United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the...

United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service December 2012 FRESH APPLES: 2012/2013 HIGHLIGHTS Summary World production is forecast to expand 2 percent to a record 67.9 million metric tons as gains in China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million tons. China is the world’s largest producer at a record 38.0 million tons. In just five years, China has expanded its share of global production to nearly 60 percent because of more efficient orchard management, greater government incentives, and continued area expansion in Western provinces. Meanwhile, consumption has doubled to 32.2 million tons, outpacing the growth in production and constraining exportable supplies. Consequently, exports, mostly to neighboring Asian markets, are virtually unchanged at 1.1 million tons. Production in the EU, the second largest producer, is forecast to fall 5 percent to 11.3 million tons. Favorable prices for processed products mean less supply for fresh consumption. Therefore, imports are expected to jump nearly 35 percent to 700,000 tons from a number of key markets. On the other hand, exports are forecast down 5 percent to 1.5 million tons. The EU remains the world’s largest exporter, with Russia as the major market. U.S. apple production is virtually unchanged at 4.2 million tons based on recent industry data. Increased supplies, particularly for fresh use, are due to larger-than-expected harvest in Washington State, which offsets reduced crops from the Central and Eastern states damaged by multiple spring freezes. The National Agricultural Statistics Service will release a revised China’s Apple Production Continues to Expand to New Record 0 10 20 30 40 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 Millions Metric Tons Fresh Deciduous Fruit (Apples, Grapes, & Pears): World Markets and Trade

Transcript of United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the...

Page 1: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service December 2012



World production is forecast to expand 2 percent to a record 67.9 million metric tons as gains in China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million tons.

China is the world’s largest producer at a record 38.0 million tons. In just five years, China has expanded its share of global production to nearly 60 percent because of more efficient orchard management, greater government incentives, and continued area expansion in Western provinces. Meanwhile, consumption has doubled to 32.2 million tons, outpacing the growth in production and constraining exportable supplies. Consequently, exports, mostly to neighboring Asian markets, are virtually unchanged at 1.1 million tons.

Production in the EU, the second largest producer, is forecast to fall 5 percent to 11.3 million tons. Favorable prices for processed products mean less supply for fresh consumption. Therefore, imports are expected to jump nearly 35 percent to 700,000 tons from a number of key markets. On the other hand, exports are forecast down 5 percent to 1.5 million tons. The EU remains the world’s largest exporter, with Russia as the major market.

U.S. apple production is virtually unchanged at 4.2 million tons based on recent industry data. Increased supplies, particularly for fresh use, are due to larger-than-expected harvest in Washington State, which offsets reduced crops from the Central and Eastern states damaged by multiple spring freezes. The National Agricultural Statistics Service will release a revised

China’s Apple Production Continues to Expand to New Record






2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013






Fresh Deciduous Fruit (Apples, Grapes, & Pears): World Markets and Trade

Page 2: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

estimate in January 2013. Fresh domestic consumption is forecast up slightly at 2.2 million tons, while imports are unchanged at 175,000 tons. Exports are expected to climb 4 percent to 875,000 tons, fueled by demand from Asia, Middle East, and Central America. Neighboring Canada and Mexico remain the main markets.

Argentina’s crop is projected to jump 20 percent to a record 1.0 million tons on better yields and advanced horticultural practices. Consequently, exports are boosted to a new record 310,000 tons with Brazil the largest market.

Production in Russia is forecast up nearly 8 percent to 1.2 million tons due to intensive cultivation, favorable government incentives, and improvements in postharvest facilities. Russia is the world’s largest importer at a forecast 1.2 million tons; the major supplier is the EU.

Turkey’s production is expected to rise 7 percent to a new record 2.9 million tons. More commercial orchards are growing new, premium-priced varieties to supply the more profitable export markets. However, exports are virtually unchanged at 87,000 tons. Iraq has become a major market.

Chile’s production is projected down 4 percent to 1.3 million tons due to reduced profitability resulting from low prices. However, exports are raised to 800,000 tons, with the EU and the United States as key markets.

In Brazil, production is forecast down 3 percent to 1.2 million tons due to adverse weather and reduced planted area. Exports, however, are raised to 86,000 tons on strong demand from the EU (as a result of a smaller crop).

Key Revisions to 2011/12 • China’s production is raised 985,000 tons to 35.9 million. • EU’s production is up 235,000 tons to 12.1 million. • Russia’s production is bumped up 169,000 tons to 1.3 million. • China’s exports are boosted 88,000 tons to 1.0 million.

December 2012

Page 3: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million


World table grape production in 2012/13 is forecast up 3 percent to another record 17.1 million metric tons. Both production and consumption have grown 20 percent in the last five years, largely fueled by growth in China. Trade is forecast up, with exports expected to rise 4 percent to a record of more than 2.5 million tons.

