Updated: 11/13/2020

Updated: 11/13/2020

Transcript of Updated: 11/13/2020

Updated: 11/13/2020  





Learning Models  Below are the learning models All Saints may implement throughout the school year. All Saints may transition from one model to another as conditions and guidance dictates. The process may occur multiple times throughout the year. Model changes can be determined by any (or a combination) of the following governing entities: 

● Governor of Iowa ● Iowa Department of Public Health ● Iowa Department of Education ● All Saints Elementary School Board (in collaboration with Linn County 

Public Health)      All Saints’ faculty and staff are committed to carrying forth our vision of growing young people as educators, faithful followers, and as disciples of God. To do this we will work with the All Saints’ mission at the forefront, whether learning takes place fully on-site, on-line or in a hybrid model.   


Learning Models 

On-Site Learning 

Students in grades K-5 will return to school onsite at the start of the 2020-2021 school year. Regular, full days of school will be held with modifications implemented for student and staff safety.  

● K-3 will have split classrooms using SWIVEL technology in the event the grade level enrollment exceeds the number of desks allowed for a classroom for practicing social distancing.  

○ Classrooms that use SWIVEL technology will have a teacher for those students not present with the “main” grade level teacher  

○ Microphones will be used to ask and answer questions to the teacher  ○ The teachers can move between rooms to help students ○ Classroom teachers will create schedules to balance, SWIVEL online 

learning, and teacher-in-person learning   

● Grades 4 & 5 will be combined classes which will be self-contained classrooms (No SWIVEL needed for classroom instruction) 

○ 3 Block scheduled classes (1 Hr.) by subject  ■ Language Arts/Writing ■ Science/Social Studies ■ Mathematics 

○ Students will transition to their own individual “block” schedules  ○ Religion will be taught by the homeroom teacher ○ Specials will be taught  

● SWIVEL will be available for those students who are in ⅘ and are choosing the hybrid “family choice” model 

 Families that are not comfortable returning to on-site school for COVID related reasons can apply to participate in online learning as part of the Hybrid Option or “Family Choice” Model.  

  STAFF will be required to check their temperatures before reporting to work.   STUDENTS and STAFF will be required to wear face covering unless social distancing can be practiced at the student’s desk within the “homeroom” classroom setting. Face coverings will be required for K-5.   Every student will be assigned a learning device to help limit exposure to COVID-19.  

● Kindergarten - 2nd grade students will be assigned an iPad ● 3rd-5th grade students will be assigned a Chromebook.  

 If a student is self-isolating or if All Saints moves to exclusive online learning, students will be able to take these devices home to continue their learning.  

Hybrid Learning/“Family Choice”  

Under this hybrid plan, All Saints is open to providing on-site learning, however, a hybrid “Family Choice” online learning option is available for K-5 grade students that would like to choose an alternative setting.   Families that are not comfortable returning to on-site school for COVID related reasons can apply to participate in online learning as part of this “family choice.” Since school will be open, the teacher will be using SWIVEL technology to live stream whole group instruction to lessons being conducted during the school day. Teachers will message families who choose this model of learning to establish when Religion, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science will be taught to ensure students are able to log on during these instructional times. Activities and assignments will be posted on each classroom's specific learning management system (Ex. Seesaw and/or Google Classroom). Currently we are working on obtaining more SWIVEL cameras for 

 Specials Classes (PE, Art, and Music), but in the event we are not able to get this technology, then assignments will be posted for specials classes on each classroom learning management system. Online learning ensures that academic work is equivalent in effort and rigor to typical classroom work.   If a student was unable to log on during the whole group classroom instruction, then a classroom recording of the lesson will be sent over the classroom’s learning management system no later than 5PM for the student to view during the evening.   Families who would prefer to keep their children at home while All Saints is opting for the on-site model should contact the All Saints Principal, Mrs. Megan Carter by email [email protected] or by phone at (319) 363-4110 Ext. 234.  

● There is no deadline set at this time to request the “Family Choice” online learning model, but families are encouraged to communicate with Mrs. Carter as soon as they begin to consider this option.  

● All Saints prefer that families opt for “Family Choice” online learning for one quarter at a time. Families may opt for more time than a quarter, but we prefer that families not change modes of learning more than once per quarter.  

Online Learning 

The determination of whether All Saints exclusively moves from ON-SITE to the ONLINE Learning Plan would only be implemented school-wide in the event of a school closure by the Governor, the Iowa Department of Public Health, or the All Saints School Board (which would be decided upon through collaboration with Linn County Public Health). 


