UNITED ST UNITED ST UNITED ST UNITED ST UNITED STATES TES TES TES TES Please find below the list of the social security legislation of your country available in NATLEX, the ILO database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the International Labour Standards Department. This legislation will be referred to by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) for the purpose of preparing the General Survey on social security instruments. In order to provide the CEACR with the most up-to-date legislation, please complete this list with new or amended legislation and signal any other corrections to be made.

Transcript of UNITED STAAATES€¦ · 2 SOCIAL SECURITY (GENERAL STANDARDS) USA-1944-L-80544 1944-07-01 Public...

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Please find below the list of the social security legislation of your country available in NATLEX, the ILO database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the International Labour Standards Department. This legislation will be referred to by the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (CEACR) for the purpose of preparing the General Survey on social security instruments. In order to provide the CEACR with the most up-to-date legislation, please complete this list with new or amended legislation and signal any other corrections to be made.

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Public Health Service Act (Title 42USC, Chapter 6A)

Act on-line, US Code, Government ofthe United StatesRegulates health services in the US, including administration and organization of services, research, preventive measures with respect to certain diseases, health information and promotion, grants and vaccines etc.

Amending text(s): (USA-2008-L-80542) 2008-04-23. Safety of Seniors Actof 2007 Public Law 110-202 [S485].

Amending text(s): (USA-2002-L-62963) 2002-10-26. Health Care SafetyNet Amendments of 2000 (Public Law 107-251).

Amending text(s): (USA-1990-L-22342) 1990-11-16. National Health ServiceCorps Revitalization Amendments of 1990. Public Law 1010-597 (H.R.4487).

Amending text(s): (USA-1990-L-22355) 1990-11-16. National Institutes ofHealth Amendments of 1990. Public Law 101-613 (S.2857).

Amending text(s): (USA-1990-L-21851) 1990-11-06. Disadvantaged MinorityHealth Improvement Act of 1990. Public Law 101-527 (H.R. 5702).

Amending text(s): (USA-1988-L-7463) 1988-10-24. Health MaintenanceOrganization Amendments of 1988. Public Law 100-517 (H.R. 3235).

Amending text(s): (USA-1988-L-7457) 1988-08-10. Community and MigrantHealth Centers Amendments of 1988. Public Law 100-386 (S. 2385).

Amending text(s): (USA-1986-L-2522) 1986-04-24. Health ServicesAmendments Act of 1986. Public Law 99-280 (S. 1282).

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y A c t ( A m e n d m e n t )P.L. 110-54 [H.R. 2429].

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 2007-01-03, 110thCongress - First Session, Volume 1, p.121 Stat. 551 (INFORM P60904)Amends Title XVIII of the Socail Security Act to provide an exception to the 60 day limit on Medicare reciprocal arrangements between to physicans during the period in which one of the physicians is ordered to active duty as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces.

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Social Securi ty Protect ion Act of2004 (Public Law 108-203).

U S C o n g r e s s i o n a l C o d e a n dAdministrative News, 2004-05, No. 3,pp. 493-541 (INFORM P60904)Public Law 108-203, GPO Access, USAAmends Social Security Act and Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide additional safeguards for Social Security and Supplemental Social Security Income beneficiaries with representative payees. Divided into 4 parts. Part 1 makes provision for protection of beneficiaries. Inter alia contains provisions regarding oversight of representative payees, and authority to reissue benefits misued by organisational representative payees. Part 2 provides for programme protection. Part 3 makes provision for attorney representative fee payment system improvements. Part 4 contains miscellaneous provisions and makes technical adjustments.

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Job Creation and Worker AssistanceAct, 2002 (Public Law 107-147).

Uni ted Sta tes Congress iona l andAdministrative News, 2002-05, No. 3,pp. 21-63 (INFORM P60904)Divided into six parts. Part I contains business provisions. Provides for special depreciation allowance for certain property acquired after September 10, 2001, and before September 11, 2004. Also allows for carryback of certain net operating losses for five years, and for temporary suspension of 90 percent AMT limit. Part II deals with unemployment assistance. Part III provides for tax incentives for New York City and distressed areas. Part IV contains miscellaneous and technical provisions. Part V establishes that nothing in this Act shall be construed to amend or alter title II of Social Security Act. Finally, Part VI provides for extensions of certain expiring provisions.

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T i m e L i m i t s f o r D i s p o s i t i o n o fR e s o u r c e s i n t h e S u p p l e m e n t a lSecurity Income Program Rule (20 CFRPart 416)

Federal Register, 1993-11-15, Vol.58, No. 218, pp. 60103-60105, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Provides that if an individual filing for supplemental security income (SSI) benefits has excess resources, payment is permitted on the condition that the individual dispose of the excess resources within a time period specified by the Secretary.

Date of entry into force: 1993-11-15

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R e f u g e e R e s e t t l e m e n t P r o g r a m :Refugee Cash Assistance and RefugeeMedical Assistance Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 0 )

Federal Register, 1993-12-08, Vol.58, No. 234, pp. 64499-64508, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends current regulations to establish a methodology by which the Office of Refugee Resettlement (OOR) will determine each year the duration of eligibility for Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA), based on available appropriated funds for the year.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-07

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisability Insurance; Suspension ofB e n e f i t s W h e r e I n d i v i d u a l i sD e p o r t e d ; E x e m p t i o n F r o m S o c i a lSecurity Because of Religious BeliefsRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1993-12-10, Vol.58, No. 236, pp. 64886-64890, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Concerns the suspension of social security benefits if an individual is deported under certain provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act, an exemption from Social Security for employees and employer who are both members of certain religious faiths opposed to acceptance of insurance benefits including those provided by Social Security, and an exemption from Social Security for certain employees of churches and church-controlled organisations.

Date of entry into force: 1993-12-10

Related text(s): (USA-1952-L-31157) 1952. Immigration and Nationality Actof 1952

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e D e t e r m i n i n gDisability and Blindness; Extensionof Expiration Date for CardiovascularSystem List ing Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1993-07-06, Vol.58, No. 127, pp. 36133-36134, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)

Date of entry into force: 1993-07-06

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S u p p l e m e n t a l S e c u r i t y I n c o m e ;Determining Disability for a ChildUnder Age 18 Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1993-09-09, Vol.58, No. 173, pp. 47532-47587, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the disability evaluation and determination process for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims of children based on disability.

Date of entry into force: 1993-09-09

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;P r e s u m p t i v e D i s a b i l i t y a n dPresumptive Blindness Rule (20 CFRPart 416)

Federal Register, 1993-07-02, Vol.58, No. 126, pp. 36059-36064, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the regulations that describe how to make findings of presumptive disability or presumptive blindness. Clarifies the presumptive disability rules and incorporate procedures into the regulations that are now in operating instructions.

Date of entry into force: 1993-07-02

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance; Extension ofSocial Security Coverage to CertainWorkers; Medicare Only Coverage ofCertain State and Local GovernmentE m p l o y e e s ; M e d i c a r e Q u a l i f i e dGovernment Employment Rules (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1992-12-17, Vol.57, No. 243, pp. 59911-59915, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises rules in Subpart K-Employment, Wages, Self-Employment Income-Part 404 of title 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations to reflect statutory enactments that extend social security coverage to certain work situations; and extends Medicare coverage to certain employees of States and their local governments.

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Date of entry into force: 1992-12-17

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled; TitleXVI Technical Changes Rules (20 CFRPart 416)

Federal Register, 1992-11-24, Vol.57, No. 227, pp. 55087-55089, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the supplemental security income (SSI) regulations to make technical changes to update the regulations and restore text omitted from the Code of Federal Regulations.

Date of entry into force: 1992-11-24

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Social Security Act of 1935U. S. Code, 1982, Vol. 15, pp. 554-1204(DOC.NORMES)Chapter 7, Social Security, consists of twenty subchapters with the following headings: I. Grants to States for Old-Age Assistance, II. Federal Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits, III. Grants to States for Unemployment Compensation Administration, IV. Grants to States for Aid and Services to Needy Families with Children and for Child-Welfare Services, V. Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant, VI. Grants to States for Services to the Aged, Blind, or Disabled (all sections repealed), VIII. Taxes with Respect to Employment (all sections omitted), IX. Employment Security Administrative Financing, X. Grants to States for Aid to the Blind, XI. General Provisions and Professional Standards Review, XII. Advances to State Unemployment Funds, XIII. Reconversion Unemployment Benefits for Seamen (all sections omitted), XIV. Grants to States for Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled, XV. Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (all sections repealed), XVI. Supplemental Security Income for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled, XVII. Grants for Planning Comprehensive Action to Combat Mental Retardation, XVIII. Health Insurance for the Aged and Disabled, XIX. Grants to States for Medical Assistance Programs, and XX. Block Grant to States for Social Services.

Date of entry into force: 1935-08-35

Amending text(s): (USA-2007-L-78628) 2007-08-03. Social Security Act(Amendment) P.L. 110-54 [H.R. 2429].

Amending text(s): (USA-2004-L-67380) 2004-03-02. Social SecurityProtection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-203).

Amending text(s): (USA-1987-L-29096) 1987-10-16. Medicare CatastrophicLoss Prevention Act of 1987.

Amending text(s): (USA-1987-L-4613) 1987-08-18. Medicare and MedicaidPatient and Program Protection Act of 1987. Public Law 100-93 (H.R. 1444).

Amending text(s): (USA-1984-L-1447) 1984-10-09. Social Security DisabilityBenefits Reform Act of 1984. Public Law 98-460 (H.R. 3755).

Amending text(s): (USA-1980-L-11903) 1980-06-09. Social Security DisabilityAmendments of 1980. Public Law 96-265 (H.R. 3236).

Amending text(s): (USA-1977-L-13165) 1977-12-20. Social SecurityAmendments of 1977. Public Law 95-216 (H.R. 9346)

Amending text(s): (USA-1977-L-13163) 1977-11-12. Act to extend certainSocial Security Act Provisions. Public Law 95-171 (H.R. 3387).

Amending text(s): (USA-1976-L-13556) 1976-09-07. Act to amend title XXof the Social Security Act so as to permit greater latitude by the states inestablishing criteria respecting eligibility for social services, to facilitate andencourage the implementation by states of child day care servicesprograms conducted pursuant to such title, to promote the employment ofwelfare recipients in the provision of child day care services, and for otherpurposes. Public Law 94-401 (H.R. 12455).

Amending text(s): (USA-1975-L-18764) 1975-12-31. Act to amend theSocial Security Act. Public Law 94-182 (H.R. 10284).

Amending text(s): (USA-1975-L-18745) 1975-01-04. Act to amend theSocial Security Act. Public Law 93-647 (H.R. 17045)

Amending text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad RetirementAct of 1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

Amending text(s): (USA-1972-L-16691) 1972-10-30. Act to amend theSocial Security Act. Public Law 92-603 (H.R. 1).

Amending text(s): (USA-1968-L-18357) 1968-01-02. Social SecurityAmendment of 1967. Public Law 90-248 (H.R. 12080).

Related text(s): (USA-1992-R-31774) 1992-05-13. Aid to Families WithDependent Children and Adult Assistance Programs; Computer Matchingand Privacy Protection Act Rule (45 CFR Part 205)

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Repeal of Special Disability Standardfor Widows, Widowers, and SurvivingDivorced Spouses Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1992-07-08, Vol.57, No. 131, pp. 30116-30121, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Reflects provisions of section 5103 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, that change the definition of disability for widows, widowers and surviving divorced spouses from one based on the inability to do any “gainful activity” to the same definition used for all other claimants for disability benefits under title II of the Social Security Act, i.e., inability to engage in any “substantial gainful activity.”

Date of entry into force: 1992-07-08

Related text(s): (USA-1990-L-22370) 1990-11-03. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R. 5835).

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Valuation of Plan Benefits and PlanAsse ts Fo l l ow ing Mass W i thd rawa lInterest Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 7 6 )

Federal Register, 1992-08-14, Vol.57, No. 158, p. 36603, ISSN: 0097-6326(INFORM P60901)This is an amendment to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Valuation of Plan Benefits and Plan Assets Following Mass Withdrawal. The regulation prescribes rules for evaluating benefits and certain assets of multiemployer plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

Date of entry into force: 1992-09-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRPart 2619)

Federal Register, 1992-08-14, Vol.57, No. 158, pp. 36602-36603, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)This amendment to the regulation on Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans contains the interest rates and factors for the period beginning September 1, 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-09-01

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Late Premium Payments and EmployerL i a b i l i t y U n d e r p a y m e n t s a n dO v e r p a y m e n t s ; I n t e r e s t R a t e f o rDetermining Variable Rate Premium;Amendments to Interest Rates Rule(29 CFR Parts 2610 and 2622)

Federal Register, 1992-01-15, Vol.57, No. 10, pp. 1643-1644 (INFORMP60901/1)This rule under section 4006 of the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 notifies the public of the interest rate applicable to late premium payments and employer liability underpayments and overpayments for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1992, and for valuing unfunded vested benefits for premium purposes for plan years beginning in November 1991 through January 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-01-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;S u b p a r t K - I n c o m e a n d S u b p a r t L -Resources and Exclusions; Exclusionof Interest on Burial Spaces Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1992-01-14, Vol.57, No. 9, pp. 1383-1384 (INFORMP60901/1)Reflects amendments to the Social Security Act by the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1989; as a result of these amendments an exclusion is provided for supplemental security income purposes from income of the interest accrued on, and left to accumulate as part of, the value of an excluded burial space purchase agreement entered into by an individual or the individual’s spouse; and provides an exclusion from resources of the value of a burial space purchase agreement.

Date of entry into force: 1990-04-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

Related text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;I n c l u s i o n o f C e r t a i n D e f e r r e dCompensa t i on i n De te rm ina t i on o fWage-Based Adjustments Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1992-01-14, Vol.57, No. 9, pp. 1379-1382 (INFORM)Reflects changes made under section 10208 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, which provides for inclusion of contributions to certain deferred compensation plans in the determination of the national average wage indexing series, beginning with average wages for 1991.

Date of entry into force: 1992-01-14

Basic text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

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Related text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

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D i s a s t e r U n e m p l o y m e n t A s s i s t a n c eRule (20 CFR Part 625)

Federal Register, 1991-05-16, Vol.56, No. 95, pp. 22800-22806 (INFORM)Amends regulations under section 407 of the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, by reducing the maximum duration of disaster unemployment assistance from one year to 26 weeks, by disqualifying individuals entitled to unemployment insurance, and by providing a statutory right of appeal re eligibility decisions.

Date of entry into force: 1991-05-16

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Disability Insurance and SupplementalSecur i ty Income; Menta l D isordersin Children Rule (20 CFR Parts 404and 416)

Federal Register, 1991-12-12, Vol.55, No. 239, pp. 51208-51236 (INFORMP60901)Amendments revising the criteria used to evaluate mental disorders in children under the age of 18 for the disability programs in titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act, conforming with the Supreme Court’s decision of February 20, 1990, in Sullivan v. Zelbey et al.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-12

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisabi l i ty and Bl indness; Addit ionof Down Syndrome and Other SeriousHereditary, Congenital or AcquiredD i s o r d e r s t o t h e L i s t i n g o fImpairments Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1991-12-12, Vol.55, No. 239, pp. 51204-51208 (INFORM)Amendments revising criteria for determining (for Social Security or supplemental security income benefits) whether children’s impairments meet or equal the severity of impairments found in the listed multiple body system disorders, according with the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Sullivan v. Zebley, et al.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-12

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Prohibit ion Against Termination ofCoverage for American Citizens andR e s i d e n t s W o r k i n g A b r o a d f o r aFore ign Af f i l ia te o f an Amer icanEmployer and Extension of DisabilityI n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m D e m o n s t r a t i o nProject Authority Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1990-12-17, Vol.55, No. 242, pp. 51686-51688 (INFORMP60901)Revisions, concerning Social Security coverage agreements entered into by American employers with respect to their foreign affiliates, prohibit termination of coverage and create demonstration projects intended to test ways of encouraging individuals entitled to disability insurance benefits to return to work.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-17

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;E l i m i n a t i o n o f t h e C a r r y o v e rReduction in Old-Age and DisabilityInsurance Benefits Due to the Receiptof Widow’s or Widower’s InsuranceBenefits Prior to Age 62 Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1990-12-07, Vol.55, No. 236, pp. 50550-50551 (INFORM)Amendments to regulations on the carryover reduction in old-age and disability insurance benefits due to the receipt of widow’s or widower’s insurance benefits prior to the age of 62, such that old-age insurance benefits and disability insurance shall be computed without regard to entitlement to widow’s or widower’s insurance benefits before age 62.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-07

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Standards o f Per formance for NewStat ionary Sources; Polypropylene,Polyethylene, Polystyrene, and Poly-( e t h y l e n e t e r e p h t h a l a t e )Manufacturing Industry Rule (40 CFRPart 60)

Federal Register, 1990-12-11, Vol.55, No. 238, pp. 51010-51054 (INFORMP60901)Promulgation of standards of performance for polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene, and poly(ethylene terephthalate) plants, implementing section 111 of the Clean Air Act, in order to project the public against air pollution which may endanger health or welfare.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-11

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M e d i c a r e P r o g r a m ; H o s p i c e C a r eAmendments: Medicare Rule (42 CFRPart 418)

Federal Register, 1990-12-11, Vol.55, No. 238, pp. 50831-50835 (INFORM)Amendments to the hospice care provisions on physician certification of terminal illness in order to conform to Health Care Financing Administration rules and in order to encourage greater participation of hospices in the Medicare program.

Date of entry into force: 1991-01-10

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Medicaid Program; Eligibility Groups,C o v e r a g e a n d C o n d i t i o n s o fE l i g i b i l i t y ; L e g i s l a t i v e C h a n g e sunder OBRA ’87, COBRA and TEFRA Rule(42 CFR Parts 433, 435, 436, 440 and4 4 7 )

Federal Register, 1991-11-21, Vol.55, No. 225, pp. 48601-48611 (INFORM)Amendments to the Medicaid regulations incorporating or revising the following mandatory and optional eligibility groups of individuals for coverage: 1) pregnat women; 2) qualified children under a specified age; 3) children in adoptions or foster care; 4) certain disabled widows and widowers; and 5) certain disabled children being cared for at home. The rule also adds a condition of eligibility relating to third party liability for medical assistance expenditures.

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Omnibus Budget Reconc i l ia t ion Actof 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R.5 8 3 5 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 1388 (INFORM)Provides for budgetary reconciliation for the fiscal year 1991, including amendments to: the Student Loan Default Prevention Initiative Act; the Social Security Act, concerning health-related programs and income security programs; benefits earned under civil service and postal service programs; and the treatment of reversions of qualified plan assets to employers.

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26748) 1991-10-11. Federal Old-Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance; Payment of Benefits to a Child Adoptedby a Surviving Spouse Rule (Regulation No.4) (20 CFR Part 404)

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26754) 1991-10-10. Federal Old-Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits; Continued Payment ofBenefits During Appeal Rule (Regulation No.4) (20 CFR Part 404)

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-30359) 1991-10-04. Repeal of SpecialDisability Standard for Widows, Widowers, and Surviving DivorcedSpouses Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

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Vacine and Immunization Amendmentsof 1990. Public Law 101-502 (H.R.4 2 3 8 ) .

U.S. Code Congressional AdministrativeNews, 1991-01, No. 10B, p. 104 STAT.1285 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act to extend various programs with respect to vaccine-preventable diseases.

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Augustus F. Hawkins Human ServicesReauthorization Act of 1990. PublicLaw 101-501 (H.R.4151).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 1222 (INFORM P60904)Authorizes appropriations for fiscal years 1991 through 1994 carries out the Head Start Act, the Follow Through Act, the Community Services Block Grant Act, carries out programs directed to special populations of the poor, provides low-income home energy assistance, provides services for children, youth, and families, and for other purposes.

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Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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S t e w a r t B . M c K i n n e y H o m e l e s sAssistance Amendments Act of 1990.Publ ic Law 101-645 (H.R.3789).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 4673 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act to extend programs providing urgently needed assistance for the homeless, and for other purposes.

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C r a n s t o n - G o n z a l e z N a t i o n a lA f f o r d a b l e H o u s i n g A c t o f 1 9 9 0 .Public Law 101-625 (S.566).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News., 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 4079 (INFORM P60904)Authorizes a new HOME Investment Partnerships program, a National Homeownership Trust program, and Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere programs, amends and extends certain laws relating to housing, community and neighborhood preservation, and related programs (including support for programs for the elderly, the disabled, persons with AIDS, and for indigenous peoples), and for other purposes.

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F o o d , A g r i c u l t u r e , C o n s e r v a t i o n ,and Trade Act of 1990. Public Law101-624 (S .2830) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News., 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 3359 (INFORM P60904)Extends and revises agricultural price support and related programs, provides for agricultural export, resource conservation, farm credit, and agricultural research and related programs, ensures consumers an abundance of food and fiber at reasonable prices, and for other purposes; Title XVII of the Act concerns the Food Stamp Program and amends provisions of the Food Stamp Act of 1977.

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Olde r Worke rs Bene f i t P ro tec t i onAmendment Act. Publ ic Law 101-521(H.R. 5759) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1990-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 2287 (INFORM P60904)U.S. Labor and Employment Laws, 1991-03, West, R., BNA Books, Washington,D.C., United States of America, pp. 5-54-5-57 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 to clarify the application of such Act to employee group health plans.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-16

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N a t i o n a l H e a l t h S e r v i c e C o r p sRevital izat ion Amendments of 1990.Public Law 1010-597 (H.R. 4487).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 3013 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the program for the National Health Service Corps, and to establish certain programs of grants to the States for improving health services in the States, including amendments to the scholarship and loan programs supporting health care professionals, and supporting services in health professional shortage areas.

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-16

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Civi l Service Retirement Benefi ts:National Guard Technicians. Publ icLaw 101-530 (S.1890).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 2338 (INFORM P60904)Amendment to Title 5, United States Code, providing relief from certain inequities remaining in the crediting of National Guard technician service in connection with civil service retirement, and for other purposes.

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ;Social Securi ty Number Cards Rule(20 CFR Part 422)

Federal Register, 1990-11-06, Vol.55, No. 215, pp. 46661-46666 (INFORM)Amendment of rules on the issuing of Social Security Number (SSN) cards, including the role of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in accepting applications for SSN cards from aliens who have applied to legalize their status under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and clarifying and updating rules on the evidence any applicant must submit in support of an application for an SSN card.

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-06

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Olde r Worke rs Bene f i t P ro tec t i onAct. Public Law 101-433 (S.1511).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1990-12, No. 9,p. 104 STAT. 978-984 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (29 USC 621 et seq.) (Legislative Series, 1967-USA 1) to clarify the protection given to older individuals in regard to employee benefit plans, and for other purposes. The Act is also intended to ensure that older workers are not coerced or manipulated into waiving their rights to seek legal relief under the 1967 Act.

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Survivors Benefits, Health Benefits,a n d L i f e I n s u r a n c e f o r C e r t a i nAnnuitants Rule (5 CFR Parts 841,870 to 873 and 890)

Federal Register, 1990-10-10, Vol.55, No. 196, pp. 41178-41179 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-09

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Valuation of Plan Benefits and PlanAssets Fo l lowing Mass Wi thdrawal -Interest Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 7 6 )

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41689-41690 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-01

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Notice and Collection of Withdrawal;Adoption of New Interest Rate Rule(29 CFR Part 2644)

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41689 (INFORM)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC) regulation on Notice and Collection of Withdrawal Liability.

Date of entry into force: 1990-07-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in SingleEmployer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRPart 2619)

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41688-41689 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-01

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Late Premium Payments and EmployerL i a b i l i t y U n d e r p a y m e n t s a n dO v e r p a y m e n t s ; I n t e r e s t R a t e f o rDetermining Variable Rate Premium;Amendments to Interest Rates Rule(29 CFR Parts 2610 and 2622)

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41686-41688 (INFORM)Amendments notifying new interest rates to pension plan sponsors and pension practitioners.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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R e s t o r a t i o n o f T e r m i n a t i n g a n dTerminated Plans Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 2 5 )

Federal Register, 1990-10-23, Vol.55, No. 205, pp. 42713-42716 (INFORM)Regulation made by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to make provision for the legal obligation arising in consequence of the restoration by the Corporation of terminated plans pursuant to section 4047 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and for procedures for the orderly and effective operation of title IV of the Act with respect to a restored plan. 29 CFR Part 2625 is therefore added as a new part for this purpose.

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Date of entry into force: 1990-10-22

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Medicare Program; Changes to the In-patient Hospital Prospective PaymentSystem and Fiscal Year 1991 RatesRule (42 CFR Parts 412 and 413)

Federal Register, 1990-09-04, Vol.55, No. 171, pp. 35990-36175 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;Changes in the Annual Earnings TestRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1990-09-12, Vol.55, No. 177, pp. 37460-37462 (INFORM)Amendments to liberalize the payment of social security benefits in certain cases where a beneficiary has excess earnings during a taxable year.

Date of entry into force: 1990-09-12

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled; Paymento f B e n e f i t s , O v e r p a y m e n t s a n dU n d e r p a y m e n t s - O v e r p a y m e n t D e f i n e dRule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-08-17, Vol.55, No. 160, pp. 33667-33669 (INFORM)Implements section 2612 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-369), which amended section 1631(b)(1) of the Social security Act, by setting a limit on adjustment or recovery of a Supplemental security Income and/or federally administered State supplementary overpayment that the secretary (Social security Administration) may require.

Date of entry into force: 1990-08-17

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Employee Protect ion Benef i ts Rule(20 CFR Parts 395 to 398)

Federal Register, 1990-09-25, Vol.55, No. 186, pp. 39147-39148 (INFORMP60901)Removes part 395 (Regulations Under title VII of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act), part 396 (Regulations Under Section 106 of the Rock Island Railroad Transition and Employee Assistance Act), part 397 (Supplementary Unemployment Insurance) and part 398 (New Career Training Assistance), which are considered obsolete.

