Unplug To Connect - 10 Step Guide To Making Your Idea Happen



Tom Sweetman founder of find your force is a creative entrenpeneuer, consultant and ideas man. In “Unplug To Connect” 10 Steps To Making Things Happen, Tom uncovers 12 steps to making things happen so if your stuck on a project feeling blocked then this guide is your little source of inspiration. www.findyourforce.com Twitter: @tominspires e: [email protected]

Transcript of Unplug To Connect - 10 Step Guide To Making Your Idea Happen

Page 1: Unplug To Connect - 10 Step Guide To Making Your Idea Happen

Goals Having goals is key to making things happen without a goal there is no direction and in essence purpose. A lot of people full over at this point because they simply are doing something with out knowing why it’s good to enjoy doing things but what is your big goal for that.

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." -Earl Nightingale

Unplug To Connect

The 10 Step Guide To Making Your Project Happen

Tom Sweetman founder of find your force is a creative entrenpeneuer, con-

sultant and ideas man. In “Unplug To Connect” 12 Steps To Making Things

Happen, Tom uncovers 12 steps to making things happen so if your stuck on

a project feeling blocked then this guide is your little source of in-

spiration. www.findyourforce.com

Twitter: @tominspires e: [email protected]

“Unplug Tip” Take out a pen and paper and write what are the top 10 things you want to achieve

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