Unlock Your Karmic Code In Business

By Lynn Scheurell, The Creative Catalyst www.MyCreativeCatalyst.com
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Karma is, essentially, the intersection of two universal laws – 1) cause and effect and 2) balance. Your business, as a reflection of you, experiences the effects of your karma. When you understand your karma, you can swim downstream in business vs. battling upstream against the tide. Discover what it looks like when your karma is slowing or even stopping your business - and what you can do about it to accelerate your business success.

Transcript of Unlock Your Karmic Code In Business

Page 1: Unlock Your Karmic Code In Business

By Lynn Scheurell,

The Creative Catalyst


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Entrepreneurship is one of the fastest paths to self-growth because you see the outcomes of your values, beliefs, thoughts, choices and actions reflected in your livelihood.

Where there is struggle, there is invitation for growth.

Your business is a reflection of you and can grow only as fast as you do.


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Karma is the intersection of the Universal law of cause and effect AND the Universal law of balance.

What's happening for you affects your business. Your karma slows or even stops your business growth.

Understanding your incarnational karma (what you came in to with to resolve / balance in cosmic time and space), your archetypal karma (the energy patterns that loop in familiar ways) and your manifestation karma (how you call in your experience) are keys to unlocking your personal power in business.


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Karma is NOT about punishment.

Karma is about restoring balance. Think of it as a cosmic balancing act.

Karma doesn’t stop being

created; however, you have

choice about what you’re

currently creating with

conscious awareness and

intentional action.


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Finding yourself in too-familiar patterns of undesirable relationships.

Holding yourself back or playing small. Requiring yourself to do ‘one more thing’ and

THEN you will be ready. Lacking self-confidence in promotions,

marketing or selling yourself. Chasing the money and so working with just

anyone who will pay you. Downsizing your expectations of yourself and



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Getting ‘taken advantage of’, defrauded or left with the short end of the stick.

Being frustrated with people who don’t apply what you deliver.

Getting angry that others in your industry with less experience are better known.

Fearing that you are missing something but don’t know what.

Being overwhelmed and scattered daily despite working hard.

Staying on the surface of relationships or situations.


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Reacting to what’s happening instead of planning and creating. Having limited funds to invest in your business so you do

everything. Being unsure of what value you bring to your customers. Doing ‘behind the scenes’ prep work instead of going for it. Experiencing ‘dark’ feelings that leave you hopeless and

helpless. Using negative language that surprises you when you say it. Feeling stuck and stifled by a lack of time and the imminent loss

of your dreams.

These symptoms show karmic energy patterns are at work in your life and business. And they are

disguising opportunities to express your personal power in new ways.


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Every great strength comes from an equal challenge.

Whatever your core challenge, it is the path to your greatness.

That means the more conscious you are in your business and the more value you are producing, the more potential resistance you can encounter and the bigger you will perceive your challenges.

If you are in a high calling, you will be compelled to discover your strengths and handle your challenges.


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Your business challenges are both the mirror and the invitation for your personal growth.

The challenges that you

experience are an expression

of your greatness trying to get

your attention so you can

claim it.


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As a human, your free will – your choice – determines your results.

Expand your personal power and presence and your business will automatically grow proportionately. It has no other choice, since it is a reflection of you.


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Moving from struggle through to transformation is a primal need AND a core conflict. We are driven to do it and yet fear the potential pain, loss and/or overwhelm of the transformational process. It’s natural to avoid perceived potential pain.

The irony is that if we don’t keep moving by seeing challenge as the way to flex our wings and apply our insights, we stay stuck and actually prolong our struggle and suffering.


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It’s important to understand, unlock and unleash your karmic code – that which you are here to understand, resolve and create – by seeing your business as a master teacher for you.

It can be difficult to get the teachings when you’re so intimately tied to the teacher.

Just as your eyeball can’t see itself, your blindspot is impossible to see into on your own (by definition). You can only see what’s in your frame of reference. Since your worldview is limited to what you already know, you can’t see beyond what already exists in your paradigm. You need fresh perspective.


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It’s the difference between swimming downstream or battling against the tide.

As an entrepreneur, your business is an expression of you. Your karma is the barometer of alignment between your true purpose and your expression of it through business.

You are choosing the conditions in which you grow. Without challenge, your strength is unapplied, untested and unknown. With knowledge, it can be easier.


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In business, it’s not about tactics, strategies and techniques that give you the greatest return. They will generate results… but they may not be sustainable and will pale in comparison to what is possible.

Your results are much more about understanding and clarifying your presence, your consciousness, your ‘be’-ing in business.


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By using your challenges as the invitations to growth they are, you are clarifying your awareness in all aspects of your business which allows you to make new choices that will create fresh results.

You have the power to change

everything with knowledge,

perspective and choice.


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Knowing your personal karma and getting it resolved means your business won't have to 'run‘ that energy for you.

Example: If you have a karmic lesson around poverty and don't

handle it, your business will not be able to make money. (And there is no business technique that can compensate for karmic patterns, by the way...)

Example: If you have a karmic pattern around visibility, you will have challenges in marketing your business, including public speaking, communicating effectively about the benefits of your business, etc. - anything that would draw attention to yourself would not work as your karma will block success in that area.

Understanding your karma is an invitation to find out what is in the way of you not being able to be your best in and through

your business.


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http://mycreativecatalyst.com/products /audios

4-part audio series

This course originally sold for $199 but I don’t want money to be a barrier to getting the info that can literally change the rest of your life.

Accelerate your conscious business success by taking the fast track of personal growth that your business affords you.


Page 19: Unlock Your Karmic Code In Business

How eight types of karma could be affecting your business decisions

The signs that your business is working karma for you

How to find and handle your negative karmic commitments

How to know your dharma, or most natural path, in life

The seven mystical laws that are guiding your life and business

How psychic debt is keeping your energy on low

Identifying your money wounds for resolution

The five cycles of life influencing your decisions

How your emotions are messengers to your truths

Symptoms of ascension and how they help you release the ‘old’

Your personal manifestation formula

How to apply these teachings to your business

And much more…


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While these teachings might appear ‘abstract’, they will:

Stir up powerful and profound insights for you as you process how they relate to your life, and,

Become the foundation for taking real, new, intentional action in your life through your business.


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Have greater awareness around your experience,

Know how to more consciously manifest in alignment with your karma / dharma, and,

Be guided to profound self-discovery as you apply these teachings to living your destiny through your life and business…

…then this is a revolutionary audio series that is a systematic way to focus your attention and supercharge your ability to get new results.


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Your experience is your choice. If you are happy with the way things are going and would be happy to repeat your last 12 months (as a random scale of measure), then this program is not needed.

However, if you want different results, you have to do something different. To get sustainable new results, you need to go beyond business tactics, techniques and strategies to what really matters - your inner clarity.

If you are seeing info about this program and it piques your curiosity or feels interesting, your intuition is noting that there is likely something in this program helpful to you - even if you don’t know what it is yet.

Why wait even one more day in stunting, withholding or limiting your growth? What is the greater pay-off to you in delaying better results?


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"I think earning money is the simplest thing

in the world once you learn how to do it.

It's like driving a car. It's simple if you

know how to do it."

~ Bob Proctor


Unlock Your Karmic Code In Business: http://mycreativecatalyst.com/products /audios
