UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils

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  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Underline the correct answer.

    1. The ( boys , boy ) are playing badminton.

    2. Can I have a plate of ( rice , milk ).

    3. The ( horse , horses) tail is b!shy.

    ". #lease p!t (a little , many ) salt into the so!p.

    $. ( % herd , % staff ) of co&s are gra'ing in the field.

    . The ( t&ins , co!sins ) looks like each other.

    . ( *!ffaloes, +onkeys ) are very !sef!l farm animals.

    . -o! can p!t yo!r pencils in this ( case, p!rse ).

    . %n ( a/!ari!m , aviary ) is a big cage &here birds are kept.

    10. r Tan and his family live in that big ( cave , b!ngalo& ).

    11. he lit the ( candles , cake ) on her da!ghters birthday cake.

    12. %eroplanes from all over the &orld land in this ( port , airport ).

    13. The ( animals , vegetables ) at the 'oo are &ellfed.

    1". r 4ong and his &ife are ( enemies , g!ests ) at my ho!se.

    1$. The ( rose , grasshopper ) is a lovely flo&er.

    1. 5alil and his family are having dinner at the ( shop , resta!rant )

    1. The ( python , goat ) can s&allo& a hen.

    1. They are looking after their ( children , f!rnit!re )

    1. y grandfather is looking for his false ( teeth , spectacles ).

    20. 6er ( a!nt , pet ) is my relative.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Plural forms

    Change the follo&ing into their pl!ral forms by adding 7ies or 7 ves

    1. thief 88888888888888

    2. leaf 88888888888888

    3. &ife 888888888888888

    ". life 888888888888888

    $. half 888888888888888

    . loaf 888888888888888

    . knife 888888888888888

    . calf 888888888888888

    . elf 888888888888888

    10. sheaf 888888888888888

    11. &olf 888888888888888

    12. shelf 888888888888888

    13. baby 888888888888888

    1". lady 888888888888888

    1$. story 888888888888888

    1. fly 888888888888888

    1. city 888888888888888

    1. ferry 888888888888888

    1. lily 888888888888888

    20. lorry 888888888888888


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Synonyms - same meaning

    A. Fill in the blanks with the synonyms given below.

    afraid centre close many

    damp catch collect sly

    dear d!ll easy fail

    gift 9!ngle sad vacant

    yo!ng neat &eep error

    1. frighten 8888888888888 11. simple 8888888888888

    2. tidy 8888888888888 12. gather 8888888888888

    3. old 8888888888888 13. present 8888888888888

    ". !nhappy 8888888888888 1". mistake 8888888888888

    $. empty 8888888888888 1$. c!nning 8888888888888

    . &et 8888888888888 1. e:pensive 8888888888888

    . forest 8888888888888 1. boring 8888888888888

    . middle 8888888888888 1. capt!re 8888888888888

    . cry 8888888888888 1. near 8888888888888

    10. drop 8888888888888 20. n!mero!s 8888888888888


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    *. ;eplace the &ords in bold&ith the correct synonyms.

    1. There are numerouscars on the road.

    888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888882. -o!r &ork is very neat.

    888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888883. There is a giftfor my teacher on Teachers +ay.

    88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888". The man is very rich.

    88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888$. he felt unhaybeca!se she had lost her p!rse.


    . tand in the center of the class.

    88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888. The to&el is dam.

    88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888. In the story rapes? , the fo: is a cunninganimal.

    88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888. 6e &as f!ll of fury&hen he sa& his sons report card.

    8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888810. +o not take offyo!r shoes here.



    remove plenty of &ealthy sad

    present anger middle

    sly tidy &et

  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Fill in the blanks with a' an or the

    1 r @ee bo!ght 8888888 big b!ngalo& last month.

    2 ;amli &ants to be 8888888888 pilot &hen he gro&s !p.

    3. ei @ing is 88888888888 honest girl.

    ". 88888888 fire broke o!t in that ho!se 8888888 ho!r ago.

    $. 88888888 plane is flying high !p in 888888888 sky.

    . y father &orks in 88888888 office.

    Take 8888888 class register to 8888888 office.

    888888888888 earth moves aro!nd 88888888888 s!n.

    abrina gave 88888888 orange to 888888888 beggar o!tside the gate.

    10 8888888888888 s!n rises in 8888888888 east.

    11 he is going to take 888888888 b!s to get to 8888888 rail&ay station.

    12 888888888 bat lives in 8888888888 cave.