China is the world’s largest producer, accounting for more than 40 percent of the world’s supply. Production is forecast up 9 percent to 7.3 million tons, nearly all of which will be consumed in the domestic market. Strong demand and high profitability over the last few seasons have sparked expansion in grape planting. And yet, imports are forecast to continue climbing to 180,000 tons, with Chile as the largest supplier, entering the market in months when domestic grapes are in short supply. China’s imports have more than tripled over the past five years.

Turkey’s production is flat for the fourth consecutive year at 2.2 million tons. Exports have grown more than 30 percent in the last three years, driven by stronger demand from the EU, Russia, and Ukraine.

EU production is forecast down slightly to 2.0 million tons, although it has been essentially flat for six years. Area planted has been declining in response to reduced profitability. The EU continues to be the world’s largest importer with imports forecast slightly higher at 585,000 tons.

Chile’s production is forecast flat at 1.2 million tons for the fifth consecutive year. Exports are projected to rise slightly to 850,000 tons to meet growing demand from Asian markets. Chile remains the largest exporter, accounting for one third of the market.

China Drives Growth in Table Grape Production






2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013





Tons China


December 2012

Page 4: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

U.S. production has been consistent at about 900,000 tons for the past five years. However, exports are forecast up 10 percent to a record 380,000 tons, driven by rising demand from Canada and Asia. The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement, which lowered import tariffs, is helping to expand exports. The United States is the second largest importer in the world at 570,000 tons, up slightly from last year.

Mexico’s production is forecast up 9 percent to 215,000 tons supported by favorable weather during the growing season. Exports, shipped almost exclusively to the United States, are projected to jump 21 percent to 167,000 tons. Imports, mostly from the United States and Chile, are forecast up slightly at 78,000 tons.

Russia, the world’s third largest market, is forecast to import 400,000 tons. Turkey supplies about 40 percent of the imports.

Key Revision to 2011/12

• EU production is revised up 110,000 tons to 2.0 million.

December 2012

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World pear production in 2012/13 is forecast at 21.9 million tons, virtually unchanged from the previous year. Falling production in the EU has tightened supplies in the world market, while China’s expansion has primarily supported their own growing consumption. Trade is unchanged, with exports remaining at 1.8 million tons.

China’s production, which accounts for 75 percent of the world total, is currently forecast at a new record of 16.5 million tons. Over the last five years, production has jumped more than 25 percent as a result of rising yields and steadily expanding domestic demand. Exports, primarily to other Asian markets, remain relatively flat.

EU production is forecast to drop 25 percent to 2.1 million tons on drought-impacted yields. Consequently, consumption is forecast to be the lowest level since 2005/06, while exports are forecast down nearly 25 percent to 350,000 tons. Imports are forecast to rise only slightly to 240,000 tons. The EU is the second largest import market.

Argentina’s production is forecast to rise by 8 percent to a near-record 820,000 tons on favorable weather. Exports are forecast up 18 percent to 450,000 tons to meet stronger demand from the EU and Russia.

U.S. production is forecast to fall nearly 10 percent to 796,000 tons, constraining both domestic consumption and exports to Canada and Mexico. Imports, mainly from Chile and Argentina, are forecast to jump by about 20 percent to 75,000 tons.

South Africa’s production is forecast nearly unchanged at 370,000 tons. Area has been nearly flat in recent years as a result of rising costs for establishing new trees. Exports are projected slightly higher at 190,000 tons driven by production shortfalls in the EU and Russia.

Russia’s production is forecast to drop about 20 percent to 110,000 tons following frost and pest damage. However, longer-term, producers are shifting away from pears in response to reduced profitability. Imports are forecast to fall 17 percent to 350,000 tons as a result of reduced supplies from the EU.

EU Loses Top Export Position








2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013









December 2012

Page 6: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Brazil’s imports are forecast down 11 percent to 195,000 tons based on new regulations which require prior authorization to import from Argentina (the main supplier). Brazil remains the world’s third largest import market.

Key Revisions to 2011/12

• EU production is revised up 146,000 tons to 2.8 million. • China’s production is revised up 200,000 tons to 15.8 million.

For additional information, please contact: Meyra Mendoza-Reeder at (202) 720-2083 or [email protected] Andrew Sowell at (202) 720-0262 or [email protected].