Date of entry into force: 1990-09-25

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Omnibus Budget Reconc i l ia t ion Actof 1989. Public Law 101-239.

Printed separately, 1989 (SECSOC)Contains the budget for fiscal year 1990, updates the provisions of certain chapters including Title Vl: Medicare, medicaid, maternal and child health, and other provisions, Title X: Miscelleanous and technical social security acts amendments.

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26753) 1991-10-07. Federal Old-Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits; Inclusion of Certain DeferredCompensation in Determination of Wage-Based Adjustments Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26755) 1991-09-23. Supplemental SecurityIncome for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled; Subpart K-Income and SubpartL-Resources and Exclusions; Exclusion of Interest on Burial Spaces Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y B e n e f i t s ; C o n t i n u e dPayment of Benefi ts During AppealRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1990-08-81, Vol.55, No. 170, pp. 35578-35579 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-08-31

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Med ica id P rog ram; E l i g i b i l i t y o fAl iens for Medicaid Rule (42 CFRParts 435, 436 and 440)

Federal Register, 1990-09-07, Vol.55, No. 174, pp. 36813-36823 (INFORM)Regulations revising current Medicaid rules applicable to aliens who meet eligibility requirements as categorically needy or medically needy.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-09

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Ret i r emen t ; A l t e rna t i ve Fo rms o fAnnuity Rule (5 CFR Parts 831 and8 4 2 )

Federal Register, 1990-02-09, Vol.55, No. 28, pp. 4597-4598 (INFORM)Interim Regulations implementing section 2 of Public Law 010-227 enacted 12 December 1989, changing the way lump-sum credit is paid to certain retirees who elect the alternative form of annuity provided by section 8343a and 8420a of title 5 of the United States Code.

Date of entry into force: 1989-12-03

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance Benefits; Effectof Pension from Noncovered EmploymentRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1990-05-24, Vol.55, No. 101, pp. 21380-21382 (INFORM)Amends statutory provisions providing for a modified computation of an individual’s social security benefit when he or she also receives a pension that is based on noncovered employment.

Date of entry into force: 1990-05-24

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind, and Disabled; RealProperty Which Is Not Counted WhenIt Cannot Be Sold and Transfer ofAssets for Less Than Fair MarketValue Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-03-21, Vol.55, No. 55, pp. 10415-10420 (INFORM)Regulations intended to liberalise policies relating to Supplemental Security Income benefits by not requiring the sale or transfer of real property under certain conditions.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-21

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Federal Employees Health Benefi ts;Medicare El igible Individuals Rule(5 CFR Part 890)

Federal Register, 1990-03-21, Vol.55, No. 55, p. 10395 (INFORM)Rescinds Regulations defining Medicare-eligible individuals who were entitled to a reduced health premium under the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988; this Act was repealed on 1989-12-13.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - a g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;Spouse’s Benefits - Certificate ofE lect ion to Estab l ish Ent i t lementRule (20 CFR Part 404 and 422)

Federal Register, 1990-06-25, Vol.55, No. 122, pp. 25824-25826 (INFORM)Amendments relating to entitlement to survivor’s benefits and old-age or disability benefits.

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Date of entry into force: 1990-06-25

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Limi ta t ion on Guaranteed Benef i tsin Single-Employer Plans Rule (29CFR Part 2621)

Federal Register, 1990-02-22, Vol.55, No. 36, pp. 6247-6248 (INFORM)Rule adding the maximum guaranteeable pension benefit that may be paid by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to a plan participant in a single-employer pension plan that terminates in 1990.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Benef i ts andSupp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rAged, Blind and Disabled; Recoveryof Overpayments and Other TechnicalChanges Rule (20 CFR Parts 404 and4 1 6 )

Federal Register, 1990-03-01, Vol.55, No. 41, pp. 7311-7313 (INFORM)Technical amendments concerning supplemental security income benefit payment made as a direct deposit to joint accounts.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance Benefits: RulesGoverning Social Securi ty Coverageof Federal Employment Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1990-06-19, No.118, pp. 24890-24891 (INFORM P60901)Final rule concerning the social security coverage of work performed by certain civilian employees for the U.S. Government or an instrumentality of the federal service. In particular, it amends and clarifies section 8015(a) with respect to the retention of benefits where civilian employees who are covered by social security move to other employment within the federal service.

Date of entry into force: 1990-06-19

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Civ i l Se rv i ce Re t i r emen t Sys tem;C i v i l S e r v i c e R e t i r e m e n t S p o u s eEquity Act; Implementation Rule (5CFR Part 831)

Federal Register, 1990-07-19, Vol.55, No. 139, pp. 29339-29340 (INFORMP60901)Amendments retroactively eliminating the requirement that the former employee execute an application for a refund of retirement deductions before a notary public.

Date of entry into force: 1990-09-17

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind, and Disabled Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-02-08, Vol.55, No. 27, pp. 4421-4423 (INFORM)Amendment increasing the maximum emergency advance payment that can be paid to an individual presumptively eligible for supplemental security income.

Date of entry into force: 1990-02-08

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Federal Employees Retirement System- General Administrat ion; Cost ofLiving Adjustments Rule (5 CFR Part8 4 1 )

Federal Register, 1990-04-17, Vol.55, No. 74, pp. 14229-14231 (INFORMP60901)Amends Regulations concerning the computation of cost of living adjustment of basic benefits under the Federal Retirement System.

Date of entry into force: 1990-05-17

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Consideration of Vocational FactorsRule (20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1990-03-26, Vol.55, No. 58, pp. 11009-11015 (INFORMP60901)Regulations clarifying implementation of the Social Security Act and their legislative history relating to disability determinations.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-26

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Act to amend the Social Securi tyAct. Public Law 94-182 (H.R. 10284).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdmin i s t r a t i ve News , 1976 -01 -30(INFORM)

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Act to amend the Social Securi tyAct. Public Law 93-647 (H.R. 17045)

Printed separately (INFORM)Inter alia, adds a new Title XX (Grant to states for services) and a new Part D (Child support and establishment of parternity) to Title IV, and repeals Title VI (Public health works).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance (1950-) - Old-Age , D i sab i l i t y , Dependan ts ’ andSurvivors’ Insurance Benefits: Periodof Disability Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1970-08-17 (INFORM)Amends para. 404.310: Per iod of d isabi l i ty ; condi t ions of ent i t lement.

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Social Security Amendment of 1967.Public Law 90-248 (H.R. 12080).

Printed separately (INFORM)Amends the Social Security Act to provide an increase in benefits under the old-age, survivors’, and disability insurance system, to provide benefits for additional categories of individuals, to improve the public assistance program and programs relating to the welfare and health of children, and for other purposes.

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Act to amend the Social Securi tyAct. Public Law 92-603 (H.R. 1).

Printed separately (INFORM)

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Social and Rehabil i tat ion Service:Ass is tance Programs Rule (42 CFRParts 234, 248 and 249)

Federal Register, 1974-01-17 (INFORM)Amends Parts 234 (Financial assistance to individuals), 248 (Coverage and conditions of eligibility in financial assistance programs), 249 (Services and payment in medical assistance programs), and 25) (Administration of medical assistance programs).

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M i n i m u m S t a n d a r d s f o r E m p l o y e ePens ion Benef i ts P lans under theEmployee Retirement Security Act of1974 Rule (20 CFR Part 2530)

Federal Register, 1976-12-28 (INFORM)

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Act to amend title XX of the SocialSecurity Act so as to permit greaterlatitude by the states in establishingcriteria respecting eligibility forsocial services, to facilitate ande n c o u r a g e t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n b ystates of child day care servicesprograms conducted pursuant to suchtitle, to promote the employment ofwelfare recipients in the provisionof child day care services, and forother purposes. Publ ic Law 94-401(H.R. 12455) .

Federal Register, 1976-09-30 (INFORMP60901)

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Social Security Amendments of 1977.Public Law 95-216 (H.R. 9346)

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1978-01 (INFORM)Amends the Social Security Act [LS 1935-USA 2...1952-USA 1] and the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to strengthen the financing of the social security system, and for other purposes. Numerous amendments to Titles I to V.

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Act to extend certain Social SecurityAct Provisions. Publ ic Law 95-171(H.R. 3387) .

U.S. Code Congressional AdministrativeNews, 1977-12 (INFORM P60904)Inter alia, amends sections 403(a), 406(b) and 457(c) (aid payment to families with dependent children).

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S o c i a l S e r v i c e s P r o g r a m s f o rIndividuals and Families: Title XXof the Social Security Act Rule (45CFR Part 228)

Federal Register, 1977-01-31 (INFORMP60901)

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Federal Mine Safety and Health Actof 1977, as amended Rule (20 CFRParts 715, 717, 720, 725 and 727)

Federal Register, 1978-08-18 (INFORM)Repeals Parts 715, 717 and 720, replaces Part 725 Claims for benefits under Part C of Title IV of the Federal Mines Safety and Health Act, as amended, and inserts a new Part 727-Review of pending and denied claims under the Black Lung Benefits Reform Act of 1977.

Basic text(s): (USA-1978-L-12680) 1978-03-01. Black Lung BenefitsReform Act of 1977. Public Law 95-239 (H.R. 4544).

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Execu t i ve Orde r es tab l i sh ing t hePres ident ’s Commiss ion on Pens ionPolicy (No. 12071)

Federal Register, 1978-07-14 (INFORM)

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Act to amend the Social Securi tyAct. Public Law 96-473 (H.R. 5295).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1980-12 (INFORM)

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Hea l th Ma in tenance Organ iza t i ons :E m p l o y e e s ’ H e a l t h B e n e f i t P l a n sRule (42 CFR Part 110)

Federal Register, 1980-10-31 (INFORM)

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Social Security Disability Amendmentsof 1980. Publ ic Law 96-265 (H.R.3 2 3 6 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1980-07 (INFORMP60904)Amends the Social Security Act [LS 1939-USA 2 (consolidation...1952-USA 1] to provide better work incentives and improved accountability in the disability programs, and for other purposes. Numerous amendments.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisability Insurance Benefits; BlackLung Benefits; Supplemental SecurityIncome fo r the Aged, B l ind , andD i s a b l e d ; O r g a n i z a t i o n a n dProcedures; Appl icat ion of CircuitCourt Law Rule (20 CFR Parts 404,410, 416 and 422)

Federal Register, 1990-01-11, Vol.55, No. 8, pp. 1012-1021 (INFORM)Regulations implementing a new policy for applying holdings of the U.S. Court of Appeals in adjudicating certain claims under the Social Security Act and the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-11

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Sickness Benefits Rule (20 CFR Part3 3 5 )

Federal Register, 1989-10-20, Vol.54, No. 202, pp. 43057-43060 (INFORM)Amendments relating to sickness benefits to clarify and to liberalise certain time limits relating to the filing of claims under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act.

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-20

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Determining Disability and Blindness;Substant ia l Gain fu l Act iv i ty Rule(20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1989-12-29, Vol.54, No. 249, pp. 53600-53605 (INFORM)Raises, inter alia, from $300 to $500 the average monthly earnings guidelines used to determine whether persons with impairments other than blindness are able to undertake substantial gainful activity for purposes of Social Security disability benefits provided under title II of the Social Security Act.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Family Relat ionships Rule (20 CFRPart 222)

Federal Register, 1989-10-19, Vol.54, No. 201, pp. 42949-42956 (INFORMP60901)Amendment to Regulations by adding a new Part 222 which defines the relationships to a railroad employee which a claimant may have to establish in order to qualify for benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-19

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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Evidence Required for Payment Rule(20 CFR Part 219)

Federal Register, 1989-08-03, Vol.54, No. 148, pp. 31939-31949 (INFORMP60901)Revision of Part 219 of the Regulations of the Railroad Retirement Board concerning the type of evidence that a claimant may provide in support of his or her application for benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1989-08-03

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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E s s e n t i a l P e r s o n s ; E l i g i b i l i t yCoverage and Conditions Rule (45 CFRPart 233)

Federal Register, 1989-01-24, Vol.54, No. 14, pp. 3448-3452 (INFORMP60901)This regulation precludes the states from considering individuals who do not provide an essential benefit or service to a family from being considered to be essential persons under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children programme.

Date of entry into force: 1989-01-24

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C l a r i f i c a t i o n o f D e f i n i t i o n o fEmp loyee Rep resen ta t i ve Ru le (20CFR Part 205)

Federal Register, 1988-10-06, Vol.53, No. 194, pp. 39255-39256 (INFORMP60901)Includes the definition, factors considered, service of an employee representative and termination of that status, for purposes of entitlement to benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1988-10-06

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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Retirement Law Enforcement Officersand Firefighters Rule (5 CFR Part8 3 1 )

Federal Register, 1987-12-17, Vol.52, No. 242, pp. 47893-47897 (INFORMP60901)Regulations on the special retirement system for such employees under civil service retirement law.

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Supplementary Secur i ty Income fort h e A g e d , B l i n d a n d D i s a b l e d ;Residence and Citizenship Rule (20CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1987-06-10, Vol.52, No. 111, pp. 21939-21945 (INFORM)Criteria for determining whether an alien is permanently residing in the United States for purposes of eligibility for supplemental security income benefits.

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C e r t i f i c a t i o n o f E l i g i b i l i t y t oA p p l y f o r W o r k e r A d j u s t m e n tAssistance Rule (29 CFR Part 90)

Federal Register, 1987-06-19, Vol.52, No. 118, pp. 23400-23403 (INFORMP60901)Regulations on certifications of eligibility to apply for worker adjustment assistance under Ch. 2 of Title II of the Trade Act of 1974 in cases of jobs lost in relation to imports.

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-5040) 1974-01-03. Trade Act of 1974. PublicLaw 93-618 (H.R 10710).

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Pension and Retirement Plans Rule(29 CFR Part 860)

Federal Register, 1987-03-18, Vol.52, No. 52, p. 8448 (INFORM P60901)This rescission by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concerns interpretations of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (LS 1967 - USA 1) in relation to employer contributions to pension and retirement plans for employees who continue to work beyond normal retirement age.

Basic text(s): (USA-1967-L-18815) 1967-12-15. Age Discrimination inEmployment Act of 1967. Public Law 90-202 (S. 830).

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Trade Adjustment for Workers Rule(20 CFR Part 617 and 29 CFR Part 91)

Federal Register, 1986-12-12, Vol.51, No. 245, pp. 45840-45870 (INFORMP60901)These revised regulations reorganise and revamp existing rules affecting the rights and obligations of workers for services and allowances under the Trade Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-618) and implement the amendments to that Act made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35). Issued by the Department of Labour, they detail the qualifying requirements for receiving trade adjustment assistance benefits, which are available to individuals who have become unemployed as a result of increased imports. They address re-employment services, job search allowances, relocation allowances, appeals, the relationship to unemployment benefits and other administrative matters.

Date of entry into force: 1987-01-22

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-5040) 1974-01-03. Trade Act of 1974. PublicLaw 93-618 (H.R 10710).

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Employment Opportunities for DisabledAmer icans Act . Pub l ic Law 99-643(H.R. 5595) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1987-01, No. 11,7 p. (INFORM P60904)Makes the provisions of section 1619 of the Social Security Act (which would have remained in effect only through 30 June 1987) permanent and is intended to improve the benefits afforded to disabled personsection It also clarifies the relationship of the benefits available under section 1619 to those under other social security programmesection

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Tax Reform Act of 1986. Public Law99-514 (H.R. 3838).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-11, No. 9A,879 p. (INFORM P60904)Contains provisions relating to taxation of unemployment compensation benefits, extension and modification of the tax credit for targeted jobs and amendments related to various social security programmes, inter alia. Comprehensively revises the internal revenue laws.

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Omnibus Budget Reconc i l ia t ion Actof 1986. Public Law 99-509 (H.R.5 3 0 0 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-12, No. 10,206 p. (INFORM)Contains the budget for fiscal year 1987. Title IX - Subtitle C (Older Americans Pension Benefits) amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (LS 1967 - USA 1) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of age in employee pension benefit plans (sections 9201-9204). Title IX - Subtitle D contains a series of amendments relating to the medicare programme (medical care for older persons; sections 9301-9353). Provisions regarding medicaid (medical care for indigents) and maternal and child health are contained in Title IX - Subtitle E (sections 9401-9443).

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Social Security Benefits; Corrections(20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1986-04-30, Vol.51, No. 83, pp. 16015-16016 (INFORM)Corrects the final rules published in the Federal Register of 6 Dec. 1985 (p. 50118 and 50068) and of 14 Apr. 1986 (p. 12600).

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y ; C o s t o f L i v i n gIncreases; Delayed Retirement Creditsand Maximum Family Benefits Rule (20CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1986-04-14, Vol.51, No. 71, pp. 12600-12607 (INFORM)Concerns various measures taken pursuant to the Social Security Amendments of 1983 and the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984.

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Social Securi ty Benefi ts; Paymentsto Divorced Spouses Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1986-04-08, Vol.51, No. 67, pp. 11910-11912 (INFORM)Rules issued by the Social Security Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding paying a wife’s or a husband’s benefits to the divorced spouse of an eligible worker who has not yet become entitled to his or her old-age benefit.

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Social Securi ty Benefi ts; Coverageof Employees of Private Non-profitOrganisat ions Work ing Outs ide theUnited States, etc. Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1985-10, No. 8,pp. E693-E699 (INFORM)Provides for coverage of employees of private non-profit organisations, additional coverage for work performed outside United States, coverage for certain “foreign-earned income”, special coverage for employment and self-employment considered “covered” (for purposes of Title II of the Social Security Act) by an agreement between the United States and another country.

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Railroad Unemployment Insurance Rule(20 CFR Part 345)

Federal Register, 1985-02-07, Vol.50, No. 26, pp. 5235-5236 (INFORMP60901)Alters schedule for filing employers’ contribution reports and for payment of employers’ contributions.

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Bene f i t Reduc t i ons i n Te rm ina tedSing le-Employer Pens ion Plans andRecoupment of Benefi t OverpaymentsRule (29 CFR Part 2623)

Federal Register, 1985-01-29, Vol.50, No. 19, pp. 3897-3903 (INFORM)

Medical care and sicknessbenefit

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Medicare Program; Prospective PaymentSystem for Long-Term Care Hospitals;A n n u a l P a y m e n t R a t e U p d a t e s a n dPolicy Changes. Final Rule (42 CFRPart 412).

Federal Register, 2003-06-06, Vol.68, No. 109, pp. 34122-34190 (INFORMP60901)Establishes annual update of payment rates for Medicare prospective payment system for inpatient hospital services provided by long-term care hospitals. Also changes annual period for which rates will be effective.

Date of entry into force: 2003-06-30

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H e a l t h P r o f e s s i o n s E d u c a t i o nPartnerships Act of 1998 (Public Law105-392 [S. 1754]).

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1999-01, No.11A, pp. 112STAT.3524-3595 (INFORMP60904)Provides for funding and support for training programmes for health care professionals.

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Federa l Employees Heal th Benef i tsProgram: Disenrollment Rule (5 CFRPart 890).

Federal Register, 1998-11-04, Vol.63, No. 213, pp. 59457-59460 (INFORMP60901)Rule regarding the disenrollment of individuals from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program by Program carriers.

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Claims based on Exposure to IonizingRadiation (Prostate Cancer and anyother Cancer) (38 CFR Part 3).

Federal Register, 1998-09-24, Vol.63, No. 185, pp. 50993-50995 (INFORMP60901)Amends the Department of Veterans Affairs adjudication regulations concerning compensation for diseases claimed to be the result of exposure to ionizing radiation. Implements a decision of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs which allows that prostate cancer and other cancers may be induced through ionizing radiation, thus relieving claimants of the burden of having to prove that certain cancers may have been caused by ionizing radiation.

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Prohibition of “Gag Clauses” in theFedera l Employees Heal th Benef i tsProgram Rule (48 CFR Part 1609).

Federal Register, 1998-08-10, Vol.63, No. 153, pp. 42584-42586 (INFORMP60901)Amends the Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulations (FEHBR) to prohibit health benefit carriers participating in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program from entering into contracts or employment agreements with health care providers, provider groups, or health care workers that would include provisions or incentives that limit or restrict communication of medically necessary services to FEHB enrolees.

Date of entry into force: 1998-09-09

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Medicaid and Tit le IV-E Programs;R e v i s i o n a n d D e f i n i t i o n o f a nUnemployed Parent Rule (45 CFR Part2 3 3 ) .

Federal Register, 1998-08-07, Vol.63, No. 152, pp. 42270-42275 (INFORMP60901)Amends requirements for eligibility for Medicaid for two parent families (who previously could only be eligible if they were unemployed). Regulates Medicaid coverage for two parent families, coordination of Medicaid with Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, and increases incentives for full-time work. Made under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act 1996.

Date of entry into force: 1998-08-07

Basic text(s): (USA-1996-L-45457) 1996-08-22. Personal Responsibilityand Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193 [H.R.3734]) [Welfare Reform Act].

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V e t e r a n s ’ B e n e f i t s A c t o f 1 9 9 7(Public Law 105-114 [S. 714].

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1998-01, No. 11,pp. 111 STAT. 2277-2295 (INFORM P60904)Provides for the establishment of an employment discrimination complaint resolution system in the Department of Veterans Affairs. Also extends the outreach program of the Native American veteran housing loan program, and codifies provisions relating to treatment and rehabilitation of serioulsy mentally ill and homeless veterans, and veterans addicted to drugs or alcohol. Sec. 208 provides for the development of mammography screening for female veterans. S. 209 provides for demonstration projects on Persian Gulf illness; s. 210 requires the President to submit a report to Congress on preparation of a national response to medical emergencies arising from the terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction.

Date of entry into force: 1997-10-01

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Assisted Suicide Funding RestrictionAct of 1997 (Public Law 105-12 [H.R.1 0 0 3 ] ) .

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1997-06, No. 4,pp. 111 STAT. 23-30 (INFORM P60904)Prohibits the use of Federal funds to pay for services which relate to assisted suicide, mercy killing, or euthanasia. Also prohibits the use of Federal funds for advocacy or legal activities which support assisted suicide. Section 7 specifies that Medicare and Medicaid rules pertaining to advance directives would not require a health care provider or organization to inform or counsel any individual about assisted suicide. Furthermore, this section clarifies that Federal law does not require providers or organizations to follow the provisions of an advance directive which directs the purposeful causing of death.

Date of entry into force: 1997-04-30

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Hea l t h I nsu rance Po r tab i l i t y andAccountability Act of 1996 (PublicLaw 104-191 [H.R. 3103]).

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1996-10, No. 8,pp. 110 STAT. 1936-2103 (INFORM P60904)Ensures the portability of health benefits when employees change or lose their jobs. Restricts the possibility that a person may be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition, and requires insurance companies to sell coverage to small employer groups and to individuals who lose group coverage without regard to their health risk status. Other measures include an increase in tax deductibility of health insurance premiums, an expansion of federal authority in combatting insurance fraud, and the establishment of consumer protection standards for certain long-term care insurance policies.

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Hea l th Ma in tenance Organ iza t i ons :Employer Contribution to HMOs, Rule(42 CFR Part 417).

Federal Register, 1996-05-31, Vol.61, No. 106, pp. 27282-27288 (INFORMP60901)Amends s. 417.157 of Health Care Financing Administration regulations, which pertains to employer contributions to HMOs that are included among the alternatives in health benefits plans that an employer offers to its employees. Implements changes made in section 1310(c) of the Public Health Service Act.

Date of entry into force: 1996-07-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1944-L-80544) 1944-07-01. Public Health Service Act(Title 42 USC, Chapter 6A)

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M e d i c a r e P r o g r a m ; P r o v i d e r s a n dSuppl iers o f Spec ia l ized Serv ices(42 CFR Parts 400, 405, 410, 484,485, 486, and 498)

Federal Register, 1995-01-09, Vol.60, No. 5, pp. 2325-2331 (INFORMP60901)Reorganizes Medicare regulations that pertain to providers and suppliers of specialized services in order to facilitate the incorporation of future rules in a logical order. The rule also makes minor technical and editorial changes to clarify rules and eliminate duplication without substantive change.

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y A c t A m e n d m e n t s .Public Law 103-432 (H.R. 5252)

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-12, No. 9,pp. 108 STAT. 4398-4469 (INFORM P60904)Numerous amendments of the Social Security Act (42 USC 1395) and related Acts regarding medicare provisions for physicians’ services, the child health services block grant programme and the income security, human resources and related programmes.

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M e d i c a r e P r o g r a m ; P a y m e n t f o rPreadmission Services Rule (42 CFRParts 412 and 413)

Federal Register, 1994-01-12, Vol.59, No. 8, pp. 1654-1659, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Specifies that inpatient hospital operating costs include certain preadmission services furnished by the hospital.

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Date of entry into force: 1994-01-12

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Supplemental Security Income MaximumPayment Limit ($30) When Medicaid isn o t P a y i n g T o w a r d t h e C o s t o fI n s t i t u t i o n a l C a r e B e c a u s e t h eInd iv idua l Transfer red a ResourceRule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1993-12-10, Vol.58, No. 236, pp. 64893-64894, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)

Date of entry into force: 1993-12-10

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Federa l Employees Heal th Benef i tsPrograms; Letter of Credit ProvisionsRule (48 CFR 1602, 1609, 1632 and1 6 5 2 )

Federal Register, 1992-11-16, Vol.57, No. 221, pp. 54000-54001, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)The Office of Personnel Management is making final its interim regulations that reflect a revised system of making recurring premium payments to experienced-rated Federal Employees Health Benefits Program carriers on a letter of credit basis.

Date of entry into force: 1992-12-16

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Medicare Catastrophic Loss PreventionAct of 1987.