    13. y brother st!dies in 88888888 !niversity in A!ala @!mp!r.

    1" he is &earing a 8888888888 !niform to school.

    1$ 888888888888 sky is bl!e.

    1 88888888888 old lady &alked across the b!sy road.

    1 he bo!ght 888888888 !mbrella to school.

    1 %drian is 888888888B!rasian boy.

    1 88888888888 Indian girl in the bl!e dress &as crying 9!st no&.

    20 I sa& 8888888888 eagle flying in 8888888888 sky.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    OPPOS#"& (&AN#N)S

    $hoose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.

    dirty , thin , &eak , small , !gly , ne& , &hite , short

    e:pensive , sad , poor , bl!nt , slo& , dark , shallo&

    diffic!lt , smooth , &ild , a&ake , st!pid

    1. big 888888888888888

    2. bea!tif!l 888888888888888

    3. tall 888888888888888

    ". fair 888888888888888

    $. black 888888888888888

    . deep 888888888888888

    . clean 888888888888888

    . clever 888888888888888

    . old 888888888888888

    10. fat 888888888888888 11. cheap 888888888888888

    12. fast 888888888888888

    13. happy 888888888888888

    1". rich 888888888888888

    1$. ro!gh 888888888888888

    1. tame 888888888888888

    1. sharp 888888888888888

    1. easy 888888888888888

    1. strong 888888888888888

    20. asleep 888888888888888


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Fill in the blanks by using oosites for the underlined words.

    1. %b! is richb!t %hmad is 8888888888888 .

    2. The lady is beautifulb!t the toad is 888888888888888 .

    3. The &ater in the pool is shallowb!t the river is 88888888888888 .

    ". 6e has darkskin b!t his sister has 888888888888 skin.$. y ho!se is cleanb!t the classroom is 88888888888888 .

    . %li is tallb!t his little brother is 88888888888.

    . he has longhair b!t her mother has 888888888888 hair.

    . This dress is e*ensiveb!t that shirt is 88888888888888 .

    . y grandfather is oldb!t my baby sister is 88888888888.

    10. The knife is sharb!t the pencil is 8888888888.

    11. % tiger is a wild animal b!t a cat is a 888888888 animal.

    12. The floor is roughb!t the mirror is 8888888888888 .

    13. 6e is haybeca!se today is his birthday b!t she is 888888888 beca!se her cat

    died 9!st no&.

    1". I am a strongboy b!t my brother is 8888888888888.

    1$. The train moves fastb!t the tortoise is 888888888888888.

    1. The road is broad b!t the lane is very 88888888888888.

    1. he is rudeto&ards her brother b!t her sister is 888888888888.

    1. The b!ngalo& is bigb!t the h!t is 888888888888 .

    1. y friend is fatb!t my sister is 888888888888 .

    20. The room is darkb!t the classroom is 8888888888888.

    21. The shirt is black b!t the dress is 88888888888888888 .

    22. he is a good girl b!t he is a 888888888888888 boy.

    23. This vegetable is rawb!t the fish is 88888888888888888 .

    2". The tea is sweet b!t the !nripe mango is 888888888888888.

    2$. The pencil is shortb!t the r!ler is 888888888888888 .2. The story &ill beginat 2.00 p.m. and 888888888888888 at ".00 p.m.

    2. -o! m!st &ork d!ring the dayand rest at 8888888888888 .

    2. The Bnglish test &as easyb!t the athematics &as 88888888888888 .

    2. This c!p is fullof &ater b!t that glass is 88888888888888 .

    30. 6e is my enemyb!t she is my 88888888888888888 .


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Underline the correct answer.

    1. These thieves ( steel , steal ) in the dead of night.

    2. Clo!ds are not ( stationary , stationery ) they move.

    3. I thre& a&ay the spicy food beca!se it did not ( s!it , soot ) me.

    ". r 4ongs ( son . s!n, ) looks like him.

    $. olly finds the last ( some , s!m ) more diffic!lt than the others.

    . The smart boys ( see , sea ) thro!gh the problems.

    . The old man told !s the ( storey, story ) of #innochio.

    . %s ( son , s!n ) is to moon so is day to night.

    . ( ee , ea ) &ater is saltish it is not drinkable &itho!t p!rifying it.

    10. The ( sale , sail ) of fish is brisk &hen meat is not available.

    11. tainless ( steel, steal) is !sed to make this kitchen !tensils.

    12. (ome, !m) people cannot tell salt from s!gar.

