August 2012 MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, August 9, 2012 7:00 pm WE ARE A CLUB DEVOTED TO PHYSICAL FITNESS, ATHLETIC COMPETITION, HEALTH, AND FELLOWSHIP. - Polly Corvaia, President I hope you are all having a wonderful summer with plenty of trips to the beach, keeping fit and staying healthy. I see a lot of great pictures and comments on the pacer facebook page of members traveling near and far, biking, hiking, running, swimming, birthdays, weddings, babies, anniversaries, parties, fireworks....you name it and someone in the Pacer family is living it. I trust you all saw the fabulous full page article in the Reading Eagle about father and son, Jeff and Kyle Hills. If not, go to the Pacer website to see it. The Gring’s Mill Run is fast approaching on August 5th. There’s a race for everyone in the family with 10K, 5K AND 1/2M distances. Jeff Hills and Mike Reece are the race directors, please let them know if you can donate any time that day to help. Congratulations to those who ran the Deena Andrus Memorial Run for The Ages race at Nolde Forest and also to Brian Stoltzfus who won the round-trip airline tickets from Southwest airlines. See race details in this newsletter and results are on our website. Congratulations to the winners of the pacer member scholarships, Nicole Lescowicz and Sam Foley. Read about these two outstanding high school seniors and their accomplishments in this newsletter. July had a lot of pacer social events, the barnyard challenge, a night at the velodrome and an afternoon kayaking on the Blue Marsh Lake. Our summer picnic is scheduled for September 15th at Cacoosing Mead- ows. The lovely Helene Horn is plan- ning this party and it is always a great time with all the food and music and friends. The price is $10/$15- members/non-members. We will e-blast more details as they are avail- able and if you can lend a hand with set-up or clean-up that day, please do. We also have a friendly running race with the Lehigh Valley RC at Bear Creek Resort. This will be a lot of fun (as most Swamp runs are), and we will e-blast/post the date and details when we have them. It takes a lot of coordina- tion to find open dates that work for as many members as possible. Everyone please thank the members who go out of their way to plan these events and make fun things happen. The August general meeting will be condensed to allow time afterwards for a race directors meeting. We will start the general meeting promptly at 7:15 and finish by 7:50. Race directors meeting starts at 8:00. UPCOMING EVENTS 8/5/12 Grings Mill Run 8/9/12 General Meeting - Sokols 7:00 pm Race Director Meeting - 8:00 pm Annual Summer Picnic Cacoosing Meadows Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012 August 1, 2012 Host: Brett Lynch (Road Run) Address: 1520 Huron Drive, Sinking Spring August 8, 2012 Run: Trout Run Host:Duane Renninger Address: 238 Sunrise Road, Exeter August, 15, 2012 Host: Stephan & Linda Weiss Address:2137 Old Lancaster Pike, Reinholds August 22, 2012 Host: Mike & Donna Gallen Address: 833 Wyomissing Blvd., Mohnton *Charity Run benefiting Berks Women in Crisis *Bring your favorite food and drink* Start time 6:15 pm www.pagodapacers.com/training-runs TRAINING RUNS FROM THE PRESIDENT 7:00 pm - 7:15 pm Social/Snacks, 7:15 pm General Meeting, 8:00 pm Race Director Meeting www.PAGODAPACERS.com Reading Sokol Club 411 Crestmont Street, Millmont 3 0 Y e a r s a n d R u n n i n g



August 2012

MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, August 9, 2012 7:00 pm


- Polly Corvaia, President I hope you are all having a wonderful summer with plenty of trips to the beach, keeping fit and staying healthy. I see a lot of great pictures and comments on the pacer facebook page of members traveling near and far, biking, hiking, running, swimming, birthdays, weddings, babies, anniversaries, parties, fireworks....you name it and someone in the Pacer family is living it.I trust you all saw the fabulous full page article in the Reading Eagle about father and son, Jeff and Kyle Hills. If not, go to the Pacer website to see it. The Gring’s Mill Run is fast approaching on August 5th. There’s a race for everyone in the family with 10K, 5K AND 1/2M distances. Jeff Hills and Mike Reece are the race directors, please let them know if you can donate any time that day to help.

Congratulations to those who ran the Deena Andrus Memorial Run for The Ages race at Nolde Forest and also to Brian Stoltzfus who won the round-trip airline tickets from Southwest airlines. See race details in this newsletter and results are on our website.

