Upgradation Guide Fro Non MO to MO for EMS

Upgrade Guide from non-MO to MO in EMS (GUT) LEGAL INFORMATION By accepting this certain document of ZTE CORPORATION you agree to the following terms If you do not agree to the following terms! please notice that you are not allowed to use this document Copyright " #$%& ZTE CORPORATION Any rights not e'pressly granted herein are reser(ed This document contains proprietary information of ZTE CORPORATION Any reproduction! transfer! distri)ution! use or disclosure of this document or any portion this document! in any form )y any means! without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohi)ited and are registered trademar*s of ZTE CORPORATION ZTE+s company name! logo and product names referenced herein are either trademar*s or registered trademar*s of ZTE CORPORATION Other product and company names mentioned herein may )e trademar*s or trade names of their respecti(e owners ,ithout the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION or the third party owner thereof! anyone+s access to this document should not )e construed as granting! )y implication! estopped or otherwise! any license or right to use any mar*s appearing in the document The design of this product complies with re-uirements of en(ironmental protection and personal security This product shall )e stored! used or discarded in accordance with product manual! rele(ant contract or laws and regulationsin rele(ant country .countries/ This document is pro(ided 0as is1 and 0as a(aila)le1 Information contained in document is su)2ect to continuous update without further notice due to impro(ement and update of ZTE CORPORATION+s products and technologies ZTE OR!ORATION Addres s: NO && 3i4tech Road 5outh



Transcript of Upgradation Guide Fro Non MO to MO for EMS

Product Type Technical Description

Upgrade Guide from non-MO to MO in EMS (GUT)

Upgrade Guide from non-MO to MO in EMS (GUT)

Upgrade Guide from non-MO to MO in EMS (GUT)

Product Type Technical Proposal

VI 2014ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2013 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.1(4)


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Revision History

Product VersionDateModified byReason for Revision

V1.02013-04-24Hong PingFirst published

V1.12013-04-24Hong PingModifies step 3 of The Operation Procedure of EMS Upgrade (The IP address of the new NE might be different from that of the old NE)

V1.22013-05-21Hong PingAdds sector 3.10

V1.32013-07-16Yin JunAdds chapter 5

V1.42013-07-24Hong Ping1 Modifies chapter 4 (mainly 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4)2 Add Operation tips at the beginning of chapter 3

V1.52013-08-21Hong PingAdds sector 3.3 Backing up the Basic Data

V1.62013-09-16Hong PingAdds sector 4.9 Executing a Northbound MML Command

V1.72013-10-11Hong PingAdds sector 2.3 Checking the Performance Task


Document VersionDatePrepared byReviewed byApproved by

V1.02013-4-24Hong Ping

V1.02013-5-8Hong Ping

About This DocumentSummary


1 OverviewDescribe the purpose the guide

2 Special ExplanationDescribe the special attention when the version is earlier than V12.11.40P5

3 The Operation Procedure of EMS UpgradeDescribe the upgrade procedure of EMS

4 The Operation Procedure of OMMR/B UpgradeDescribe the upgrade procedure of OMMR/B

5 Problems that Need to Be Avoided After UpgradeDescribe the problems that need to be avoided

6 ReferenceProvide the upgrade plan

TABLE OF CONTENTS1Overview12Special Explanation12.1Avoiding Alarm Problem12.2OMMR Performance Data Before and After Upgrade22.3Checking the Performance Task23The Operation Procedure of EMS Upgrade43.1OMMB-Related Configuration43.2OMMR-Related Configuration93.3Backing up the Basic Data93.4Stopping EMS Service103.5Executing the Upgrade Tool from Non-MO to MO103.6Checking Whether the Operation Is Successful113.7Running the Model Tool113.8Starting EMS Service113.9Basic Data of Alarm124The Operation Procedure of OMMR/B Upgrade124.1Stopping the Old NE Agent (for near-end upgrade)134.2Waiting for OMMR/B Upgraded to MO Version134.3Starting NE Agent (for near-end upgrade)134.4Restarting NE Agent (for centralized remote upgrade)134.5Performance Task Related Operations134.6Sending the Security Data Manually in EMS154.7Synchronizing Measure Task with Lower System164.8Uploading the Data of MO Version in EMS184.9Executing a Northbound MML Command204.10Commissioning Northbound Interface205Problems that Need to Be Avoided After Upgrade205.1The Permissions Are Extended205.2User-Defined Query Templates Involve the Templates of Ground and Transfer Object and Cannot Support Automatic Compatibility when Migrated from non-MO to MO225.3Problems Exist in the Export of Configuration Report226Reference266.1The Upgrade Plan from Non-MO to MO26

FIGURESFigure 21 Check Specific Object2Figure 22 Select Wild-card4Figure 31 Create NE Agent5Figure 32 Basic Attributes6Figure 33 Port Number7Figure 34 View Tab8Figure 35 View OID8Figure 36 Mapping Relation-19Figure 37 Mapping Relation-29Figure 38 Back up the Basic Data10Figure 39 The Upgrade Log11Figure 41 The Operation Log13Figure 42 Send Security Data16Figure 43 Synchronize the Measurement Task16Figure 44 Synchronize GSMV3 Measurement Task17Figure 45 Synchronize GSMV4 Measurement Task17Figure 46 Plan Data Management18Figure 47 The Configuration Model18Figure 48 Plan Data Management19Figure 49 Data Synchronization19Figure 51 Create Template Window23Figure 52 The Menu Portal for Template Management Window24Figure 53 Select a user-customized template (The Default Template column value is false), and click the Modify button24TABLESUpgrade Guide from non-MO to MO in EMS (GUT)

Upgrade Guide from non-MO to MO in EMS (GUT)

ZTE Confidential Proprietary 2014 ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.15


Document Title

OverviewThe guide describes the operations on EMS when OMMR/OMMB is upgraded from non-MO version to MO version.Special ExplanationAvoiding Alarm ProblemIf the source version is earlier than V12.11.40P5, then the following operations must be performed before the upgrade.1.Upload the following package to EMS server in binary mode.

