Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

Universal Living Universal Living Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energec Wellness for the 21st Century Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energec Wellness for the 21st Century May / June 2015 | Vol. 03 Issue 03 eZine www.UniversalLivingEzine.com www.UniversalLivingEzine.com


Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness, Roseann Zaft, Spring Cleaning for your Body, Roseann Heinrich, Zane Curfman, Mary Ellen Derwiss, Enneagram, Danger of Unheard Sounds, Jill Matson, Medical Intuitive, Mary A Maynard, Centered Wellness, Pat Uhr

Transcript of Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

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Universal Living Universal Living Mind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st CenturyMind, Body, Spiritual & Energetic Wellness for the 21st Century

May / June 2015 | Vol. 03 Issue 03



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Saturday, June 21

10 am - 6pm

Berea Masonic Temple

366 Eastland Road

Berea OH


PAT UHR HARMONIC JOURNEYS www.HarmonicJourneys.net



$5 admission includes

all speakers and activities

Kids 12 and under:


Alternative Healing Prod-ucts, Candles, Soaps, Bath Salts, Organic Clothing, Pet Products,

Unique Jewelry, Psychics, Mediums, Reiki Energy Healers, Holistic Prac-

titioners, Artists, Speakers, and much more...


As I write this, it’s Earth Day. Can you believe

Earth Day is 40 years old! Amazing. We’ve

come so far since Rachel Carsen’s “Silent

Spring”. Yet we still have so far to go.

The issues have changed but the consequences are still just

as complicated - Genetically Modified Food (GMO), Electro

Magnetic Frequencies (EMF), Water - STILL an issue with

the record breaking drought in the West and the shocking

algae infested waters along Lake Erie’s shores causing ma-

jor problems for the residents in the Toledo area.

We’ve got all sorts of new emerging hi-tech problems, but

the root cause is almost always the same - rampant greed. I

don’t understand companies that want to alter the food

supply, pollute the water supply and stuff the atmosphere

with all sorts of energetic weirdness that makes us sick (and

sometimes worse!) - my question: if they kill us, who’s going

to buy the crap they sell? Maybe they haven’t gotten past

today’s bottom line to ask that question. Without consum-

ers, no sales, no sales, no profits. Ah well, one of these days

it should maybe dawn on somebody.

The shift is happening, and it’s happening very quickly.

Those that don’t “get it” are left standing with mouths

agape and desperately trying to hold on to things that

worked for them in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. People, politi-

cians, religions, governments… It’s a new millennium folks,

time to change.

Learn about self-care, take responsibility for your reality,

learn about energy, learn a new way of thinking about each

other and the creator and all that is. Tick, Tick, Tick - the

Universe is not going to wait on us to get our act together.

It’s change or be changed.

Okay, off my soapbox for now!

Quick “In Memoriam” for my dear friend Deb

Haltuch, who made her transition off this planet

one year ago this week. Miss you girl and thanks

for the pennies!

Namaste - Reiki ON! Sue Ball

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4 4 || Spring CleaningSpring Cleaning for your Bodyfor your Body

By Roseann Zaft

8 8 || Crisis & the Crisis & the Untamed HeartUntamed Heart

By Zane Curfman

1010 | | Medical IntuitiveMedical Intuitive By Mary Maynard

12 12 | | East Meets WestEast Meets West E is for Eannegram

By Mary Ellen Derwis

16 16 || Methinks theyMethinks they ask TOO much!ask TOO much! By Rosann Heinrich

19 19 | | The Dangers ofThe Dangers of Unheard SoundsUnheard Sounds

By Jill Matson

www.UniversalLivingEzine.com / [email protected] / 216-459-9094

Content in these articles does not in any way reflect the opinion of the publisher and should not be considered as medical advice or an endorsement for any product

Page 4: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

By Roseann Zaft

Spring is the time for new growth and a fresh start.

There's nothing more refreshing than clearing out old

clutter to make way for fresh new energy for your home

and your body too. While detox has become "the buzz”

these days, there are still many people have no idea of

what it means and just how necessary it is. In this article

we uncover the truths about detox. More importantly you

will discover just how worthwhile it really is!

Imagine if you never cleaned your house. It would get

dirty right? On the surface it might look clean but when

you peer under rugs and inside cupboards you would find

lots of grime, accumulating gradually over the years. It’s

pretty much the same with your body. Even if you seem

clean and healthy on the outside there can be lots of ‘dirt’

lurking inside which if left can make you sick. Having lots

of accumulated toxins and unwanted substances inside

will stop your body functioning optimally making illnesses

much more likely.

How bad can it be?

The body is a magnificent efficient machine. It has a varie-

ty of methods to process and remove toxins from our

body, but the problem is our modern lives are SO toxic it

struggles to cope. We are bombarded with toxins all the

time. Some are natural by products of our bodies own

processes, but mainly we take in toxins from external

sources. As the toxic overload increases our health gets


In the past it was infectious diseases which killed people;

nowadays it is lifestyle diseases which are the real killers.