December 2012

Page 7: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Apple Summary

(1,000 Metric Ton)

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12



Production none

24,800 China 29,800 31,681 33,263 35,985 38,000

10,295 EU-27 12,655 12,021 10,886 12,069 11,297

4,103 United States 4,327 4,288 4,174 4,224 4,200

2,458 Turkey 2,600 2,750 2,500 2,700 2,900

2,001 India 1,985 1,935 1,936 1,750 1,750

1,350 Chile 1,280 1,370 1,431 1,360 1,310

1,300 Russia 1,115 1,230 910 1,124 1,210

983 Brazil 1,053 1,221 1,276 1,220 1,190

755 Ukraine 719 853 896 1,050 1,050

980 Argentina 933 830 1,040 860 1,030

4,056 Other 4,083 4,164 4,007 4,157 3,915

53,081 Total 60,550 62,342 62,318 66,500 67,852

Fresh Dom. Consumption none

16,058 China 23,875 24,941 26,520 30,647 32,240

7,997 EU-27 8,296 8,074 7,456 7,687 7,112

2,346 Turkey 2,479 2,560 2,328 2,517 2,716

2,256 United States 2,209 2,277 2,179 2,179 2,200

2,029 India 2,014 2,039 2,033 1,927 1,905

1,365 Russia 1,350 1,435 1,530 1,564 1,470

839 Ukraine 943 1,024 929 1,148 1,130

5,679 Other 5,972 6,602 6,549 6,552 6,378

38,568 Total 47,137 48,950 49,523 54,221 55,151

For Processing none

7,760 China 4,800 5,600 5,760 4,400 4,760

2,430 EU-27 3,937 3,327 2,973 3,396 3,435

1,346 United States 1,481 1,424 1,318 1,377 1,300

861 Russia 887 881 458 721 854

350 Argentina 471 380 490 410 505

424 Chile 420 343 435 406 366

209 South Africa 261 234 216 190 190

857 Other 888 812 819 851 638

14,238 Total 13,146 12,999 12,468 11,751 12,047

Imports none

940 Russia 1,147 1,120 1,112 1,201 1,180

883 EU-27 780 596 632 526 700

197 Mexico 223 215 214 191 225

60 India 74 130 144 208 210

167 Canada 173 184 191 190 200

173 United States 165 182 149 173 175

130 United Arab Emirates 161 167 147 166 170

74 Bangladesh 110 138 163 160 165

143 Indonesia 151 159 217 203 160

129 Saudi Arabia 126 154 148 144 145

1,422 Other 1,798 1,904 1,699 1,729 1,784

4,317 Total 4,908 4,950 4,816 4,890 5,114

Exports none

750 EU-27 1,203 1,217 1,089 1,513 1,450

1,022 China 1,173 1,201 1,057 1,012 1,065

673 United States 802 769 826 841 875

776 Chile 679 843 800 760 800

359 South Africa 339 306 335 380 400

236 Argentina 207 179 233 129 310

261 New Zealand 303 260 300 287 305

83 Serbia 16 70 110 117 120

16 Turkey 24 93 77 87 87

112 Brazil 98 91 49 72 86

279 Other 296 285 237 181 209

4,565 Total 5,140 5,314 5,113 5,378 5,707

Note: From 1994, the United States and Mexico are on a Aug-July marketing year. All other Northern Hemisphere countries are on a

July-June marketing year. Southern hemisphere countries are on a calendar year indicated as the second year of the split year.

Imports and exports will not equal due to statistical discrepancies.

December 2012

Page 8: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Fresh Grape Summary

(1,000 Metric Ton)

