University of Paderborn Gerd Szwillus, Head of the Examination Committee April 2010.

Master of Science in Computer Science University of Paderborn Gerd Szwillus, Head of the Examination Committee April 2010
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Transcript of University of Paderborn Gerd Szwillus, Head of the Examination Committee April 2010.

Master of Science in Computer Science

University of PaderbornGerd Szwillus, Head of the Examination Committee

April 2010

Elements of the Master Programme◦ Classes◦ Seminars◦ Project Group◦ Master‘s Thesis◦ German Language Course

Structure◦ Areas◦ Modules

Scope Examinations


Class + Exercises (Vorlesung mit Übungen)

◦ 2 hrs lecture and 1 hr exercises per week (V2+Ü1)

◦ Lecture all students meet teacher talks

◦ Exercise students meet in subgroups tutor moderates discussion with students students present prepared homework

Elements of the Masters Program

Seminar (Seminar)

◦ 2 meeting hrs per week (S2)

◦ Teacher proposes topics (Seminarthemen)

◦ Every student selects one topic to work on prepares a talk with slides (Seminarvortrag) submits a written elaboration (Ausarbeitung)

Elements of the Masters Program

Project Group (Projektgruppe)

◦ Workload: Half-time for one year◦ New PG topics are presented to the Master

students in a public event (Projektgruppenvorstellung)

◦ Interested students apply for PG and …◦ … 8 to 16 students are accepted◦ Working for two semesters on a project

(often: concept and implementation of some software)

◦ Highly self-organized

Elements of the Masters Program

Master‘s Thesis (Masterarbeit)

◦ Workload: Full-time for one semester

◦ What has to be done? Literature review Research often: implementation of some software Writing a thesis (~ 80-120 pages) on scientific level All this: within 6 months (formally checked!)

◦ First a planning phase (typically 1 month)◦ Then the performing phase (5 months)

Elements of the Masters Program

Master‘s Thesis (Masterarbeit)

◦ Finding an advisor (Betreuer) adress professors working in an interesting area adress project group organizer ask friends

◦ Finding a topic (Thema) is an interactive process between student and advisor own ideas? project group topic? discussion with the (potential) advisor!

Elements of the Masters Program

German Language Course (Deutschkurs)◦ Hosted by the International Office

(Akademisches Auslandsamt)

◦ Obligatory (no Master‘s degree without!)

◦ May cover the „Studium Generale“ part◦ Paid by the Computer Science Institute

Elements of the Masters Program

Four areas (Gebiete)

◦ SWT&IS: Software Technology & Information Systems (Softwaretechnologie und Informationssysteme)

◦ MuA: Models & Algorithms(Modelle und Algorithmen)

◦ ESS: Embedded Systems & System Software(Eingebettete Systeme und Systemsoftware)

◦ MMWW: Human-Machine-Interaction(Mensch-Maschine-Wechselwirkung)

Every student chooses one of the four as area of specialization (Vertiefungsgebiet)


Modules (Module)

◦ Every module belongs to one area (of the four) contains a catalog of classes or seminars (from that area) is described in the module handbook (Modulhandbuch)

is studied by taking two classes from that catalog

◦ Every student has to study three modules in her/his area of specialization one module each in the three other areas (Hence every student has to take six modules overall)


Handbook of modules (Modulhandbuch, MHB)◦ available on-line as PDF from◦ exists in two versions

„old“ = 2004 „new“= 2009

◦ since winter 09/10 only 2009 is relevant!


Currently existing modules


Example: Module III.2.1 „Algorithms 1“


Studying this module means:taking two of these classes!

Every student has to … (ECTS credits)

◦ study three modules in her/his area of specialization (24)

including one seminar in some module

◦ study one module in each of the other three areas (24)

one more seminar (instead of a class) is allowed

◦ successfully take part in a project group (30)

◦ write a Master‘s thesis (30)

◦ complete the German language course (if not yet done before)

or study a side subject or do „general studies“ (12)


Scope - Example

Possible structure (but not obligatory!): everything else before thesis

(minimum of 54 ECTS before thesis)

Scope - Example

Modules, PG (even thesis) can be shifted

Scope - Example

Modules need not to be done within one semester!

Scope - Example

MuA1 & MuA2 in one module

Same forSWT1 & SWT2 and MMWW1 & MMWW2

ESS1…ESS6 must be matched to three modules, e.g. ESS1 & ESS4 ESS2 & ESS3


Scope - Example

MuA1 & MuA2 in one module

Same forSWT1 & SWT2 and MMWW1 & MMWW2

ESS1…ESS6 must be matched to three modules, e.g. ESS1 & ESS4 ESS2 & ESS3


Scope - Example

MuA1 & MuA2 in one module

Same forSWT1 & SWT2 and MMWW1 & MMWW2

ESS1…ESS6 must be matched to three modules, e.g. ESS1 & ESS4 ESS2 & ESS3


Scope - Example

MuA1 & MuA2 in one module

Same forSWT1 & SWT2 and MMWW1 & MMWW2

ESS1…ESS6 must be matched to three modules, e.g. ESS1 & ESS4 ESS2 & ESS3


Scope - Example

MuA1 & MuA2 in one module

Same forSWT1 & SWT2 and MMWW1 & MMWW2

ESS1…ESS6 must be matched to three modules, e.g. ESS1 & ESS4 ESS2 & ESS3


Scope - Example

MuA1 & MuA2 in one module

Same forSWT1 & SWT2 and MMWW1 & MMWW2

ESS1…ESS6 must be matched to three modules, e.g. ESS1 & ESS4 ESS2 & ESS3



◦ one oral exam about the two classes (resp. a seminar)

Project group

◦ permanent evaluation throughout the project

Master‘s Thesis

◦ evaluation from the advisor and a co-advisor

Language Course

◦ DSH certificate after the course



◦ Oral exams (modules) can be repeated twice

◦ Master‘s Thesis can be repeated once

◦ Project group can be repeated twice

◦ German Language Course can be repeated infinitely


Compensation (applies to oral module exams only)

◦ Based on concept of an exam container ◦ Size: 16 ECTS credits or two modules

◦ Successful or failed oral exam can be placed into the container retry something else with a „clean“ situation

e.g. a second module in one of the non-specialized areas e.g. a fourth module in the specialized area

swap container exams and non-container exams e.g. to improve the degree e.g. to eliminate one or two module exam failures


Student fails three times in oral exam of module ESS-2

no more repetition


ESS-2 Container

Student succeeds

in ESS-4

Examinations - Example

Examinations - Example Student succeeds, but

performs weak in oral module exam MMWW-A for MMWW

(degree: 3,0)

MMWW-A exam Container

Student tries oral exam MMWW-B for MMWW

succeeds with 1,0 (has 1,0 as degree for MMWW !)

or: succeeds, but even worse (4,0) MMWW-A exam Container

MMWW-B exam Container (student can only fall back on degree 3,0 for


Examinations Final failure

Container is full (2 modules)

Neither by swapping nor by further exams can the

student fulfill the requirements

3 modules in the specialization area

one module in each of the other areas


Two attempts for a Master‘s thesis failed

Examinations Final failure

Container is full (2 modules)

Neither by swapping nor by further exams can the

student fulfill the requirements

3 modules in the specialization area

one module in each of the other areas


Two attempts for a Master‘s thesis failed

But this

will NEVER happen,

of course!!!!!

Any questions?

Thank you for the attention!