Unit 505 - Continuing Professional Development

Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development Task 1 Range of Theories, Principles And Models of Reflective Practice Reflective practice is a process where one thinks about one’s practice; consciously analysing one’s decisions and drawing from theories to relate to what is done in practice. As a teacher, I use self reflection to critically analyse and evaluate my actions. This helps me refocus my thinking about my existing knowledge in order to generate new knowledge and ideas that help me modify my actions, behaviour and treatments as well as my learning needs. (Barradell et al., 2014; Wilson 2014 p.520). An example how I use reflection was when I observed the general lack of depth and insight in my students’ answers when going through some of their assignments; my first thought was, could this be the result of a poor approach in my subject’s delivery or could it have been caused by other factors? however, when I noticed that many of my students relied only on the few materials they were given during the class sessions to answer their assignment questions; it revealed to me the error of my initial assumption for, I found that rather than my approach; the problem was that the students were reluctant to carry out both independent studies and further research unless they are linked with their summative assessments For this reason, I initially, considered limiting the resources I gave them in the class so that they are forced to study and research independently from class sessions, but then, on reflection, I realised the demerits of such actions because having been a student myself; I know that I often relied on


This is an Essay relating to a module required for the Health and Social Care specialisation of the diploma in teaching in lifelong learning sector (DTLLS).

Transcript of Unit 505 - Continuing Professional Development

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

Task 1

Range of Theories, Principles And Models of Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is a process where one thinks about one’s practice; consciously

analysing one’s decisions and drawing from theories to relate to what is done in practice.

As a teacher, I use self reflection to critically analyse and evaluate my actions. This helps

me refocus my thinking about my existing knowledge in order to generate new

knowledge and ideas that help me modify my actions, behaviour and treatments as well

as my learning needs. (Barradell et al., 2014; Wilson 2014 p.520). An example how I use

reflection was when I observed the general lack of depth and insight in my students’

answers when going through some of their assignments; my first thought was, could this

be the result of a poor approach in my subject’s delivery or could it have been caused by

other factors? however, when I noticed that many of my students relied only on the few

materials they were given during the class sessions to answer their assignment

questions; it revealed to me the error of my initial assumption for, I found that rather than

my approach; the problem was that the students were reluctant to carry out both

independent studies and further research unless they are linked with their summative


For this reason, I initially, considered limiting the resources I gave them in the class so

that they are forced to study and research independently from class sessions, but then,

on reflection, I realised the demerits of such actions because having been a student

myself; I know that I often relied on strategic approach to learning; only doing research

when compelled to do so. Again, knowing that my students were workers who may find

little time for extra studies outside the classrooms and like me, would be greatly helped

by activities from class sessions (even though in my case, class activities were merely

lectures rather than facilitation); I was helped in the sense that being in the class at least,

enabled me to know what areas I can cover whenever, I decided to study. That is, it

helped me to put direction into my research so that I don’t waste my efforts in divergent

and fruitless efforts. Also it helped me filter out unnecessary information that I would

otherwise, have included in my answers to the detriment of those that are required; in the

light of the word limitations of my assignments.

I therefore decided, rather than limiting their resources; to use more resources and

include more activities in class sessions as I know that these are what the learners will

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

rely on for their assignments and I hoped this may further induce their interests or even

propel them towards developing interest in research. I have since realised that this made

sense as my class sessions have become more stimulating and I have also, had the

opportunity to observe, reflect and alter the activities in class sessions; in ways that

encourage greater students’ participation just like Schon suggested, and for this reason,

my students have become more engaged during classes and also, have shown some

encouraging signs of deeper reflection than relying just on their lectures even though not

as much as I had hoped, but then, there are still good times ahead as I expect that with

more confidence on their parts and commitment on my part, they will do better in future.

In relating this to Kolb’s theory which states that Effective learning occurs when a person

progresses through a cycle of four stages: of (1) having a concrete experience followed

by (2) observation of and reflection on that experience which leads to (3) the formation of

abstract concepts (analysis) and generalizations (conclusions) which are then (4) used to

test hypothesis in future situations which result into new experiences. Also to the Gibbs

theory, a six staged model developed from Kolb’s model involving (1) Description (2)

Feelings (3) Evaluation (4) Analysis (5) Conclusion (6) Action Plan; it would seem that

my concrete experience is my students’ actions which I observed and analysed, arriving

at the conclusion that it is either my teaching method that is at fault or other factors which

I later realized was the case rather than my teaching method and this led me to trial out

ways of getting round the problems and gave me further insights into associated

difficulties my students may have. These stages can likewise, be readily transposed

using the Gibbs’ theory.