Printed separately, 173 p. (SECSOC)Amends title XVIII of the Social Security act to provide protection against catastrophic medical expenses under the medicare program, and for other purposes.

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Medicaid Voluntary Contribution andProvider-Specific Tax Amendments of1991. Public Law 102-234.

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1992-02, No. 12,pp. 1413-1447 (INFORM P60904)Prohibits the Secretary of Health and Human Resources from implementing any regulation that would change current policy with respect to the use by the States of revenues from voluntary contributions, provider-specific taxes, and inter-governmental transfers to finance their share of the Medicaid program.

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M e d i c a r e P r o g r a m ; H o s p i c e C a r eAmendments: Medicare Rule (42 CFRPart 418)

Federal Register, 1990-12-11, Vol.55, No. 238, pp. 50831-50835 (INFORM)Amendments to the hospice care provisions on physician certification of terminal illness in order to conform to Health Care Financing Administration rules and in order to encourage greater participation of hospices in the Medicare program.

Date of entry into force: 1991-01-10

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Medicaid Program; Eligibility Groups,C o v e r a g e a n d C o n d i t i o n s o fE l i g i b i l i t y ; L e g i s l a t i v e C h a n g e sunder OBRA ’87, COBRA and TEFRA Rule(42 CFR Parts 433, 435, 436, 440 and4 4 7 )

Federal Register, 1991-11-21, Vol.55, No. 225, pp. 48601-48611 (INFORM)Amendments to the Medicaid regulations incorporating or revising the following mandatory and optional eligibility groups of individuals for coverage: 1) pregnat women; 2) qualified children under a specified age; 3) children in adoptions or foster care; 4) certain disabled widows and widowers; and 5) certain disabled children being cared for at home. The rule also adds a condition of eligibility relating to third party liability for medical assistance expenditures.

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Omnibus Budget Reconc i l ia t ion Actof 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R.5 8 3 5 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 1388 (INFORM)Provides for budgetary reconciliation for the fiscal year 1991, including amendments to: the Student Loan Default Prevention Initiative Act; the Social Security Act, concerning health-related programs and income security programs; benefits earned under civil service and postal service programs; and the treatment of reversions of qualified plan assets to employers.

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26748) 1991-10-11. Federal Old-Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance; Payment of Benefits to a Child Adoptedby a Surviving Spouse Rule (Regulation No.4) (20 CFR Part 404)

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26754) 1991-10-10. Federal Old-Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits; Continued Payment ofBenefits During Appeal Rule (Regulation No.4) (20 CFR Part 404)

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-30359) 1991-10-04. Repeal of SpecialDisability Standard for Widows, Widowers, and Surviving DivorcedSpouses Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

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Vacine and Immunization Amendmentsof 1990. Public Law 101-502 (H.R.4 2 3 8 ) .

U.S. Code Congressional AdministrativeNews, 1991-01, No. 10B, p. 104 STAT.1285 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act to extend various programs with respect to vaccine-preventable diseases.

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Olde r Worke rs Bene f i t P ro tec t i onAmendment Act. Publ ic Law 101-521(H.R. 5759) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1990-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 2287 (INFORM P60904)U.S. Labor and Employment Laws, 1991-03, West, R., BNA Books, Washington,D.C., United States of America, pp. 5-54-5-57 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 to clarify the application of such Act to employee group health plans.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-16

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N a t i o n a l H e a l t h S e r v i c e C o r p sRevital izat ion Amendments of 1990.Public Law 1010-597 (H.R. 4487).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 3013 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act to revise and extend the program for the National Health Service Corps, and to establish certain programs of grants to the States for improving health services in the States, including amendments to the scholarship and loan programs supporting health care professionals, and supporting services in health professional shortage areas.

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-16

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D i s a d v a n t a g e d M i n o r i t y H e a l t hImprovement Act of 1990. Public Law101-527 (H.R. 5702).

U.S. Congressional and AdministrativeNews, 1991-01, No. 10A, p. 104 STAT.2311-2335 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act to improve the health of individuals who are members of minority groups and who are from disadvantaged backgrounds, and for other purposes. Title XVII of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 300u et seq.) is amended to provide for the establishment of the Office of Minority Health responsible inter alia for setting short-term and long-term objectives and co-ordinating disease prevention, service delivery, research, etc in respect of the health concerns of persons from disadvantaged backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities, and for increasing their participation in health service and promotion programmes. Consequent provisions are made for the funding of these activities, and a special grant scheme is established to provide primary health services, including health screenings, and health counselling and education services to residents of public housing, subject to certain requirements. Grants are also to be made available to health profession schools for the purpose of assisting them in supporting “programs of excellence in health professions education for minority individuals” and in providing scholarships to disadvantaged students.

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Survivors Benefits, Health Benefits,a n d L i f e I n s u r a n c e f o r C e r t a i nAnnuitants Rule (5 CFR Parts 841,870 to 873 and 890)

Federal Register, 1990-10-10, Vol.55, No. 196, pp. 41178-41179 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-09

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Medicare Program; Changes to the In-patient Hospital Prospective PaymentSystem and Fiscal Year 1991 RatesRule (42 CFR Parts 412 and 413)

Federal Register, 1990-09-04, Vol.55, No. 171, pp. 35990-36175 (INFORM)

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Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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Omnibus Budget Reconc i l ia t ion Actof 1989. Public Law 101-239.

Printed separately, 1989 (SECSOC)Contains the budget for fiscal year 1990, updates the provisions of certain chapters including Title Vl: Medicare, medicaid, maternal and child health, and other provisions, Title X: Miscelleanous and technical social security acts amendments.

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26753) 1991-10-07. Federal Old-Age,Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits; Inclusion of Certain DeferredCompensation in Determination of Wage-Based Adjustments Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Related text(s): (USA-1991-R-26755) 1991-09-23. Supplemental SecurityIncome for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled; Subpart K-Income and SubpartL-Resources and Exclusions; Exclusion of Interest on Burial Spaces Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

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Med ica id P rog ram; E l i g i b i l i t y o fAl iens for Medicaid Rule (42 CFRParts 435, 436 and 440)

Federal Register, 1990-09-07, Vol.55, No. 174, pp. 36813-36823 (INFORM)Regulations revising current Medicaid rules applicable to aliens who meet eligibility requirements as categorically needy or medically needy.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-09

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Federal Employees Health Benefi ts;Medicare El igible Individuals Rule(5 CFR Part 890)

Federal Register, 1990-03-21, Vol.55, No. 55, p. 10395 (INFORM)Rescinds Regulations defining Medicare-eligible individuals who were entitled to a reduced health premium under the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988; this Act was repealed on 1989-12-13.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-01

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged - Supplementary Medical InsuranceB e n e f i t s ; E n r o l m e n t , C o v e r a g e ,Exclusions and Payment Rule (20 CFRPart 405)

Federal Register, 1971-08-25 (INFORM)

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged Rule (20 CFR Part 405)

Federal Register, 1972-10-06 (INFORM)Amends Subpart A (Hospital insurance benefits), Subpart F (Agreements with and functions of providers, intermediaries, carriers and state agencies), and Subpart O (providers of services, independent laboratories, and suppliers of portable X-ray services; determinations and appeals procedures).

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Social and Rehabilitation Service -Ass is tance Programs Rule (45 CFRParts 206, 248 and 249)

Federal Register, 1973-12-03 (INFORM)Amends paras. 206.10, 248.10, 248.21, 248.30, 248.60 and 249.81 (medicaid eligibility requirements).

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged - Conditions of Participation;Home Health Agencies Rule (20 CFRPart 405)

Federal Register, 1973 (INFORM)

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged and Disabled: Medical and OtherHealth Services Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 5 )

Federal Register, 1974-08-09 (INFORM)

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged and Disabled Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 5 )

Federal Register, 1974-06-06 (INFORM)Limitations on coverage of costs under medicare. Subpart D - principles of reimbursement for provider costs and services by hospital based physicians; and Subpart F - agreements, elections, contracts, nominations and notices.

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G e n e r a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , P u b l i cAss is tance Programs; Coverage andConditions of Eligibility for MedicalAssistance; and Services and Paymentsin Medical Assistance Programs Rule(45 CFR Parts 205, 248 and 249)

Federal Register, 1974-05-10 (INFORM)

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged and Disabled Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 5 )

Federal Register, 1976-11-09 (INFORM)Principles of reimbursement for cost-basis and risk-basis health maintenance organisations.

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Par t - t ime Emp loymen t and Fede ra lEmployees’ Health Benefi ts ProgramRule (5 CFR Parts 340 and 890)

Federal Register, 1979-10-05 (INFORMP60901)E s t a b l i s h m e n t o f p a r t - t i m e c a r e e r p r o g r a m s i n f e d e r a l e m p l o y m e n t .

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Hea l th Ma in tenance Organ iza t i ons :E m p l o y e e s ’ H e a l t h B e n e f i t P l a n sRule (42 CFR Part 110)

Federal Register, 1980-10-31 (INFORM)

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged and Disabled Rule (42 CFR Part4 0 5 )

Federal Register, 1982-12-06 (INFORM)Inter alia, amends para. 405.301 and 405.419 and inserts a new para. 405.376 relating to interest charges on overpayments and underpayments to providers and supplierpara.

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Sickness Benefits Rule (20 CFR Part3 3 5 )

Federal Register, 1989-10-20, Vol.54, No. 202, pp. 43057-43060 (INFORM)Amendments relating to sickness benefits to clarify and to liberalise certain time limits relating to the filing of claims under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act.

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-20

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Federal Employees Health Benefi ts;Health Insurance Coverage for CertainTemporary Employees Rule (5 CFR Part8 9 0 )

Federal Register, 1989-12-28, Vol.54, No. 248, pp. 53311-53312 (INFORMP60901)Regulations giving certain temporary employees, who were previously excluded from enrolling, the opportunity to participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-29

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Heal th Omnibus Programs Extens ionof 1988. Public Law 100-607 (S.2 8 8 9 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-12, No. 9,p. 102 STAT. 3048 (INFORM)Extends various programmes, including those involving research into deafness, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, health professions and nursing education and care for the homeless.

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H e a l t h M a i n t e n a n c e O r g a n i z a t i o nAmendments of 1988. Public Law 100-517 (H.R. 3235).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-12, No. 9,p. 102 STAT. 2578 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act (42 USC ss. 201 et seq.) in various respects, particularly to ensure that employees of employers who offer the option of membership in a health maintenance organisation have a fair choice among health benefit plans.

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R e t i r e e B e n e f i t s B a n k r u p t c yProtection Act of 1988. Public Law100-334 (H.R. 2969).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-08, p. 102STAT. 610 (INFORM)Provides that a company which has petitioned for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code shall continue to pay retiree benefits pursuant to a policy of life, health or disability insurance. If representatives of the beneficiaries agree to modifications in benefits during the pendency of a bankruptcy petition, they may be made. Where the representative and the bankrupt company cannot reach agreement, the presiding judge may decide. A labour organisation shall, unless it opts not to, represent persons receiving benefits negotiated under a collective agreement.

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Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Actof 1988. Public Law 100-360 (H.R.2 4 7 0 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-08, p. 102STAT. 683 (INFORM)Provides coverage (above a designated deductible amount) for the cost of catastrophic illnesses for elderly and disabled persons who fall within the medicare insurance programme. It amends title XVIII of the Social Security Act in relation to benefits for medical care, drugs and home care. It provides for coverage for pregnant women and infants under age one in families whose income does not exceed a minimum income level (section 302). Title IV of this Act establishes the United States Bipartisan Commission on Comprehensive Health Care, which is to make recommendations to Congress on comprehensive health care services for all individuals in the country (sections 401-408). The Act also contains extensive technical corrections to health care provisions contained in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-203).

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Medicare and Medicaid Patient andP r o g r a m P r o t e c t i o n A c t o f 1 9 8 7 .Public Law 100-93 (H.R. 1444).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1987-10, p. 101STAT. 680 (INFORM)Amends titles XI, XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act to protect beneficiaries under the health care programmes of that Act from unfit health care practitioners, and otherwise to improve the antifraud provisions relating to those programmes.

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M e d i c a i d P r o g r a m ; C o v e r a g e o fQualified Pregnant Women and Childrenand Newborn Children Rule (42 CFRParts 435 and 436)

Federal Register, 1987-11-09, Vol.52, No. 216, pp. 43063-43073 (INFORM)Adds two mandatory eligibility groups to those entitled Medicaid (health care) coverage: qualified pregnant women and certain children under the age of five and newborn children of women who are eligible for Medicaid.

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Guidelines for Participating in theFedera l Employees Heal th Benef i tsProgram Rule (5 CFR Part 890)

Federal Register, 1987-06-26, Vol.52, No. 123, pp. 23933-23935 (INFORMP60901)

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Health Programs Act. Public Law 99-660 (S. 1744).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1987-01, No. 11(INFORM)Inter alia, requires states to develop, establish and implement comprehensive mental health plans (Title V).

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Federal Employees’ Health Benefi tsProgram Rule (5 CFR Part 890)

Federal Register, 1987-01-02, Vol.52, No. 1, pp. 2-3 (INFORM P60901)Adds section 890.108 regarding waiver of requirements for continued health coverage during retirement, pursuant to section 103 of the Federal Employees’ Benefits Improvement Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-251).

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Health Services Amendments Act of1986. Public Law 99-280 (S. 1282).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-06, No. 4,p. 100 STAT. 399-401 (INFORM)R e v i s e s a n d e x t e n d s p r i m a r y h e a l t h c a r e a s s i s t a n c e p r o g r a m m e s .

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F e d e r a l E m p l o y e e s B e n e f i t sImprovement Act of 1986. Public Law99-251 (H.R. 4061).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-04, No. 7,p. 100 STAT. 14 (INFORM P60901)Amends the Federal Employees’ Health Benefits Act (5 U.S. Code section 890 et seq.) to allow rebates of health insurance premiums to be paid by insurance carriers to federal annuitants as well as to current employeesection Expands the class of individuals eligible for refunds or other returns from contributionsection Other miscellaneous amendments relating to the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

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Medicaid Program; Treatment of SocialSecu r i t y Cos t -o f -L i v ing Inc reasesf o r I n d i v i d u a l s W h o L o o s eS u p p l e m e n t a l S e c u r i t y I n c o m eEligibility Rule (42 CFR Part 435)

Federal Register, 1986-04-10, Vol.51, No. 69, pp. 12325-12331 (INFORM)Issued by the Health Care Financing Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Claims for Medical Benefi ts Underthe Federal Employees’ CompensationAct Rule (20 CFR Part 10)

Federal Register, 1986-03-10, Vol.51, No. 46, pp. 8276-8282 (INFORMP60901)Sets forth procedures for submitting bills for medical services provided to Federal employees under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, and establishes limits for fees for medical procedures and services. Issued by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs of the Department of Labour.

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P r o j e c t G r a n t s f o r M a t e r n a l a n dChild Health Rule (42 CFR Part 51a)

Federal Register, 1986-03-05, Vol.51, No. 43, pp. 7726-7729 (INFORM)Provides rules for funding projects under the maternal and child health services set-aside program established by Title VI of the Social Security Act (LS 1939 - USA 2, 1948 - USA 1A, 1950 - USA 2, 1952 - USA 1), as amended.

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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P a y m e n t o f C e r t a i n E x p e n s e s f o rHealth Care and Services Provided toEmployed Persons between the Ages of65 and 69 and their Spouses betweenthe Ages of 65 and 69 Years Rule (42CFR Part 405)

Federal Register, 1985-10-11, Vol.50, No. 198, pp. 41503-41512 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Rule (40 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1985-01-14, Vol.50, No. 9, pp. 1832-1833 (INFORM)Provide that sick pay in the six calendar months after the month the employee stopped working are wages, with certain exceptions.

Old-age, invalidity andsurvivors benefit

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Safety of Seniors Act of 2007 PublicLaw 110-202 [S485].

Congressional and Administrative News,2008-06, No. 4, pp. 122 STAT- 697-700,ISSN: 15486885 (INFORM P60904)Act on-line, Library of Congress -Thomas, United StatesAmends the Public Health Service Act to authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to: (1) oversee and support a national education campaign focusing on reducing falls among older adults and preventing repeat falls; and (2) award grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements to design and carry out local education campaigns.Allows the Secretary to conduct and support research to: (1) improve the identification of older adults who have a high risk of falling; (2) improve data collection and analysis to identify fall risk and protective factors; (3) design, implement, and evaluate the most effective fall prevention interventions; (4) tailor effective strategies to reduce falls to specific populations of older adults; (5) maximize the dissemination of proven, effective fall prevention interventions; (6) improve the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of elderly fall victims and older adults at high risk for falls; and (7) assess the risks of falls occurring in various settings.Authorizes the Secretary to: (1) conduct research concerning the barriers to the adoption of proven fall prevention interventions; (2) conduct research to develop, implement, and evaluate the most effective approaches to reduce falls among high-risk older adults living in communities and long-term care and assisted living facilities; (3) evaluate the effectiveness of community programs; (4) provide professional education for physicians and allied health professionals in fall prevention; (5) oversee and support specified demonstration and research projects; (6) award grants to design, implement, and evaluate fall prevention programs using proven intervention strategies and carry out a multistate demonstration project; (7) give priority in awarding grants under this Act to entities that explore the use of cost-sharing to ensure the institutional commitment of the recipients of such assistance to the funded projects; and (8) report to Congress on the effects of falls on health care costs, the potential for reducing falls, and the most effective strategies for reducing associated health care costs.

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The Pension Protection Act of 2006(H.R. 4).

Act on-line, Department of Labor,United States, 393 pages

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Title I - Reform of Funding Rules for Single-Employer Defined Benefit Pension Plans Title II - Funding Rules for Multi-employer Defined Benefit Plans and Related Provisions Title III - interest Rate Assumptions Title IV - PGBC Guarantee and Related Provisions Title V - Disclosure Title VI - investment Advice, Prohibited Transactions, and Fiduciary Rules Title VII - Benefit Accrual Standards Title VIII - Pension Related Revenue Provisions Title IX - Increase in Pension Plan Diversification and Participation and Other Pension Provisions Title X - Provisions Relating to Spousal Pension Protection Title XI - Administrative Provisions Title X - Provisions Relating to Exempt Organizations Title XIII - Other Provisions Title XIV - Tariff Provisions

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P e n s i o n F u n d i n g E q u i t y A c t 2 0 0 4(Publ ic Law 108-218).

Uni ted Sta tes Congress iona l andAdministrative News, 2004-06, No. 4,pp. 596-614 (INFORM P60904)Public Law 108-218, GPO Access, USAAmends Employee Retirement Income Security Act 1974. Replaces 30-year Treasury rate with rate based on long-term corporate bonds for certain pension plan funding requirements. Also provides for some related matters.

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B e n e f i t s P a y a b l e i n T e r m i n a t e dS ing le -Emp loye r P lans ; A l l oca t i onof Assets in Single-Employer Plans;I n te res t Assump t i ons f o r Va lu i ngand Paying Benefits. Final rule (29CFR Parts 4022 and 4044).

Federal Register, 2003-06-13, Vol.68, No. 114, pp. 35294-35296 (INFORMP60901)Amends Pension Benefit Corporation regulations on benefits payable in terminated single-employer plans and allocation of assets in single-employer plans to provide for new interest assumptions for plans with valuation dates from July 2003.

Date of entry into force: 2003-07-01

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B e n e f i t s P a y a b l e i n T e r m i n a t e dS ing le -Emp loye r P lans ; A l l oca t i onof Assets in Single-Employer Plans;I n te res t Assump t i ons f o r Va lu i ngand Paying Benefits. Final Rule (29CFR Parts 4022 and 4044).

Federal Register, 2002-01-15, Vol.67, No. 10, pp. 1861-1862 (INFORMP60901)Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulations on benefits payable in terminated single-employer plans and allocation of assets in single-employer plans prescribe interest assumptions for valuing and paying benefits under terminating single-employer plans. This final rule amends regulations to adopt interest assumptions for plans with valuation dates in February 2002.

Date of entry into force: 2002-02-01

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Non-Discrimination Requirements forC e r t a i n D e f i n e d C o n t r i b u t i o nRetirement Plans. Final Regulations(26 CFR Part 1).

Federal Register, 2001-06-29, Vol.66, No. 126, pp. 34535-34545 (INFORMP60901)Permits certain defined contribution retirement plans to demonstrate compliance with non-discrimination requirements based on plan benefits rather than contributions. Defined contribution plan can test on a benefit basis if it provides broadly available allocation rates, age-based allocations, or passes a gateway requiring allocation rates for non-highly compensated employees to be at least 5 per cent of pay or at least one-third of the highest allocation rate for highly compensated employees.

Date of entry into force: 2001-06-29

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B e n e f i t s P a y a b l e i n T e r m i n a t e dS ing le -Emp loye r P lans ; A l l oca t i onof Assets to Single-Employer Plans;I n te res t Assump t i ons f o r Va lu i ngand Paying Benefits. Final Rule (29CFR Parts 4022 and 4044).

Federal Register, 2001-06-15, Vol.66, No. 116, pp. 32543-32544 (INFORMP60901)Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulations on benefits payable in terminated single-employer plans and allocation of assets in single-employer plans prescribe interest assumptions for valuing and paying benefits under terminating single-employer plans. This final rule amends the regulations to adopt interest assumptions for plans with valuation dates in July 2001.

Date of entry into force: 2001-07-01

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P e n s i o n B e n e f i t s G u a r a n t yCorporat ion. A l locat ion o f Assetsin Single-Employer Plans; Valuationof Benef i ts and Assets ; ExpectedRetirement Age. Final Rules (29 CFRPart 4044).

Federal Register, 2000-12-01, Vol.65, No. 232, pp. 75165-75167 (INFORMP60901)Amends Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans by substituting a new table that applies to any plan being terminated either in a distress termination or involuntarily by the Corporation with a valuation date falling in 2001.

Date of entry into force: 2001-01-01

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Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.Disclosure to Participants; BenefitsPayable in Terminated Single-EmployerPlans. Final Rules (29 CFR Parts4011 and 4022).

Federal Register, 2000-12-01, Vol.65, No. 232, pp. 75164-75165 (INFORMP60901)Amends appendix to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Benefits Payable in Terminated Single-Employer Plans by adding the maximum guaranteeable pension benefit that may be paid by the Corporation with respect to a plan participant in a single-employer pension plan that terminates in 2001. Also amends these regulations with regard to disclosure to participants.

Date of entry into force: 2001-01-01

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Employee Retirement Income SecurityAct of 1974; Rules and Regulationsfor Administration and Enforcement.Final Regulation (29 CFR Part 2560).

Federal Register, 2000-11-21, Vol.65, No. 225, pp. 70246-70271 (INFORMP60901)Revises minimum requirements for benefit claims procedures of employee benefit plans covered by Title 1 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Establishes new standards for the processing of claims under group health plans and plans providing disability benefits, and further clarifies existing standards for all other employee benefits plans.

Date of entry into force: 2002-01-01

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S u p p l e m e n t a l S e c u r i t y I n c o m e ;Determining Disability for a ChildUnder Age 18 (20 CFR Parts 404 and4 1 6 ) .

Federal Register, 2000-09-11, Vol.65, No. 176, pp. 54747-54790 (INFORMP60901)Revises and makes final the interim final rules published on February 11, 1997 to implement the childhood disability provisions of Public Law 104-193 (62 FR 6408). Continues to define the statutory standard of “marked and severe functional limitations” in terms of marked limitations in two areas of functioning or extreme limitation in one such area. Also makes a number of changes concerning rules on functional equivalences and “other factors”.

Date of entry into force: 2001-01-02

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Senior Citizens’ Freedom to Work Act2000 (No. 182).

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 2000-06, No. 4,pp. 198-199 (INFORM P60904)Amends Title II of the Social Security Act to eliminate the earnings test for individuals who have reached retirement age.

Date of entry into force: 1999-12-31

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Ticket to Work and Work IncentivesImprovement Act, 1999 (H.R. 1180).

Uni ted Sta tes Congress iona l andAdministrative News, 2000-02, No. 12,pp. 1860-1951 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Social Security Act to expand the availability of health care coverage for working individuals with disabilities, to establish a Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program in the Social Security Administration, to provide such individuals with meaningful opportunities to work, and for other purposes.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blind,and Disabled; Determining Disabilitya n d B l i n d n e s s ; C l a r i f i c a t i o n o f“ A g e ” a s a V o c a t i o n a l F a c t o rRegulations (20 CFR Parts 404 and4 1 6 ) .

Federal Register, 2000-04-06, Vol.65, No. 65, pp. 17994-18001 (INFORMP60901)Amends Social Security and Supplemental Security Income Disability Regulations in order to clarify the consideration of “age” as a vocational factor and to better explain the consideration of the transferability of skills for individuals who are of “advanced age” in deciding whether such individuals can make an adjustment to other work.

Date of entry into force: 2000-05-08

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Insurance Company General AccountsRules (29 CFR Part 2550).

Federal Register, 2000-01-05, Vol.65, No. 3, pp. 613-643 (INFORM P60901)Clarifies application of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to insurance company general accounts. Affects participants and beneficiaries of employee benefit plans, plan fiduciaries and insurance company general accounts.

Date of entry into force: 2000-01-05

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Payment of Premiums Rules (29 CFRPart 4007).

Federal Register, 1999-11-26, Vol.64, No. 227, pp. 66383-66385 (INFORMP60901)Amends regulation on Payment of Premiums with regard to the qualification for “safe harbor” relief from late payment penalty charges.

Date of entry into force: 1999-12-27

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A l l o c a t i o n o f A s s e t s i n S i n g l e -Employer Plans, Valuation of Benefitsand Assets, Expected Retirement AgeRules (29 CFR Part 404).