The food we eat and the chemicals we consume are grad-

ually building up to toxic levels then one day, seemingly

out of the blue, you get sick. But most diseases are lurking

in the background for many years before we even notice

them. Detox is an effective way to restore your immune

system and give your body the helping hand it needs to

stay healthy and happy.

Where do toxins come from?

The Global Healing Centre estimate that we come into

contact with over 2 million different toxins in every 24

hour period and this is at least twice as much as the body

can effectively handle.

200,000 toxins from the Air

Even when it seems clean the air is full of toxins, includ-

ing: Smoke, Dust Mites, Pet Dander, Mold & Mildew,

Paint Fumes, Air Fresheners, Cleaning Supplies, Carpet

Out-Gassing, Fossil Fuels, Benzene, Chemtrail residues.

150,000 toxins from Water

The recycling and chemical treatment of water fills it with

chemicals our body does not want, including: Arsenic,

Fluoride, Chlorine, Pesticides, Parasites, Bacteria, Pre-

scription Drug Residue, Rocket Fuel (Perchlorate), C8 (the

Chemical used to make Teflon®), Bisphenol-A

(carcinogenic compound used in making Plastic Bottles).

485,000 toxins from Food and Drink

To increase profits and extend shelf-lives processed food

is full unwanted additives, preservatives and other chemi-

cals, including: MSG, Pesticides, Hydrogenated Oils, Anti-

biotics & Hormones, Genetically Modified Foods, Refined

Sugars, Artificial Colorings and Artificial Sweeteners.

180,000 toxins from Prescription Drugs

In addition to the actual medicine many compounds are

also used to deliver the drug, including: Aluminum and

Mercury in Vaccines, Spermicides, Liver Toxic Glues, Fill-

ers & Binders, Artificial Colorings, Synthetic Hormones,

Synthetic Chemicals, Left-over Animal Parts from Meat

Processing Plants (Yuck!)

525,000 toxins from Microbes (Parasites)

By Roseann Zaft

Spring Cleaning Spring Cleaning Your BodyYour Body

May June 2015 pg 4

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Harmful organisms which feed off YOUR nutrients and

deposit waste in your body: Bacteria, Yeast, Fungus,

Worms, Amoebas and Viruses

200,000 toxins from Physical & Emotional Stress

When we experience negative emotions and physical

stress the body responds with hormones which signal

trouble and they change the way the body works. The

problem is we never calm down and turn off the stress

hormones so are constantly flooded with them.

130,000 toxins from Heavy Metals

Heavy metals have long been known to be toxic, especial-

ly for the brain, but we continue to use them, in things

like: Cookware, Deodorant, Cosmetics, Aluminum Cans,

Light Bulbs, Vaccines, Mercury Dental Fillings, Household

& Auto Paints. They can also often be found in many

different fish which have been Chemically-Poisoned due

to pollution of the sea, rivers and lakes.

230,000 toxins from Radiation

Even minimal exposure can cause cell damage which if

the body is unable to repair can lead to serious conditions

such as cancer and even death. There are many different

sources of radiation, including: X-Rays, Cell phones, Com-

puters, Microwave Cooking, Power Lines, Irradiated

Foods, Fluorescent Lighting, and Electromagnetic Radia-


Where do all the toxins go?

Your body tries hard to process the toxins, to make them

safe, and remove them from the body. The liver is the

main organ responsible for the processing and the kid-

neys and skin are the main organs responsible for remov-

al. But we come into so many toxins the body is also

‘hiding’ them in places like fat cells.

Just like sweeping dirt under the rug the body uses fat to

hide away toxins, including emotional toxins. This is why

when you lose weight it can feel very stressful as toxins

are released back into the blood. However, it also means

that when you detox the toxins you lose weight too. What

bonus, less toxins means you need less fat so the body

naturally gets rid!

When the body is spending a lot of its time processing all

those toxins there isn’t enough time or resources left to

do general repairs. This is why a toxic lifestyle leads to

cancers and other diseases. When the body has the re-

sources it needs to detox effectively we get far fewer ill-

nesses and disease.

Imagine trying to clean your house while having a big par-

ty. It would be difficult to get it really clean while all the

guests are in the way, dropping crumbs, spilling drinks

etc. It’s the same for your body. We take in toxins con-

stantly and don’t give it the break it needs to have a thor-

ough spring clean. Unless that is you do a detox!

What will a detox do for me?

1. It removes toxins from the body by supporting the

organs responsible for detox

2. It will prevent long term and chronic illness which are

the result of the body filling up with toxins

3. It will enhance your immune system and give it time

to HEAL you from the inside

4. You will lose weight as you flush out toxins stored in


5. Slow down premature aging, which is often the result

of toxic build up

6. Improve your mood and energy levels as your body

works more efficiently

7. Improve your overall health, for example reducing

headaches, joint pain and sleep problems

8. Improve the look and feel of your skin as it is also

used to move toxins out of the body

9. Make you think more clearly as hazy thoughts can be

the result of chemicals affecting the brain

10. Restore your body to a younger, fresher version of


How do I detox?