How All Saints Will Begin the 2020-2021 School Year:  On-Site Learning 

All Saints will implement the On-Site Learning Model for the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. This model will be implemented with significant health and safety measures in place to protect our students (and their families), teachers and staff. This model was selected with the following considerations taken into account: 

● Our ability to mitigate risks by using masks, outdoor learning, spacing, cohort groups, sanitizing and disinfecting, etc.  

● Surveyed and communicated feedback from staff and families ● Realization that all of our students, and especially our youngest students, are not yet 

fully independent learners and require significant hands-on support and play based models, posing a challenge for working parents  

● Consistent access to teachers  ● Students enrolled in personalized learning are uniquely positioned for success in 

transitioning from in-person to online learning models  

● Need to provide social emotional support to students through programming and social 


Hybrid or “Family Choice” Option: Families may choose to do the Online Learning Model for their student(s). Choosing this model means that the student will need to either login during the designated times for a live video feed of direct instruction or watch the recorded video and complete the accompanying work to demonstrate understanding.  

● Families will be asked initially to indicate this request via a survey ● Any future requests to move to an online format will need to be sent to 

Mrs. Carter at [email protected] at least 2 days prior to changing learning models  

● We prefer that families not change modes of learning more than once per quarter 


Health & Safety The following health and safety protocols would be implemented for all three models. 

Face Coverings 

Face Masks 


Required to be worn by all staff and students in all areas of the building. Mask breaks will be implemented during the school day. Teachers will provide mask breaks during times that students are seated at their desks during class time or when instruction is outside. Other potential times for mask breaks may also include lunch, recess, band, or appropriate fitness/wellness activities.  

● Students can provide their own cloth face covering, but All Saints will be providing one face covering for each student. The school will also have additional supplies of face coverings for students should they need one.  

● Staff will be provided with face coverings as well, but may use their own if they so choose.  


Exceptions for wearing face masks will be made for medical reasons. Minimally a student will be asked to wear a face shield. Families should contact All Saints to create a health plan. A doctor's note (MD, PA, or DO) will be required as part of the health plan.  


Students at All Saints will be allowed to wear face masks they bring from home. (Sports teams or multi-colored allowed). The mask must fully cover the nose, mouth, and chin secure with ties or ear loop.  

 Neck gaiters, open-chin triangle bandanas, costume masks or any other variations are not permitted.   Face masks with (or without) the Xavier logo are available at Lands End.  

Face Shields 

Face shields will be supplied to all students and staff. 


Face shields are strongly encouraged anytime. It does not replace a face mask, but may be worn in addition to a face mask. 


● Required when teaching or working with others and able to social distance.  

● May be used in addition to masks when not able to social distance. 

Facilities & Cleaning 

HVAC System  

All Saints will be utilizing outdoor spaces as much as possible for the learning environment to provide breaks from the classroom environment. Air conditioner filters will be cleaned and changed out often. We will be constantly monitoring the air quality conditions within the classroom. 



Increased emphasis will be placed on cleaning and disinfecting All Saints on a daily and weekly basis.   

 Additional cleaning and sanitizing procedures will be in place throughout the school year. Examples include: Hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, physical barriers added in office areas, drinking fountains turned off, and increased time for student handwashing. Water bottle filler stations will be kept on--students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles during the school day.   Surfaces in each classroom will be sanitized at the start of every day using a magnetic spray gun in addition to regular disinfecting and sanitation times throughout the day. During class periods, restrooms and hallway areas will be sanitized as needed. There will also be multiple cleanings of the cafeteria after each lunch shift.  

Physical Distancing 


All Saints will have signs clearly posted regarding handwashing, symptoms, face coverings, visitor policy, and lunch procedures.  


Classrooms will be restructured to abide by social distancing guidelines as much as possible. Students will be seated facing forward to limit exposure.   Furniture in classrooms and other areas will be rearranged to maximize physical distance between students in order to maintain six feet distance. SWIVELing will be used for students both who utilize our "family choice" learning plan, in addition to students who are maintaining social distancing within each grade level in alternative classrooms onsite. When possible, classes will use larger spaces or outdoor areas.  


Class times will be staggered as much as possible to accommodate social distancing guidelines during passing times.   Hallways will be one--directions, or clearly marked as two-way.   There will be a limited number of students allowed in the hallways during lunch time.   

