Unit 7 What to Wear


Transcript of Unit 7 What to Wear

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WHAT TO WEAR: 1. What are they wearing? Jake and Lisa are at the shopping center. Look at the pictures and match them with the name. a. dress

b. jacket

c. jeans

d. skirt

e. sweater

f. suit and tie

g. boots

h. sneakers

i. coat

j. heels

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2. Window shopping. Jake and Lisa continue to be at the shopping center. a) Listen to their conversation and select the number (1, 2, 3) next to the window in the order they refer to them.

1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3 b) Listen again. What store did Jake and Lisa go in? Select the number 1, 2, 3

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c) Listen one more time and select (T) for true and (F) for false. Correct the false statements in your notebook. 1. _____ Lisa likes the sweater. 2. _____ She doesn’t like the sandals. 3. _____ She isn’t looking for summer clothes. 4. _____ Jake wants to buy clothes too. 5. _____ It’s her brother’s birthday soon. d) Think about this! Write your answer in your notebook. Where is a good area for window shopping in your city? 3. What are they doing? At the shopping center, Lisa looks at people doing different things. Look at the pictures and complete the description with the appropriate word from the box.

blouse pants credit card hat shoes

1. Shirley is trying on a pair of _________________________.

2. Maggie is paying for the clothes with a _________________________.

3. The clerk is showing another _________________________ to Sophia and Vicky.

4. Tina is trying on a _________________________.

5. Jack is buying a pair of black _________________________for his father.

4. What color is this? Lisa and Jake are in a store looking at clothing. Complete the phrases using the appropriate color. red pink blue black purple

1. A pair of _________________________ jeans!

2. A _________________________ scarf!

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3. A _________________________ tie!

4. A _________________________ t-shirt!

5. A _________________________ blouse! 5. What type of clothing do you like? Jake and Lisa are talking to their friends about their likes and dislikes in clothing. Look at the chart and write five (5) sentences using the expressions to talk about likes and dislikes. (Recuerda que tu monitor te dará una calificación de acuerdo a tu trabajo. ¡Haz tu mejor esfuerzo!) love like don’t like hate can’t stand

boots coats sweaters jeans sneakers

Lisa Jake Charles _________________________________________________________________________









6. Whose room? Jake and his friend mike are talking about their bedrooms. Look at the pictures and complete the paragraphs with the appropriate clothing item. Some of them are used more than once.

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shirts pants shoes sweater t-shirts socks jacket

Mike’s bedroom isn’t very organized. His yellow _______________ is on top of his lamp.

His _______________ are on the back of his chair. His _______________ are all over the

floor and even his _______________ are under the bed. Mike’s _______________ is on

his bed.

On the other hand, Jake’s room is very neat. His _______________ are folded on top of his

dresser. His _______________ are hanging in the closet, and his _______________ are on

the floor, inside the closet too. Jake’s _______________ is hanging neatly on the back of

his chair. His _______________ are folded on the chair.

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7. Big sale! Lisa hears an announcement at the shopping center and calls a friend to tell her about the big sale. Listen to the announcement and fill in the missing information with appropriate word.

40 50 60 jackets socks jeans sweaters

There is a big sale at the shopping center! They have _____________________ % off boy’s

_____________________ and _____________________. Also, women’s

_____________________ are _____________________ % off for the next 10 minutes. For

men, they have all _____________________ at _____________________ % off their

marked price. Wow! What a sale!

8. How much is it? Lisa is at a store looking for clothes. Listen to the announcements and complete the activities.

a. Listen and select the appropriate name for each company. Lauren’s Department Store ____________________

The Kat’s Company ____________________

b. Listen again and complete the following paragraphs. Write the numbers. At Kat’s Company prices start at $____________________ dollars. There is a sale: if you

buy ____________________ items, you get ____________________ free! Lauren’s

Department Store has great gifts. You can find jewels from ____________________ to

$____________________ dollars. When you buy a watch of $____________________ or

more, you get a free gift.

