Unit4 Unit Four Unit4 Language Structure See the following sentences and pay attention to the...

Unit4 Unit Four

Transcript of Unit4 Unit Four Unit4 Language Structure See the following sentences and pay attention to the...


Unit Four


See the following sentences and pay attention to the grammar rules they use:

1. I would have liked to sign up, but I sprained my ankle.

2. She should / ought to have had more oral practice during the term.

3. He may / might have gone without you.

4. She can’t / couldn’t have gone to the library.

She must have gone to the language lab.

5. You may / might as well use my bike.


Practice: 1.Would have liked to (do): used with the first person to express the speaker’s wish that was not fulfilled.

I intended to go skating with you yesterday but I couldn’t because my mother didn’t let me. Response: I would have liked to go skating with you yesterday , but my mother didn’t let me.

I meant to sit in on Professor Wang‘s class ( 旁听) this morning but I didn't because I had an meeting to attend. Response:I would have liked to sit in on Professor Wang's class this morning, but I didn't because I had an meeting to attend.


I intended to take part in the basketball match yesterday afternoon but I couldn't because I had a bad fall yesterday morning.Response: I would have liked to take part in the basketball match yesterday afternoon, but I had a bad fall yesterday morning.

I planned to lend you my cassette recorder, but I didn't, because it was out of order. Response: I would have liked to lend you my cassette recorder, but it was out of order.


Practice: 2. should / ought to + perfect infinitive, indicating a past

obligation that was not fulfilled.

1) The exhibition was a good one. All of us visited it except John.

Response: John should / ought to have come with us.

2) We all learned a lot from the lecture, but Li didn't attend it. Response: Li ought to / should have attended the lecture.

3) The engineer went to the research institute without an umbrella and was caught in the rain.

Response: The engineer ought to / should have taken an umbrella with him.)


Practice: 3. needn't + perfect infinitive, indicating something that was

unnecessarily done in the past.

1) I wrote a summary in more than five hundred words. But the teacher only asked for 200 words.

Response: I needn't have written such a long summary. 2) Lin answered all the ten questions in the test paper. But we

were only required to answer eight of them. Response: Lin needn't have answered all the ten questions in

the test paper.

3) Mary went to the station an hour before the train started. Response: Mary needn't have gone to the station so early.


Practice: 4. may / might +perfect infinitive, indicating speculations about

past actions

1) Where is Susan? I want to go to the canteen with her.Response: She may / might have gone there already.) 2) It's a fortnight since Sun went to the South and we haven't

got a word from him. I wonder if he has forgotten us all. Response: He may / might have been very busy with his work

there. 3) Sid told me he'd let me have the library book after he'd

finished with it. It's a week since he said that and he still hasn't given me the book.

Response: He may / might have returned the book to the library. He may / might not have finished reading it yet.)


Practice: 5. can't / couldn't + perfect infinitive, indicating negative

deduction about past actions. 1) Where is my typewriter? Someone must have stolen it last

night. Response: It was here a moment ago. It couldn't have been

stolen last night. 2) Keith ought to be here now. Perhaps he's lost his way.Response: I told him how to come and I even drew him a map.

He can’t have lost his way .3) Who brought the refrigerator upstairs? Perhaps it was Tim. Response: Tim's not that strong. He couldn't have brought it byhimself.


Practice: 7. May / might as well used with the second person pronoun ex

pressing “ suggestions” 1) For all the improvement you've made in the past year, you

might as well give up singing.考虑到你在过去一年里的成就不大,你还是放弃唱歌好

了。 might as well as… 与其…不如 1)You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to

him. 你借他钱不如把钱扔到海里去。 2) You might as well ask the tree for help as request him to red

uce the price. 你与其要他减价还不如求助于一棵树。


A: Everybody signed up for the sports meeting, but (I didn't

see your name.)

B: I didn't sign up.

A: (Why not?)

B: I would have liked to, but I sprained my ankle


Practice 1


1. sign up for: 报名参加露西决定报名上瑜珈课。Lucy decided to sign up for yoga classes.

2. sprain: twist 扭伤

His sprained ankle has puffed up. 他那扭伤的脚踝肿起来了。

He had little chance to win after he sprained his wrist. 他扭伤了手腕,获胜的可能性极小。


A: Lin failed in her oral English test again.

B: she should / ought to have had more oral practice all

through the term.

A: She learnt all the dialogues in the textbook by heart,


B: But that’s no use. As a matter of fact, she needn’t have

done that.

Practice 2LanguageStructure


A: I wonder where Zhang can be.

B: Did you have an appointment with him?

A: Yes. He said he’d meet me at half past eight and take me

to the public library. It is about a quarter to nine now.