2.Execute the following command to extract the file.#unzip temp-script.zip3.Change the current path to the folder of the file ALARMBOX.sql and ALARMRULE.sql.4.Perform the following command to switch the current account to oracle.#su - oracle5.Login the database to execute the following script. $sqlplus /nologSQL> conn caffm4x/U_tywg_2008@lteems;SQL> @ALARMBOX.sql;SQL> @ALARMRULE.sql;SQL> quit Note:Suppose the database instance of EMS is lteems here, and it must be replaced with the actual instance in the field.OMMR Performance Data Before and After UpgradeAfter OMMR is upgraded to MO version, only the performance data reported after upgrade can be queried from the performance counters related to ground resources (transmission, CUP usage, etc). If the above data before upgrade needs to be queried, you can only select all-NE wildcard level when querying on the EMS to query all data and filter the NEs that have been upgraded to MO.Checking the Performance TaskBackground: Nse object doesnt distinguish IpGbNse and FrGbNse in non-MO, while it is divided into two objects in MO. The performance measurement of DNSVC is based on object Nse in non-MO, while based on IpGbNse in MO. If DNSVC is created in non-MO to measure FrGbNse, then the synchronization of the task will fail after the upgrade.Modification Process:Before ugrade, check whether DNCSV has been created. If yes, check whether the specific Nse object has been selected in the checking task as shown in the following figure:Figure 21 Check Specific Object

If specific Nse object has been selected, modify the task to be created on NE wild-card as shown in the following figure:Figure 22 Select Wild-card

The Operation Procedure of EMS Upgrade1.Perform the upgrade according to NetNumen U31 R18 V12.xx.xx_Upgrade Guide.2.Start EMS service.Note: The address of EMS in Extended Attributes of all NE agents (OMMR and OMMB) must be modified to the southbound address of EMS.OMMB-Related Configuration1.Create NE agent of OMMB (MO): the IP of the new NE is the same as that of the old NE, the port is changed to 64125, and the port number of FTP/SFTP is 64021. Dont start the NE agent after it has been started successfully.Note: The IP address of the new NE might be different from that of the old NE, so fill the parameters according to the actual value.Figure 31 Create NE Agent

Figure 32 Basic Attributes

Figure 33 Port Number

2.Modify EMS configuration file ums-server/utils/v2-v3upgrade/V2_V3_OmmRelation.property to input the mapping relation of NE agent, which is the OID mapping relation of OMMB NE agent before upgrade and after upgrade. It is recommended to configure all OMMB mapping relations at one time to avoid repeated start of EMS service. If all the mapping relations are configured at one time, attention should to be paid to the following:The runtime data in EMS contains alarm rules, performance measurement tasks, templates, security permissions and etc. After site transfer, if the above data has been adjusted manually, the data needs to be adjusted in the new NE agent at the same time. If the data is adjusted automatically (for example, the permissions assigned by subnetwork are assigned automatically after the NE agent is connected) manual adjustment is not needed.The OID of OMM can be found in the following figure.Figure 34 View Tab

Figure 35 View OID

The mapping relation is shown in the following figure.Figure 36 Mapping Relation-1

If multiple relations are needed, then the configuration file must be modified as follows:bash-3.2# vi V2_V3_OmmRelation.property# The key represents the OID of the source OMM, and the value represents the OID of the previous OMM. Support multiple lines such as:h78nsret-1 = h79u1ajb-1hejnqq2v-2 = hekppdho-1heav5xqn-2 = heb5zptg-3OMMR-Related ConfigurationModify EMS configuration file ums-server/utils/Controllerupdate/OmmRelation.property. Keep the OID of the target OMM consistent to that of the source OMM, because OMMR upgrade is based on the source OMM.Operation tips: It is recommended to configure all the OMMRs (whether the OMMR is planned to upgrade to MO version or not) in EMS at one time.Figure 37 Mapping Relation-2

If multiple relations are needed, then the configuration file must be modified as follows:bash-3.2# vi V2_V3_OmmRelation.property# The key represents the OID of the source OMM, and the value represents the OID of the previous OMM. Support multiple lines such as:h78nsret-1 = h79u1ajb-1hejnqq2v-2 = hekppdho-1heav4s3e-1 = heav4s3e-1Backing up the Basic DataIf the script fails, then the basic data must be restored. The basic data must be backed up by the System Backup and Restoration in the Maintenance Management of EMS.Figure 38 Back up the Basic Data

Use the restoration tool to restore the basic data, and the path of the tool is "/ums-server/utils/usf-backup/run.sh".Stopping EMS ServiceExecuting the Upgrade Tool from Non-MO to MOOMM Upgrade Tool:Run /ums-server/utils/v2-v3upgrade/updateAllOmm.sh in the first migration.If updateAllOmm.sh has been executed in the first migration, and some OMMB still need to migrate, then perform the following operation:1.Perform the procedures in 3.1. (In step 2, delete the data that has been migrated, and configure the data that needs to migrate.)2.Stop EMS.3.Execute /ums-server/utils/v2-v3upgrade/updateSomeOmm.sh.OMMR Upgrade Tool:Execute /ums-server/utils/Controllerupdate/updateAllOmm.shIf it needs to be executed for several times, the steps are as follows:1.Perform the procedures in 3.2. (For the mapping relation of NE agent, delete the data that has been migrated, and configure the data that needs to migrate.)2.Modify the configuration file in the directory /ums-server/utils/v2-v3upgrade/conf/: minos-sm-upgrade.properties. Modify the following attribute to falsehave_upgraded=true3.Stop EMS.4.Execute /ums-server/utils/Controllerupdate/updateAllOmm.sh.Checking Whether the Operation Is SuccessfulFor OMMR, if the value of the parameter have_upgraded is true in the file /ums-server/utils/v2-v3upgrade/conf/ minos-sm-upgrade.properties containing the following information, the operation is successful.have_upgraded=trueOMMB can be judged by the following log.Figure 39 The Upgrade Log

Running the Model ToolExecute the model tool /ums-server/utils/operationmodel.sh after the upgrade tool has been executed successfully.Starting EMS ServiceNoneBasic Data of AlarmBackground: V2 and V3 migration of SDR are performed in the same database. In order to avoid the failure to roll back the data after migration failure, the basic data of alarm before migration will not be deleted automatically during the migration (including alarm rules, alarm box settings, alarm query templates, alarm timing statistics and output tasks), and will be converted and copied after migration to a piece of basic data of alarm named upgrade_ added to the same name if the conditions for alarm location (including NEs that require to be migrated) are set before migration. Make sure that redundant basic data of alarm before migration has been deleted manually after successful upgrade and migration. In addition, the result files generated by the tasks before upgrade and migration cannot be viewed in the new tasks due to task name changes of alarm timing output task and alarm timing statistics task after migration, which is the restriction of the solution. You can keep the old timing output task and timing statistics task and modify them to Stopped status, and delete them when they are unnecessary.Operation tips:After the alarm module is upgraded and migrated, alarm timing statistics task and alarm timing output task will be copied to a record named upgrade_ added to the same name. The task continues generating timing result files. You can set the records created before migration to Stopped status, and delete them when they are unnecessary.The record named upgrade_ added to the same name can be modified when task information needs to be modified.The files generated by a task before upgrade can only be queried by that record created before migration.The Operation Procedure of OMMR/B UpgradeOperation tips:If near-end upgrade is used for OMMR/B, stop the NE agent first. After OMMR/B has been upgraded, start the NE agent, and then perform the subsequent steps, such as the description in sectors 4.1~ 4.3 and 4.5~4.7.If centralized remote upgrade (OSS) is used to upgrade OMMR/B, the NE agent cannot be stopped. After OMMR/B has been upgraded, restart the NE agent first, and then perform the subsequent steps, such as the description in sectors 4.2 and 4.4~4.7.Before OMMR synchronizes all data to EMS, a question mark will be displayed before the NE agent related to this OMMR on the Topology Management interface of EMS. At this time when the configuration synchronization operation is performed, you will be prompted that configuration synchronization cannot be performed due to an exception to the link status of the NE agent. This problem can be solved automatically when all data synchronization has been completed on OMMR. For OMMB, there is no such a problem.Stopping the Old NE Agent (for near-end upgrade)Stop the old NE agent of OMMR/OMMB in EMS.Waiting for OMMR/B Upgraded to MO VersionWait for OMMR/B upgraded to MO version.Starting NE Agent (for near-end upgrade)Start OMMR NE agent and new OMMB NE agent after the OMMR/B has been upgraded. Restarting NE Agent (for centralized remote upgrade)Restart OMMR NE agent and new OMMB NE agent after the OMMR/B has been upgradedPerformance Task Related OperationsThe starting of OMMR NE agent will remind that the type of NE agent has been updated, and create compatible all-network measuring task in EMS. Incompatible templates, counters, and template task will be output to EMS server, and the path can be viewed in the operation log in Log Management.Figure 41 The Operation Log

