Upavaasa Yoga

Upavaasa Yoga Lead 100 Yrs Healthy, Happy


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Transcript of Upavaasa Yoga

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Upavaasa Yoga

Lead 100 Yrs Healthy, Happy

Life here & now

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Spending without food is Upavaasa. Bheeshma says “ Asana Nigraham Tapah” controlling food intake is Tapa & Yoga. It is an excellent treatment for more than 150 diseases from time immemorial. It will help the body to correct itself by building up body immunity.

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As a machine needs servicing, greasing body needs Upavaasa Yoga for more efficient & proper functioning. Every day sensory organs like eyes, ears, nose, tongue & skin. Functional organs like hands, legs take rest during night sleep and energise for next day.

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Heart, Kidney, Lungs, Brain, Blood vessels has to work constantly round the clock. Digestive system, intestines, Liver , Pancreas needs 12 hrs rest per day for effective functioning. The only animal that eat without time & appetite is Human being. Other animals don’t eat that way.

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Liver is the metabolic Hqrs and digestive system is the base for good health. Giving rest to Digestive system is Upavaasam. To digest veg 3 veg meals/ day it takes 10-12 hrs. For 1 NV meals it needs 14-18 hrs. All body energy is used for digestion process. This will disturb metabolism.

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Who has to observe Upavaasa? How long? When? Infact by one & all. From 12-24 yrs once a month 24 hrs with water & fruits. From 25-40 yrs once in 15 days. 40 -60 yrs every week. Above 60 yrs 2 times a week. Pregnant, Diabetics, very weak & very sick should not fast.

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In Upavaasa Water, Honey Lemon, & Enema are important. 4 Types of Upavaas are there let us see

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Nirjalopavasa: Upavasa without even water are not good except for Hata yogis and Rishis. They are not good for health.

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Jalopavaasa: Upavaasa by taking only water 70 ml/kg. Animals do this to correct their diseases. If you take warm water hourly is good. Upto 7 days.

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Rasopavaasa: This is followed by Jalopavaasa only. This completely clean the system. This very good for Obese people, Executives leading sedentary lives. Here people use water, fruit juices with honey, pepper, sonthi & vamu. This can be done by all age groups & either sex. For 10 days only.

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Phalopavaasa: This is followed by Rasopavaasa. By taking only fruits like Water melon, Musk melon, Pomegranate, Guava, Sapota, Papaya, Pine Apple, Apple, Grapes, Berrys, small yellow bananas, Litchi, Figs, mangoes etc. This can be done for any no of days. cleans the system thoroughly.

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On the day of Upavaasa reduce your work & responsibilities and if you observe silence it saves lot of energy. Spending in green environs, water bodies, listening to good music in low volume or reading a book of your interest will help a lot.

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Enema in Upavaasa: As food for appetite, enema is for fasting. While fasting due to lack of pressure faecal matter will not move forward. This accumulates toxins, gases & causes many problems. Prana sakthi is concentrated on intestines other metabolic activities are affected.

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Water in Upavaasa: Helps to flush the toxins from blood. It helps to evacuate with out difficulty. Prevents dehydration. Maintains the texture & tonicity of the skin. It reduces allergies, gases in the stomach & intestines. Don’t take fridge water. Warm water is best.

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Honey in Upavaasa: All enzymes in Honey are disease preventing. Honey is a potent antibiotic. Honey prevents Hypoglycaemia during fasting. It reduces hyper acidity and helpful for ulcer patients.

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Role of Lemon in Upavaasa: Lemon helps to reduce the craving for food if taken with warm water & Honey for every 2 hours. Vit. C is Immunomodulator. Stimulate the liver. Reduces phlegm in lungs. It reduces gases in intestines. It strengths blood vessels. Potassium helps the heart cells.

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Upavaasa helps in Obesity, BP, Ischemic Heart Diseases, NUD, IBS, Hyper acidity, Indigestion, Constipation, Joint Pains, Back ache, Migraine, Tension headaches, Skin Diseases, Allergies, Asthma and many more.

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If you want to live long and be healthy eat less. All 40+ yrs. observe following verse

Eka bhokte Maha Yogi

Dwi bhokte Maha Bhogi

Tri bhokte Maha RogiChatur bhokte Saada


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Upavasa Yoga will be stepping stone for 100 yrs healthy, happy life.

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