United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Bosnia...

United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-2019 Donor Coordination Forum 30 October, 2013 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Bosnia and Herzegovina 2015-2019

Donor Coordination Forum

30 October, 2013

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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United Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Rationale for the UNDAF (United Nations Development Assistance Framework)

• A coherent, effective response from the UN Country Team*

• Support achievement of national development priorities

*UNCT: the totality of UN operations in a country, including all resident

and non-resident agencies, funds and programmes

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UNDAF Road Map

• Three key elements of the UNDAF’s preparation process:

Final Evaluation of the current UNDAFCommon Country Assessment (CCA) / Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs) Progress ReportStrategic Planning (SPR and follow-up


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UNDAF Road Map• Timetable (2013):April: UNDAF final evaluationSeptember: Finalization of MDG Report/CCAOctober: Strategic Prioritization RetreatDecember: Finalization of the draft 2015-

2019 UNDAF for BiH

1st quarter 2014: Submission of UNDAF to the Council of Ministers

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2010 – 2014 UNDAF Final Evaluation

• 4 thematic areas: Democratic governance Social Inclusion Environment Human Security

• 40% of indicators-achieved, 30% - on target, 10% - failed • Total envisioned resource delivery: USD 180 Mil. USD• Projected total resource delivery: USD 240 Mil. USD

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MDGs in BiH

2013 Draft Report - Progress towards the realisation of MDGs in BiH

UNDAF Analytical Basis

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• Significant progress achieved in certain areas and limited in others

• To date, not a single MDG has been fully achieved in BiH (assessed against targets set for each MDG)

• Based on the key parameter/indicator MDG 4: Reduction of Child Mortality has been achieved, however success is overshadowed due to inequalities

• Considerable improvements are evident with MDG2 Education, MDG 6 HIV/AIDS and MDG 8 Global Partnership (in particular relating to a reduction in ODA).

• Some progress has been made in relation to MDG 3 Gender Equality and MDG5 Maternal Health

• Limited progress has been made in MDG7 Environment.

• Least progress is evident in relation to the achievement of MDG1 Poverty Reduction.

Achievement of MDGs in BiH by 2015?

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Progress against indicators

INDICATORS: 31 (45%) achieved/on track vs. 37 (55%) potentially/unlikely

Fully achieved

over 95% progress

Likely to be


80-95% progress

Potentially to be


50-80% progress

Unlikely to be


Under 50% progress

Out of the

68 indicators…

22 9 7 30

Under 800 days/28 months remain to reach the targets

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Poverty reduction Education

Every sixth household in BiH is poor 17.9% in relative poverty (under 416KM/213 EUR per month) 15% in absolute poverty (under 235KM/120EUR per month)

Extensive inequalities and social exclusion (Roma, People with disabilities, Elderly, Youth, Children)

Unbalanced development 6 cities vs. the rest of the country

Male Female Primary 97.6% 97.6%Secondary (all) 90.4% 93.1%Secondary (Roma) 9.2% 4.5%Higher 36.0% 39.9%Literacy (15-24 all) 99.9% 99.3%Literacy (15-24 Roma) 89.9% 68.9% Universal primary eduction at 97%Pre-school enrolment only 13%Access to education/inequalitiesQuality of educationQuality of vocational education/skills for labour market

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Gender Equality Reduce Child Mortality !

Male Female Employment rate 41.3% 23.0%Unemployment rate 26.1% 29.9%Active labour force 67.2% 32.8%Work in agriculture 19% 26%in Parliament 81% 19%As municipal mayors 97% 3% Inequalities in political representation

Inequalities in decision making positions

Inequalities in pay/remuneration

Infant mortality rate 7.6 (2000) to 5.0 (2012) per 100,000

35% decrease…. Roma - 24 per 100,000 in 2012

 Under 5 mortality rate

9.6 (2000) to 7.7 (2012) per 100,000 20% decrease

Roma - 27 per 100,000 in 2012 

Immunisation 2011 68% vs. 4% Roma

Early childbearing 2011 0.9% vs. 31% of Roma

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Maternal Health HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis

Maternal deaths5.5 per 100,000 live births in 2000

…. 47% decrease to 2.9 (2009) …

followed by 54% increase to 6.3 per 100,000 in 2011

 In 2011…

Assisted childbirths…. 99.9%Contraception prevalence 46%

Fertility rate1.21 child per woman

Natural growth rate – 0.8%

HIV prevalence per 100,000 population remains steady and under 1%

(total 187 cases by end of 2011) 

Tuberculosis prevalence per 100,000 population on an increase

from 50 in 2007 to 66 in 2012.