In the above figure, find the log whose level is 4-Normal, and command function is NE upgrade, select display detailed information in its context menu to see the generation path.You can also search it through the operation log query function:1.Select Security > Query Operation Log.

2.In the Basic tab, select the operation in Operation Information. Other attributes keep the default settings.

3.Select NEtype changed upgrade in the displayed box after the Select button is selected, and view the related log information.

The following file is the example of generated file.

The generated file includes two files:The file report.txt includes template task, threshold task, querying template, self-defined index and group information which are incompatible to OMMR. The field will modify or recreated the related template task, threshold task, querying template, self-defined index and group information in EMS according to the file.The file updateSql.sql contains the non-MO redundant measuring task which is incompatible to OMMR. Use Oracle account to login the OS, and execute the SQL deletion operation in user ueppm4x. The script updateSql.sql needs to be executed after all OMMs have been upgraded.$ sqlplus /nologSQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Apr 15 15:55:36 2013Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved.

SQL> conn ueppm4x/U_tywg_2008@SID;#Replace the SID with the actual oneConnected.SQL> @updateSql.sql

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> exit;Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options$All template tasks, threshold tasks, query templates, customized index and group information of OMMB need to be re-created manually.4.GSM object might have some compatible PO measurement tasks, which are not processed in a compatible manner. The following three objects need to re-create measurement tasks of the entire network manually: BSCFUNCTION, Cell, and Carrier.Sending the Security Data Manually in EMSIn the NE tree of Topology Management, select Send Security Data in the context menu of NE Agent to send the security data manually in EMS.Figure 42 Send Security Data

This operation needs to be performed for upgraded OMMB and OMMR NE agents.Before sending security data, OMM can be logged in to through the default admin user (the password is null). After security data is sent, OMM can only be logged in to through the accounts that are created in EMS.Synchronizing Measure Task with Lower SystemIt has been known that if OMMR is upgraded from non-MO version to MO version through remote upgrade mode, before synchronizing measure task with lower system, you need to confirm the completion of RNC upgrade in the remote upgrade operation environment.If the completion of RNC upgrade is not confirmed, then synchronizing measurement task is likely to fail. In this case, if measurement task synchronization fails, then the performance data will be lost during the period from the first failure time to successful measurement task synchronization, and illegal values may exist in some indexes. The following is the error information when such failure occurs in a site:Performance Management (2013-07-18 03:34:05) - If synchronizing measurement task with lower system fails, please see the logs. NE No.: 355; synchronization service exception: ERR_FORBID_DOMApublic

Click the button to synchronize the measurement task to BS in EMS.Figure 43 Synchronize the Measurement Task

Because the platform measurement type and service measurement type of GSM product belong to ME and BSC performance NE respectively, two NEs need to be selected for measurement task synchronization.Figure 44 Synchronize GSMV3 Measurement Task

Figure 45 Synchronize GSMV4 Measurement Task

Note: To enable this operation to be successful, both of the following two conditions must be met:1.No error information is displayed on the EMS GUI when Synchronize Measurement Task with Lower System is performed in EMS, and the Consistency Status on the interface is Normal after this operation has been performed.2.Query immediately the operation logs of the above operation. The result of the above measurement task operation is Success in the logs.If measurement task synchronization fails (either of the above conditions is not met), execute synchronization operation again until the operation is successful. If failed after multiple operations, please contact R & D personnel for support.After successful measurement task synchronization, observe whether performance data of two to three granularities is generated normally and whether illegal values exist. If errors exist in the performance data, handle them immediately.Uploading the Data of MO Version in EMSIf OMMB or OMMR of the MO version are connected, then the following operations must be performed before the uploading of configuration data and Northbound data.1.Planning Data Model ManagementFigure 46 Plan Data Management

2.Upload the ModelFigure 47 The Configuration Model

3.Restart the client and enter Planning Data Management after the model has been upgraded. Figure 48 Plan Data Management

4.Data Synchronization for the Current NetworkFigure 49 Data Synchronization

Executing a Northbound MML CommandWhen OMMR or OMMB has been upgraded from non-MO to MO and after model uploading and data synchronization have been performed in the ICM, execute the following northbound data synchronization MML command:NAF CMD:TYPE="MORESOURCE",ATTRIB="0";Command Execution Method: Open the client of EMS, select Configuration > MML Terminal > Open MML Terminal, enter the MML command, and click the Run button. The command is executed successfully, and the execution result is shown below:------------Result successDetails manual task is executing successfully,please query data later.------------If multiple OMMs are to be upgraded in batches at a time, when the final OMM has been upgraded, execute the northbound data synchronization MML command.Commissioning Northbound InterfaceNorthbound Commissioning Guide has been released. And see the sector 5.2.1, 7.2.1, and 15 of the file NetNumen U31 R18 V12.12.4X Series_Northbound File Interface Commissioning Guide_GUT to open the interface for MO version.Problems that Need to Be Avoided After UpgradeThe Permissions Are ExtendedScene: The EMS can connect to OMMs of non-MO version and MO version at the same time, and the OMMs of MO version are not upgraded from non-MO version, but are installed newly. Permission extension may exist when non-MO OMMs are upgraded to MO OMMs.Scope of extension: In the above scene, permission extension may occur to both the operation sets shared by non-MO OMMs and MO OMMs and the corresponding roles.After non-MO permissions are transformed to MO permissions, MO version OMMs that are installed newly are assigned the corresponding non-MO permissions (mapped to MO permissions). Non-MO OMMs add the corresponding MO permissions (mapped to non-MO permissions). Which permissions are extended needs to be determined based on the actual authorization before upgrade. You can follow the above description to view the permission mapping table between non-MO and MO in the following file Permission Extension Statistics after Upgrade from non-MO to MO.xlsx.