 There will be markings on the floor in areas of the hallway indicating 6 feet of proper distancing.    


Limited grade levels will have recess at a time to accommodate social distancing guidelines.   

Equipment will be disinfected before and after use.   

Students will be required to wash/disinfect their hands upon re-entering the buildings.  


Partitions will be used to separate staff and visitors at the front desk of all office areas. 

Food & Nutrition 


The following measures will be implemented during breakfast and lunch time: ● Students will eat lunch meals in the cafeteria abiding by social distancing 

guidelines (6ft) ● Students will eat outside when possible  ● Meal times will be staggered ● Self-serve stations will be discontinued ● Students will be eating in the cafeteria at tables that seat four (4) students 

to a table with a quad-plexiglass barrier separating students  ● Food service packaging items when possible (no self-serve)   ● Plexiglass shields for checkout   ● Continue to utilize the digital lunch count with student names for ease of 

lunchroom staff when checking out student lunches  ● Lunch time will be a mask break time for students and staff  ● Breakfast will likely be served to students in the classroom between 

8-8:20AM (Time may change) 


Additional Measures 


Hygiene practices such as frequent and thorough handwashing will be encouraged throughout the day. Routine reminders will be posted throughout the school such as social distancing, cough etiquette, and staying home when ill. 


This will be in a larger area this year to help distance and provide additional space for students. If a student is feeling ill the teacher will send the student to the office. Students will stand physically distant when waiting.  


Students will be evaluated following protocol from Linn County Public Health concerning any communicable diseases.   



Students and staff must screen for illness prior to coming to school. This includes daily temperature screening at home. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or above must stay home.  If a family is unable to screen for fever at home, students can be screened by the office upon arrival to school. 


If a staff or student is required to quarantine based on close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19; the staff or student will be asked to quarantine for 14 days.    

 If a staff or student exhibits symptoms of COVID-19, they will follow the 10/3/3 rule:    

1. Ten (10) days must pass from the start of symptoms AND 2. Must be fever-free (<100.4) for three (3) days or 72 hours without the use 

of medication AND 3. Demonstrate significant symptom improvement  

All three of these criteria must be met prior to returning to school. 


People with COVID-19 have had a wide range of symptoms reported – ranging from mild symptoms to severe illness. Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:  



Close Contact is defined by being less than six feet of an individual for 15 minutes or more or have direct physical contact. Mitigation efforts are in place to minimize the amount of students that would be in close contact with each other.   








Below is our close contact and quarantine criteria. (This information was previously sent in October.) 

Close contact and quarantine will now be based on the following criteria: 

● Living in the same household as an infectious person (irrespective of whether face coverings are used in the household) 

● In our school buildings, being less than 6 feet away from a positive student and/or staff member for more than 15 consecutive minutes without a mask . See the document here for further clarification on this. 

Close contact is now defined as the following: ● NEW: Being within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or ● more in a 24-hour period, starting from 2 days before illness onset or testing.

○ Note: This is a change from previous guidelines which stated 15 continuous minutes constitute close contact.

● NEW: Direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them) ● NEW: Being sneezed upon, coughed upon, or somehow got respiratory droplets on

yourself from a COVID-19 infected individual. ● Living in the same household as a person diagnosed with COVID-19.

NEW: Close contact includes all of the above, regardless of mask use. ● Note: This is also a change from previous guidelines.


There are a few additional notations based on this proclamation that are important to share: 

● Iowa and Linn County Public Health are using the CDC recommendations for face coverings; this means that the only acceptable face covering is a mask (gators and face shields will not qualify for this new policy.) More information on the CDC recommendation of masks can be found here .   

● Students will still be provided mask breaks as identified in our plan. ● We are still continuing with our mitigation practices as defined in our cleaning and 

PPE requirements as outlined in our return-to-learn plans.   

 Close Contact Identification Process 

When a student comes into close contact with an identified student or staff member who 

tests positive for COVID-19, the school office will notify the close contact’s parents after 

contact tracing.   

● If the close contact and positive student and/or staff member are both wearing masks, then the close contact will self-monitor for 14 days, but CAN remain in school.  

● Each family has the choice to quarantine and start virtual learning if they feel more comfortable after being in close contact with a positive student and/or staff member.  


