Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence …...2018/03/01  · Unitarian Universalist...

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence MONTHLY NEWSLETTER March 2018 Mark Your Calendars! Upcoming Events and Important Dates Ahead* Saturday, March 3 Men's Group, 9:00 a.m. at Muncher's Bakery Saturday, March 10 Women’s Group (2-4 p.m.)* Sunday, April 8 New to UU classes start* Saturday, April 28 Annual Auction* June 20-24, 2018 UUA General Assembly* *See body of newsletter for more information on all these upcoming events Please also note in the Social Justice section the many Social Justice events and initiatives scheduled for March. UPCOMING 9:30 SUNDAY TRADITIONAL PROGRAMS Sunday, March 4 “Why You Are Going to GA in Kansas City this June” John Brewer presents the many opportunities available at a General Assembly just 40 minutes from Lawrence: the new UU friends you will meet, the great new ideas, the pageantry, the music, and of course, the outstanding presentations by prominent speakers both inside and outside of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Sunday, March 11 “Abrahamic Religions Series” Eve Levin, from the Jewish Community Center, will continue our series on the Abrahamic Religions with a talk about Judaism and its relationship with Islam and Christianity as one of the "Abrahamic Religions". Customs, values, and ways in which to honor one's faith will be explored, with time for questions and comments. Sunday, March 18 "Getting to Know You, Chief Burns" Chief of Police Gregory Burns, Jr., will be our speaker. He will discuss his background, his impressions of Lawrence, and some of his successes and challenges since he was sworn in last October. Sunday, March 25 “Why so Secret, Kansas?” Lack of Transparency in Kansas Government will be the topic covered by two veteran reporters from the Kansas City Star, Laura Bauer and Max Londberg. They authored the major Star series dealing with the transparency issue in Kansas politics.

Transcript of Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence …...2018/03/01  · Unitarian Universalist...

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Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lawrence MONTHLY NEWSLETTER

March 2018

Mark Your Calendars! Upcoming Events and Important Dates Ahead*

Saturday, March 3 Men's Group, 9:00 a.m. at Muncher's Bakery Saturday, March 10 Women’s Group (2-4 p.m.)* Sunday, April 8 New to UU classes start* Saturday, April 28 Annual Auction* June 20-24, 2018 UUA General Assembly* *See body of newsletter for more information on all these upcoming events Please also note in the Social Justice section the many Social Justice events and initiatives scheduled for March.

UPCOMING 9:30 SUNDAY TRADITIONAL PROGRAMS Sunday, March 4 “Why You Are Going to GA in Kansas City this June” John Brewer presents the many opportunities available at a General Assembly just 40 minutes from Lawrence: the new UU friends you will meet, the great new ideas, the pageantry, the music, and of course, the outstanding presentations by prominent speakers both inside and outside of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Sunday, March 11 “Abrahamic Religions Series”

Eve Levin, from the Jewish Community Center, will continue our series on the Abrahamic Religions with a talk about Judaism and its relationship with Islam and Christianity as one of the "Abrahamic Religions". Customs, values, and ways in which to honor one's faith will be explored, with time for questions and comments.

Sunday, March 18 "Getting to Know You, Chief Burns" Chief of Police Gregory Burns, Jr., will be our speaker. He will discuss his background, his impressions of Lawrence, and some of his successes and challenges since he was sworn in last October.

Sunday, March 25 “Why so Secret, Kansas?”

Lack of Transparency in Kansas Government will be the topic covered by two veteran reporters from the Kansas City Star, Laura Bauer and Max Londberg. They authored the major Star series dealing with the transparency issue in Kansas politics.

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Soul Matters Theme For March



When we talk of balance, it’s natural for calm and rest to be the first things that come to mind. There’s no getting around it: many of us are tired. We’re overworked, over-busy, over-committed. Striving and stress have become the badges we wear to prove that we are of worth. We are often so weighed down by responsibility and worry that it only takes one drop of something unexpected to tip us over. So, yes, we long for rest. Yes, we want less to manage and juggle. Yes, we need balance’s reminder that a place of calm and peace is possible. And yet, pointing us to peace and calm is not all that balance is about. Remembering this is at the center of this month’s work. Indeed, there is no better month than March to help us embrace balance’s many meanings. For instance, take the religious holidays in March. Lent reminds us that balance is a place reassessment, renewal, preparation, and even repentance. It honors the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert preparing for his ministry and the path to the cross. The balance he sought in the desert was not that of restful escape, but that restorative re-centering. Balance got him ready, rather than simply offering him relief. Passover also puts its own spin on balance. It is a time to retell the story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt after centuries of slavery. For it, balance is a matter of remembering, of pausing to put yourself back into a story that connects you with others and anchors you in a counter-cultural narrative. During Passover, the balance one finds is not that of calm but that of reconnection. There’s also Ostara, the Pagan celebration of the Vernal Equinox. It honors the balance of day and night, but more importantly it celebrates the way this balance is a tipping point on the way to Spring. It’s a reminder that stillpoints are rarely still. They are a place of turning, a space where shifts happen and new life emerges. And finally the Hindu holiday of Holi also needs held up, with its ritual of restoring one’s belief in the power of good over evil. It’s a reminder that balance

