Upper intermediate listening level 5

AmerEngli sh Live Free / Speak Free PRESENTS


This is part 5 of my upper intermediate listening. It will help you learn more vocabulary and practice listening to dialogues and talks, both short and long.

Transcript of Upper intermediate listening level 5

Page 1: Upper intermediate listening level 5

AmerEnglishLive Free / Speak Free


Page 2: Upper intermediate listening level 5

Upper Intermediate Listening Level 5



Long Talks

Complete the


Short Talks

Page 3: Upper intermediate listening level 5


In this section you will hear a word and a sentence using the word. From this decide which of the answers is the correct meaning for that word.

After you have made your choice click on “Check Answer” button. If you still need to, you can click on the “Text” button to read along also.

When you are ready click the “Continue” button.


Page 4: Upper intermediate listening level 5

1. Dense – This is really a dense forest.

n. a thought or picture in the mind; a belief

ad. close together; thick

n. a period of time equal to twelve months

n. an adult female human

Check Answer Text

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Check Answer Text

Substance – What is this substance made of?

n. the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)

v. to give reasons for; to make clear

ad. the most good

v. to take quickly by force; to take control of quickly

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Trick – Stop playing tricks on me.

n. a thing to sit on; a place to sit or the right to sit there

ad. of or about more than one nation or many nations; of the whole world

v. to cheat; to fool a person so as to get something or make him or her do something

v. to go from one place to another, usually for a long distance

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Quick – You must be quick to beat him in this game.

ad. fast

n. the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon

n. a food grain

ad. only; very shortly before or after the present

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Wheat – I love to have wheat bread with a sandwich.

v. to express happiness or pleasure when someone arrives or something develops

n. a grain used to make bread; the plant that produces the grain

n. a strong chance of suffering injury, damage or loss

n. a valued white metal

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Act – How can anyone act the way you have been lately?

v. to take part in; to become a part of

v. to study or examine all information about an event, situation or charge; to search for the truth

ad. having a large distance between two opposite surfaces; having many parts close together

v. to do something

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Sign – You must sign your name here, please.

v. to force a gas or liquid up, into or through

ad. on every side (of)

n. the ability to control or direct others; control

v. to write one's name

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Port – Where is the main port for cargo ships?

n. a large collection of money, jewels or other things of great value

n. a city where ships load or unload goods; a place on a coast where ships can be safe from a storm

ad. not guilty of a crime; not responsible for a bad action

n. an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies

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Receive – You will receive the check in the mail.

v. to give support; to assist

n. an amount that is more than is needed; extra

v. to get or accept something given, offered or sent

ad. each one; all

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Local – What is the local weather there this time of year?

v. to cause to lose in a battle or struggle

ad. about or having to do with one place

n. the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept less than first demanded

n. the money a person or business must pay to the government so the government can provide services

Page 14: Upper intermediate listening level 5

Dialogue Completion

In this section, you will hear part of a conversation. You will have to choose the best sentence to complete it. Looking at the picture will help you also, but if you need to just click on “Text” to read along.

When you have made your choice click on “Check Answer” to see if you are correct.

When you are ready, just click the “Continue” button.


Page 15: Upper intermediate listening level 5


Check Answer Text

a. I’m hungry, Annie.

b. Me too. Let’s make something.

a. How about pancakes?


On the weekend.

For my friends.

That’s a good idea.




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a. What did you do last night?

b. I watched the new TV show about doctors.

a. Did you like it?

Not really.

No, you can’t.

Late at night.




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a. Excuse me.

b. Yes, how can I help you?

a. I’m looking for a dress.

Yes, they are.

We have some over here.

That will be 40 dollars.

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a. I finished my letter to Grandma.

b. Did you send it already?

a. No, I need some stamps.

About three days.

I took the message.

They’re in my desk.

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a. Have you been to the new movie theater?

b. No, but I’m going this weekend.

a. How will you get there?

My friend lives there.

I’m going to take the bus.

It’s about 10 kilometers.

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a. How was your birthday?

b. It was fun.

a. Did you do anything special?

I went to dinner with my family.

I’m now 13.

It’s next Wednesday.

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a. Do you know where Mt. Logan is?

b. It’s in Canada.

a. Do you know where in Canada?

I think it’s pretty cold.

I think it’s pretty high.

I think it’s in the west.

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a. Where are you going?

b. To the library. I need a book.

a. Well, hurry. Dinner is almost ready.

I’m late for school

I already read it.

I’ll be right back.

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a. I got my math test back, Dad.

b. How did you do?

a. I got the best grade in the class.

