Unplugged 2012 slideshow



Providence Children’s Museum's annual gala fundraiser, "Unplugged – The Way to Play," celebrated the spirit of creativity and innovation, and the Museum’s commitment to children’s imaginative free play. The festive event, held on April 26, netted $81,000 to benefit the Museum and help provide valuable play and learning opportunities for children and families in need.

Transcript of Unplugged 2012 slideshow

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The mission of Providence Children’s Museum

is to inspire and celebrate learning through active play

and exploration.

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In 2011, Providence Children’s Museum...

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Ensured all families had access to the

Museum, welcoming 30 percent of its 160,000 visitors

at no charge.

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Conducted therapeutic visits for 500 children and parents in 180 court-separated families through the Families Together program.

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Brought engaging hands-on activities to over 1,000 Head Start preschoolers

and nearly 600 school-age kids.

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Provided 550 charitable memberships to low-income children and families.

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45 percent of the Museum’s $2.1

operating budget supported services

for children and families in need.

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Tonight’s event honors the following local individuals who exemplify a spirit of creativity and innovation.

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Ava Sprague Anderson


Founder/CEO, Ava Anderson Non-Toxic

Ava Sprague Anderson is committed to providing personal care products free of harmful chemicals. She is currently a high school senior, and the company that she founded at age 15 now has over 45 organic products. Ava Anderson Non-Toxic has more than 1,200 Ava Consultants in 48 states and is one of the fastest growing direct sales companies in the country.

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Ava Sprague Anderson


Founder/CEO, Ava Anderson Non-Toxic

“[Creativity requires] time to think, draw, photograph, design, style or visualize without constraints.

For our business, this means the ability to dream and mold the dream into a reality – from concept to final product.”

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Barrett Bready


President/CEO, NABsys, Inc.

Barrett Bready is working to make whole-genome DNA sequencing fast, inexpensive and accurate enough to be used in clinical care. He was named 2011 Innovator of the Year by Providence Business News, and he teaches a course on the business of biotechnology at Brown University, where he is an adjunct professor.

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Barrett Bready


President/CEO, NABsys, Inc.

“[Creativity is] figuring out what needs to be done and applying out-of-the-box thinking to achieve it.

NABsys uses semiconductor technology to make chips that read individual DNA molecules electronically and will allow scientists and physicians to understand the genomic basis of cancer.”

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Dennis Littky


Co-Founder/Co-Director, Big Picture Learning and

The Met School

Dennis Littky is nationally known for his extensive work in secondary education in urban, suburban and rural settings, spanning over 40 years. As an educator, Dr. Littky has a reputation for working up against the edge of convention and out of the box, challenging tradition and delivering concrete results.

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Dennis Littky


Co-Founder/Co-Director, Big Picture Learning and

The Met School

“Innovation/creativity means looking at something and seeing solutions that are different and better than in the past. I have turned education on its head by building The Met School, College Unbound and 100 schools around the world based on our design of one student at a time and interest-based curriculum on real projects.”

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Navyn Salem


Executive Director, Edesia Global Nutrition

Navyn Salem founded Edesia Global Nutrition, a non-profit organization dedicated to the treatment and prevention of malnutrition in children throughout the developing world, in 2007. Edesia manufactures ready-to-use foods that have reached over 800,000 children. Ms. Salem received the 2012 New England Businesswoman of the Year Award at Bryant University’s annual Women’s Summit.

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Navyn Salem


Executive Director, Edesia Global Nutrition

“Creativity is the ability to capture your imagination and transform ideas into reality… Through a model of social enterprise, Edesia creates jobs locally and saves lives globally. The team is working almost around the clock and exporting to over 25 countries from Pakistan to Haiti, Chad, Somalia and beyond.”

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Jim Stallman


President, M.H. Stallman Company

Jim Stallman’s company is a leading fabricator and distributor of innovative foam products, with two manufacturing facilities in Rhode Island and one in upstate New York. From NASA to the operating room, from Washington's National Museum of Art to Hollywood, M.H. Stallman engineers have brought creative solutions to a diversity of product application challenges.

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Jim Stallman


President, M.H. Stallman Company

“Creativity or innovation is anything new that builds on what’s already been invented. The innovation with our work is to take the artist’s or the designer’s concept and translate it into a viable production part, building upon other applications and uses and finding ways to streamline and create what has been designed.”

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Max Winograd


President/Co-Founder, NuLabel Technologies

Max Winograd founded NuLabel Technologies, a polymer science and engineering company that has pioneered new adhesive technology to help companies cut costs and reduce waste by eliminating label backs that end-users peel and throw away. Mr. Winograd serves on the Board of Directors of the Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce and is a Rhode Island Commodore.

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Max Winograd


President/Co-Founder, NuLabel Technologies

“Creativity and innovation means refusing to say 'no' and instead saying 'not yet, but soon.' Innovation comes out not by proving your hypothesis right, but by trying to prove your hypothesis was wrong – which forces you to consider alternatives and stretch the definition of what's possible.”

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Meg Wirth


Founder/CEO, Maternova

Meg Wirth founded Maternova, the first global online “marketplace” for ideas and innovations that accelerate life-saving technologies for women and newborns in low-income countries. Maternova was named 2011 Innovation of the Year in Community and Social Service by Providence Business News.

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Meg Wirth


Founder/CEO, Maternova

“To me, creativity means an angle or approach that is surprising and leads to something new – and hopefully better. At Maternova we are interested in positive solutions to maternal and infant health in low-income countries… Our customizable bundles make it easy for frontline providers to find and deploy life saving technologies faster and more affordably.”

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Thank you for supporting Providence Children’s Museum

and its commitment to children’s right to play.