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12



Production none

4,647 China 4,953 5,675 6,200 6,600 7,200

1,920 Turkey 1,970 2,250 2,150 2,200 2,200

1,977 EU-27 1,988 1,985 2,090 2,044 1,970

1,368 Brazil 1,310 1,310 1,300 1,300 1,300

1,185 Chile 1,205 1,105 1,215 1,175 1,175

1,005 India 1,006 1,006 1,006 1,000 1,000

835 United States 894 852 901 891 893

300 Ukraine 310 330 320 320 320

263 South Africa 272 277 258 271 275

266 Mexico 182 193 215 198 215

533 Other 553 553 536 537 563

14,299 Total 14,643 15,535 16,190 16,537 17,111

Fresh Dom. Consumption none

4,639 China 4,970 5,651 6,230 6,644 7,265

2,485 EU-27 2,467 2,439 2,500 2,480 2,420

1,749 Turkey 1,768 2,063 1,914 1,960 1,951

1,298 Brazil 1,274 1,274 1,275 1,284 1,285

1,103 United States 1,184 1,109 1,154 1,078 1,083

890 India 899 879 938 890 888

446 Russia 423 415 436 447 446

366 Ukraine 367 360 359 360 370

348 Chile 355 324 361 345 325

191 Japan 182 186 191 197 197

669 Other 650 685 694 724 766

14,185 Total 14,539 15,385 16,053 16,409 16,995

Imports none

644 EU-27 640 568 543 576 585

569 United States 626 558 580 533 570

408 Russia 398 386 408 393 400

192 Canada 190 183 189 173 190

47 China 80 78 118 150 180

80 Hong Kong 122 115 143 163 145

72 Mexico 79 39 61 75 78

34 Korea, South 29 33 45 53 65

27 Indonesia 28 35 48 61 55

66 Ukraine 57 30 39 40 50

54 Other 59 58 76 90 97

2,193 Total 2,307 2,082 2,251 2,306 2,415

Exports none

837 Chile 850 781 854 830 850

301 United States 335 301 327 346 380

263 South Africa 271 260 249 260 265

171 Turkey 202 188 236 241 250

177 Mexico 157 128 171 138 167

136 EU-27 162 114 133 139 135

54 China 63 102 88 106 115

118 India 109 130 71 114 115

50 Hong Kong 83 82 109 124 105

70 Argentina 46 50 56 40 50

129 Other 130 95 93 94 94

2,305 Total 2,409 2,230 2,386 2,431 2,526

Note: From 1994, the United States and Mexico are on a May-April marketing year. All other Northern Hemisphere countries are on a

June-May marketing year. Southern Hemisphere countries are on a calendar year indicated as the second year of the split year.

Imports and exports will not equal due to statistical discrepancies. Production has been adjusted to reflect grapes for fresh-market

consumption only. Any comparison with previous years and reports should take this into account.

December 2012

Page 9: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Pear Summary

(1,000 Metric Ton)

2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12



Production none

12,895 China 13,538 14,263 15,057 15,800 16,500

2,784 EU-27 2,379 2,754 2,378 2,816 2,112

720 Argentina 780 650 830 760 820

791 United States 788 867 738 866 796

356 Turkey 356 385 380 390 390

342 South Africa 348 366 360 367 370

326 Japan 362 352 352 350 350

272 Chile 280 262 290 287 287

190 Russia 180 185 135 139 110

128 Australia 125 105 100 100 100

105 Other 82 101 88 94 94

18,909 Total 19,218 20,290 20,707 21,969 21,929

Fresh Dom. Consumption none

11,522 China 12,063 12,691 13,514 14,119 14,723

2,549 EU-27 2,330 2,394 2,179 2,197 1,879

450 Russia 425 492 500 525 437

425 United States 432 446 410 455 425

339 Turkey 331 354 346 363 351

324 Japan 360 350 351 349 349

158 Brazil 179 208 229 240 215

91 Indonesia 84 96 138 129 120

112 Mexico 97 107 96 118 117

80 Argentina 86 62 120 101 111

692 Other 692 754 691 735 781

16,741 Total 17,078 17,955 18,574 19,329 19,508

For Processing none

950 China 1,030 1,102 1,120 1,264 1,350

290 United States 290 319 256 282 276

175 Argentina 240 170 240 280 260

308 EU-27 219 325 172 382 123

128 South Africa 122 132 113 116 114

63 Chile 68 64 72 70 70

38 Australia 35 31 30 30 30

131 Russia 65 68 40 23 14

10 Turkey 10 10 10 10 10

2 Mexico 2 2 3 3 3

7 Other 3 3 4 3 3

2,102 Total 2,085 2,225 2,059 2,464 2,254

Imports none

398 Russia 317 383 410 420 350

352 EU-27 394 279 321 225 240

140 Brazil 162 190 210 220 195

91 Indonesia 84 96 138 129 120

89 Mexico 78 84 75 96 95

64 Vietnam 81 108 83 80 90

86 United States 84 63 79 63 75

378 Other 370 402 364 413 467

1,597 Total 1,569 1,605 1,680 1,646 1,632

Exports none

465 Argentina 454 418 470 380 450

423 China 446 470 423 419 430

276 EU-27 224 314 348 463 350

166 South Africa 181 186 182 180 190

162 United States 150 164 151 191 170

134 Chile 130 117 135 135 140

9 Turkey 16 22 26 19 30

22 Other 20 17 14 25 30

1,656 Total 1,621 1,707 1,749 1,811 1,790

Note: Northern Hemisphere countries are on a July-June marketing year. Southern Hemisphere

countries are on a calendar year indicated as the second year of the split year. Imports and

exports will not equal due to statistical discrepancies.