    13. Dne of the colo!rs of the rainbo& is ( red, read)

    1". treet ha&kers (cell, sell) a lot of cold drinks on s!nny days.

    1$. The cobbler is mending my right ( shoo, shoe) .

    1. Aairil likes to eat noodles &ith chilli (so!rce, sa!ce)

    1. % sick person !s!ally looks (pale, pail).1. This ( pear, pair) of scissors is sharp.

    1. 5ack (rode, road) a bicycle to school yesterday.

    20. %kmad looks happy after hearing a ( piece, peace) of good ne&s.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    $O%%&$"#& NOUNS

    For each of the following' underline the correct answer.

    1. %n ( army , cre& , gro!p ) of soldiers marched to the camp.

    2. The deer &as attacked by a ( school, pack, team ) of &olves.

    3. 4hat is that ( set , pair , pack ) of tools doing !nder the car.

    ". There is a ( flock, nest, litter) of mice in the dra&er.

    $. % ( tro!pe, gro!p, party) of dancers came to o!r school concert last year.

    . The small girl sang a song in front of a ( tribe, staff , cre& ) of teachers.

    . I bo!ght a ( comb, bo!/!et , stalk ) of flo&ers for my mother on others +ay.

    . y father bo!ght a ( bar, loaf , slice ) of bread for breakfast.

    . Aassim gave his sick grandmother a ( comb, b!nch, pack ) of grapes.

    10. The girls sa& a ( gang, herd , gro!p ) of co&s in the field.

    11. The office is at the top of that ( flight , ro& , gro!p ) of stairs.

    12. he ordered a ( s!it , s!ite , ro& ) of f!rnit!re for her ne& ho!se.

    13. The boys &ere chased by a ( herd , troop , pack ) of stray dogs.

    1". iss Tan has a ( stack , gro!p , chest ) e:ercise books to mark.

    1$. 4e listened to a ( tro!pe , band , collection ) of m!sicians in the park.

    1. The fisherman sa& a ( school , flock , s&arm ) of &hales in the ocean.1. y father bo!ght a ( string , b!ndle , bo!/!et ) of pearls for my mother.

    1. The ( team , cre& , pride ) of hockey players from my school is very good.

    1. There is a ( heap , collection , b!ndle ) of r!bbish !nder the tree.

    20. #lease sho& me yo!r ( gro!p , collection , pack ) of stamps.

    21. @ast night I sa& a ( collection , cl!ster , bo!/!et ) of stars in the sky.

    22. The #hilippines is made !p a ( string , herd , gro!p ) of islands.

    23. The money is in that ( stack , chest, flights ) of dra&ers.

    2". I sa& a ( troop , herd , gro!p ) of monkeys in the 'oo.

    2$. !th! is looking after his ( flock , herd , gro!p ) of co&s.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    $OUN"A%& AN/ UN$OUN"A%& NOUNS.

    A. Underline the correct answer.

    1. I do not have ( many, m!ch) time to complete my &ork.

    2. Can I have ( some, a fe&) tomato sa!ce.

    3. There are ( m!ch, many) things that yo! can do in yo!r free time.

    ". 4e need ( a lot of, many) energy to carry the c!pboard.

    $. They po!red (some, a fe&) &ater into the vase.

    . I sa& (many, m!ch) animals in the 'oo.

    . The children ate ( some, m!ch) sand&iches.

    . There are only (m!ch, a fe&) pieces of paper left on the table.

    . I need (a lot of , a fe&) money to b!y the e:pensive bracelet.

    10. Eot (many, m!ch) people t!rned !p for the concert.

    11. They &ere scolded beca!se they made ( many, a lot of) noise.

    12. ( % lot of, any) of the children &ere not feeling &ell and had to be sent home.

    13. 4e have got (m!ch, a fe&) ne& teachers this year.

    1". I dont have any money left. Can yo! lend me ( some, m!ch)F

    1$. The miths family &ill spend ( a lot of , a fe&) days in 6a&aii.

    1. There isnt ( many , m!ch ) air in here.1. I can sing ( many , m!ch ) Bnglish songs.

    1. he adds a ( drop , pinch ) of salt to the so!p.

    1. Can I have ( some , little ) syr!p, pleaseF

    20. #lease give me ( a fe& , a little ) pieces of paper.

    21. There arent ( many , m!ch ) flo&ers on that plant.

    22. I do not have ( many , some ) shirts in my c!pboard.

    23. ( any , % lot ) children took part in the colo!ring contest.