Example:The following can be known based on the above attach: Backup Config Datauep.pal.cm.backupnon-MO operation code Configuration Management Write (sdrmanager.cm.write)MO operation codeThe operation set opset1 has the above two permissions (Backup Config Data and Configuration Management Write).Before upgrade: Assign the permission of opset1 to the father node of MO OMM and NO_MO OMM (physical resource). MO OMMs only have the Configuration Management Write permission and NO_MO OMMs only have the Backup Config Data permission.After upgrade: Based on the above attach, it is known that the operation set opset1 changes to Configuration Management Special (sdrmanager.cm.special, MO operation code, which is transformed from uep.pal.cm.backup) and Configuration Management Write (sdrmanager.cm.write, MO operation code). MO OMMs have Configuration Management Special and Configuration Management Write, and Configuration Management Special is an extended permission. NO_MO OMMs have Backup Config Data (uep.pal.cm.backup, non-MO operation code) and Delete Managed Object/Create Managed Object/Modify Managed Object(uep.pal.cm.delcm/uep.pal.cm.createcm/uep.pal.cm.setcm, non-MO operation code, which is transformed from sdrmanager.cm.write), and Delete Managed Object/Create Managed Object/Modify Managed Object are extended permissions.Solution: For an operation set that is shared by non-MO OMM and MO OMM and whose permissions are extended, divide it into two operation sets in the role management operations, one for non-MO OMM and the other for MO OMM. Delete in the operation sets the extended permissions after upgrade.User-Defined Query Templates Involve the Templates of Ground and Transfer Object and Cannot Support Automatic Compatibility when Migrated from non-MO to MOThe query template, which is found incompatible to OMMR in sector 4.5, needs to be created manually. The relationships between objects are shown in the following files:

Problems Exist in the Export of Configuration ReportUser-customized report objectsBackground: The configuration report model of MO version inherits all user-customized report objects of non-MO version in principle, identified by adding a prefix MO_ before the report object MOC. After upgrade, the report objects supported in the original non-MO version may transfer in MO version OMM, which causes failure to get the report of MO version with the original report template. Requirements for the filed operation: Such template needs to be deleted and recreated. To create a new template, replace the objects in the non-MO version with the objects of MO version. The mapping relations between non-MO version objects and MO version objects are shown in the following file:

Two operation modes are provided. It is recommended to use the first mode.Mode 1: Recreate a template.What reports are required is clear in the field. You can determine whether a report object transfers based on the report objects (non-MO version objects) listed in the above attached file. If it is not listed in the file, then the report object does not transfer. For the transferred report objects, you can find the new object names after transfer through the mapping relations in the attached file and create a new template.Figure 51 Create Template Window

Mode 2:1.Check whether the original user-customized report objects include objects that need to be transferred (the objects listed in the attached file).2.Based on the check result in step 1, modify the template including objects that need to be transferred.The modified template is only effective for MO OMM. Non-MO OMM will not generate report data.Figure 52 The Menu Portal for Template Management Window

Figure 53 Select a user-customized template (The Default Template column value is false), and click the Modify button

In the FILTER box, enter the internationalized names of non-MO objects listed in the attached file one by one. If an object name includes the keyword that is entered in the FILTER box, it will be displayed in red, which is quicker to view. If the object has been selected, deselect it, and find the corresponding MO version object name of this object in the attached file. In the same way, find this MO object through the FILTER box, and select it. By this way, all non-MO version objects in the attached file are replaced with MO version objects.

Non-user-customized report objectsBackground: The non-user-customized report objects in the previous non-MO version are not provided in the MO version, but replaced with the full parameter export function of ICM.Requirements for the filed operation: Execute based on the following operation method.On the Plan Data Management interface, the optimization data export entry of live data area is shown in the following figure:

The optimization data export entry of plan area is shown in the following figure:

Set the following parameters:

Click Export to execute the export.ReferenceThe Upgrade Plan from Non-MO to MO

1ZTE Confidential Proprietary

18 2014ZTE CORPORATION. All rights reserved.ZTE Confidential Proprietary

ALARMBOX.sqlBEGIN declare boxidnumber NUMBER(20); BEGIN SELECT (SELECT max(ID) FROM ALARMBOX) INTO boxidnumber FROM dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(boxidnumber); declare boxSequenceNumber NUMBER(20) := 0; BEGIN SELECT (select LAST_NUMBER FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = 'TALARMBOX_S') INTO boxSequenceNumber FROM dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(boxSequenceNumber); IF (boxidnumber >= boxSequenceNumber) THEN BEGIN DECLARE cnt integer := 0; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM dual WHERE exists (SELECT * FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TALARMBOX_S'); IF cnt != 0 THEN DECLARE s VARCHAR2(500); BEGIN s := 'DROP SEQUENCE TALARMBOX_S'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(s); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE s; END; END IF; exception WHEN no_data_found THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(cnt); END; BEGIN boxidnumber := boxidnumber + 1; execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE TALARMBOX_S INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH ' || boxidnumber || 'MAXVALUE 99999 MINVALUE 1 CYCLE CACHE 20 ORDER'; execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER TALARMBOX_T BEFORE INSERT ON "ALARMBOX" FOR EACH ROW DECLARE newID INTEGER; BEGIN select TALARMBOX_S.nextval into newID from dual; :new.Id := newID;END;'; END; declare sequenceRes NUMBER(20); BEGIN SELECT (select LAST_NUMBER FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = 'TALARMBOX_S') INTO sequenceRes FROM dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sequenceRes); END; END; END IF; END; END;END;

