Unix Utilities (sort/uniq)

Unix Utilities (sort/ uniq) CS465 – Unix


CS465 – Unix. Unix Utilities (sort/uniq). The sort command. Sorts lines Default behavior: Do a case-sensitive, ascii-alphabetic line sort, starting at the beginning of each line Can use sort options to sort on different fields and in different ways. sort options. Format: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unix Utilities (sort/uniq)

Page 1: Unix Utilities  (sort/uniq)

Unix Utilities


CS465 – Unix

Page 2: Unix Utilities  (sort/uniq)

The sort command

• Sorts lines

• Default behavior: Do a case-sensitive, ascii-alphabetic line sort, starting at the beginning of each line

• Can use sort options to sort on different fields and in different ways.

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sort options • Format:

$ sort [options][files]• Options:

+n skip n fields before sorting -- older method (i.e. sort from field n+1 to end of line)

-kx sort from field x to end of line (new method)

+n -m sort from field n+1 to field m -- older method

-kx,y sort from field x to field y (new method)

-kx,x -ky,y sort on field x, then on field y

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sort options • Format:

$ sort [options][files]• Options:

-b ignore leading whitespace

-d dictionary order (blanks and alphabetic chars only)

-f ignore case (upper/lower considered same)

-n sort in numeric order

-o file output to named file

-r sort in reverse (descending) order

-tc separate fields using c (default is whitespace)

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sort examples

$ sort +1 list1# sort list1 starting from field 2 to the end of the line

$ sort –k2,3 list2# sort list2 based upon the second and third fields together

$ sort –k3,3 –k5,5 list3# sort list3 on the third field, then the fifth


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sort examples

$ ls -l | sort -k9 -r# sort long listing of current directory in reverse filename (field 9) order

$ sort –k3 -o slist2 list2# sort list2, starting with the third field, and output the results to slist2

$ sort -k2 -b list3 > slist3# sort list3, starting with field 2, and

ignoring blanks, and place the output in slist3

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sort examples

$ sort -k2 sortfile.txtbruce 1david 10edward 12albert 2chris 20$

$ sort -n -k2 sortfile.txtbruce 1albert 2david 10edward 12chris 20$

$ sort sortfile.txtalbert 2bruce 1chris 20david 10edward 12$

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• Review sort examples on handout

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uniq command• Removes duplicate lines from a file:

$ cat ab.txt





$ uniq ab.txt



• Duplicate lines in file must be adjacent, so uniq is often used with sort:$ sort ab.txt | uniq > ab-uniq.txt

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Using sort with uniq

$ uniq fruit





$ cat fruitapplebanana

bananaapplebanana$ $ sort fruit | uniq

apple banana $

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uniq options

-c print each line once, along with a count of occurences of each

-d print duplicate lines once (and don’t print any unique lines)

-fN do not compare the first N fields (skip fields)

-u print ONLY unique lines (discard ALL duplicates)

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$ cat namesBillPamPamRonSueSue$

uniq examples

$ uniq namesBillPamRonSue$

$ uniq -d namesPamSue$

$ uniq –c names 1 Bill 2 Pam 1 Ron 2 Sue$

$ uniq -u namesBillRon$

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$ cat namesBill JonesPam SmithSue SmithPaul JonesDave SmithRon Smith$

uniq examples

$ sort –k2 namesBill JonesPaul JonesPam SmithSue SmithDave SmithRon Smith$

$ sort –k2 names | uniq –f1Bill JonesDave Smith$$ sort –k2 names | uniq –f1 -c 2 Bill Jones 4 Dave Smith$