There are lots of ways you can detox your body but really

it involves 4 components:

Cut out toxins

Supplement your organs

Flush out toxins

Drag out stubborn toxins

This could be as simple as drinking green juices with sup-

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plements for a few days or more extreme 21 days with

enemas and more. The intensity of the detox should re-

flect the toxicity of your lifestyle. If you eat processed

food, drink alcohol, smoke or come into contact with

smoke, use cosmetics or drink coffee chances are you

may need a very thorough spring clean!

Fear not! Detox doesn’t have to be difficult but it can be a

little confusing if you don’t know where to begin. So, here

is my quick and easy guide to detox, just 3 days can have

an amazing impact on your body and you can repeat it as

often as you like.

Quick and Easy Detox

This is a 3-day REAL food plan filled with fabulous nutri-

ents, amino acids, Omega 3's and other whole-

some goodies that will make you feel amazing and some

of my clients have dropped several pounds with this

alone! Are you ready? This super easy ... and super YUM-


Day One

Upon rising drink 8-12 oz of hot water with a dash of

cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon

Breakfast: Green smoothie made

with vegan protein powder, un-

sweetened non-dairy milk, frozen

berries, greens, any other super-

foods you have in the pantry, a

dash of cinnamon powder and ice

Snack: Apple with 10 almonds or


Lunch: Half an avocado with tomatoes, a dash of

cilantro, 3 oz of cooked shrimp, 1/2 cup of beans

(your choice) and drizzled in lime juice

Snack: 1 cup of your fav raw veggies

Dinner: A bountiful green salad with carrots, celery,

red peppers, broccoli... you get it the idea..

any veggies you love in your salad, drizzle olive oil

and lemon juice over it served with baked or

broiled wild salmon.

Snack: Warmed vanilla almond milk with a cinnamon

stick (and a drop or 2 of liquid stevia (if you like

it sweeter)

Day Two

Upon rising drink 8-12 oz of hot water with a dash of

cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon

Breakfast: Green smoothie made with vegan protein

powder, unsweetened coconut milk, pineapple,

greens, bee pollen, cinnamon and ice

Lunch: Romaine Wraps: Place cooked wild salmon or

cod in a romaine leaf with a slice or 2 of avocado,

some sprouts, diced tomatoes and grated carrots

Snack: A handful goji berries and seeds

Dinner: Steamed veggies (like broccoli and squash)

over arugula with raw red cabbage and halibut

topped with basil pesto

Snack: 1 frozen banana blended with a dash of spice

(like cinnamon, nutmeg or all-spice) to make a fruit

'ice-cream' add a couple of drops of liquid Stevia if

you like it sweeter

Day Three

Upon rising drink 8-12 oz of hot water with a dash of

cayenne pepper and a squeeze of lemon

Breakfast: Green smoothie made with vegan protein

powder, coconut water, 1/4 avocado, greens, any

other superfoods you have in the pantry, a dash of

fresh orange juice and ice.

Snack: Pear with 8-10 pecans

Lunch: A gorgeous green salad with slices of citrus, a

handful of chopped walnuts served with organic

poached, baked or grilled chicken and a 1/2 cup of

cooked lentils.

Snack: 1 cup of fresh green veggies: string beans,

snow peas or bracelet

Dinner: Roasted veggies with slices almonds served

with your favorite white fish (like mahi-mahi, cod, or


Snack: A cup of herbal tea

(peppermint or ginger) with a

small handful of sunflower or

pumpkin seeds (or nuts)

So there you have it! Three very simple and tasty days

which you will clean you from the inside out!

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Are you on board?

After learning why detox is so good for you and seeing just

how simple, and tasty it can be, you may be ready to em-

bark on a spring clean for YOUR body. Spring and Autumn

are optimal times of the year to do a detox so if you are

ready to give it a go, or want a little more information

check out my FREE eBook How to Detox which will teach

you HOW and WHY to detox your whole body simply and


If, however, you read the 3 day meal plan above and

thought, “I can’t live without my sweets / bread / choco-

late” then you are probably affected by sugar addiction.

It’s not surprising that most of us are. I urge you to consid-

er a specially designed Sugar Detox which will help you

understand and address the sweet villain in your life. My

revolutionary 10 Day Sugar Detox System will help you

combat the dangerous reality of sugar addiction. Your sug-

ar addiction may be worse than you thought ... but my

System is easier than you imagined.

Spring in to a New You!!!

I am absolutely amazed by the body’s ability to heal and

recover. If we give it the right nutrients and the correct

conditions it really can work miracles. It's never too late.

Remember, a detox doesn’t' have to be complicated to be

effective. There is no better time than now to repair, re-

store, and rejuvenate. Now is the time to spring ahead

into a happier and healthier version of you.