ALARMRULE.sqlBEGIN declare ruleidnumber NUMBER(20); BEGIN SELECT (SELECT max(ID) FROM ALARMRULE) INTO ruleidnumber FROM dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(ruleidnumber); declare rulesequenceNumber NUMBER(20) := 0; BEGIN SELECT (select LAST_NUMBER FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = 'TALARMRULE_S') INTO rulesequenceNumber FROM dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(rulesequenceNumber); IF (ruleidnumber >= rulesequenceNumber) THEN BEGIN DECLARE cnt integer := 0; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO cnt FROM dual WHERE exists (SELECT * FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name = 'TALARMRULE_S'); IF cnt != 0 THEN DECLARE s VARCHAR2(500); BEGIN s := 'DROP SEQUENCE TALARMRULE_S'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(s); EXECUTE IMMEDIATE s; END; END IF; exception WHEN no_data_found THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(cnt); END; BEGIN ruleidnumber := ruleidnumber + 1; execute immediate 'CREATE SEQUENCE TALARMRULE_SINCREMENT BY 1START WITH ' || ruleidnumber|| ' MAXVALUE 99999 MINVALUE 1 CYCLE CACHE 20 ORDER'; execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER TALARMRULE_T BEFORE INSERT ON "ALARMRULE" FOR EACH ROWDECLARE newID INTEGER;BEGINselect TALARMRULE_S.nextval into newIDfrom dual;:new.Id := newID;END;'; END; declare sequenceRes NUMBER(20); BEGIN SELECT (select LAST_NUMBER FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = 'TALARMRULE_S') INTO sequenceRes FROM dual; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(sequenceRes); END; END; END IF; END; END;END;




:2013-02-01 18:10:25




































DELETE FROM PM_NETASKLOCINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_NETASKINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_MOTASKEXLOC_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_MOTASKATTINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_MOTASKPOINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_MOTASKLOCINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_MOTASKINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);

DELETE FROM PM_MOTASKIDINFO_TABLE WHERE TASKID IN (338,339,318,316,317,314,315,330,312,331,313,310,450,336,337,311,334,335,454,451,452,349,328,329,341,306,323,342,305,324,372,308,343,307,373,345,346,309,350,347,348,322,447,374,377,340,376,448);


MOMOMOMOzxgomcr.cm.dataImportsdrmanager.cm.specialtruomc.wizard.modifyRNCsdrmanager.cm.specialtruomc.iubfast.rncIubsdrmanager.cm.specialtruomc.global.checkRNCsdrmanager.cm.specialtruomc.ddm.rnc.queryRNCsdrmanager.cm.read,sdrmanager.cm.sync.modify,sdrmanager.cm.sync.total,Query.operation,,zxwomc.rnc.cm.checkdataRNCsdrmanager.cm.specialzxwomc.rnc.cm.checkmocdatasdrmanager.cm.specialzxwomc.rnc.cm.refreshmocdatasdrmanager.cm.specialzxwomc.rnc.cm.nopImportsdrmanager.cm.specialzxwomc.rnc.cm.groundimportsdrmanager.cm.specialzxwomc.rnc.cm.offtranssdrmanager.cm.specialtruomc.ddm.rnc.setRNCQuery.operation,Set.operation,zxwomc.rns.getstatusQuery.operationzxwomc.rns.dyndatamgrQuery.operation,Set.operation,uep.pal.cm.mutex.onoffsdrmanager.cm.specialuep.pal.cm.mutex.applyrelease/sdrmanager.cm.specialuep.pal.cm.mutex.clearsdrmanager.cm.specialuep.pal.cm.createcmsdrmanager.cm.write,sdrmanager.cm.read,uep.pal.cm.getcmsdrmanager.cm.readuep.pal.cm.setcmsdrmanager.cm.write,sdrmanager.cm.read,uep.pal.cm.delcmsdrmanager.cm.write,sdrmanager.cm.read,uep.pal.cm.backupsdrmanager.cm.specialuep.pal.cm.recoversdrmanager.cm.specialuep.pal.cm.copypaste/sdrmanager.cm.specialgomcr.ddm.NAPcmQryAPCMQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AEquipOprAPCM//Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AtrunkQryPCMQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AtrunkOprA/Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AtrunkSpy/AQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AresResetAQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.NsvcQryNSVCQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.NsvcOprNSVC//Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SLMtp3StatusQryNO.7Query.operationgomcr.ddm.SLMtp3OprNO.7\Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SLStatusSNMQryMTP3Query.operationgomcr.ddm.SLSNMOprMTP3Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SLSNMSpyMTP3Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.LinkSetSNMQryN7Query.operationgomcr.ddm.OfficeSNMQryN7Query.operationgomcr.ddm.OfficeSNMSpyN7Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AterQryAterPCMQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AterPCMOprAterPCM//Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AterRsQryAterQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AterRsOprAter/Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AterCicResetAterQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.ITCOpriTCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.APcmQryAPCMQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.APCMOprAPCM//Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AresQryAQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AresOprA/Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.LocalEndPointQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.IPGBNsvcQryIPGB NSVCQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.NSEReconfigOprNSEQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SgsnEndPointQrySGSNQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.MSCStatusQryMSCQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.MSCStatusOprMSC//Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BSCOprMSCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.IpaCallResetIPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.IPAResourceQryIPAQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.IPAResourceOprIPAQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SGSNStatusQrySGSNQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.SGSNStatusOprSGSNQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.UAMASPQrySigtranASPQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.UAMASPOprSigtranASPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.UAMASQrySigtranASQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.SSMAssocStaQrySCTPQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.SSMAssocOprSCTPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AssocAllOprSCTPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.RNCOfficeQryRNCQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.BtsTrxTsOpr///Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BtsQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.UpuDspQryPSDSPQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ChgCellToDSPDSPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.UPUDSPAdjInPLMNUPUDSPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.TruQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.TRXIPRBDSPQryIPRBDSPQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.TRXRRUQryRRUQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.TsQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.TrxSpy/Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.ConnByChanQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ConnByIMSIQryIMSIQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ManForceHoOprQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.ModuleChanQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.FuOprQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.UPUDSPAdjInModuleUPUDSPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BvcQryBVCQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.BvcOprBVC//BVCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.CellChanQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ChlSeizedQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.TRXGRPIPRBDSPQryIPRBDSPQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ChgTRXGRPDSPIPRBDSPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.ClearTRXGroupQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.DFCACellQryDFCAQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.DFCATSQryDFCAQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AbisQryABISQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AbisRsQryABISQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.AbisRsOprABIS/Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.AbisRsSpy/ABISQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.LapdQryABIS/ABISQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.RingQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.PanelBoardForceChangeBSCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SysClockquyQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.CpuRateQueryCPUQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.PanelBoardNormalResetBSCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.PanelBoardResetBSCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.PanelBoardNormalChangeBSCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.OmcAlarmMMLBSCQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.ApsStatusQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ApsExchangeQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.CellInDspAdjustDSPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.ProtocolQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.DSPResetDSPQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.SysRebootQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.LocalSwitchQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.IMISLocalSwitchIMSIQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.IMISLsnrOprIMSIQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.APSPGStatusQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.GEFPortExGEQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.GEFModuleExGEQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BIPBSunitQryBIPBQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.BIPBSunitExchgBIPBQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.LapdCPUExchgLAPD CPU Query.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.LapdCpuStatusQryLAPDQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.L2QUERYQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.DISCARDPACKQUERYQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BtsboardSetBTSQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BtsBoardStateQueryQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.V2BoardInfoQryV2Query.operationgomcr.ddm.TrxCpuInfoQryV3Query.operationgomcr.ddm.ManBcchExBCCHQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.V3BoardInfoQryV3Query.operationgomcr.ddm.SatelliteSwitchQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.RRUTRXQryRRU TRXQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ResInfoQryQuery.operationgomcr.ddm.ResinfoReportQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BALISTUPDATEBaListQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BALISTBEGINBaListQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.BALISTENDBaListQuery.operation,Set.operation,gomcr.ddm.InterfBandQryQuery.operation

