Urban 3D Semantic Modelling Using Stereo Vision, ICRA 2013

Urban 3D Semantic Modelling Using Stereo Vision Sunando Sengupta 1 , Eric Greveson 2 , Ali Shahrokni 2 , Philip HS Torr 1 1 Oxford Brookes Vision Group, 2 2d3 Sensing.

Transcript of Urban 3D Semantic Modelling Using Stereo Vision, ICRA 2013

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Urban 3D Semantic Modelling Using Stereo Vision

Sunando Sengupta1, Eric Greveson2, Ali Shahrokni2, Philip HS Torr1

1Oxford Brookes Vision Group, 22d3 Sensing.

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Urban 3D Semantic Modelling Road Scene

• Given a sequence of stereo images we generate a dense 3D, semantic model

Input Stereo image Sequence Dense 3D Semantic Model

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• Stereo images

Pipeline –Semantic Reconstruction

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• Depth map generation• Camera estimation

Pipeline –Semantic Reconstruction

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• Surface reconstruction

Pipeline –Semantic Reconstruction

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• Semantic labelling of street view images

Pipeline –Semantic Reconstruction

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• Semantic model generation

Pipeline –Semantic Reconstruction

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Camera Estimation

• Feature tracking using left-right pair and consecutive frames

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Camera Estimation

• Use the feature tracks to estimate camera poses.

• Use bundle adjustment

[a] Andreas Geiger et. Al. Are we ready for Autonomous Driving? The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite CVPR 2012

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Depth-Map Estimation

• Semiglobal block matching[1] for disparity estimation

• Per-pixel depth computed as z = B x f / d

[1] H. Hirschmueller, Stereo Processing by Semi-Global Matching and Mutual Information. PAMI 2008.

B – Baselinef - Focal Length

d – pixel disparity

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Depth Fusion

• Depth estimates are fused using camera poses.

• Fused into truncated signed distance (TSDF) volumetric representation[1].

[1] Brian Curless and Marc Levoy, A Volumetric Method for Building Complex Models from Range Images Siggraph 96.

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TSDF Volume[1]

• Entire space divided into grids of voxels.

• For each voxel compute the truncated signed distance.

– +ve increasing when it lies in the free space, – -ve when it lies behind the surface– zero when lies on the surface

• Performed for all depth maps.

[1] B. Curless et. al. A volumetric method for building complex models from range images.

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TSDF Volume



Actual surface TSDF volume

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TSDF Volume

-1 -.8 -.3 .2 .8 1 1 1

-1 -.9 -.4 .1 .5 1 1 1

-1 -1 -.8 -.2 .1 1 1 1

-1 -1 -.9 -.3 .2 .8 1 1

-1 -1 -.9 -.4 .3 .9 1 1

-1 -1 -.8 -.3 .3 .9 1 1

-1 -1 -.9 -.5 .2 .8 1 1

-1 -1 -.6 .1 .7 1 1 1


TSDF volume

Actual surface

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Incremental Volume Update

• Road scenes are arbitrary length long sequence.

• 3x3x1 volume of voxel grids initialised

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Incremental Volume Update

• Road scenes are arbitrary length long sequence.

• 3x3x1 volume of voxel grids initialised

• Incrementally add volume as the vehicle moves out of the region

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Semantic Image Segmentation• We use conditional random field framework (CRF)

Final SegmentationInput Image


• Each pixel is a node in a grid graph G = (V,E).• Each node is a random variable x taking a label from

label set.


[1] L. Ladicky, C. Russell, P. Kohli, and P. H. Torr, “Associative hierarchical crfs for object class image segmentation,” in ICCV, 2009.

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Semantic Image Segmentation• Total energy E = Epix + Epair + Eregion

• Epix - Model individual pixel’s cost of taking a label.

– Computed via the dense boosting approach– Multi feature variant of texton boost[1]


Car 0.2

Road 0.3

18[1] L. Ladicky, C. Russell, P. Kohli, and P. H. Torr, “Associative hierarchical crfs for object class image segmentation,” in ICCV, 2009.

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Semantic Image Segmentation• Total energy E = Epix + Epair + Eregion

• Epair- Model each pixels neighbourhood interaction.

– Encourages label consistency in adjacent pixels and sensitive to edges.

– Contrast sensitive Potts model xi xj








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Semantic Image Segmentation• Total energy E = Epix + Epair + Eregion

• Eregion - Model behaviour of a group of pixels.

– Encourages all the pixels in a region to take the same label.

– Group of pixels given by a multiple meanshift segmentations


Car 0.3Road 0.1


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Semantic Image Segmentation - Results

• Input Images, output of our image level CRF, ground truths.

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Mesh Face Labelling

• A histogram of labels is built for each mesh face (Zf ), by projecting the points from the face into labelled images.

• Majority label is considered as the label of the face.

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Semantic Model

Top: Left – Surface reconstruction, Right – Semantic modelBottom: Left - input image, Right- object label set

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• The Model is projected back using the estimated camera poses to create labelled images.

• The points in the model far away from the camera are ignored in the projection.

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Evaluation• Metrics– Recall = tp/(tp+fn)– Intersection vs Union = tp/(tp+fn+fp)

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