With regard to applying Schon’s and Benner’s model using the same example; having

observed my students’ predilection for surface learning, I didn’t just wait until I get their

assignments before taking action on my observations. I often have regular reflections

while observing their responses to questions I pose to them individually or in groups

during the class sessions and I particularly, use class intermissions to reflect on their

responses to the questions I pose after various activities, and this helps me gauge

whether they actually understand the rationale for the activities or whether they are

merely being partakers in such activities. I have often had mixed reactions in this regard

and I try to vary my method using differentiated questions and cues in between such

activities to help increase the understanding of those with difficulty. This appears in

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

agreement with Donald Schön’s model of notion of double loop learning which suggests

both reflection-on-action and reflection-in-action (which in contemporary terms, is

‘thinking on one’s feet’).

Again my reflections have made me realise that my students’ actions were based on their

erroneous beliefs that research was not necessary as their subject was a vocational one

but then, they didn’t give consideration to the fact of their misinterpreting or

misunderstanding the information they received from class activities or even, the

possibility that the teacher may even misinform or give them inadequate information on

the subject; I often emphasize to them the need to challenge errors of misinformation or

misapplication of theories, which are the benchmarks of great scholarship and this can

only be possible if they undertake independent studies of their own and not just relying

on what the teacher tells them in class.

Furthermore, I also, found out that my students had problems with the non-graded

system of assessments; having been used to the graded systems in their respective

countries of origin. I believe their complacency lies with the fact that at the end of the

day, once they can demonstrate their meeting up with the necessary learning outcomes

which they can prove through their class activities, it should be sufficient to get them

through. Therefore, all they are after is to get through their summative assessments and

not necessarily to learn. But they failed to realize that meeting up with learning outcomes

as their subject requires; is not always achievable through the teacher’s delivery methods

and resources rather the opposite is the case. For some teachers may be able to support

the students with sufficient resources while others may prefer that students get more

involved in their own learning as, proponents of experiential learning are suggesting

If I, on the other hand, have to reflect on the merits of my students’ attitude towards their

assignments; I may say that it facilitated my assessment of how much my students learnt

individually, from my delivery methods as all the answers in their numerous assessments

can almost exclusively, be linked to their activities during class sessions. This enabled

me evaluate my methods and also to question the validity and usefulness some of my

previously planned activities and my held beliefs about my methods and this in turn,

enabled me modify some of my methods based on this new found knowledge and


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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

Task 2

2.2 How My Personal, Interpersonal and Professional Skills impact on my


I believe that my interpersonal skills help in endearing or increasing my appeal to others

and this helps my interaction with students, parents, colleagues and others with vested

interest in my students’ learning; particularly during collaborations both within or outside

my organisations, regarding in my students’ learning. By having good interpersonal skills;

I imply that I reflect qualities as good personal appearance, social awareness, good

manners, responsibility and accountability, self-Management as well as, effective

communication skills; including, verbal and non-verbal communication, effective

speaking, active listening, reflecting, clarifying, negotiation, problem solving and decision

making skills as well as, assertiveness; I believe these qualities have great impact on my

learners as they present me as a good model of a balanced professional which not only

instils confidence in my learners but also projects the same qualities to my learners about

me; this is particularly useful in adult learning as I deal with adults from varied

backgrounds, most of them, professionals themselves.

Another way well-balanced interpersonal skills impact on my learners is that it enables

me handle situations more gracefully thereby, presenting me with the opportunity for

great leadership necessary to be able to effectively manage classroom behaviour and

encourage students’ motivation. For instance, good listening skills helps me to balance

my assertiveness without creating offence and excellent non-verbal communication; to

balance questioning when communicating both within my class sessions and with others.

Being optimistic, calm, confident and charismatic also, some of the benchmark qualities

of good interpersonal skills not only helps my effective interactions with my learners, but

also with colleagues, non-academic staff and others with vested interest in the students’

learning as well as, helps me to work well as a team in support of the students’ personal,

developmental and learning needs. (Gemma, 2014; SKILLSYOUNEED, 2014).

