Unit 5.2. Mexico broke away from Spain in 1823. U.S. issues the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. Texas...

download Unit 5.2.  Mexico broke away from Spain in 1823.  U.S. issues the Monroe Doctrine in 1823.  Texas was sparsely populated.  Stephen Austin got permission.

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Transcript of Unit 5.2. Mexico broke away from Spain in 1823. U.S. issues the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. Texas...

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  • Unit 5.2
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  • Mexico broke away from Spain in 1823. U.S. issues the Monroe Doctrine in 1823. Texas was sparsely populated. Stephen Austin got permission to bring Americans into Texas. Mexico allowed Americans if they: 1. Gave oath to Mexico 2. Converted to Catholicism 3. Did not have slaves Did the Americans do this? Why did Mexico allow them to come?
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  • By 1830, Americans outnumbered Mexicans 3 to 1 By 1835 it was 9 to1 Mexico starting enforcing the rules and American settlers led by Sam Houston revolted. Mexican Dictator Santa Anna brought army to put down revolution.
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  • Alamo William Travis James Bowie Tennessee volunteers Davy Crocket Goliad Remember the Alamo, Remember the Goliad San Jacinto Texas army led by Houston captured Santa Anna and force him to sign a treaty.
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  • The new Republic of Texas (Lone Star Rep) was still claimed by Mexico. Elected Houston as President. Applied for annexation into the United States. Both Presidents Jackson and Van Buren denied them admission. WHY?
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  • Whig Henry Clay Democrat James K. Polk (dark horse) What is a dark horse candidate? Liberty Party James Birney What is the main issue of this third party? Polk made the issue expansion. Oregon and Texas were main parts of his platform. Who wins?
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  • In 1846 David Wilmot proposed a law that stated that any lands acquired in the war were forbidden to have slavery. This was supported by many northerners. What became known as the Wilmot Proviso did not pass, but from that point on the issue of slavery would be the centerpiece in American politics.
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  • Before Polk was inaugurated, President Tyler pushed through the annexation of Texas. Now the question was, was the border the Rio Grande or Nueces River? There was a confrontation between U.S. and Mexican troops and the war began. But what is this about the bloody spot?
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  • ZACHARY TAYLOR WINFIELD SCOTT Nickname Old Rough and Ready Fought in northern Mexico from Texas Won battles: Monterrey Buena Vista Nickname Old Fuss and Feathers Fought on East coast Won battles: Vera Cruz and Mexico City
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  • Stephen Kearney Fought in New Mexico John C. Fremont Pathfinder who helped California revolt to become the Bear Flag Republic. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848) $15 million for Mexican Cession
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  • EFFECTS OF THE WAROTHER QUESTIONS Issue of Slavery now #1 Trained soldiers Robert E. Lees story Expanded Country California What if the U.S. would have lost? Is Texas going to be one state or multiple states?
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  • Gadsden Purchase 1853 What would later change the route to a more northern route? Kansas Nebraska Act (1854)
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  • In 1848, James Marshall finds gold at Sutters Mill. In 1849, thousands of 49ers would go to California to try to their fortune in the Gold Rush. Among them Chinese immigrants and Levi Strauss. (San Fran: 1848-1,000, 1850- 35,000 people) What problem would now come up?
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  • In 1844, the Democrats were split The three nominees for the presidential candidate Were Martin Van Buren, a former president and an abolitionist James Buchanan, a moderate Louis Cass, a general and expansionist From Nashville came a dark horse riding up He was James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump Austere, severe, he held few people dear His oratory filled his foes with fear The factions soon agreed He's just the man we need To bring about victory Fulfill our manifest destiny And annex the land the Mexicans command And when the votes were cast the winner was Mister James K. Polk, Napoleon of the Stump In four short years he met his every goal He seized the whole southwest from Mexico Made sure the tariffs fell And made the English sell the Oregon territory He built an independent treasury Having done all this he sought no second term But precious few have mourned the passing of Mister James K. Polk, our eleventh president Young Hickory, Napoleon of the Stump
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  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI6g NyhyGK8&feature=relmfu review video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI6g NyhyGK8&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn2Fz uPyFlY Jimmy Fallon Gadsden Treaty joke (4:20) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gn2Fz uPyFlY
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  • Why did the Mexican government allow Americans into their country and how did that work out for them? Why did Jackson and Van Buren not allow Texas into the United States? How is the Wilmot Proviso represented of the debate in the following decade? What were the effects of the Mexican War? Why did California become so important to the United States? Why is the year 1848 so important in the history of the United States (think change over time)?