UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my...

UPCOMING EVENTS! You really wont want to miss these fun times with friends! NEWSFLASH!! Golden Corral is now open! So our monthly meeting September 19th will be at Golden Corral. 8AM for breakfast. 8:45 AM for meeting. Ride to follow, weather permitting. No dinner social in September. Labor Day Campout cancelled this year. “Wing Nuts” Chapter N, Spokane WA September 2020 Newsletter

Transcript of UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my...

Page 1: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

UPCOMING EVENTS! You really won’t want to miss these fun times with friends!


Golden Corral is now open!

So our monthly meeting September 19th will be at Golden Corral.

8AM for breakfast.

8:45 AM for meeting.

Ride to follow, weather permitting.

No dinner social in September.

Labor Day Campout cancelled this year.

“Wing Nuts” Chapter N, Spokane WA

September 2020 Newsletter

Page 2: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.


LoriAnn Robertson

[email protected] 509 251-4443

Assistant Chapter Director

Don Sundahl

[email protected] 509 993-5501 Cell

Ride Coordinator

Steve Kienzle

[email protected]

509 280-3439

Membership Enhancement

Kaye Maier

[email protected] 509 448-5235


Louise Schuerman

[email protected] 509-981-0743

Newsletter Editor

Sue Frasier

[email protected] 509-768-5792

Store Coordinator

Don Sundahl 509-993-5501

Sunshine Person

Hope Sundahl 509-413-3781

Motorcycle Awareness Coordinator

Carl Maier

[email protected] 509-448-5235

Dinner Social Coordinator

Janice Heikkila 509-979-8120

[email protected]

GWRRA National


President of GWRRA:

Jere & Sherry Goodman

[email protected]


ID District Director Lori Adkins

[email protected]


Oregon District Director Mary Hunter

[email protected]


WA District Director Jesse & Eva Valentine

[email protected]


WY District Director Steve & Amy Hodges

[email protected]


Montana District Director Betty Bonnett

[email protected]


Page 3: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

From the Chapter Director’s desk…

Well, friends, there’s not a lot to write to you this month. I’ve finally finished harvesting so sorry

for the delay. This has certainly been a difficult year with the virus limiting our riding. We did enjoy

a nice ride to Thompson Falls in August. As the weather cools down, we can spend some time

socializing, but with necessary distancing to keep us all healthy. National has recommended we be

extra careful because (believe it or not) we are all older. Also, restaurants have pretty strict limits

on the size of gathering. So, we can look forward to next year, plan for

some fun rides then, and just be grateful for our health, our bikes and our


Remember, Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly!

Lori Ann Robertson


We made it through half the year! I can’t wait until we can turn the page.

We had a great ride after the gathering in August. It was interesting to see the difference in

Covid attitude from here to Thompson Falls, Montana. Before the pandemic I washed my

hands and was pretty socially distant. So the only new for me is wearing the mask. Not sure

about the rest of you with beards, but I find the beard’s growth direction pulls my mask down

even with the slightest movement of my jaw. L nope, not going to shave it off!! I need some

hair besides in my ears. Haha.

Speaking of Chapter rides, I would like to have input on everyone as to what you want from a

ride. Think about that as you get ready for our next Gathering. We can have a great

discussion and try to make a plan that works for everyone. Think about things like distance,

time, destinations and stops for lunch and sightseeing. I lead a ride with a group of Valkyrie

riders last fall. I would say I am about 10-15 years younger than most of the riders and I didn’t

take into consideration bathroom breaks! When I finally stopped a couple of them

disappeared in the brush rather quickly… cause the stop was not at a

rest area. I want our rides to be pleasant and enjoyable and no one

having to wear depends because I forget to stop. J If you have a great

destination ride let me know, those are always great. Like Palouse

Falls or the Flour Mill in Pomeroy.

Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed

my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8

days to get there. It used to take 3.

Have a Great Labor Day weekend!


Page 4: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

The weather is warm, the days are long, and we are sort of put on hold for anything that has to do

with being around other people, without social distancing. So that leaves riding our motorcycles as

much as possible to keep us from going stir crazy.

As I am doing the above activity, I have noticed something that is one of my pet peeves, and that is

blind spots. This pandemic has made it more available to those who share the road with us, who

don’t think about blind spots, and how many of us they don’t see, because blind spots are invisible

to them.

The new blind spot is the face mask they take off and hang on the rearview mirror, when they get

into their vehicle, sometimes with their handicap sign. This action really makes it dangerous not

only to us who ride motorcycles, but it can hide cars, and even trucks, that are sharing the road with

them, behind the items hanging in front of their vision of the road.