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and calm isn’t just found by taking a break from life, but by trusting in its goodness once again. March is also the month in which we honor many people who gave their lives to the cause of justice. The list is large: • The Selma–Montgomery March happened March 21-25, 1965 • James Reeb was murdered on March 11, 1965 • Viola Liuzzo was murdered on March 25, 1965 • March is Women’s history month with its call to remember the long history and continuing work for Women’s equality. • Susan B. Anthony's death was March 13 • Archbishop Oscar Romero was killed on March 24, 1980 These anniversaries remind us that being a “people of balance” is often the opposite of keeping things calm. In order to move toward a balance of justice, we have to upset the current state of things. Oppressive systems need challenged and toppled. We need to sacrifice our calm and comfort, and instead “go all in.” Achieving a balance of equality requires us to be purposefully off-balance with our culture, or as Martin Luther King jr. said, we need people who are “maladjusted.” Being out of sync with “the way things are” is the first step toward a better balance for all. Add all this up and suddenly “balance” takes on a new meaning. Actually, it takes on many new meanings. The observances of March remind us that balance is not simply a destination, but also a place of invitation. It’s not a static space of peace, as much as a stillpoint on which we pivot and turn to something new. It’s not just about rest, but about resting up for a journey. Yes, balance allows us to catch our breath, but it’s also about finding our center so we can end all our aimless wandering around. It’s fine to think of balance by imagining the Buddha sitting peacefully under a tree, but we can’t let that overshadow the image of a diver balancing way up there on her diving board, pausing to re-gain her composure and courage so she can leap and go “all in.” Another way to put all this is to ask, “What is your balance for?” Maybe instead of asking each other, “Have you found balance?” we need to ask “Where is your balance taking you?” Yes, balance sometimes can be an end in itself, but this month and its observances remind us that more often balance is a means to a greater end. In other words, maybe balance isn’t the prize but the springboard. Maybe balance isn’t the goal, but the source of strength that gets us where we need to go. Which means that our most important questions this month might actually be, “Do you know where you’re trying to get to?” and “Which kind of balance will help you along your way?”

Worship Services for March March 4 “Breaking Our Silence: #Metoo” Rev. Jill Jarvis (Women’s History Month) Women and girls have begun to push back against a system of oppression that intimidates them into silence about harassment and abuse. Sharing long-kept secrets has revealed the pervasiveness of sexual injustice in women's lives. From mansplaining to rape culture, even feminist men sometimes don’t seem to get it. After all the revelations, what happens next? This is a service of honesty, healing, and support for those who have too long been silenced, for those who bear witness, and for those who strive to

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challenge the patriarchy. This is a hard topic and may be upsetting to some, though there will be nothing graphic. Our Minister and a Pastoral Care Associate will offer the opportunity for a small-group listening session immediately after the service for anyone who chooses to participate. March 11 "It's Hard to Plan the Day" Rebecca Gant with worship associate Ted Wilson. EB White famously remarked that the desire to both improve and enjoy the world made it "hard to plan the day." How do we as a justice-seeking people find that balance? And how do we encourage ourselves and one another to continue the work even when it seems impossible? Join us as we explore the balance of saving and savoring the world. March 18 Rev. Sarah Oglesby-Dunnegan (pulpit exchange) March 25 “Holy Contradiction” Rev. Jill Jarvis Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Speak what you think now in hard words, and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today.” Often the most profound truth is found in the place of “both/and” rather than “either/or” as we hold the tension between polarities.