B: He may / might have gone without you.

A. Maybe, but he ought to have told me so.

Practice 3LanguageStructure


A: Is Liu in the gym?

B: No, I don’t think so.

A: Can / Could she have gone to the library?

B: No, she can’t / couldn’t have gone there. I just saw her

going out with a tape in her hand.

A: In that case, she must have gone to the language lab.

Practice 4LanguageStructure


A: It’s getting very late. I must be off.

B: Oh, I didn’t realize it was so late.

A: I hope I’ll be able to catch the last bus home.

B: Why don’t you use my bike? You might as well.

Or: You may / might as well use my bike. The last bus might

have gone.

Practice 5LanguageStructure


• People around the world watched Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton get married. The royal wedding broke records for live streaming on the Internet. It also produced more than two million tweets on Twitter.

• The ceremony took place Friday at Westminster Abbey in London.


Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward ... "

• Kate wore a flowing white gown designed by Sarah Burton, the creative director of Alexander McQueen. William wore a red military uniform.

• Hats were a big fashion statement. Many of those invited wore them.


• It was Britain's biggest wedding since William and Harry's parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, were married in nineteen eighty-one.

• Nearly two thousand guests filled the church on Friday. Westminster Abbey was where the funeral for William's mother took place after Diana died in a car crash in nineteen ninety-seven.

• Hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets and parks of London to watch the wedding on video screens.

• (SOUND: Crowds)

Unit4• Among the wedding guests were English football

star David Beckham and his wife Victoria, British Prime Minister David Cameron, the king of Norway and singer Elton John.

• Bahrain's crown prince was invited but decided not to attend because of unrest in his country. Britain withdrew an invitation to the ambassador from Syria over violence against protesters there.

• After the ceremony, the royal couple traveled to Buckingham Palace. Crowds cheered when the newlyweds appeared on a balcony and shared a short public kiss, and then a longer one.

• Later, William drove his wife out of Buckingham Palace in an open-top Aston Martin car.

• William and the newest member of the royal family will now be known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Unit4• Kate is twenty-nine year old. William will be twenty-nin

e in June. His grandmother is Queen Elizabeth. His father, Prince Charles, is first in line to become king. William, as the older son, is second in line. Kate would not become queen, however, since she is not in the royal blood line.

• There was a big celebration at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. That was where William and Kate first met as art history students in two thousand one.

• Many Americans woke up before sunrise to watch the wedding. And thousands of people traveled to Britain to join the celebration, including this Australian woman.

• WOMAN: "We’re all part of history. It’s just a wonderful experience."

• And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. To see pictures of the wedding and to share your comments, go to fudu365.com. I'm Steve Ember.


Pollution ControlDialogue


Why is London no longer a city full of fog? How is the pollution problem in China? What problems does the car bring?

Think it



Please read the dialogue loudly

with feeling and expression.


Pollution Control

Unit4Language Points

…a man with good eyesight to his home in a dense fog.

1.eyesight: the faculty of vision

1. 他的视力越来越差。His eyesight is becoming progressively worse.

2. 他的视力不好。He has poor eyesight.

3. 房子在视力范围之内。The house is within eyesight.


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

…a man with good eyesight to his home in a dense fog.

2. Dense fog: 浓雾

1. 浓雾笼罩了北部的公路,能见度很低。Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.

2. 我班上有一两个学生有点迟钝。One or two of the students in my class are a bit dense. 3. 他们在浓密的丛林里开辟出一条路来。They hewed their way through the dense jungle.


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

…since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956.

Clean Air Act:

This was the result of the recommendations made by the Beaver Committee which was set up to inquire into the question of urban pollution in Britain. The committee was so named because its chairman was Sir Hugh Beaver.


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

…since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956.

Enforce :

This was the result of the recommendations made by the Beaver Committee which was set up to inquire into the question of urban pollution in Britain. The committee was so named because its chairman was Sir Hugh Beaver.


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

…since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956.

Enforce :

1. 强迫: impose

You can't enforce cooperation between the players.队员间的配合并非强迫命令而成。

Don't enforce your will on the child, please.请别把你的意愿强加给这孩子。


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

…since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956.

2. 强制实施: implement

The school will strictly enforce the dress code.该学校将严格实施着装规定。

Policemen and judges enforce the law. 警察与法官执行法律。


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

…since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956.

3. 加强 : strengthen

Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?



Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

The Thames is swarming with fish.

The Thames:

The River Thames is famous throughout the World for its history, its culture and its amazing variety of wildlife, archaeology and scenery. If you ask a Londoner what is the City’s greatest asset - or one of the thousands of boaters in punts or cruisers up and down the river, or people from rural Oxfordshire what they think of when the River Thames springs into their minds - they will each come up with a whole host of reasons to spend time by the River Thames.