Federal Register, 1999-12-01, Vol.64, No. 230, pp. 67165-67166 (INFORMP60901)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans by substituting a new table that applies to any plan being terminated either in a distress termination or involuntarily by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Date of entry into force: 2000-01-01

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R e v i s e d M e d i c a l C r i t e r i a f o rD e t e r m i n a t i o n o f D i s a b i l i t y ,Endocrine System and Related CriteriaRule (20 CFR Part 104).

Federal Register, 1999-08-24, Vol.64, No. 163, pp. 46122-46129, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Deletes obesity from the listing of impairments which determine if a person may be considered disabled.

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A l l o c a t i o n o f A s s e t s i n S i n g l e -Employer Plans; Interest Assumptionsfor Valuing Benefits Rule (29 CFRPart 4044).

Federal Register, 1999-04-15, Vol.64, No. 72, pp. 18575-18576 (INFORMP60901)Adopts interest assumptions for Single Employer Plans with valuation dates in May 1999. Promulgated by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.

Date of entry into force: 1999-05-01

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A l l o c a t i o n o f A s s e t s i n S i n g l e -Employer Plans: Valuation of Benefitsand Assets: Expected Retirement AgeRule (29 CFR Part 4044).

Federal Register, 1998-11-12, Vol.63, No. 218, pp. 63179-63180 (INFORMP60901)Replaces Table I-98 with Table I-99 (value of early retirement benefits) in the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans.

Date of entry into force: 1999-01-01

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Disclosure to Participants; BenefitsPayable in Terminated Single-EmployerPlans Rule (29 CFR Parts 4011 and4 0 2 2 ) .

Federal Register, 1998-11-12, Vol.63, No. 218, pp. 63178-63179 (INFORMP60901)Amends the Appendix to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Regulation on Benefits Payable in Terminated Single-Employer Plans by adding the maximum guaranteeable pension benefit that may be paid by the PBGC with repect to a plan participant in a single-employer pension plan that terminates in 1999. Makes minor related amendments.

Date of entry into force: 1999-01-01

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A l l o c a t i o n o f A s s e t s i n S i n g l e -Employer Plans; Interest Assumptionsfor Valuing Benefits Rule (29 CFRPart 4044).

Federal Register, 1998-09-15, Vol.63, No. 178, pp. 49285-49286 (INFORMP60901)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Allocation of Assets in Single-Employer Plans so as to adopt interest assumptions for plans with valuation dates in October 1998.

Date of entry into force: 1998-10-01

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S a v i n g s a r e v i t a l t o e v e r y o n e ’ sretirement Act of 1997 (Public Law105-92 [H .R.1377 ] ) .

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1998-01, No. 11,pp. 111 STAT. 2139-2145 (INFORM P60904)Provides for the public promotion of retirement income savings programmes through educational materials, public events, an Internet site devoted to the topic at the Department of Labor, and a National Summit on Retirement Income Savings to be held at the White House.

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Employee Retirement Income SecurityAct of 1974 amendment (Public Law105-72 [S. 1227]).

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1998-01, No. 11,pp. 111 STAT. 1457-1458 (INFORM P60904)Amends section 3(38)(B) to clarify treatment of investment managers under the Act.

Date of entry into force: 1997-07-08

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Federal Law Enforcement DependentsAssistance Program Rule (28 CFR Part3 2 ) .

Federal Register, 1997-07-15, Vol.62, No. 135, pp. 37713-37717 (INFORMP60901)Implements the Federal Law Enforcement Dependents Assistance Act of 1996, which provides for awards to spouses and dependents of Federal civilian law enforcement officers who suffer death or total disability in the line of duty. The awards shall defray costs of higher education.

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Date of entry into force: 1997-07-15

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Regulat ions Relat ing to Definit iono f “ P l a n A s s e t s ” — P a r t i c i p a n tC o n t r i b u t i o n s R u l e ( 2 9 C F R P a r t2 5 1 0 ) .

Federal Register, 1996-08-07, Vol.61, No. 153, pp. 41220-41235 (INFORMP60901)Revises the definition of when certain monies which a participant pays to, or has withheld by, an employer for contribution to an employee benefit plan are “plan assets” for the purposes of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the related prohibited transaction provisions of the Internal Revenue Code.

Date of entry into force: 1997-02-03

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Living in the Same Household and theLump-Sum Death Payment Rule (20 CFRPart 404).

Federal Register, 1996-08-08, Vol.61, No. 154, pp. 41329-41330 (INFORMP60901)Removes outdated sections of the rules and incorporates a definition of “living in the same household” which allows for extended separations based soley on medical reasons.

Date of entry into force: 1996-09-09

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M e d i c a r e S e l e c t e d P o l i c i e s ,Extension. Public Law 104-18 [H.R.4 8 3 ] .

United States Code, Congressional andAdmin is t ra t ive News, 1996, WestPublishing Co., St. Paul, Minn., USA,Vol. I, pp.109 STAT. 192-193 (INFORMP60904)Amends Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1990 to permit medicare select policies to be offered in all States.

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Deduction for Health Insurance Costsof Self-Employed Individuals. PublicLaw 104-7 [H.R.831].

United States Code, Congressional andAdmin is t ra t ive News, 1996, WestPublishing Co., St. Paul, Minnesota,USA, Vol. 1, pp. 109 STAT.93-96(INFORM P60904)Amends provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permanently extend the deduction for the health insurance costs of self-employed individuals.

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R e v i s e d M e d i c a l C r i t e r i a f o rD e t e r m i n a t i o n o f D i s a b i l i t y ,Cardiovascular System Rule (20 CFRPart 404).

Federal Register, 1995-10-13, Vol.60, No. 198, pp. 53267, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Corrections to final regulations published in the Federal Register 10 February 1994 (59 FR 6468).

Date of entry into force: 1995-10-13

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s ’ a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisability and Blindness; Extensionof Expiration Date for Adult MentalDisorders Listings Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 ) .

Federal Register, 1995-08-23, Vol.60, No. 163, pp. 43709-43710, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Extends date for adult mental disorders listing and makes two nonsubstantive technical changes.

Date of entry into force: 1995-08-23

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T e s t i n g M o d i f i c a t i o n s t o t h eDisabil i ty Determination ProceduresRules (20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1995-04-24, Vol.60, No. 78, pp. 20023-20029, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Adds new rules which provide authority to test procedures that modify the disability determination process currently followed under Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act.

Date of entry into force: 1995-04-24

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Employee Retirement Income SecurityA c t o f 1 9 7 4 ; A d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n dE n f o r c e m e n t , D e l i n q u e n t F i l e rVo lun ta ry Comp l i ance P rog ram (29CFR Part 2560 and 2570)

Federal Register, 1995-04-27, Vol.60, No. 81, pp. 20874-20876, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Announces the implementation of a new Delinquent Filer Voluntary Compliance Program by the Department of Labour’s Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration. This Programme is intended to encourage, through the assessment of reduced civil penalties, delinquent plan administrators to comply with their annual reporting obligations.

Date of entry into force: 1995-04-27

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; Changes i nE v i d e n c e R e q u i r e d T o P r e s u m e aPerson Is Dead Rules (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1995-04-17, Vol.60, No. 73, pp. 19163-19165, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Provides that, under title II of the Social Security Act, a presumption of death arises when a claimant establishes that an individual has been absent from his or her residence and not heard from for 7 years.

Date of entry into force: 1995-04-17

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T e r m i n a t i o n o f S u r v i v o r A n n u i t yE n t i t l e m e n t B a s e d o n R e m a r r i a g eBefore Age 55 Rule (5 CFR Parts 831and 842)

Federal Register, 1995-03-16, Vol.60, No. 51, pp. 14201-14202, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Facilitates qualification for a current spouse survivor annuity in certain cases involving a former spouse’s remarriage to a retiree.

Date of entry into force: 1995-04-17

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e dEliminat ion of Wait ing Period forTerminat ion of Couple Status Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1995-03-30, Vol.60, No. 61, pp. 16373-16376, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Implements section 8012(a) of Public Law 101-239 which, effective 1 October 1990, changed the definition of the term “eligible spouse” as it is used in the supplemental security income (SSI) program. Under the former definition of “eligible spouse,” members of an SSI eligible couple who began living apart could not be treated as individuals for SSI eligibility and payment purposes during the first 6 months following the month in which they began living apart. The statutory change eliminated the 6-month waiting period. Eliminates provisions in the regulations pertaining to eligible couples living apart.

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Date of entry into force: 1995-03-30

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Valuat ion of PlanBenefits and Plan Assets FollowingMass Withdrawal; Amendments AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates (29 CFR Parts2619 and 2676)

Federal Regulations, 1995-02-15, Vol.60, No. 31, pp. 8555-8558 (INFORMP60901)Adoption of certain methods of computation of benefits under the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulations.

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Pension Annuitants Protect ion Act.Public Law 103.401 (S. 1312).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-12, No. 9,pp. 108 STAT. 4172-4173 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 USC 1132) to provide for the availablity of remedies for certain former pension plan participants and beneficiaries.

Date of entry into force: 1993-05-31

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Social Security Domestic EmploymentReform Act. Public Law 103-387 (H.R.4 2 7 8 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-12, No. 9,pp. 108 STAT. 4071-4077 (INFORM P60904)Simplifies employment taxes on domestic services, coordinates collection of domestic service employment taxes with collection of income taxes, and provides for nonpayment of benefits to incarcerated individuals and those confined in criminal cases pursuant to conviction or by court order based on findings of insanity.

Date of entry into force: 1994-10-01

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Soc ia l Secu r i t y I ndependence andProgram Improvements Act of 1994.Public Law 103-296 [H.R. 4277].

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-10, No. 7,pp. 108 STAT. 1464 - 108 Stat. 1544(INFORM P60904)Establishes the Social Security Adminstration as an independent agency that is no longer included within the Department of Health and Human Services. Provides that disability benefits will no longer be paid directly to a drug addict or an alcoholic. Instead such benefits will be paid to a representative of the payee and the Administration will conduct disability reviews of individuals receiving supplemental security income disability benefits.

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;Continuation of Benefits and SpecialE l i g i b i l i t y f o r Ce r ta i n Seve re l yImpaired Recipients Who Work Rules(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1994-08-12, Vol.59, No. 155, pp. 41400-41405, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Implements changes in the law made by the Employment Opportunities for Disabled Americans Act and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, which made permanent, simplified and liberalized the incentives in the Social Security Act for disabled and blind supplemental security income (SSI) recipients who attempt to work. Also liberalizes provisions that provide an impairment-related work expense exclusion from the regular SSI income counting rules.

Date of entry into force: 1994-08-12

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;El igibi l i ty for Chi ldren of ArmedForces Personnel Res id ing Outs idethe Un i ted Sta tes Other Than inForeign Countries Rule (20 CFR Part4 1 6 )

Federal Register, 1994-08-12, Vol.59, No. 155, pp. 41399-41400, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Removes the restriction that children of armed forces personnel stationed in Puerto Rico or the territories or possessions of the United States may not continue to be eligible for supplemental security income (SSI) benefits while living outside the United States.

Date of entry into force: 1994-08-12

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisability and Blindness; Extensionof Expiration Date for Adult MentalDisorders Listings Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1994-08-16, Vol.59, No. 157, pp. 41974-41975, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Extends the exp i ra t ion date for the adu l t menta l d isorders l i s t ings.

Date of entry into force: 1994-08-16

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind, and Disabled; WhatIs Not Income Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1994-07-01, Vol.59, No. 126, pp. 33906-33907 (INFORMP60901)Revises the regulations as to what is considered not to be income under the supplemental social security (SSI) program. Implements on a national basis a treatment of DVA payments resulting from unusual medical expenses that generally will be more advantageous to recipients than current national policy.

Date of entry into force: 1994-07-01

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R e d u c t i o n o f W a i v e r o f C o m p l e t eWithdrawal Liabi l i ty Rule (29 CFRPart 2647)

Federal Register, 1994-06-30, Vol.59, No. 125, p. 33664, ISSN: 0097-6326(INFORM P60901)Adds the control number assigned by the Office of Management and Budget to the collection of information in the amended regulations.

Date of entry into force: 1994-06-30

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance; Requi rementsf o r E n t i t l e m e n t t o W i d o w ( e r ) ’ sBenefits Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1994-03-30, Vol.59, No. 61, pp. 14746-14747 (INFORMP60901)Relects technical changes which clarify entitlement requirements for widow’s and widower’s benefits. Specifically, it clarifies that entitlement or potential entitlement to mother’s/father’s benefits, on the record of a fully insured individual, in the month prior to the month of marriage to an insured satisfies the alternative to the duration of marriage requirement for widow(er)’s benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1994-03-30

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Valuat ion of PlanBenefits and Plan Assets FollowingMass Withdrawal; Amendments AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRParts 2619 and 2676)

Federal Register, 1994-03-15, Vol.59, No. 50, pp. 11925-11928, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Adopts the interest assumptions applicable to single-employer plans with termination dates in April 1994 and to multiemployer plans with valuation dates in April 1994.

Date of entry into force: 1994-04-01

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P a y m e n t s f o r V o c a t i o n a lRehabi l i ta t ion Serv ices Rules (20CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1994-03-15, Vol.59, No. 50, pp. 11899-11925, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the regulations on the vocational rehabilitation (VR) payment programs by expanding access to the use of private and public non-State VR providers when a State VR agency declines to provide VR services to an individual who is referred to services, by explaining that, in appropriate cases, only those VR services which have a causal relationship to an individual’s performance of substantial gainful activity for a continuous period of 9 months will be paid for and by prescribing the specific kinds of VR services which will be paid for.

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Date of entry into force: 1994-03-15

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blindand Disabled; Limitation of TravelE x p e n s e s f o r R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o fC l a i m a n t s a t A d m i n i s t r a t i v eProceedings Rule (20 CFR Parts 404and 416)

Federal Register, 1994-02-23, Vol.59, No. 36, pp. 8530-8532, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the regulations concerning payment of certain travel expenses to implement section 5106(c) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (OBRA 1990).

Date of entry into force: 1994-02-23

Basic text(s): (USA-1990-L-22370) 1990-11-03. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R. 5835).

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R e d u c t i o n o f W a i v e r o f C o m p l e t eWithdrawal Liabi l i ty Rule (29 CFRPart 2647)

Federal Register, 1994-03-02, Vol.59, No. 41, pp. 9926-9927, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Establishes procedures under which covered multiemployer pension plans may adopt rules, subject to PBGC approval, for the reduction or waiver of complete withdrawal liability, and establishes standards for PBGC approval for such rules.

Date of entry into force: 1994-04-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalS e c u r i t y I n c o m e ; L i s t i n g o fImpa i rmen ts - Resp i ra to r y Sys temRule (20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1993-10-07, Vol.58, No. 193, pp. 52346-52367, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the criteria in the Listing of Impairments used to evaluate respiratory impairments for adults and children who claim social security benefits or supplemental security income (SSI) payments based on disability under title II and title VI of the Social Security Act.

Date of entry into force: 1993-10-07

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Valuat ion of PlanBenefits and Plan Assets FollowingMass Withdrawal; Amendments AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRParts 2619 and 2676)

Federal Register, 1994-02-15, Vol.59, No. 31, pp. 7210-7213, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Adopts the interest assumptions applicable to single-employer plans with termination dates in March 1994, and to multiemployer plans with valuation dates in March 1994.

Date of entry into force: 1994-03-01

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R e v i s e d M e d i c a l C r i t e r i a f o rD e t e r m i n a t i o n o f D i s a b i l i t y ,Cardiovascular System Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1994-02-10, Vol.59, No. 28, pp. 6468-6504, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the criteria in the Listing of Impairments used to evaluate cardiovascular impairments for adults and children who claim Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits based on disability under title II and title XVI of the Social Security Act.

Date of entry into force: 1994-02-10

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blindand Disabled; Standards Applicablein Certain Determinat ions of GoodCause, Fault and Good Faith Rule (20CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1994-01-12, Vol.59, No. 8, pp. 1629-1637, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the existing regulations to reflect the provisions of section 10305 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989. Section 10305 requires that the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in making certain determinations of good cause, without fault, and good faith under title II of the Social Security Act, take into account any physical, mental, educational or linguistic limitations (including any lack of facility with the English language) the individual has.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-12

Basic text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisability and Blindness; Extensionof Expiration Date for CardiovascularSystem List ing Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1994-01-06, Vol.59, No. 4, pp. 670-671, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Extends the date on which parts A and B of the cardiovascular system listing, found in appendix 1 of part 404, subpart P, will no longer be effective.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-06

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisability and Blindness; Extensionof Expiration Dates for Various BodySystem Listings Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1993-12-06, Vol.58, No. 232, pp. 64121-64123, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)

Date of entry into force: 1993-12-06

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;R e d e t e r m i n a t i o n s o f S u p p l e m e n t a lSecu r i t y I ncome E l i g i b i l i t y Ru le(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1993-12-10, Vol.58, No. 236, pp. 64892-64893, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the policy on how to establish the beginning of the supplemental security income (SSI) redetermination period when reviewing a recipient’s eligibility to ensure that he or she continues to be eligible and receives the correct SSI benefit amount.

Date of entry into force: 1993-12-10

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e ; C o n t i n u e dEnti t lement to Benefi ts of DeemedSpouse or Legal Spouse; Treatment ofD i v o r c e i n I n v a l i d M a r r i a g e ;Treatment of Mult iple Enti t lementsUnder the Family Maximum Rule (20CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1993-12-10, Vol.58, No. 236, pp. 64890-64892, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amendments to reflect statutory enactments that permit the simultaneous entitlement of a spouse based on a “deemed” valid marriage and a spouse based on a valid or a “putative” marriage. Provides that when a putative spouse and/or a deemed spouse is/are entitled simultaneously with a spouse based on a valid marriage, the spouse based on the valid marriage is paid outside the family maximum.

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Date of entry into force: 1993-12-10

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blinda n d D i s a b l e d ; R e p r e s e n t a t i o n o fClaimants for Benefits Under TitleII and/or Title XVI Rule (20 CFRParts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1993-12-10, Vol.58, No. 236, pp. 64883-64886, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends existing regulations on the representation of parties to implement the provisions of section 10307(b) of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1989 (OBRA).

Date of entry into force: 1993-12-10

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance; Suspension ofDependant’s Benefits When a Workeris in an Extended Period of EligibilityRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1993-12-10, Vol.58, No. 236, pp. 64882-64883, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amendments to explain when a Social Security disability beneficiary can and cannot be paid monthly benefits during the extended period of eligibility which follows the completion of a trial work period.

Date of entry into force: 1993-12-10

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Limi ta t ion on Guaranteed Benef i tsin Single-Employer Plans Rule (29CFR Part 2621)

Federal Register, 1993-12-15, Vol.58, No. 239, pp. 65551-65552, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends Appendix A of the Limitation on Guaranteed Benefits regulation of the PBGC by adding the maximum guaranteeable pension benefit that may be paid by the PBGC with respect to a plan participant in a single-employer pension plan that terminates in 1994.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Valuat ion of PlanBenefits and Plan Assets FollowingMass Withdrawal; Amendments AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRParts 2619 and 2676)

Federal Register, 1993-12-15, Vol.58, No. 239, pp. 65548-65551, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC’s) regulations on Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans and Valuation of Plan Benefits and Plan Assets Following Mass Withdrawal. Part 2619 contains the interest assumptions that the PBGC uses value benefits under terminating single-employer plans. Part 2676 contains the interest assumptions for valuations of multiemployer plans that have undergone mass withdrawal.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Valuat ion of PlanBenefits and Plan Assets FollowingMass Withdrawal Rule (29 CFR Parts2619 and 2676)

Federal Register, 1993-09-28, Vol.58, No. 186, pp. 50812-50830, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the methods of valuing annuity benefits (1) to update the regulation’s mortality assumptions to reflect recent actuarial practice, (2) to uncouple the regulation’s administrative expense assumptions from its interest assumptions, and (3) to clarify the valuation of annuity benefits by prescribing a new interest rate structure that bases valuations on the length of time between valuation date and the presumed date of each payment.

Date of entry into force: 1993-11-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e D e t e r m i n i n gDisability and Blindness; Extensionof Expiration Date for CardiovascularSystem List ing Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1993-07-06, Vol.58, No. 127, pp. 36133-36134, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)

Date of entry into force: 1993-07-06

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S u p p l e m e n t a l S e c u r i t y I n c o m e ;Determining Disability for a ChildUnder Age 18 Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1993-09-09, Vol.58, No. 173, pp. 47532-47587, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the disability evaluation and determination process for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims of children based on disability.

Date of entry into force: 1993-09-09

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisabi l i ty and Bl indness; Revisionof Part A and Part B of the Listingo f I m p a i r m e n t s ; E n d o c r i n e , a n dMultiple Body Systems; Immune SystemRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1993-07-02, Vol.58, No. 126, pp. 36008-36059, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Establishes a new listing section called “Immune System” in both Part A and Part B of “Listing of Impairments.”

Date of entry into force: 1993-07-02

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Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation;Misce l laneous Amendments Rule (29CFR Parts 2606, 2612, 2615, 2616,2622, and 2623)

Federal Register, 1993-07-01, Vol.58, No. 125, pp. 35377-35395, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amendments to conform with current law. Includes organizational and procedural amendments and clarifying and technical changes.

Date of entry into force: 1993-08-02

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Children’s Survivor Annuities DuringSchool Attendance Rule (5 CFR Parts831 and 843)

Federal Register, 1993-06-08, Vol.58, No. 108, pp. 32051-32053, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Clarifies the requirements for eligibility for payments during interim breaks, defines full-time school attendance and makes other minor changes in the rules governing survivors’ benefits paid to full-time students from 18 to 22 years of age.

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Date of entry into force: 1993-07-08

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A d j u s t m e n t o f L i a b i l i t y f o r aWithdrawal Subsequent to a PartialWithdrawal Rule (29 CFR Parts 2640and 2649)

Federal Register, 1992-12-16, Vol.57, No. 242, pp. 59820-59822, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Establishes rules for adjusting the statutory credit against the partial or complete withdrawal liability of an employer that had previously partially withdrawn from the same multiemployer pension plan.

Date of entry into force: 1993-01-15

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R e d u c t i o n o r W a i v e r o f P a r t i a lWithdrawal Liabi l i ty Rule (29 CFRParts 2640 and 2646)

Federal Register, 1992-12-16, Vol.57, No. 242, pp. 59812-59819, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Establishes rules for reducing or waiving the liability of an employer that has partially withdrawn from a multiemployer pension plan and subsequently increases its contributions base unit or reenters the plan under the bargaining agreement.

Date of entry into force: 1993-01-15

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Allocating Unfunded Vested BenefitsFollowing the Merger of MultiemployerPlans Rule (29 CFR Parts 2640 and2 6 4 2 )

Federal Register, 1992-12-16, Vol.57, No. 242, pp. 59808-59812, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Adds to the regulation a new subpart D containing rules for determining the unfunded vested benefits allocable to an employer that withdraws from a multiemployer pension plan after the plan has merged with another multiemployer pension plan.

Date of entry into force: 1993-01-15

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Notices to PBGC of Failures To MakeRequired Contributions Rule ( 29 CFRPart 2615)

Federal Register, 1992-10-23, Vol.57, No. 206, pp. 48317-48319, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Provides for the procedure to be followed when complying with statutory notification requirements imposed on persons who fail to make required payments when unpaid balances of such payments exceed $1 million. These requirements are pursuant to amendments by the Pension Protection Act of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

Date of entry into force: 1992-10-23

Related text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled; TitleXVI Technical Changes Rules (20 CFRPart 416)

Federal Register, 1992-11-24, Vol.57, No. 227, pp. 55087-55089, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the supplemental security income (SSI) regulations to make technical changes to update the regulations and restore text omitted from the Code of Federal Regulations.

Date of entry into force: 1992-11-24

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F i n a l R e g u l a t i o n R e g a r d i n gP a r t i c i p a n t D i r e c t e d I n d i v i d u a lAccount Plans Rule (ERISA Section404(c) Plans) (29 CFR Part 2550)

Federal Register, 1992-10-13, Vol.57, No. 198, pp. 46906-46937, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Contains a final regulation under section 404(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). That section provides that, where a participant or beneficiary of an employee pension benefit plan exercises control over assets in an individual account maintained for him under the plan, the participant or beneficiary is not considered a fiduciary by reason of his exercise of control and other plan fiduciaries are relieved of liability under part 4 of title I of ERISA for the results of the participant’s or beneficiary’s exercise of control. The regulation describes the circumstances in which section 404(c) applies to a transaction involving a participant’s or beneficiary’s exercise of control over his individual account.

Date of entry into force: 1992-10-13

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Repeal of Special Disability Standardfor Widows, Widowers, and SurvivingDivorced Spouses Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1992-07-08, Vol.57, No. 131, pp. 30116-30121, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Reflects provisions of section 5103 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, that change the definition of disability for widows, widowers and surviving divorced spouses from one based on the inability to do any “gainful activity” to the same definition used for all other claimants for disability benefits under title II of the Social Security Act, i.e., inability to engage in any “substantial gainful activity.”

Date of entry into force: 1992-07-08

Related text(s): (USA-1990-L-22370) 1990-11-03. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R. 5835).

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Valuation of Plan Benefits and PlanAsse ts Fo l l ow ing Mass W i thd rawa lInterest Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 7 6 )

Federal Register, 1992-08-14, Vol.57, No. 158, p. 36603, ISSN: 0097-6326(INFORM P60901)This is an amendment to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Valuation of Plan Benefits and Plan Assets Following Mass Withdrawal. The regulation prescribes rules for evaluating benefits and certain assets of multiemployer plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

Date of entry into force: 1992-09-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRPart 2619)

Federal Register, 1992-08-14, Vol.57, No. 158, pp. 36602-36603, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)This amendment to the regulation on Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans contains the interest rates and factors for the period beginning September 1, 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-09-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blinda n d D i s a b l e d - C o m p e n s a t i o n o fQuali f ied Organizations Serving asRepresentative Payees Rule (20 CFRParts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1992-06-01, Vol.57, No. 105, pp. 23054-23058, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Allows a qualified organisation to collect from an individual a monthly fee for expenses it incurs (including overhead expenses) in providing services it performs as the individual’s representative payee.