No problem.

Well done.

Good luck.

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a. You look tired.

b. I just finished a big report.

a. How long did it take?

Most of the day.

Not yet.

For tomorrow’s meeting.

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a. Here’s a mirror.

b. Thank you

a. How do you like your hair cut?


I’ll get it.

That’s mine.

It’s perfect.

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In this part you will hear 10 dialogues followed by 1 question. Listen to the dialogue and the question then chose the correct answer. Remember there is only one correct answer.

If you need to, click on the “Text” button to read as you listen. When you have made you choice click on the “Show Answer” button.

When you are ready just click the “Continue” button.


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Check Answer Text





a. Can you drive me to the bookstore, Mom?

b. Sorry, I’m busy. You’ll have to take the bus, Jim.

a. OK. I’ll ride my bike, then.

b. Good idea.

Question: How will Jim go to the bookstore?

By bike

By bus

By car

By train

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a. What should we do today, Sara?

b. I want to enjoy this beautiful weather.

a. OK. Let’s have a picnic in the park.

b. Sounds fun.

Question: What will they do today?

Have a picnic.

Go to the beach.

Stay home.

Watch a movie.

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a. How did you like your steak, Mary?

b. It was delicious. How was your chicken, Bob?

a. It was great.

b. Let’s get some dessert.

Question: What did Bob have?

A steak

A hamburger

Some chicken

Some cake

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a. I’d like to send this package to China, please.

b. Certainly, ma’am. What’s in the box?

a. Some books.

b. OK. That will be $50.

Question: Where are they talking?

In a library.

In a Chinese restaurant.

In a bank.

In a post office.

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a. Are you going to Jessica’s violin concert today, Greg?

b. No. I have to practice with my band.

a. Oh, what do you play? The guitar?

b. No, I play the drums.

Question: What does Greg play in his band?

The piano

The drums

The violin

The guitar

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a. Is that your text book on the kitchen table, Daniel?

b. No, it’s Tim’s.

a. can you give it to him?. I need to clean the table.

b. He’s at the park, so I’ll put it in his room.

Question: What will Daniel do now?

Clean his room.

Help Tim with his homework.

Go to the park.

Put the text book in Tim’s room

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a. It’s Mom’s birthday next Sunday.

b. Do you want to buy a present together?

a. All right. Let’s look for one on Saturday.

b. Yeah, we can go to the new shopping center.

Question: What will they do on Saturday?

Look for a present.

Have a birthday party.

Help her mother.

Make a birthday cake

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a. Let’s go jogging Saturday.

b. I can’t. I have to go to the dentist. How about Sunday morning?

a. I have a swimming lesson then, but I’m free in the afternoon.

b. OK. Let’s go then.

Question: When will they go jogging?

Saturday morning

Saturday afternoon

Sunday morning

Sunday afternoon

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a. Are you busy, Dad?

b. No, why?

a. I’m too scared to watch this DVD alone. Can you watch it with me?

b. OK. I’ll get some snacks.

Question: What does the girl want her father to do?

Take her to the movies.

Buy her some snacks.

Get her a book.

Watch a DVD with her.

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a. Did you finish your homework, Jill?

b. Not yet. I’m playing a computer game.

a. Again? I told you to do your homework first.

b. Sorry, Dad.

Question: Why is Jill’s father angry?

Jill lost a soccer game.

Jill hasn’t done her homework.

Jill broke her computer.

Jill hasn’t cleaned her room.

Page 37: Upper intermediate listening level 5

Short Talks

In this part you will hear 10 short talks followed by 1 question each. Listen to the talk and the question, then chose the correct answer. Remember there is only one correct answer.

If you need to, click on the “Text” button to read as you listen. When you have made you choice click on the “Show Answer” button.

When you are ready just click the “Continue” button.


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Check Answer Text

Yesterday, I found a cake in the kitchen. My mother said it was for my grandfather’s birthday. He came to our house for dinner. After dinner, we enjoyed the cake.

Question: Whose birthday was it yesterday?





The boy’s.

The boy’s mother’s.

The boy’s grandmother’s.

The boy’s grandfather’s.

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Mr. Kato studies English three times a week. Next month, he’s moving to London. He’s going to work there for a year. He is excited about living in London.

Question: How long will Mr. Kato be in London?

For one week.

For three weeks.

For one year.

For three years.

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I was busy at school this week. I practiced soccer on Monday and Tuesday. I had to talk to my math teacher after school on Wednesday. And I took tests on Thursday and Friday.

Question: When did the boy talk to his math teacher?

On Tuesday.

On Wednesday.

