Design and Preservation Division hosted an awards program at the National Planning Conference in Phoenix. Our awards program honor projects, plans, policies, individuals, and organizations representing extraordinary achievements. In 2016, for Sustainable Urban Design or Preservation Plan or Project Award, our Division recognized the City of Alexandria, Virginia. For additional award recipients and information, seehttps://planning.org/divisions/sustainable/awards/.

e. Any Division management meetings/conference calls i. Monthly leadership conference calls. All titled volunteers are invited (@ 20 people). We have typically 5-10 people in attendance. Emily Risinger provides an agenda and notes from the call.

f. Other events i. Not applicable