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Environmental Sustainability

Global Partnership

2011 2015 or most recent data target

% of forest area 42.8% 60%

% of protected areas 2% 6%

CO2 emissions 8 5

Access to water supply system 61.7% 67%

Access to sewage system 36% 40%

Surface cleared of landmines 20% 80%

2000 2012 Target 

ODA as % of GDP 11.1% 2.3% 1%

External public debt/GDP ratio 35.2% 27.5% 25%

Exports/GDP ratio 17.9% 30.4% 43%

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Unfinished business of MDGs in BiH• With significant and consolidated efforts, by the end of 2015, BiH could

potentially achieve 4 of the 8 MDGs:– MDG 2 Education (achieve pre-school enrolment rate of 35%, improve

access to education, improve quality of education) – MDG 4 Reduction of Child Mortality and MDG 5 Maternal Health (through

improvement of access to services of vulnerable groups such as Roma)– MDG 6 HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis (focus on decrease of tuberculosis

prevalence)Post-2015 agenda

Conflict and Fragility Education Energy


Food securityand nutrition Governance

Growth andEmployment Health

InequalitiesPopulationDynamics Water

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Top 5 Development Priorities for UN focus:Citizens

National counterparts

International community UN Staff

1 Economic Development and


1 Economic Development

and Employment

1 Social Inclusion and


1 Rural and Local Development

2 Fight Corruption and

Organised Crime

2 Agricultural


2 Child Protection

2Economic Development and




Rural and Local Development

3 Fight Corruption and

Organised Crime4

Agricultural Development4

Water, Energy Efficiency and Environmental


3 Justice, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Refugee Protection

4 Water, Energy Efficiency

and Environmental Sustainability

5 Social Inclusion and


5 Rural and Local Development

3 Agricultural


5 Social Inclusion and


Justice, Rule of Law, Human Rights and Refugee Protection

5 Child Protection

3 Fight Corruption and

Organised Crime


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UNDAF Analytical Basis

2013 Common Country Assessment (CCA) for Bosnia and Herzegovina

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2013 BiH Common Country Analysis

• Purpose UN assessment of development challenges in BiH Focus on priority development sectors in line with

the UN mandateAnalytical basis for UNDAF strategic planning Suggests prioritization of areas for future

partnership between UN and BiH

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2013 BiH Common Country Analysis• Sectors

Governance/Political Rule of Law and Transitional Justice Corruption Human Rights Peacebuilding and Inter-cultural


Security Ageing Military Stockpiles Disaster Risk Reduction Migration, Asylum and Human


Socio-economic Rural/Local Economic

Development Labor Market Refugees and Displaced Persons Census and Population

Dynamics Social Inclusion and Protection Health Education Culture Environment and Energy


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• Analyzing elements Legal context (laws, policies,

international conventions) Main disaggregated data and trends Effects on people (vulnerable groups) Capacity needs Potential areas for action

2013 BiH Common Country Analysis

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• Cross-cutting challenges Implementation of

strategies/policies/sector reforms Access to services Human and financial capacities Coordination/harmonization

2013 BiH Common Country Analysis

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• UN comparative advantage Mandate Neutrality Field presence Resources including human capacities Multi-sectoral expertise

2013 BiH Common Country Analysis

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• Priority areas Sustainable Human Development

Governance, Justice and Human Security

Social Investment and Inclusion

2013 BiH Common Country Analysis

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2015-2019 UNDAF Strategic Prioritization Retreat

• Purpose Review major development challenges in BiH and

the comparative advantages of the UNCT Validated priority themes for the UNDAF and

discuss the main expected results Discuss proposed implementation and coordination

mechanisms Endorse the timeline for finalization of the UNDAF

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2015-2019 UNDAF Strategic Prioritization Retreat

UN Cooperation Strategy 2015 – 2019 to BiHUN Cooperation Strategy 2015 – 2019 to BiH

Anticipated financial envelope for 2015-2019: 200 Mil. USDAnticipated financial envelope for 2015-2019: 200 Mil. USD

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Mechanisms for UNDAF implementation

• UN Reform – Delivering as One

Better cohesion between the UN agencies

Flexible approach to fit the country’s context

Strengthened national ownership

Simplified engagement for governments and development partners.

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Delivering as One

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Joint Steering Committee

Provides strategic oversight of the One Programme

Reviews and validates the joint UN Work Plans

Inclusive participation

Co-chaired by UN and BiH

Meets once or twice per year

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• Consultations with international partners – 12 November

• Consultations with CSOs representatives – last week of November

• Draft UNDAF: early December

• Invite BiH authorities/UN to review the draft UNDAF

• Submit the document to the BiH Council of Ministers: first quarter 2014

Next Steps

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Contact informationAris Seferovic, [email protected]

Envesa Hodzic-Kovac, [email protected]