Learn Practical


Sue Ball Certified Practical Reiki Master Level Instructor


[email protected]


Are you ready to LIVEFIT? You can by connecting with

Roseann in all sorts of ways!

Grab Some of her Freebies on the LIVEFIT Website:


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Roseann Zaft, founder of LIVEFIT llc, is a passionate health and wellness profes-sional who has for the last two decades helped clients successfully implement strategies to improve their wellbeing with amazing results. Using a combination of nutrition and fitness therapies Roseann’s training empowers individuals and groups with the knowledge and confidence to live the most vital life possible. Her lust for life

is infective and inspiring, benefiting her clients with expertise combined with loving kindness. Roseann is a board certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, Fitness Trainer, Yoga Therapist, Live and Raw Foods Educator, Whole Body Nutritional Detox Program Facilitator and Essential Oils Expert. She is also certified with ACE, AFAA Stott Pilates, Johnny G and Titleist Golf and a member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP).

May / June 2015 pg 7

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by Zane Curfman

In the modern world, we tend to see moments of crisis as

little more then a hindrance in our lives, often misunder-

standing these moments as weakness. We sometimes

foolishly believe, that if we could just get through life

without crisis, all would be perfect.

Moments of crisis offer us spontaneous/unscheduled

doorways into the mystical experience. They can serve as

amazing opportunities for rapid spiritual growth and heal-

ing. How we approach these moments is of utmost im-

portance -making all the difference between successfully

weathering the storm, or being pulled down by the un-


In these moments, nothing is decided -it is like arriving at

the precipice of a mountain. When we reach the peak, we

can be overcome by the dizzying heights, blinded by fear/

reason-scurrying down the first route available, or we can

embrace the experience. This gives us a rare opportunity

to survey the landscape and find the best possible route

forward. This embracing takes place in the “heart” the

place of power.

Noticing and learning to take advantage of a crisis oppor-

tunity is not easy, it takes an accumulation of personal

power and wisdom. During a crisis, one is brought directly

to the crossroads of the heart, where impulse and reason

cross with compassion. As we learn to stay centered (not

being pulled by the impulse of our will, or the concepts of

our intellect) we remain in the place of power. Here, in

the heart, we have something meaningful to offer the


From this heart based place, we have the compassion

needed to illuminate our inner-world. This allows us the

opportunity to view our “Shadow” and the “Higher Self”-

their motivations, and expectations. When first ap-

proached, our Shadow and Higher Self seem like opposing

entities competing to represent the “self”. Working from

Crisis and the Untamed Heart

May June 2015 pg 8

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this perspective, we realize all crises are truly spiritual in

nature. In this “spiritual crisis”, we are choosing who we

are when confronted by power. As we develop the ma-

turity and self-love to accept these two sides of our na-

ture, we discover they are complimentary to each other.

They are both needed for wholeness, and to arrive at true


This process is the taming of the heart. It involves cleans-

ing our receptive instruments: intuition and intellect, of

fear and ungrounded ideals/beliefs. We want to see reali-

ty exactly as it is -free of sentimentality and wishful think-

ing. We do this so that our action can come directly from

the wholeness of the heart.

Like with all other things, crisis is information, or energy.

The energy of crisis is qualified as “Hucha”, or heavy. Our

souls make it this way on purpose. In this state, the infor-

mation is really compressed. This is the soul's way of lend-

ing “gravity” to the situation. This gravity is meant to

make us aware of an area where change is needed in our

lives. Re-organizing this information packet, lends us the

energy necessary to make these changes. We can learn to

see reality as waves of energy, then we develop the clarity

to choose which wave to ride into the future.

Our goals, as people who have learned to traverse the

storm, is to help those going through crisis realize the

awesome opportunity at hand. It is often difficult to see in

these moments that there is choice. There is a choice

that, once made, has the magnetism to influence future


Don Zane Curfman is a healer, teacher and author, who travels

all over the country teaching the Andean spiritual and healing

arts. He is the founder of the Salka Muny Ayllu, a community

created for the preservation of folk medicine ways and earth-

honoring ceremonies. He is the father of the Katari tradition of

cross cultural shamanism, as well as the author of Inka Moun-

tain Magic: A Natural Mystic's Guide to Ascension, and has au-

thored several articles on Andean shamanism for Light Bridges

and Fire Mass magazines. He has served as Interim Dean of Sha-

manic Studies for the international Metaphysical University for

the winter and spring semesters of 2009-2010.


Healing the Soul Vibrating Wholeness for Planetary Growth ~ A 2 day healing intensive with Zane Curfman

Click here to register.

Join don Zane Curfman in a healing experience of a life time. In this time of prophecy and change; amazing opportuni-ties are open to us. It is the time of the “Sacred Remember-ing”-learning to express our true nature for the evolution of the entire world. Wholeness is not just a state of being it is awesome power to effect growth, healing, and change. Wholeness stems from a delicate balance between mind, body, soul and our relation-ships with the spiritual and natural world.

