UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN - University of...


Transcript of UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN - University of...

Page 1: UNIVERSIDAD DE JAÉN - University of Ljubljanaintranet.ef.uni-lj.si/apps/169_AdministracijaMednarodnePisarne/... · The Universidad de Jaén (UJA) main campus of Las Lagunillas is




International Mobility Programmes

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Welcome to the Universidad de Jaén!

(www.ujaen.es )

The Universidad de Jaén (UJA) main campus of Las Lagunillas is placed at the north-east of the city of Jaén (Paraje Las Lagunillas, s/n), between the Torrequebradilla and Nacional 323 roads and by the Carretera de Madrid. Several buses link the campus with the city every 15 minutes. A taxi from downtown Jaén may cost around € 5. Also of interest: Vice-chancellor of International Relations and Coop eration Prof. Dr. M. Victoria López-Ramón Director of International Mobility Programmes Prof. Dr. Sebastián Bruque Director of International Cooperation Prof. Dr. F. Javier Díaz Language Programmes coordinator Prof. Dr. F. Narciso Contreras

International Relations Office

Paraje “Las Lagunillas”, s/n. Edificio B1 Telf.: +34 -953 00 21 21 94 Fax: +34 -953 21 26 12

23071 JAÉN [email protected]


1.1. Brief historical survey

The origin of the Universidad de Jaén (Universitas Giennensis) goes back to the Modern Age, with the Universidad de Baeza, and to the 17th century, during the short period in which the Estudio General de Santa Catalina (Saint Catalina College) became a Pontifical University. Before that time, in 1368, there was a School of

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Grammar, where also Rhetoric, Logic and all the Liberal Arts could be studied. At the end of the Modern Ages, a significant economic growth took place, and the increasing development of towns like Úbeda, Baeza, Andújar, Alcalá la Real and also Jaén, permitted the concretion of the university venture. Finally, in 1503, Pope Paul III gave a bull by which the Estudio General del Convento de Santa Catalina became a College. In 1585, the Augustinians tried to establish a University of Arts, but the Bishop, together with some members of the clergy who had a commitment to the University of Baeza, led this project to a failure. In 1629, Pope Urban VIII transformed the Estudio General del Convento de Santa Catalina Mártir into a Pontifical University. However, because of the strong opposition of Baeza, Jaén stopped being the University seat. Therefore, Baeza became the main University centre until the beginning of its decline, which was mainly caused by a progressive ruralisation. Finally, in 1807 a decree was signed to extinguish the University of Baeza, and in 1824 it was definitely closed. From that year on, the university demands would be made by two centres which were founded in Jaén in 1843: the College of Education and the Secondary School.

A progressive creation of university colleges within the province of Jaén, together with the demographic situation in the 1960s, set up the conditions for the 1969 Seminar of University Activities to become a University College which was ascribed to the University of Granada in 1975. In 1982, the University College was integrated into the University of Granada, although this integration was not effective until January 1985.

After the division of the University College into faculties and colleges, the Technical-Academic Commission of the University Campus of Jaén was created in May 1992. Finally, on 1st July 1993, the University College of Jaén was definitely transformed into an independent University by a law promoted and prepared by the Socialist Party and passed on the Andalusian Parliament with the support of all political parties. 1.2 A brief description of the campus

The UJA is a medium-sized institution (some 14500 students and over 800 faculty, most of whom are PhD’s) located on a new Campus in the north-east of the city and a few schools in other towns of the province (Andújar, Linares, Úbeda). The Campus houses a great Aula Magna, several classroom and laboratory buildings, computer rooms, the main library building with ample study and reading rooms, two cafeterias, a

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Student Residence (there are other private residences in the city), a Sports Centre (with a very extensive programme of indoor and outdoor activities), a travel agency, a newsagent, a bookshop, a bank branch... Its beautiful gardens and lawns are home to many different tree species and birds. There are frequent bus connections from different points in the city centre to the University. A taxi from downtown Jaén may cost around 5 euros.

1.3. Faculties, colleges and degrees

At the moment, the Universidad de Jaén comprises the following Faculties/Colleges1 : • FACULTY OF EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES Degrees and diplomas awarded:

∗ Bachelor’s degree in Biology ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry ∗ Bachelor's degree in Sciences of the Environment (Ecoscience) ∗ Diploma in Statistics


Degrees and diplomas awarded: ∗ Diploma in Labour Relations ∗ Diploma in Business Management ∗ Diploma in Public Management and Administration ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Administration ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Law

1 It included under the same heading degrees belonging to different educational acts. This difference is not

relevant for foreign students, who will be assigned to the most recent one.