On Thursday.

On Friday.

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Ricky likes sports. He plays tennis with his family. He also goes swimming with his friends on the weekend. But his favorite sport is baseball. He loves watching it on TV.

Question: Which sport does Ricky like best?





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I like Korean food, so I travel to Korea every summer. I usually fly there, but I decided to take a ferry this year. It was cheaper, and it was a lot of fun.

Question: What is the man talking about?

His favorite restaurant.

Meeting a Korean friend.

Going to Korea.

A new airport.

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Today, there was a big sale at the shopping center near Henry’s house. Henry bought some shoes. His mother got a coat. His brother and sister didn’t buy anything.

Question: Who bought a coat?


Henry’s sister.

Henry’s brother.

Henry’s mother.

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Ok, students, that’s the end of class. After school, I’ll be in the teacher’s room. Come and see me if you have any questions. Good luck on tomorrow’s test.

Question: What will the students do tomorrow?

Take a test.

Go to the teacher’s room.

Go on a school trip.

Start their summer vacation.

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I’m a college student. This summer, I went to Africa with a volunteer group to help sick children. I worked in a hospital in a small village. After college, I hope to work as a doctor in Africa.

Question: What does the woman want to do after college?

Build a hospital.

Start a volunteer group.

Teach at a college.

Work in Africa.

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I like my English teacher. His classes are fun because he plays games with us and shows us movies. My friends and I like talking to him during our lunch break, too.

Question: Who is the boy talking about?

His teacher.

His father.

His friend.

His uncle.

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When I came home from shopping yesterday, I couldn’t find my wallet. It wasn’t in my bag or in my car. Finally I called the store, and they had it there.

Question: What was the woman looking for?

Her pen.

Her car.

Her wallet.

Her bag.

Page 48: Upper intermediate listening level 5

Long Talks

In this part you will hear a six talks followed by a series of questions and two pictures listening exercises. Listen to the talk, then press the down arrow to go to the questions, then chose the correct answer for each question. Remember there is only one correct answer. At any time you may listen to the talk by pressing the sound icon ( ).

If you need to, click on the “Text” button to read as you listen. When you have made you choice click on the “Show Answer” button.

When you are ready just click the “Continue” button.


Page 49: Upper intermediate listening level 5

(Woman): Managers, I'd like to thank you for coming to our staff meeting this morning. As you know, the company has been experiencing financial difficulties lately, resulting in the loss of many of our valuable employees, people who have worked under your management. Although we hope that a continuation of layoffs will not be necessary to recoup our status, we may have another round of dismissals in the near future. If we must continue the layoffs, I will need a list of two people from each department whom you could afford to lose if necessary. I know this isn't easy, and it may not happen. I just want to make you aware that it is a possibility. Any questions?


Listen first:


Page 50: Upper intermediate listening level 5

1. Where did this speech take place?(A) In the boardroom(B) In a staff meeting(C) In a teleconference(D) In the break room

2. What is the purpose of the woman's speech?

(A) To tell people they are being laid off(B) To tell managers to lay people off(C) To warn managers that a lay off may be coming(D) To regain company morale by announcing bonuses.

3. What does the woman ask the managers to do?

(A) Select two people from their department to possibly lay off.(B) Warn the people in the department that they're losing their jobs.(C) Come in an extra day to make up for the failing work force.(D) Cut back their own hours to make up for the monetary losses.

Check Answers

Listen Again

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(Man) Thanks for agreeing to meet with me, Mr. Finch. I know as the head of Finance, you're a busy man. I'd like to talk with you about our new hire in Accounting. She is doing great! She comes into work on time, stays late when I need her to, and consistently does a great job on whatever assignments I provide her. I know that you said her position was not permanent, but I'd truly like you to consider hiring her on full-time. She would be a valuable asset to our company because of her willingness to go the extra mile. I wish I had ten employees just like her. If you consider bringing her on, I'll take full responsibility for getting her over to Human Resources, and training her so she's the best she can be. Will you consider it?


Listen first:


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1. In which department does the new hire work?(A) Human Resources(B) Finance(C) Accounting(D) None of the above

2. What does the man want?

(A) The new hire to be a full-time employee.(B) A new intern to help with the workload.(C) The manager to increase his pay.(D) The manager to fire the new hire.

Check Answers

Listen Again

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(A) Asked for more responsibility, organized a fund-raiser, and instituted new policies.(B) Come into work on time, listened to her coworkers, and implemented changes to the old systems.(C) Asked for more responsibility, organized meetings, and filed office papers.(D) Come into work on time, stayed late when necessary, and gone the extra mile.

