UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT OF MARKETING MRKT 305 MARKETING FOUNDATIONS 11:00 TO 12:15 or 2:00 TO 3:15 (TUES & THURS); GAMBLE 7 Fall, 2007 Instructor: Jim Faircloth Office: 175E Gamble Telephone: 777-3748 (Office); 746-9920 (Home); 777-3929 (Department) Office Hours: 8:00 to 9:00 and 3:15 to 4:00 (Tu & Thur) E-mail: [email protected] Course Description: An overview ofthe scope and nature of market exchange and the buyer's pivotal role. Particular attention will be given to understanding the marketing actions and considerations that will affect the response of buyers to proposed market exchanges. In this course the focus of the marketing exchanges will be centered on brands for both large existing organizations and entrepreneurial start-ups. The course will include, but not be limited to, an examination of marketing ethics and social responsibility, consumer behavior, strategic marketing process, marketing research, market segments and target markets, and pricing practices. Learning Methods: Learning will be facilitated by attention to classroom lectures, active class participation, outside preparation and reading, and active group project work participation. You will note the importance of preparation and participation. The size of this class is a consideration in the learning process, but should not be an excuse for failure to be actively engaged. Course Prerequisites: Econ 201 Course Objectives: 1. Students will gain an understanding of marketing and brand management, encompassing market research, consumer behavior, planning, and be prepared to apply this knowledge to strategic marketing Issues. 2. Students will demonstrate critical thinking and analytic skills relating to the application of marketing theory to marketing issues and opportunities. 3. Students will utilize written and oral skills that will aid in the personal understanding of marketing and its communication to others. 4. Students will demonstrate a fuller appreciation of marketing in relation to the total conduct of organizational decision making. S. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the nature and value of information in a business decision-making environment. 6. Students will develop an understanding of what marketers do for a


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11:00 TO 12:15 or 2:00 TO 3:15 (TUES & THURS); GAMBLE 7Fall, 2007

Instructor: Jim FairclothOffice: 175E Gamble

Telephone: 777-3748 (Office); 746-9920 (Home); 777-3929 (Department)Office Hours: 8:00 to 9:00 and 3:15 to 4:00 (Tu & Thur)E-mail: [email protected]

Course Description: An overview ofthe scope and nature of market exchange and the buyer'spivotal role. Particular attention will be given to understanding themarketing actions and considerations that will affect the response ofbuyers to proposed market exchanges. In this course the focus of themarketing exchanges will be centered on brands for both large existingorganizations and entrepreneurial start-ups. The course will include, butnot be limited to, an examination of marketing ethics and socialresponsibility, consumer behavior, strategic marketing process, marketingresearch, market segments and target markets, and pricing practices.

Learning Methods: Learning will be facilitated by attention to classroom lectures, active classparticipation, outside preparation and reading, and active group projectwork participation. You will note the importance of preparation andparticipation. The size of this class is a consideration in the learningprocess, but should not be an excuse for failure to be actively engaged.

Course Prerequisites: Econ 201

Course Objectives: 1. Students will gain an understanding of marketing and brandmanagement, encompassing market research, consumer behavior,planning, and be prepared to apply this knowledge to strategic marketingIssues.

2. Students will demonstrate critical thinking and analytic skills relating tothe application of marketing theory to marketing issues and opportunities.3. Students will utilize written and oral skills that will aid in the personalunderstanding of marketing and its communication to others.4. Students will demonstrate a fuller appreciation of marketing in relationto the total conduct of organizational decision making.S. Students will develop a deeper understanding of the nature and value ofinformation in a business decision-making environment.6. Students will develop an understanding of what marketers do for a

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Required Text:Other Readings:

living.MARKETING: The Core, Kerin, Hartley, Rudelius (2ndEdition)Other readings to be assigned

Grading: Exam 1 100Exam 2 100Exam 3 100Final exam 250

Class participation 50Class projectProject Report 50Participation 25


Grading Scale: A 90%B 80%C 70%D 60%F Below 60%

College of Business and Public Administration Policies

Students will be permitted only two attempts to pass business administration courses. Failure topass a course after two attempts may result in dismissal ITomthe College.

Late enrollment in a business administration course will be permitted only during the fIrst weekof instruction. Enrollment after the fIrst week requires approval of the department offering thecourse.

Courses in which grades of C or better are earned may be repeated upon written approval of thedepartment concerned and the Dean of the College offering the course and the student'sacademic advisor. Without this approval, both grades will be recorded on the student'spermanent record, with the last grade being marked as duplication and not being counted in thestudent's GPA. The petition for a repeat of grade must be done by the end of the fIrst week ofclass, or it is unlikely that the petition will be approved.

Policies/Student Responsibilities and General Information:

1. If a make-up exam is necessary for a scheduled written exam, then it will be administeredduring the fInal exam period.

2. On individual assignments (other than group projects) you are expected to perform your ownwork. Cheating or academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class. Cases of academicdishonesty will be prosecuted in accordance with University Rules. Cheating in this course canresult in an F for the course. In this course, academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to)unapproved assistance on examinations, copying the homework of others, plagiarism or other useof published materials without complete citations, or fabrication of referenced information. Ifyou have any questions regarding this policy you should consult the instructor.

3. Class discussions and participation are important elements of this course. You will be

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expected to be prepared when you come to class to discuss/engage the assigned material. Iexpect you to be active participants in the learning process. Failure to do so will directly affectyour participation grades and indirectly affect your overall performance in the class. Yourparticipation grade will be directly affected by your attendance on days where participation isrequired--pop quizzes, case discussions, in-class assignments, etc.

4. In the event that it becomes necessary to substantially change any part of this syllabus studentswill be given as much notice as possible.

Instructor Responsibilities:

1. Make this an interesting and meaningful learning challenge2. Ensure an open and relevant exchange of ideas3. Be consistent/fair in conduct of class

4. Available to help students meet the challenges posed by this course5. Get to know students and make course relevant to their career objectives6. You have the right to challenge the instructor's views of business research and course


Course Outline

Aug 21 Housekeeping/introduction

23 Chpt 1 - Creating Customer Relationships and Value through MarketingBrandingIssues

28 Chpt 1 - Creating Customer Relationships and Value through MarketingBrandingIssues

Chpt 2 - Developing Successful Marketing and Corporate Strategies

Chpt 2 - Developing Successful Marketing and Corporate Strategies

Chpt 3 - Scanning the Marketing Environment

Class exercise

Exam 1

Chpt 4 - Ethics and Social Responsibility in Marketing

Chpt 5 - Consumer Behavior

Chpt 5 - Consumer Behavior.



Sept 4







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27 Chpt9 - IdentifyingMarketSegmentsand Targets

Oct 2 Class exercise

4 Exam 2

9 Chpt 10- DevelopingNewProductsand Services

11 Chpt 10- DevelopingNewProductsand Services

16 Chpt 11- Managing Products, Services, and Brands

18 Chpt 11- Managing Products, Services, and Brands

23 Chpt 12- Pricing Products and Services

25 Class exercises

30 Exam 3

Nov 1 Chpt 13- ManagingMarketingChannelsand SupplyChains

6 Chpt 13- Managing Marketing Channels and Supply Chains

8 Chpt 15- Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing

13 Chpt 15- Integrated Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing

15 Chpt 16- Advertising,SalesPromotion,and PublicRelations

20 Class exercises

22 Thanksgiving Holiday

27 Project development

29 Project development

Dec 4 Project development

6 Project reports

11 Final Exam 2 PM Class (3:15)

13 Final Exam 11 AM Class (10:15)