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

swarm : move in large numbers

1. 放学后 , 很多学生拥进食堂。Many students swarm into the canteen after class.

2. 电影结束后,人们从电影院蜂拥而出。The crowd swarmed out of the cinema after the film ended.

3. 这座城堡到处都是观光客。The castle swarmed with sightseers.


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

I wish we could do away with air pollution and dust here.

Do away with: eliminate, get rid of1. The government did away with free school meals.


2. Do I have to do away with my habit? 我是不是得改掉我的习惯?

3. do away with one’s shortcomings do away with superstitions and emancipate the mind


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

It has been tormenting us for years.

torment: torture, distress

1. n. That child is a torment to his parents. 这孩子对他的父母是一种折磨。

2. v. Seth was tormented by feelings of guilt.内疚之感折磨着塞斯。


Dialogue I

Unit4Language Points

Perhaps it’s difficult to bring pollution completely under control.


Dialogue I

1.The prime minister issued a statement saying the offensive was targeting "outlaws" in Basra and was designed to bring the southern city under government control.


Unit4Language Points

Take drastic measures…7

Dialogue I

adj. 1.激烈的 His view brings a drastic argument.


2.重大的Talk to me before you do anything drastic.


3. 极端的Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order. 为恢复秩序必须采取严厉措施。



1. What is environmental pollution?

2. How do people pollute the area?

3. Why is environmental pollution is one of the most serio

us problems that mankind faces today?

4. Why is the pollution problem complicated?

5. How can pollution gradually reduced?

6. When did pollution become a major problem and in wha

t ways?


Environmental Pollution

Unit4Language Points

People have become alarmed by the dangers of pollution.

1. I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke. 我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。

2. The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm. 辐射泄露的消息引起了公众的普遍恐慌。

3. The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime.


4. We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest.森林失火使我们大为惊慌。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

People have become alarmed by the dangers of pollution.

alarm clock n.闹钟

burglar alarm 防盗自动警铃 ; 防窃报警

fire alarm n. 火警

give the alarm 发警报

smoke alarm 烟气报警器


Reading I

Unit4Preserving the Environment in the U.K.


1. In what respects are people affected by technological progres


2. What is happening in the countryside as far as ecology is con


3. What measures has the UK taken to preserve the environmen


Skimming Questions

Unit4Language Points

Many people’s lives has deteriorated in some respects…

deteriorate [di'ti ri reit, di'tiri .reit]ə ə ə

1. 我们不容许情况恶化。We cannot allow the situation to deteriorate.

2. 食物在夏天容易变质。Food is apt to deteriorate in summer.

3. 他的视力已经开始下降。His sight have begin to deteriorate.


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

Many people’s lives has deteriorated in some respects…

1. 我深深敬佩她的勇气。I deeply respect her courage.

2. 请向你父母表达我的问候。Please give my respects to your parents.

3. 这将会引起许多有关环境污染方面的问题。It's going to raise a lot of problems with respect to atmosphere pollution.

4. 我的论点在一个至关重要的方面跟你的不一样。My argument is different from yours in one crucial respect.


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

…were constantly assailed by …

attack, assail, assault, charge, beset 都含有“攻击”的意思。attack: 常用词 , 指 " 攻击敌人 "或 "用言论攻击他人 " 。

Germany began to attack the Soviet Union in 1941.德国在 1941 年开始进攻苏联。

assail: 指 "猛烈连续地攻击 " 。 The enemy plane assailed our defense position.敌机不断猛烈地攻击我们的阵地。

assault: 语气比 assail 强 , 指 "突然猛烈地进攻 ", 暗示 "武力的直接接触 " ( 如肉搏等 ), 也有 "暴力 " 的意思。

The enemy assaulted us at dawn.敌人在黎明时向我进攻。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

…were constantly assailed by …

charge: 指 "冲击 "或 "骑兵的突然攻击 " 。 The cavalry charged to the front.骑兵猛烈向前线冲击。

beset: 指 " 围攻 ", 即从各个方向攻击。 In the swamp we were beset by mosquitoes.在沼泽地里 , 我们受到蚊子的围攻。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

…the atmosphere with exhaust fumes.

exhaust fume: 废气

1.There are many sources of air pollution , for example, exhaust fumes.造成空气污染的因素有很多 ,例如废气。

2.The factories emitted exhaust fumes.工厂排放废气。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

…Parliament to counter pollution …

1.n. 柜台 He placed the money on the counter.

他把钱放在柜台上。2.adj. 相反的 They had always had the counter effect.

他们总是得到相反的效果。3. adv. 与…相反地 He acted counter to his promise.