Date of entry into force: 1992-06-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits and PlanAssets Fo l lowing Mass Wi thdrawal -Interest Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 7 6 )

Federal Register, 1992-02-14, Vol.57, No. 31, pp. 5382-5383, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901/1)This Rule is an amendment to the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Valuation of Plan Benefits and Plan Benefits Following Mass Withdrawal (29 CFR part 2676); it prescribes rules for valuing benefits and certain assets of multiemployer plans under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974.

Date of entry into force: 1992-03-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRPart 2619)

Federal Register, 1992-02-14, Vol.57, No. 31, pp. 5381-5382, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901/1)This rule is an amendment to the regulations on Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans, and contains the interest rates and factors for the period beginning March 1, 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-03-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits and PlanAssets Fo l lowing Mass Wi thdrawal -Interest Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 7 6 )

Federal Register, 1992-01-15, Vol.57, No. 10, pp. 1646-1647 (INFORM60901/1)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Valuation of Plan Benefits and Plan Assets Following Mass Withdrawal, made under sections 4219(c)(1)(D) and 4281(b) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, in respect of a table of interest rates to be used in valuations performed as of a valuation date within a particular calendar month, by adding to the table the rate series for the month of February 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-02-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Collection of Withdrawal Liability;Adoption of New Interest Rates Rule(29 CFR Part 2644)

Federal Register, 1992-01-15, Vol.57, No. 10, pp. 1645-1646 (INFORMP60901/1)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulation on Notice and Collection of Withdrawal Liability made under section 4219(c) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, by adding to its appendix a new interest rate to be effective 1 January 1992 to 31 March 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-01-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRPart 2619)

Federal Register, 1992-01-15, Vol.57, No. 10, pp. 1644-1645 (INFORMP60901/1)This amendment to the regulation on Valuation of Payment Benefits in Single-Employer Plans contains the interest rates and factors for the period beginning February 1, 1992. The use of these interest rates and factors is mandatory for some terminating single-employer pension plans and optional for others.

Date of entry into force: 1992-02-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

Related text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Late Premium Payments and EmployerL i a b i l i t y U n d e r p a y m e n t s a n dO v e r p a y m e n t s ; I n t e r e s t R a t e f o rDetermining Variable Rate Premium;Amendments to Interest Rates Rule(29 CFR Parts 2610 and 2622)

Federal Register, 1992-01-15, Vol.57, No. 10, pp. 1643-1644 (INFORMP60901/1)This rule under section 4006 of the Employment Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 notifies the public of the interest rate applicable to late premium payments and employer liability underpayments and overpayments for the calendar quarter beginning January 1, 1992, and for valuing unfunded vested benefits for premium purposes for plan years beginning in November 1991 through January 1992.

Date of entry into force: 1992-01-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;S u b p a r t K - I n c o m e a n d S u b p a r t L -Resources and Exclusions; Exclusionof Interest on Burial Spaces Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1992-01-14, Vol.57, No. 9, pp. 1383-1384 (INFORMP60901/1)Reflects amendments to the Social Security Act by the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1989; as a result of these amendments an exclusion is provided for supplemental security income purposes from income of the interest accrued on, and left to accumulate as part of, the value of an excluded burial space purchase agreement entered into by an individual or the individual’s spouse; and provides an exclusion from resources of the value of a burial space purchase agreement.

Date of entry into force: 1990-04-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

Related text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;Continued Payment of Benefits DuringAppeal Rule (Regulat ion No.4) (20CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1992-01-14, Vol.57, No. 9, pp. 1382-1383 (INFORMP60901/1)Reflects section 5102 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, which amended section 223(g) of the Social Security Act so that a disabled beneficiary may elect to have his or her disability insurance benefits under Title II of the Act and/or Medicare benefits under title XVIII of the Act continued pending a reconsideration determination of an administrative law judge hearing decision issued after an initial determination has been made that an individual’s impairments have ceased, did not exist, or are no longer disabling.

Date of entry into force: 1992-01-14

Basic text(s): (USA-1990-L-20795) 1990-01-19. Social Security Act 1990.Public Law 1990-75.

Related text(s): (USA-1990-L-22370) 1990-11-03. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R. 5835).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;I n c l u s i o n o f C e r t a i n D e f e r r e dCompensa t i on i n De te rm ina t i on o fWage-Based Adjustments Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1992-01-14, Vol.57, No. 9, pp. 1379-1382 (INFORM)Reflects changes made under section 10208 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, which provides for inclusion of contributions to certain deferred compensation plans in the determination of the national average wage indexing series, beginning with average wages for 1991.

Date of entry into force: 1992-01-14

Basic text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

Related text(s): (USA-1989-L-20796) 1989-12-19. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1989. Public Law 101-239.

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;P r e s u m p t i v e D i s a b i l i t y a n dPresumptive Blindness Rule (20 CFRPart 416)

Federal Register, 1991-12-18, Vol.56, No. 243, pp. 65682-65684 (INFORMP60901/1)Removes regulation section 416.934(k) 20 CFR Part 416, under which findings were made of presumptive disability for people seeking supplemental income benefits based on disability due to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), so that under new procedures, Social Security Field Offices may make a finding of presumptive disability for any individual with the human immunodefiency virus (HIV) whose manifestations are of listing level severity; it is no longer necessary to have been diagnosed with AIDS.

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Date of entry into force: 1991-12-18

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; Paymen t o fBenefits to a Child Adopted by aSurv iv ing Spouse Rule (Regula t ionNo.4) (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1992-02-03, Vol.57, No. 22, pp. 3937-3938 (INFORMP60901/1)Amends Social Security Administration Regulations to reflect section 5104 of Public Law 101-508, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, enacted on November 5, 1990. Section 5104 amended section 216(e) of the Social Security Act to provide that a child who is legally adopted by an insured person’s surviving spouse after the insured’s death may be entitled to child’s insurance benefits if the child was either living with the insured individual or receiving at least one-half of his or her support at the time of the death of the insured individual.

Date of entry into force: 1992-02-03

Basic text(s): (USA-1990-L-20795) 1990-01-19. Social Security Act 1990.Public Law 1990-75.

Related text(s): (USA-1990-L-22370) 1990-11-03. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R. 5835).

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Claims for Compensation under theFederal Employees’ Compensation Actas Amended Rule (20 CFR Part 10)

Federal Register, 1991-09-20, Vol.56, No. 183, pp. 47674-47675 (INFORM)Makes technical changes to Regulations under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act to reflect changes under Public Law 101-103, that lowers the age at which surving spouses can remarry but still retain survivors benefits from 60 to 55.

Date of entry into force: 1991-09-20

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Disability Insurance and SupplementalSecur i ty Income; Menta l D isordersin Children Rule (20 CFR Parts 404and 416)

Federal Register, 1991-12-12, Vol.55, No. 239, pp. 51208-51236 (INFORMP60901)Amendments revising the criteria used to evaluate mental disorders in children under the age of 18 for the disability programs in titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act, conforming with the Supreme Court’s decision of February 20, 1990, in Sullivan v. Zelbey et al.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-12

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; De te rm in ingDisabi l i ty and Bl indness; Addit ionof Down Syndrome and Other SeriousHereditary, Congenital or AcquiredD i s o r d e r s t o t h e L i s t i n g o fImpairments Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1991-12-12, Vol.55, No. 239, pp. 51204-51208 (INFORM)Amendments revising criteria for determining (for Social Security or supplemental security income benefits) whether children’s impairments meet or equal the severity of impairments found in the listed multiple body system disorders, according with the Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Sullivan v. Zebley, et al.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-12

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Prohibit ion Against Termination ofCoverage for American Citizens andR e s i d e n t s W o r k i n g A b r o a d f o r aFore ign Af f i l ia te o f an Amer icanEmployer and Extension of DisabilityI n s u r a n c e P r o g r a m D e m o n s t r a t i o nProject Authority Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1990-12-17, Vol.55, No. 242, pp. 51686-51688 (INFORMP60901)Revisions, concerning Social Security coverage agreements entered into by American employers with respect to their foreign affiliates, prohibit termination of coverage and create demonstration projects intended to test ways of encouraging individuals entitled to disability insurance benefits to return to work.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-17

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;E l i m i n a t i o n o f t h e C a r r y o v e rReduction in Old-Age and DisabilityInsurance Benefits Due to the Receiptof Widow’s or Widower’s InsuranceBenefits Prior to Age 62 Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1990-12-07, Vol.55, No. 236, pp. 50550-50551 (INFORM)Amendments to regulations on the carryover reduction in old-age and disability insurance benefits due to the receipt of widow’s or widower’s insurance benefits prior to the age of 62, such that old-age insurance benefits and disability insurance shall be computed without regard to entitlement to widow’s or widower’s insurance benefits before age 62.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-07

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Retirement; Law Enforcement Officersand Firefighters Rule (5 CFR Part8 3 1 )

Federal Register, 1990-12-05, Vol.55, No. 234, pp. 50153-50154 (INFORMP60901)Amendment to the Office of Personnel and Management’s regulations governing the special retirement provisions for law enforcement officers and firefighters employed under the Civil service Retirement System, the regulatory change clarifying the definition of qualifying duties.

Date of entry into force: 1990-12-05

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Olde r Worke rs Bene f i t P ro tec t i onAmendment Act. Publ ic Law 101-521(H.R. 5759) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1990-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 2287 (INFORM P60904)U.S. Labor and Employment Laws, 1991-03, West, R., BNA Books, Washington,D.C., United States of America, pp. 5-54-5-57 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 to clarify the application of such Act to employee group health plans.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-16

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Civi l Service Retirement Benefi ts:National Guard Technicians. Publ icLaw 101-530 (S.1890).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 2338 (INFORM P60904)Amendment to Title 5, United States Code, providing relief from certain inequities remaining in the crediting of National Guard technician service in connection with civil service retirement, and for other purposes.

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Olde r Worke rs Bene f i t P ro tec t i onAct. Public Law 101-433 (S.1511).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1990-12, No. 9,p. 104 STAT. 978-984 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (29 USC 621 et seq.) (Legislative Series, 1967-USA 1) to clarify the protection given to older individuals in regard to employee benefit plans, and for other purposes. The Act is also intended to ensure that older workers are not coerced or manipulated into waiving their rights to seek legal relief under the 1967 Act.

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Survivors Benefits, Health Benefits,a n d L i f e I n s u r a n c e f o r C e r t a i nAnnuitants Rule (5 CFR Parts 841,870 to 873 and 890)

Federal Register, 1990-10-10, Vol.55, No. 196, pp. 41178-41179 (INFORM)

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Date of entry into force: 1990-11-09

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Valuation of Plan Benefits and PlanAssets Fo l lowing Mass Wi thdrawal -Interest Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 7 6 )

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41689-41690 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-01

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Notice and Collection of Withdrawal;Adoption of New Interest Rate Rule(29 CFR Part 2644)

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41689 (INFORM)Amends the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s (PBGC) regulation on Notice and Collection of Withdrawal Liability.

Date of entry into force: 1990-07-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in SingleEmployer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional PBGC Rates Rule (29 CFRPart 2619)

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41688-41689 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-01

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Late Premium Payments and EmployerL i a b i l i t y U n d e r p a y m e n t s a n dO v e r p a y m e n t s ; I n t e r e s t R a t e f o rDetermining Variable Rate Premium;Amendments to Interest Rates Rule(29 CFR Parts 2610 and 2622)

Federal Register, 1990-10-15, Vol.55, No. 199, pp. 41686-41688 (INFORM)Amendments notifying new interest rates to pension plan sponsors and pension practitioners.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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R e s t o r a t i o n o f T e r m i n a t i n g a n dTerminated Plans Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 2 5 )

Federal Register, 1990-10-23, Vol.55, No. 205, pp. 42713-42716 (INFORM)Regulation made by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to make provision for the legal obligation arising in consequence of the restoration by the Corporation of terminated plans pursuant to section 4047 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and for procedures for the orderly and effective operation of title IV of the Act with respect to a restored plan. 29 CFR Part 2625 is therefore added as a new part for this purpose.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-22

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;Changes in the Annual Earnings TestRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1990-09-12, Vol.55, No. 177, pp. 37460-37462 (INFORM)Amendments to liberalize the payment of social security benefits in certain cases where a beneficiary has excess earnings during a taxable year.

Date of entry into force: 1990-09-12

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled; Paymento f B e n e f i t s , O v e r p a y m e n t s a n dU n d e r p a y m e n t s - O v e r p a y m e n t D e f i n e dRule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-08-17, Vol.55, No. 160, pp. 33667-33669 (INFORM)Implements section 2612 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-369), which amended section 1631(b)(1) of the Social security Act, by setting a limit on adjustment or recovery of a Supplemental security Income and/or federally administered State supplementary overpayment that the secretary (Social security Administration) may require.

Date of entry into force: 1990-08-17

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y B e n e f i t s ; C o n t i n u e dPayment of Benefi ts During AppealRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1990-08-81, Vol.55, No. 170, pp. 35578-35579 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-08-31

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Ret i r emen t ; A l t e rna t i ve Fo rms o fAnnuity Rule (5 CFR Parts 831 and8 4 2 )

Federal Register, 1990-02-09, Vol.55, No. 28, pp. 4597-4598 (INFORM)Interim Regulations implementing section 2 of Public Law 010-227 enacted 12 December 1989, changing the way lump-sum credit is paid to certain retirees who elect the alternative form of annuity provided by section 8343a and 8420a of title 5 of the United States Code.

Date of entry into force: 1989-12-03

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance Benefits; Effectof Pension from Noncovered EmploymentRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1990-05-24, Vol.55, No. 101, pp. 21380-21382 (INFORM)Amends statutory provisions providing for a modified computation of an individual’s social security benefit when he or she also receives a pension that is based on noncovered employment.

Date of entry into force: 1990-05-24

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind, and Disabled; RealProperty Which Is Not Counted WhenIt Cannot Be Sold and Transfer ofAssets for Less Than Fair MarketValue Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-03-21, Vol.55, No. 55, pp. 10415-10420 (INFORM)Regulations intended to liberalise policies relating to Supplemental Security Income benefits by not requiring the sale or transfer of real property under certain conditions.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-21

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F e d e r a l O l d - a g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s ;Spouse’s Benefits - Certificate ofE lect ion to Estab l ish Ent i t lementRule (20 CFR Part 404 and 422)

Federal Register, 1990-06-25, Vol.55, No. 122, pp. 25824-25826 (INFORM)Amendments relating to entitlement to survivor’s benefits and old-age or disability benefits.

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Date of entry into force: 1990-06-25

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Civi l Service Retirement System -C i v i l S e r v i c e R e t i r e m e n t S p o u s eEquity Act; Implementation Rule (5CFR Part 831)

Federal Register, 1990-03-12, Vol.55, No. 48, pp. 9093-9107 (INFORMP60901)Amends interim rules implementing the Civil Service Retirement Spouse Equity Act of 1984, as amended, relating, inter alia, to survivor annuities, lump-sum death benefits, retirement benefits and refund of civil service retirement benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1990-04-11

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Limi ta t ion on Guaranteed Benef i tsin Single-Employer Plans Rule (29CFR Part 2621)

Federal Register, 1990-02-22, Vol.55, No. 36, pp. 6247-6248 (INFORM)Rule adding the maximum guaranteeable pension benefit that may be paid by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation to a plan participant in a single-employer pension plan that terminates in 1990.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Benef i ts andSupp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rAged, Blind and Disabled; Recoveryof Overpayments and Other TechnicalChanges Rule (20 CFR Parts 404 and4 1 6 )

Federal Register, 1990-03-01, Vol.55, No. 41, pp. 7311-7313 (INFORM)Technical amendments concerning supplemental security income benefit payment made as a direct deposit to joint accounts.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-01

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; Emp loymen t ,Wages, Sel f -Employment , and Sel f -Employment Income Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1990-03-01, Vol.55, No. 41, pp. 7306-7311 (INFORM)Amends several rules in Subpart K - Employment, Wages, Self-Employment, and Self-Employment Income of Part 404 or the Social Security Administration’s Regulations, in order to delete provisions no longer in effect, to reflect statutory changes and changes in policy, and to make certain clarifications.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-01

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F e d e r a l E m p l o y e e s ’ R e t i r e m e n tSystem; Disability Requirement Rule(5 CFR Part 844)

Federal Register, 1990-02-26, Vol.55, No. 38, pp. 6596-6603 (INFORMP60901)Rules establishing the requirements for eligibility to receive a disability annuity, application procedures for disability annuities, the procedures for computing a disability annuity, and the conditions under which a disability annuity is terminated or reinstated.

Date of entry into force: 1987-01-01

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Civ i l Se rv i ce Re t i r emen t Sys tem;C i v i l S e r v i c e R e t i r e m e n t S p o u s eEquity Act; Implementation Rule (5CFR Part 831)

Federal Register, 1990-07-19, Vol.55, No. 139, pp. 29339-29340 (INFORMP60901)Amendments retroactively eliminating the requirement that the former employee execute an application for a refund of retirement deductions before a notary public.

Date of entry into force: 1990-09-17

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind, and Disabled Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-02-08, Vol.55, No. 27, pp. 4421-4423 (INFORM)Amendment increasing the maximum emergency advance payment that can be paid to an individual presumptively eligible for supplemental security income.

Date of entry into force: 1990-02-08

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Federal Employees Retirement System- General Administrat ion; Cost ofLiving Adjustments Rule (5 CFR Part8 4 1 )

Federal Register, 1990-04-17, Vol.55, No. 74, pp. 14229-14231 (INFORMP60901)Amends Regulations concerning the computation of cost of living adjustment of basic benefits under the Federal Retirement System.

Date of entry into force: 1990-05-17

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Consideration of Vocational FactorsRule (20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1990-03-26, Vol.55, No. 58, pp. 11009-11015 (INFORMP60901)Regulations clarifying implementation of the Social Security Act and their legislative history relating to disability determinations.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-26

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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G u a r a n t e e d B e n e f i t s u n d e r t h eEmployee Retirement Income SecurityAct of 1974 Rule (29 CFR Part 2605)

Federal Register, 1975-09-22 (INFORM)

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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M i n i m u m S t a n d a r d s f o r E m p l o y e eP e n s i o n B e n e f i t P l a n s u n d e r t h eEmployee Retirement Income SecurityAct of 1974 Rule (29 CFR Part 2530)

Federal Register, 1975-09-08 (INFORM)

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance (1950-) - Old-A g e , D i s a b i l i t y , D e p e n d a n t s ’andSurv i vo rs ’ I nsu rance Bene f i t s :Period of Disability Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1976-02-09 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance (1950-) - Old-Age , D i sab i l i t y , Dependan ts ’ andSurvivors’ Insurance Benefits: Periodof Disability Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1975-07-20 (INFORM)Widow’s and mother’s duration of entitlement, child’s simultaneous entitlement on more than one earnings record, widow’s and widower’s benefit increase and miscellaneous amendments.

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled (1974-) Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1975-10-20 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance (1950-) - Old-Age , D i sab i l i t y , Dependan ts ’ andSurvivors’ Insurance Benefits: Periodof Disability Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1970-08-17 (INFORM)Amends para. 404.310: Per iod of d isabi l i ty ; condi t ions of ent i t lement.

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Act to amend the Social Securi tyAct. Public Law 92-603 (H.R. 1).

Printed separately (INFORM)

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Act to amend Ch. 73 of Title 10 ofthe United States Code. Public Law92-425 (H.R. 10670).

Printed separately (INFORM)Amends the title of the Chapter by adding “Survivor benefit plan” and inserts new SubChapters I (retired servicemen’s family protection plan) and II (Survivor benefit plan).

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Act to amend the Labor-ManagementRelations Act of 1947. Public Law93-95 (S. 1423).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1973-09-10 (INFORMP60904)Permits employer contributions to jointly administered trust funds established by labour organizations to defray costs of legal services.

Amending text(s): (USA-1935-L-31133) 1935. National Labor Relations Actof 1935, as amended by the Labor Management Relations (Taft-Hartley)Act of 1947, the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure (Landrum-Griffin) Act of 1959 and the Labor Management Cooperation Act of 1978 (asamended through April 18, 1990)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance (1950-) Rule(20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1973-04-16 (INFORM)M i s c e l l a n e o u s a m e n d m e n t s .

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Employee Retirement Income SecurityAct of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R.2 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdmin is t ra t ive News. , 1974-09-20(INFORM)U.S. Code, Office of the Law RevisionCounsel, U.S. House of Representatives,U.S.Provides for pension reform. Establishes and safeguards rights for workers who participate in private pension plans. No company may be required to establish a pension plan for its workers, but if it does so, the plan and its administration must conform to the provisions of the Act.

Amending text(s): (USA-2008-L-78621) 2008-01-03. Genetic InformationNondiscrimination Act of 2008 (H.R. 493).

Amending text(s): (USA-2006-L-77732) 2006-01-03. The Pension ProtectionAct of 2006 (H.R. 4).

Amending text(s): (USA-2004-L-67564) 2004-04-10. Pension FundingEquity Act 2004 (Public Law 108-218).

Amending text(s): (USA-2000-R-57955) 2000-01-01. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974; Rules and Regulations for Administration andEnforcement. Final Regulation (29 CFR Part 2560).

Amending text(s): (USA-1997-L-49096) 1997-11-19. Savings are vital toeveryone’s retirement Act of 1997 (Public Law 105-92 [H.R.1377]).

Amending text(s): (USA-1997-L-49095) 1997-11-10. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974 amendment (Public Law 105-72 [S. 1227]).

Amending text(s): (USA-1986-L-2881) 1986-10-21. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1986. Public Law 99-509 (H.R. 5300).

Amending text(s): (USA-1980-L-11908) 1980-09-26. Multiemployer PensionPlan Amendments Act of 1980. Public Law 96-364 (H.R. 3904).

Related text(s): (USA-1992-R-31805) 1992-10-16. Notices to PBGC ofFailures To Make Required Contributions Rule ( 29 CFR Part 2615)

Related text(s): (USA-1992-R-27227) 1992-01-07. Valuation of Plan Benefitsin Single-Employer Plans; Amendment Adopting Additional PBGC RatesRule (29 CFR Part 2619)

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Rai l road Ret i rement Act o f 1974.Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1974-11-15 (INFORMP60904)Amends the Railroad Retirement Act 1937 [LS 1937 - USA 3 A] to revise the retirement system for employees of employers covered thereunder, and for other purposes. Numerous amendments; inter alia, Title III amends the Social Security Act (LS 1935 - USA 2 ... 1952 - USA 1) and Title IV amends the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (LS 1938 - USA 2).

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M i n i m u m S t a n d a r d s f o r E m p l o y e ePens ion Benef i ts P lans under theEmployee Retirement Security Act of1974 Rule (20 CFR Part 2530)

Federal Register, 1976-12-28 (INFORM)

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance (1950-) - Old-Age , D i sab i l i t y , Dependan ts ’ andS u r v i v o r s ’ B e n e f i t s : P e r i o d o fDisability Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1976-03-30 (INFORM)Father’s insurance benefits (a new category) and miscellaneous amendments reflecting changes in wife’s, child’s, widow’s, widower’s, mother’s, and parent’s benefits.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blindand Disabled Rule (20 CFR Parts 404and 416)

Federal Register, 1977-03-16 (INFORM)Rights and benefits based on disability; determination of disability or blindness; additional medical criteria for determination of disability for children under age 18.

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Execu t i ve Orde r es tab l i sh ing t hePres ident ’s Commiss ion on Pens ionPolicy (No. 12071)

Federal Register, 1978-07-14 (INFORM)

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Black Lung Benefits Revenue Act of1977. Public Law 95-227 (H.R. 5322).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1978-03 (INFORM)Imposes an excise tax on the sale of coal by the producer, to establish a Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and for other purposes.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance (1950-) - BasicComputa t ion o f Benef i ts and LumpS u m s ; N e w M e t h o d s o f C o m p u t i n gBenefit Amounts Rule (20 CFR Part4 0 4 )

Federal Register, 1980-01-08 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e - O l d - A g e ,D i s a b i l i t y , D e p e n d a n t s ’ a n dSurvivors’ Insurance Benefits: Periodof Disability Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1976, No. 6(INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e - O l d - A g e ,D i s a b i l i t y , D e p e n d a n t s ’ a n dSurvivors’ Insurance Benefits: Periodof Disability Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1979-06-15 (INFORM)R e q u i r e m e n t s t o b e c o m e e n t i t l e d t o b e n e f i t s .

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Act to amend the Social Securi tyAct. Public Law 96-473 (H.R. 5295).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1980-12 (INFORM)

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Multiemployer Pension Plan AmendmentsAct of 1980. Public Law 96-364 (H.R.3 9 0 4 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1980-11 (INFORM)Amends the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the Internal Revenue Code 1954 to improve retirement income security under private multiemployer pension plans by strengthening the funding requirements for those plans, to authorize plan preservation measures for financially troubled multiemployer pension plans, and to revise the manner in which the pension plan termination insurance provisions apply to multiemployer plans, and for other purposes.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Benef i ts andSupp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled Rule(20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1980-08-20 (INFORM)Numerous amendments to update and simplify rules determining disability and blindness.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance - Insured Statusand Quarters of Coverage Rule (20CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1980-04-15 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance ; Emp loymen t ,Wages, Self-Employment Income Rule(20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1980-03-27 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance (1950 - ) andSupp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled Rule(20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1981-05-29 (INFORM)C h a n g e s o f t h e r u l e s f o r d e t e r m i n i n g d i s a b i l i t y .