In this two day workshop there will be a balance of lecture and experience. Students will learn:

About healing the three bodies (Physical, Emotional and Spiritual)

Growing our souls to become an agent of transformation in the world

Building of the Manqu Wasi, “internal spiritual temple of service”.

Basic healing techniques and an introduction to the art of shamanic journey.

This class is a two day class taking place at Goddess Elite from 10-5. A certificate is awarded for the competition of this class. Coffee and tea, water, light snacks and pizza will be provided on both days. Click here to register.

Register by April 19th to take advantage of the early bird dis-


May / June 2015 pg 9

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MedicalMedical IntuitiveIntuitive

Real questions from real people.

Real answers that may touch your life.

What Would Your Question Be?

What is the question that you would ask your body,

mind or spirit if you could?

What unanswered question do you have

about your life purpose or health?

Give permission to share the answers and

Ask Mary Maynard, Medical Intuitive.

I’m retired and feel adrift. J. C.

Although there isn’t a specific question about feeling

adrift, the statement is emotionally charged with sadness

and a weary dissatisfaction. It is less that this is complete-

ly new to you than it is no longer easy for you to be dis-

tracted by the structure and stress from your work. This is

very common in this life changing experience. On a spec-

trum of responses to this change, it can be a temporary

low level grief or a new awareness of an underlying physi-

cal condition. This is an extensive range to work within to

identify your sense of being unanchored. Many times in

seeing this, I’m given the image of a world view where the

person is having a fine life on the surface where the sun is

shining and the flowers are blooming and yet underneath

there is a gray river of emptiness or boredom. That emp-

tiness can be ignored when it is filled with children, work

or a marriage. When a change like retirement, divorce or

children leaving the home removes the distraction the

gray river of emptiness becomes more apparent. If your

work life was stressful and your response had high levels

of adrenaline, you will also feel a significant drop in ener-

gy as adrenaline is one of the important neurohormones

that create mood. Approaches to bringing you to a less

adrift place include determining what creates a better

hormonal response in your brain. Some questions that

can dig this out include: “What was my favorite game or

activity before age 10?” Meditate on the enjoyment of

that activity and how you can recreate that in the now.

For example, if you loved to bike-try spinning at the gym

or get out on the road with a bike you can love. If playing

house was more your style, consider what part of that

was most satisfying- the cooking? the redecorating? tak-

ing care of the babies? If you were a book reader, find a

group that does book study-or better yet start writing for

yourself! Use the energy and creativity that you applied to

your work life, to expanding parts of yourself that were

left undeveloped or hidden. Often change, even if it is

welcome, can be covering painful emotions. Explore tra-

ditional and complementary options, until you find the

combination that surrounds you with the support and

education you need. Start with the practitioners at cen-

teredwellness.org for certified practitioners that can help

you build your best life experience.

I have pressure around my heart. Why does

it race? M. B.

There is a holding pattern at the back of your heart that is

pulling the pericardium. The pericardium is often called

the protective sac around your heart. Your posture on

May June 2015 pg 10

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Mary Maynard RN, BSN is certified

and trained in professional holistic

health. Her medical intuitive practice

includes private consultations, writing

and speaking. Teaching and mentor-

ing others in advanced healing prac-

tices is a privilege. She welcomes con-

versation and can be contacted

through maryamaynard.com.

the left shoulder is rolling forward and compressing this

space around your heart and lungs. When you are partic-

ularly anxious or in a certain hunched forward position

like this for periods of time, the pressure causes the ribs

to move out of alignment, called a rib torque. When you

are in torque, the clavicle, first, second and third cervical

ribs are pulling on the pericardial attachments to the

chest walls. When the shoulder releases the nerve bun-

dles and attachments, the heart runs faster to “catch up”

from being compressed. The anatomy of the heart and

lungs is strong even in torque. The holding pattern and

posture are related to long standing beliefs and fears but

relieving the physical symptoms is the first step. There

are many therapists that are skilled in myofascial release.

You may find some in your health care insurance network

under physical therapy or massage therapy. Crania Sacral

therapy would also be a very good technique for releasing

the torque and retraining the patterns. Interview the

practitioner to ensure that, in addition to certifications

and licensing, they have added training in release work.

Locating a practitioner with demonstrated training, years

of experience and preferably a word of mouth referral

from a friend, is most important. In the interim and ongo-

ing, yoga will support this work very well. Pay attention to

not pushing yourself into symptoms with overdoing and

be gentle in your movements. Expect to have emotions as

this area is where we store emotional experiences that

are behind us and perhaps not completely resolved. This

is an area particularly deserving of a delicate touch and

high level of skill. Contact me for referrals if you have

questions about practitioners and skill levels..

May / June 2015 pg 11

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E E By Mary Ellen Derwis

is for Enneagram is for Enneagram


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A ccording to Wikipedia: The Enneagram of Per-

sonality, or simply the Enneagram (from the

Greek words ἐννέα [ennea, meaning "nine"] and γράμμα

[gramma, meaning something "written" or "drawn"[1]]),

is a model of human personality which is principally un-

derstood and taught as a typology of nine interconnected

personality types.