    2". The gardener has planted ( some , a lot ) roses in the garden.

    2$. 6o& ( many , m!ch ) colo!red marbles does yo!r brother haveF


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    *. There is only ON&mistake in each sentence. Gnderline it and re&rite each sentence


    B:ample H

    There are too m!ch p!pils in this class.

    There are too manyp!pils in this class.

    1. I &ant any fried rice for l!nch.


    2. 6e does not have m!ch sisters. 6e is an only child.


    3. 4e have a little maga'ines in o!r ho!se.


    ". Is there a lot of onions in the basket.


    $. r @ee has m!ch relatives.


    . That man hasnt some hair on his head.


    . y mother is cooking many so!p.

    888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888. #lease give me a piece of tro!sers.


    . he &ants to give him any cookies.


    10. There are m!ch types of fish in the a/!ari!m.



  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Fill in the blanks with the suitable answers from the table below.


    1. as cold as 888888888888888888

    2. as ro!nd as 8888888888888888

    3. as alike as 8888888888888888888

    ". as timid as 8888888888888888

    $. as pro!d as 88888888888888

    . as hairy as 88888888888888888888

    . as happy as 8888888888888888888

    . as light as8888888888888888888888

    . as brave as 888888888888888888

    10. as blind as 88888888888888888

    11. as h!ngry as 88888888888888888

    12. as gentle as 888888888888888888

    13. as cl!msy as 8888888888888888

    1". as easy as 888888888888888888

    1$. as &hite as 8888888888888888888

    1 as black as 888888888888888888

    1. as lively as 888888888888888888

    1. as ind!strio!s as 88888888888888

    1. as gracef!l as 8888888888888888

    20. as faithf!l as 8888888888888888

    21. as slo& as 8888888888888888

    22. as slippery as 8888888888888

    23. as devoted as 88888888888888

    2". as harmless as 888888888888888

    2$. as cool as 88888888888888888

    2. as cold as 88888888888888

    2. as &ise as 88888888888888888

    2. as tall as 888888888888888888888

    2. as bald as 88888888888888888

    30. as good as 888888888888888

    an o&l a feather a dove a dog a baby

    a cricket a mother a s&an a snail an eel

    an ant a c!c!mber ice an o&l a giant

    coal a lion a mo!se an egg a bear

    a &olf a ball %*C gold a bat

    a lark a gorilla t&o peas sno& a peacock

  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

    1. The teacher &as as b!sy as a 888888888888888888.

    2. The boy can lift the heavy bo:. 6e is as strong as an 888888888888888888.

    3. The cake tastes as s&eet as 88888888888888888888.

    ". %t night the school is as /!iet as the 8888888888888888888888.

    $. The children &ere as happy as a 8888888888888888888888.

    . The little boy is very healthy. 6e is as fit as a 8888888888888888888.

    . The &ater in the pool &as as clear as a 88888888888888888888.

    . The boys are talking lo!dly. They are as lo!d as 888888888888888888888.

    . The sick boy is &eak and he is as thin as a 888888888888888888888888.

    10. The teacher is as fierce as a 88888888888888888888888.

    11. he can dance as gracef!lly as a 8888888888888888888.

    12. The boy is shy beca!se he is as hairy as a 88888888888888888 .

    13. 6e cant lift that bo: beca!se it is as heavy as an 88888888888888 .

    1". incent is good at gymnastics. 6e is as agile as a 8888888888888888 ..

    1$. I can carry that bag beca!se it is as light as a 88888888888888888 .

    1. arimah &on a pri'e and she &as as pro!d as a 88888888888888 .1. I do not like to take medicine. It taste as bitter as a 8888888888888 .

    1. The dro&ning boy looks as helpless as a 8888888888888888 .

    1. he is eating as h!ngrily as a 8888888888888888888 .

    20. !san broke the vase beca!se she is as cl!msy as a 8888888888888



    crystal th!nder honey gorilla baby

    lark bee o: lion feather

    mo!se fiddle rake monkey gall

    peacock bear elephant &olf s&an

  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    A. Fill in the blanks with suitable ronouns.

    1. 888888888888888 plants belong to rs @eong.

    2. %hmad has a c!te cat. 8888888888 is from *angkok.

    3. r and rs @ee took 88888888888 children to the 'oo.

    ". 4e b!ilt the sandcastles all by 88888888888888 .

    $. 888888888888 mother &orks as a teacherF

    . The dog is fierce. 8888888888 barks at strangers.