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∗ Bachelor’s degree in English ∗ Bachelor's degree in Spanish ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Humanities ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Psychology ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Educational Psychology (Psychopedagogy) ∗ Bachelor’s degree in Tourism ∗ Diploma in Primary School Teaching. Specializing in: Physical Education Nursery School Education Primary School Education Foreign Language Music Education

• HIGHER TECHNICAL SCHOOLS (Campuses of Jaén and Linares) Degrees and diplomas awarded:

∗ Engineer’s degree in Geodesy and Cartography ∗ Engineer's degree in Industrial Management ∗ Industrial Technical Engineer’s degree. (Campus of Linares also) Three

specialities: Electricity Industrial Electronics Mechanics Industrial Chemistry

∗ Engineer’s degree in Computer Science applied to Management * Engineer’s degree in Topography

* Technical Engineer’s degree in Mining. (Campus of Linares) Three specialities:

Mine exploitation Energy resources, combustible substances and mine exploration Drilling and mine prospecting

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* Technical Engineer’s degree in Telecommunications: Telematics. (Campus of Linares)

• SCHOOL OF NURSING Degrees and diplomas awarded:

∗ Diploma in Nursing • SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK (Campus of Linares) Degrees and diplomas awarded:

∗ Diploma in Social Work 1.4. Departments

The Department is the basic University body in charge of organising and developing research and non-compulsory education in its field of knowledge.

Each Department comprises the whole teaching staff, students and the administrative and service staff linked to it. In the Universidad de Jaén there are 32 Departments at the moment, which are the following: • Business administration, account and sociology • Antropology, Geography and History • Animal and vegetable biology and ecology • Experimental biology • Public law and special private law • Civil law, financial law and fiscal law • Criminal law, philosophy law, moral and politics, and philosophy • Didactics of science • Didactics of musical, plastic and corporal expression • Economics • Electronics • Graphic engineering, design and projects • Spanish • English

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• Physics • Geology • Computer science • Cartographic engineering, geodesic engineering and photogrammetry • Electrical engineering • Telecommunications engineering • Mechanical and mine engineering • Chemical, environmental and material engineering • Mediterranean languages and cultures • Mathematics • Pedagogy • Psychology • Physical and analytical chemistry • Statistics and operative research • Organic and inorganic chemistry • Historical territory and heritage • Health sciences • Church Law, public international law, procedural law and Roman law 2. GRADUATE STUDIES

At the moment, the University of Jaén offers the students up to 35 degrees. These degrees, in order to be official and valid throughout the country, have been confirmed by the Council of Universities after being approved by the University of Jaén. Every degree has a fixed group of global contents, which is the number of credits a student must complete in order to obtain the corresponding degree.

Cycles The general common guidelines establish that the degrees must be structured in cycles. Short cycle studies: They include three academic years, according to what

is established by their own general guidelines. In addition to the basic and general education contents, they include other contents aimed to prepare the students to develop their professional activities. These contents entitle the students to obtain a Diploma, a Technical Engineer’s degree, or a Primary Education Teacher’s degree.

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Long cycle studies: They are divided into two parts. The first part, which is composed at least of two academic years, includes basic and general education contents. The second part, which also includes a minimum of two academic years, intends to guide the students to deepen into and specialise in their corresponding studies, as well as to prepare them to develop their professional activities. These studies entitle the students to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, or an Engineer’s degree.

Studies which only include the second cycle: They are not the continuation of any specific first part. The students may only have access to this kind of studies if they fulfil any of these requirements:

- They already have a Diploma, a Technical Architect’s degree or a Technical Engineer’s degree.

- They fulfill the first part of one of the degrees established in these studies’ general guidelines.

- They have the education complements required. 2.2. Courses The courses of the degrees, both in first cycle and second cycle studies, will be ordered and divided into:

- Core Courses (C): Those which are compulsorily included in the degree all throughout Spain. Therefore, these courses are the same in every university.

- Courses which are fixed at the university’s discre tion: These courses are divided into: • Compulsory (O):

Freely established by the University in every course of study. They are compulsory.

• Optional (Op): Freely established by the University. They are included in the corresponding degree so that the students have a (restricted) choice.

• Free-choice (LC): They are chosen by the student, by virtue of the flexibility in the configuration of his/her curriculum. The student will be allowed to choose courses included in any degree available at his/her University or at any University with which any agreement has been established.

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The credit is the unit used to make a valuation of the studies. In the Spanish

system, one credit equals 10 hours of lectures or practical sessions; the average year in a Spanish University consists of 75 credits, the whole 4 year degree consists of 300 credits (the average semester course consisting of 6 credits); the ECTS average year consists of 60 credits; the corresponding proportion (i.e., 60 ECTS credits = 75 Spanish credits) has to be established since no other method is currently available. This guide will consistently use ECTS credits.


3.1. Requirements

In order to obtain the Doctor’s degree at the University of Jaén it will be necessary: • To have a Bachelor’s degree, Architect’s degree, or Engineer’s degree • To follow, during the first year, the courses and seminars of the corresponding

doctorate programme, with a minimum of 20 credits, and to obtain from the university department responsible for the programme the competence recognition to carry out research tasks.

• To produce an introductory research thesis under the supervision of a PhD, following the requirements of each department; this thesis will be presented to, and defended before a panel (3 members), during the second year. This thesis must constitute 12 credits, which added to the previous 20 gives a total of 32 credits.

• To submit and pass a doctoral thesis/dissertation under the supervision of a PhD, presented and defended before a panel (5 members).

3.2. Doctorate


The Doctorate Programmes are composed of courses, seminars and research tasks developed in a minimum of two academic courses. It is the Departments’ responsibility to develop the Doctorate Programmes and present the corresponding proposal to the Doctorate Commission of the University in order to be examined and approved. These programmes must enclose a report made by the Department Board.

