UNO DC lAW ENFORCEMENT E-LEARNING PROGRAMME GOES GLOBAl! Inlerdietlon techniques {land, sea and alrl. selceIlon methods, teehntqaes. cl)mrolled deflverics, risk assessment allO Droming, Questioning, be_avlour ImJlcators, monelllaunderillg etc.


Page 1: UNODC lAW ENFORCEMENT E-LEARNING PROGRAMME GOES … · UNODC lAW ENFORCEMENT E-LEARNING PROGRAMME GOES GLOBAl!. Inlerdietlon techniques {land, sea and alrl. selceIlon methods, SĐ3n:h.


Inlerdietlon techniques {land, sea and alrl. selceIlon methods, SĐ3n:h teehntqaes. cl)mrolled deflverics, risk assessment allO Droming, Questioning, be_avlour ImJlcators, monelllaunderillg etc.

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was developed and Implemented. A computer based human tralfi<;lliflg "'aining module fo< general!!ervice law enforcement officers is currenUy bell'lQ deveklped.

The success of the UNODC computer based training programme is now t>eing recognised around the world. 11 is scheduled to be Implemented in Turl<ey; the Caribbean and Brazil; Central and Eastern Europe; West Africa and the Pacific in their respective local languages (English; Tunish: Russian: Spanish: Portuguese: French)

The appropriate use of information technology in lhe delivery of tram,ng can enable organiza~ons to tra,n

more people. more ellectlVely and more cheaply

AglobaJ centre for excellence in e-leaming has been established atlhe UNODC Regional Centre fOf East Asia and

the PacifIC ,n Bangkole TI1e centre provides adviSOry services ln the planning and Implementation of e-learning proJe<:1S Jo law

enforcement authorities throughout the world.

@J e-learning ~

E-learning has been defined as a ·Structured, purposeful ~ use of electronic systems or computers in support of ~\ the learning process' Tn.e term e-Learning 1$ applied

to a whole variety ollrein,ng methods, the CQmmon """- eleman! of all belng the use of information lechnoogy

to del,ver training Allhough humans slili provide the suppot1 and manage lhe 1rainong, the actual course content is delivered using computers, Courses are provided usmg the Internet, ,ntraJlets and eXlranets (LANJWAN). Examples of e-Learrllng Include romputer based training (CBT). training presented on interactIve CD-ROMs anCllessons delivered v ... interactive lelevisKlIl.

. .

Brief background Since 1997, UNODC has developed over HIO hours of computer based drug law eoforcemenllraming, Subjects

COvered include drug ,nle<dic1ion al sea, air and land border croSSIngs: search techniques, conlrolled drug delivery; riSk management; drug identiflCalH>n and drug testing.

ln East As"". tne drug enforcement training programme has been delivered in seven different languages to thousands of law enforcement officers ln ten oountries, So far, over 100 hours of learning has been developed for use in Cambodia, China, Laos. Myanmar. Thailand and Vietnam Fifty-seven e-Leaming centres have been established ln these SIX countries A new project is implementing CBT in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. The training includes h'9h-qualily vo>ce, pictutes, graphiCS, ir1teraclove Video and animation and student tests. The English prototype alone includes some 1,5 million words, more than 45,000 graphics and 600 v!Cleo dips.

r-------~ ln 2003. a computer ba&ed anti rnoMy laun<lering tr3lnll1Q prO!Jramme

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Ch.ract.risUes .nd advantages ~ UNODC computer-based training programmes are standarthzed training

courses adapted to local reaMles and contexts and delivefed ,n local Languages They oile.- the chance la learn through &rl interaarve, prob!em-solv,ng approactl CBr lraiOlog proVIdes Individual training that allows User5 10 learn at their own pace and maka m,sll1kes in private, wiltloul any loss of face. Subject experts from Yanous parts of !he WOflCI haWI deslgned lhfI ttaorung. Each cenlIe is managed by a local training manager who has been traIned by UNOOC


o Sustainable: local ageOCJeS manage and 'own ll'le traltllng themselves

O InternatJo..". best pra<:ti<:c

O Standardls.ed

O Tailored: the tralnng 15 \aiIOfed 10 !he needs and context ot the target audience and lo the ,"diwlual student

O Cost-effecti.... : CBT ~ lI!e much cheaper to set-op and to run !han allernatrYe melhOđs of detiveong

the same knowfedge and tlull,

O Interactive

O Available 24 hours neaf the WQr~place

O Flexible: Student' can IChedule lhe training around thelf Olher dube.

'''This is excellent._,---modU'l'l tr<liningM

"I'fs Hke o movie OrItY you ore leo.rning.~


The overaU lrairung programme II managed by II leammg Management S)'5tem (LMS) BeJore and after each module !he Sludent hISe to U.ndetgO 8

leSl The LMS records lhe name and IocllllOn ot each student. the axnes undeI1aken c:ourws oompleled and ihe results of the pre and POSI-lesl score!> ThIS P«MdeS mlI1\81Q81T181"11 With very useful evaluabon data.

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"Evaluation data shows this training really works!" John I""". PtoJeCl co.,a;";I••, UNOOC. 8.Ilngkok

Best pract'ce dictates that CBr is established in specialized tra,n,,"9 centres. These can be training academies and I or dedicated traIning areas, but not ln the workplace. We bel'eve that it is inadvisable to deliver interactIve traJnu'lQ next to a telephone. an in-tray, busy colleagues and managers,

f) Design new modules

o Evaluate the training

o Train the training managers

o Determine changes

o Identify existing modules that meet the needs

., Install programmes

o Identify Training Needs

o Determine training audience


The Global e-learning Project has established a centre of excellence for e-Learning at the UNODC Regional Centre lor East Asia and the Paciftc, in BangkOK. Thailand. The centre will support the introduction 01 e-Learning in other UNODC field projects in various countries and will provide the necessary resources, guidance and skills to establish sustainable and effective woridwide e-Learning applications.