December 2012

Page 10: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Apple Production, Supply, and Distribution

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total



113 113001131130 2008/09

113 113001131130 2009/10

113 113001131130 2010/11

132 132001321320 2011/12

130 130001301300 2012/13


934 9342074712561933 2008/09

832 8321793802742830 2009/10

1,040 1,04023349031701,040 2010/11

860 8601294103220860 2011/12

1,030 1,03031050521501,030 2012/13


267 2675312320267 2008/09

257 2574302230257 2009/10

266 2662302340266 2010/11

270 2704302360270 2011/12

280 2804302460280 2012/13


211 2111160956205 2008/09

228 22884014424204 2009/10

211 2113801737204 2010/11

203 2035101533200 2011/12

215 21550016515200 2012/13


110 110001101100 2008/09

138 138001381380 2009/10

163 163001631630 2010/11

160 160001601600 2011/12

165 165001651650 2012/13


284 2840028444240 2008/09

292 2920029242250 2009/10

195 1950019545150 2010/11

285 28500285105180 2011/12

305 30500305110195 2012/13


1,114 1,11498249767611,053 2008/09

1,297 1,297911851,022771,221 2009/10

1,373 1,373491601,164971,276 2010/11

1,278 1,27872209997581,220 2011/12

1,250 1,25086181984601,190 2012/13


600 60030154416173427 2008/09

597 59721140436184413 2009/10

562 56229174360191371 2010/11

580 58026151403190390 2011/12

475 47520150305200275 2012/13


1,280 1,28067942018201,280 2008/09

1,370 1,37084334318501,370 2009/10

1,432 1,43280043519711,431 2010/11

1,361 1,36176040619511,360 2011/12

1,311 1,31180036614511,310 2012/13


29,849 29,8491,1734,80023,8754929,800 2008/09

December 2012

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Apple Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


31,742 31,7421,2015,60024,9416131,681 2009/10

33,337 33,3371,0575,76026,5207433,263 2010/11

36,058 36,0581,0124,40030,6477335,985 2011/12

38,065 38,0651,0654,76032,2406538,000 2012/13


73 730073721 2008/09

86 860086851 2009/10

91 910091901 2010/11

97 970097961 2011/12

101 101001011001 2012/13

Costa Rica

13 130013130 2008/09

14 140014140 2009/10

16 160016160 2010/11

16 160016160 2011/12

20 200020200 2012/13


62 6290531448 2008/09

85 85110741075 2009/10

103 10322082895 2010/11

107 107150921592 2011/12

96 9610086492 2012/13


42 420042420 2008/09

51 510051510 2009/10

52 520052520 2010/11

57 570057570 2011/12

65 650065650 2012/13


13,435 13,4351,2033,9378,29678012,655 2008/09

12,617 12,6171,2173,3278,07459612,021 2009/10

11,518 11,5181,0892,9737,45663210,886 2010/11

12,595 12,5951,5133,3967,68752612,069 2011/12

11,997 11,9971,4503,4357,11270011,297 2012/13


35 3520331222 2008/09

34 3410341222 2009/10

36 3610361422 2010/11

37 3710371522 2011/12

42 4200422022 2012/13


10 100010100 2008/09

10 100010100 2009/10

11 110011110 2010/11

12 120012120 2011/12

13 130013130 2012/13

Hong Kong

121 121001211210 2008/09

123 123001231230 2009/10

145 145001451450 2010/11

121 121001211210 2011/12

130 130001301300 2012/13


2,059 2,0594502,014741,985 2008/09

2,065 2,0652702,0391301,935 2009/10

2,080 2,0804702,0331441,936 2010/11

December 2012

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Apple Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


1,958 1,9583001,9272081,750 2011/12

1,960 1,9605501,9052101,750 2012/13


151 151001511510 2008/09

159 159001591590 2009/10

217 217002172170 2010/11

203 203002032030 2011/12

160 160001601600 2012/13


911 911221357540911 2008/09

892 892241357330892 2009/10

810 810181356570810 2010/11

851 851101357061850 2011/12

852 852708462850 2012/13


230 2302022813595 2008/09

257 25710255145112 2009/10

218 2180021812395 2010/11

216 21600216116100 2011/12

220 22000220120100 2012/13


34 34100232212 2008/09

46 4640423412 2009/10

38 38110262315 2010/11

31 31160161120 2011/12

40 40200202020 2012/13


33 330033330 2008/09

44 440044440 2009/10

37 370037370 2010/11

54 540054540 2011/12

60 600060600 2012/13


95 950095950 2008/09

101 101001011010 2009/10

98 980098980 2010/11

102 102001021020 2011/12

105 105001051050 2012/13


735 7350122612223512 2008/09

777 7770100677215562 2009/10

799 799095703214585 2010/11

821 8210110711191630 2011/12

655 655050605225430 2012/13

New Zealand

459 45930396601457 2008/09

440 440260121591439 2009/10

481 481300125561480 2010/11

461 461287116581460 2011/12

482 482305127491481 2012/13


67 6702505017 2008/09

67 6700675314 2009/10

62 6200624913 2010/11

65 6500655213 2011/12

55 5500554015 2012/13

December 2012

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Apple Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total