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3.3. Content of the programmes

The Doctorate Programmes must comprise:

• Courses or seminars related to methodology and research training • Courses or seminars about the essential contents of the scientific,

technical or artistic fields included in the doctorate programme • Courses or seminars related to fields connected to the one analysed in the

programme and which are of any interest to the project of the doctoral thesis

3.4. Research competence recognition

The student must register for a Doctorate Programme and must obtain at least 20 credits in courses out of a total of 32 for the whole doctoral programme; these 20 credits must have the following distribution:

a) Methodological courses and seminars: at least one course

b) Fundamental courses and seminars of the programme: at least 12 credits

c) Courses and seminars concerning fields connected to the one of the programme

The candidate for the doctor’s degree may obtain up to 5 credits for courses and seminars which are not included in his/her programme or which are considered as non-compulsory activities. Developing and submitting a research thesis supervised by the thesis director, a professor belonging to the programme or any other doctor, must lead to obtaining the remaining twelve credits. These research tasks will be examined by a board of examiners composed of three doctors appointed for the purpose by the Doctorate Commission, with the approval of the department responsible for the programme. After obtaining 32 credits and before submitting the doctoral thesis, it is compulsory to obtain the research competence recognition from the corresponding department. 3.5. The tutor

The Department will assign a tutor for each student registered for a Doctorate Programme. This tutor must be a doctor belonging to that Department.

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3.6. The doctoral dissertation Those who fulfil the requirements must submit and obtain the approval for their doctoral dissertation, which will consist of original research work in a topic related to the scientific, technical or artistic field of the Doctorate Programme or of the degree obtained by the candidate. 3.7. The dissertation supervisor In order to be a dissertation supervisor, it will be necessary to have a doctor’s degree and be included in one of the following groups:

-Doctors belonging to one of the University teaching bodies -Retired lecturers -Doctors hired as associate or visiting lecturers -Doctors belonging to those levels of the research staff mentioned in article 13 of the Act 13/1986, 14th April.

4. TEACHING SYSTEM The Spanish University system is mainly based on direct teaching through lectures. Most of the subjects include complementary practical sessions which are credited, as well as tutorials, seminars, individual and group projects, laboratory work, etc. The adequate facilities and infrastructure of the Spanish public university facilitates the use of technical and audio-visual media, etc., when teaching. Class attendance is very important in the Spanish university system, especially in classes with a small number of students, because the direct relationship with the lecturer makes it possible to solve different problems and makes the student’s continuous assessment possible. The size of the groups of students in first cycle lectures has been established in a maximum of 125 people, and 94 people for second cycle lectures. In the practical sessions of subjects belonging to any of the two cycles, the maximum number will be established between 10 and 50 students per group, depending on the degree of experimentalism of the subject.

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5. EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT Each lecturer responsible for a subject establishes the most suitable system to assess the student’s knowledge; this system is basically explained in the syllabus, and expanded in class. Generally speaking, at the University of Jaén these are the examination methods:

• Written exam • Oral exam • Written tasks (following the lines set by the lecturer). There may be

individual or group tasks and sometimes they may even be orally or publicly expounded.

5.1. National scale The Spanish marking scale is numerical from 0 to 10, being 10 the maximum mark and 0 the minimum.

At the university level, the following scale is used:

FIRST CLASS WITH DISTINCTION (MATRÍCULA DE HONOR) FIRST CLASS (SOBRESALIENTE) SECOND CLASS (NOTABLE) PASS MARK (APROBADO) FAIL (SUSPENSO) The Spanish credit equals 10 contact hours (no reference to other types of work), and the overall credit load for a two-semester year is 65-75 credits. It is in the process to being replaced by ECTS credit.

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5.2. The ECTS scale The ECTS marking scale is a relative scale, which intends to increase the clarity of assessment systems by creating a European wide system immediately identifiable by any European university. It is a system based on the student's work-load, and contemplates contact hours, personal work, essay writing, tutoring, examinations and library work, basically; thus, each ECTS credit roughly equals 20-25 hours of work. The overall credit load for a student is, approx., 60 ECTS credits for two semesters. It establishes a relationship between each student’s individual positive results in a specific way with those of his/her classmates, according to the following table:


% of passing students who normally reach the mark


A 10 EXCELLENT: superb result with errors of little importance.

B 25 VERY WELL: beyond the average, but with some errors

C 30 WELL: correct work in general terms, but with a certain number of errors.

D 25 SATISFACTORY: correct but with significant deficiencies.

E 10 PASS: the results fulfil the minimum criteria.

FX -- DEFICIENT: some more work is needed to obtain a credit.

F -- VERY DEFICIENT: a significantly higher amount of work is needed.