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Vete rans ’ Compensa t i on , Educa t i onand Employment Amendments of 1982.Public Law 97-306 (H.R. 6782).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1982, p. 96 STAT.1429-1449 (INFORM P60904)Amends Title 38, US Code, to increase the rate of disability compensation for disabled veterans, to increase the rates of dependency and indemnity compensation for surviving spouses and children, and to modify and improve the educational assistance programs administered by the Veterans’ Administration and the veterans’ employment programs administered by the Department of Labor; and for other purposes.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance (1950 - ) andSupp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled Rule(20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1982-02-23 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance (1950-) Rule(20 CFR Part 404)

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1982-08 (INFORM)C o m p u t i n g o f p r i m a r y i n s u r a n c e a m o u n t .

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Benefi ts Rule(20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1983-10-11, Vol.48, No. 197, pp. 46142-46149 (INFORM)M i s c e l l a n e o u s a m e n d m e n t s a f f e c t i n g m e t h o d o f c o m p u t i n g b e n e f i t s .

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Mi leage or Work Rest r ic t ions andStand-By or Lay-Over Rules (20 CFRPart 332)

Federal Register, 1990-01-19, Vol.55, No. 13, pp. 1812-1813 (INFORMP60901)Amends Part 332 of Regulations of the Railroad Retirement Board to redefine what is meant by the phrase “equivalent of full-time work” for railroad train and engine service employees who do not have regular assignments.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-19

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisability Insurance Benefits; BlackLung Benefits; Supplemental SecurityIncome fo r the Aged, B l ind , andD i s a b l e d ; O r g a n i z a t i o n a n dProcedures; Appl icat ion of CircuitCourt Law Rule (20 CFR Parts 404,410, 416 and 422)

Federal Register, 1990-01-11, Vol.55, No. 8, pp. 1012-1021 (INFORM)Regulations implementing a new policy for applying holdings of the U.S. Court of Appeals in adjudicating certain claims under the Social Security Act and the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-11

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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G e n e r a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ;Miscel laneous Rules (20 CFR Parts200 and 262)

Federal Register, 1989-10-20, Vol.54, No. 202, pp. 43054-43057 (INFORMP60901)Amendments to Parts 200 and 262 of the Railroad Retirement Board’s Regulations to consolidate certain administrative procedures relating to the disclosure of information.

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Date of entry into force: 1989-10-20

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d a n d D i s a b l e d ;P r e s u m p t i v e D i s a b i l i t y a n dPresumpt i ve B l i ndness ; Ca tego r iesof Impairments-AIDS Extension DateRule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1989-12-29, Vol.54, No. 249, pp. 53605-53607 (INFORM)Rules concerning payment of benefit to persons applying for supplemental security income benefits on the basis of disability or blindness before making a formal determination when available information indicates a high probability that disability exists.

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Determining Disability and Blindness;Substant ia l Gain fu l Act iv i ty Rule(20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1989-12-29, Vol.54, No. 249, pp. 53600-53605 (INFORM)Raises, inter alia, from $300 to $500 the average monthly earnings guidelines used to determine whether persons with impairments other than blindness are able to undertake substantial gainful activity for purposes of Social Security disability benefits provided under title II of the Social Security Act.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-01

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s , a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance; Supplementa lSecurity Income for the Aged, Blind,a n d D i s a b l e d ; D e c i s i o n s b yAdministrative Law Judges in CasesRemanded by the Courts Rule (20 CFRParts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1989-09-13, Vol.54, No. 176, pp. 37789-37794 (INFORM)Under these final Regulations, decisions of Administrative Law Judges fully or partially favourable to the party that are not reviewed by the Appeals Council on its own initiative will be effectuated on a more timely basis.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e ( 1 9 5 0 ) ;Determining Disability and Blindness;Extens ion o f Exp i ra t ion Date forCardiovascular System List ing Rule(20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1989-12-05, Vol.54, No. 232, pp. 50233-50235 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1989-12-05

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Family Relat ionships Rule (20 CFRPart 222)

Federal Register, 1989-10-19, Vol.54, No. 201, pp. 42949-42956 (INFORMP60901)Amendment to Regulations by adding a new Part 222 which defines the relationships to a railroad employee which a claimant may have to establish in order to qualify for benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-19

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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Evidence Required for Payment Rule(20 CFR Part 219)

Federal Register, 1989-08-03, Vol.54, No. 148, pp. 31939-31949 (INFORMP60901)Revision of Part 219 of the Regulations of the Railroad Retirement Board concerning the type of evidence that a claimant may provide in support of his or her application for benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1989-08-03

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;E x c e p t i o n o f C e r t a i n A s s i s t a n c ePayments From Retrospective MonthlyAccounting Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1989-08-01, Vol.54, No. 146, pp. 31656-31657 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1989-08-01

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Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans; Amendment AdoptingAdditional Rates Rule (29 CFR Part2 6 1 9 )

Federal Register, 1989-11-15, Vol.54, No. 219, pp. 47513-47514 (INFORM)Amends Regulations concerning the Valuation of Plan Benefits in Single-Employer Plans containing interest rates and factors for the period beginning 1989-12-01.

Date of entry into force: 1989-12-01

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Treatment of Old-Age Survivors, andD isab i l i t y I nsu rance Paymen ts i nthe Aid to Families With DependentC h i l d r e n P r o g r a m ( A F D C ) ; D i r e c tPayment to Beneficiaries Under Age18 Rule (20 CFR Parts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1989-08-28, Vol.54, No. 165, pp. 35482-35483 (INFORM)Rules amending 20 CFR 404.2040 which prescribes the use of benefit payments by a representative payee.

Date of entry into force: 1989-08-28

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Civil Penalties Under FERSA Rule (29CFR Part 2589)

Federal Register, 1989-08-09, Vol.54, No. 152, pp. 32635-32637 (INFORMP60901)Regulation setting forth the manner in which the Department of Labor intends to assess civil penalties under section 8477 of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Act of 1986 for certain prohibited transactionsection

Date of entry into force: 1989-09-08

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P u b l i c S a f e t y O f f i c e r s ’ D e a t hBenefits Rule (28 CFR Part 32)

Federal Register, 1989-09-26, Vol.54, No. 185, pp. 39358-39359 (INFORMP60901)

Date of entry into force: 1989-09-26

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Federa l Employees Heal th Benef i tsAmendments Act of 1988. Public Law100-654 (H.R. 5102).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1989-01, No. 10,p. 102 STAT. 3837 (INFORM P60904)Amendments stipulating that a health care provider whose licence has been suspended may not provide services under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. A separated employee or spouse of a deceased employee may, at his or her own expense, continue coverage under the Program for a limited time. The term “provider of health care or services or supplies” means a physician, hospital, or other individual or entity which furnishes health care services or supplies.

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Techno logy - re la ted Ass i s tance fo rInd iv idua ls wi th Disab i l i t ies Acto f 1988. Pub l ic Law 100-407 (S .2 5 6 1 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-10, No. 7,p. 102 STAT. 1044 (INFORM)Provides for financial assistance for the disabled (definitions in s. 3).

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C l a r i f i c a t i o n o f D e f i n i t i o n o fEmp loyee Rep resen ta t i ve Ru le (20CFR Part 205)

Federal Register, 1988-10-06, Vol.53, No. 194, pp. 39255-39256 (INFORMP60901)Includes the definition, factors considered, service of an employee representative and termination of that status, for purposes of entitlement to benefits.

Date of entry into force: 1988-10-06

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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Act to amend sect ion 307 of theFederal Employees’ Retirement SystemAct of 1986. Public Law 100-366 (S.2 1 8 8 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-09, No. 6,p. 102 STAT. 826 (INFORM P60904)Provides that, for the purpose of cost comparisons in the Federal Employees’ Retirement System, all retirement costs shall be considered, including social security benefits and thrift savings plan costs.

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R e t i r e e B e n e f i t s B a n k r u p t c yProtection Act of 1988. Public Law100-334 (H.R. 2969).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-08, p. 102STAT. 610 (INFORM)Provides that a company which has petitioned for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code shall continue to pay retiree benefits pursuant to a policy of life, health or disability insurance. If representatives of the beneficiaries agree to modifications in benefits during the pendency of a bankruptcy petition, they may be made. Where the representative and the bankrupt company cannot reach agreement, the presiding judge may decide. A labour organisation shall, unless it opts not to, represent persons receiving benefits negotiated under a collective agreement.

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d a n d D i s a b l e d ;[Recovery of Payment] against Equityand Good Conscience Rule (20 CFRParts 404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1988-07-07, Vol.53, No. 130, pp. 25481-25484 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD i s a b i l i t y I n s u r a n c e B e n e f i t s :Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d a n d D i s a b l e d ;Continued Payment of Benefits DuringAppeal Rule (20 CFR Parts 404 and4 1 6 )

Federal Register, 1988-08-02, Vol.53, No. 148, pp. 29011-29024 (INFORM)

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D e f i n i t i o n o f P l a n A s s e t s ;Part icipant Contr ibutions Rule (29CFR Part 2510)

Federal Register, 1988-05-17, Vol.53, No. 95, pp. 17628-17630 (INFORM)Defines, for purposes of Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, when certain monies which a participant pays to, or has withheld by, an employer for contribution to a pension plan are “plan assets”.

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15317) 1974-09-02. Employee RetirementIncome Security Act of 1974. Public Law 93-406 (H.R. 2).

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S t a t e V o c a t i o n a l R e h a b i l i t a t i o nServices Program Rule (34 CFR Part3 6 1 )

Federal Register, 1988-05-12, Vol.53, No. 92, pp. 16978-16988 (INFORMP60901)Inter alia, includes new or revised definitions and expands services to be provided to individuals with handicaps under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended.

Basic text(s): (USA-1973-L-31146) 1973. Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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Retirement Law Enforcement Officersand Firefighters Rule (5 CFR Part8 3 1 )

Federal Register, 1987-12-17, Vol.52, No. 242, pp. 47893-47897 (INFORMP60901)Regulations on the special retirement system for such employees under civil service retirement law.

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Guaranteed Benef i ts ; Determinat ionof Plan Sufficiency and Terminationof Suff ic ient Plans; Valuat ion ofP lan Bene f i t s i n S ing le -Emp loye rPlans Rule (29 CFR Parts 2613, 2617and 2619)

Federal Register, 1987-12-15, Vol.52, No. 240, pp. 47561-47662 (INFORM)Concerns, inter alia, the circumstances under which benefits in a terminated single-employer pension plan may be paid as a lump-sum rather than as an annuity.

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Federal Employees Retirement System;Death Benefits and Employee RefundsRule (5 CFR Part 843)

Federal Register, 1987-09-29, Vol.52, No. 188, pp. 36389-36390 (INFORMP60901)

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Supplementary Secur i ty Income fort h e A g e d , B l i n d a n d D i s a b l e d ;Residence and Citizenship Rule (20CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1987-06-10, Vol.52, No. 111, pp. 21939-21945 (INFORM)Criteria for determining whether an alien is permanently residing in the United States for purposes of eligibility for supplemental security income benefits.

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Federal Employees’ Retirement SystemAct of 1986: Technical Amendments.Pubic Law 100-20 (H.R. 1505).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1987-05, No. 3,p. 101 STAT. 265 (INFORM P60904)

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Pension and Retirement Plans Rule(29 CFR Part 860)

Federal Register, 1987-03-18, Vol.52, No. 52, p. 8448 (INFORM P60901)This rescission by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concerns interpretations of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (LS 1967 - USA 1) in relation to employer contributions to pension and retirement plans for employees who continue to work beyond normal retirement age.

Basic text(s): (USA-1967-L-18815) 1967-12-15. Age Discrimination inEmployment Act of 1967. Public Law 90-202 (S. 830).

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Federal Employees’ Retirement SystemTechnical Corrections Act of 1986.Public Law 99-556 (H.R. 5626).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-12, No.10A, 11 p. (INFORM P60904)Miscellaneous corrections to the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-335).

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Omnibus Budget Reconc i l ia t ion Actof 1986. Public Law 99-509 (H.R.5 3 0 0 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-12, No. 10,206 p. (INFORM)Contains the budget for fiscal year 1987. Title IX - Subtitle C (Older Americans Pension Benefits) amends the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (LS 1967 - USA 1) and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to prohibit discrimination on the basis of age in employee pension benefit plans (sections 9201-9204). Title IX - Subtitle D contains a series of amendments relating to the medicare programme (medical care for older persons; sections 9301-9353). Provisions regarding medicaid (medical care for indigents) and maternal and child health are contained in Title IX - Subtitle E (sections 9401-9443).

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Federal Employees’ Retirement SystemAct of 1986. Public Law 99-335 (H.R.2 6 7 2 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-07, No. 5,p. 100 STAT. 514-632 (INFORM P60904)Establishes a new retirement and disability plan which is co-ordinated with the Social Security Act (LS 1939 - USA 2), as amended, for Federal employees, postal employees and Members of Congress. The Act is also designed to enhance the portability of retirement assets earned as a Federal employee and to provide those employees with options for retirement planning. It extends protection from disability to additional Federal employees and increases protection for those covered. Title I of the Act (new Chapter 84 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code) contains provisions regarding the basic annuity and thrift savings plan, survivor annuities, disability benefit and the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Management System. It also includes general and administrative provisions (e.g. cost-of-living adjustments). Titles II to VII of the Act contain other amendments in relation to, inter alia, the Civil Service Retirement System and appropriations.

Amending text(s): (USA-1988-L-6977) 1988-07-13. Act to amend section307 of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Act of 1986. Public Law100-366 (S. 2188).

Amending text(s): (USA-1987-L-3542) 1987-04-07. Federal Employees’Retirement System Act of 1986: Technical Amendments. Pubic Law 100-20 (H.R. 1505).

Amending text(s): (USA-1986-L-2961) 1986-10-27. Federal Employees’Retirement System Technical Corrections Act of 1986. Public Law 99-556(H.R. 5626).

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y ; C o s t o f L i v i n gIncreases; Delayed Retirement Creditsand Maximum Family Benefits Rule (20CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1986-04-14, Vol.51, No. 71, pp. 12600-12607 (INFORM)Concerns various measures taken pursuant to the Social Security Amendments of 1983 and the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984.

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Social Securi ty Benefi ts; Paymentsto Divorced Spouses Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1986-04-08, Vol.51, No. 67, pp. 11910-11912 (INFORM)Rules issued by the Social Security Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services regarding paying a wife’s or a husband’s benefits to the divorced spouse of an eligible worker who has not yet become entitled to his or her old-age benefit.

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Railroad Retirement Board Rule (20CFR Parts 234, 237 and 238)

Federal Register, 1986-01-23, Vol.51, No. 15, pp. 3035-3040 (INFORMP60901)Amends regulations covering lump-sum death payment, annuities due but unpaid at death, residual lump-sum payment, and lump-sum refund payment.

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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Veterans’ Compensation Rate Increaseand Job Training Amendments of 1985.Public Law 99-238 (H.R. 1538).

Congressional Record - Daily Digest,1985-12-19, pp. S18193 - S18198 (INFORM)

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Social Security Disability BenefitsReform Act of 1984. Public Law 98-460 (H.R. 3755).

Printed separately, 20 p. (INFORM)Amends Titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act [LS 1939 - USA 2 ... 1952 - USA 1] to provide for reform in the disability determination process. Extensive amendments to the Social Security Act.

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Pension Plans - Notice of InsolvencyRule (29 CFR Part 2674)

Federal Register, 1985-04-01, Vol.50, No. 62, pp. 12794-12796 (INFORM)Procedure to be followed in the event of insolvency of a multiemployer pension plan.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance and SupplementalSecurity Income for the Aged, Blindand Disabled Rule (20 CFR Parts 404and 416)

Federal Register, 1985-03-05, Vol.50, No. 43, pp. 8727-8729 (INFORM)C o n c e r n e v a l u a t i o n o f d i s a b i l i t y .

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind and Disabled Rule(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1984-12-10, Vol.49, No. 238, p. 48038 (INFORM)Amends section 416.1103 (definition of income for purposes of entitlement to benefits).

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Bene f i t Reduc t i ons i n Te rm ina tedSing le-Employer Pens ion Plans andRecoupment of Benefi t OverpaymentsRule (29 CFR Part 2623)

Federal Register, 1985-01-29, Vol.50, No. 19, pp. 3897-3903 (INFORM)

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Rule (40 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1985-01-14, Vol.50, No. 9, pp. 1832-1833 (INFORM)Provide that sick pay in the six calendar months after the month the employee stopped working are wages, with certain exceptions.

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Railroad Employees’ Retirement Rule(20 CFR Parts 209 to 212, 220, 222and 250)

Federal Register, 1984-11-28, Vol.49, No. 230, pp. 46729-46736 (INFORMP60901)Amends regulations concerning reporting requirements and creditability of compensation, service and military service. Inter alia, contains provisions implementing amendments to the Railroad Retirement Act of 1974.

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15305) 1974-05-16. Railroad Retirement Act of1974. Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance , B lack LungBenefits, and Supplemental SecurityI n c o m e f o r t h e A g e d , B l i n d a n dDisabled Rule (20 CFR Parts 404,410, 416 and 422)

Federal Register, 1984-11-26, Vol.49, No. 228, pp. 46365-46370 (INFORM)A m e n d s t h e p r o c e d u r e f o r r e v i s i n g d e c i s i o n s a n d a p p e a l s p r o c e d u r e .

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance (1950-) Rule(20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1984-07-13, Vol.49, No. 136, p. 28547 (INFORM)Amend rules on determining disability insured status for young workers who became disabled before reaching the age of 31 years, to give effect to Public Law 98-21 (Social Security Amendments of 1983).

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisabi l i ty Insurance Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1984-07-24, Vol.49, No. 143, pp. 29771-29777 (INFORM)Amends the methods of computing benefits under totalization agreements, i.e. social security agreements with foreign countries permitting the establishment of entitlement to benefits by combining periods of coverage under the US system and the system of the foreign country.

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Employment accident andoccupational disease benefit

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Claims for Compensation Under theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act:C o m p e n s a t i o n f o r D i s a b i l i t y a n dDeath of Noncitizen Federal EmployeesOutside the United States Rule (20CFR Parts 10 and 25).

Federal Register, 1998-11-25, Vol.63, No. 227, pp. 65284-65345 (INFORMP60901)Amends regulations governing the administration of the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA), which provides benefits to all civilian Federal employees who are injured or killed on the job. Inter alia, the amendments contain a major revision of the medical fee schedule; allow the suspension of benefits during incarceration and termination of benefits in case of fraud; and include nurse services in the definition of vocational rehabilitation services.

Date of entry into force: 1999-10

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Claims for Medical Benefi ts Underthe Federal Employees’ CompensationAct Rule (20 CFR Part 10)

Federal Register, 1994-02-23, Vol.59, No. 36, pp. 8529-8530, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the rules establishing a fee schedule and procedures for submitting bills for reimbursement for medical procedures and services provided to injured federal employees under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA).

Date of entry into force: 1994-03-25

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Claims; Disclosure of Social SecurityNumbers Under the Federal Employees’Compensation Act and the Longshoreand Ha rbo r Worke rs ’ Compensa t i onAct and Related Statutes Rule (20CFR Parts 10 and 702)

Federal Register, 1993-12-23, Vol.58, No. 245, pp. 68031-68032, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the regulations governing the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) to state that persons must disclose their Social Security Numbers (SSN) whenever they file notices of injury and/or claims for compensation under either the FECA or LHWCA program.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-24

Basic text(s): (USA-1984-L-957) 1984-09-28. Longshore and HarborWorkers’ Compensation Act Amendments of 1984. Public Law 98-426.

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Emergency Unemployment CompensationAmendments of 1993. Public Law 103-6 (H.R. 920).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1993-04, No. 2,pp. 107 STAT.33 (INFORM P60904)Extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program through the fiscal year 1993 and phases it out over a three-month period ending 15 January 1994. Develops automated systems for identifying dislocated workers and referring them to re-employment services.

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Claims for Compensation Under theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act,as Amended Rule (20 CFR Part 10)

Federal Register, 1992-08-11, Vol.57, No. 155, pp. 35752-35755, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Amends the way lump sum payments of compensation under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) are considered. Lump sum payments of compensation benefits will no longer be made except for payment of schedule awards.

Date of entry into force: 1992-09-10

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Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’Compensation Act Amendments of 1972.Public Law 92-576 (S. 2318).

Federal Register, 1972 (INFORM P60901)Amends the Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act [LS 1927 - USA 1 ... 1960 - USA 1], and for other purposes. Numerous amendments; inter alia, adds a new section 49 (discrimination, including termination of employment, against employees claiming compensation).

Amending text(s): (USA-1984-L-957) 1984-09-28. Longshore and HarborWorkers’ Compensation Act Amendments of 1984. Public Law 98-426.

Related text(s): (USA-1984-L-957) 1984-09-28. Longshore and HarborWorkers’ Compensation Act Amendments of 1984. Public Law 98-426.

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Longshoreman’s and Harbor Workers’Compensation Act and Related StatutesRule (20 CFR Part)

Federal Register, 1973-09-26 (INFORMP60901)

Basic text(s): (USA-1972-L-16690) 1972-10-27. Longshoremen’s andHarbor Workers’ Compensation Act Amendments of 1972. Public Law 92-576 (S. 2318).

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Federa l Hea l th Insurance for theAged and Disabled (1965) Rule (20CFR Part 405)

Federal Regeister, 1973-05-24 (INFORM)A m e n d s S u b p a r t C ( W o r k m e n ’ s c o m p e n s a t i o n e x c l u s i o n ) .

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Cr i t e r i a f o r De te rm in ing Whe the rState Workmen’s Compensat ion LawsRule Provide Adequate Coverage forP n e u m o c o n i o s i s a n d L i s t i n g o fApproved State Laws Rule (20 CFRPart 722)

Federal Register, 1973-03-30 (INFORM)

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Claims for Compensation under theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act,as amended Rule (20 CFR Part 10)

Federal Register, 1989-05-02, Vol.54, No. 83, p. 18834 (INFORM)Corrections to non-substantive errors in the Regulations governing the administration of the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act, which provides benefits to federal employees injured or killed in the performance of duty.

Date of entry into force: 1989-05-02

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Organization of the Benefits ReviewBoard and Ru les o f Prac t ice andProcedure Rule (20 CFR Part 802)

Federal Register, 1988-05-09, Vol.53, No. 89, pp. 16518-16519 (INFORMP60901)Regulates procedural issues under the Longshoremen’s and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act.

Basic text(s): (USA-1972-L-16690) 1972-10-27. Longshoremen’s andHarbor Workers’ Compensation Act Amendments of 1972. Public Law 92-576 (S. 2318).

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Claims for Compensation under theFederal Employees’ Compensation Act,as amended Rule (20 CFR Part 10)

Federal Register, 1987-04-01, Vol.52, No. 62, pp. 10486-10526 (INFORM)Revised Regulations under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (Public Law 89-554 of 6 Sept. 1966, as amended, 5 USC sec. 8108 et seq.) governing benefits to federal employees injured or killed in the performance of duty. Inter alia, covers special categories of employees not previously addressed by regulation and establishes procedures for reducing monetary compensation for failure or refusal to participate in vocational rehabilitation efforts. Issued by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs of the Department of Labor.

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dD isab i l i t y I nsu rance , B lack LungBenefits, and Supplemental SecurityI n c o m e f o r t h e A g e d , B l i n d a n dDisabled Rule (20 CFR Parts 404,410, 416 and 422)

Federal Register, 1984-11-26, Vol.49, No. 228, pp. 46365-46370 (INFORM)A m e n d s t h e p r o c e d u r e f o r r e v i s i n g d e c i s i o n s a n d a p p e a l s p r o c e d u r e .

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Unemployment benefitU S A - 2 0 0 3 - L - 6 4 7 6 2

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U n e m p l o y m e n t C o m p e n s a t i o nAmendments, 2003 (Publ ic Law 108-2 6 ) .

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 2003-08, No. 6,p. 751 (INFORM P60904)Extends Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act, 2002 to December 31, 2003.

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F i n a l i t y o f D e c i s i o n s R e g a r d i n gUnemployment and Sickness InsuranceBenefits. Final Rules (20 CFR Part3 4 9 ) .

Federal Register, 2000-11-06, Vol.65, No. 215, pp. 66499-66502 (INFORMP60901)Regulates finality and reopening of benefit decisions by the Railroad Retirement Board. Specifies who may open a final decision isssued by the Board, and when a final decision may be reopened. Also deals with several procedural matters.

Date of entry into force: 2000-11-06

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Representative Payment Rule (20 CFRPart 348).

Federal Register, 1996-08-15, Vol.61, No. 159, pp. 42377-42378 (INFORMP60901)Amends Railroad Retirement Board regulations in order to provide guidelines regarding selection, payment, responsibilities and monitoring of representative payees under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act.

Date of entry into force: 1996-08-15

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Unemployment Compensation Amendmentsof 1993. Public Law 103-152 (H.R.3 1 6 7 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-01, No. 11,pp. 107 STAT. 1516-107 STAT. 1520(INFORM P60904)Extends the Federal Emergency Unemployment Act of 1991 to 5 February, 1994. The programme will be phased out on 30 April, 1994.

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Assessment or Waiver of Interest,Penalties, and Administrative CostsWith Respect To Collection of CertainDebts Rule (20 CFR Part 200)

Federal Register, 1994-03-31, Vol.59, No. 62, pp. 15048-15049, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)The Railroad Retirement Board amends its regulations to clarify when interest and penalties begin to accrue on an amount owed to the Board under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA).

Date of entry into force: 1994-03-31

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D u r a t i o n o f N o r m a l a n d E x t e n d e dBenefits Rule (20 CFR Part 336)

Federal Register, 1994-01-28, Vol.59, No. 19, pp. 3996-4000, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the regulations under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (RUIA) to update the provisions concerning the duration of normal unemployment and sickness benefits under the RUIA and to add provisions concerning the establishment of extended benefit periods.

