Unit 6 Flashcards Cold War to Present Standards 20 - 25.

Unit 6 Flashcards Cold War to Present Standards 20 - 25

Transcript of Unit 6 Flashcards Cold War to Present Standards 20 - 25.

Unit 6 Flashcards

Cold War to PresentStandards 20 - 25

Standard 20 Flashcards

1. Marshall Plan2. Truman Doctrine3. Containment Policy4. Impact of communist regime in China on the

Korean War5. Rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy6. Cuban Revolution7. Bay of Pigs Invasion8. Cuban Missile Crisis9. Vietnam War10. Tet Offensive (1968)11.Growing Opposition to the Vietnam War


Marshall Plan

Standard 20

US commitment to help Western Europe rebuild after WWII• Part of the Containment Policy• Does not specifically mention “communism”


Truman Doctrine

Standard 20

US commitment to prevent communism by providing financial and military aid to countries opposing communism


Containment Policy

Standard 20

US policy to contain communism following WWII (Cold War foreign policy)


Impact of the communist regime in China on the Korean


Standard 20China supports communist North Korea (fears US invasion of China)• Korean War ends in stalemate• Increases fear in America… containment had failed• McCarthyism


Rise of Senator Joseph McCarthy

Standard 20

Played upon America’s fear of communism in the US• Leads to McCarthyism – unfounded accusations of communist activities in America


Cuban Revolution

Standard 20

Cuban rebels overthrow government and become communist• Led by Fidel Castro


Bay of Pigs Invasion

Standard 20

Failed US attempt to invade Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro (Communism)• Occurs during JFK’s administration


Cuban Missile Crisis

Standard 20

Soviet Union placed nuclear missiles in Cuba directed at the US• Soviets removed missiles, US removes missiles in Turkey and promises not to invade Cuba


Vietnam War

Standard 20

US attempted to contain communism (domino theory/effect) in Vietnam• Not successful


Tet Offensive (1968)

Standard 20

Turning point of Vietnam war• Occurred during Vietnamese New Year (Tet)• Surprise Attack• Turned US public opinion against the war effort


Growing opposition to the Vietnam War

Standard 20

Opposition to the Vietnam War grows• Tet Offensive• Government cover-ups• Draft

Standard 21 Flashcards

1. Baby Boom2. Levittown3. Interstate Highway Act4. Impact of television on Presidential Debate of

19605. Impact of television on the Civil Rights

movement6. Development of the Personal Computer7. Expanded use of Air Conditioning and its

impact on American life8. Sputnik I


Baby Boom

Standard 21

Soldiers returning from WWII leads to an increase in population during the 1950s• 1 baby born every 7 seconds



Standard 21

First major suburban area• Developed with help from Interstate Highway Act


Interstate Highway Act

Standard 21

Created highway system in America• Ulterior motive – move missiles quickly in time of crisis


Impact of television on Presidential debate of 1960

Standard 21

JFK v. Nixon• Radio listeners felt Nixon won, TV viewers felt Kennedy won• Establishes the importance of TV media (connects viewers to national affairs)


Impact of television on the Civil Rights Movement

Standard 21

People from across the nation view the violence of the civil rights movement• Encourages more support


Development of the Personal Computer

Standard 21

Allows more information to pass citizens• Entertainment• Computer-based industries


Expanded use of Air Conditioning and its impact on

American life

Standard 21Made life more comfortable

Allowed more industries to move into warmer climates (brings more factories to the South)


Sputnik I

Standard 21

1st man-made satellite into space• Made by Soviet Union• Led to fear in America…and the space race and arms race• Increase in the importance of education

Standard 22 Flashcards

1. President Truman’s order to integrate the US military and federal government

2. Jackie Robinson3. Brown v. Board of Education4. MLK Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail5. MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech6. Causes and Consequences of the Civil

Rights Act of 19647. Causes and Consequences of the Voting

Rights Act of 1965


President Truman’s order to integrate the US military and

federal government

Standard 22

Truman issued an executive order to integrate the US military and federal government• 1st major step toward civil rights


Jackie Robinson

Standard 22

First African-American to play Major League baseball


Brown v. Board of Education

Standard 22

Desegregated schools• Overturns Plessy v. Ferguson (separate but equal)• Segregation is unconstitutional


MLK Jr.’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Standard 22

Encourages civil rights followers to maintain the course (nonviolence)• Sends the message that the movement will continue


MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

Standard 22

Unites the movement• Seeks equality for ALL• Helps rally public support for the passage of Civil Rights legislation


Causes and Consequences of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Standard 22

Causes: Federal government needed to create a policy to enforce the 14th Amendment

Consequences: outlawed segregation; met resistance


Causes and Consequences of the Voting Rights Act of


Standard 22Causes: prohibits literacy test and poll; needed to enforce the 15th Amendment

Consequences: protected voting rights; met resistance

Standard 23 Flashcards

1. Warren Court2. Miranda Decision3. Impact of JFK’s Assassination4. Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society5. Medicare6. Social and Political Turmoil of 1968


Warren Court

Standard 23

Expanded rights for individuals (liberal court)• Named after Chief Justice Earl Warren• Brown v. Board• Miranda v. Arizona


Miranda Decision

Standard 23

Miranda Laws (right to remain silent…)• Rights of the accused


Impact of JFK’s Assassination

Standard 23

Encouraged passage of civil rights legislation in honor of what JFK wanted to accomplish as president


Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society

Standard 23

Johnson’s plan to improve society• Expands power of government• Medicare, Medicaid, Public Housing, Education, Civil Rights, etc.



