University and School management system (Credit Hour System)

Mostafa Sakr The way to smart faculty Faculty & School management System

Transcript of University and School management system (Credit Hour System)

Mostafa SakrThe way to smart faculty

Faculty & School management System

• Briefly introduce about our system.

• Describe in short modules basics.

• Our System is about : – Faculty Management System.

– School Management System


• Our goal is to provide the organization with the full, easy and smart management for student (data, grades, fees, certificate, contacts)

• Credit Hour System is really very complex and hard to manage with hand, so we provide completely dynamic management for it without any effort from employees and adaptable with changes in faculty rules.

• We provide Stuff/Student with many other modules which help them to organize their work, schedule their activities.

• The system contain News Feed and messages, to help users to discuss things related to study, and to email stuff members for queries, to help users not to waste time in social media, our goal is to save time so provide all modules which lead achieve this goal.


N Module N Module

1 Result Reports 11 Official papers.

2 Result Processing 12 Staff Profiles/Contacts

3 ID Card Management 13 Student Management

4 E-Mail 14 Tasks.

5 Fees Management 15 Subject Registration

6 Course Management 16 Year , Term management.

7 Time-Table Management

8 Rules setting

9 Social Network

10 Student Quiz.


• Maintain student life-cycle for their entire academic curriculum. This module is used for complete student record keeping right from their admission till placement. Each activity of the student is recorded.

• Students’ data are stored and managed centrally in systematic way without duplication.

• Maintains a complete Academic Tour of each student.

• also maintain all student transactional information e.g. Fee History, Certificate History, Complaints, Submission, Notes, Leave, Promotion etc..

• All of that depend on unique ID for every student .

Student Management

Student Management

Student Management

Student Management

First Result Processing:

– Subject result consist of (mid term, project, attends, final) and so on depend on faculty rules.

– Set the student result(available two ways to set Result).1. Admin Choose Subject and language then have a list of the students who

registered this subject finally entre degree.

2. Barcode system, every student answer paper will have secret barcode label, worker scan barcode and save result, by this way no one can know the owner of the paper or the subject.

Result(First Result Processing)

Result(First Result Processing)

Result(First Result Processing)

It contain many Reports

1. Student Full result report.

2. Term result report.

3. Subject result report.

4. First Student report for(term , subject , year, stage).

5. Failed students result report.

6. Statistics result report.

Finally check reports folder it contain real examples for reports.

Result(Second Result Reports)



• Diploma and degree certificates can easily be generated with Unique number autogenerated of each certificate . So university/organization can keep record of certificates generated and issued.

• System will check all conditions for pass and fail and then generate the certificate number for pass students.

• Every Student will have a unique url for its certificate so when he apply to work, the organization can see its certificate without need to papers.

• It will be available in English and Arabic, its just one click.

Degree Certificate

• We know credit hour system is very complex to manage by hands and papers.

• Its very hard work to know who is able to register this subject.

• How many Hours can the student register this term.

• Is this student can register summer course or not?

Subject Registration

• Its depend on faculty rules (credit hour).

• Faculty rules(credit hour) can change at any time with out affect old results.

• Student can register hours only suitable with its result.

• Some examples(its changeable depend on faculty rules):– Student with grad more than A can registers 21H and 6H in summer course.

– Student with grad less than A can registers 18H and 0H in summer course.

– Student who failed in subjects can register in summer course.

Subject Registration

Subject Registration

Subject Registration

• It help admin to print ID Cards for all students with one click.

• Student ID Card is the key identification, keeping a track of ID Card records (Issued and Expired) in the case of lost/misplaced ID Cards. Because misuse of Lost ID Card can lead to legal complication for the institution. To prevent the misuse of such ID Cards we provide you a built-in feature to Design, Generate and Issue the ID Card from the system itself.

• ID-Card can be integrated with Attendance for RFID, Bar-code and Bio-metrics system and NFC, useful for smooth and immediate attendance taking.

ID Card Management.

• It provide easy way to manage department subjects and subject properties.

• Department -> Subject Group -> subject -> subject properties .

• Subject contain ( Code , Weight, international Code,lab).

• Subject result ( mid term, project , attendance ,

Course Management

• It help student to emails(messages) from the system to faculty stuff or admin to ask for help or something related to study.

• Also from the system can admin/Stuff reply to student mail.

• It help student and stuff to save their time, because the be in a need to open Facebook and waste time to replay for student messages.

• We want to save time, be specific and provide system users with what they need to not use another things.


E-Mail ( Screen Shot from the system)

E-Mail ( Screen Shot from the system)

• Fees Management is a very tedious job since need to take care a lot while taking fees, as financial records and maintenance is very important task. Also all records during audit needs to be shown and clarified.

• It will provide you with all required reports.

• Fees by course, by term , by year and other categories provided depend on request.

Fees Management

• To avoid waste time to use Facebook to discus something with students or to tell them something and many Prof don’t use or love Facebook, so we added this module.

• Only stuff/admin can make posts, student can’t post because we want to save time not waste time and make system like Facebook, if the student need something can mail Stuff/Admin.

• Stuff/student/admin can comment and like.

• Posts are categorized by subjects, only student who registered this subject can see its Stuff/Admin posts, because we care about the second you waste to read something is not important for you.

Social Network

Social Network (real life example from the system)

• Provide stuff/ admin data and contacts for student so the can send email or get contacts.

• Provide Student with office hour for faculty stuff.

Staff Profiles/Contacts

Staff Profiles/Contacts

• Faculty Stuff/Admin can Add new task contain :– Task Header.

– Task DateTime.

– Task Explain.

• Tasks categorized by Subject, only student registered this subject will have the task in there MyTasks page



• We have time table, exam date, mid-term date, open registration date, and close registration, all this dates is a headache for student and employees.

• So we developed this module so admin can add time table, exam, and so on.

• Every student will have in its calendar date that related to him.

Time-Table/Calendar Management

Time-Table/Calendar Management

Official Papers

• Student need certificate of enrolment, report of grades.

• This module help admin to print the certificate of enrolment contain all student data by one click, and also the report of grades, and in Arabic or English language.

• If the student applied for internship or organization, he can ask admin to get unique url for its certificate of enrolment or grades and send this url to the organization as official url contain its data.

• Our goal to help admin to do his work by easy and smart way, and to provide student with url for certificate to help him in apply for any internship without effort to have papers and send it.

• Name: Mostafa Sakr

• Email: [email protected]

• Country: Netherlands, Delft.

• Mobile: +31 643255803

• Facebook:

• LinkedIN:

Contacts Information