Date of entry into force: 1994-01-28

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Emergency Unemployment CompensationAmendments of 1993. Public Law 103-6 (H.R. 920).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1993-04, No. 2,pp. 107 STAT.33 (INFORM P60904)Extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program through the fiscal year 1993 and phases it out over a three-month period ending 15 January 1994. Develops automated systems for identifying dislocated workers and referring them to re-employment services.

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Unemployment Compensation Amendmentsof 1992. Public Law 102-318 (H.R.5 2 6 0 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1992-08, No. 6,pp. 290-318 (INFORM P60904)Makes provisions in respect of, inter alia, extension of the emergency unemployment compensation programme, modification to eligibility requirements, treatment of railroad workers, modifications to extended benefits programme, treatment of short-time unemployment compensation programmes, and pension distributions.

Date of entry into force: 1992-06-30

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Emergency Unemployment CompensationAct of 1991. Public Law 102-107.

U.S. Code Congressional & AdministrativeNews, 1991-10, No. 8, pp. 287-304(INFORM P60904/1)Provides that upon exhausting the standard 26 weeks of unemployment insurance benefits, an unemployed person will be entitled to extended benefits for an additional 4 to 20 weeks, depending on the unemployment rate in his State. However, no such benefits will be available until the President determines that an emergency exists, and upon signing the Act.

Amending text(s): (USA-1993-L-33396) 1993-03-04. EmergencyUnemployment Compensation Amendments of 1993. Public Law 103-6(H.R. 920).

Amending text(s): (USA-1992-L-31233) 1992-07-03. UnemploymentCompensation Amendments of 1992. Public Law 102-318 (H.R. 5260).

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E l i m i n a t i o n o f E l i g i b i l i t y f o rRe t roac t i ve Bene f i t s f o r Ce r ta i nInd i v i dua l s E l i g i b l e f o r ReducedBenefits Rule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1991-11-22, Vol.56, No. 226, pp. 58845-58846 (INFORMP60901/1)Amends current regulations on the effective filing period of applications for benefits to reflect the provisions of section 5116 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990, Public Law 101-508, which amended section 202(j)(4) of the Social Security Act (LS 1935 - USA 2; 1952 - USA1).

Date of entry into force: 1991-11-22

Basic text(s): (USA-1990-L-22370) 1990-11-03. Omnibus BudgetReconciliation Act of 1990. Public Law 101-508 (H.R. 5835).

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Employee Protect ion Benef i ts Rule(20 CFR Parts 395 to 398)

Federal Register, 1990-09-25, Vol.55, No. 186, pp. 39147-39148 (INFORMP60901)Removes part 395 (Regulations Under title VII of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act), part 396 (Regulations Under Section 106 of the Rock Island Railroad Transition and Employee Assistance Act), part 397 (Supplementary Unemployment Insurance) and part 398 (New Career Training Assistance), which are considered obsolete.

Date of entry into force: 1990-09-25

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U n e m p l o y m e n t C o m p e n s a t i o n f o rF e d e r a l C i v i l i a n E m p l o y e e s a n dE m p l o y m e n t C o m p e n s a t i o n f o r E x -Servicemen Rule (20 CFR Part 609 and6 1 4 )

Federal Gazette, 1967-12-29 (INFORMP60901)Parts 609, 610 and 611 of 20 CFR consolidated and recodified to constitute Part 609.

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F e d e r a l S u p p l e m e n t a l B e n e f i t s( E m e r g e n c y U n e m p l o y m e n tCompensat ion) under the EmergencyUnemp loymen t Compensa t i on Ac t o f1974 Rule (20 CFR Part 618)

Federal Register, 1975-12-11 (INFORMP60901)

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15324) 1974-12-31. Act to provide a programof emergency unemployment compensation. Public Law 93-572 (H.R.17597).

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Comprehensive Manpower Programs andGrants to Areas of High UnemploymentRule (29 CFR Part 99)

Federal Register, 1975-05-23 (INFORMP60901)

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Employees ’ Benef i ts Ru le (20 CFRParts 239, 262 and 395)

Federal Register, 1971-03-16 (INFORMP60901)Amends section 239.1 (proof of age), section 262.12 (representatives of claimants) and section 395.5 (organisation and functions of the Board, delegations of authority, and lines of succession).

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Employees ’ Bene f i t s ; Unemp loymen tCompensat ion for Federa l C iv i l ianE m p l o y e e s a n d U n e m p l o y m e n tC o m p e n s a t i o n f o r E x - S e r v i c e m e n(Transfer of Service and Wages forWage-Combining) Rule (20 CFR Parts609 and 614)

Federal Register, 1972-12-02 (INFORMP60901)

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Tempora ry Compensa t i on unde r t heEmergency Unemployment CompensationAct of 1971 Rule (20 CFR Part 617)

Federal Register, 1972-05-17 (INFORMP60901)A m e n d s s e c t i o n s 6 1 7 . 7 a n d 1 3 .

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Extended Unemployment Compensat ionRule (20 CFR Part 615)

Federal Register, 1972-05-17 (INFORMP60901)A m e n d s e c t i o n s 6 1 5 . 4 , 6 , 7 , 1 0 , 1 3 , 1 4 a n d 1 6 .

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Act to provide a program of emergencyunemp loymen t compensa t i on . Pub l i cLaw 93-572 (H.R. 17597).

Printed separately, 1974 (INFORM)

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E m e r g e n c y J o b s a n d U n e m p l o y m e n tAssistance Act of 1974. Public Law93-567 (H.R. 16596).

Printed separately, 1974 (INFORM)Provides assistance for unemployed persons. Inter alia, redesignates Titles VI of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (LS 1973 - USA 1) as Title VII and inserts new Titles VI (Emergency job programs).

Related text(s): (USA-1977-L-13154) 1977-04-12. EmergencyUnemployment Compensation Extension Act of 1977. Public Law 95-19(H.R. 4800).

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Rai l road Ret i rement Act o f 1974.Public Law 93-445 (H.R. 15301).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1974-11-15 (INFORMP60904)Amends the Railroad Retirement Act 1937 [LS 1937 - USA 3 A] to revise the retirement system for employees of employers covered thereunder, and for other purposes. Numerous amendments; inter alia, Title III amends the Social Security Act (LS 1935 - USA 2 ... 1952 - USA 1) and Title IV amends the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act (LS 1938 - USA 2).

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Unemployment Compensation Amendmentof 1976. Publ ic Law 94-566 (H.R.1 0 2 1 0 ) .

Printed separately (INFORM)Requires states to extend unemployment compensation coverage to certain previously uncovered workers; to increase the amount of the wages subject to the federal unemployment tax; to increase the rate of such tax; and for other purposes. Covers certain agricultural and domestic workers and amends, inter alia, the Social Security Act (LS 1935-USA2...1952-USA 1).

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Emergency Unemployment CompensationExtension Act of 1977. Public Law95-19 (H.R. 4800).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1977-05 (INFORMP60904)Extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1974 and for other purposes.

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-15324) 1974-12-31. Act to provide a programof emergency unemployment compensation. Public Law 93-572 (H.R.17597).

Related text(s): (USA-1974-L-15323) 1974-12-31. Emergency Jobs andUnemployment Assistance Act of 1974. Public Law 93-567 (H.R. 16596).

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Extended Benefits Rule (20 CFR Part6 1 5 )

Federal Register, 1978-03-31 (INFORMP60901)

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D i s a s t e r U n e m p l o y m e n t A s s i s t a n c eProgram Rule (20 CFR Part 625)

Federal Register, 1990-01-05, Vol.55, No. 4, pp. 549-563 (INFORM P60901)Amendments implementing statutory amendments which affect the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program governing assistance to people unemployed because of a major disaster.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-05

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Available for Work Rule (20 CFR Part3 2 7 )

Federal Register, 1990-01-19, Vol.55, No. 13, pp. 1810-1812 (INFORMP60901)Amends part 327 of Regulations made under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act to clarify the meaning of the phrase “available for work” as used in s. 1(k) of the Act (45 U.S.C. 351(k)).

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-19

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Sickness Benefits Rule (20 CFR Part3 3 5 )

Federal Register, 1989-10-20, Vol.54, No. 202, pp. 43057-43060 (INFORM)Amendments relating to sickness benefits to clarify and to liberalise certain time limits relating to the filing of claims under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act.

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-20

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G e n e r a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ;Miscel laneous Rules (20 CFR Parts200 and 262)

Federal Register, 1989-10-20, Vol.54, No. 202, pp. 43054-43057 (INFORMP60901)Amendments to Parts 200 and 262 of the Railroad Retirement Board’s Regulations to consolidate certain administrative procedures relating to the disclosure of information.

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-20

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Unemployment Compensat ion for Ex-Serv icemembers Rule (20 CFR Par t6 1 4 )

Federal Register, 1988-10-17, Vol.53, No. 200, pp. 40550-40560 (INFORMP60901)

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Date of entry into force: 1988-11-16

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I n i t i a l De te rm ina t i ons Unde r t heRailroad Unemployment Insurance Actand Reviews and Appeals from SuchDeterminat ions Rule (20 CFR Parts320 and 340)

Federal Register, 1988-01-28, Vol.53, No. 18, pp. 2485-2490 (INFORMP60901)

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F e d e r a l - S t a t e U n e m p l o y m e n tCompensat ion Program; UnemploymentInsurance Qual i ty Cont ro l ProgramRule (20 CFR Part 602)

Federal Register, 1987-09-03, Vol.52, No. 171, pp. 33520-33533 (INFORMP60901)The text deals with evaluation of the timeliness and accuracy of administration of unemployment insurance by the individual states.

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Tax Reform Act of 1986. Public Law99-514 (H.R. 3838).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1986-11, No. 9A,879 p. (INFORM P60904)Contains provisions relating to taxation of unemployment compensation benefits, extension and modification of the tax credit for targeted jobs and amendments related to various social security programmes, inter alia. Comprehensively revises the internal revenue laws.

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Railroad Unemployment Insurance Rule(20 CFR Part 345)

Federal Register, 1985-02-07, Vol.50, No. 26, pp. 5235-5236 (INFORMP60901)Alters schedule for filing employers’ contribution reports and for payment of employers’ contributions.

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Unemployment Benef i ts o f Rai l roadEmployees Rule (20 CFR Part 395)

Federal Register, 1984-11-06, Vol.49, No. 216, pp. 44278-44285 (INFORMP60901)

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Child Welfare Rule (45 CFR Part 302)Federal Register, 1984-03-09, Vol.49, No. 48, pp. 8924-8928 (INFORMP60901)Provides for withholding of unemployment benefit for child support purposes.

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Agency Responsibilities With Respectt o F a i t h - B a s e d a n d C o m m u n i t yInitiatives (Executive Order 13279)(2002), 3 CFR 258.

R e g u l a t i o n s . g o v , U n i t e d S t a t e sGovernmentAmends sec t ion 204 o f Execu t i ve Order 11246 o f Sep tember 24 , 1965 .

Related text(s): (USA-2001-M-58996) 2001-01-29. Agency ResponsibilitiesWith Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (Executive Order13198) (2001), 3 CFR 750.

Related text(s): (USA-2001-R-59114) 2001-01-29. Establishment of WhiteHouse Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (Executive Order13199).

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Extens ion of temporary ass is tancef o r n e e d y f a m i l i e s b l o c k g r a n tp rogramme (108-89) .

US Code Congressional and AdministrativeNews, 2003-10, No. 9, pp. 1131-1136(INFORM P60904)Extends Temporary Assistance for Needy Families block grant programme. Divided into 4 parts. Part 1 contains family assistance provisions, Part 2 tax provisions, Part 3 trade provisions, and Part 4 medicare cost-sharing provisions.

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Establishment of White House Officeo f F a i t h - B a s e d a n d C o m m u n i t yInitiatives (Executive Order 13199).

Congressional and Administrative News,2001-03, No. 1, pp. B5-B6 (INFORMP60904)Provides for establishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives, and defines functions of this office.

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Agency Responsibilities With Respectt o F a i t h - B a s e d a n d C o m m u n i t yInitiatives (Executive Order 13198)(2001), 3 CFR 750.

Congressional and Administrative News,2001-03, No. 1, pp. B3-B5 (INFORMP60904)Makes provision for establishment of Executive Department Centers for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives to help the Federal Government coordinate national efforts to expand opportunities for faith-based and other community organisations. Also provides for purpose, responsibility, and reporting requirements for these bodies.

Related text(s): (USA-2002-M-73274) 2002-12-12. Agency ResponsibilitiesWith Respect to Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (Executive Order13279) (2002), 3 CFR 258.

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Food Stamp Programme: Research Grantsto Improve Food Stamp Access.

Federal Register, 2000-12-27, Vol.65, No. 249, pp. 81819-81820 (INFORMP60901)Promulgated by Food and Nutrition Service. Makes provision for a programme of competitively awarded grants and cooperative agreements for research that will improve the administrative effectiveness of the Food Stamp Programme in delivering nutrition related benefits.

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F o o d S t a m p P r o g r a m m e : P e r s o n a lRespons ib i l i t y P rov i s i ons o f t hePe rsona l Respons ib i l i t y and WorkOppor tun i ty Reconc i l ia t ion Act o f1996. Final Rules (7 CFR Parts 272and 273).

Federal Register, 2001-01-17, Vol.66, No. 11, pp. 4438-4575 (INFORMP60901)Implements 13 provisions of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Prohibits an increase in food stamp benefits when a household’s income is reduced because of either a penalty imposed under a Federal, State or local means-tested public assistance programme for failure to perform a required action or for an act of fraud. Allows State agencies to disqualify an individual from participation in the Food Stamp Programme if the individual is disqualified from another means-tested programme for failure to perform an action required by that programme. Also deals with several related matters.

Basic text(s): (USA-1996-L-45457) 1996-08-22. Personal Responsibilityand Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-193 [H.R.3734]) [Welfare Reform Act].

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Long-Term Care Security Act - FederalE r r o n e o u s R e t i r e m e n t C o v e r a g eCorrec t ions Act (Pub l ic Law 106-2 6 5 ) .

Congressional and Administrative News,2000-11, No. 9, pp. 762-786 (INFORMP60904)Amends title 5 of the US Code by providing for the establishment of a programme under which long-term care insurance is made available to federal employees, members of the uniformed services, and civilian and military retirees. Also makes provision for the correction of retirement coverage errors under chapters 83 and 84 of this title, as well as for related matters.

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Implementation of Section 403(a)(2)of Social Securi ty Act; Bonus toR e w a r d D e c r e a s e i n I l l e g i t i m a c yRatio Rule (45 CFR Part 283).

Federal Register, 1999-04-01, Vol.64, No. 71, pp. 18484-18495 (INFORMP60901)Governs bonuses to be paid by the Administration for Children and Families (Department of Health and Human Services) to States which experience the largest decrease in out-of-wedlock childbearing and which reduce their abortion rates.

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T e m p o r a r y A s s i s t a n c e f o r N e e d yFamilies Program (TANF) Rule (45 CFRParts 260, 261, 262, 263, 264 and2 6 5 ) .

Federal Register, 1999-04-12, Vol.64, No. 69, pp. 17720-17931 (INFORMP60901)Sets forth rules regarding the relationship between States, the federal government, and Tribes in the administration of welfare services under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programme. Rules also regulate matters regarding obligations of welfare recipients to work, treatment of domestic violence victims, and accountability. Promulgated by the Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services.

Date of entry into force: 1999-10-01

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Welfare Reform Rule (45 CFR Part1 6 3 9 ) .

Federal Register, 1997-06-05, Vol.62, No. 108, pp. 30763-30767 (INFORMP60901)Implements a provision in the Legal Services Corporation FY 1996 Appropriations Act which restricts recipients from initiating legal representation or challenging or participating in litigation, lobbying, or rulemaking involving an effort to reform a federal or state welfare system.

Date of entry into force: 1997-07-07

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Persona l Respons ib i l i t y and WorkOppor tun i ty Reconc i l ia t ion Act o f1 9 9 6 ( P u b l i c L a w 1 0 4 - 1 9 3 [ H . R .3734]) [Welfare Reform Act].

United States Code Congressional andAdministrative News, 1996-10, No. 8,pp. 110 STAT. 2105-2355 (INFORM P60904)Aims to convert the welfare system into a work programme. Requires one member of every family on welfare to be working within 2 years of receiving welfare benefits; lifetime benefits shall be limited to 5 years (with exceptions for cases of special hardship). To assist persons in leaving welfare, provides additional funding for child care facilities. States are allowed to cap benefits for families which have children they cannot support. Teenagers who give birth outside of wedlock are required to live with an adult and remain in school in order to continue receiving welfare benefits. At the same time, procedures to enforce child support from absent noncustodial parents are strengthened. Also allows States to sanction welfare recipients who test positive for illegal drug use. Finally, provisions make families which sponsor immigration of relatives legally responsible for their well-being. Aliens are excluded from receiving food stamps, Supplemental Security Income and other benefits until they have received U.S. citizenship or have paid Social Security taxes for 40 quarters.

Amending text(s): (USA-2001-R-57376) 2001-01-02. Supplemental SecurityIncome; Determining Disability for a Child Under Age 18 (20 CFR Parts 404and 416).

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Off ice of the Assistant Secretaryf o r H o u s i n g — F e d e r a l H o u s i n gC o m m i s s i o n e r ; S u p p o r t i v e H o u s i n gfor the Elder ly and Persons WithDisabilities Rule (24 CFR Parts 885,889, 890 and 891).

Federal Register, 1996-03-22, Vol.61, No. 57, pp. 11948-11983 (INFORMP60901)Consolidates and streamlines regulations relating to the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Program for Supportive Housing for the Elderly and the Program for Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities.

Date of entry into force: 1996-04-22

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;Treatment o f Promissory Notes inHome Rep lacemen t S i t ua t i ons Ru le(20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1994-08-23, Vol.59, No. 162, pp. 43283-43286 (INFORMP60901)Explains how the Social Security Administration treats promissory notes and similar installment sales contracts and the proceeds generated therefrom when received as a result of the sale of a home which is excluded from resources under the supplemental security income (SSI) program.

Date of entry into force: 1994-08-23

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Appeal Rights Following Mass ChangeResult ing in Reduction, Suspensionor Termination of State SupplementaryPayments Rules (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1994-08-22, Vol.59, No. 161, pp. 43035-43039 (INFORMP60901)Revises the policy on providing appeal rights when a State-initiated mass change in federally administered State supplementary payment level amounts results in the reduction, suspension or termination of a recipient’s State supplementary payments, or when Federal administration of State supplementary payments has been terminated.

Date of entry into force: 1994-08-22

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M u l t i f a m i l y H o u s i n g P r o p e r t yD i s p o s i t i o n R e f o r m A c t o f 1 9 9 4 .Public Law 103-233 (S. 1299).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-05, No. 2,pp. 108 STAT. 342 to 108 STAT. 379(INFORM P60904)Reforms procedures for the sale and management of multifamily housing developments administered by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. For example, the Secretary of HUD may lower the sales price for a development to expedite sales and may provide rehabilitation grants, short-term loans, and bulk sales.

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A i d t o F a m i l i e s w i t h D e p e n d e n tChildren Program; Adult AssistancePrograms; Provisions of the OmnibusBudget Reconciliation Act of 1993 toEliminate Enhanced Federal FundingRule (45 CFR Part 235)

Federal Register, 1994-03-18, Vol.59, No. 53, pp. 12860-12861, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Implements provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, which eliminate enhanced federal funding rates for the optional fraud control program conducted under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program and training activities conducted under the Adult Assistance programs.

Date of entry into force: 1994-04-01

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Section 8 Housing Assistance PaymentsProgram; Fair Market Rent Schedulesfor Use in the Rental CertificateProgram, Loan Management and PropertyD i s p o s i t i o n P r o g r a m s , M o d e r a t eRehabi l i ta t ion Program and Renta lVoucher Program Rule (24 CFR Part8 8 8 )

Federal Register, 1994-04-06, Vol.59, No. 66, pp. 16408-16484, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)

Date of entry into force: 1994-04-06

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Low-Income Home Energy Ass is tanceP r o g r a m A c t . P u b l i c L a w 1 0 3 - 1 8 5(H.R. 3321)

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-02, No. 12,p. 107 STAT. 2244 (INFORM P60904)Increases the flexibility of states in carrying out the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

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Housing and Communi ty DevelopmentAct. Public Law 102-550 (H.R. 5334).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1993-01, No. 11,pp. 3672-4097 (INFORM P60904)Amends and extends numerous laws relating to housing assistance, homeownership programmes, low-income housing, housing for elderly or disabled persons and related matters.

Amending text(s): (USA-2007-L-78627) 2007-06-18. Native AmericanHome Ownership Opportunity Act of 2007 (Public Law 110-37 [H.R. 1676].

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Augustus F. Hawkins Human ServicesReauthorization Act of 1990. PublicLaw 101-501 (H.R.4151).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 1222 (INFORM P60904)Authorizes appropriations for fiscal years 1991 through 1994 carries out the Head Start Act, the Follow Through Act, the Community Services Block Grant Act, carries out programs directed to special populations of the poor, provides low-income home energy assistance, provides services for children, youth, and families, and for other purposes.

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Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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S t e w a r t B . M c K i n n e y H o m e l e s sAssistance Amendments Act of 1990.Publ ic Law 101-645 (H.R.3789).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 4673 (INFORM P60904)Amends the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act to extend programs providing urgently needed assistance for the homeless, and for other purposes.

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C r a n s t o n - G o n z a l e z N a t i o n a lA f f o r d a b l e H o u s i n g A c t o f 1 9 9 0 .Public Law 101-625 (S.566).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News., 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 4079 (INFORM P60904)Authorizes a new HOME Investment Partnerships program, a National Homeownership Trust program, and Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere programs, amends and extends certain laws relating to housing, community and neighborhood preservation, and related programs (including support for programs for the elderly, the disabled, persons with AIDS, and for indigenous peoples), and for other purposes.

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D i s a d v a n t a g e d M i n o r i t y H e a l t hImprovement Act of 1990. Public Law101-527 (H.R. 5702).

U.S. Congressional and AdministrativeNews, 1991-01, No. 10A, p. 104 STAT.2311-2335 (INFORM)Amends the Public Health Service Act to improve the health of individuals who are members of minority groups and who are from disadvantaged backgrounds, and for other purposes. Title XVII of the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 300u et seq.) is amended to provide for the establishment of the Office of Minority Health responsible inter alia for setting short-term and long-term objectives and co-ordinating disease prevention, service delivery, research, etc in respect of the health concerns of persons from disadvantaged backgrounds, including racial and ethnic minorities, and for increasing their participation in health service and promotion programmes. Consequent provisions are made for the funding of these activities, and a special grant scheme is established to provide primary health services, including health screenings, and health counselling and education services to residents of public housing, subject to certain requirements. Grants are also to be made available to health profession schools for the purpose of assisting them in supporting “programs of excellence in health professions education for minority individuals” and in providing scholarships to disadvantaged students.

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D i s p l a c e d H o m e m a k e r s S e l f -Sufficiency Assistance Act of 1990.Public Law 101-554 (H.R. 3069).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10A, pp. 2751-2757 (INFORM P60904)Establishes an employment training programme for displaced homemakers, and for other purposes. A displaced homemaker is defined as a person who has been providing unpaid services to family members in the home and who(A) has been dependant either on public assistance and whose youngest child is within two years of losing eligibility under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act, or on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income, and (B) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. It is established that there are some 15.6 million displaced homemakers in the United States, the majority of whom are women living in poverty and requiring educational, vocational, training and other services.

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S o c i a l S e r v i c e s P r o g r a m s f o rIndividuals and Families under TitleXX of the Social Security Act Rule(45 CFR Part 228)

Federal Register, 1975-06-27 (INFORMP60901)

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Headstart, Economic Opportunity andCommunity Partnership Act of 1974.Public Law 93-644 (H.R. 14449).

Printed separately (INFORM)Provides for the extension of Headstart, community action, community economic development, and other programs under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, provides for increased involvement of state and local government in anti-poverty efforts, and for other purposes [Titles I to IX may be cited as the “Community Services Act of 1974”].

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Socia l and Rehabi l i ta t ion Serv ice(Assistance Programs) Rule (45 CFRPart 222)

Federal Register, 1970-11-26 (INFORMP60901)

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Socia l and Rehabi l i ta t ion Serv ice( A s s i s t a n c e P r o g r a m s ) - S e r v i c ePrograms for Facilities and ChildrenRule (45 CFR Part 220)

Federal Register, 1971-03-25 (INFORMP60901)Amends sections 220.18 (child care services) and 220.35 (work incentive program).

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Socia l and Rehabi l i ta t ion Serv ice(Assistance Programs); Work IncentiveProgram Rule (45 CFR Parts 220, 233and 234)

Federal Register, 1972-06-20 (INFORMP60901)Amends part 220 - Service programs for families and children: Title IV, Parts A and B of the Social Security Act (LS 1935 - USA 2 ... 1952 - USA 1), Part 233 - Coverage and conditions of eligibility in financial assistance programs and Part 234 - Financial assistance to individuals.

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Socia l and Rehabi l i ta t ion Serv ice(Rehabil i tat ion Programs) Rule (45CFR Parts 401 to 408)

Federal Register, 1974-01-03 (INFORMP60901)Amends Parts 401 and 403 to 408 and repeals Part 402 (interim regulations implementing the Rehabilitation Act 1973).

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Social and Rehabilitation Service -Ass is tance Programs Rule (45 CFRParts 206, 248 and 249)

Federal Register, 1973-12-03 (INFORM)Amends paras. 206.10, 248.10, 248.21, 248.30, 248.60 and 249.81 (medicaid eligibility requirements).