    . The boys are happy beca!se 8888888888 father bo!ght for them some presents.

    . 88888888888 pen is thisF

    . 88888888888 apples are so!r.

    10. 4e did the home&ork all by 88888888888888888888 .

    11. 8888888888888 is helping his father in the &orkshop.

    12. rs Tan is not at home. he has gone to 8888888888 mothers ho!se.

    13. Those bags belong to my co!sins. 888888888 bo!ght them yesterday.

    1". *adr!l and I &ent to Ipoh last night. 888888888888 &ent there by b!s.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    . Underline the correct answer.

    1. y mother sends 888888888 to school every morning ( me, mine )

    2. 5anet played &ith 888888888 9!st no&. ( her, hers )

    3. I polished 88888888 bicycle this morning. ( my, he )

    ". 888888888888 class is the cleanest. ( D!r, -o!rs )

    $. I fo!nd this !mbrella. I think it belongs to 88888888. ( yo!, their )

    . 8888888888 is helping his father in the &orkshop. ( 6e, he )

    . !th! is not at home. 6e had gone to 8888888 fathers ho!se. ( her, his )

    . y sister and 88888888 like to &atch the sho&. ( me, I )

    . +id yo! tell 88888888 to bring some foodF ( they, them )

    10. 888888888 visited relatives in *at! #ahat on !nday. ( 4e, Gs )

    11. #lease give 8888888888 some dog food. ( it, its )

    12. 88888888888 are &ild animals. ( This, These )

    13. +o not go near 88888888888 . ( they, them )

    1". 88888888888888 is an architect. ( 6e, 6im )

    1$. I sa& 8888888888 at the market last &eek. ( her, him )


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    #N"&!!O)A"#& P!ONOUNS

    $hoose the correct answers to fill in the blanks.

    1. 88888888888888 is the longest r!ler among the threeF

    2. 88888888888888 is yo!r brother &orkingF

    3. 888888888888888 did she ask yo! to doF

    ". 888888888888888 child is thatF

    $. 888888888888888 did yo! get here so fastF

    . 888888888888888 is yo!r Bnglish e:aminationF

    . 888888888888888 are yo! sitting in a dark roomF

    . 888888888888888 is yo!r carF

    . 888888888888888 is yo!r ambitionF

    10. 888888888888888 is yo!r schoolF

    11. 888888888888888 &as she la!ghing 9!st no&F

    12. 888888888888888 did yo! meet in the shopF

    13. 888888888888888 are yo! lateF

    1". 888888888888888 bags are thoseF

    1$. 888888888888888 are the school holidaysF

    1. 888888888888888 did yo! spend yo!r timeF

    1. 888888888888888 did she h!rt her handF

    1. 888888888888888 does he liveF

    1. To 88888888888 did this ho!se belongF

    20. ay I kno& 8888888888 is on the lineF


    What Who Whom Whose

    Which When How Why Where

  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    0U&S"#ON "A)S

    $omlete these statements with a question tag.

    1. *en is &orried, 8888888888 F

    2. %nita sho!ld tell the teacher, 888888888888 F

    3. Chee Aeong isnt back, 888888888888 F

    ". y mother co!ldnt come, 88888888888 F

    $. -o! &ere at the sho& last night, 8888888888F

    . The movie &asnt interesting, 888888888888 F

    . 5enny has a pet rabbit, 8888888888 F

    . 4e havent met for a long time, 88888888888 F

    . ei @eng is yo!r sister, 888888888888 F

    10. Eathan doesnt live here, 888888888888 F

    11. 6e didnt &atch the movie, 888888888888 F

    12. -o! havent voted, 888888888888 F

    13. Tommy &ill come, 888888888888 F

    1". !sie sho!ld be here no&, 8888888888888 F

    1$. %hmad &ont talk to yo!, 88888888888 F

    1. The children &ere feeling sad, 8888888888888 F

    1. y neighbo!rs arent polite, 8888888888888 F

    1. -o! havent seen her, 8888888888888 F

    1. +avid didnt talk to yo!, 888888888888 F

    20. They co!ld play very &ell , 8888888888888 F


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Underline the correct conjunctionsin each of the following sentences.

    1. They had to leave early ( beca!se, !ntil ) they had another meeting to attend.

    2. -o! &ill not be able to solve it ( !nless, since ) yo! !nderstand this /!estion.

    3. y brother slept early( so that, beca!se ) he co!ld get !p early the ne:t morning.