40 400040400 2008/09

48 480048480 2009/10

40 400040400 2010/11

41 410041410 2011/12

45 450045450 2012/13


74 740074740 2008/09

72 720072720 2009/10

69 690069690 2010/11

74 740074740 2011/12

75 750075750 2012/13


2,262 2,26258871,3501,1471,115 2008/09

2,350 2,35058811,4351,1201,230 2009/10

2,022 2,02244581,5301,112910 2010/11

2,325 2,32507211,5641,2011,124 2011/12

2,390 2,39068541,4701,1801,210 2012/13

Saudi Arabia

126 126001261260 2008/09

154 154001541540 2009/10

148 148001481480 2010/11

144 144001441440 2011/12

145 145001451450 2012/13


127 12716011120107 2008/09

127 1277005610117 2009/10

162 16211005242120 2010/11

151 15111703426125 2011/12

155 15512003530125 2012/13


53 536048467 2008/09

55 556049477 2009/10

52 527045457 2010/11

53 537047467 2011/12

37 372035307 2012/13

South Africa

747 7473392611470747 2008/09

781 7813062342410781 2009/10

765 7653352162140765 2010/11

790 7903801902200790 2011/12

815 8154001902250815 2012/13

Sri Lanka

18 180018180 2008/09

23 230023230 2009/10

21 210021210 2010/11

21 210021210 2011/12

20 200020200 2012/13


133 133001331294 2008/09

131 131001311274 2009/10

151 151001511492 2010/11

127 127001271252 2011/12

132 132001321302 2012/13


121 121001211210 2008/09

December 2012

Page 14: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Apple Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


131 131001311310 2009/10

121 121001211210 2010/11

125 125001251250 2011/12

130 130001301300 2012/13


2,603 2,603241002,47932,600 2008/09

2,753 2,753931002,56032,750 2009/10

2,505 2,505771002,32852,500 2010/11

2,704 2,704871002,51742,700 2011/12

2,903 2,903871002,71632,900 2012/13


984 984420943265719 2008/09

1,118 1,1189401,024265853 2009/10

981 98153092985896 2010/11

1,165 1,1651701,1481151,050 2011/12

1,160 1,1603001,1301101,050 2012/13

United Arab Emirates

161 161001611610 2008/09

167 167001671670 2009/10

147 147001471470 2010/11

166 166001661660 2011/12

170 170001701700 2012/13

United States

4,492 4,4928021,4812,2091654,327 2008/09

4,470 4,4707691,4242,2771824,288 2009/10

4,323 4,3238261,3182,1791494,174 2010/11

4,397 4,3978411,3772,1791734,224 2011/12

4,375 4,3758751,3002,2001754,200 2012/13


3 330003 2008/09

3 320012 2009/10

6 650015 2010/11

6 650015 2011/12

5 550005 2012/13


34 340034340 2008/09

10 100010100 2009/10

5 500550 2010/11

9 900990 2011/12

10 100010100 2012/13


152 152001521520 2008/09

166 166001661660 2009/10

114 114001141140 2010/11

101 101001011010 2011/12

120 120001201200 2012/13



65,458 65,4585,14013,14647,1374,90860,550 2008/09

67,293 67,2935,31412,99948,9504,95062,342 2009/10

67,134 67,1345,11312,46849,5234,81662,318 2010/11

71,390 71,3905,37811,75154,2214,89066,500 2011/12

72,965 72,9655,70712,04755,1515,11467,852 2012/13

December 2012

Page 15: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Apple Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


Note: From 1994, the United States and Mexico are on a Aug-July marketing year. All other

Northern Hemisphere countries are on a July-June marketing year. Southern hemisphere

countries are on a calendar year indicated as the second year of the split year. Imports and

exports will not equal due to statistical discrepancies.

December 2012

Page 16: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Fresh Grape Production, Supply, and Distribution

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.


