UPS FINALlll · 3rvoryqh vwxglmh %xvlqhvv 6wxglhv 9roxph ,vvxh ss ghyhorshg whfkqlfdo...

3RVORYQH VWXGLMH %XVLQHVV 6WXGLHV 9ROXPH ,VVXH SS 3RVORYQH VWXGLMH %XVLQHVV 6WXGLHV 9ROXPH ,VVXH SS ýDVRSLV ]D SRVORYQX WHRULMX L SUDNVX 8'. > 7KH SDSHU VXEPLWWHG '2, 326/ 7KH SDSHU DFFHSWHG 5HYLHZ /XJRQMD $OHNVDQGDU )DFXOW\ RI (FRQRPLFV 8QLYHUVLW\ RI %DUL ,WDO\ DOHNVDQGDUOXJRQMD#JPDLOFRP .QHåHYLü 0DULMD 7KH )DFXOW\ RI 7RXULVP DQG +RWHO 0DQDJHPHQW 8QLYHUVLW\ RI %XVLQHVV 6WXGLHV %DQMD /XND %RVQLD DQG +HU]HJRYLQD *UXPR 5RVDOLQD )DFXOW\ RI (FRQRPLFV 8QLYHUVLW\ RI %DUL ,WDO\ 7+( 52/( 2) 63$7,$/ 3/$11,1* )25 6867$,1$%/( 7285,60 '(9(/230(17 ,1 %261,$ $1' +(5=(*29,1$ 6XPPDU\ Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina began to develop in the second half of 20th century, since when a registered a continuous growth of tourists (with the exception of the wartime period from 1992 to 1995).However, as a result of negative trends in the last 20 years in the practice appeared a model of tourism exploitation toward the realization of a quick profit, wrong exploitation of natural and anthropogenic values. The negative trends in the tourism industry of B&H can be overcome by responsible planning and applying the concepts and principles of sustainability. Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska and spatial plans of cantons the Federation of B&H are defined zone of tourism. These plans are not defined models of development, priorities in tourism, location new destination, protection zones and the like. These and similar questions should be found in spatial plans at the local level, but mostly no. It is also not defined model of planning in B&H as well as in some developed countries, which is essential for sustainable tourism development. The concept of spatial planning is an important concept for achieving the benefits of the tourism sector for localities, the public and the environment. This article tackles the role and importance of spatial planning for the development of sustainable tourism concept in B&H, with an emphasis on the legislative documents and spatial planning documentations. The aim of this article is to point out the importance of spatial planning for further the sustainable tourism development in B&H. The prospect of European spatial development is crucial to understand, from the perspective of EU accession to the role of spatial planning and sustainable regional tourism development. .H\ ZRUGV spatial planning; tourism; sustainable tourism development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

Transcript of UPS FINALlll · 3rvoryqh vwxglmh %xvlqhvv 6wxglhv 9roxph ,vvxh ss ghyhorshg whfkqlfdo...

Page 1: UPS FINALlll · 3rvoryqh vwxglmh %xvlqhvv 6wxglhv 9roxph ,vvxh ss ghyhorshg whfkqlfdo lqiudvwuxfwxuh zklfk duh lqvxiilflhqwo\ frqqhfwhg zlwk lwv qhljkeruv dqg

Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina began to develop in the second half of 20th century, since when a registered a continuous growth of tourists (with the exception of the wartime period from 1992 to 1995).However, as a result of negative trends in the last 20 years in the practice appeared a model of tourism exploitation toward the realization of a quick profit, wrong exploitation of natural and anthropogenic values. The negative trends in the tourism industry of B&H can be overcome by responsible planning and applying the concepts and principles of sustainability. Spatial Plan of the Republic of Srpska and spatial plans of cantons the Federation of B&H are defined zone of tourism. These plans are not defined models of development, priorities in tourism, location new destination, protection zones and the like. These and similar questions should be found in spatial plans at the local level, but mostly no. It is also not defined model of planning in B&H as well as in some developed countries, which is essential for sustainable tourism development. The concept of spatial planning is an important concept for achieving the benefits of the tourism sector for localities, the public and the environment. This article tackles the role and importance of spatial planning for the development of sustainable tourism concept in B&H, with an emphasis on the legislative documents and spatial planning documentations. The aim of this article is to point out the importance of spatial planning for further the sustainable tourism development in B&H. The prospect of European spatial development is crucial to understand, from the perspective of EU accession to the role of spatial planning and sustainable regional tourism development.

spatial planning; tourism; sustainable tourism development.

R58, Z32


Page 2: UPS FINALlll · 3rvoryqh vwxglmh %xvlqhvv 6wxglhv 9roxph ,vvxh ss ghyhorshg whfkqlfdo lqiudvwuxfwxuh zklfk duh lqvxiilflhqwo\ frqqhfwhg zlwk lwv qhljkeruv dqg



Page 3: UPS FINALlll · 3rvoryqh vwxglmh %xvlqhvv 6wxglhv 9roxph ,vvxh ss ghyhorshg whfkqlfdo lqiudvwuxfwxuh zklfk duh lqvxiilflhqwo\ frqqhfwhg zlwk lwv qhljkeruv dqg


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spatial planning achieves its social, economic and environmental aims by securing community benefits from development and by promoting prudent use of land and natural sources for development

“methods used largely by public to influence the future distribution of activities in space”


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B&H Level Government

Local Government





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Page 10: UPS FINALlll · 3rvoryqh vwxglmh %xvlqhvv 6wxglhv 9roxph ,vvxh ss ghyhorshg whfkqlfdo lqiudvwuxfwxuh zklfk duh lqvxiilflhqwo\ frqqhfwhg zlwk lwv qhljkeruv dqg





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International Journal of Tourism Research.

CurrentIssues in Tourism


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GlasnikSrpskog geografskog društva

Tourism How effective management makes the difference

The Journal of Tourism Studies.

Current Issues in Tourism.


Basic Principles of Sustainable Development

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies

Turizam i prostor

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva

Zbornik radova Departmana za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo.

Glasnik Srpskog geografskog društva. Glasnik

Srpskog geografskog društva

Journal of Travel Research


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Službenenovine Federacije BiH

Službeni glasnik Republike Srpske