Unit Five Dilemma for Science The Third Two Periods Designed by Zhongxin.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science The Third Two Periods Designed by Zhongxin

Transcript of Unit Five Dilemma for Science The Third Two Periods Designed by Zhongxin.

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Unit Five Dilemma for Science

The Third Two Periods

Designed by Zhongxin

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1. Master the words and phrases in text

2. Master key points of adverbial clause of condition

3. Practical Writing: a letter of congratulation

Key Points

1. Master key points of adverbial clause

2. Tips for how to reading facts3. Tips for how to write a letter

of congratulation


1. How to master attributive clause

2. How to talk about cosmetic surgery

3. How to write a letter of congratulation

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Unit Five Dilemma for Science

GrammarPractical Reading

Practical Writing Exercise

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Exercise• Listening • Proper Words• Translation• Use the Right Word

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Directions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.

One of the exciting medical breakthroughs today is facial transplantation. Doctors, with the ___________of modern microsurgical ____________ and anti-rejection drugs, could _________ a dead person’s face on to a living person through a very sophisticated _________________ , as found typically in ______________. They claim that if the operation of facial transplantation is successful, the patient would have the same and facial_______________ expressions as those of the dead person, though the face itself may look slightly different.





operationscience fiction

skin quality

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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However, ____________the deep psychological

implication for people _______________facial

transplantation, doctors are very cautious

about the application of the technique and

would restrict it to only a limited group of

patients suffering facial deformities from

injuries or certain diseases. At the same

time, the public is quite _______________ facial

transplantation since criminals and other

people could ___________________ the

technology, thus causing moral problems to


aware of

involved in

concerned about

take advantage of

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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• 1. present something as a gift• 2. sudden and surprising or easy to notice • 3. character as to who a person is or what a thing is• 4. spoil the appearance of somebody or something• 5. a thing made for a particular purpose• 6. a possible effect or result• 7. chances of success• 8. use sth. in a wrong way or for a wrong purpose

• 9. main, principal• 10. buy or sell goods or services

Directions: Write out the word according to the meaning given below.










Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the Vocabulary Snapshot. Change the forms if necessary.

• It is very difficult to make a ___________(compare) between the twin brothers.

• She won Oscar of __________ (lead) actress.• The _________ (surgery) operation lasted for 12

hours.• The survival of the kid who had been buried

under the ruins of the building for a week was a _____________(miraculous).

• The teacher gives marks to students according to their____________ (perform) in class.






Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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The children were frightened by the _____________ (appear) of a snake from behind the rock. This letter of application should be mailed to the people __________ (concern). The brave young man donated his marrow to a __________ (receive) suffering from blood cancer. We fulfilled the task ____________ (succeed) within ten days. The new regulation law is _________ (benefit) to both the drivers and pedestrians.






Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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他说汤姆肯定意识到了他正在做的事情是非法的 He said that Tom must be aware that what he is

doing is illegal.

这会议虽然不长 ,但的确产生能够了很多好想法 . It wasn’t a long meeting, but it did throw up m

any good suggestions.

你相信科学能实现我们所有的梦想吗 ? Do you believe that science can bring all our dre

ams to reality?

随着购车量的增加 ,油的需求量很大 Oil is in hot demand with the increase of car pur


Translate the Chinese into English

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我应该使试验计划取得教授同意 . I should try to get the professor’s con

sent to my plan for the experiment.一场调查正在全国范围内展开 . A survey is being carried out througho

ut the country.此计划对公司的未来有重大意义 . The plan has great implications for the

future of the company.最近生物技术的进步引出了一些道德的问题。 Recent advances in biological technolo

gy have thrown up some ethical questions.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Use The Right Word

Arise, rise, arouse Difficulties have___________. Mary’s behavior was___________ the

interest of the neighbors. He got angry as he was __________

from a deep sleep. The sun _____________ in the east. Sometimes, mistakes just

_________from a misunderstanding. The river___________ every spring.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

arisen arousi


rises aris


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dress, put on, wear The tall man was_________. _________your sunglasses before going o

ut. When we met in the park, she was _____

__ a blue skirt. The children quickly__________ their bes

t clothes for the party. I don’t know the little girl who is ______

___ in yellow. Do we have no __________ evening dress

es for the wedding?

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

dressedPut on


put on



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Adverbial Clause of Condition

If条件状语从句既可表示好的条件,也可表示不好的条件。表示好条件时,用 providing, provided (that), on condition that等替换,而表示不好的时候则不能用这些连词,但可以用 as (so) long as

If I make any mistake in work, please point it out.

I will go provided that you will go with me.

