Unit 8 Vocab

Started: 1939 Ended: 1945 World War II By: Grant Hall

Transcript of Unit 8 Vocab

Page 1: Unit 8 Vocab

Started: 1939

Ended: 1945

World War IIBy: Grant Hall

Page 2: Unit 8 Vocab

Hitler’s Beginning

✤ Lebensraum is the territory that a state or nation believes is needed for its natural development, esp. associated with Nazi Germany

✤ Anschluss was the political union-ship between Austria and Germany

✤ The invasion of Poland started WW2

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Hitler-Stalin Pact

✤ Signed August 23, 1939

✤ It was non-aggression pact, that said that Germany and Russia would not bother each other

✤ Germany would break the pact and end up invading Russia anyhow

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✤ the policy of making concessions to the dictatorial powers in order to avoid conflict

✤ Germany, UK, Italy, and France signed an appeasement that Germany could have Sudetenland as long as they didn’t invade anywhere else

✤ "We have peace in our time" -Neville Chamberlain

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The Axis Powers

✤ Germany

✤ Japan

✤ Italy

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The Allies

✤ Soviet Union

✤ United Kingdom

✤ United States of America

✤ China

✤ France

✤ Netherlands

✤ Belgium

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✤ Blitzkrieg was an intense military campaign used by the Germans which was intended to bring about a swift victory

✤ Luftwaffe was the German Air Force