Unit 6 Test Review [blank]

Unit 6 Test Review Covers Chapters 17, 18 & 19 – Everything from the reading and notes is fair game! 8 Matching- 1 point each 42 Multiple Choice- 1 point each Choice of 2 out of 3 Essays- 5 points each 60 points possible! CHAPTER 17 1) What were the major economic arguments for expansion? 2) What events led to the Spanish American War? 3) What was the Open Door Policy & why was it important to the United States? 4) Why did many of Roosevelt’s opponents disapprove of his actions in Panama? 5) What was the central message of the Roosevelt Corollary? 6) Why did the United States follow a policy of expansionism in the late 1800s? 7) What were the results of the Spanish American War? Focus on Cuba. 8) Why was the building of the Panama Canal important? 9) Who were some major supporters of expansionism & why did they argue for a quest for an empire? Think Frederick Jackson Turner. 10) What was the United States competing with other nations for in China?


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Transcript of Unit 6 Test Review [blank]

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Unit 6 Test Review Covers Chapters 17, 18 & 19 – Everything from the reading and notes is fair game! 8 Matching- 1 point each 42 Multiple Choice- 1 point each Choice of 2 out of 3 Essays- 5 points each 60 points possible!

CHAPTER 171) What were the major economic arguments for expansion?

2) What events led to the Spanish American War?

3) What was the Open Door Policy & why was it important to the United States?

4) Why did many of Roosevelt’s opponents disapprove of his actions in Panama?

5) What was the central message of the Roosevelt Corollary?

6) Why did the United States follow a policy of expansionism in the late 1800s?

7) What were the results of the Spanish American War? Focus on Cuba.

8) Why was the building of the Panama Canal important?

9) Who were some major supporters of expansionism & why did they argue for a quest for an empire? Think Frederick Jackson Turner.

10) What was the United States competing with other nations for in China?

11) Anti-imperialists argued that imperials rejected what important principles of the U.S.?

12) What did anti-imperialists argue for in terms of race and imperialism?

13) To those who were in favor of imperialism, foreign lands were new frontiers that would help Americans do what? Think Fredrick Jackson Turner’s Frontier Thesis.

14) What did the cruise of the Great White Fleet show?

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15) What often caused people in foreign lands to turn against the United States? Hint: What did the U.S. often find itself having to support that was unpopular with the local people?

16) Essay: According to anti-imperialist arguments, how was imperialism inconsistent with basic American principles? Try to come up with two or three good examples & be able to describe them.

17) Essay: Explain how racism was displayed in both imperialist and anti-imperialist viewpoints.

CHAPTER 181) Why did President Wilson establish the Federal Reserve System?

2) What halted the Progressivism movement?

3) What did municipal reforms favor in the early 1900s?

4) What action did President Roosevelt take in the United Mine Worker’s strike in 1902?

5) How did World War I affect the cause of women’s suffrage?

6) What goals were Progressives seeking?

7) Why did some Americans resist Progressive reforms? What did they dislike about them?

8) What were some ways that reformers hoped to use to end corruption in government?

9) What did President Roosevelt do when the United Mine Workers called a strike in 1902?

10) In the election of 1912, what did a split in the Republican Party cause?

11) Who favored the Clayton Antitrust Act?

12) As a measure to prevent bank failures, President Wilson helped create what?

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13) Essay: How did Progressivism affect the role of the federal government in the early 1900s? Come up with several good examples and be able to describe them.

CHAPTER 19 1) Sussex Pledge:

2) Versailles Treaty:

3) Allies:

4) Fourteen Points:

5) reparations:

6) League of Nations:

7) genocide:

8) sedition:

9) armistice:

10) Central Powers:

11) What was the Great Migration? Describe it.

12) What incident triggered World War I? Hint: the war in general, NOT U.S. involvement.

13) The United States decided to enter the war in response to what event(s)?

14) What was the Selective Service Act a mean of?

15) What did fears of spies & sabotage in the United States during the war lead to?

16) Did President Wilson convince the Allies to accept his plan for the League of Nations?

17) What violent act in Bosnia triggered World War I?

18) Why was much of Europe drawn into the war?

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19) What did preparedness advocate that the U.S. do in regards to the war?

20) When & why did the U.S. break off diplomatic relations with Germany?

21) How did Americans respond to the Selective Service Act?

22) What happened to the Allies when Russia left the war?

23) During the war, where did minorities and women find employment opportunities primarily?

24) What did the Sedition Act make illegal?

25) Why did many Republican senators object to Article 10 of the plan for the League of Nations?