Congratulations to the winners of the pacer member scholarships, Nicole Lescowicz and Sam Foley. Read about these two outstanding high school seniors and their accomplishments in this newsletter.

July had a lot of pacer social events, the barnyard challenge, a night at the velodrome and an afternoon kayaking on the Blue Marsh Lake.

Our summer picnic is scheduled for September 15th at Cacoosing Mead-ows. The lovely Helene Horn is plan-ning this party and it is always a great time with all the food and music and friends. The price is $10/$15-members/non-members. We will e-blast more details as they are avail-able and if you can lend a hand with set-up or clean-up that day, please do.

We also have a friendly running race with the Lehigh Valley RC at Bear Creek Resort. This will be a lot of fun (as most Swamp runs are), and we will e-blast/post the date and details when we have them. It takes a lot of coordina-tion to find open dates that work for as many members as possible. Everyone please thank the members who go out of their way to plan these events and make fun things happen.

The August general meeting will be condensed to allow time afterwards for a race directors meeting. We will start the general meeting promptly at 7:15 and finish by 7:50. Race directors meeting starts at 8:00.


8/5/12Grings Mill Run

8/9/12General Meeting - Sokols 7:00 pmRace Director Meeting - 8:00 pm

Annual Summer Picnic Cacoosing Meadows

Saturday, Sept. 15, 2012

August 1, 2012Host: Brett Lynch (Road Run) Address: 1520 Huron Drive, Sinking Spring

August 8, 2012Run: Trout RunHost:Duane Renninger Address: 238 Sunrise Road, Exeter

August, 15, 2012Host: Stephan & Linda WeissAddress:2137 Old Lancaster Pike, Reinholds

August 22, 2012Host: Mike & Donna GallenAddress: 833 Wyomissing Blvd., Mohnton*Charity Run benefiting Berks Women in Crisis

*Bring your favorite food and drink*

Start time 6:15 pmwww.pagodapacers.com/training-runs



7:00 pm - 7:15 pm Social/Snacks, 7:15 pm General Meeting, 8:00 pm Race Director Meeting


Reading Sokol Club411 Crestmont Street, Millmont

30 Years and Running



This year the race had its first female winner, Lisa Haas, who, running her first trail race, out paced last years winner, Scott Lebo by just over a minute. Scott finished second. In all, there were five women and five men in the top ten and the top ten finishers all came from different age groups.

Congratulations also to Brian Stoltzfus for winning the South-west Airlines tickets in the post race raffle.

Many thanks again to our sponsors:

Randy Weeber of ReMax Realty Vogue MediaEd Mace of Axa Investments Shear Style SalonSouthwest Airlines Don Morrison of Chester County Running Store in Pottstown John's 625 AutomotiveGurski and D'Agostino Family Dentistry Susquehanna Bank

Their contributions added to the entry fees will allow the Pagoda Pacers to make an estimated $1,500 donation to the Friends of Nolde Forest to help maintain the trails, facilities and environmental educational programs at Nolde Forest.

Plans are to hold the race again next year on Sunday, June 23, 2013.

The 3rd annual Run For The Ages was run June 24th with outstanding success. Perfect weather and a move to late June from early September helped for a record turnout of 212 total entrants.

The race went off flawlessly mainly due to help from outstanding volunteers. Comments from the post race raffle were almost unanimously positive, some more humorous than others particularly commenting on the 100 yard off-trail hill climb just before the finish.

RECAP by: Ted Andrus

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LOCATION: Sokol Club - July 12, 2012

Treasurer’s Report:The treasurer reported the club is in good financial standing. Race Director’s Reports:Run for the Ages – Ted Andrus reported The Run for the Ages race went very well. There were 212 entries and 187 finishers. Next year’s date is June 23rd.Grings Mill – Jeff Hills and Mike Reese reported that everything is set up for the Grings Mill race which will be held on August 5th. There currently are 116 people signed up. Volunteers are needed.Blues Cruise – Mike Yoder reported there currently are 76 entries. Jackets will be given to everyone that finishes.Vice President’s Report:Wednesday night runs have been going very well. Social Events:Kayaking will be on July 28th from 11AM to 1:00PM. Meet at the Church Road access. After kayaking will go to Ganly’s Pub, not Blue Marsh Canteen, for refreshments. See the July 6th post on Facebook for more information.The date of the Lehigh Valley Road Runners and Pagoda Pacers race at Bear Creek may be changed.The annual Pagoda Pacers picnic will be held on September 15th at Cacoosing Meadows in Sinking Spring. Old Business:On-line race registration is still an open issue. This will be discussed further after next months meeting.The Pagoda Pacers were invited to the Antietam Lake meeting on Tuesday July 31st at 8AM at the Leisure Center. It would be beneficial if members could attend this meeting.New Business:A Thank You was received for the Pagoda Pacer involvement in the Blue Marsh Get Outdoors Day.



