Unit 9 Text I The Pearl Text II Gold Text I Text I Text II Text II Oral Work Oral Work Guided...

Unit 9 Text I The Pearl Text II Gold

Transcript of Unit 9 Text I The Pearl Text II Gold Text I Text I Text II Text II Oral Work Oral Work Guided...

Page 2: Unit 9 Text I The Pearl Text II Gold  Text I Text I  Text II Text II  Oral Work Oral Work  Guided WritingGuided Writing  ListeningListening.

Text I

Text II

Oral Work

Guided Writing


Page 3: Unit 9 Text I The Pearl Text II Gold  Text I Text I  Text II Text II  Oral Work Oral Work  Guided WritingGuided Writing  ListeningListening.

Pre-reading Activity


Vocabulary Acquisition

Intensive Reading

Answer the Questions Orally

Text 1: The Pearl

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1. How do people usually think of pearl? As an ordinary piece of jewellery? A thing of great value? A useless ornament? Give reasons for your answer.

2. What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value? Think of two or three possibilities.

1. How do people usually think of pearl? As an ordinary piece of jewellery? A thing of great value? A useless ornament? Give reasons for your answer.

2. What might happen if a very poor person came into possession of a very large pearl of great value? Think of two or three possibilities.

Text I Pre-reading Activity

Before you read the text,think about the following questions.

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What would you do if you get the pearl of the world?

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珍珠 (Pearl) ,是由拉丁文 Pernulo 演化而来的。它的另一个名字 Margarite ,则由古代波斯梵语衍生而来,意为“大海之子”。




Page 7: Unit 9 Text I The Pearl Text II Gold  Text I Text I  Text II Text II  Oral Work Oral Work  Guided WritingGuided Writing  ListeningListening.

Text I Pre-reading Activity

Now, you are given about 5 minutes to skim

through the text for the main ideas, and

then answer the following questions.

1.What point is made about news in a town?

2.What was the news in the town?

3.Which people were particularly interested

into Kino’s pearl?

Now, you are given about 5 minutes to skim

through the text for the main ideas, and

then answer the following questions.

1.What point is made about news in a town?

2.What was the news in the town?

3.Which people were particularly interested

into Kino’s pearl?

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Text I Structure

1. What makes it possible for the writer to produce such

vivid and immediate description?

2. What leaves the reader with a profound impression of the town, its people and the

forces at work in it?

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Text I Structure

His close contact with and awareness of different types of people.

His thorough and profound Understanding of “human nature”

His keen power of observation and active imagination.

His effective use of language.

Similes & Metaphors

ParallelismAbstract and

Concrete words

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Text I Vocabulary Acquisition

Read the text once and Try to write down the meaning of following words that best fits the context.

1. scramble (L.4)

2. dart (L.5)

3. panting (L.8)

4. foaming (L.9)

5. baptize (L. 12)

6. Judicious (L. 17)

Move, possibly climb

Move forward suddenly and quickly

Breathing quickly

Forming white mass of small air bubbles

Perform the Christian religious ceremony

With good judgements

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Text I Vocabulary Acquisition

Read the text once and Try to write down the meaning of following words that best fits the context.

7. hammock (L.19)

8. cackle (L.27)

9. semblance (L.32)

10. squint (L.33)

11. speculation (L. 39)

12. distillate (L. 43)

Bed of canvas which is hung from 2 posts of poles

Laugh or talk loudly and unpleasantly

Appearance, seeming likeness

Look with almost closed eyes

Thoughts of possible profits

Product of distillation

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…baby who has just been stung by a scorpion.

sting: vt. vi. &n.1) To pierce or wound painfully with or as if with a sharp-pointed s

tructure or organ, as that of certain insects. 叮,螫:2) To cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings 精神上刺痛


The bee stung her leg. 蜜蜂刺痛了她的腿。He was stung for $200. 他被敲诈掉 200美元。sting sb. into doing sth. [to do sth.] 促使某人干某事the sting of conscience 良心的谴责

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…baby who has just been stung by a scorpion.

scorpion: n. 蝎子

Scorpio n. [ 天 ] 天蝎座

Please Translate:


To save the life of the little boy stung by a scorpion, the villagers used all the means and ways available to reduce the effect of poisoning.

