Update May 2013

Update School days Every week the CYFC team spend at least 26 hours in schools just for our regular sessions. In addition to this, we will often spend more time in the schools for tutor time, one to one student support sessions, lessons and anything else that can enable us to the support the students and staff. The year so far at Pittville has been great fun. Lunch time detached has seen relationships grow between the young people and the CYFC team. We have also been joined by Luke Goodway (Assistant Pastor of Elim Cheltenham). Luke has got stuck in straight away playing football with the lads and ladies, getting to know them and being involved in Rock Solid after school on Tuesdays. We have had many good conversations with young people during detached. We have been dispelling many myths about Christians, including someone saying we wouldn’t interact with muslims. The young people that come to Rock Solid continue to ask questions about life issues and God. So far this year we have helped many young people work through issues of self harm, bullying as well as questions of identity and where God fits into our lives. Our work at Bournside is very different as we are just involved in the Christian Union. When we first got involved at the CU there were around four young people that were committed to coming week in, week out. We've been blessed to see that number rise to fourteen, now I'd love to say its all down to us but it really has been down to God and the young people that have stepped out and invited their friends. At Christmas the whole of the CU ran a Christmas assembly for the year 7s. They stood up and publicly shared in front of their peers the meaning of Christmas, using adverts as a medium to covey this message. The funniest thing we saw this year is a young person who is not a Christian but comes to the CU telling her Christian friend to come to CU because it’s fun! It reminded us that God uses whoever and that we're very privileged to do the work we do in schools! Our work in all the schools continues to expand as we have more and more opportunities to work with young people. We are often asked if we are busy, the answer is never no; the opportunities far outstrip the resources. Saying that, we love being busy! May 2013 Congratulations to Flik and Tom who got married on 7th April. It was a great day and a lovely celebration of their marriage. We pray that Mr and Mrs Foster will have many happy years together. Please pray for Flik and Tom as they start out on this adventure. We look forward to all the exciting things that God has planned for them as a couple. Congratulations Flik with the team on her wedding day.


The May 2013 edition of the Cheltenham YFC newsletter.

Transcript of Update May 2013

Page 1: Update May 2013


School days

Every week the CYFC team spend at least 26

hours in schools just for our regular sessions. In

addition to this, we will often spend more time in

the schools for tutor time, one to one student

support sessions, lessons and anything else that

can enable us to the support the students and staff.

The year so far at Pittville has been great fun.

Lunch time detached has seen relationships grow

between the young people and the CYFC team.

We have also been joined by Luke Goodway

(Assistant Pastor of Elim Cheltenham). Luke has

got stuck in straight away playing football with the

lads and ladies, getting to know them and being

involved in Rock Solid after school on Tuesdays.

We have had many good conversations with young

people during detached. We have been dispelling

many myths about Christians, including someone

saying we wouldn’t interact with muslims. The

young people that come to Rock Solid continue to

ask questions about life issues and God. So far

this year we have helped many young people work

through issues of self harm, bullying as well as

questions of identity and where God fits into our


Our work at Bournside is very different as we are

just involved in the Christian Union. When we first

got involved at the CU there were around four

young people that were committed to coming week

in, week out. We've been blessed to see that

number rise to fourteen, now I'd love to say its all

down to us but it really has been down to God and

the young people that have stepped out and invited

their friends. At Christmas the whole of the CU ran

a Christmas assembly for the year 7s. They stood

up and publicly shared in front of their peers the

meaning of Christmas, using adverts as a medium

to covey this message. The funniest thing we saw

this year is a young person who is not a Christian

but comes to the CU telling her Christian friend to

come to CU because it’s fun! It reminded us that

God uses whoever and that we're very privileged to

do the work we do in schools!

Our work in all the schools continues to expand as

we have more and more opportunities to work with

young people. We are often asked if we are busy,

the answer is never no; the opportunities far

outstrip the resources. Saying that, we love being


May 2013

Congratulations to Flik and Tom

who got married on 7th April. It

was a great day and a lovely

celebration of their marriage. We

pray that Mr and Mrs Foster will

have many happy years together.

Please pray for Flik and Tom as

they start out on this adventure.

We look forward to all the exciting

things that God has planned for

them as a couple.


Flik with the team on her wedding day.

Page 2: Update May 2013

Two new team members

The team has recently been joined

by Lauren who is on a six week

placement with us from Redcliffe

College. She is registered blind

and is accompanied by Goldie, her

Guide Dog. Lauren is sharing her

faith with the young people we

work with and challenging them

about disability and overcoming

circumstances with God. Here she

tells us a little about herself.

At the age of 13 I lost my sight to a

rare eye condition called LHON. I

struggled to come to terms with

this and it was made yet more

difficult due to the fact that I had to

move to a boarding school in

Worcester. I still came home

every weekend and was able to

continue with my dancing and

going to a youth group at my local

church. At this point I did not

attend the church for the faith

aspect, I just wanted to see my

friends and have an opportunity to

be a normal teenager.