We will continue to evaluate our multi-layer mitigation strategies and continue our work with 

the Iowa Department of Public Health and Linn County Public Health. The new quarantine 

and mask guidance will be put into place starting Friday, October 2nd . Up to this point, we 

have been pleased with the results and efforts from our faculty and staff, as well as our 

students and their families. So thank you for your continued efforts. The “When to Stay 

Home” flowchart has been updated and is linked here.Please let me know if you have any 

further questions.  

Below is how we will communicate cases on our website by 4:00 p.m. each day. This is guidance from Iowa Department of Public Health. 

● If schools choose to share case information further with the public, such as via public dashboards, they should make considerations to protect the confidentiality of students in the school setting: 

● Release case counts only when there are 100 or more total students in the student population at a location 

● Schools that have no cases can report zero cases 

● Schools with counts of 6 or more cases can release specific case counts 

● Schools with 5 or fewer cases should not provide a specific count, but can confirm there are cases within the school population. (All Saints uses ** on our chart that is on the website under the Covid-19 tab.)   

● No other demographic identifiers should be included in the school-level releas 

 Arrival/Drop-Off Procedures  

As we look to plan for our “return to learn” for the All Saints building, we are working on various areas of the school building to help keep our students safe and healthy in order to stop the spread of COVID-19 within our building. Therefore, we ask all families of All Saints to help partner with us to ensure that we keep all students safe as we consider our new plans. Therefore, please consider the new arrival and dismissal procedures for students. Parents will not be allowed to exit the vehicles during pick-up/drop off.   Additional building entrances will be available to limit lines and crowding.   There will be designated drop-off locations for parents of students.   ARRIVAL Two separate entrance ways:  K-2 enters the side of the building starting at 8:10AM and enters into the gym for supervision (See Blue Route on Student Drop Off Map).  Grs. 3-5 enter the front entryway of the building starting at 8:20AM (See Red Route on Student Drop Off Map).   We ask that families with multiple students please choose the entrance plan of your oldest child.   DISMISSAL We will have three separate dismissal entrances. Families will drive their cars as normal from Mt. Vernon road. If you have one student within our building, you will turn left into the church parking lot to pick up your student at the door the students use to go out for daily recess. The car will continue to travel around the Church and exit onto Dalewood (See Green Route Student Pick Up Map). If a family has two students within our building then they will continue straight down our school drive to the side entrance we have used for dismissal in the past for student pick-up and drive straight ahead to exit onto Dalewood Avenue (See 

 Red Route Student Pick Up Map) . Families with three or more students, including afternoon preschool (if they DO NOT have K-5 siblings) will be picked up in the front entryway of the school and continue to exit to Dalewood (See Blue Route Student Pick Up Line).   Please have your name sign in the front portion of your windshield for staff definition. Staff members will escort each child to his/her appropriate vehicle.   Students who are car-pooling will need to call the main office if someone other than the parent guardian is picking up.  


Catholicity: Learning with a Higher Purpose 

Developing our children’s faith will remain a cornerstone of everything we do at All Saints and we will be working hard to keep it front and center no matter what mode of teaching and learning we are in. Teachers integrate faith in their daily teaching through the use of prayer, bible verses, quotes, acts of kindness and service, daily blessings and so much more.   Faith formation and religion will continue in all teaching and learning modalities. It is our faith that helps us navigate all aspects of life, especially during challenging times such as these. We will continue to use the Sadlier “We Believe” series which focuses on empowering our children to uphold their faith and go out into the world as Catholics—proud of who they are. This is accomplished by doing the following: 

● Building Catholic Identity around core Catholic beliefs, practices, and principles so all students, including, needs of diverse learners, can truly embody their faith 

● Including flexible models of implementation that serve the changing needs of schools, parishes, and busy families. 

● Involving families with tools to enrich their identity as a Catholic family in today’s world 

 ● Providing digital options with resources and subscription web-based 

Online Assessments on Sadlier Connect 

Additionally we are continually working on ways to ensure safety while attending weekly mass.  

● Safety guidelines for on-site mass will be created and developed in concert with current Sunday mass safety guidelines 

● Options are being discussed regarding the ability to spread out or rotate classes who will attend mass each week; students not in attendance would participate in recorded mass or classroom prayer service 

Focus Area: Social Justice 

All Saints will provide monthly service learning opportunities for our PK-5 students with a focus on social justice.  