If you want to be dogmatic about it, the earliest threads

are found in the work of Evagrius Ponticus, a Christian

mystic who lived in 4th century Alexandria. He catego-

rized various temptations that very closely resemble the

7 deadly sins +/- (gluttony, greed, sloth or laziness, lust,

anger, pride and envy). A couple of centuries later Pope

Gregory defined them as sins and we have been off to the

races ever since.

According to Gurdjieff, we humans are in a waking sleep

state and to navigate this and become awake he devel-

oped a way of blending body mind and spirit to achieve

balance as one develops consciousness. To achieve this

end he used many methods such as music, sacred dance,

writing and interactive exercises with others. He is also

the first seeker to make the enneagram figure public.

Just for fun visit here: http://www.enneagramtest.net

and see what figure you most resemble

Type One is principled, purposeful, self-controlled,

and perfectionistic.

Type Two is generous, demonstrative, people-

pleasing, and possessive.

Type Three is adaptable, excelling, driven, and image-


Type Four is expressive, dramatic, self-absorbed, and


Type Five is perceptive, innovative, secretive, and


Type Six is engaging, responsible, anxious, and suspi-


Type Seven is spontaneous, versatile, acquisitive, and


Type Eight is self-confident, decisive, willful, and con-


Type Nine is receptive, reassuring, complacent, and


You can learn quite a bit online here: http://


It would take a book to describe the interactions that are

possible along this spiritual path. It suffices to say that

one strives to move from coarser feelings and reactionary

patterns (Obsessive, Compulsive) behaviors into balance

and ultimately into a liberated social level that is more

productive and satisfying.

Ultimately it is as the Buddhist practice suggests. Be pre-

sent. When one is present one appreciates all that life has

to offer and functions at a higher levels.

With this comes health. One cannot move along one path

without impacting the others. (body, mind & spirit). As

you have now realized this is a deep study of one’s self. It

takes time and presence and may require some guidance.

I suggest you go to the website above and have a go at it.

Fascinating stuff indeed.

With 22+ years of experience as a

licensed Massotherapist (OH and

HI), Universal Healing Tao Full In-

structor of Chi Nei Tsang , Chi Kung

& Tao Yin Chinese Yoga, as well as

basic Aromatherapy, guided image-

ry, Feng Shui, Mary Ellen Derwis LMT

blends eastern and western wellness

techniques into a user friendly format for the individual.

She has offices in Independence and Westlake, Ohio and

offers classes at Unity Spiritual Center in Westlake.

Please feel free to visit her Facebook pages, Like them &

initiate a discussion. Text or call 216.548.8980, or email

[email protected] if you have questions or comments

or if you have a subject you would like more information

about concerning wellness. Your input is welcome.

East meets West

May / June 2015 pg 13

Page 14: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

216.548.8980 [email protected]

be in the tao llc

mary ellen derwis

lmt., cht, cntt

Universal Healing Tao full instructor

www.beinthetao.com www.facebook.com/

beinthetao.doterra.cleveland www.facebook.com/chimassage


Tumbled Stones, Large Specimens & Points

Statuary of all Faith Paths

Classes, Workshops & Development Circles - Open to All

Aromatherapy and Herb products

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Monthly Psychic Fairs

Interactive Blog updated weekly

7 Day Candles & Candles by Coventry Creations

Large selection of Tarot & Divination Tools

New books & calendars

Sponsor of 2014 Holistic Health & Healing Expo

28887 Lorain Rd North Olmsted OH / 440-777-7211

Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 12 pm - 7 pm Saturday-Sunday: 12 pm - 6 pm


Healing Holistic


Reiki Master

IET Practitioner

Certified Crystal Healer

Certified Practical Reiki Instructor

doTerra Wellness Advocate

Zyto Wellness Scans


Universal Living Ezine

May Classes / Events

May 5 Emotions & Essential Oils

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

May 6, 13, 20, 27 Practical Reiki Level 1 to

Master - Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

May 8 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat,

Crystals & Reiki

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

May 14 Learn to make Gem Elixirs & Essences

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

May 16 “Earth Mother” Mini-Fair

Centered Wellness / Westlake

May 22 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat,

Crystals & Reiki

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

May 28 Learn Crystal Healing Layouts

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

May 31 Zyto Scans @ Psychic Fair

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

June Classes / Events Jun 12 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat,

Crystals & Reiki

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

Jun 26 Experience Zyto Scans, Bio Mat,

Crystals & Reiki

Goddess Elite / No. Olmsted

www.HealingHolisticJourneys.com 216-459-9094

May June 2015 pg 14

Page 15: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

Centered Wellness Centered Wellness Event:Event:



May 16 - 10am - 2pm Unity Spiritual Center

23855 Detroit Road / Westlake

Crystals & Gemstones, Bach Flower Remedies, Earth Energy Healings, Aromatherapy, Sound

Healings, Organic Products, Crystal Jewelry and more.

