OFFICERS President: Stan Baker 410-672-5219 958 Fall Ridge Way Gambrills, MD 21054 Vice President Paul Rossi Secretary Mary Keller Treasurer Lyn Rowell 410-672-6983 Webmaster: Verity Larson BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sandi Burnett Bob Keller OSTOMY ADVISERS: Joyce Onken BSN, RN, CWOCN Lead Inpatient Wound Ostomy Nurse AAMC Website: www.annearundelostomy.com Volume 46 Number 8 May 2019 UPCOMING MEETING May 2nd, 2019 Group Discussion June 6, To Be Announced “Your mother is your first friend. Your best friend. Your forever friend.” unknown

Transcript of UPCOMING MEETING -...

OFFICERS President: Stan Baker 410-672-5219 958 Fall Ridge Way Gambrills, MD 21054

Vice President Paul Rossi Secretary Mary Keller Treasurer Lyn Rowell 410-672-6983

Webmaster: Verity Larson BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sandi Burnett Bob Keller OSTOMY ADVISERS: Joyce Onken BSN, RN, CWOCN Lead Inpatient Wound Ostomy Nurse AAMC

Website: www.annearundelostomy.com Volume 46 Number 8 May 2019


Group Discussion June 6, To Be Announced

“Your mother is your first friend. Your best friend. Your forever friend.” unknown

The Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Ostomy Association, Inc. (AACOA) is a non-profit, volunteer-basedorganizationdedicatedtoprovidingreassuranceandemotionalsupportforpeoplewhohavehadorwillhavesomekindofostomysurgery,suchasacolostomy,ileostomy,urostomy(urinarydiversion)oracontinentprocedure.ThegoaloftheAACOAistoprovidemoralsupport,information,andeducationtopeoplewithostomiesandtheirfamiliesandfriends.MembersreceiveTheRamblingRosebudnewslettermonthly.DUESare$15pleasemakecheckouttoAACOAandmailtoAACOA,POBox847,GambrillsMD21054-1454


FullName_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Last FirstM.I.Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________StreetAddress Apartment/Unit#_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City State ZipCodePhone:()DateofBirth:Gender:




☐Colostomy ☐Urostomy ☐Spouse/FamilyMember☐Ileostomy ☐Parentofchildwith ☐Other(pleasespecify) Howdidyouhearaboutus?

☐InternetSearch ☐ET/WOCNNurse ☐Other ☐Hospital ☐Physician

“When your mother asks, "Do you want a piece of advice?" it's a mere formality. It doesn't matter if you answer yes or no. You're going to get it anyway.” – Irma Bombeck


TRAVELTIPS…Traveling this year? Having an ostomy should not stop you from traveling to your favorite destination or exploring new ones. Here are a few helpful hints to make your trip a pleasurable experience:

• Carry a letter from your health care provider stating you have an ostomy.

• Go to the UOAA website at www.uoaa.org and download the Travel Communication Card. This is provided to travelers in order to simply communicate with TSA personnel and airlines attendants.

• Always OVERPACK ostomy supplies. Pack at least twice as much as you usually need. Place at least 2-3 days of your ostomy supplies in your carry-on just in case your checked luggage is delayed.

• If you use a ‘cut to fit’ pouch, pre-cut all your pouches before you travel. When you fly within the US, you are allowed to carry small scissors in your carry on. However, other countries do not allow it. Place scissors in your checked luggage.

• If traveling by car, keep your ostomy supplies inside the car to prevent your supplies from overheating/freezing in the trunk. Keep a small bag with an extra pouch, accessories, wipes, water bottle and plastic bag for a quick change if needed along the way.

• Drink plenty of fluids - don’t want to get dehydrated! Pack plenty of snacks. If traveling outside the US, drink bottle water, not tap water.

• Always pack an extra set of clean clothes in your carry-on luggage or in the trunk of your car.

Austin Pharmacy & Medical Supply will ship anywhere in the US to meet your needs. Be sure to take our number with you, 410-773-0300. If traveling outside the US, we are more than happy to assist you in finding a distributor in the country you are planning to attend.