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Socia l and Rehabi l i ta t ion Serv ice(Rehabil i tat ion Programs) Rule (45CFR Parts 401 to 409)

Federal Register, 1974-12-05 (INFORMP60901)Amends Part 409 and Subparts A to F of Part 401, adds a new Part 402 and repeals Parts 403 to 408 (implementation provisions of vocational rehabilitation programs).

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G e n e r a l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , P u b l i cAss is tance Programs; Coverage andConditions of Eligibility for MedicalAssistance; and Services and Paymentsin Medical Assistance Programs Rule(45 CFR Parts 205, 248 and 249)

Federal Register, 1974-05-10 (INFORM)

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D i s a s t e r U n e m p l o y m e n t A s s i s t a n c eProgram Rule (20 CFR Part 625)

Federal Register, 1990-01-05, Vol.55, No. 4, pp. 549-563 (INFORM P60901)Amendments implementing statutory amendments which affect the Disaster Unemployment Assistance Program governing assistance to people unemployed because of a major disaster.

Date of entry into force: 1990-01-05

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rt h e A g e d , B l i n d , a n d D i s a b l e d ;E x c e p t i o n o f C e r t a i n A s s i s t a n c ePayments From Retrospective MonthlyAccounting Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1989-08-01, Vol.54, No. 146, pp. 31656-31657 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1989-08-01

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Temporary Disqualification of CertainNewly Legalized Aliens from ReceivingBenefi ts from Federal Programs ofF inanc ia l Ass is tance Rule (8 CFRPart 245A)

Federal Register, 1989-07-12, Vol.54, No. 132, pp. 29434-29438 (INFORMP60901)Implements section 245A(h) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended by section 201 of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (LS 1986-USA1), which provides that, with certain exceptions, aliens granted lawful temporary resident status persuant to section 245A(a) are not eligible for a period of five years after such grant to receive benefits from programs of financial assistance furnished under federal law on the basis of financial need.

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Date of entry into force: 1989-07-12

Basic text(s): (USA-1986-L-2965) 1986-11-05. Immigration Reform andControl Act of 1986. Public Law 99-603 (S. 1200).

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S t e w a r t B . M c K i n n e y H o m e l e s sAssistance Amendments Act of 1988.Public Law 100-628 (H.R. 4352).

U . S C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1989-01, No. 10,p. 102 STAT. 3224-3232 (INFORM P60904)Amendments to the Act [42 USC 11304 et seq.] to extend programmes providing urgently needed assistance for the homeless and for other purposes. Title III of the Act concerns federal management of food and shelter programmes. Title IV covers housing assistance; Title VI, revision and extension of programmes of health care for the homeless. The law authorises the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Programs through fiscal year 1990.

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Family Support Act of 1988. PublicLaw 100-485 (H.R. 1720).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-12, No. 9,p. 102 STAT. 2343 (INFORM P60904)Provides for restructuring the welfare system by introducing a new Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) programme, requiring states to offer recipients basic education and training for employment in exchange for receiving federal money to cover welfare costs. In two-parent families on welfare, either the father or the mother will be given 60 days to search employment; if none is found he or she will be required to work at least 16 hours per week in unpaid community or local government service. Most welfare recipients with children aged three or older will have to participate in education, training or employment programmes; child-care assistance will be provided. In addition, the law requires the states to automatically deduct court-ordered child support payments from the wages of an absentee parent. The various measures are to be phased in over a period ending October 1994.

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H u n g e r P r e v e n t i o n A c t o f 1 9 8 8 .Public Law 100-435 (S. 2560).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1988-11, No. 8,p. 102 STAT. 1645 (INFORM P60904)Provides for temporary emergency food assistance and amends other enactments in relation to child nutrition, etc. Title IV, entitled Family Self-Sufficiency, amends the Food Stamp Act of 1977 in regard to employment and training (see section 404).

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Food Stamp Program; Eligible AlienStatus Rule (7 CFR Parts 272 and 273)

Federal Register, 1988-03-02, Vol.53, No. 41, pp. 6556-6559 (INFORMP60901)Specifies the categories of aliens who are eligible to participate in the Food Stamp Program as a result of the Immigration Reform and Control Act 1986 (LS 1986 - USA 1 (Extracts)).

Basic text(s): (USA-1986-L-2965) 1986-11-05. Immigration Reform andControl Act of 1986. Public Law 99-603 (S. 1200).

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S t e w a r t B . M c K i n n e y H o m e l e s sAssistance Act of 1987. Public Law100-77 (H.R. 558).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1987-09, No. 7,p. 101 STAT 482 (INFORM P60904)The Act is designed to protect the safety and improve the lives of homeless persons, with a special emphasis on elderly persons, handicapped persons and families with children. It establishes the Interagency Council on the Homeless (Title II) and the Federal Emergency Management Food and Shelter Program (Title III). Title VII provides for special education, training and community service programmes for the homeless. The Act also addresses housing assistance (Title IV), health care services (Title VI), food assistance (Title VIII) and extension of the Veterans’ Job Training Act (Title IX).

Amending text(s): (USA-1990-L-22365) 1990-11-29. Stewart B. McKinneyHomeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1990. Public Law 101-645(H.R.3789).

Amending text(s): (USA-1988-L-8059) 1988-11-07. Stewart B. McKinneyHomeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988. Public Law 100-628 (H.R.4352).

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Supplementary Secur i ty Income fort h e A g e d , B l i n d a n d D i s a b l e d ;Residence and Citizenship Rule (20CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1987-06-10, Vol.52, No. 111, pp. 21939-21945 (INFORM)Criteria for determining whether an alien is permanently residing in the United States for purposes of eligibility for supplemental security income benefits.

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Trade Adjustment for Workers Rule(20 CFR Part 617 and 29 CFR Part 91)

Federal Register, 1986-12-12, Vol.51, No. 245, pp. 45840-45870 (INFORMP60901)These revised regulations reorganise and revamp existing rules affecting the rights and obligations of workers for services and allowances under the Trade Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-618) and implement the amendments to that Act made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Public Law 97-35). Issued by the Department of Labour, they detail the qualifying requirements for receiving trade adjustment assistance benefits, which are available to individuals who have become unemployed as a result of increased imports. They address re-employment services, job search allowances, relocation allowances, appeals, the relationship to unemployment benefits and other administrative matters.

Date of entry into force: 1987-01-22

Basic text(s): (USA-1974-L-5040) 1974-01-03. Trade Act of 1974. PublicLaw 93-618 (H.R 10710).

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Food Stamp Program; Employment andTraining Requirements Rule (7 CFRParts 271 to 273 and 277)

Federal Register, 1986-12-31, Vol.51, No. 250, pp. 47378-47397 (INFORMP60901)Issued in application of the Food Security Act of 1985, Public Law 99-198, which requires every state agency to implement an employment and training programme for able-bodied food stamp recipients, with the aim of their paid employment and decreased dependency on assistance programmes.

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Health Programs Act. Public Law 99-660 (S. 1744).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1987-01, No. 11(INFORM)Inter alia, requires states to develop, establish and implement comprehensive mental health plans (Title V).

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A i d t o F a m i l i e s W i t h D e p e n d e n tChildren: Disregard of Support andMaintenace Assistance Based On NeedRule (45 CFR Part 223)

Federal Register, 1986-10-29, Vol.51, No. 209, pp. 39532-39534 (INFORMP60901)Provides that certain types of cash and in-kind assistance may be excluded from income and resources for purposes of determining eligibility for aid to families with dependent children.

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Food Stamp Program Rule (7 CFR Parts271 to 274, 276, 279 and 285)

Federal Register, 1986-05-21, Vol.51, No. 98, pp. 18744-18753 (INFORMP60901)The amendments implement various provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985 (Public Law 99-198) concerning, inter alia, eligibility of participants in the Job Training Partnership Act Program.

Related text(s): (USA-1982-L-10449) 1982-10-13. Job Training PartnershipAct of 1982. Public Law 97-300 (S. 2036).

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Temporary Emergency Food AssistanceProgram Rule (7 CFR Part 251)

Federal Register, 1986-04-16, Vol.51, No. 73, pp. 12819-12820 (INFORMP60901)Sets forth rules regarding availability of commodities, eligibility of needy persons to receive them, distribution and storage, etc.

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Medicaid Program; Treatment of SocialSecu r i t y Cos t -o f -L i v ing Inc reasesf o r I n d i v i d u a l s W h o L o o s eS u p p l e m e n t a l S e c u r i t y I n c o m eEligibility Rule (42 CFR Part 435)

Federal Register, 1986-04-10, Vol.51, No. 69, pp. 12325-12331 (INFORM)Issued by the Health Care Financing Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services.

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A i d t o F a m i l i e s W i t h D e p e n d e n tChildren Adults Assistance ProgramsRule (45 CFR Parts 201, 205, 206,225, 232 to 235 and 237)

Federal Register, 1986-03-18, Vol.51, No. 52, pp. 9191-9207 (INFORMP60901)Regulations introduce increased procedural flexibility for the State grantors and provide rules as to how to treat certain income of recipients. In instances of mismanagement of a grant, permits direct payments to landlords for the shelter portion of the grant. Issued by the Social Security Administration of the Department of Health and Human Services.

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Work Incentive Programs Recipientsof Aid to Families With DependantChildren - AFDC Rule (29 CFR Part 56and 45 CFR Part 224)

Federal Register, 1985-02-14, Vol.50, No. 31, p. 6166 (INFORM P60901)Amend certain conditions of the program, whose purpose is to assist AFDC recipients in finding employment, train them to work, and assist them in participating in on-the-job training and public service employment.

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A i d t o F a m i l i e s W i t h D e p e n d e n tChildren Rule (45 CFR Part 233)

Federal Register, 1984-12-13, Vol.49, No. 241, p. 48550 (INFORM P60901)Provides that, in determining entitlement to benefits, a State may disregard all or part of the income of a dependent child derived from participation in a program under the Job Training Partnership Act (LS 1982 - USA 1).

Basic text(s): (USA-1982-L-10449) 1982-10-13. Job Training PartnershipAct of 1982. Public Law 97-300 (S. 2036).

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Veterans’ Benefits Rule (38 CFR Part3 )

Federal Register, 1984-11-30, Vol.49, No. 232, pp. 47002-47004 (INFORMP60901)Extends eligibility and increase benefits for certain claimants and beneficiaries in accordance with the provisions of the Veterans’ Compensation and Program Improvements Amendments of 1984.

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Veterans’ Health Care Amendments of1983. Public Law 98-160 (H.R. 2920).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1984-01, No. 9,97 STAT. 993-1011 (INFORM P60904)Amends Title 38, United States Code, to extend and improve various health-care and other programs of the Veterans’ Administration; and for other purposes.

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President’s Commission To StrengthenSoc ia l Secu r i t y (Execu t i ve Orde r1 3 2 1 0 ) .

Federal Register, 2001-05-04, Vol.66, No. 87, pp. 22895-22896 (INFORMP60901)Provides for the establishment of the President’s Commission to Strengthen Social Security. The task of the Commission is to submit to the President bipartisan recommendations to modernise and restore fiscal soundness to the Social Security system.

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B e n e f i t s P a y a b l e i n T e r m i n a t e dS ing le -Emp loye r P lans ; A l l oca t i onof Assets in Single-Employer Plans;I n te res t Assump t i ons f o r Va lu i ngand Paying Benefits. Final Rule (29CFR Parts 4022 and 4044).

Federal Register, 2001-05-15, Vol.66, No. 94, pp. 26791-26793 (INFORMP60901)Amends Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s regulations on Benefits Payable in Terminated Single-Employer Plans to adopt interest assumptions for plans with valuation dates in June 2001.

Date of entry into force: 2001-06-01

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Di rec t Se rv i ce Connec t i on (Pos t -Traumatic Stress Disorder) Rule (38CFR Part 3).

Federal Register, 1999-06-18, Vol.64, No. 117, pp. 32807-32808 (INFORMP60901)Amends the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) adjudication regulations concerning the type of evidence required to receive benefits for post-traumatic stress disorder. Implements a decision by the United States Court of Veterans Appeals.

Date of entry into force: 1997-03-07

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A l l o c a t i o n o f A s s e t s i n S i n g l e -Employer Plans; Interest Assumptionsfor Valuing Benefits Rule (29 CFRPart 4044).

Federal Register, 1999-03-15, Vol.64, No. 49, pp. 12745-12746 (INFORMP60901)Prescribes interest assumptions for valuing benefits under terminating single-employer plans for plans with valuation dates in April 1999.

Date of entry into force: 1999-04-01

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A p p l i c a t i o n o f S t a t e L a w i nDetermining Child Relationship Rule(20 CFR Part 404).

Federal Register, 1998-10-28, Vol.63, No. 208, pp. 57590-57594 (INFORMP60901)Revises Social Security Administration Rules on determining whether a natural child has inheritance rights under appropriate State law and therefore may be entitled to Social Security benefits as the child of an insured worker. In particular, the revision specifies which version of State law will apply with regard to determining inheritance rights and court determination of paternity.

Date of entry into force: 1998-11-27

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Deeming in the Supplementary SecurityI n c o m e ( S S I ) P r o g r a m W h e n a nI n e l i g i b l e S p o u s e o r P a r e n t i sAbsent From the Household Due Solelyto Active Military Service Rule.

Federal Register, 1997-08-07, Vol.62, No. 152, pp. 42410-42411 (INFORMP60365)Regulates how the income or resources of ineligible spouses or parents affect the eligibility and benefit amounts of Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claimants and recipients when those spouses or parents are absent from their households because of duty in the armed forces.

Date of entry into force: 1997-09-08

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Privacy and Disclosure of OfficialRecords and Information; Availabilityof Information and Records to thePublic Rule (20 CFR Parts 401, 402,and 422).

Federal Register, 1997-01-29, Vol.62, No. 19, pp. 4142-4163, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Sets forth the Social Security Administration’s regulations regarding privacy and disclosure of information.

Date of entry into force: 1997-01-29

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Overpayment and Waiver Rights, FinalRule (20 CFR Parts 404 and 410).

Federal Register, 1996-10-31, Vol.61, No. 212, pp. 56125-56133, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Codifies additional rights for individuals who overpaid into the Social Security and Black Lung benefits programs as defined by recent court decisions.

Date of entry into force: 1996-12-02

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Computing Benefit Amounts, ReducingBenefi t Amounts, and Fi l ing AnualReports of Earnings Rule (20 CFRPart 404).

Federal Register, 1995-11-09, Vol.60, No. 217, pp. 56511-56513, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Section 307 provides that the computation of social security benefit amounts shall not be modified under the windfall elimination provision of the Social Security Act or if a person is the recipient of social security benefits of another country, provided that the recipient is entitled to social security benefits only through a totalization agreement between the U.S. and another country. Section 308 relates to the computation of benefit amounts of persons receiving benefits based on military service. Made to reflect provisions of the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act 1994.

Date of entry into force: 1995-11-09

Basic text(s): (USA-1994-L-38709) 1994-08-15. Social SecurityIndependence and Program Improvements Act of 1994. Public Law 103-296 [H.R. 4277].

Basic text(s): (USA-1935-L-31159) 1935. Social Security Act of 1935

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Social Security Programs: Fraud andAbuse; Establishment of New Part 498to Address Civil Monetary Penalties,Assessments and Exc lus ions. F ina lRule (20 CFR Part 498).

Federal Register, 1995-11-27, Vol.60, No. 227, pp. 58225-58228, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Establishes a new part 498, which will serve as a repository for the Social Security Administration’s existing civil monetary penalty authorities and which will reflect and implement new civil monetary penalty authorities provided under the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994. Specifically, relocates existing regulations for misuse of Social Security program words, letters, symbols and emblems.

Date of entry into force: 1995-11-27

Basic text(s): (USA-1994-L-38709) 1994-08-15. Social SecurityIndependence and Program Improvements Act of 1994. Public Law 103-296 [H.R. 4277].

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Late Premium Payments and EmployerL iab i l i t y Underpaymen ts ; I n te res tRate for Determining Variable RateP r e m i u m ; A m e n d m e n t s t o I n t e r e s tRates, Rule (29 CFR Parts 2610 and2 6 2 2 ) .

Federal Register, 1995-10-13, Vol.60, No. 198, pp. 53268-53269, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Notifies the public of the interest rates applicable to late premium payments and employer liability underpayments and overpayments for the calendar year beginning 1 October 1995. Sets forth interest rates for valuing unfunded vested benefits for premium purposes for plan years beginning in August 1995 through October 1995.

Date of entry into force: 1995-10-01

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A d m i n i s t r a t i v e R e v i e w P r o c e s s ,Testing Modifications to PrehearingP r o c e d u r e s a n d D e c i s i o n s b yAd jud i ca t i on O f f i ce rs , Ru les (20CFR Parts 404 and 416).

Federal Register, 1995-09-13, Vol.60, No. 177, pp. 47469-47477 (INFORMP60901)Provides for the test use of an adjudication officer who would be the focal point for all prehearing activities when a request for a hearing before an administrative law judge is filed. The adjudicating officer is an integral part of the Plan for a New Disability Claim Process, approved in September 1994.

Date of entry into force: 1995-09-13

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Disclosure to Participants Rule (29CFR Part 2627).

Federal Register, 1995-06-30, Vol.60, No. 126, pp. 34412-34417 (INFORMP60901)Amends Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) regulations to implement a new notice requirement under section 4011 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1994. Section 4011 requires plan administrators of certain underfunded plans to provide notice to plan participants and beneficiaries of the plan’s funding status and the limits on the PBGC’s guarantee.

Date of entry into force: 1995-07-31

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A d m i n i s t r a t i v e R e v i e w P r o c e s s ,Prehearing Proceedings and Decisionsby Attorney Advisors Rule (20 CFRParts 404 and 416).

Federal Register, 1995-06-30, Vol.60, No. 126, pp. 34126-34131 (INFORMP60901)Adds new rules which modify, on a temporary basis, the prehearing procedures for claims for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits based on disability. Under final rules, attorney advisors in the Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) have authority to conduct certain prehearing proceedings.

Date of entry into force: 1995-06-30

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Computing Benefit Amounts, Disposingo f U n d e r p a y m e n t s , R e s o l v i n gOverpayments and Payment RestrictionRules (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1995-04-06, Vol.60, No. 66, pp. 17443-17445, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)

Date of entry into force: 1995-04-06

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Service of Process Rules (20 CFRChapter III and Part 423)

Federal Register, 1995-04-14, Vol.60, No. 72, pp. 18991-18993, ISSN:0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)The Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 established the Social Security Administration (SSA) as an independent agency. The SSA will continue to be responsible for the administration of the old-age, survivors and disability insurance (OASDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. The SSA is also required to continue to assist in the administration of the Medicare program, the Black Lung Program and the Coal Industry Retirees Health Benefits Act.

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Soc ia l Secu r i t y I ndependence andProgram Improvements Act of 1994.Public Law 103-296 [H.R. 4277].

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1994-10, No. 7,pp. 108 STAT. 1464 - 108 Stat. 1544(INFORM P60904)Establishes the Social Security Adminstration as an independent agency that is no longer included within the Department of Health and Human Services. Provides that disability benefits will no longer be paid directly to a drug addict or an alcoholic. Instead such benefits will be paid to a representative of the payee and the Administration will conduct disability reviews of individuals receiving supplemental security income disability benefits.

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Deemed Appl ica t ion Date Based onMisinformation Rules (20 CFR Parts404 and 416)

Federal Register, 1994-08-31, Vol.59, No. 168, pp. 44918-44928 (INFORMP60901)Adds, inter alia, new rules on the filing of applications for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits to implement the provisions of section 10302 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 (section 10302 provided for the establishment of a “deemed” filing date of an application for benefits under titles II and XVI of the Social Security Act).

Date of entry into force: 1994-08-31

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R e o p e n i n g D e t e r m i n a t i o n s a n dDecisions Rule (20 CFR Parts 404 and4 1 6 )

Federal Register, 1994-02-23, Vol.59, No. 36, pp. 8532-8536, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Revises the regulations to clarify the longstanding policy of the Social Security Administration (SSA) that the Agency on its own initiative, as well as at the request of any person claiming a right under the social security or supplemental security income (SSI) programs, may reopen and revise a final administrative determination or decision.

Date of entry into force: 1994-02-23

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A i d t o F a m i l i e s W i t h D e p e n d e n tC h i l d r e n a n d A d u l t A s s i s t a n c eP r o g r a m s I n c o m e a n d R e s o u r c e sDisregards Rule (45 CFR Part 233)

Federal Register, 1994-02-02, Vol.59, No. 22, pp. 4835-4839, ISSN: 0097-6326 (INFORM P60901)Updates the statutory disregards in regulations for the Aid to Families With Dependent Children (AFDC) program and the adult assistance programs in Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands by adding income and resources disregards provided under several public laws.

Date of entry into force: 1994-02-02

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Augustus F. Hawkins Human ServicesReauthorization Act of 1990. PublicLaw 101-501 (H.R.4151).

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10B, p. 104 STAT. 1222 (INFORM P60904)Authorizes appropriations for fiscal years 1991 through 1994 carries out the Head Start Act, the Follow Through Act, the Community Services Block Grant Act, carries out programs directed to special populations of the poor, provides low-income home energy assistance, provides services for children, youth, and families, and for other purposes.

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Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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D e p a r t m e n t s o f L a b o r H e a l t h a n dHuman Serv ices and Educat ion andRelated Agencies Appropriations Actof 1991. Public Law 101-517 (H.R.5 2 5 7 ) .

U . S . C o d e C o n g r e s s i o n a l a n dAdministrative News, 1991-01, No.10A, p. 104 STAT. 2190 (INFORM P60904)Makes appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1991, and for other purposes.

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ;Social Securi ty Number Cards Rule(20 CFR Part 422)

Federal Register, 1990-11-06, Vol.55, No. 215, pp. 46661-46666 (INFORM)Amendment of rules on the issuing of Social Security Number (SSN) cards, including the role of the Immigration and Naturalization Service in accepting applications for SSN cards from aliens who have applied to legalize their status under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and clarifying and updating rules on the evidence any applicant must submit in support of an application for an SSN card.

Date of entry into force: 1990-11-06

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Medicare Program; Changes to the In-patient Hospital Prospective PaymentSystem and Fiscal Year 1991 RatesRule (42 CFR Parts 412 and 413)

Federal Register, 1990-09-04, Vol.55, No. 171, pp. 35990-36175 (INFORM)

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

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Supp lemen ta l Secu r i t y I ncome fo rthe Aged, Blind, and Disabled; RealProperty Which Is Not Counted WhenIt Cannot Be Sold and Transfer ofAssets for Less Than Fair MarketValue Rule (20 CFR Part 416)

Federal Register, 1990-03-21, Vol.55, No. 55, pp. 10415-10420 (INFORM)Regulations intended to liberalise policies relating to Supplemental Security Income benefits by not requiring the sale or transfer of real property under certain conditions.

Date of entry into force: 1990-03-21

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance Benefits: RulesGoverning Social Securi ty Coverageof Federal Employment Rule (20 CFRPart 404)

Federal Register, 1990-06-19, No.118, pp. 24890-24891 (INFORM P60901)Final rule concerning the social security coverage of work performed by certain civilian employees for the U.S. Government or an instrumentality of the federal service. In particular, it amends and clarifies section 8015(a) with respect to the retention of benefits where civilian employees who are covered by social security move to other employment within the federal service.

Date of entry into force: 1990-06-19

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Federal Employees Retirement System- General Administrat ion; Cost ofLiving Adjustments Rule (5 CFR Part8 4 1 )

Federal Register, 1990-04-17, Vol.55, No. 74, pp. 14229-14231 (INFORMP60901)Amends Regulations concerning the computation of cost of living adjustment of basic benefits under the Federal Retirement System.

Date of entry into force: 1990-05-17

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F e d e r a l O l d - A g e , S u r v i v o r s a n dDisability Insurance; Wage CoverageRule (20 CFR Part 404)

Federal Register, 1987-08-11, Vol.52, No. 154, pp. 29659-29663 (INFORMP60901)Revises five Social Security Administration regulations on the treatment of wages for purposes of calculating social security contributions.

Date of entry into force: 1987-08-11


Employment accident andoccupational disease benefit

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Commonwealth of the Northern MarianaIslands Workers’ Compensation Law.Public Law No. 6-33.

Workers’ Compensation Law, 1989-10,Workers’ Compensation Commission,Saipan, Mariana Islands, USA, 61 p.(SECSOC)

Date of entry into force: 1989-10-25

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Social Security Act 1990. Public Law1 9 9 0 - 7 5 .

Printed separately, 45 p. (INFORM)Establishes for the people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands a financially sound social security system with pension benefits and early retirement, whereby workers would be ensured a measure of security in their old age and during disability, and whereby surviving spouses and surviving children of deceased workers would be ensured support after the loss of the family’s income, and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. The Social Security Act 1987, as amended, is repealed.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01

Medical care and sicknessbenefit

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S o c i a l S e c u r i t y H e a l t h F u n d A c t1991. Public Law 1991-118.

Printed separately, 1991, 33 p. (SECSOC)Establishes a financially sound social security health fund with temporary Health Insurance Plan to provide an orderly means to finance and deliver comprehensive medical care to the people of the Marshall Islands in the face of spiraling cost of that care, and for related matters.

Date of entry into force: 1991-10-01

Old-age, invalidity andsurvivors benefit

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Social Security Act 1990. Public Law1 9 9 0 - 7 5 .

Printed separately, 45 p. (INFORM)Establishes for the people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands a financially sound social security system with pension benefits and early retirement, whereby workers would be ensured a measure of security in their old age and during disability, and whereby surviving spouses and surviving children of deceased workers would be ensured support after the loss of the family’s income, and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. The Social Security Act 1987, as amended, is repealed.

Date of entry into force: 1990-10-01