Join us to create Fairy planters, walk the Labyrinth, create

Nature sticks, & attend mini workshops. Lots of Door Prizes!


$5 admission ($1 off if you bring a can of food for the

Westlake food bank)

Page 16: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

May June 2015 pg 16

By Roseann Heinrich

On Monday this week, we had the most beautiful day here in and around Cleveland, Ohio. I so enjoyed the warmth and the energy. As I went to bed I heard my thought, “watch out”. I immediately scolded myself and told the angels to erase that thought.

Alas, I think it was just my intuition chiming in. After my T’ai chi chih class on Tuesday, it all went downhill.

I am in process of getting approved to teach a Silver Sneakers class at one of the centers. Last week they told me I was approved. Then they had the person in charge of the facility where I will teach call me. We scheduled an appointment and I went to meet her. We scheduled clas-ses to start this week. I taught my first class there on Tuesday afternoon.

When I came home, I discovered emails saying I was not approved as they needed further information. They also advised me I would not get paid for the class I had just taught.

The approving corporation is in Arizona. So, all is done via a website (new to me) and email/scanning. What a night-mare. I spent hours trying to scan three 8x11 sheets that were necessary for my hire. he printer would not scan the full sheet. I tried reducing the size and rescanning. It was the most frustrating scenario I have experienced in a very long time. The scanner just would not do what I needed it to accomplish. I still have no idea what was go-ing on. I was so distraught; I turned off the printer in hopes of rebooting it. Never had this problem before.

When I awoke this morning, the angels said to take a pic-ture with my camera and email it. I was excited. Ah, an answer. (Yes, I had been asking for help all along.)

I took pictures and talked to Arch Angel Michael about protecting my information and emailed. When I returned from teaching today, the emails arrived saying that this or

that was cut off of this or that form. OMG!! Frustration at a higher degree. I go off and teach T’ai Chi Chih and I come home calm and mellow only to find frustration with another technical problem.

Amidst this, I had agreed to write for another ezine. It sounded very interesting and is internationally known. Well, guess what??? All done on line.

I have been reading documents for the last several days for both of these things wondering why I have complicat-ed my life with wandering around websites trying to fig-ure things out as I read directions.

I must take responsibility for this. I have been asking the Universe to help me stay abreast of the technology as I do not want to grow older like some of my peers and not know how to navigate the world with a cell, ipad, etc, etc.

The world is changing rapidly and we all need to keep up.

Well, I think I have finally fulfilled the needs of the agency that needs to approve my teaching skill. It matters not that I have been teaching since 2001. They even had an issue with the fact that my credentials do not have an expiration date. Help me Godde!! But, alas, I think we are complete.

I also “think” my article for the new magazine is done. But who knows, maybe, maybe not.

Then I get the email that this latest issue‘s deadline is “now”. While I contemplate what to write, the air condi-tioner man comes out to clean the unit and ensure that all is well. When he turns the water on to flush the sys-tem, he discovers that the extreme cold of the winter has left us with a busted pipe high in a wall.

So, I am asking today, “What am I to learn from all the frustration”.

I open my emails to take a break and have a message from my teacher Doreen Virtue. She talks about the ener-

Methinks They Ask

TOO Much!


Page 17: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015


Transformational School of


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Several types of readings are available:

Animal Communication: If you would like to know what your pet is thinking or would like to tell them something, I am able to telepathically communicate with animals. I can also talk to your pet that has passed on.

Guide and Power Animal Readings: You can find out what animals you have around you for guides, and which is your Power Animal. Your Power Animal is a reflection of you.

Paranormal Spirit Readings: You can find out if there are any ghosts in your home or place of work. I will send them on and clear out negative energy they leave behind

Pet Oracle Card Readings: You can get a message from your pet or get an insight to your relationship with them.

Animal Runes: Get a brief insight into something in your life.

If your pet is having a health or behavior issue, a Bach Flower may help them. Bach Flower Recipes are all natu-ral and work on emotions where a lot of issues originate.

I do Natural Health and Energy Work. I use these energy modalities: Reiki, Quantum Touch, Qi Gong, and Jin Shin Jyutsu. I teach Reiki, clear Chakras, and use Gemstones for healing.

I am looking forward to helping you or your pet feel better or just stay healthy on a natural path. With infi-nite love and gratitude, Liz Call: 440-552-9915 / Email: [email protected] Visit website: www.Revlizmadsencnhprmt.vpweb.com

We all have our paths to walk. Let's choose wisely.

Certified Natural Health Professional

Natural Health and Energy Consultant

Reiki Master-Teacher

Animal Communication/Pet Psychic

Paranormal Spirit Reader

REFLECTIONS OF THE ANGELS We are here to serve, share and support.