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

With regard to my personal skills; I believe that I am hardworking, creative and

resourceful; given that I have to find ways of utilizing limited supplies and resources in an

effective manner that yields the most returns in my students’ learning. For instance I

have to adopt creative approach when handling different learning needs of the students

in my class by devising individualized study plans that best meet the needs of individual

students. I am also flexible and adaptable in changing my teaching approach to the

individual and collective needs of student groups. In addition, I need these qualities

because I not only, work under different administrators who may often need me to

change my approach as well as, incorporate new teaching methodologies every

year but also have varied kinds of students who come in periodically, with their

respective learning styles and needs.

For the impact of my professionalism in my practice, I often apply honesty in self-

assessments and reflections so as to provide quality facilitation of my students’ learning

and this has enabled me to continually improve on my instructional methods and

teaching approaches to the benefit of my students and I am continually learning and

collaborating with others like me in order to be current about best practices within both

my specialization and in my teaching as a whole. This is not just because of my CPD

requirement but because of my interest and commitment to lifelong learning.

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development


As a learning professional I have reviewed my practice from commencement to date and on reflection the following are the analysis

of my strength, weakness opportunities and threats:



Good Communication:

I have always considered good

communication as part of my strengths given

that I am able to breakdown complex ideas to

simple forms to my learners’ understanding.

I guess having worked as a Support Worker,

Learning Support Assistant with people with

different forms of intellectual challenges

particularly, with learning difficulty and in

particular, working with international students

who often have difficulty with communicating

in English language, finding simple ways of

explaining my ideas have become a second

nature and I often automatically, start most

Writing in Long Hand

I have gotten so used to typing that I

find it difficult to write with the long hand

particularly, on the white board. This

creates the problem of communicating

adequately with my students during

lessons. I also found that when I do

write, my writing is not so legible

particularly on a white board however;

surprisingly I write better on a flip board

though it is not a preferred form of

communication for me and not

commonly available in most settings.

Not having enough support for access to

With good

communication and

versatility given the

different fields I

have worked as a

Health and Social


studies tutor, I

believe I have very

good prospects as a

resource teacher; in

light of current

trends in the

industry where

versatility in

The implication of my

weakness in writing is that I

have difficulty adjusting to

situations lacking suitable

technology that can support

such my limitations; for

instance, once I attended a

class where the projector

did not work; I found it

extremely difficult teaching

by writing on the white

board, in the end, I only

ended up having just a one-

on-one tutorial with the


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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Developmentsubjects with finding out my students’

understanding of the meaning of the topic and

encouraging them to find out meanings of

words thereby enriching their vocabularies.

I am also a good listener and often give

enough time to listen to my students’

problems or explanations during my class

sessions. I have the skill of asking leading

questions that helps my students reflect more

deeply about the subject during my lessons

teaching resources; I fear that my

subject knowledge may be limited, at

least, at the level that I currently, teach

even though there are many resources

in the internet, it is often very difficult to

access tailored sources for the subject

that I teach as it is highly specialized

and frequently, changing. In supportive

settings, teachers have regular access

to information and are regularly trained

on new skills, good practice and latest

trends and they keep abreast through

various networking and collaborations,

workshops and seminars, which are

lacking in private settings as mine.

teaching skills is

becoming more and

more fashionable.

I therefore have the

confidence of

finding greater

avenues for my

skills in the future

and importantly, I

believe my skills are

useful in promoting

more rounded

learners and also,

can provide

Excellent Literacy and Good Researching


Given the above scenario, I am often

compelled to undertake extensive research

on a subject as I have to find ways to reflect

my ideas to areas familiar to the diverse

cultures and abilities of my students. This is

because I teach a vocational subject; Health

Time Management

I have the weakness of managing my

time properly to be able to work on

target. This is because I have the

problem described by some author as

“information gluttony” I always find

myself carried away from the object of

my research whenever I go on to the

There is a very palpable

threat with my time

management skill as it may

create the danger of my not

meeting up full learning

outcomes required to

support my students’

curricular needs.