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How news travel through a town is a mystery not easily to be solved.

Please translate:


As to how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a

sudden from the earth, it remains a mystery hard to solve.

not easily to be solved= hard to solve

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News seems to … small boys can scramble and dart to tell it…

Scramble1) To move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knee

爬2) To struggle or contend frantically in order to get something 争夺 争权夺利 scramble up a steep hillside 急忙站起 scramble for a living勉强凑合着过日子 scramble to one's feet爬上陡峭的山坡 scramble for power and wealth

dart: To move suddenly and rapidly 飞奔:突然且快速地移动:

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Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it.

pant: To breathe rapidly in short gasps, as after exertion. 喘气:


1) To kill by squeezing the throat so as to choke or suffocate; throttl

e. 扼死:掐住喉咙以使…窒息而死;掐死2) To suppress, repress, or stifle: 压抑:压制、抑制或镇压:


He strangled before help could reach him.

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Before panting little boys could strangle out the words, their mothers knew it.

Please paraphrase the sentence:

The mothers had already learned the news before their sons

could stammer it out.

Please translate:

独裁者的第一步是扼杀新闻自由。The dictator's first step was to strangle the free press.

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The news swept on past the brush houses, and it washed in a foaming wave into the town of stone and plaster.

Please paraphrase the sentence:

The news spread from one brush house to another and

continued to travel fast into the town.

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And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.

stern: 1) Hard, harsh, or severe in manner or character: severe 严格的2) Grim, gloomy, or forbidding in appearance or outlook. 苛刻的3) Firm or unyielding; uncompromising. 坚定的或不屈服4) Inexorable; relentless: 毫不宽容的;无情的:

Please paraphrase the sentence:

When the doctor realized that Kino was the man who had asked

fro his help, he became both serious about the treatment and

wise about how he could gain.

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And when it was made plain who Kino was, the doctor grew stern and judicious at the same time.

Please translate the sentence:


When it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the

breakdown of the transmission system, we all felt relieved.

Soon the system was brought to its normal operation.

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And the doctor’s eyes rolled up a little in their fat hammocks and he thought of Paris.

Please paraphrase the sentence:

For a moment, the doctor’s eyes were focused on nothing as

his thoughts turned to Paris.

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…for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church.


1) (与 to连用)偶然发生;巧遇 E.g. I happened to be out when he called.

他来访时,恰巧我出去了。2) 与 on, upon连用)巧遇;偶然发现3) It happened that 偶然 ..., 碰巧 ...

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…for it had happened that a fisherman in despair had given his pearls to the church.

In despair = desperate

Translate: 当他得知他因年事已高而不能参加这次航天旅行时,他几乎陷入绝望。为了参加这次蒙昧以求的旅行,他足足准备了三年。

He was almost driven to despair when he learned that he was considered too old to take part in the space voyage.He had spent three years preparing for this long-dreamed-of trip.

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The news came to these men, and their eyes squinted and their finger-tips burned a little…how the patron could not live….


v. 1) To look with the eyes partly closed, as in bright sunlight.

半眯着眼睛看,如在强阳光下 2) To look or glance sideways. 向旁边看或瞟 3) To look askance, as in disapproval. 斜着看,如表示不同意n. A quick look or glance: 匆匆一看或一瞥:patron

One that supports, protects, or champions someone or something,

such as an institution, an event, or a cause; a sponsor or benefacto

r 赞助人,

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The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated.


The remainder of something after removal of parts or a part.

See Synonyms at remainder 残留物:Expression: for the residue 至于其余 ; 说到其他


1) To throw from or as if from a great height; hurl downward 下掷2) To fall or be thrown headlong: 倒落

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The essence of pearl mixed with essence of men and a curious dark residue was precipitated.

Adj. = hasty

v. 沉淀 n. precipitation

E.g. 他们作了一个轻率的决定。 他轻率地从比赛中退出。

They made a precipitate decision.

He withdrew precipitately from the race.