You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Only if与 if only的用法: only if 引导的从句用陈述语气,意思为“只要”;而 i

f only 引导的从句常用虚拟语气,意思为“只要…就好了”

Only if we obtain his help, shall we surely succeed.

If only I won the prize.

But for 与 but that 的用法: But for 接名词、代词或名词短语; but that 接从句,

主句要 用虚拟语气. But for air and water, man would not be able to

live. I couldn’t have attended the party, but that he

invited me.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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除了 if 与 unless 引导条件状语从句外, providing, providing that ,supposing, suppose that , so (as) long as, on condition that ,in case 等也可以引导As long as you keep on learning, you are sure to master the English language.Suppose/Supposing she is absent from the meeting, what shall we do?

In the event that 也引导条件状语从句 ,相当于 in case.Dial 119 in the event that there is a fire accident. Please tell me in case you can help us.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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• A -- tobacco • B -- passive smoker• C -- active smoker• D -- chain smoking• E -- heavy smoker• F -- nicotine• G -- tobacco ads• H -- addictive• I -- quit smoking• J -- initiate • K -- non-smoker• L -- carcinogen• M -- lung cancer

肺癌 不吸烟者被动吸烟 戒烟上瘾 尼古丁烟鬼 烟草一支接一支地抽烟 致癌物











The following are a group of terms concerning smoking. After reading them, you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Directions: Read the given passage carefully. Then answer the questions following it with the information you have got from the passage.

Incidence of Initiation of Cigarette Smoking in United States, 1965 – 1996 More than 6,000 persons under the age of 18 years try their first cigarette each day. More than 3,000 persons under the age of 18 years become daily smokers every day.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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The number of adolescents who become daily smokers before the age of 18 years increased by 73 percent from 1988 (708,000) to 1996 (1.226 million), rising from nearly 2,000 to more than 3,000 persons under the age of 18 years become daily smokers each day. In the 1960s and 1970s, the rate of first daily smoking was highest for persons aged 18 – 25 years. Since the late 1980s, however, the rate of first daily smoking was similar for adolescents aged 12 – 17 years. Young people vastly underestimate the addictiveness of nicotine. Of daily smokers who think that they will not smoke in five years, nearly 75 percent are still smoking five to six years later.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Seventy percent of adolescent smokers wish they had never started smoking in the first place.To prevent initiation of tobacco use and to help adolescents quit requires a comprehensive approach. This approach should include increasing tobacco prices; reducing the access and appeal of tobacco products; decreasing tobacco use by parents, teachers, and influential role models; developing and disseminating effective youth cessation programs; and increasing support and involvement from parents and schools.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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1.How many adolescents learn to smoke each day in the United States? 2.When was the rate of first daily smoking highest for persons aged 18 – 25 years?3.What is the opinion of young people about the addictiveness of nicotine? 4.What is the wish of most adolescent smokers?5.What measure is probably the most effective one to reduce initiation of smoking among adolescents?

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Sample Notes of Format Notes of Writing Do It Yourself

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

Practical writing --- A Letter of Congratulation

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Jan. 2, 2005Dear Mary,Congratulations on your recent promotion to general manager. It is an honor that you deserve and I know of no one more qualified for the position.The promotion is just recognition of all the efforts, success and contributions that you have so well made.Please accept my warmest congratulations once more and best wishes for your future success.

Sincerely Yours

Elizabeth Longman

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Notes of Format祝贺信函可用于国家之间、团体之间以及个人之间对一些值得庆祝的大事互致祝贺。这类书信也分正式与普通两种。正式的祝贺主要用于政府间、官员间,普通的祝贺则多用于个人交往。前者用词拘谨,经常使用一些套语,后者用词亲切,不拘格式,但也有些常用的词语。



Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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1)Congratulations on your birthday!

2)Congratulations on your promotion!

3)We were so glad to learn that you had won the English Contest. Please accept our warmest congratulations!

2)My warmest congratulations on your forthcoming wedding! I wish you both happiness forever!

Basic Pattern

谨向你致以生日的祝贺 !

恭贺升迁 !



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6)We take this opportunity to wish you and Mrs. Smith happiness on your recent marriage.

6)On the occasion of your opening the company, I, in the name of the board of directors and myself, extend my heartiest congratulations!

7)Glad to learn that you have moved in a new house. Please accept my heartiest congratulations!




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• Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of congratulations according to the following information.

You’ve learnt that your fried, David Simpson, has just established his own advertising agency. You write a letter of congratulation to him. In the letter you say that you sincerely hope that he will find in this new agency the happiness and satisfaction he so richly deserves.

Unit Five Dilemma for Science

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Get prepared to have a dictation Preview Unit Six

Unit Five Dilemma for Science