Age and family: 32. Husband Larry, son Edison, son Sebastien born on June 7Born and raised: Douglassville, PA; AKA Stumptown to those in the know Years running: 7 and countingWere you a jock in high school: Not so much. I had a few letters for discus, but was more of a goth/band-geek/nerd.My inspiration is: Seeing someone of advanced years still getting out there…I want to be doing this when I’m 90!Ah-Ha moment: Decided to run a marathon…cursed myself at mile 23 and swore I’d never do it again…Crossed finish line, and decided 5 minutes later I wanted to do it again…realized the depth of my insan-ity.Fav running related book and/or movie and why: I really don’t have a fav running book, and anyone that knows me knows that I hate sitting still long enough to watch a movie.Do you keep a journal: A written journal, an app on my iPod, and Dailymile…I’m slightly OCD. When the run gets tough,

I tell myself: “Suck it up, Salaneck”…It sounds better in my head than “Suck it up, Barrell”…When the run is going well I think about: Not much I can remember…I usually realize I’ve been zoning for a few miles.I feel this, about hills: Love ‘em…hence the “French Creek hills from hell” course that I would love to turn into a sanctioned half someday with my equally insane RP Niki Salaneck.

Do you prefer long, slow runs or do you prefer fast, hard ones: It depends on the day.Do you stretch before or after: Whenever I feel like it. Sometimes neither.Lite or Lager: Yuck. I’ll take the Patron margarita on the rocks, no salt…I run for margaritas!Vanilla or chocolate: VanillaRecovery tips: Suck it up and take the ice bathToughest race and why: Steamtown ’06; it was my first full and I was severely undertrained due to inexpe-rienceBest race ever and why: Labor Pains ’11; went into this thinking I was going to do my last training run for Blues Cruise, then decided to run the 50k, and met some great friends before and during the race Proudest moment: Crossing the finish line at Steamtown!Happiest moment: Can’t think of anything that really sticks out. Advice to others: Find something you love to do and keep doing it!



MEMBERS ONLY SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS ANNOUNCEDThis year’s winners are Samuel Foley from Oley Valley High School and Nicole Leskowicz from Exeter High School. Both recipients have busy schedules and written below is a small bio on each of them.

Samuel Foley, son of pacer F. Lamar Foley, is a graduate of Oley Valley High School where he ranked 13th in his class. Some of the activities Sam participated in during high school were concert band, Marching band, Choir, Chess Team, Tri-M Music Honor Society, National Honor Society and the School Newspaper. He was involved in Cross Country and Track and Field. Outside of school he had private music lessons, volunteered at the Oley Valley Country Classic Race and worked for the East Coventry Mennonite Cem-etery. In Sam’s essay he feels his greatest accomplishment was all the amazing friendships and relationships he has made throughout high school. He talks about how he makes sure he is nice to everyone and loves making new friends because being accepted by your peers is excellent for your self esteem and just makes life better. One of the places he has learned to be so friendly was on his high school cross country team. Sam will be attending Penn State University Main Campus.

Our second recipient is Nicole Leskowicz, daughter of pacers Suzette and Francis Leskowicz. Nicole is a graduate of Exeter High School and ranked 27th in her class. Some

of the activities Nicole participated in during high school were National Honor Society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Spanish Club and Students Against Destructive Decisions. Sports were Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, Swim Team. Nicole volunteers as an Antietam Swim Team Timer for 10 & Under age groups, Assisted/Mentored Exeter Junior High Girls XC Team and a First Presbyterian Church Nursery Worker/Sunday School Helper. Nicole’s essay she wrote about her experience in running with the junior high runners and helping them better themselves. She said “even though surface awards are lovely, my great-est satisfaction comes from something not achieved through physical ability or hard work.” She started out running with one girl and suddenly it expanded into a group. She not only helped these girls with their running but they helped Nicole figure out what she wanted to do with herself in the future – a desire to coach a high school cross country team. Nicole will be attending the University of Pittsburgh.