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1. 沉思 , 思考 , 思索2. 推测 (about, on, upon)3. 投机 , 投机买卖 [ 事业 ](in)e.g. Your speculations were all quite close to the truth.

engage in speculation从事投机 , 做投机生意spread the speculation that散播猜测bear speculation空头投机bull speculation多头投机

business [commercial] speculation商业上投机destabilization speculation使市场不稳定的投机foreign exchange speculation外汇投机heavy speculation大规模投机

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The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town, the black distillate was like the scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is withheld.

Please paraphrase the sentence:

The news caused a profound “negative force” to be at work in

the town. This could be compared to a scorpion, which causes

pain, or the hunger created by the smell of food, or feeling of

loneliness which comes when love is refused.

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The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled puffed with the pressure of it.

Please paraphrase the sentence:

What acted as the “venom-producing bag” of the town, i.e., the

increasing self-interest in the townspeople, began to create

poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.

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1. What are some of the distinct qualities of gold?

2. Why does the author say that the longing for gold has

“brought out the worst in the human character”?

3. From when did there begin to be enough gold for all

the trading nations to link their currencies to gold?

4. How was South Africa launched into the gold age?

5. How did George Bernard Shaw defend the working

classes’ instinct to hoard gold at home?

1. What are some of the distinct qualities of gold?

2. Why does the author say that the longing for gold has

“brought out the worst in the human character”?

3. From when did there begin to be enough gold for all

the trading nations to link their currencies to gold?

4. How was South Africa launched into the gold age?

5. How did George Bernard Shaw defend the working

classes’ instinct to hoard gold at home?

Text II Extensive Reading Questions


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Text II Practice

Workbook, Page 130, Comprehension

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Oral Work

What Do People Come Out to See in a Boxing Match?

Nathan Caldwell is a newspaper reporter. He is no

w interviewing Micheky Jackson, the prizefight promoter.

They are discussing the question: “What do people come

out to see in a boxing match?”

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Oral Work

A Discussion on the Nuclear Power Station

Here are some expressions which can be used to make


I am afraid I’m not quite clear about what you mean by…

I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by…

I’m sorry, but could you explain what you mean by …?

Well, the point I’m trying to make is that …

All I’m trying to make is that ...

All I’m trying to say is that…

Well, what I’m trying to say is that …

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Précis Writing

Paragraph Writing

Letter Writing

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Précis Writing

Practice: write précis of Atomic Cars

A.Working in groups of two or three, choose the

opening sentence from among the following on


B.Working in groups, write the précis according to

the outline and the main points.

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Paragraph Writing

Argument: 117

1) Writings usually begin with the narration of an

event to which the writer relates his views, which

are usually found in news paper commentaries or


2) Read the passage and decide which is the topic

sentence, events and viewpoint.

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Letter Writing

Borrowing a Book: P118

Write a letter with the following information.








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Listening Comprehension



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Listening Dictation

Finding the Direction and Location

How can you tell which direction? By day, look for the Sun. It is in the east in the morning and the west in the afternoon. At night, use the Big Dipper to help you find the North Star. It would be better to bring a compass because its needle always points north. How do you know how far you have gone? You could count every step. Each step is about two feet. You’d better wear a pedometer which is a tool that counts steps. If you know where you started, which direction you are heading, and how far you have gone, you can use a good map to figure out exactly where you are. Today there is a new way for travelers to figure out where they are. It is the GPS. It has 24 satellites that orbit the earth and constant broadcast their positions. Someday you may carry a small receiver as you hike and use GPS to find out if you are there yet!

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Listening DictationWaves

How does light get from the sun to the earth? How does music get from the stage to the audience? They move the same way --- in waves!Light and sound are forms of energy. All waves carry energy, but they may carry it differently. Light and sound travel through different kinds of matter. For example, light waves cannot move through walls, but sound waves can. That is why you can hear people talking in another room even though you cannot see them. The energy of some waves is destructive. An earthquake produces seismic waves. Catch a wave. Ask a friend to stand a few feet away from you. Stretch a spring between you. Shake the spring to transfer energy to it. What happens? The spring bounces up and down in waves. When the waves reach your friend, they bounce back to you!Light waves travel 300,000 kilometers (186, 00 miles) per second! They can also travel through a vacuum. That is why light from the sun and distant stars can travel through space to the earth!