&"Times New Roman,"ZTE&"," Proprietary Confidential

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MOMOMOMOuep.pal.cm.mutex.onoff/sdrmanager.cm.readuep.pal.cm.mutex.applyrelease/sdrmanager.cm.writeuep.pal.cm.mutex.clearsdrmanager.radio.CDMACDMA MOCuep.pal.cm.createcmsdrmanager.radio.GSMGSM MOCuep.pal.cm.getcmsdrmanager.radio.PLATMOCuep.pal.cm.setcmsdrmanager.radio.TDTD MOCuep.pal.cm.delcmsdrmanager.radio.TDDLTETDD MOCuep.pal.cm.backupsdrmanager.radio.UMTSUMTSuep.pal.cm.recoversdrmanager.cm.sync.modifyuep.pal.cm.copypaste/sdrmanager.cm.sync.totalzxwomc.rns.syncdatasdrmanager.cm.specialsdrmap.cm.reversesdrmanager.aisg.cmd.writeAISGsdrmap.aisgAISGsdrmanager.aisg.cmd.readAISGmedaitor.sdrmap.dtmmainsdrmanager.aisg.cmd.upgradeAISGsdrmap.swm.backmanagerOMCsdrmanager.dtm.commonsdrmap.swm.nemanagersdrmanager.dtm.specialsdrmap.swm.nequerysdrmanager.dtm.taskzxwomc.rns.getstatussdrmanager.vmp.readzxwomc.rns.dyndatamgrsdrmanager.vmp.writelteomc.tm.faultsdrmanager.ddm.querysdrmanager.ddm.modifyzxtruomc.rns.pm.task.viewzxurop.rns.pm.task.viewzxtruomc.rns.pm.task.modifyzxurop.rns.pm.task.modifyzxtruomc.rns.pm.realtime.viewzxurop.rns.pm.realtime.viewzxtruomc.rns.pm.query.viewzxurop.rns.pm.query.viewzxtruomc.fm.rnc.antijitt.getzxurop.fm.rnc.antijitt.getzxtruomc.fm.rnc.antijitt.addzxurop.fm.rnc.antijitt.addzxtruomc.fm.rnc.antijitt.modifyzxurop.fm.rnc.antijitt.modifyzxtruomc.fm.rnc.antijitt.delzxurop.fm.rnc.antijitt.delzxurop.fm.rnc.antijitt.sync

&"Times New Roman,"ZTE&"," Proprietary Confidential

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gsmMO MOCIDMO MOCIDPOIDgsmPm.bsc.functionBSC(GSM)90003PS(BSC)gsmPm.bsc.functionBSC(GSM)90005CPUgsmPm.cell(GSM)90122GBgsmPm.bsc.IbscOfficegv3.bsc.OfficeOFFICE(V3)(GSM)90139Atergv3.bsc.IBSCN7LINKgv3.Mtp2LinkMTP2(V3)(GSM)90140MTP2gv3.bsc.IBSCMODULEgv3.bsc.CPUMEMCPU/MEM(V3)(GSM)90141CPU/MEMgv3.bsc.IBSCASINFOgv3.bsc.SCTPLINKSCTP(V3)(GSM)90142SCTPgv3.bsc.IPIPORTgv3.bsc.IPPORTIP(V3)(GSM)90143IPgv3.bsc.IBSCUPUDSPIBSCUPUDSP(GSM)90144GTRUNKgsmPm.bsc.IBSCBRCHgv3.bsc.CHANNELChannel(V3)(GSM)90146FRgsmPm.bsc.IbscOfficegv3.bsc.OfficeOFFICE(V3)(GSM)90160AtergsmPm.bsc.IbscOfficegv3.bsc.OfficeOFFICE(V3)(GSM)90161AterSCCPgv3.bsc.IBSCN7LINKgv3.bsc.MTP3LINKMTP3(V3)(GSM)90167MTP3gv3.bsc.IBSCASINFOgv3.M3uaAsM3UA(V3)(GSM)90168M3UAgsmPm.bsc.functiongv3.bsc.SCCPSCCP(V3)(GSM)90169SCCPgv3.bsc.IBSCN7LSgv3.bsc.MTP3LINKSETMTP3(V3)(GSM)90170MTP3gv3.bsc.IBSCMODULEgv3.bsc.M3UAERRM3UA(V3)(GSM)90171M3UAgv3.bsc.IBSCASINFOgv3.bsc.M3UAASM3UA AS(V3)(GSM)90172M3UA ASgv3.bsc.IBSCMODULE(GSM)90173gv3.bsc.IBSCMODULE(GSM)90174gv3.bsc.SUNITDEVSUNITDEV(GSM)90175UBgv3.bsc.SUNITDEVgv3.bsc.HDFLASHFLASH(V3)(GSM)90176FLASHgsmPm.bsc.functiongv3.bsc.SCTPPROTOCOLSCTP(V3)(GSM)90177SCTPgv3.bsc.IBSCASINFOgv3.bsc.SCTPASSOCSCTPULP(V3)(GSM)90178SCTPULPgv3.bsc.SDHOPTPARAFPORT(GSM)90179SDTBgv3.bsc.IBSCPCMgv3.bsc.PEB22554E1PEB22554 E1(V3)(GSM)90180PEB22554 E1gv3.bsc.IBSCPCMgv3.bsc.PEB22554T1PEB22554 T1(V3)(GSM)90181PEB22554 T1gv3.bsc.IPIPORTgv3.bsc.MACPORTMAC(V3)(GSM)90182MACgv3.bsc.PPPCFGgv3.bsc.PPPPPP(V3)(GSM)90184PPPgv3.bsc.IPIPORTgv3.bsc.UMACUMAC(V3)(GSM)90185UMACgsmPm.cell(GSM)90191RTCPgsmPm.bsc.IPABISPOOLIPABISPOOL(GSM)90193gv3.bsc.PDPD(GSM)90197IPgv3.bsc.SDHOPTPARAgv3.bsc.SDTBRSMS()(V3)(GSM)90198()gv3.bsc.SDHOPTPARAgv3.bsc.SDTBHP()(V3)(GSM)90199()gsmPm.cell(GSM)90201gsmPm.bsc.functionBSC(GSM)90202BSCgsmPm.cell(GSM)90203VGCSgsmPm.cell(GSM)90204VBSgsmPm.cell(GSM)90205eMLPPgv3.bsc.IBSCMODULEgv3.bsc.MODULECMP(V3)(GSM)90209IFTAgv3.bsc.IBSCPCMgv3.bsc.SDTBE1SDTB E1(V3)(GSM)90210SDTB E1gv3.bsc.IBSCMODULEgv3.bsc.MODULECMP(V3)(GSM)90211gsmPm.IBTSTRX(GSM)90214gsmPm.IBTSTRX(GSM)90215BTS PS gsmPm.IBTSTRX(GSM)90216TRXPSgsmPm.IBTSTRX(GSM)90217PSgsmPm.IBTSTRX(GSM)90218PSgv3.bsc.PLATPORTQUEUEgv3.bsc.QUEUEMETER(V3)(GSM)90222gv3.bsc.IPIPORTgv3.bsc.ACLTRAFFICACL(V3)(GSM)90223ACLgv3.bsc.PLATPDgv3.bsc.IPPDIP(SLA)(V3)(GSM)90227IP SLAgv3.bsc.MCorePortgv3.bsc.MCORE(V3)(GSM)90228gsmPm.cell(GSM)90229Abisgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90230BIPBHOSTDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90231BIPBDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90232BIPBHOSTIPRB DSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90233BIPBIPRB DSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90234AIPBHOSTDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90235AIPBDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90236TIPBHOSTDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90237TIPBDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90238DRTBHOSTDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90239DRTBDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90240UPPBHOSTDSPgv3.bsc.IBSCDSPIBSCDSP(GSM)90241UPPBDSPgv3.bsc.IPIPORTgv3.LinkOam802.3ah(V3)(GSM)90244802.3ahgv3.bsc.EquipmentEquipment(GSM)90253TSECgv3.bsc.ChipPortChipPort(GSM)90254BCM56XXXgv3.bsc.ChipPolymerizationChipPolymerization(GSM)90255TRUNKSETgv3.bsc.HWHW(GSM)90256HWgv3.bsc.OpticalPortOpticalPort(GSM)90257TFSgv3.bsc.GLIGLI(GSM)90258VSC874gv3.bsc.GLIGLI(GSM)90259BRSMCSgv3.bsc.GLIGLI(GSM)90260INGRESS/EGRESSgv3.bsc.ChipChip(GSM)9026182559