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6. HEALTH AND INSURANCE Every student who wishes to attend any courses at the Universidad de Jaén must have a health and accident insurance. EU citizens may benefit from the agreements signed by the different social security systems of the member countries. In this case, they must ask the health authorities of the country of origin for the E-111 form. The Universidad de Jaén also accepts private insurance, as long as it guarantees enough cover of any possible expenses in case of illness or accident Those students with special needs will be obliged to specify them before their arrival in order to provide their reception and residence with the appropriate means. 7. ACCOMMODATION . HALLS OF RESIDENCE There are several possibilities of accommodation in Jaén: The University of Jaén runs a hall of residence called “Domingo Savio” headed by a director who supervises its activities and channels its relationships with other institutions providing accommodation for university students. The head office is located in the hall of residence whose address is:

Colegio Mayor “Domingo Savio” (At the Campus Las Lagunillas)

Carretera de Madrid, s/n 23071 JAÉN

Telf.: +34 953 28 18 78 Fax:+34 953 28 02 83

University Halls of Residence.- In some cases, the application must be made before 15th July in order to be admitted for the academic course beginning in October, because the number of people allowed is very small. The price is around €600 per month, all meals included, in a two-bed, three-bed or individual room. Normally, the student must stay from October to June, but many halls of residence accept students at any time of the year. Other Halls of Residence connected with the university are:

Colegio Mayor 'Josefa Segovia' Avda. Ejército Español, 5

23007 Jaén +34 953 25 20 37

(All female institution)

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Residencia Universitaria 'Cardenal Merino'

C/ Juan Montilla, 1 23002 Jaén

+34 953 23 42 00 (All male institution)

Renting a flat.- This is the most common choice for those students staying in Jaén for 3 months or more. Their prices range from €120 to €150 per person and month, water, gas and electricity charges not included. In some cases, it is necessary to pay a deposit in advance, which normally amounts to one month rent. The flats are furnished (beds, tables, chairs and totally equipped kitchen) but there are no sheets or towels, which must be brought by the students. However, the prices mentioned above may suffer any periodical change as a consequence of the market fluctuations.


Those students who wish to choose their own shared flat should arrive in Jaén at least a week before the beginning of the term. Upon arrival, they will receive some information at the Students Office and the SOCRATES Association will assist them in searching for a suitable place. This option is recommended specially to those students who are interested in sharing a flat with Spanish students. There is usually a wide offer of flats for rent in the city.

In the same way, those students who wish to have accommodation in any of the halls of residence existing in the city should address the International Relations Office, where they will receive further information about the available centres and their possibilities.

Reservations for the next academic course must be made before 15th

September. In Linares RESIDENCIA HUÉSPEDES 'RUIZ' C/ Huarte de San Juan, 11. Linares (JAÉN) Teléfono: +34 953 65 02 37

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RESIDENCIA “VIRGEN DE LA CAPILLA” Cristo Rey, 4 Telf.: + 34 953 22 00 24 (female) RESIDENCIA “PARANINFO” Avenida de la Universidad, s/n Telf.: +34 953 28 06 57 / 28 06 58 (male) RESIDENCIA “XAUEN” Plaza Deán Mazas, 3 Telf.: +34 953 24 07 89 Fax: +34 953 19 03 12 (male) RESIDENCIA “GARCÍA REBULL” Telf.: + 34 953 25 14 51 / 27 49 17 (male) RESIDENCIA “LAS ADELFAS” Residencial “Las Adelfas”, Bloque 2, 6º C Telf.: +34 953 28 00 15 / 28 16 25 (male)

8. CULTURAL AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES AT THE UNIVERSITY 8.1 Cultural activities . The Office for Cultural Extension promotes, coordinates, develops and sponsors the cultural or artistic activities which are considered of interest for the university community. It is an alternative cultural offer, different from those organised by other institutions since it is not market or profit-oriented, although there is also cooperation with those other institutions in projects which fit the guidelines of the university programme.

In this sense, we try to introduce the university activities in the society of Jaén, and therefore we are in different areas of the city with different activities intending to have an influence on society. For example:

• Music: many classical

music concerts, including European and Arab classical music, are organised by the University or in cooperation with other institutions. For instance, the choir of the University of Jaén performs several concerts of great artistic quality

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every year. The International Jaén Jazz Festival is sponsored and hosted by the University of Jaén. There are Blues Festivals and alternative music gigs.

• Theatre: we must put an emphasis on the presence of numerous high quality theatre groups, as well as our own two university theatre groups. Every Spring the University organizes a Drama Festival, with professional and university groups from Spain and abroad, with a Fringe offering on-campus exhibitions. All these activities are free for students.

• Exhibitions: there is an increasing number of them every year, related to different aspects of culture and art; there is a permanent exhibition hall at the University main campus.

• Cinema: the University regularly produces short films by University students working as actors/actresses (casting included), executive producers, script writers and director. There is a University cinema programme going on throughout the whole year, with classical, alternative or experimental films.

• Others: there are University competitions of poetry, short tales, photography and painting.

8.2 Sports. The University of Jaén, through the Students Office organises a

wide range of sports activities aimed to obtain the students full development, not only in the educative and intellectual aspect, but also in the physical aspect, in order to reach the individual complete education. Contact the appropriate sports service at the Students Office.