The UUCL Board has undergone several changes since the beginning of 2018. As some of you may know, our wonderful Chair, Shannon VanLandingham, has resigned from the Chair position for the remainder of this year. The Board deeply misses her excellent leadership, but also completely understands and supports her decision at this personally difficult time. Our thoughts and love continue to be with her. We also recently expressed our profound gratitude along with our sad goodbyes to Bonnie Blosser, our amazing Director of Faith Development. Bonnie, as many of you are aware, has retired (at least temporarily) and is moving with her husband to Narrow Ridge, Tennessee to become a part of an “off the grid” community. Additionally, Ann Alexander, formerly our UUCL Board Chair-Elect, resigned her position on the Board to assume a part-time position as Religious Education Coordinator to ensure that our many Faith Development activities would continue to be supported. Ann has had a long career in the educational field and we are grateful for her willingness to fulfill this important need. Following Ann’s move, I was asked to fulfill the role of Acting Chair-Elect for the remainder of this year, primarily because I had very recently completed my service in the roles of Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair and was, therefore, familiar with Board roles and much of our current work. Because the role of the Chair-Elect is to preside at Board meetings in the Chair’s absence, my role has now moved to Acting Chair. ~Barbara Thompson

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New to UU Classes to start April 8, 2018 We have a 6-week series of classes planned, beginning April 8 and running through May 13, to offer to anyone wishing a review of our UU heritage, our local congregation’s history, and a chance to meet our UUCL leaders as we give an overview of our governance, and our initiatives & activities. This is a class series geared for those who are New to UUCL or to Unitarian Universalism, or who wish a review of what

our denomination and our congregation is about. We will meet for an hour (9:30-10:30) each of the six Sunday mornings in Founders’ Hall. If you have not already responded by email, please contact Deb Russell, Connections Coordinator, in order to participate. Seven recent visitors who are now attending regular have indicated interest in these classes. All are welcome.

Deb Russell Connections Coordinator

New to UU Class Series Facilitator [email protected]


Watch your email this week for details about GA relevant to UUCL

FAITH DEVELOPMENT (A summary of our March offerings for children, youth and adults follows.)

Adult Faith Development: Our 9:30 offerings of religious exploration for Adults meet in the downstairs library. They include UU Parenting on the second and fourth Sunday. Jeff Hall presents topics and leads discussions. All adults who care for children are invited to participate. Soul Matters for March is Balance. Lori Herndon leads soul matters sharing circles on the first and third Sunday. Study guides for Soul Matters topics are on the uufl.net website or printed copies can be found on the lobby welcome table.

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On the second Tuesday each month from 10 AM to Noon at UUCL is an adult sharing circle based on the UUA curriculum "Spirit of Life". Children’s religious exploration begins with baby care to four years of age. Four year olds to 5th grade attend Spirit Play where they listen to a stories related to UU principles and promises. 6th, 7th and 8th grade talk about awesomes and not so awesomes. High school youth meet at 12:15 PM for pizza, movie, and social justice discussions.



March 1, 7-8:30pm, Tomahawk Ridge Community Center, Keeping Kansans in the Dark. 11902 Lowell Drive, Overland Park, KS. Kansas has one of the most secretive state governments in the nation. Mainstream Coalition will host an event strictly focused on the secrecy around the Kansas Legislature and the governor’s Administration. It will be a casual town hall setting, with the speaker portion going for half-hour and then we will open up the floor to questions from attendees. At the moment, our speaker is Stephanie Clayton, Kansas Representative for District 19. She will talk about what she’s pursuing in legislation to increase the transparency. More speakers will be announced.

March 2: Mobilize for a Dream Act Now. Congress has failed to protect our immigrant youth once again after voting for a spending bill that did not include a #DreamActNow. Every day that passes, more and more undocumented youth lose protection from deportation. We will not be used as a bargaining chip to lock another person into the camps, rip a family apart or undermine the very idea of family immigration. Please join us and our allies at First Friday as we demand that action is taken. Across 1741 McGee Street, Kansas City, MO

Mobilize: 6:00pm; Vigil: 6:30pm; March: 7:00pm; Rally: 7:30pm

March 5, 10am-3pm, Stand with Muslim Neighbors Advocacy Day at the Capitol, 2nd Floor Rotunda, to let our legislators and the people of Kansas know how important our Muslim neighbors are to the well-being of our communities our refusal to see them victimized or singled-out, legally or politically.

March 6, Let Kansans Vote. 9am, Dole Courhouse, 500 State Ave., Kansas City, KS. Fish v. Kobach challenges Kansas’ documentary proof-of-citizenship law which requires people, when they register to vote, to show documents to prove their citizenship. It violates the National Voter Registration Act, a federal law designed to make it easier for Americans to register to vote and maintain their registrations. The ACLU will be arguing Fish et al v. Kobach before Chief District Judge Robinson.

March 12, at the Topeka Library, 6-7:30pm, forum on Foster Care in Kansas. For more information go to www.rebuildinghopekansas.org or 785-856 0917

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March 15, Kansas WEALTH Day (Water, Energy, Air, Land, Transportation and Health), Kansas State Capitol Building, 300 SW 10th Street. For more information and to register, visit http://bit.ly/2018WEALTHDay. Kansas WEALTH Day brings together organizations, advocates and legislators, to connect on the WEALTH issues.

March 24, there will be a Gun Control Action, specifics to be determined. More information coming.

