United States Corporation Company: Certificate of incorporation



Connecting the Department of Transportation (DOT) to the Legislatively mandated corporate "franchise" that legitimizes the people's vote for their corporate proxies. Here (above) is a 1925 "Certificate of Incorporation" of a "United States Corporation Company". The document was filed in Florida;. Its Directors were in New York. Now, go to the "dot.gov" site (http://li-public.fmcsa.dot.gov/LIVIEW/pkg_html.prc_proc_servers?cov_id=22&pv_vpath=LIV IEW&pv_web_user_type=P) to see which Department "processes" the United States Corporation Company's applications for the mandatory, legislated, "franchisee's" "Licensing and Insurance". On the day of this posting, the given "dot.gov" site; "FMCSA License and Insurance Process Agents for: UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY", lists addresses in all fifty State and the District of Columbia. So; Ask your self; How is "compliance" obtained? Who are the compliance experts? Since 1879, Unz & Co. (http://www.unzco.com/about/pres.htm) has been setting the standard for compliance products and services. Unz & Co. has earned the prestigious E-Star Award from the U. S. Department of Commerce, after we had already been awarded the E-Award for our continuing contribution to exports. We have trained over 60,000 professionals in Export, Import and Dangerous Goods compliance and profitable operations. We believe that proper compliance compliments and does not compete with your company's best practices to achieve bottom line results. At Unz & Co. (http://www.unzco.com/regre/eireg.htm) is the link for Maritime "Resources and Regulations". Why is Maritime important? Maritime is important because of its relation to the Department of Transportation. Here's how: From "A Chronology of Significant DOT Dates" (http://ntl.bts.gov/historian/chronology.htm); August 8, 1935, Roosevelt signed into law the Interstate Commerce Act of 1935, which provided, among other things, authorization for the ICC Section on Motor Carrier Safety, the bureaucratic progenitor of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. August 6, 1981, Reagan signed into law legislation transferring the Maritime Administration from the Commerce Department to the Department of Transportation, fulfilling the intent of the DOT Act–that one cabinet-level department would be responsible for coordinating all transportation programs. Is the Department of Transportation the modern day equivalent of the ancient "Livery Companies" of the City of London? Have we, the people, been re-venued into a more despicable form of "corporate" feudalism than our ancestors came here to escape? Click on http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.aspx?compid=69398&strquery=livery+compan+franc hise+corporation+dissolv%20 and the 1920 Delaware Corporation book on the United States Corporation Company https://archive.org/stream/cu31924024643417#page/n90/mode/1up.

Transcript of United States Corporation Company: Certificate of incorporation

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