A new project entitled 'UNODC Global e-Learning for Drug Control and Crimes Prevention' has been established. The objective of the project is to capitalize on the established UNODC Computer Based Training programme developed for East Asia. The project will integrate CBT Into a global e-learning strategy for training law enforcement personnel, thereby strengthening the capacity of Governments to counter illicit trafficking and transnational organized crime.

We do not distribvte training CD's directly to the WOfIcfOfCe, CD's get left in !axis, bfOken or el'ld up in the wrong hands. Unconlrolled d,stribution results ln unsupeNisE!d use. This means training is not svpported and correct ",,_, evaluation procedures afe not carried ovt lt is rare for personnel to manage their own training.

· . Steps and practices

E-Learning training methods offer advantages that make them very anractive for transferring knowledge and buildIng awareness among large target audiences However, it is important to remember that e-Leaming 'S noI CI replacement for other training rnelhods. and definilely does not signal the death of the lecture, the workShOP or on-the-job training.

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Il is our policy 10 <leliveJ CBT programmes ln dedicated training centres or dedK:!I1ed training spaces supported by fuli-lime training managers.

We do not Just deliver the 1raining, To maximize the chal'\C(ls of success, and to protect the integrity of the product, we deliver treining according 10 established besI practices. Following such standards has proven to maximize the chances 01 sl.>CCellsfullraining outcomes. The following are the cornerstones of our besi prac1oces'

4) UNODC only develops arld delivers programmes thaI meel clearly defined IralIlIng needs

O UNODC. together with its suppllQl'$. carries out all course development wOfk

'. O

The Beneficiaries ~

Law enfa«:emenl agencies aroond the world benefit from an enhanced level of skill to undertake narcolic and related investigabons more effociently and effe<:tvely. They furthef benefit in that investlga~onsand operations are conducted by enforcement personnel in accordance WIth Shared and recognised international standards that enhance the efficac;y Of joint and cooperative actlO!\S.

Many of our training modules contain basic core skills that can be effective in many law enforcement disciplines. For eltample, by applying the basic principles associated with Interdiction techniques (land. sea and air), selection methods. search techniques, controlled delivenes, risk assessment and profiling, questioning, behaviour indicators, money !aundering elC. there can be substantial operational knock-on effects elsewhere.

• \ l

• W~ Gre suddenly IlIUCh lTIlN"e consc,ous of._-_wno.t is <lIId... is not suspicious: --­• You can clUlrly su who h(l5

klid the tr(lining"

- -"""'«, """'" ""'

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TheCosts ~

Costs depend on a variety of elements such as tl1e number of modules required. changes and variations to the existing materials, the lranslabOfllnto the local language elC. The cost of producing new versions IS ret<l1iveiy che.ap when compared against the Initial development costs of the English prototypes Whoo earmarke<! donor funds are available, UNODC receives the funds and implements activiMs lo meet lhe sei obJoctrves. Where lhere are no dO!1or funds available. agencies and/Of governments cover the cosls themselves ln eam case a project is agreed between UNaOC and the relevafll govemment. UNODC manages the projed. using its own CST and project management eKp$f1lse.

"Durillg the troln,,'9. 011 of th", Customs ond Excise DeportmlUlt Trainees. including me, did their but, with great ottantian, to leam how to seorch for illicit drugs cOllCeoled by different traffockers so

thot th,- vCII\lClble knowledge would be effectively used to successfully supprus future drug offencu. After tfle trainlr'l9. by moking use of the knowledge 9O'n,-d from Tfle training.

we hov,- uncovered and supprused four illicit drug casu."


Page 7: UNODC lAW ENFORCEMENT E-LEARNING PROGRAMME GOES … · UNODC lAW ENFORCEMENT E-LEARNING PROGRAMME GOES GLOBAl!. Inlerdietlon techniques {land, sea and alrl. selceIlon methods, SĐ3n:h.

The UNODC e-Learning expertise is based in the UNOOC Regional Centre for East Asia and the Pacitic in Bangkok and provides the following services'

• Consultancy on e-Learning strategies • Training needs analysis • All aspects of course design • Course implementation _ installation of hardware and software, training of training managers • Evaluation of training

Two independent evaluation exercises have praised eBT in terms of its conten\, quality and cost effeetiveness. Both evaluation exercises have recommended that the training programme be introduced into other parts of the WO<1d and its comprehensive curriculum extended even further.

We are doing so.


"r have not seen anything better. Here we have an excellent quality of production. People here have ta realise that this is not easy. it is like making a movie. To make

something os good as this takes time and effort and a considerable amount of money [ ... ] You have won the day. This wonderful product sells itself and also your ideos about

adopting the training and implementing the programme are realistic and well thought out and are obviously based on your vost experience. r think if you look around you and

listen to the comments and see the reactions you will know that we are all with you·.

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-­- ,

Quality and


_.%. Consultancy -on .-Learning


Training and



Design &

Delivery ,

Assessments and

Feasibility Studies

,, Ergonomies

e-Lcarning @UNODC Evaluation

Needs Analysis

Interactive Operational


Best Practices

CORlJel delalls ~ For ~ infOtmallOn. please contact INDOl: e-Lunini Cenlre UHoDe 1I"9lonal Centre lo, East ".1. and the Pacific, Rajdar,,,..m Hok Avenue, 10200 Bangkok. Th.ailand. pn.: +6132.2882491 Fax: *662 288:J.033 EmM: tod,curtisQ""OOC.Q({l