3. What things has the new hire done to earn the manager's admiration?

Check Answer

Listen Again

Page 54: Upper intermediate listening level 5

I used to own a little clothes shop, but it was in a back street, away from the town centre, so we didn’t do very well. One day, I went to my supplier, and bought a hundred leather jackets for fifty pounds. They were seconds, with broken zips and holes in the lining. Then I put an ad in the paper saying that I was selling leather jackets for a pound each. I could have sold them for more, but I wanted the publicity for my shop. Five days before the sale, I saw a girl sitting on the street outside the shop. She was waiting to buy a jacket! On the morning of the sale, there were about 800 girls in the queue, and we only had a hundred jackets!


Listen first:


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1. The shop was doing badly because:

Check Answer

Listen Again

a. how the man made a lot of money. b. how the man tricked his customers. c. how the newspaper made a mistake. d. how the man promoted his shop.

3. The story describes...

a. were not in perfect condition. b. cost the man a pound each. c. were not made of real leather. d. were not popular with girls.

2. The jackets...

a. the clothes were poor quality. b. nobody wanted to buy clothes. c. it was not in the middle of town. d. the clothes were too expensive.

Page 56: Upper intermediate listening level 5

Good morning ladies and gentleman. This is your tour guide speaking. I hope you have enjoyed the cruise of the inner harbour today. We certainly had a nice day for it, especially compared to yesterday. The ship will be docking in approximately five minutes. Once we are docked, please collect all of your belongings and exit the ship. As a reminder, our group will be exiting to the right. Follow the north ramp all the way to the far end of the platform. Before heading to the farmer's market we will gather under the ferry terminal Welcome Sign for a group photo.


Listen first:


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1. What should the passengers do before exiting the ship?A) Welcome the visitorsB) Check the timeC) Collect their personal itemsD) Take a picture

2. What does the speaker imply?

A) The water was rough.B) The weather was poor yesterday.C) The tour went faster than usual.D) There is only one way to exit.

3. What will happen in five minutes?

A) The ship will arrive at the dock.B) The passengers will go shopping.C) The passengers will take photos of the ship.D) The market will open.

Check Answer

Listen Again

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I'd like to welcome you all to the fourth annual poet's brunch. In just a few minutes a server will be around to offer you coffee or tea. Please take a moment to fill out your name tag and introduce yourself to the other artists at your table. Lunch will be served at 11:00 am sharp, followed by a reading from last year's prize winner. If any of you did not receive your free gift at the door, please make sure to pick it up on your way out. This year's gift is a poetry anthology from local youth writers. You will be amazed at the emerging talent in our town. In fact, a group of young writers meet once a month around this very table.


Listen first:


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1. How often does this event take place?A) Monthly.B) Four times a year.C) Once a year.D) Every four years.

2. What will happen after the brunch?

A) The people will be served drinks.B) An artist will show his drawings.C) The guests will introduce themselves.D) A poet will read a poem.

3. What do guests get to take home?

A) Lunch.B) A book of mythology.C) A collection of poems.D) A painting.

Check Answer

Listen Again

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Listen first:

F. I'm Denise Dinger with KPUT weather. The soggy week we've been having in the valley promises to get dryer soon. Today we're looking at morning showers with afternoon sun breaks and a high of 55. Tomorrow morning will be partly cloudy, with increasing clearing in the afternoon and a high of 60. Friday looks to be sunny and clear with a high of 70, and that weather should carry over into the weekend. Saturday will be mostly sunny with highs near 70, and Sunday should be sunny and clear with highs soaring to nearly 80 degrees. For KPUT, this is Denise Dinger with valley weather.

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Check Answer

1. When is this report most likely being broadcast?A. On MondayB. On WednesdayC. On ThursdayD. On Sunday

2. What will happen on Sunday?A. There will be a snow stormB. The rain will increaseC. The temperature will decreaseD. It will be warm and sunny

3. What is suggested about the weather prior to this report?A. It has been unseasonably hot.B. There has been a hurricane.C. It has been raining a lot.D. It has been freezing cold.

Listen Again

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The man is adjusting a TV set.

The man is wearing gloves and glasses.

The man is trying to light a fire.

The man is holding a book in his left hand.

Text Check Answer

Look at the photograph and listen to the four possible answers then choose the correct one.






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Look at the photograph and listen to the four possible answers then choose the correct one.


Text Check Answer




(A) The picture shows the facade of a modern office block.

The solar energy panels are turned towards the sun.

Some of the panels seem to be broken.

You can't see any shadows in the picture.