    ". @inda &as in %!stralia ( &hile, since ) her h!sband &as in ingapore.

    $.. I like reading story books ( b!t, and ) I dont like dra&ing.

    . he had finished cleaning the ho!se ( and, altho!gh) the cooking before theycame.

    . y father speaks 5apanese ( as &ell as, as soon as ) Bnglish.

    . >ive me back my book ( after, !ntil ) yo! have finished reading it.

    . 4ash yo!r hands ( before, both ) yo! to!ch the baby.

    10. y brother has not come back ( altho!gh, since ) this morning.

    11. !san did not hear me ( !nless, altho!gh ) I called her t&ice.

    12. 6e co!ld not play football ( beca!se, so ) he had h!rt his leg.

    13. They stayed her overnight ( so, since ) it &as too late to go home.

    1". 6e acted ( as good as, as if ) he o&ned the company.

    1$. ( *eca!se, %ltho!gh) she kne& the ans&er, she did not tell her friend.

    1. ( Eeither, Bither ) my mother nor my father &as home last night.

    1. I &ill go ( either, neither ) to %!stralia or 5apan to contin!e my st!dies.

    1. 4o!ld yo! come by car ( and, or ) b!sF

    1. -o! cannot go for the trip ( !ntil, !nless ) yo! pay !p the registration fee.

    20. The painting is very big ( so, and ) it is bea!tif!l.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    SU1&$" - &! A)!&&(&N"

    Underline the correct verb in the following sentences.

    1. 6ard &ork ( is, are ) important to be s!ccessf!l.

    2. %nybody can ( &alk, &alks ) into the room.

    3. y !ncle and a!nt ( live, lives ) in ydney.

    ". Bach boy and girl ( has, have ) a balloon.

    $. Eeither my mother nor sister ( stay, stays ) &ith me.

    . They &ill ( have, has ) a holiday tomorro&.

    . Bither yo! or 5ohnathan ( is, are) singing in the concert.

    . omeone ( is, are ) standing o!tside the room.

    . @ife ( is, are ) f!ll of s!rprises.

    10. There ( is, are ) a lot of e:citement in their ho!se.

    11. y favo!rite food ( is, are ) a b!rger.

    12. The people of the co!ntry ( is, are ) very happy &ith their Aing.

    13. Eeither yo! nor she ( has, have ) the right to sho!t at me.

    1". *oth Cindy and ary ( is, are ) sisters.

    1$. The teacher ( do, does ) not have m!ch money left.

    1. It ( is, are ) better to be healthy than &ealthy.

    1. Bvery one of !s ( is , are ) in the Bnglish society.

    1. The boy ( has, have ) a ne& book.

    1. The children ( has, have ) many erasers.

    20. Dne of the boys ( is, are ) dra&ing a pict!re.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    Fill in the blanks with the correct reosition.

    1. +id yo! meet r @im 888888888 the meeting yesterdayF

    2. he hid the dirt 88888888888 the carpet.

    3. +ont &alk 88888888888 the dog. It might bite yo!.

    ". onicas birthday is 88888888888 the 3rdof Dctober.

    $. The baby has been sick 8888888888 a fe& days.

    . I received a letter 88888888 my sister &ho is st!dying 8888888 @ondon.

    . ;emember to s&itch off the lights 88888888 yo! leave the room.

    . The ball rolled 88888888 the stairs and fell 88888888 the drain.

    . The clinic &ill be closed 888888888 the p!blic holidays.

    10. 5ames &orks 88888888 an acco!ntant in a bank.

    11. y grandmother left her spectacles 8888888888 the table.

    12. I am looking for a piece 888888888 paper to &rite a letter.

    13. The man ran 88888888 of the b!rning ho!se.

    1". The manager came in 8888888888 ten oclock this morning.

    1$. !nita &ent to the library 88888888888 her sister.

    1. 4o!ld yo! like a glass 8888888888 milkF

    1. 6ave yo! read the book &ritten 88888888888 5.A. ;o&lingF

    1. There is a parcel 88888888 yo!. I think it is 888888888 yo!r co!sin.

    1. The dog ran 88888888888 the thief.

    20. %le: is good 888888888888 dra&ing.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    $O(PA!#SON OF A/1&$"#&S

    Underline the correct answer.

    1. y mother has a ( big, bigger, biggest ) car than my !ncle.

    2. hanti is the (slim, slimmer, slimmest ) lady in the office.