I have talked to people who I have seen with things (blind spots) hanging on their mirrors, and

explained to them what a blind spot really is, by showing them even a small item, like a pencil will

hide a full-blown Goldwing at a very short distance, 288 feet. This really surprises a lot of people,

because they have never thought of it before. Just think how close that motorcycle, or a car or a

person, is when they no longer see it or them, behind the mask that is to protect them. I find this

very scary.

We have had some very beautiful rides this summer already, and I am looking forward to some

more. I love getting on my bike and traveling through the back roads in this great country of ours. It

is also great to have a group ride, as we are seen much more, by the reactions of the people waving

at us.

I hate it that the rallies, and shows have been canceled, but that does not mean we cannot hand out

trifolds to the people who share the road with us, or the coloring books to the kids. These activities

do help those who don’t ride share with road better with those of us who do.

While this weather stays here in the great Pacific Northwest let’s all share the one activity that is

very socially acceptable, and will save us from feeling quarantined, and that is ride safe, and enjoy

the great outdoors, while staying well.

Your Motorist Awareness Director Carl & Kaye Maier

Page 5: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

From your Assistant Director, Don Sundahl

Here it is September already, summer is 3/4 over, but there is still plenty of riding weather left, so get out and ride the Virus Blues Away!! Will be looking forward to see-ing everyone who comes to the Golden Corral this month for Breakfast, seems like it's been forever since we've been in there, I haven't been there since the remodel so don't know what's changed inside, guess it will have to be a surprise.

While on the subject of riding we had a good ride after the August Breakfast, had 8 bikes and 11 riders, rode the North Fork of Coeur d'Alene River to Murray and over Thompson Pass to Thompson Falls, MT where we stopped at Simple Simon's Pizza for lunch. Hope & I ordered the supreme calzone, way bigger than I thought it was, couldn't quite finish it all, I gorged myself on it thanks to Hope being a light eater. The pizza wasn't anything like I had expected, was rolled and cut into pieces with crust similar to that of a giant pretzel with big pieces of salt on it, wouldn't order that again if I stopped there again. I have eaten calzones at Pete's Pizza Sharp & Hamilton, and there is a second location at NW BLVD & Cleveland, they are the King of Calzones! If you go on a Tuesday all Calzones are $9.95, well worth stopping for lunch or din-ner! After lunch all but Steve went back the same way over Thompson Pass and home, it was a very good ride. Steve felt the need to work some kinks out of his body and went to ST. Regis and I-90 and home, was about 220 miles.

The following Saturday Hope & I went with another M/C Club from Coeur d'Alene to Bonners Ferry then Hwy 2 and turned off on the road to Yaak, MT where we stopped for lunch, then south on a Forest Service Road just past the second tavern on the south side of the road to Libby and Hwy 2 then south to Hwy 200 to Sandpoint and home. That ride also had 8 bikes and 11 riders. Hope & I rode 380 miles that day, it was a good ride, got home about 6:00 PM, about an 11 hour day. Yes, my old body is still capable of some long rides as long as my leg and hip don't hurt very much!


Page 6: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

Chapter meeting Golden Corral 8AM food, 8:45 meeting, ride to follow weather permitting.

David Betz

Page 7: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

Dinner Social Cancelled this

Happy Birthday!

Marsha Khalar

Chapter meeting and ride. Golden Corral 7117 N Division. 8am food, 8:45 meeting, ride to follow, weather permitting.

Happy Birthday!

Ed Kern

Happy Birthday!

Sue Frasier

Happy Birthday!

LoriAnn Robertson

Page 8: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

We’ve been here!

Burgers and fries at Sonic on July 7,2020

Chapter ride on July 18,2020

Page 9: UPCOMING EVENTS! · Be sure to Vote! Early rather than later. Mail is unpredictable. I mailed my Dad his birthday card 2 weeks ago first class postage, it took 8 days to get there.

Wheels and deals!

2017 Harley Davidson Freewheeler


Trike is in excellent condition. Additional windshield, luggage rack, backrest for

reduced reach (factory seat included) , 107 CI, trailer hitch and trailer. Selling

due to medical issues. 5000 mile service recently completed by Lone Wolf.

Please contact Janice Heikkila 509 979-8120

Newsletter Notes: First, thanks for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your newsletter

editor. It’s a privilege to be the bearer of news! That said, communication must flow THROUGH me, not from me. So please send me your comments,

pictures, articles, items to sell…. Whatever you’d like to see printed here. Send me stuff as it happens and you think of it, but at least a week prior to

the first of every month so I can format for print. Sue Frasier: [email protected] 509-768-5792 call or text. Thanks!

Thanks, Steve!! LOL