Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the...

. Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form fhla form Is for use in mmfnatlng or requssting dmmtnatlone of diglblltty lor indlvldual propsnles w UilHctm. h lndructlone In OdMna For CmpkfMg Narkma! Repistar FOm (National RegisCer Brrlletln 16) hrnpkle each Item by marking "x" In rhs Bpprapriae w or sntsrfng tha requested Inforrnatnn. If an Item dm6 no! apply to the prop* bdng drxwrnented, enter "NIA" for "na appkabk " For functions, aylwr, maredda, and areas of signlhcanee, enter mlr the categories and subcalegorles Itsted In the Instructions. For additional space use contlnustion sheets (Form 1 ma). Type all enlrias. 1. Name of Properly historic name other namestsite number Louis, Homestead Bi Tce K!W-j9 5 lcatlon 2. Location streat & number N/A u not for pub1 TT city, t~wn Plainview vlclntty - W8t9 Arkansas code AR county White 145 ZIP cwle 72081 3. Clnrmlticrtlon Ownership of Prone* Catsgory of Property Number ol Rebourcas wlthln Propefly ppllvale bu Hdfnp[a) Conlrlbutln~ Norreontrlbvtlng publrc-local dlstrlct 1 bulldlngm Q publlc-Slats alte rltsl publlc.Federa8 G struetura - etructum Qbfm 0bJeet8 1, 0 Total Yams of related multiple props* Ilrtlng: Numbrr d oloontrfbutlng rsrourcss prbdowty . + s Ilatsd In ths Natlonal A6glstbr hT/A oi White County, Arkansas 4. SbtslFsderal Agency Certlftcetlon As the daignared authority under the Netlonei Hlstorlc Presenetlon Act of 1966, as amendd, I hersby csrtlfy that this nomination request far determination Of ellgiblllty meets the dwmsntatlon standards for registering propsrtlaa In the Stalr or Federal agmncy and bureau ( In my opinion, the prow* ILi mrtltr doem not met the Natlonal ~eglatar crtterla. 8n cm4numtlon rhoat, Sfnta or Fdorml agency and bunau - 5. Natlonal Park Ssrvlce Cortltlcrtton I, hereby. csRlfy thsl Fhls propmy 10. centered In tha Nattonal Register. 13 See conttnuallon rhw. delermlned eligible for the National Register, Sam mtbnuall~n #hoot. dstermlned not eligible for ths National Regieter. r remwed from the Natlonsl Reglmr. other, (explain:) -

Transcript of Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the...

Page 1: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

. Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice

National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form f h l a form Is for use in mmfnatlng or requssting dmmtnatlone of diglblltty lor indlvldual propsnles w UilHctm. h lndructlone In O d M n a For CmpkfMg Narkma! Repistar FOm (National RegisCer Brrlletln 16) hrnpkle each Item by marking "x" In rhs Bpprapriae w or sntsrfng tha requested Inforrnatnn. If an Item dm6 no! apply to the prop* bdng drxwrnented, enter "NIA" for "na appkabk " For functions, aylwr, maredda, and areas of signlhcanee, enter mlr the categories and subcalegorles Itsted In the Instructions. For additional space use contlnustion sheets (Form 1 m a ) . Type all enlrias.

1. Name of Properly historic name other namestsite number

Louis , Homestead Bi

Tce K!W-j9 5

lcatlon 2. Location streat & number N/A u not for pub1 T T city, t ~ w n Plainview vlclntty - W8t9 Arkansas code AR county White 145 ZIP cwle 72081

3. Clnrmlticrtlon Ownership of Prone* Catsgory of Property Number ol Rebourcas wlthln Propefly

ppllvale bu Hdfnp[a) Conlrlbutln~ Norreontrlbvtlng publrc-local dlstrlct 1 bulldlngm

Q publlc-Slats alte rltsl publlc.Federa8 G struetura - etructum

• Qbfm 0bJeet8 1, 0 Total

Yams of related multiple props* Ilrtlng: Numbrr d oloontrfbutlng rsrourcss prbdowty .+s Ilatsd In ths Natlonal A6glstbr hT/A oi White County, Arkansas

4. SbtslFsderal Agency Certlftcetlon

As the daignared authority under the Netlonei Hlstorlc Presenetlon Act of 1966, as amendd, I hersby csrtlfy that this nomination request far determination Of ellgiblllty meets the dwmsntatlon standards for registering propsrtlaa In the

Stalr or Federal agmncy and bureau

( In my opinion, the prow* ILi mrtltr doem not met the Natlonal ~eglatar crtterla. 8n cm4numtlon rhoat,

Sfnta or Fdorml agency and bunau -

5. Natlonal Park Ssrvlce Cortltlcrtton I , hereby. csRlfy thsl Fhls propmy 10.

centered In tha Nattonal Register. 13 See conttnuallon rhw. delermlned eligible for the National Register, Sam mtbnuall~n #hoot. dstermlned not eligible for ths National Regieter.