Exports Total



122 12246752120 2008/09

141 14150911140 2009/10

142 14256870142 2010/11

110 11040700110 2011/12

141 14150910141 2012/13


153 153718118135 2008/09

116 11629876110 2009/10

104 10430741193 2010/11

117 117417617100 2011/12

118 118417718100 2012/13


1,329 1,329551,274191,310 2008/09

1,335 1,335611,274251,310 2009/10

1,334 1,334591,275341,300 2010/11

1,334 1,334501,284341,300 2011/12

1,335 1,335501,285351,300 2012/13


193 19331901903 2008/09

186 18631831833 2009/10

192 19231901893 2010/11

175 17521731733 2011/12

193 19321911903 2012/13


1,205 1,20585035501,205 2008/09

1,105 1,10578132401,105 2009/10

1,215 1,21585436101,215 2010/11

1,175 1,17583034501,175 2011/12

1,175 1,17585032501,175 2012/13


5,033 5,033634,970804,953 2008/09

5,753 5,7531025,651785,675 2009/10

6,318 6,318886,2301186,200 2010/11

6,750 6,7501066,6441506,600 2011/12

7,380 7,3801157,2651807,200 2012/13


2,629 2,6291622,4676401,988 2008/09

2,553 2,5531142,4395681,985 2009/10

2,633 2,6331332,5005432,090 2010/11

2,620 2,6201392,4805762,044 2011/12

2,555 2,5551352,4205851,970 2012/13

Hong Kong

212 2128312912290 2008/09

205 2058212311590 2009/10

233 23310912414390 2010/11

253 25312412916390 2011/12

235 23510513014590 2012/13


1,008 1,00810989931,006 2008/09

1,009 1,00913087931,006 2009/10

1,009 1,0097193831,006 2010/11

1,004 1,00411489041,000 2011/12

1,003 1,00311588831,000 2012/13


28 28028280 2008/09

December 2012

Page 17: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Fresh Grape Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.


Exports Total


35 35035350 2009/10

48 48048480 2010/11

61 61061610 2011/12

55 55055550 2012/13


183 18301827176 2008/09

187 18701869177 2009/10

191 191019114177 2010/11

197 197019720177 2011/12

197 197019720177 2012/13

Korea, South

30 30030291 2008/09

34 34133331 2009/10

45 45145451 2010/11

54 54054531 2011/12

66 66065651 2012/13


261 26115710479182 2008/09

231 23112810339193 2009/10

276 27617110461215 2010/11

273 27313813675198 2011/12

293 29316712678215 2012/13

New Zealand

10 10010100 2008/09

11 11011110 2009/10

11 11011110 2010/11

12 12012120 2011/12

15 15015150 2012/13


426 426142339828 2008/09

418 418141538632 2009/10

438 438043640830 2010/11

449 449044739357 2011/12

451 451044640051 2012/13

South Africa

274 27427132272 2008/09

280 280260202277 2009/10

261 261249123258 2010/11

273 273260132271 2011/12

280 280265155275 2012/13


1,970 1,9702021,76801,970 2008/09

2,251 2,2511882,06312,250 2009/10

2,151 2,1512361,91412,150 2010/11

2,201 2,2012411,96012,200 2011/12

2,201 2,2012501,95112,200 2012/13


367 367036757310 2008/09

360 360036030330 2009/10

359 359035939320 2010/11

360 360036040320 2011/12

370 370037050320 2012/13

United States

1,519 1,5193351,184626894 2008/09

1,410 1,4103011,109558852 2009/10

1,481 1,4813271,154580901 2010/11

December 2012

Page 18: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Fresh Grape Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.


Exports Total


1,424 1,4243461,078533891 2011/12

1,463 1,4633801,083570893 2012/13



16,950 16,9502,40914,5392,30714,643 2008/09

17,617 17,6172,23015,3852,08215,535 2009/10

18,441 18,4412,38616,0532,25116,190 2010/11

18,843 18,8432,43116,4092,30616,537 2011/12

19,525 19,5252,52616,9952,41517,111 2012/13

Note: From 1994, the United States and Mexico are on a May-April marketing year. All other

Northern Hemisphere countries are on a June-May marketing year. Southern Hemisphere

countries are on a calendar year indicated as the second year of the split year. Imports and

exports will not equal due to statistical discrepancies. Production has been adjusted to reflect

grapes for fresh-market consumption only. Any comparison with previous years and reports

should take this into account.

December 2012

Page 19: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Pear Production, Supply, and Distribution

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total



780 780454240860780 2008/09

650 650418170620650 2009/10

830 8304702401200830 2010/11

761 7613802801011760 2011/12

821 8214502601111820 2012/13


128 128635863125 2008/09

108 108531723105 2009/10

103 103630683100 2010/11

101 101830631100 2011/12

101 1011030611100 2012/13


179 1790017916217 2008/09

208 2080020819018 2009/10

229 2290022921018 2010/11

240 2400024022020 2011/12

215 2150021519520 2012/13


78 7800786910 2008/09

80 800080728 2009/10

76 760075688 2010/11

78 780078708 2011/12

76 760076706 2012/13


280 28013068820280 2008/09

262 26211764810262 2009/10

290 29013572840290 2010/11

287 28713570820287 2011/12

287 28714070770287 2012/13


13,538 13,5384461,03012,063013,538 2008/09

14,263 14,2634701,10212,691014,263 2009/10

15,057 15,0574231,12013,514015,057 2010/11

15,802 15,8024191,26414,119215,800 2011/12

16,503 16,5034301,35014,723316,500 2012/13


20 200020200 2008/09

22 220022220 2009/10

27 270027270 2010/11

31 310031310 2011/12

30 300030300 2012/13


7 700770 2008/09

10 100010100 2009/10

13 130013130 2010/11

15 150015150 2011/12

15 150015150 2012/13


2,773 2,7732242192,3303942,379 2008/09

3,033 3,0333143252,3942792,754 2009/10

2,699 2,6993481722,1793212,378 2010/11

3,041 3,0414633822,1972252,816 2011/12

2,352 2,3523501231,8792402,112 2012/13

Hong Kong

28 282026263 2008/09

December 2012

Page 20: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Pear Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