Schedule Your Ostomy Consultation Today!

p. 410-773-0300 (x3) f. 410-773-0302

Austin Pharmacy and Medical Supplies Baltimore

6729 York Rd Towson

901 Dulaney Valley Rd Hunt Valley

10757 York Rd

May 2019 The Rambling Rosebud


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE As we get closer to the summer months, my mind thinks about being able to be outside with feeling like an icicle. I’ll not miss dressing as if I’m going to one of the Poles when it’s actually just a trip to the grocery store.

One of the jobs I have to do as President of this Association is to preside over meetings. That’s easy enough. Another obligation I have is to promote other ostomy groups which operate for the public group. One my favorites is the Youth Rally. One of the UOAA, Inc. umbrella groups, the Youth Rally provides the opportunity for young people (mostly teenagers) get together with other teens and share how better to live their lives with ostomy. The volunteers and nurses who run this program are not compensated. They also pay all travel and hotel expenses of their own. Every year since I’ve been a member (1986) our chapter has supported this valuable program and this year is no different. Go on the net and learn about it. See what your membership fee supports. You will be impressed.

If you know of a doctor or other medical professional you would like to speak to our group, let me know. With the turn of the seasons please try to make a meeting. If would be good to see you.

See you in May,


Items from this newsletter may be reprinted in other ostomy newsletters, provided proper credit is given as to source of material.

UPCOMING MEETINGS May - Group Discussion June - To Be Announced

OSTOMY ADVISORS FOR STOMA HELP To consult with one of the ETs below, a physician’s referral is necessary and a fee will be charged. Call for an appointment.



Jenn Davis, RN, BS, CWON Anne Fischer, RN, BS, CWON Joyce Onken, RN, BS, CWON

Sarah McClain, RN, BS, CWON Email [email protected]

443-481-5508 / 443-481-5177 Private Consultants

Joan M. Sullivan, MAS, RN, CNA, CWOCN 410-932-7312

The Ostomy Nurses at Austin Pharmacy 410-773-0300

No referral necessary ($40 consultative fee)

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.”

Christopher Reeve


We have a dedicated group of Ostomy Supply Service Professionals that are committed to keeping you in your active lifestyle. Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment has an attentive staff that cares about your quality of life. Make us your first step in getting back to life as it was meant to be. After all

“We’ve been here for over 75 years, there must be a reason!”

Our Ostomy Department provides a full range of comprehensive services and quality products from trusted brands you can rely on.

WE OFFER: x� Delivery anywhere in the United States x� Free delivery available x� Next day delivery is available x� Large inventory of ostomy & wound care

supplies in stock (we stock an inventory of over 5,000 boxes of supplies)

x� Customized hospital and clinic service plans available

x� In-house Medicare and insurance billing specialists

x� Personalized pharmacy/medical supply specialist available

x� Easy ordering by fax, phone, online, or in-person.

x� Toll Free 24 hour hotline x� Acceptance of all major credit cards

Northern Pharmacy and Medical Equipment 6701 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21234 Harford Rd & Northern Parkway www.NorthernPharmacy.com

SPEAK DIRECTLY TO OUR OSTOMY SUPPLY MANAGER: AARON SACCO Phone: (410) 254 2055 x260 Fax: (443) 740 9297 [email protected]

May 2019 The Rambling Rosebud



Is your skin irritated or weepy under your pouching system’s skin barrier? The Peristomal Skin Assessment Guide for Consumers may be able to help. It’s an easy to use digital tool designed to help identify common skin problems through actual photographs, suggest next steps for care or management, and appropriately prompt individuals to seek advice from a Wound Ostomy and Continent Nurse (WOCN) for additional support.

Since it’s launch in June, more than 5,486 people have accessed the guide across the globe – the US, Canada, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Australia and Brazil.

To start using the tool today: type in the following in your web browser:

psag-consumer.wocn.org Editors Note: I don’t have any current issues but went on line to see how it works. It guides you through step by step as you answer a series of questions by selecting the answer closest to what is happening with your stoma/skin. PARASTOMAL HERNIA

We recently had Charlie Black from AquaFit to teach us about strengthening the core muscles in the abdomen and back that support the muscles surrounding our vital organs.