Here is an interactive website, Preventing Gun Violence: Tell Your Members of Congress that their prayers are not enough.


MONTHLY COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS: FAITH IN ACTION Each week, our Sunday collection is given to a community organization that reflects our values and is chosen by our Social Justice Team. The February Community Connection was the Social Service League of Lawrence.

The Community Connection for March is CENTRO HISPANO From its mission statement: “we envision our community as a place where Latinos are welcome as valued partners contributing to our success. Located at the corner of 13th and Kentucky next to St. John's church, the Centro Hispano Resource Center effectively builds the community's capacity to meet health, educational and social service needs of Latino families while cultivating cultural understanding and honoring traditions.”


Shining Star for March IS JOHN BOULTON Our March Shining Star Volunteer was nominated by Lynne Bodle

John Boulton quietly, behind the scenes, works on the building and grounds team, cleaning up the garden, taking care of details that many of us do not even realize need to be done. I see John, apron on, working in the kitchen, checking on snacks in Founders Hall, simply seeing to it that things are moving smoothly. His is the quiet taking care of things modus operandi which leaves the rest of us enjoying our time at UUCL without even realizing all the work that makes our time so pleasant. Thank you, John, for being an unassuming, quiet, though brightly shining star.


Clark Fulton. a water color painter, has lived in Lawrence for over 30 years. His paintings range from landscapes to almost abstract images. To some degree, all of his paintings are inspired by nature. "Forty Years of Painting" will be on exhibition in Founders Hall through April 29.

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April 28th is the night, and the heavens are right! Join us for a “lovely Bellanotte!” Bring your “Gucci” bag filled with “Lire,” hop into your “Lambourgini” or “Vespa” and we will “make you an offer you can’t refuse!” Come to the “Piazza” under the stars, have an “aperitif,” and a glass of “Vino” or “Birra,” and “Mambo” like an Italiano all night long. Let’s raise more money than an “Italian Job” so we can fulfill our mission. It is sure to be a night to make even “Mona Lisa” smile! Don’t be a “Stranger In The Night.” Join us Saturday, April 28 from 5:00-9:00 pm. There are three very important things you need to do: 1.) Buy tickets 2.) Donate items for the live auction, silent auction, parties, or basket raffle 3.) Invite friends to come with you. Tickets are just $15 until April 15th, and will go on sale Sunday, March 4th in the lobby as well as online. Who will you bring to the party? Invite your friends! The more the merrier! When we’re all together we’re “famiglia!” Each person who brings a guest will get a special gold coin from the “Trevi Fountain,” which can be redeemed at the bar for a drink or for extra basket raffle tickets. When you decide what you want to donate, please go here http://uufl.net/auction-2018/ to fill out the donation form so we know what to write in the catalog. We have noticed that handmade items, gift cards, baked goods, and services do the best in the Silent Auction. Please save your garage sale items for the Youth, when they have their next fundraiser. “Ciao, bella!” Shannon VanLandingham and Brita Matiatos- Calnon, Auction Co-Chairs [email protected]

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UUCL WOMEN’S GROUP UUCL women's group will meet at Emily Russell's place at Presbyterian Manor (1329 Kasold, G-2) on Saturday, March 10 from 2-4PM. All are welcome, especially the newer and younger among us. Let's make this an Irish theme in honor of St. Patrick's Day. Think of something creative to bring or for us to do as we enjoy each other's company. Bring a snack to share if you wish, but mostly bring yourself and a friend ready for a pleasant and stimulating afternoon. Contact Lynne Bodle 843-8263 for more information or for a ride. See you there!



785-842-3999TocontacttheNewsTeam,[email protected] Othercontactinformation: Helping Hands [email protected] or call UUCL office, 842-3339 This team provides short-term practical assistance, e.g., meals, respite, rides. Transportation Line 785-842-7529 (to UUCL events or medical appointments) Pastoral Care Associates: Rev. Jill Jarvis at 816-853-6530 [email protected] or Deb Russell at email [email protected] This team provides confidential listening for those experiencing bereavement, illness, unemployment, life transitions, aging, loneliness, etc. Minister Office Hours Rev. Jill Jarvis’ hours tend to be variable. It is best to contact her for an appointment 816/853-6530 or mailto:[email protected] Religious Education Coordinator Ann Alexander [email protected] Administrative Office Hours: AdministrativeofficehoursaretypicallyMonday10:00a.m.-5:00p.m.Tuesday1:00-5:00p.m.Thursday8:30a.m.-4:30p.m.Friday1:00-5:00p.m.Pleasebesuretocallfirst,785-842-3339,ifcomingoutduringtheweek,asdoorsarekeptlocked.