5559 Peachtree Lane S Parma OH 44134

Roseann Heinrich

[email protected] www.reflectionsoftheangels.com


® Angel Therapy Practitioner

May / June 2015 pg 17

gy we are currently experiencing and how we might feel overwhelmed, like there is not enough time in the day or day in the time. It is all energetic and not about me at all! Sometimes, we are not supposed to learn, we are just sup-posed to do the things that help us through trying times. I am going to do some T’ai Chi Chih and then I am putting in a video and doing Zumba. Those are the things for me. What gets you through trying times? Do them instead of reaching for the glass of wine or the chocolate cake.

Namsate’ I love you all and we are in it together.

Remember we really wanted to be here for this shift…a lot of people did not make the cut, but we did….Aren’t we special? - Roseann

Page 18: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musi-cian and Author. Jill is a four - time author and widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound Healing! She has written four books and produced six CD's that combine intricate Sound Healing techniques with her original Award winning musi-cal compositions (Deep Wave Beauty

CD – Best New Age CD of 2012 – Silver Award). The CD's con-sist of intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern tech-niques - with sound energy & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits. Also available on the sites are addi-tional free mp3's of her Sound Healing compositions, including Solfeggio Tones, Star Energy, Flower Frequencies, Fibonnaci and nature tones. Gallery and music at: www.jillswingsoflight.com / www.musicforbeauty.com, [email protected]. To experience Jill’s music, visit her website for THREE free MP3 downloads: Paint your Soul, Star Dust & Healing Flower Symphonies.

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for every aspect of the personal and life transformation you are seeking

Check our website for activities, classes & events. www.centeredwellness.org

Next event: Mini-fair on Aging - June 13

Calendar of Holistic Shows,

Expos and Events www.bodymindspiritdirectory.org

May June 2015 pg 18

Page 19: Universal Living Ezine May / June 2015

Seeing is believing, but a bizarre experiment revealed that people are affected by sound they cannot hear nor see. Scientists working at Liverpool’s Metropolitan Cathedral analyzed the responses of 250 people who heard a 50 mi-nute piano recital and also inaudible vibrations, too low in pitch for them to hear. The audience's emotions intensi-fied as the inaudible sound vibrations were blasted out. Those feeling uncomfortable before the concert got in-creasingly angry. Their emotion intensified during the pi-ano performance. Others, who were initially happy, got progressively more joyful. Focused concentration on mu-sic has a mesmerizing effect, almost hypnotic. The surpris-ing thing is that this is also true for inaudible sound.

In experiments, people felt physical affects from the silent blasts: tingling in the back of the neck and a strange feel-ing in the stomach.[1] This should not come as a surprise as many scientists confirmed harmful effects from un-heard or unseen vibrations, such as microwaves and elec-trical energy. A science experiment conducted by students in Denmark demonstrated that unheard vibrations from cell phones mutilated bean sprouts in a matter of days. Sharry Edwards, who brought forth the science of BioA-coustics, states certain sounds can make us physically ill.

It is well documented that sound entrains brainwaves, creating specific states of consciousness, Music makes us feel happy as we dance to a lively beat and feel sad with another song. Clearly vibrations of sound change us.

At least within the hearing spectrum, we have a clue as to the impact of sound vibrations because we can hear them. Vibrations, even those unheard, can intensify our emotions – for better or worse. Our brain waves can be deliberately altered with sounds, with a similar result – altering our consciousness. Can we be brainwashed or influenced – without a clue as to what is impacting us?

This revives the ancient argument about free will versus

destiny. Do we choose our emotions and thoughts, or do we respond like robots to unseen vibrations? Inaudible vibrations have a strong impact on us – our body, mind and emotions, and we are helpless to avoid the strong influences. Waves in close proximity combine – like it or not.

As a consequence of this breaking new knowledge - we should not take people’s emotional responses personally – maybe their behavior is a result of some unheard sound vibrations or influence.

Finally, are there “Sound Stalkers?” Are people creating unheard blasts to thin the populations or at least make them ill, depressed or angry? Given all the people creating computer viruses with intent on wreaking havoc… this action would not be hard to conceive of. How many un-scrupulous people are blasting us with unheard sounds – what kind of protection do we have?

Sound blasts can be used for good – for nutrition, for en-couraging positive emotions, to elevating our conscious-ness and awareness, and more. How about educating people on how we ingest sound? We should monitor un-heard vibrations and be warned of their effects. Ultimate-ly, when are we going to take what we listen to seriously?

Plotinus of ancient Greece wrote: “Harmonies unheard create the harmonies we hear and wake the soul to the consciousness of beauty.” He suggested that subtle, un-heard sounds (such as those coming from nature) are the sounds that influence musicians to create beautiful works of art. Whether or not unheard sounds (from tiny volumes or out of our hearing range) help or hurt us, is not the big-gest issue. We are influenced by all kinds of vibrations, without a clue to their influence, which can be significant. It is time to wake up and take control of our vibratory world!

By Jill Matson


The Danger of Unheard Sounds

May / June 2015 pg 19

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