Standard 23

Health insurance for people 65 and older• Paid for by taxpayers


Social and Political Turmoil of 1968

Standard 23

Tet OffensiveAssassination of MLK Jr: riotingAssassination of RFKRiots at DNC: riots due to public’s changing views on politics; embarrassed Democratic Party

Standard 24 Flashcards

1. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee2. Southern Christian Leadership Conference3. Civil Rights Tactics4. National Organization for Women5. Anti-Vietnam War Movement6. Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’

Movement7. Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring8. Earth Day9. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)10.Rise of Conservative Movement


Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

Standard 24

College students organizing to promote civil rights• More assertive• Non-violent• Changed from black/white students to just black students


Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Standard 24

Led by MLK, based out of Churches• Nonviolent• Marches• Members are mostly adults


Civil Rights Tactics

Standard 24

Sit-ins: protestors sit peacefully

Freedom Rides: Riders travelled to the South to desegregate areas and promote civil rights


National Organization of Women

Standard 24

NOW – organized to promote women’s rights

Bolstered by civil rights progress


Anti-Vietnam War Movement

Standard 24

Hawks v. Doves

People turned against the war after the Tet Offensive


Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers’ Movement

Standard 24

Chavez led protest (boycott) of grapes to earn better working conditions for migrant workers (Mexican-American farmers)


Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring

Standard 24

Carson wrote Silent Spring to warn public against the use of pesticides• Beginning of Environmentalist movement


Earth Day

Standard 24

One day dedicated to environmental awareness• April 22


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Standard 24

Government department created to help protect the environment


Rise of Conservative Movement

Standard 24

Barry Goldwater: nominated for president; lost but represents rise in movementRichard Nixon: wins election in 1968; 1st in a string of conservative presidents

Standard 25 Flashcards1. President Nixon’s opening of China2. President Nixon’s resignation due to Watergate Scandal3. Presidency of Gerald Ford4. Roe v. Wade5. Bakke decision on Affirmative Action6. Camp David Accords7. President Carter’s response to the 1979 Iranian Revolution8. Iranian hostage crisis9. Reaganomics10. Iran-contra Scandal11. Collapse of the Soviet Union12. Relationship between Congress and President Bill Clinton13. North American Free Trade Agreement14. Clinton’s impeachment and acquittal15. Presidential Election of 200016. Response of President Bush to the attack of 9/1117. War Against Terrorism


President Nixon’s opening of China

Standard 25

1st president to visit China since it became Communist• Helps separate China from the Soviet Union


President Nixon’s resignation due to Watergate Scandal

Standard 25Nixon covered up break-in at Watergate Hotel

Resigned instead of facing impeachment


Presidency of Gerald Ford

Standard 25

Legacy is plagued because he pardoned Nixon


Roe v. Wade

Standard 25

Protects “Right to Privacy”, legalizes abortion in US


Bakke decision on Affirmative Action

Standard 25

Affirmative Action: designed to prevent discrimination by setting up quota system• Bakke decision: reverse discrimination, unconstitutional


Camp David Accords

Standard 25

Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt brokered by Carter (“Peace in the Middle East”)


President Carter’s response to 1979 Iranian Revolution

Standard 25

The Shah of Iran (King) was overthrown and replaced by religious leader; Carter allowed to Shah to seek refuge in the US


Iranian Hostage Crisis

Standard 25

Americans were held hostage in Iran for 444 days• Were not released until Reagan took Oath of Office



Standard 25

Reagan’s economic policy (trickle-down theory)• Budget cuts• Tax cuts• Increase defense spending


Iran-Contra Scandal

Standard 25

Reagan’s administration sold weapons to Iran in exchange for hostages. Money was then given to contras in Nicaragua so that they could fight off communism


Collapse of the Soviet Union

Standard 25

Occurred under Mikhail Gorbachev• Berlin wall is torn down• Soviet Union breaks up into 15 countries


Relationship between Congress and President Bill


Standard 25Clinton was Democrat and Congress was majority Republican


North American Free Trade Agreement

Standard 25

NAFTA – free trade between the US, Canada, and Mexico


Clinton’s impeachment and acquittal

Standard 25

Facing impeachment due to perjury• Impeached in the House• Acquitted in the Senate


Presidential Election of 2000

Standard 25

Gore wins popular voteBush wins electoral vote = becomes President


Response of President Bush to the attacks of 9/11

Standard 25

Declares War on Terrorism


War Against Terrorism

Standard 25

Afghanistan: search for Osama bin Laden and removal of Taliban

Iraq: remove Saddam Hussein from power for supporting terrorism