他的行动与他的诺言相反。4.v.反击He hit me but I did not counter.

他打了我 ,但我没有还手。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

…with bronchial complaints…

1.bronchial [‘br ŋki l]ɔ ə adj. 支气管的

2.bronchitis [br ŋ'kaitis] n. ɔ 支气管炎

My brother has chronic bronchitis. 我的哥哥患有慢性支气管炎。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

…with bronchial complaints…


1. I have a complaint. 我要投诉。

2. You have no real grounds for complaint. 你没有真正的理由发牢骚。

3. I have a complaint of the chest. 我胸部不适。


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

Rivers which used to be fouled up with industrial chemical …

1.adj.肮脏的,污浊的,恶臭的 He opened the window to let out the foul air.

他打开窗户,放出污浊的空气。2. adv.违反规则地,不正当地 He played his opponent foul. 他用不正当地手段对付对手。3. vt. 弄脏,污染 The smoke fouled the air. 烟污染了空气。4.Vi. 腐败,腐烂 The meat fouled.5. n.犯规 He was cautioned for a foul on an opponent.


Reading I

Unit4Language Points

Rivers which used to be fouled up with industrial chemical …

1. fall foul of 冒犯 He fell foul of his boss and lost his job.他冒犯了老板,丢了工作。

2. foul up 把…搞糟Bill always fouls things up.比尔总是把事情搞糟。


Reading I

18 May, 2011Dear Bill, I am happy to be informed of our alumni get-together. S

urely I will meet many old friends and we’ll be able to chat over days long gone by. Incidentally, do you know that Prof. Chadi arrived in our city yesterday? I think his presence will make our meeting more memorable. He can be reached by phone no. 84123348.

Yes, I’ll be prompt. I’m counting the days to see you all. Yours, Martin








average equip intolerable suburban

environmental marine pesticide ruin

automobile fertilizer industrial reduce


The price of gasoline should have been set at ten dollars a gallon in 1918 when Henry Ford introduced the model T. Consider what would have happened. If the price of gas had been too expensive for the average person, then there never would have been such serious pollution problems in every major American city. Moreover, there would be no need to rehabilitate our cities, because large numbers of people would never have left them for the suburbs. Finally, if the price had been set at ten dollars a gallon, there would have been enough gasoline reserves to last for centuries. Instead, the low price of gas helped to exhaust the supply and create over-dependence upon foreign sources of oil.

Dictation A


People used to think that the Mississippi was too big to be polluted. But today it is in trouble. In the past half century or so hundreds of factories have been built on the banks of the river. As production has increased, so has the amount of harmful waste been discharged into it by the factories. Every day, thousands of tons of industrial waste are poured into the river. In many places the

water can no longer be safely used for drinking or irrigation. Birds and fish have been killed off in large numbers by water pollution. A New York paper reported on February 8, 1972, “The Mississippi has now been made so dirty that swimming and fishing in it are almost out of the question.” Out of the question :不可能

Out of question :毫无疑问的

Dictation B


1. Marion Island is just off the coast of South Africa.

2. The cats were first brought to the island because there were to

o many mice there.

3. The cats killed off the bird population as well as the mice popu

lation on the island.

4. Large amount of poisonous bait was used to kill the cats

5. It is hoped that the bird population will resettle on the island o

n their own when the cats are eliminated.

Listening Comprehension

True or False?






1.Marion Island is two thousand kilometers south of the tip of Africa


3.The cats almost killed off some of the native species of

birds there, but they were not so interested in mice, which

were not their preferred food.

4. Poisonous bait could not be used because it might cause

the death of the other wildlife.

5. It is said that when Antarctic birds disappear from an

island, they do not return on their own.

Listening Comprehension


Translation• 1. Linda can’t have gone to America, for I saw her

yesterday in the street.• 2. The governments of these countries must take

strong measures to bring population completely under control.

• 3. The old couple should have applied for a number of traveler’s checks so that they needn’t have carried so much cash with them while travelling around the world.

• 4. He is so famous an artist that his paintings should all be kept in such places as art galleries or museums.

• 5.For lack of experience, the young doctor didn’t take immediate action, which caused the death of the patient.



6.She wanted to show in some way how much she cared about him and his happiness.

7. The president made a speech to the effect that the state would preserve its wildlife.

8. Teachers should exercise their imagination and add art to their teaching.



• The Queen wasn’t an entirely successful film. The music might not have been right fro the theme of the film. The actress might not have been quite right for her role as a queen. The director could have organized the plot more carefully. The actor’s role ought to have been larger. The producer might not have had enough time to supervise the production. They may not have had enough money to make a truly successful film. But it was till a fine movie.