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Developmentand Social Care and many of the topics are

practically oriented so it would not make

much sense cramming my students with

theories if they can’t relate them to the

subject in question.

Again, since majority of my students neither

have the necessary experience in the field

nor necessary command of English language,

I find that I am left with no other option than to

research further to be able to provide them

suitable examples that make sense to them

(particularly, those relating to their cultures, or

environments e.g. using the example of the

collapsed textile factory in India to emphasize

the importance of Health and Safety at work


internet and this makes me very

distracted that I end up going after

things unrelated to what I initially


Again, I always have more than

necessary contents even with Power

Point, that I find that my slides are often

much cluttered and I more often than

not, end up rushing through my

prepared notes in order to meet up with

my lesson’s timing.

I may be able to get away

with this limitation but in the

end it is my learners that

suffer and in light of the

trending OFSTED

requirement of matching

teacher’s progression with

their students’ performance;

given the recent call for re-

registration of teachers after

every five years; such

behaviour invariably, has

ominous implications for my

development and career

prospects as a teacher if not


Ability Reflect on my Actions

Doing this further entails reflecting on my

techniques while the lesson is on-going and

seeking for better ways of involving the

students to make my lessons relevant and

engaging to them. Again working just one day

My students’ behaviour

particularly, with regard to

their studying habits and

their level of English

language presents a

tangible threat to my

Page 9: Unit 505 - Continuing Professional Development

Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Developmentas sessional tutor in a private college, I have

little support regarding access to resources

so I have to be self reliant and resourceful

with using the internet since I must balance

my researching time with other commitments

both personal and work related; which is not

an easy task given that I still have to carry out

assessments and other pastoral duties

required by my responsibility as a subject


prospects especially with

regards to achieving the

necessary practical

requirement for the DTLLS’

program; I fear that their

overall performances and

the school’s lackadaisical

attitude towards their

behaviour may eventually,

attract the attention of the

Home Office with dire

consequences both for the

students and the school as

a whole.


I have good numeracy skills at least I have

numeracy qualification up to level 2 and so

can support learners with their functional


Even though I have good numeracy

skills; the same cannot be said about

my mental arithmetic and this is often

evident from my mistakes when doing

simple mental calculations during my in-

class lessons, which can be

embarrassing as well as, make me

appear less professional during lessons.

There is further

opportunity that

when my DTLLS is

completed I may be

able to teach

subjects that

involves basic

mathematics skills

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Developmente.g. Functional



Good ICT Skills

I am good with ICT and can use varieties of

media to engage my students during lessons. I

am presently working on improving my

presentation skills using more modern software

besides Powerpoint, such as Prezi, Emaze and

Slide dog. I have also, improved on my PDF

such that I can use it to give online feedbacks

to my learners; even those with handwritten

assignments; and even mark their assessments

with my digital signature. This saves me much

time during tutorials as my students can see

their feedbacks ahead of the time, work on

them and they can learn more during our one-

on-one tutorials.

I am also, well acquainted with using different

media to support my lessons particularly, using

ICT. I am presently, trialling Vimeo software so

that I can record and upload video lessons to

support my students’ independent studies.

My weakness with ICT is that I am a

sceptic and will often only explore with

things I am familiar with; for instance,

much as I am good with the internet, I

find it hard to use other media

particularly, I detest social networks like

Facebook and Linkedln even though I

am subscribed to them; and would only

use them sparingly even though

evidences abound of their usefulness in

supporting learning in these modern


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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

2.4 Personal Development Plan

Name Uzoamaka Victoria Mbadiwe

Organisation Adult Learning Academy

Course DTLLS

Year of Review 2014

Date of Plan Formulation 2014 - 2015


What I did and When? CPD HOURS What were the main

learning points?

How I have used the

learning since?

My further development

needs implied by this?Activities Date Core Non- Core

Basics of Training Skills 03/2014 6

Multiple Intelligences



I have applied one or two

ideas gained from it in

my sessions.

Continue applying it in my

sessions to gain Practice

Personal Development

Level 3 Award, Learning

Support O8/2014 35

Facilitating English

speaking skills


Activities’ Support

I applied the skills

learned in developing

activities for my class


It helped me better adapt

learning theories when

planning activities in my


Continue applying it in my

sessions to gain more


Complete the 30 practice

hours’ requirement for the

award of the qualification.