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c. Now, write out (in letters) the numbers you used in activity b. Example: 1 (one) _________________________________________________________________________





9. In a store. Lisa is in a store and she wants to buy some items. Change the sentences and rewrite them using can/could to make polite requests. No olvides el signo interrogativo. Tip: Use can when you are requesting for an item physically there. Use could when you are not sure if the item is available. (Example: To try on a pair of boots: Can I try on these boots, please? / To see a pink skirt: Could I see a pink skirt, please?) 1. To try on a green dress


2. To see some brown shoes


3. To pay by credit card


4. To try on a blue jacket


5. Ask the sales assistant to bring a size 8


10. What is it? Lisa’s birthday is coming up soon and Jake wants to buy something for her. He’s looking at an online catalog. Look at the pictures and match them with the appropriate name.

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1. watch 2. necklace

3. sunglasses 4. ring

5. earrings 6. bracelet

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11. Online shopping. Jake is ready to buy the gift for Lisa, but he only has $155. Look at the picture and answer the following questions using complete sentences.

a. How much are the earrings? _________________________________________________________________________


b. How much is the bracelet? _________________________________________________________________________


c. How much are the sun glasses? _________________________________________________________________________


d. How much is the ring? _________________________________________________________________________


e. How much is the necklace? _________________________________________________________________________


f. What of these items can Jake buy for Lisa? _________________________________________________________________________


12. The price is right. Do you remember the price? Help Jake match each item with the corresponding price.

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________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ $255 $743 $587 $99 $105 $120 Before you read… a. Think about this… an American friend invites you to a dinner party at her house. What clothes do you wear? Make a list of clothing items and accessories for this occasion. Would this be a formal or a casual invitation? Write your answers in the space below. Remember: Jeans are casual, a suit is formal. _________________________________________________________________________





b. Lisa is reading a column review in a fashion magazine. Read the question a reader asks to Jackie and answer the questions.

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Which of the following statements do you think is correct? Explain your choice.

1. Wear formal clothing and bring an expensive gift. 2. Wear casual clothing and bring a small gift. 3. Wear formal clothing and bring a small gift. 4. Wear casual clothing and bring an expensive gift.







Let’s read! a. Now, read the complete page and choose the correct answer for the following statements.

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1. Salma is from (a. the U.S b.India) 2. Salma’s (a. professor b.friend) asked her to dinner at (a. the university b. her house) 3. Jackie recommends Salma to wear (a. casual clothes b. a formal dress) for the birthday party. 4. Americans (a. never b. usually) wear casual clothes outside work. 5. According to Jackie’s advice, a (a. watch b. nice box of candy) is a good birthday gift for Salma’s professor. b. Think about this!

Do you go to parties often? What do you usually wear? How is a really fun party for you?

WRITING AND TALKING: Estas actividades te ayudarán a desarrollar tus habilidades de comunicación escrita y oral. Recuerda que no tienes que hacerlo perfecto, por eso estás estudiando... para aprender. Pero haz tu mejor esfuerzo. Let’s write! What is your style? Lisa and Jake want to know about your style. Write a paragraph (7-10 sentences) describing the type of clothing you usually wear. _________________________________________________________________________













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Para esta actividad debes tener un programa para que puedas grabar tu voz. Usualmente los ordenadores vienen con un programa preinstalado en la carpeta de “accesorios”. Puedes usar este programa si lo tienes o puedes ir a http://audacity.sourceforge.net/?lang=es y bajar gratis el programa “Audacity”. (Ver instructivo en http://youtu.be/7bJNSbJsFCw). Cuando tengas un programa para grabar tu voz, debes seguir las instrucciones para hacer la actividad. Luego, grabar tu archivo en formato mp3 y enviarlo por correo electrónico a tu monitor de clase. Let’s talk! What are they wearing? These are Jake and Lisa’s friends. Look at the following picture and record a short description (5 to 7 sentences) about what they are wearing. Unit 7: Progress check This is the end of Unit 7. Think about each section and mark with a check (√) next to the statements you feel comfortable with. Review the other sections again.

_______ I can identify different types of clothing.

_______ I can common accessories.

_______ I can identify different colors and their modifications.

_______ I can express likes and dislikes.

_______ I can use can/could to make polite requests.

_______ I can use numbers from 101 to 50,000.

_______ I can express wishes.

_______ I can talk about what people wear.

_______ I can write about my preferences in clothing and style.