At my boarding school we had a

religious service every week. At

first I used to dread these services

as I felt that I had been dealt a

rough hand by God and that he

could not be a caring person. As

the weeks progressed I met a

young girl at my school who was

suffering with a brain tumour,

which she died of a year ago. Her

relationship and faith in and with

God encouraged me greatly. She

was a shining light to me and

challenged my denial of God.

When I was 15 I began to think

that there was a God and decided

to attend my local church’s

services. The youth workers at my

church began to support me and

show me the love of God. They

listened to every problem that I

faced and made time for me when

I needed this. They even took my

phone calls from boarding school

at ten o’clock at night when I was

homesick and unable to

comprehend why I was blind.

They believed in me and when the

world tried to tell me I couldn't do

something they were always there

cheering me on to carry on and not

give up. My parents also

supported me through this time

and even though they are not

Christians devotedly took me to

church every week and picked me

up. My belief in God developed

and grew stronger. I soon realised

that God was bigger than all of the

problems that I was facing and he

was the one person that I could

always trust in, my biggest


At the age of sixteen I developed

further and further in my

relationship with God, I decided

that I wanted to get baptised on

the 28th March 2010. It has been

a decision that I have never

regretted; I know that I am loved

and when the world says that I am

not normal I don’t care. God

doesn't care whether I am disabled

or able bodied and this is all that


I now attend a theological college

in Gloucester; I am passionate

about working with young people

who face issues in either a youth

work or teaching position. I have

carried out youth work for my

church supporting the Sunday

School teaching for the 10-13 year

olds and also working in the

crèche. I am a devoted member of

a Christian summer camp group

and work there every year in the

summer. I also help with Excite a

scripture union group that takes

place monthly at my church and

used to work in a supporting role at

my school with autistic children.

Life is never quiet in the CYFC

office. So far this year Flik has got

married, we’ve been joined by

Lauren and Goldie who are on

placement from Redcliffe College

and we have brought in two new

trustees. At the same time Jon

and Trev are nearing the end of

their youth work degrees. They

have finished all their lectures and

are now working on submitting

their final pieces of coursework.

Following the completion of his

course we are reviewing how we

will employ Jon as we move

forward which we will be able to

tell you about later in the term.

Trevor will be looking for work and

we know he will be a real asset to

whoever he ends up working for.

In the midst of all the busyness it

is essential that we take time out

to seek God. Our Monday

morning prayer meetings at 9am

are one of the most important

parts of our week. You are more

than welcome to join us for coffee

and prayer as we pray for the

young people we work with and all

aspects of our work.

It is great to have Lauren with us

this term and during her placement

we will be teaching young people

how to play Blind Football. So far

the team have had a few practices

with comical results. During her

placement Lauren will be sharing

with young people about her

blindness and challenging their

perceptions. She will also be

explaining how her faith sustains

her in the midst of difficulty, a

message so many young people

we work with need to hear.

Paul’s thoughts

Lauren and Goldie

Page 3: Update May 2013

Pates CU


For our new trustees.

For the successful Hog Roast

quiz night.

For the time that Lauren will be

spending with us.

For the many conversations we

have with young people about


For the impact we have been

able to make in the lives of

young people so far this year.


For young people as they go

through the challenges of life.

That we may be used to show

God cares for the young people

we work with.

That Lauren will make a real

impact in the six weeks she is

with us.

For Flik and Tom as they settle

in to married life.

For our plans for the coming

academic year.

For a new boys group starting at

All Saints Academy next term.

That we can assemble the

correct team for the coming


For Jon and Trev as they

prepare the final elements of

work for their degrees.

For the clubs at all of our

schools that young people will

continue to be open to exploring


For Love Cheltenham to make a

positive impact in the town.

This term at Pates we have been

working through a resource

produced by YFC and Open Doors

looking at the persecuted church

and themes such as sacrifice,

prayer and evangelism.

The group that we have at the

school has been growing in

numbers this term with a number

of younger students joining us.

Many of these new students have

come along as a result of one

student inviting her friends. She

has developed a real commitment

and passion for seeing the group

grow. She has taken the

opportunity to ask people to come

along at every opportunity, on the

bus, during class or over lunch. A

number of the young people are

also looking to join Underground.

One of the main things that we

have been trying to do is

encourage the young people to get

stuck into reading their Bibles

regularly away from the CU. We

have been challenging them each

week to think ahead to the next

session and come prepared with a

passage of Scripture that they

have read and a few comments on

what they took from it that they

could share with the group. We

have been really impressed with

the way that the young people

have responded to this and that

they always come prepared with a

verse and something to say.