Among this

kind of activities we find collective sports, as well as individual sports and activities in nature, training courses or just leisure activities. At the same time, we must emphasise the competitions, not only at an internal level, but also at regional and national

levels, in which our institution is involved. Our University also offers the possibility of having access to sports facilities, not only those belonging to the institution (sports hall), but also private ones, with which the University has agreements in order to permit the students to have access to any type of sport. 9. SPANISH INTENSIVE LANGUAGE COURSE The Universidad de Jaén, through the International Relations Office, offers some intensive Spanish language course for international students from exchange programmes. These courses are free for those students, and are divided into two terms, coinciding with the University's academic calendar. They are organized and taught by university lecturers and consequently assessed and credited, so that students may choose either to just attend it in order to improve, or learn, Spanish, or

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include it within their learning agreements with their home universities, as part of their standard curricula. Two levels are offered: beginners and intermediate, so that one student arriving in September with no knowledge of Spanish at all may start with the beginner's course and then continue during the second term with the intermediate level course. Transfers from one level to another will be decided by lecturers. Besides, the Universidad de Jaén is an examining centre for the Cervantes Institute DELE (Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera -Spanish as Foreign Language Diploma); the Instituto Cervantes is the most prestigious institution teaching Spanish worldwide. Students interested in sitting these exams awarded by the Instituto Cervantes should say so to their Spanish course lecturers.

GENERAL INFORMATION 1. THE COUNTRY Spain has a population of around 44 million inhabitants and, together with Portugal, it constitutes the Iberian Peninsula, in the Southwest of Europe. The Spanish territory has an extension of 500.000 square kilometres and it is the second largest country in the European Union, after France. The most colourful and diverse landscapes can be found throughout the national territory: the green mountains in the North, the vast Plateau in the centre or the beautiful beaches in the South, the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands. More than 50 million tourists every year make Spain the second most visited country in the world after the US. Besides, Spanish is spoken by more than 300 million people in the world, being the second largest speaking community in the Western world, and the fastest growing.

Spain also has a rich History, which can be

appreciated in every city through its

monuments and

museums, starting from

Pre-roman times,

through the Arab legacy in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

to the present days. Modern day Spain is a country wisely balancing tradition and modernity, promoting cultural life, sports, social contact, and respect for nature. It is also a country of hybridization, with a mixture of Pre-roman, Latin, Germanic, Arab

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and Jewish peoples which is almost unique in the world. A former Roman province of some importance (three Roman emperors were from the peninsula), Hispania was invaded by the visigoths (a Germanic people), and later by the Arabs, who stayed here from 711 till 1492, when they were expelled from its last kingdom in Granada by the Christian kings Isabella and Ferdinand; during those eight centuries, some of the wonders of the world (notably the Alhambra) were built, and sciences and letters were advanced by these proto-Spaniards of Arab origin. In fact, Spain became a world power in the area of knowledge from the 13th to the 15th centuries, when it became the most important country from a political point of view, due to two factors: the European possesions of Charles V (Charles I of Spain), and the colonization of America, which was a Spanish (and Portuguese) enterprise and gave birth to the Spanish Empire. The Golden Age of Spanish painting (Velázquez) and literature (Cervantes, Calderón) took place during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. This empire disappeared throughout the 18th and the 19th century (the 'decadencia') and it definitely vanished in 1898, when the last overseas colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines) were lost to the United States. Then again, the country seemed to recover at the beginning of the 20th century with the II Republic, when the intellectual life of Spain again reached the summit in science and letters (nobel prizes, Lorca, Buñuel, Picasso), but this was tragically destroyed by the civil war (1936-39) which anticipated World War II and introduced a semi-

Fascist dictatorship which, presided by General Franco, oppressed the country, with different degrees of violence, for 40 years; several

intellectuals, politicians, artists and common people had to flee, and some others were executed for their ideas. In 1975, Spain became a democracy again,

and in the 1980's joined the European Union becoming an active member of the process of construction of the European Union and participating with increasing influence in different decision making scenarios. Today, Spain is a democratic Parliamentary monarchy with the Socialist Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español), in power, the Conservative Party (Partido Popular), another left wing party (Izquierda Unida), and nationalist (mainly Catalan and Basque) parties, in the opposition. Today the Spanish people enjoy a considerable degree of development (one of the highest life expectancy indicators in the world), and an excellent quality of life and prosperity. Prosperity has made the country turn from being a country of emigration (to Europe in the 1950´s and 1960's) into a country of immigration, attracting people from less fortunate countries. As a consequence of so long and complex a history and a privileged geographical situation, if something had to be stressed it would be the natural, social and cultural variety of Spain, which is certainly spectacular: the natural beaches in the Eastern