remwed from the Natlonsl Reglmr. other, (explain:) -

Page 2: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

Historic Functrons (enter categories from instructions) AGRICULTURE/ SUBSISTENCE/ XericuLtural O u t b u i l d i n g

C u m Functions (enter mtegories from instructions) AGRlCvLTeTRE/SUBSISTENCE/ A g r i c u l t u r a l O u t b u i l d i n g

7. Descriptlor. Architectural Classification Materials (enter categories from inszructions) (enter categories from Instructions)

fw ndation concrete m- V P h l r / T T ~ walls - d bat ten

- roof metal other

Describe present and historic physical appearance.

m§se continuation s M

Page 3: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

- 8. Statement of SlgnHicana Certrfying official has considered the significance of this property in relath to other m r t i e s :

17 nationalb statewide I ~ I I Y

Amas of Signiticanca (enter calqwies fram AnsFruetions) AXCHITECTURE

Cuhural Affiliation

Significant Person ~ ~ e c t r B u i l d e r NIA

State signtftficance of property, and justtfy eritmia, criteria consldmations, and areas E is of significance noted a m .

Page 4: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

S e e "Historic and Architectural Resources of White County, Arkansas,'' Section H.

Ses continuation sheet Plwlous documentatlan on flis (NPS):

prsllmlnay determlnstlon of lndlvldual Itetlng (38 CFR 6Tj hrm bean rbquastd pnvlourly Ilatsd In tho NatEonrt Replmtrr pnvloualy drlsrmlnad rllglbls by tha Natlonrt Regletor dsalgnatsd r NntFonel Hletorle Landmark

'recorded by Hlmlorlc Amsrlcan Bulldlngll ! survey #

Orecorded by Hlrtorlc Arnsrlcan Englneerlng Record U

Primary localton of additlonnl dala: State hlnorlc prmervatlon ovcs

i Other Stata rgoncy Federal agency Loeal govmmsnt Unlrsmwy Other

Spsclty mp08kor)r:

10. Oeogmphlcal Data Acreage af p ropeq

e w tllllll ll[lllIl Zone Eaatlng Northlng

Verbal bunday Description m - - - \ . . .

t I. Form Prepared By namslfltle lierlne tl ,. National RE Coordinator Organlzetlon Arkansas IC P s e s e r w exam dsl f

streat & numkr 27 1, r M I b k ~ t P tblbpnwr~er 3 '

3Wn ' I . i t r - l ~ Rork ltatll ~ d p cod@ 727flt

Page 5: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

Unlted 8trtoc Department of thm tntertor National Park Senrlce

Natlonal Reglster of Hlstorlc Places Contlnuatlon Sheet

Section number 7 Page 1

The bam at the Lwris Gray Homeslead is a twa story, w d frame, livestock/feed barn with a metal gambrel roof, board-and-kaen siding, and a foundation of concrete piers. It has a transverse crib plan with a shed roof drive addition on its m w r n elevation. Its inkrim is divided into five cribs on fie western side of the first story and six on h eastern side. The u p w flwr is used for hay storage. The front or southern elevation is relieved only by she large tend drive, the side drive to rhe easb and the opening beneath the hay h d abiove.

Page 6: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

Llnltsd State8 Qapartmsnt of the Interlor Netlonal Park Senlce

National Reglster of Hlstorlc Places Contlnuatlon Sheet

Sectlon number Page I

The h at the Louis Gray Homestead is one of rhe few intact examples of an early twentieth cenmy, wood frame livesmk barn with a gambrel roof and board-and-barten siding which extends b e full height of its elevations.

Page 7: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form

United States Depaflment of the Interlor National Park Service

- National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet

Section number 10 Page 1

Acreage of v m : Less than w e

UTM References;

A 15/62226013908420

Beginning at the point formed by the intemxtion of a l k runrriag parallel to tbe swrtbern elwatiw of the bam with a perpendicular line nmning parallel to the eastern elevation of the h flwted a p p m x i ~ T y 1,550 feet due east of the eastern edge of State Highway 157 and 300 feet due north of State Highway 15T), prcceed northerly dong tbe latter 1 ine for a distance. of approximately 200 feet to the point f o n d by its intersection with a perpdicular line running pallel to the northern elevation of the building; hence proceed westerly dong said line for a distance of approximately 200 feet to a p i a t fad by its intersection with a perpeudicuiar line nmning paraIlc1 to the wastern elevation of the building; hence prmed southerly for a distance of approximately 200 feet along said line to its intersection with a perpendicular line running m E e l to the southem elevation of the barn; thence p m d easZerly fw a distance of approximately 200 feet along aaid line to the p i n t of k p m h g .

bundarv Justification:

This resource was cws(srrcted as part of a larger famshd that bas lost its integrity is such; therefore, this bumIary includes all the m y hewn to h historically b a t e d with this resource.

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Page 9: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form
Page 10: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form
Page 11: Unlted States Department Park National Register Historic ... · Unlted States Department of the Interfor ' National Park Sewice National Register of Historic Places Aegistration Form