Personal Development

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

Employment as a Level 5

Business/Health and

Social Care Tutor 02/2014 64





To improve my teaching

and learning skills.

It helped change my

personal philosophy on


Complete the 70 practice

hours’ requirement for the

award of the certificate.



Personal Development


Developing mentoring and counselling skills.

Development of e-learning including planning and assessing learners using on-line resources; use of webinars and multimedia in

supporting teaching and learning.

Securing permanent teaching / assessing employment in order to further my access teaching, learning and collaborating resources.


Activity Sourcing Key Objectives

Get DTLLS qualification Adult Learning Academy

Complete all outstanding assignments and


Complete required observations and other

requirement for practical assessment

Get Qualified status Education and Training Foundation

Renew membership subscription with

Education and Training Foundation.

Complete required CPD for professional


Apply for recognition for QTLS status

Get employment as a qualified teacher

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

Develop skills in video/ web

conferencing Online resources: Hangout

Research and develop skills in video/ web


Create a blog for my students’ tutorials

Recruit students into my blog.

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

Task 3 Impact of Continuing Personal And Professional Development

Since starting this DTLLS program I have observed changes in my perception,

beliefs and philosophies about learning and this has greatly influenced my teaching

and impacted positively on my students. Being used to the didactic system of

teaching of the past, I found the new systems and methodologies espoused by the

various modern educational theorists strange and difficult to take on board at first,

but overtime, as I progressed with the DTLLS program and trialled some of the

methods and theories, the system became clearer to me and I have observed how it

has greatly impacted on my students’ engagement in the class during sessions, even

if, not in their learning; as there is no way of knowing this for certain, given that

learning is influenced by a myriad of other factors of which this forms only a part of.

Furthermore, my different researches in the internet both in my bid to satisfy my

course requirement and to gain better understanding of teaching methods and

processes greatly, improved my cognitive abilities both personally and in practice

and this has impacted greatly on my understanding of how I learn and reflect on

issues with the resultant consequence of changing my erstwhile held beliefs and

personal philosophies about teaching and learning and this, without gainsaying has

also greatly impacted on my session delivery and student’s learning.

For instance, I have realised the importance of the use of technology in improving

students’ learning and for this reason, have undertaken various independent studies

in the use of IT particularly, in the application of multimedia in the support of learning.

Before now, my knowledge of IT was restricted to the use of computer and some

proficiency in applying some of the commonly used Microsoft software like Microsoft

Word, Excel and a bit of PowerPoint. I have since improved my knowledge in these

applications and even learnt newer applications like writing with the PDF, which I

found quite useful for improving online interactions with my students and giving direct

online feedbacks to their assignments, which is very useful for their formative

assessments and saves me time during their tutorials.

I am also, happy with my progress in the use of other multimedia and IT resources

like the android tablets, videos, DVDs, cameras etc as well as, my discovery of

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Unit 505 – Continuing Professional Development

important websites like the YouTube, TES and teachers media including some

presentation software like vimeo, slide dog, prezzi etc. As I have found greater

incentives and motivation for using them in my sessions and I have been pleasantly

surprised at how such little changes can greatly impact on my sessions and how it

makes me appear very professional and gaining respect of both my students and

colleagues. I am presently researching the possibility of conducting online real-time

tutorials with my students using web conferencing methods; I have researched some

websites like Uduntu,com and Microsoft net but have found that there is a possibility

of doing that with simpler software tool, like Hangout from Google, which is available

in most smart phones and is more well known than the others I mentioned earlier; all

that is left is persuading my students to subscribe to it.


1. Barradell S., Connors A., Ennals P., Burnett M., Wiese K., Karasmanis S.,

(2014) “Reflective Practice in Health Sciences”


2. Gemma W.,(2014) “List of Interpersonal Skills: 10 Must-Have Attributes,” Epik

Theme, Genesis Framework, https://www.udemy.com/blog/list-of-

interpersonal-skills/ http://work.chron.com/personal-skills-teacher-19355.html

3. McQuerrey, L. (2014) “Hearst Newspapers, LLC,


4. SKILLSYOUNEED (2014) “What are Interpersonal Skills?”retrieved

25/12/2014 from http://www.skillsyouneed.com/interpersonal-skills.html