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regions, the South and the Canary Islands; the mountain ranges and ski resorts (Pyrennees, Sierra Nevada, Picos de Europa); the wild life and National Parks (Jaén, Doñana); cosmopolitan cities (Barcelona, Madrid); historical heritage (Seville, Granada, Córdoba, Úbeda and Baeza in Jaén); plus castles, forests, green valleys, deserts, tropical landscapes, modern motorways and skyscrapers, and an excellent cuisine and an infinite number of local traditions (yes, bull fighting is one of them!), celebrations and costumes. 2. THE PROVINCE AND CITY OF JAÉN A relative isolation has kept the province of Jaén (the capital city of which is also called Jaén, site of the University of Jaén, pop.110.000), together with its monumental inheritance and its natural (paradisiacal for many) spots, far from the main tourist flows, initially attracted by other more obvious Spanish destinations. This situation, together with a moderate industrial growth, has protected its personality and its environment from uncontrolled transformation. So, many of its landscapes preserve untouched their quiet and simple beauty, in a province containing the highest number of square kilometres devoted to national parks of Spain, and one of the highest in Europe: Sierra de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas, Sierra Morena, Sierra Mágina, Jabalcuz etc. In addition, skiing in Sierra Nevada, the sub-tropical beaches of Almuñecar or Salobreña, the breathtaking beauty of Úbeda or Baeza (the most magnificent example of Renaissance art in the South of Europe), the proximity of Granada (97 kms), Córdoba (104 kms) or Seville (242 kms)…, all contribute to enhance the appeal of the place, with so many other interesting locations: the mining city of Linares (the 'Castulo' of the Romans, with its archaeological remains), Andújar (Roman 'Iliturgi'), Martos etc. The province where, in other times, so many battles took place, is today prone to peace and discoveries. The long military campaigns of Iberians, Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Carthaginians, Visigoths, and, of course, Arabs, compounded an ethnically mixed region, which has flourished under all these peoples who eventually established here. From Arab magnificence (the Arab castle in Jaén, or the Arab baths also in Jaén, the biggest outside the Muslim world) to Renaissance and Baroque splendour (the already mentioned Úbeda and Baeza, plus the magnificent Cathedral of Jaén, a Renaissance 'jewel' by Andrés de Vandelvira among others). “On every hill, a castle”, we could say about this land, which was the border line between the Arab and Christian kingdoms during the Middle Ages. More than two hundred castles, large fortified towers and ramparts can be found in the province of Jaén. Outstanding examples of this are the castles in Baños de la Encina, La Iruela, Canena, Ibros, Huelma, Jódar, Porcuna, Arjonilla, Torredelcampo, and, of course, the impressive St Catalina Castle, in the city of Jaén, which prefigures architectonic and artistic features of the Alhambra. In Úbeda and Baeza (included by UNESCO in its catalogue of historical cities of the world), the traveller may walk along its streets at random and have the certainty that any itinerary will lead him/her to extremely beautiful sites. Its Renaissance monuments or an evening walk along its ramparts may be the grand finale of an unforgettable visit. Hospitable at any time of the year, quiet and well communicated at the same time, full of life and remembrance, the towns composing the province of Jaén offer

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the visitor its mild weather, its unexpected personality and an endless catalogue of works of art. Its approach means to get into a network of churches, palaces, large fortified towers, fountains, country seats, etc. In addition, a tremendously active and exciting student and night life (so typical of Andalusia) combine a great choice of modern discos and pubs with traditional Andalusian and Spanish fiestas, the liveliest examples of popular fun: Semana Santa (Holy Week, April), Feria (Fair, October and June), and Carnaval (Carnival, February). Important cultural events which take place every year are the Chess Competition of Linares, which is the most prestigious one in the Western countries, the Summer Courses at the University of Baeza, the International Piano Competition of Jaén, the Autumn Festival (one of the biggest in Spain, including concerts of every type of music, theatre, exhibitons etc.) and the Medieval Week. A major sports event is the Jaén Mile race, a competition open to everybody which brings to Jaén olimpic and world champions of the 1500 and 5000 metres. Many other minor cultural and sports events contribute to making the stay in Jaén exciting and unforgettable. 3. COMMUNICATIONS Jaén can be reached using the conventional means of transport, i.e., by train and by car or coach. The last one is a very interesting way of knowing Jaén and the areas around it, because of the excellent road network which connects our city with most of the other important cities in Andalusia and even in the rest of Spain, like, for example, Madrid. The distance between Jaén or Linares and some of the most important cities in Spain are: - Jaén-Barcelona: 804 kms (100% motorway). - Jaén-Córdoba: 104 kms (20% motorway) - Jaén-Granada: 97 kms (100% motorway) - Jaén-Málaga: 209 kms (100 % motorway) - Jaén-Madrid: 335 kms (100% motorway) - Jaén-Seville: 242 kms (100% motorway) - Jaén-Linares: 51 kms (70% motorway) - Madrid-Linares: 284 kms (100% motorway)

There are also four airports, which are not very far from the capital of the province (Granada, Málaga, Seville and Córdoba). This fact permits the arrival in Jaén by air, plus any other complementary means of transport used afterwards.

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Service bus Jaén-Málaga/Málaga-Jaén ALSINA GRAELLS. Telf.: 953 25 50 14 Service bus Jaén-Granada/Granada-Jaén ALSINA GRAELLS. Telf.: 953 25 50 14 Service bus Jaén-Córdoba/Córdoba-Jaén AUTOBUSES UREÑA. Telf.: 953 22 01 16 Service bus Jaén-Seville/Seville-Jaén AUTOBUSES UREÑA. Telf: 953 22 01 16 Service bus Jaén-Madrid/Madrid-Jaén AUTOBUSES LA SEPULVEDANA. Telf.: 953 25 70 66 Railway RENFE. Telf.: 953 25 56 07 4. THE COST OF LIVING IN JAÉN The following estimation has been made taking the academic course 1999/00 as a reference. Therefore this information must be considered only as an approximation. Fees for Foreign Students (in euros): Those students included in the programme SOCRATES-ERASMUS and other bilateral agreements with universities in America and Asia do not need to pay the registration fees . -Fees for non exchange students (2 terms)..………………..……from €1000 to €2000