    3. The little girl has the ( s&eet, s&eeter, s&eetest ) smile I have ever seen.

    ". This steak is (to!gh, to!gher, to!ghest).

    $. -o!r hand&riting is ( neat, neater, neatest ) than mine.

    . Blephants are ( strong, stronger, strongest ) animals.

    . %s far as I kno&, my mother bakes the ( good, better, best ) cheese cake.

    . *ees are considered the ( b!sy, b!sier, b!siest) insects.

    . o!nt Bverest is the ( high, higher, highest) mo!ntain in the &orld.

    10. This is the ( bad, &orse, &orst) fire in the last si' months.

    11. 4illiam r!ns the ( fast, faster, fastest ) in his class.

    12. +o yo! kno& &hich is the ( long, longer, longest ) river in the &orldF

    13. *oth the sisters are as ( tall, taller, tallest ) as their mother.

    1". Can yo! speak ( lo!d, lo!der, lo!dest) F I cant hear yo! from here.

    1$. r Teo is the (rich , richer, richest) b!sinessman man in to&n.

    1. he is (good, better, best) than me at cooking.

    1. @isa is the ( fair, fairer, fairest)in my class.

    1. Taiping is the ( &et, &etter, &ettest) to&n in alaysia.

    1. There is (little, less, least) &ater in the 9!g.

    20. There is ( m!ch, more, most ) s!gar in the bo&l than the c!p.


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    $omlete the table of ad2ectives below.

    Ad2ective $omarative Suerlative






















  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Past "ense 3 !egular erbs

    >ive the ans&ers for the follo&ing.

    1. &alk 88888888888888888888

    2. play 88888888888888888888

    3. boil 88888888888888888888

    ". &ash 88888888888888888888

    $. kick 88888888888888888888

    . lock 88888888888888888888

    . &atch 88888888888888888888

    . clean 88888888888888888888

    . se& 88888888888888888888

    10. d!st 88888888888888888888

    11. paint 88888888888888888888

    12. fry 88888888888888888888

    13. st!dy 88888888888888888888

    1". pray 88888888888888888888

    1$. try 88888888888888888888

    1. cry 88888888888888888888

    1. dry 88888888888888888888

    1. live 88888888888888888888

    1. &ipe 88888888888888888888

    20. smile 88888888888888888888


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Past "ense

    !egular verbs

    Gse the &ords in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

    1. Aamal 88888888888888 his grandfather in the village . (visit, visited)

    2. They 8888888888 fr!its at the orchard.( pl!cking, pl!cked)

    3. iti 88888888888888 after he sisters &hen her mother &as a&ay. (look, looked)

    ". y mother 888888888888888 chicken rice last night. (cooking, cooked)

    $. arimah and Aarina 88888888888888 the clothes and dried them o!tside.

    (&ashing, &ashed)

    . Aamal 88888888888888 to school yesterday beca!se his bicycle broke do&n.

    (&alked, &alk)

    . +avid &as bored, so he 88888888888888 a movie last night. (&atch, &atched)

    . @im and hini 8888888888888888888 the desks and chairs 9!st no&. (arrange,


    . 5ok!n 888888888888888888 a fe& books from the library 9!st no&. (borro&ing,


    10.he 8888888888888888888 &ith the headmaster an ho!r ago. (talk, talked)

    11.The boys 888888888888888888 in the river yesterday evening.( playing, played)

    12.4hen they 88888888888888888 the 'oo, they bo!ght the tickets at the co!nter. (reach, reached)

    13.y grandmother 8888888888888888 some chilli seeds in the garden. (plants,


    1".y father and my !ncle 888888888888888888888 the ho!se last !nday.( paint,


    1$.#!an inah 888888888888888888 a hammer to hit the nail into the &all. (!sing,



  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Past "ense- #rregular erbs

    4rite the imple #ast Tense for the follo&ing.

    1. go 8888888888888888888

    2. eat 888888888888888888

    3. sit 888888888888888888

    ". see 8888888888888888888

    $. r!n 8888888888888888888

    . give 8888888888888888888

    . find 8888888888888888888

    . dig 8888888888888888888

    . sell 8888888888888888888

    10. send 8888888888888888888

    11. sink 8888888888888888888

    12. lose 8888888888888888888

    13. take 8888888888888888888

    1". blo& 8888888888888888888

    1$. sell 8888888888888888888

    1. gro& 8888888888888888888

    1. lay 8888888888888888888

    1. sing 8888888888888888888

    1. make 8888888888888888888

    20. ring 8888888888888888888


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Past "ense

    #rregular erbs

    Gse the &ords in the brackets to fill in the blanks.