Thanks again to our committee: Sue Jackson, Cathy Unruh, Cliff LePage, Alicia Bradley, Beth Auman and Tom Chobot. Tom did not vote this time since Nicole was on his cross country team.

Debbie Fields (formerly Kenderdine)

08/04/12Pottstown, PA Pottstown 5k Wounded Warrior Trail Run & 5k Walk 5k-TR 9:00 AM Jay Kellog 484-949-1048

[email protected] www.keystonewarriors.com

08/05/12Reading, PA Grings Mill Run 5k & 10k Races 5k/10k/1/2M-R 9:00 AM Mike Reese 610-373-3061(pm)

Jeff Hills 610-223-7125, [email protected] www.pagodapacers.com

08/06/12 Bethlehem, PA Oktoberfest 5k-ish ~5k-Bar Crawl 12:00 PM noon Rochelle Romeowww.runlehighvalley.com [email protected]

08/10/11 Collegeville, PA Legs for Lindsey 5k Run 5k-R 7:00 PM [email protected] www.pretzelcitysports.com

08/11/12 Allentown, PA 7 Miles at 7PM 7M-R 7:00 PM Rochelle Romeowww.runlehighvalley.com [email protected]

08/11/12Columbia, PA Chiques Challenge Trail Run & Kayak 4m-R/Kayak 8:30 AM 717-684-5249

[email protected] www.pretzelcitysports.com

08/11/12Palmerton, PA Moonshine 5k Run & Walk(Clothing Optional-Must be 18+) 5k-R 10:00 AM Sue Butts 704-880-4561

[email protected] www.nudist5k.com

08/11/12Gilbertsville, PA If You Build It, They Will Run 5k 5k-R 8:30 AM [email protected]

www.newhanoverumc.org www.active.com

08/12/12Reading, PA Half Wit Half Marathon 13.1M Trail Race 13.1M-TR 9:00 AM Ron Horn 610-779-2668 [email protected]

08/12/12 Green Lane, PA Deep Creek Run 5k-TR 8:00 AM Upper Perk Senior Rec Center215-679-6550 www.upsrcenter.com

08/14/12Birdsboro, PA Trottin' Tim's Tuesday Evening 5k Series Race #5 5k-R 7:00 PM Irene Ziemer, 610-568-4911

[email protected] www.pretzelcitysports.com

08/15/12 Hatfield, PA Dash & Splash 5k 5k-R 7:00 PM ACT Sports Managementwww.active.com www.pretzelcitysports.com


Reading, PA Third Thirsty Thursday Evening 5k Summer Race Series Race #5 5k-R 7:00 PM Ron Horn 610-779-2668

[email protected] www.pretzelcitysports.com

08/17/12Harrisburg, PA HARRC after Dark 7k Race 7k-R 7:00 PM

Brad Colwell, [email protected] 717-234-6383 www.harrc.org

08/18/12Easton, PA Palmer 5k Run and 1 Mile Fun Walk 5k-R 9:00 AM www.palmer5k.com

08/18/12 York, PA On the Rocks Trail Run10k, 15k, & 30k-TR 7:30 AM Scott Newcomer [email protected]

08/18/12Denver, PA (Stoudtburg Village) Mount Cuckoo 15k & 30k 1/2 Trail 1/2 Road 15k/30k-TR/R 8:00 AM Stephan Weiss 717-484-1127

[email protected] www.uberendurancesports.com


RACE RESULTS Email your results to Karen Rule: [email protected]

Deena Andrus Run for the Ages, Age Graded 10K Trail (6/24/12)finish time actual time

Jim Blandford 1:09:14 42:14Heide Moebius 1:09:25 1:09:25Michael Ranck 1:09:59 53:59 1st M60-64Ted Hardies 1:11:15 59:15 1st M65-69Brian Stoltzfus 1:12:05 47:05 1st M45-59Donny Mengel 1:12:33 52:33 1st M55-59Katie Exas 1:13:05 1:04:05 1st F60-64Claude Mervine 1:13:07 53:07Diane Hardies 1:14:05 1:09:05 1st F65-69Michael Stuber 1:17:42 57:42Karen Rule 1:19:48 57:48 1st F30-34Mark Grebe 1:20:25 53:25Charlie Crowell 1:22:14 1:10:14Jason Jacques 1:23:59 54:59Beth Witkowski 1:24:30 1:04:30Heather Nowicki 1:26:30 1:04:30John Guth 1:28:32 1:00:32Marley Reedy 1:30:35 1:11:35 1st F13-15