-School insurance..........................................................................……………..…€1.2 -Administrative services...............................................................………………….€42

Accommodation -Hall of Residence..............................……........................520e/month (approximately) -Shared flat .(meals not included)..........................……………….€120 to €150 /month


-Shared flat..............................................................................around €100-150/month -University refectory (lunch/dinner)......................................................€4.6 (each meal)

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5. ADDRESSES OF INTEREST TOURIST INFORMATION OFFICE C/ Arquitecto Berges, 1. Tel.: 953 22 27 37 BUS STATION Plaza Coca de la Piñera, s/n. Tel.: 953 25 01 06 RAILWAY STATION (RENFE) Paseo de la Estación, s/n. Tel.: 953 25 56 07 POST OFFICE Plaza de los Jardinillos. Tel.: 953 22 01 12 POLICE STATION C/ Arquitecto Berges, 11. Tel.: 953 25 16 01 (9:00 - 14:00) LOCAL POLICE STATION Plaza de Santa María. Sede del Ayuntamiento (Town hall) Tel.: 953 21 91 05 “GUARDIA CIVIL” Avda. Ejército Español, s/n. Tel.: 953 25 03 40 “PRINCESA DE ESPAÑA” HOSPITAL Carretera de Madrid. Tel.: 953 28 06 50 “CIUDAD DE JAÉN” HOSPITAL Avda. Ejército Español, s/n. Tel.: 953 22 24 08 RED CROSS Polígono del Valle, s/n. Tel.: 953 25 15 40

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EMERGENCIES Tel.: 061 FIREMEN Tel.: 080 LOCAL POLICE EMERGENCY NUMBER Tel.: 092 NATIONAL POLICE EMERGENCY NUMBER Tel.: 091 GUARDIA CIVIL EMERGENCY NUMBER Tel.: 062 IBERIA INFORMATION Tel.: 91 411 25 25 TELE-TAXI Tel.: 953 22 22 22 CITIZEN ATTENTION OFFICE Tel.: 900 150 000 Addresses of interest in Linares TOWN HALL Pza. Ayuntamiento, s/n. Tel.: 953 64 91 00 AMBULANCE Tel.: 953 69 35 06 FIREMEN STATION C/ Santiago, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 15 13 MUNICIPAL POLICE Pza. Ayuntamiento, s/n. Tel.: 953 64 91 12 GUARDIA CIVIL C/ Tetuán, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 22 60 “SAN AGUSTÍN” HOSPITAL Avda. San Cristóbal, s/n Tel.: 953 64 80 00 POST OFFICE Plaza San Francisco, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 06 14 ‘SER’ RADIO STATION-LINARES Plaza Ramón y Cajal, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 31 51

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‘ONDA CERO’ RADIO STATION-LINARES C/ Cánovas del Castillo, 33. Tel.: 953 69 97 00 RAILWAY STATION (RENFE) Estación Linares-Baeza. Tel.: 953 69 18 43 TRANSPORTES ALSINA GRAELLS SUR, S.A. Avda. San Sebastián, s/n. TRAVIMETA, S.A. Avda. San Sebastián, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 10 23 / 69 48 02 TAXIS Tel 953 69 40 15 / 69 22 00 / 69 10 38 CULTURAL INFORMATION OFFICE C/ Corredera de San Marcos, 40. Tel.: 953 69 20 57 6. CITY TRANSPORTS Jaén City Hall Transport Section Calle Maestra, 18. Tel.: 953 21 92 00 Types: • Ordinary ticket • 10 ticket set Normal Price • 10 ticket set Student Price In Linares : Autobuses de Linares, S.A. Urban transport service. Headquarters: C/ Úbeda, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 36 57 Types: • Ordinary ticket • Ordinary ticket (bank holidays) • 10 ticket set Normal Price • 10 ticket set Student Price Those who are registered in any official academic centre in the city may benefit from student price reductions. The 10-ticket set can be bought at the State News Agencies and, whenever used, the student card must be produced if requested.

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7. MUSEUMS Province Museum of Jaén Paseo de la Estación, 29. Tel.: 953 25 06 00 Cathedral Museum.- Sacred Cathedral. Ancient Canon Vault Plaza de Santa María (cathedral), s/n. Tel.: 953 27 52 33 Arab Baths. Museum of Popular Arts. International M useum of Naïf Art. Plaza Santa Luisa de Marillac. Tel.: 953 23 62 92 “Virgen de la Capilla” House-Museum C/ Vicente Montuno, 1. Tel.: 953 25 54 46 y 953 25 88 18 In Linares Archaeological Museum General Echague, 2. Tel.: 953 69 24 63 8. MUSIC AND LIBRARIES Professional Music School C/ Ruiz Jiménez, 1. Tel.: 953 23 22 11 Historical Archives of the Province C/ Santo Domingo. Tel.: 953 23 85 00 Diocesan Archives Plaza de Santa María, s/n (cathedral). Tel.: 953 27 52 33 City Archives Plaza de Santa María, s/n. (Ground floor of the Town Hall) Tel.: 953 26 03 32 Public Library of the City C/ Maestra, 18. (Condestable Iranzo Palace) Tel: 953 21 91 00 Public Library C/ Santo Reino, 1. Casa de la Cultura (House of Culture) Tel.: 953 22 39 50 Documentary Centre of Topics and Authors from Jaén Hospital de San Juan de Dios Jaén Studies Institute (“Instituto de Estudios Gien nenses”) Hospital de San Juan de Dios. Tel.: 953 26 26 79

