Uploaded albums fronts anaysis real

Digi-Pak Analysis, Plan and Drafts Brooke Patrick

Transcript of Uploaded albums fronts anaysis real

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Digi-Pak Analysis, Plan and DraftsBrooke Patrick

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Whilst looking at digi-pak covers of indie music bands, I noticed that there was a very simplistic with their designs so ideally we will keep to this simplistic style with very monotone colours. I like the idea of a black and white colour scheme as I feel its very pleasing to the eye so when creating our digipack the colour scheme will follow that kind of tone.

Style Sheet 1


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The first and most obvious convention of a digi-pak is the titles on the front panel. It must include the artists name and digi-pak title as this allows the audience to immediately know who’s music is included and which album it is. Without this immediate information the digi-pak becomes less recognisable which gains less attention from the audience.


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By doing some research into the conventions of digi-paks I noticed that all digi-paks liked to include a contents list so that they are specifically telling the audience what they will receive inside the digi-pak. For example within the Lana Delrey digi-pak it has a CD contents so that the audience know which songs are on the album.


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The name of the digi-pak is also quite important and is something we need to take careful consideration into as it indicates to the audience the kind of music that will feature on the disk. For example with this album name we can gain from it that clearly quite saddening songs will be featured, the name emphasises the songs type. More often than not the name also is take from either a song title or meaningful lyrics from within one of the songs, for example with this digi-pak the album title is take from one of Lana Delreys biggest hit singles, this means that immediately audiences are drawn to pick the album even if the only know that one particular song.

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It’s also important to make the digi-pak look aesthetically pleasing to the audience. For example this particular digi-pak has a common colour scheme of white, red and blue, this consistency makes the digi-pak more professional looking and pleasing to the audiences eye which will draw them in more.

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I also noticed that indie rock/ rock style digi-paks tend to show the band on them. For example with this You Me At Six Digi-pak the band is shown on the inside pocket of the digi-pak, this gives the band more recognition to the audience and means their status within the media will be higher. This is something we will follow when creating our digi-pak as being a small indie band, gaining more recognition is important.


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Another important convention to include is the barcode and price. Many designs have the barcode and price on the back of the digi-pak and is reasonably small, this is so no attention is drawn too much towards them but are still included to inform the audience, if the price and barcode are placed too prominently it could potentially put off the audience from buying the digi-pak


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With rock and indie rock bands, many like to keep their album’s simplistic as their main focus is about their music instead of hiding it with colours, images etc. For example with this digi-pak, very little is actually on it and the front cover is very simplistic, not over the top and professional.


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Using things to reel audiences in will encourage them to make a purchase, for example with this digi-pak the album has included a special edition sticker onto the front to make audience think they are getting a rare version with extras included just by using two words. This feeling of exclusivity that the sticker brings will encourage audiences to make the purchase and entice them in.


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The text of a digi-pak will also reflect the ideas and style of the artists, for example the simplistic sans-serif font all in lower case in this digi-pak gives off the idea of the raw quality from acoustic music reflecting the style nicely. Using a house style text is also key for loyal fans that will recognise the artist on just the common font alone, something that will be used within our digi-pak as this sense of consistency will make the band more well known through visual aspects.


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The images and business of a digi-pak also reflects the type of music being promoted, for example the lack of text with the open spaced and calming images inside this digi-pak emphasises the easy-listening element in which Jack Johnson provides. The colours of blue also make the audience create links toward serenity and calm again reflection the style of music he produces.


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Front CoverInside FoldInside image

CD SlotBack Cover

CD SlotBand Logo

Album Name

Track List



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Hand Drawn Plan

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First Draft

When actually creating the drafts we decided to add the DVD contents onto the inside fold instead of just a plain image so that we are giving more information to the audience.

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Second Draft

We then decided to add images onto the cd slot as it allowed us to still include more images as well as have the DVD contents.

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Third Draft

We then replaced the images with our own images and added a faded image behind the CD and DVD contents. This use of our own images made it work better as it used the characters from the video and the extra image helped breakdown the amount of black

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Forth Draft

We replaced one of the images due to the fact that it didn’t make sense to have a character from our video to be on the bands main album and replaced it with the image of the band. We also added colour to slightly challenged the indie conventions and also add subtly some of the colourfulness of the music video in.