United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013

Transcript of United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

Page 1: United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

United States Coast Guard


U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River

July 24, 2013

Page 2: United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

United States Coast Guard


Sep. 26, 2012, near Lord Island … down river from Rainier, Oregon

$80,000 of OSLTF used

Vessel had been taking on water with 3 feet of standing water in engine room

Removed 7,100 gallons oily water and fuel


Page 3: United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

United States Coast Guard

On Nov. 1, 2012, reports were received of black oil on the beaches of Fisher Island, and a silver colored sheen was sighted within the vicinity. Sector Columbia River IMD personnel deployed with Washington DOE to investigate. Black oil, tar balls, and tar patties were discovered on the beach.

Cowlitz Clean Sweep was hired to conduct clean-up. With the aid of Cowlitz Clean Sweep, IMD and DOE conducted an extensive sweep of the area, but a source could not be determined.

Amount of Oil Spilled: UnknownOSLTF Costs: $8,707.70

SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS 2012-2013Fisher Island Tar Balls

Page 4: United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

United States Coast Guard

On Jan. 2, 2013, the FV Robert Henry ran hard aground among the rocks within the vicinity of Cape Arago, OR. The vessel had a fiberglass hull with steel fuel tanks containing 300 gallons of diesel.

Vessel broke apart amongst the waves and rocks. All debris and threats of pollution were removed, but it is estimated that a total of approximately 250 gallons of diesel was discharged.


Page 5: United States Coast Guard OSC BRIEFING U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River July 24, 2013.

United States Coast Guard

On Jan. 25, 2013, the FV GENESIS A ran aground at Ledbetter Point, south of the entrance for Willipa Bay.

675 gallons of diesel fuel, hydraulic oil, and lube oil was estimated to have been discharged from the vessel.

730 gallons of diesel fuel was successfully recovered from the vessel.


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United States Coast Guard

On Feb. 4, 2013, upon investigating a report of a silver sheen on the Willamette River, it was discovered that a hydraulic oil leak in an elevator shaft of a neighboring facility resulted in oil leaching through the ground and into a public waterworks outfall.

Sector Columbia River IMD Portland Detachment worked in conjunction with Oregon DEQ and the facility to coordinate a two week operation of repair and remediation to prevent further discharge.

It was estimated that a total of 316 gallons of hydraulic oil was lost. It is estimated that 50 gallons of hydraulic oil impacted the Willamette River.

SIGNIFICANT INCIDENTS 2012-2013Oregon City Hydraulic Spill

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United States Coast Guard

Sector Columbia River IMD July 2010 – July 2013IMD Responses:

650 Notifications

187 Unknown Sheen Cases

85 Mystery Drum Removals

17 Sunken Vehicles

114 Vessel Discharges

53 Facility Discharges or Releases


126 Letters of Warning

32 Notice of Violations

10 Class I Civil Penalty

01 Criminal

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United States Coast Guard

Sector Columbia River IMD Feb 2013 – July 2013IMD Responses:

228 Notifications

60 Unknown Sheen Cases

12 Mystery Drum Removals

2 Sunken Vehicles

15 Vessel Discharges

5 Facility Discharges or Releases


19 Letters of Warning

12 Notice of Violations

0 Class I Civil Penalty

0 Criminal

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United States Coast Guard

Sector Col. River IMD June 2012 – July 2013


Astoria cases 4 27 71

Portland cases 8 9 111

Sector Col. River 12 26 182

Oregon 7 16 138

Washington 5 10 43

Report of: Total

Mystery sheen 53

Mystery drums 47

Tsunami debris 18

Com. vsl. pollution 17

Facility pollution 16

Fish. vsl. pollution 9

Pleasure crft sinking 9

Misc. debris ashore 8

Public/gov’t vsl 8

Pleasure crft pollution 4

Fish. Vsl. Grounding 4

Vehicle pollution 3

Fish vsl. Sinking 3

Pleasure crft grounding 0

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United States Coast Guard

Looking Ahead

DOE Quarterly Meeting, July 31 RRT/NWAC Meeting in early November in Portland, Or. MFSA Oil Spill Prevention Subcommittee Meetings Derelict Vessel Task Force Meeting – Monthly Bi-weekly phone conferences with NOAA regarding Japanese Tsunami Marine Debris.