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Royal Economic Society (“Real Sociedad Económica de Amigos del País) C/ Bernabé Soriano, 29. Tel.: 953 22 86 00 In Linares Public Library C/ Corredera de San Marcos, 40. Tel.: 953 69 27 00 Elementary Music School C/ Federico Ramírez, 29. Tel.: 953 69 95 08 9. CULTURAL CENTRES, CINEMAS AND THEATRES “Cervantes” Cinema C/ Bernabé Soriano, 31. Tel.: 953 25 31 20 “La Loma” Multicinema (seven halls) Centro Comercial “La Loma”. Tel.: 953 27 39 01 “Alkázar” Cinemas I & II C/ Múñoz Garnica, 4. Tel.: 953 25 31 20 “Darymelia” Theatre C/ Colón, 6. Tel.: 953 21 91 16 “La Alameda” City Auditorium Alameda de Calvo Sotelo, s/n. Tel.: 953 21 91 16 In Linares “Bowling” Cinema C/ Julio Burell, 1. Tel.: 953 60 70 78 10. EXHIBITION HALLS County Council C/ Joaquín Tenorio, s/n. Telf.: 953 26 21 11 Caja de Ahorros de Granada (Granada Savings Bank) Paseo de la Estación, 6. Telf.: 953 25 21 35 Cajasur Avenida de Madrid, 15. Telf.: 953 25 90 11

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Royal Economic Society C/ Bernabé Soriano, 31. Telf.: 953 22 86 00 Universidad Popular Municipal (People’s City Univer sity) Avenida de Andalucía, 47. Telf.: 953 26 31 11 Jabalcuz C/ San Carlos, 2. Telf.: 953 25 49 79 In Linares City House of Culture C/ Corredera de San Marcos, 40. Telf.: 953 69 20 57 City Exhibitions Gallery C/ Arcipreste Torres Quirós, s/n. Madrid Station. Showroom. C/ Paseo de Linarejos, s/n. Telf.: 953 60 02 47 11. SPORTS City facilities: • “La Salobreja” Sports Complex Avda. de Granada, s/n. Telf.: 953 23 91 28 • “Las Fuentezuelas” Sports Complex “Las Fuentezuelas” Complex, s/n. Telf.: 953 26 63 00 • “La Victoria” Sports Complex C/ Virgen de la Cabeza, s/n. Tel.: 953 25 98 35 University facilities: • Sports pavilion and court

C/ Virgen de la Cabeza, 2 (Former College of Education)

• “Rocódromo” (climbing practise wall) Paraje “Las Lagunillas”, southern façade of building no. 5. • Gymnasium and sports pavillion

Main campus. • Gymnasium and sports court

Former College of Education. C/ Virgen de la Cabeza, s/n. In Linares

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• Sports court Polytechnic School of Linares. Linares (Jaén). In addition, the University of Jaén has agreements with the following private gymnasiums: “Imagen”, “DO-ES” Sport Association, “Europa”, “Línea”, “Atlas”, “Zen”, “Ready Total Fitness”, “Zeus”, “Al-Andalus”. In Linares: “Olimpo 2000”, “Baldor”, “Aníbal”, “Guimara”. 12. HOTELS AND INNS Castillo de Santa Catalina (H ****) Santa Catalina Castle. Tel.: 953 23 00 00 Infanta Cristina (H ***) Av Madrid s/n 953 263040 Condestable Iranzo (H ***) Paseo de la Estación, 32. Tel.: 953 22 28 00 Xauen (HR ***) Plaza Deán Mazas, 3. Tel.: 953 24 07 89 Europa (HR **) Plaza de Belén, 1. Tel.: 953 22 27 00 Rey Fernando (HR ***) Plaza Coca de la Piñera, 7. Tel.: 953 25 18 40 Reyes Católicos (HR **) Avda. de Granada, 1. Tel.: 953 22 22 50 Carlos V (HR *) Avda. de Madrid, 4. Tel.: 953 22 20 91 La Española (H *) C/ Bernardo López, 9. Tel.: 953 23 02 54 La Yuca (HR *) Carretera Bailén-Motril, km. 340. Tel.: 953 22 19 50 Mistral (H **) Carretera Bailén-Motril. Tel.: 953 25 13 04 In Linares: Aníbal (H***) C/ Cid Campeador, 11. Tel.: 953 65 04 00

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Cervantes (H***) C/ Cervantes, 23. Tel.: 953 69 05 00 Victoria (H***) C/ Cervantes, 7. Tel.: 953 69 25 00 Himilce (H*) C/ Virgen, 33. Tel: 953 69 43 64 Hostal “Solpris” Ctra. Linares-Bailén, s/n. Tel.: 953 69 49 15 Hostal “Las Palmeras” Plaza Las Palmeras, 3. Tel.: 953 69 89 79 Hostal “Baviera” C/ Virgen, 25. Tel.: 953 65 24 13

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