Beat her dad!!Sue Jackson 1:30:40 1:17:40Mark Reedy 1:30:41 1:07:41Jesus Rodriuez 1:40:49 1:20:49

Double Trouble 15K Trail (7/8/12)Andy Keegan 1:30:07Diane Grim 1:36:45 2nd F50-59Beth Auman 1:40:01Ted Hardies 1:41:10 1st M65+Katie Exas 1:57:10 2nd F60+Ellie Vanderbeck 2:01:32Diane Hardies 2:10:01

Double Trouble 30K Trail (7/8/12)Brett Lynch 3:18:54Beth Auman 3:26:02 1st F30-39Mike Ranck 3:26:49Tom Chobot 3:35:12Doug Zechman 3:48:50

Third Thirsty Thursday 5K (6/21/12)Jeff Merritt 19:36Scott Thomas 19:39 2nd M40-49Dee Koutsourais 19:58 1st F20-29Troy Seitzinger 20:12 3rd M40-49Colin Luther 20:19Duane Renninger 20:29Donny Mengel 21:20Karla Reppert 21:46 1st F30-39Curt Minnich 21:47Missy Oswald 21:56 2nd F30-39Raine Fussner 21:57 1st F40-49Nick Seitzinger 22:27

Third Thirsty Thursday 5K (6/21/12)Claude Mervine 22:38Mel Marinaccio 22:43 1st F50-59Katie Thomas 23:16 3rd F20-29John Guth 24:43Mary Boggs 26:30Phil Presby 29:33 3rd M60-64Kathy Seitzinger 30:40Alyssa Blandford 37:01Hawk Mountain Hill Climb 5K (6/16/12)Troy Seitzinger 25:30 1st M40-49Mike Ranck 28:24 1st M60-69

Fit Family Challenge 10K (6/17/12)Mike Yoder 41:58 1st M50-59Beth Auman 46:37 First Female:)Mike Ranck 50:25 3rd 60+

Spirit of Gettysburg 5K (6/23/12)Troy Seitzinger 19:48 2nd M45-49Run Daddy Run 5K (6/24/12)Troy Seitzinger 20:15 1st M40-49

Utica Boilmaker 15KKyle Hills 56:56Dee Koutsourais-Ganster1:02:08 6th in her age group!Jeff Hills 1:03:37Jeff Merritt 1:06:50Garry Rarer 1:14:49

Tim's Ugly Mug 5K (7/10/12)Troy Seitzinger 20:12 2nd M40-49Niki Salaneck 26:01 1st F30-39

Shillington Firecracker 5 miler (7/8/12)Donny Mengel 33:14 1st M50-59Ben Shultz 33:47 1st M25-29Colin Luther 35:52 4th M15-18Ted Andrus 35:53 3rd M45-49Mark Grebe 36:42 3rd M40-44Karla Reppert 36:50 2nd F35-39Mel Marinaccio 37:10 1 F50-54Patrick Boggs 39:54Mary Boggs 45:11 3rd F25-29Mike Reese 45:37

Ephrata Firecracker 5 Miler (7/4/12)Troy Seitzinger 34:33 3rd M45-49




Pagoda Pacers Athletic ClubP.O. Box 4115Reading, PA 19606www.PAGODAPACERS.com

Meetings: 2nd Thursday of each monthCurrent Membership: 400 MembersAnnual Dues: $15 Individual $25 Household

2012 PPAC OfficersPresident...............................Polly Corvaia [email protected] President.......................Phil LechnerTreasurer...............................Shaun LutherSecretary...............................Vera KochanRace Results Coordinator.....Karen Rule [email protected] Management................Ron HornMembership Coordinator.......Dave & Mike GallenYouth Coordinator.................Tom ChobotWeb & Newsletter Editor.......Kate Murray [email protected]

The newsletter is published monthly; to submit an article for publication, or inquire about advertising, email [email protected]. The deadline for submission is the 15th of each month.

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