27 271026252 2009/10

24 241024223 2010/11

56 5610046533 2011/12

63 6312051603 2012/13


10 100010100 2008/09

15 150015150 2009/10

18 180018180 2010/11

21 210021210 2011/12

25 250025250 2012/13


84 840084840 2008/09

96 960096960 2009/10

138 138001381380 2010/11

129 129001291290 2011/12

120 120001201200 2012/13


14 140014140 2008/09

26 260026260 2009/10

6 600660 2010/11

1 100110 2011/12

3 300330 2012/13


362 362203600362 2008/09

352 352203500352 2009/10

352 352103510352 2010/11

350 350103490350 2011/12

350 350103490350 2012/13


42 420042420 2008/09

44 440044440 2009/10

41 410041410 2010/11

46 460046460 2011/12

55 550055550 2012/13


99 9902977821 2008/09

109 109021078425 2009/10

100 10003967525 2010/11

121 121031189625 2011/12

120 120031179525 2012/13

New Zealand

18 186310315 2008/09

18 185310414 2009/10

17 174310314 2010/11

16 163310313 2011/12

18 184311414 2012/13


23 230023230 2008/09

22 220022220 2009/10

20 200020200 2010/11

21 210021210 2011/12

19 190019190 2012/13


11 110011110 2008/09

14 140014140 2009/10

13 130013130 2010/11

December 2012

Page 21: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Pear Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


15 150015150 2011/12

15 150015150 2012/13


14 140014140 2008/09

15 150015150 2009/10

13 130013130 2010/11

13 130013130 2011/12

14 140014140 2012/13


497 497265425317180 2008/09

568 568168492383185 2009/10

545 545040500410135 2010/11

559 559023525420139 2011/12

460 460014437350110 2012/13

Saudi Arabia

9 900990 2008/09

14 140014140 2009/10

13 130013130 2010/11

15 150015150 2011/12

20 200020200 2012/13


25 252023232 2008/09

26 262023242 2009/10

24 243021222 2010/11

24 243021222 2011/12

24 243021222 2012/13

South Africa

348 348181122450348 2008/09

366 366186132490366 2009/10

360 360182113650360 2010/11

367 367180116710367 2011/12

370 370190114660370 2012/13


30 3000301515 2008/09

40 400039931 2009/10

31 3100301318 2010/11

31 310031724 2011/12

39 3900391524 2012/13


11 110011110 2008/09

12 120012120 2009/10

11 110011110 2010/11

10 100010100 2011/12

14 140014140 2012/13


43 430043430 2008/09

47 470047470 2009/10

34 340034340 2010/11

33 330033330 2011/12

40 400040400 2012/13


357 35716103311356 2008/09

386 38622103541385 2009/10

381 38126103461380 2010/11

391 39119103631390 2011/12

391 39130103511390 2012/13

December 2012

Page 22: United States Department of Agriculture Fresh Deciduous ... · China more than offset losses in the EU. Trade is forecast up slightly with exports projected at a new record 5.7 million

Pear Production, Supply, and Distribution (Continued)

(1,000 Metric Ton)

Country Mktg Year Production Imports Total Supply Fresh Dom.




Exports Total


United Arab Emirates

18 180018180 2008/09

22 220022220 2009/10

22 220022220 2010/11

30 300030300 2011/12

35 350035350 2012/13

United States

872 87215029043284788 2008/09

930 93016431944663867 2009/10

817 81715125641079738 2010/11

928 92819128245563866 2011/12

871 87117027642575796 2012/13


11 110011110 2008/09

4 400440 2009/10

1 100110 2010/11

3 300330 2011/12

5 500550 2012/13


81 810081810 2008/09

108 108001081080 2009/10

83 830083830 2010/11

80 800080800 2011/12

90 900090900 2012/13



20,787 20,7871,6212,08517,0781,56919,218 2008/09

21,895 21,8951,7072,22517,9551,60520,290 2009/10

22,388 22,3881,7492,05918,5741,68020,707 2010/11

23,615 23,6151,8112,46419,3291,64621,969 2011/12

23,561 23,5611,7902,25419,5081,63221,929 2012/13

Note: Northern Hemisphere countries are on a July-June marketing year. Southern Hemisphere

countries are on a calendar year indicated as the second year of the split year. Imports and

exports will not equal due to statistical discrepancies.

December 2012