umtsMO mocidMO mocidIDwcdma.rncAtmOfficewmo3.Aal2ApA2SP(V3)(UMTS)31093ALCAPwcdma.rncAsInfowmo3.M3uaAsAS(V3)(UMTS)31095M3UA ASwcdma.rncOfficewmo3.RemoteSpN7(V3)(UMTS)31097M3UAwcdma.M3UALinkTpwmo3.SctpAssociation(V3)(UMTS)31098M3UAwcdma.rncOfficewmo3.RemoteSpN7(V3)(UMTS)31099MTP3Bwcdma.SignLinkSetTpwmo3.Sls(V3)(UMTS)31100MTP3Bwcdma.SignLinkTpwmo3.SlN7(V3)(UMTS)31101MTP3Bwcdma.SignLinkTpwmo3.SlN7(V3)(UMTS)31102MTP3Bwcdma.M3UALinkTpwmo3.SctpAssociation(V3)(UMTS)31103SCTPwcdma.M3UALinkTpwmo3.SctpAssociation(V3)(UMTS)31105SCTPULPwcdma.M3UALinkTpwmo3.SctpAssociation(V3)(UMTS)31106SCTPwcdma.rncAtmSigLinkwmo3.SaalTpSSCOP(V3)(UMTS)31108SSCSwcdma.M3UALinkTpwmo3.SctpAssociation(V3)(UMTS)31110SSMwPm.rncTrPathwmo3.CACTrPath(V3)(UMTS)31111wcdma.SmaOfficewmo3.ULogicalOffice(V3)(UMTS)31113wcdma.SmaOfficewmo3.ULogicalOffice(V3)(UMTS)31114wcdma.SmaOfficewmo3.ULogicalOffice(V3)(UMTS)31115wcdma.rncOfficewmo3.RemoteSpN7(V3)(UMTS)31116SCCPwcdma.RapCpu1wmo3.AtmCpu1ATM1(V3)(UMTS)31120AAL2 CPS1wcdma.RapCpu1wmo3.AtmCpu1ATM1(V3)(UMTS)31122AAL2 SSSAR1wcdma.RapCpu2wmo3.AtmCpu2ATM2(V3)(UMTS)31124AAL22wcdma.RapCpu1wmo3.AtmCpu1ATM1(V3)(UMTS)31127AAL51wcdma.RapCpu2wmo3.AtmCpu2ATM2(V3)(UMTS)31128AAL52wcdma.RapCpu1wmo3.AtmCpu1ATM1(V3)(UMTS)31132ATM1wcdma.RapCpu2wmo3.AtmCpu2ATM2(V3)(UMTS)31133ATM2wcdma.CPUwmo3.CPUMSCPU(V3)(UMTS)31134CPU/MEMwcdma.SdtbE1wmo3.CLogicalE1CSTM-1 E1(V3)(UMTS)31135CSTM-1 E1wcdma.SdtbT1wmo3.CLogicalT1CSTM-1 T1(V3)(UMTS)31136CSTM-1 T1wcdma.E1Linkwmo3.LogicalE1E1(V3)(UMTS)31137E1wcdma.PosPortwmo3.LogicalPosPortPOS(V3)(UMTS)31138HDLC1wcdma.rncIPE1Portwmo3.HDLCEUIP(V3)(UMTS)31139HDLC2wcdma.ImaGroupwmo3.ImaGroupIMA(V3)(UMTS)31141IMAwcdma.IpCpuwmo3.IpCpu2IP(V3)(UMTS)31142IPv4wcdma.IpPathwmo3.IpPathNodebIP(V3)(UMTS)31144NodebIPQoSwcdma.CnIpPathwmo3.OfficeIpPathIP(V3)(UMTS)31145IPQoSwcdma.rncPppwmo3.HDLCpppPPP(V3)(UMTS)31147PPPwcdma.ATMChTermiPointwmo3.PVCPVC(V3)(UMTS)31149PVCwcdma.rncT1Linkwmo3.LogicalT1T1(V3)(UMTS)31150T1wcdma.Portwmo3.LogicalEthPort1(V3)(UMTS)31158IPwcdma.Portwmo3.LogicalEthPort1(V3)(UMTS)31159MACwcdma.Portwmo3.LogicalEthPort1(V3)(UMTS)31160UMACwcdma.rncImaLinkwmo3.ImaLinkTC(V3)(UMTS)31165TCwcdma.rncBfdSessionwmo3.BfdSessionBFD(V3)(UMTS)31166BFDwcdma.McsCpuwmo3.MCCpu(V3)(UMTS)31168UDPwcdma.McsCpuwmo3.MCCpu(V3)(UMTS)31172wcdma.rncTrPathGpwmo3.TrPathGroup(V3)(UMTS)31187wPm.rncTrPathwmo3.TrPath(V3)(UMTS)31188wPm.rncTrPathwmo3.TrPath(V3)(UMTS)31189wcdma.Port2wcdma.MCorePortwmo3.MCLogicalEthPort(V3)(UMTS)31193UMACwcdma.rncNetOamwmo3.LinkOamOAM(V3)(UMTS)31194OAMwcdma.mlPppwmo3.MpLinkMLPPP(V3)(UMTS)31199MPwcdma.mlPppwmo3.MpLinkMLPPP(V3)(UMTS)31200MPwcdma.mlPppwmo3.MpLinkMLPPP(V3)(UMTS)31201MPwcdma.IpCpuwmo3.IpCpu2IP(V3)(UMTS)31204MCSIPwcdma.rncLacpwmo3.EthChannelLACP(V3)(UMTS)31206LACPwcdma.IpCpuwmo3.IpCpu2IP(V3)(UMTS)31208IPSecwcdma.IpCpuwmo3.IpCpu2IP(V3)(UMTS)31209IPSec IKEwcdma.NodebMidIpPathwmo3.MidNodeBIpPathNodebIP(V3)(UMTS)31213NodebIPQoSwcdma.TrPathGpNtwkwmo3.SubTrPathGroup(V3)(UMTS)31222wcdma.rncA2TrPathwmo3.Aal2PathTpAAL2(V3)(UMTS)31223AAL2