Teachers will be reporting an additional 3 days prior to the start of the school year for professional development days. This will provide time to collaborate as a staff, analyze student data, go over health and safety protocols, and discuss effective modes of teaching and learning.   Focus throughout the school year will be placed on essential learning that students did not receive during the 4th quarter last year. Best practice backed by research supports teaching grade-level content as the academic priority while filling those potential gaps (or as needed) when instruction of the material occurs throughout the school year. Teachers will be utilizing data form one another to close gaps and ensure from the spring are closed during the school year.  


Students Students will be set up for mastery of their current grade level content by determining what prerequisite skills will be most important to know at the beginning of each unit throughout the year. This will be done through the observation of student performance in real-time day-to-day classroom activities and through the use of a variety of assessment methods during the first couple of weeks. A student map mastery will be created after this important work is done.   Students who need additional supports, regardless of the instructional mode we employ, will be provided with those supports.  


Families are encouraged to contact their teacher(s) with questions or concerns at any point throughout the school year.  


Social Emotional Well Being 

Every student at All Saints will be assigned a staff member who will help facilitate student success and check in with that student on a frequent basis. This person may be their classroom teacher, who will be in close contact with them but it may be someone else at All Saints. As a community, we will be reaching out to families at the start of the school year for a check-in to see how things are going and what support we can provide. 

Nancy Jacoby, School Counselor, will also be available for students who would like to talk individually or in small groups. She will be prepared for extra student support needed to help students cope with the uncertainties that a pandemic brings. 

Technology for Online Learning (Hybrid & Online Models)  

All Saints will be using the following technology this school year to enhance our digital/online learning capabilities: 

● Grades K-2: 1:1 iPads  ● Grades 3-5: 1:1 Chromebooks ● SWIVEL cameras for all teachers ● Smartboards ● LadyBug Elmos   

Student Expectations 

● I will follow my new school rules, policies, and procedures.  ● I will follow my classroom teachers policies, procedures, and expectations.  ● I know that class participation and attendance is required of me for 

whatever learning model my family chooses. ● I will log on to either Google Classroom or Seesaw to complete any 

assignment given to me by a teacher in a timely manner. 

 ● I will communicate with my teacher if I have any questions on any 

assignments or concerns about my new learning environment. ● I will remember that my teachers miss me but want me to stay safe and 


If the school building is closed, All Saints will provide online continuous learning. Students will be expected to follow one of the following methods in regards to direct instruction, the teaching and learning of the concept:  

● Students can watch class instruction live based on times provided  ● Students can watch the recorded version of class during a time that 

works for the student and/or family   

Students will be required to complete any follow-up work, activities, assignments that were given to accompany the direct instruction learning component. All of the work must be done and turned in by the due date. This will provide the student with feedback and a grade, as well as serve as the attendance process to allow the student to be counted present for the day.  

Schedule & Attendance Classroom teachers will be sending out to parents schedules of when items will be taught over the course of the school day.   Attendance will be mandatory and recorded based on student assignment submission.   K-5 grade students will receive assignments through each classroom's learning management system (ex. Google Classroom and/or Seesaw) if not onsite  If a student does not participate in a class assignment/activity they will be marked absent and/or not receive grade/credit for the assignment and could be counted as truant.   

 Assessment, evaluation and grade entry into the online gradebook is expected as would normally occur. 


Students will continue to be graded through standards-based grading. This focuses on students ability to demonstrate and understand specific concepts related to grade level proficiency statements. Students will be graded on multiple different assignments and learning targets, in order for his/her teacher to see which concepts they understood well and which they need to improve upon. Grading will continue to be done based on current practices. All assignments turned in via in-person learning will be corrected and handed back in an appropriate time frame.  

Important Contacts 


Megan Carter, [email protected] 

Building Leadership Team: 

Megan Carter, [email protected]  Lynn Holverson, [email protected]  Ashley Kremer, [email protected]  Matthew Reitzel, [email protected]  Alison Prentice, [email protected]  Leah Williams, [email protected]  Christina Root, [email protected] 


Dan Tatara, [email protected]  Fr. Jack Flaherty, [email protected] All Individual Classroom Teachers 


Social/Emotional Support: 

Nancy Jacoby, [email protected]   Technology: All Individual Classroom Teachers  

Health & Wellness: 

Amanda Taylor, [email protected]  For questions or comments about the All Saints 2020-2021 Return to Learn Plan, please contact Mrs. Megan Carter, Principal of All Saints Elementary School at [email protected]