While anyone can develop an abdominal hernia, stoma surgery increases the risk. Obesity and aging also the risk. An ostomate who develops a hernia should consult with a WOCN about the best pouching system for their circumstance and to discuss whether or not a support belt might helpful.

FIBER – SOLUBLE AND NON-SOLUBLE Lyn Rowell, Editor Rambling Rosebud

About thirty years ago a diet plan advocated increasing fiber in the diet as a way to lose weight. For example it explained how eating an orange was better than drinking a glass of orange juice. Eating the entire orange means you also get plenty of fiber, while drinking a glass of orange juice has more calories (since it’s made from more than one orange) and lacks the benefit of the fiber that comes from eating the fruit itself.

There are two kinds of fiber – soluble fiber absorbs water while non-soluble doesn’t absorb water. The orange mentioned above is full of fiber but it won’t absorb water so it is non-soluble fiber. It’s good for weight loss because it helps you to feel full for longer so you are likely to eat less, but another role is to keep the bowels “regular”. In an ostomate that can be a little more tricky – too much non soluble fiber could cause a blockage so your favorite fruits and raw vegetables should be eaten a little more judiciously.

Soluble fiber soaks up water as it passes through your digestive tract. After I had surgery and a J Pouch, I was advised to drink a glassful of water with MetaMucil to help thicken the output. It seemed counterintuitive – didn’t people who have constipation use fiber to help them go? But it does work to thicken the stool which can help relieve problems of watery output. Oatmeal, oat bran and other grains that absorb water can help thicken output. As someone with high volume liquid output, I rely on oatbran or oatmeal and bananas, applesauce, breads etc. to help slow down my output when I am traveling. The famous “BRAT” diet – that is bananas, rice, applesauce and toast – is helpful because they are all sources of soluble fiber that absorb liquid in the digestive tract.

Another benefit of soluble fiber is that it helps reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease, in addition to being a food that doesn’t spike blood sugar so is helpful for diabetics.

May 2019 The Rambling Rosebud


A Mayo clinic study found that the average transit time of food through the large intestine or colon was 40 hours. That’s NOT including time in the small intestine which is usually a much shorter time. So if you have had your large intestine removed, the time between eating your food and it being eliminated from your body will be quite short. Knowing what foods can help slow that process down is helpful.


Fun Puns -Via the Internet Where do you find chili beans? At the North Pole.

Who don't penguins fly? They're not tall enough to be pilots.

What do you call a woman who stands between two goal posts? Annette.

What must you know to be an auctioneer? Lots.

The problem with money is that it is tainted. It taint yours and it taint mine.

When a marathon runner had ill fitting shoes, he suffers the agony of defeat.

How do you define a will? It's a Dead Giveaway.

Energizer Bunny arrested - charged with battery.


HINTS FROM HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE Emotional pressures and overfatigue can cause bowel upsets, especially when traveling. Do not allow yourself to become overtired.

If you still have your rectum and have pain or a full feeling, you may have a collection of mucus which should be washed out. Check with your doctor regarding this.

Buttermilk will soothe an irritated digestive tract and will not cause diarrhea or constipation.

Keep grape juice in the refrigerator. If you eat something that causes a blockage, try drinking a glassful. It really works.

Never wait until you've used your last appliance before ordering new ones. Keep a list of your equipment, complete with order numbers, sizes and manufacturers. Let a member of your family know where you keep the list so that they can get the necessary supplies in the event of an emergency.

Fats of all kinds should be kept at a minimum by most ostomates. Fats induce an increased flow of bile into the intestines and make the body wastes more liquid and harder to control. They also tend to produce gas.

If you want medicines to work quickly, drown ‘em. They dissolve and absorb faster with lots of water.

Use a hand mirror for a better view of the stoma. It’s about the only way you can see under it.

Skin Prep rubbed or sprayed on the hands before using your garden rake, etc., can help prevent blisters, and on mosquito bites will seal the bite and take away the itch.

Male ostomates who suffer painful collisions between the pouch tail clip and key organs, should try angling the pouch toward a pants leg instead of pointing it straight down. Wear briefs and pass the pouch through a leg opening in the brief to hold it in place

A.A.C.O.A. P.O. BOX 847 GAMBRILLS, MD 21054