&"Times New Roman,"ZTE&"," Proprietary Confidential

&10&10 &N , &P

tdMO MOCIDMO MOCIDPOIDtd.ATMOfficetd.Aal2ApATM(V3)(TD)35030ALCAPtd.ATMSiglinktdMo.SaalTpATM(V3)(TD)35031SSCStd.MtpLinkTptd.Sl(V3)(TD)35032MTP3td.MtpLinkSetTptd.Sls(V3)(TD)35033MTP3td.UNITCONNtdMo.GEPortGE(V3)(TD)35047IngressGEtd.UNITCONNtdMo.GEPortGE(V3)(TD)35048EgressGEtd.SctpAssoctd.SctpAssociation(V3)(TD)35058M3UAtd.M3uaLinkSetTptd.M3uaAsAS(V3)(TD)35059M3UA AStd.SctpAssoctd.SctpAssociation(V3)(TD)35060SSMtd.SctpAssoctd.SctpAssociation(V3)(TD)35061SSMtd.N7OfficetdMo.MTP3OfficeMTP3(V3)(TD)35062MTP3td.N7OfficetdMo.M3UAOfficeM3UA(V3)(TD)35063M3UAtd.N7OfficetdMo.STCOfficeSTC(V3)(TD)35064STCtd.M3uaLinkSetTptd.M3uaAsAS(V3)(TD)35065M3UAtd.SignRoutetd.M3uaRouteM3UA(V3)(TD)35066M3UAtd.SctpAssoctd.SctpAssociation(V3)(TD)35067SCTPtd.SctpAssoctd.SctpAssociation(V3)(TD)35068SCTPULPtd.rncBoardtdMo.CPU(MCS)(V3)(TD)35083td.N7OfficetdMo.SCCPOfficeSCCP(V3)(TD)35086SCCPtd.PMSTMPort(HP)tdMo.HP()(V3)(TD)35095()td.PMSTMPort(SEC)tdMo.SPort(SEC)()(V3)(TD)35096()td.rncBoardtdMo.CPU(MCS)(V3)(TD)35098UDP

&"Times New Roman,"ZTE&"," Proprietary Confidential

&10&10 &N , &P


&"Times New Roman,"ZTE&"," Proprietary Confidential

&10&10 &N , &P


UMTSMOMOMOMOMOMOMO_StatCellCell StatisticsStatCellCell Statistics

Upgrade PlanNo.PhaseUpgrade ContentNotification1EMS UpgradeStop EMS.2Peform incremental upgrade on EMS, and install product package sdrMgr and ICM in the same time.3Start EMS.4Create NE agent of OMMB(MO), input the mapping relationship of NE agent and Back up the basic data.The mapping file can contain all OMMB, also can contain the upgraded OMMB only.5Add the configuration file of OMMRums-server/utils/Controllerupdate/OmmRelation.propertyThe mapping file can contain all OMMR (suggested), also can contain the upgraded OMMR only.6Stop EMS.7Run upgrade tool from none-MO to MO, and run the model tool (OMMR and OMMB).1. If OMMB agent mapping or OMMR configuration file is modified, the upgrade tool and model tool need to be executed again.2. The upgrade tool and model tool can be executed for multiple times.

8Start EMS.9Check the Northbound Data.10OthersRCTV3.00.300G Installation Deployment.11Upgrade the license center and import the new license file.Manage MO and none-MO.12First Upgrade On BSUpgrade OMMB to 4111014P06.IBSCV6.30 is not compatible to sdr4111008.13Upgrade the BS to NDS and gather MR data.15iOMCR/IBSCBackup SBCX including version and data.16Stop OMMR NE agent in EMS.Performance data is missing in the upgrade of IOMCR and IBSC.17Deploy OMMHOST (Finish the modification of OMMR and OMMB configuration).18Upgrade LOGSERVICE.19Upgrade IOMCR.20Upgrade IBSC.21Check the configuration.22Start OMMR NE agent in EMS.23Create incompatible threshold task, counter, and template in EMS.The incompatible template, counter and task will be written the following file after the upgrade of EMS:\ums-server\works\ucaprocess name\uca1process name\runtime\ppus\uca.ppu\uca-pm.pmu\minos_netype_change_result_yyyymmddhhmmss.csv24Send the security data manually in EMS.25Check the Northbound data to see whether the reported data of MO version is normal.26Second Upgrade On BSInstall OMMB V12 version in new SBCX27Activate the NE agent of OMMBMOin EMS.28Create the measuring task of OMMB in EMS.29Export the BS data.30Upgrade the BS data off-line.(> OMMBV12 32Disconnect the upgraded BS with OMMBV411, and connect it with OMMBV1233Upgrade the BS.34Check the Northbound data to see whether the reported data of MO version is normal.