From now until the end of the

academic year we will be looking

at the big stories of the Bible and

how they are all tied together.

Easter fun For the second year running we

had a day during the Easter

holidays for young people from All

Saints Academy to have some fun

whilst exploring the meaning of


Our Annual Report was presented at our AGM in March.

The report is available to look at along with all our

newsletters at www.issuu.com/cheltenhamyfc all of which

can also be downloaded. If you would like a paper copy

of the report please contact the office and we will be

happy to send you a copy.

At our AGM we also welcomed Steve Jones of Cambray

Baptist as a trustee. He joins Sarah Stone, who is now

Annual Report

Chair of Trustees, Lindsay Houghton (Treasurer) and

Kath Warner. Since the meeting Rob Goldsmith of St.

Mark C of E Church has been co-opted on to the Board

of Trustees.

We also said goodbye to Debra Legge who stepped

down after five years and as acting Chairman since


Jesus’ team

In April we spent a day talking

about the importance of teamwork

at St. Mark’s Junior School. All

240 students spent some time with

us as we illustrated the importance

of teamwork by playing Danish

longball. We also considered what

the Bible tells us about being part

of a team and how we are all

valued by God.


young people During this term we have

continued to support a number of

young people through mentoring.

We have also supported young

people dealing with issues of

bereavement. Many young people

face significant issues but they

frequently fall between the gaps

and do not get the support they

need. We are able to support

these young people through what

are often times of real challenge.

Page 4: Update May 2013

Hog roast

In February 125 people came

to the CYFC Quiz night and

Hog Roast. After munching

their way through the hog the

took part in the quiz with

questions on a variety of

subjects. The team baby

photo round gave people lots

of amusement! On the night

Daniel Crowe won a huge

Easter egg in a treasure map

challenge. His face lit up the

room when it was announced

he had won.

The night raised £372 towards

our work. Thank you to St.

Matthews’ Church for agreeing

to host us for the evening.

Special thanks to all those who

came and supported us on the

night. We hope you enjoyed

the evening.

Upcoming Events


5th 6.30pm Paul preaching at St. Matts

20th 7.45pm Prayer for Schools meeting, Parton Manor

Junior School, Churchdown

30th Love Cheltenham


19th 7.30pm Lets talk about sex roadshow, Bournside

School Drama Studio (Tickets £7)


14th 10.30am Paul preaching at St. Mark C of E


31st Jon’s parachute jump

The Flat, The Pavilion, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham. GL51 6NP [email protected] 01242 524408 Charity Number 1059805

Ways to give

To make a one-off or regular donation to our ministry you can give via our Virgin Money Giving page. You

can also set up a fundraising page if you wish to do a sponsored event. Visit www.tinyurl.com/give2cyfc

cheltenhamyfc.blogspot.com facebook.com/cheltenhamyfc @cheltenhamyfc

Love Cheltenham

On 30th May we will be involved with Love

Cheltenham, where young people from across the town

can get involved in social action projects to

demonstrate that God loves Cheltenham. If you would

like your youth group to be involved, please contact us

for more details.

Romance academy

On 19th June the Romance Academy are running a

frank & fun seminar to help adults talk with their teens

about sex & relationships.

The evening aims to help you grow in confidence in

talking with young people in your family & church about

relationships and sex. Throughout the evening key

questions will be explored that will help you address

issues about sex and relationships with young people

as a parent or a youth worker.

Tickets cost £7 and are available from Sarah Brown by

emailing [email protected] or visiting


Jon’s Jump

Last year Jon was planning to undertake a charity parachute

jump in aid of our work. Unfortunately the jump never

happened as a result of the company cancelling and then

Jon becoming too ill to undertake the jump. Jon will see the

doctor later this month who is expecting to give him the go

ahead to do the jump on 31st August this year. Jon will be

jumping from 3500 feet. He will be solo which means he will

not be strapped to an experienced instructor.

Jon is hoping to raise at least £750 towards our work with

young people in Cheltenham. If you would like to help Jon

reach his target you can sponsor him at www.tinyurl.com/

jonsjump or you can send donations direct to the office

payable to “Cheltenham Youth For Christ”. Please mention

if the donation is towards Jon’s Jump.

If you would like to undertake a sponsored challenge you

can easily set up a Virgin Giving page and raise money for

us, whether you jump out of a plane, run a marathon or

shave your head. Next year is our 40th anniversary and we

will be having lots of “40” related challenges that people can

join in with.

Pretty in Pink

Last month Andy Brown raised £107.25 for us by

wearing a pink T-shirt to the gym every day for three

weeks. This simple challenge has paid for a young

person to get some bereavement support that they

would otherwise not

have had available to

them. Thank you

Andy for your

support, although we

really do think you

should stop wearing

the T-shirt now!