    1. 6e 888888888 clerk t&o years ago ( is, &as )

    2. 5ohn 88888888 a toy to his sister. ( gives, gave )

    3. aria 888888888 part in the netball game. ( take, took )

    ". 4e 8888888888 a good meal at home last night. ( have, had )

    $. %fter the game, 5ohan 88888888 home by b!s. ( goes, &ent )

    . Those boys 888888888 at the canteen d!ring the recess. ( are, &ere )

    . 5ason 888888888 a sand&ich for l!nch this afternoon. ( eats, ate )

    . %li 88888888 the second pri'e for his story last &eek. ( &in, &on )

    . rs 4ong 88888888888 a maga'ine from the shop. ( b!y, bo!ght )

    10. They 8888888888 the &ooden table in the hall. ( p!t, p!ts )

    11. The boys 88888888 back late after the football match. ( come, came )

    12. @inda 888888888 the song s&eetly, so everyone clapped lo!dly.

    ( sings, sang )

    13. The &oman 8888888888 bitterly &hen she heard the sad ne&s.

    ( cries, cried )

    1". The children 888888888 in the clean &ater. ( s&am, s&im )

    1$. harmila 88888888 a lot of &ater beca!se the food &as very spicy.

    ( drinks, drank )


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    #nfinitive 4to5

    1. 6e &ants to 88888888888888888 chicken c!rry.(eat, eats)

    2. They &anted to 88888888888888888 in the park.(play, played)

    3. he &ent !p the stage to 88888888888888888888 a song.(sing, sand)

    ". It is going to 8888888888888888888 soon. (raining, rain)

    $. The boys are trying to 88888888888888888888888 on the radio. ( s&itched,


    . The children are happy to 88888888888888888 the ne&s.(hear, head)

    . The men are helping to 888888888888888888 the paddy.(harvest, harvested)

    . I had to 88888888888888 at the canteen. (sitting, sit)

    . -o! m!st try to 88888888888888888 yo!r &ork.( finish, finishes)

    10.They have to 8888888888888888 to @ondon to visit their grandmother. (visit,


    11.6e helped his mother to 8888888888888888 the basket. (carried, carry)

    12.6e ran to the telephone booth to 8888888888888888 the police. (calls, call)

    13.The &omen &ill have to 88888888888888 the heavy bo:es. (carried, carry)

    1".omeone has to 888888888888888 the door.(opened, open)

    1$.They &ent to the river to 888888888888888 some fish.(ca!ght, catch)


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils


    Present $ontinuous "ense

    Choose the correct ans&ers and fill in the blanks.

    1. 1.The boys 88888888888888888888888888 in the playgro!nd. ( is playing, areplaying)

    2. The &oman 88888888888888888888 the floor &ith a broom. ( is s&eeping, ams&eeping)

    3. The little girl 88888888888888888888888 an icecream.( are eating, is eating)

    ". The man &ith a songkok 88888888888888888888 some fish. (am choosing, ischoosing)

    $. % &oman 888888888888888888888 some oranges into a plastic bag. ( is p!tting,are p!tting)

    . The girl 888888888888888888888 after the children.(is looking, are looking)

    . ome people 888888888888888888888 !nder the tree. ( are standing, isstanding)

    . The children 88888888888888888888888888 in the sea. ( am s&imming, ares&imming)

    . The men 8888888888888888888888 on the bench in the park. ( is sitting, aresitting)

    10.% boy 8888888888888888888888 a book !nder the tree. (is reading, arereading)

    11.The birds 888888888888888888888 in the sky. (is flying, are flying)

    12. y mother 888888888888888888888888 some cookies in the kitchen. (isbaking, are baking)

    13.The girls 88888888888888888888888 aro!nd the field. (are r!nning, is r!nning)

    1".The man and the &oman 888888888888888888888 television in the living room.(is &atching, are &atching)

    1$.The &aiter 888888888888888888888888 some food to the c!stomers. (isserving, are serving)


  • 8/14/2019 UPSR English - Grammar - Worksheets for Weaker Pupils



    asc!line =eminine

    1 boy

    2 man

    3 brother

    " grandfather

    $ a!nt





    10 &aiter

    11 father

    12 host

    13 bride

    1" landlord

    1$ &ido&

    1 h!sband

    1 gentleman

    1 prince

    1 son

    20 actor