Unit 5: Life of Moses OT5.13 The Twelve Spies Lesson...2 OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson...

1 OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson 2017 Unit 5: Life of Moses OT5.13 The Twelve Spies Lesson Scripture: Numbers 13-14 Lesson Goal: After constructing the Tabernacle and camping at Mt. Sinai for a year the Israelites followed the cloud of God to guide them to the Promised Land. In this lesson we will learn about the first time that Israel reached the Promised Land. We will see how they failed to trust in God and were prevented from entering it. Introduction: This is the thirteenth lesson in Unit 5: Life of Moses. After constructing the Tabernacle and camping at Mt. Sinai for a year the Israelites followed the cloud of God to guide them to the Promised Land. In this lesson we will learn about the first time that Israel reached the Promised Land. We will see how they failed to trust in God and were prevented from entering it. This lesson is found in the book of Numbers. Numbers was written by Moses and tells the story of how Israel was prepared by God to enter the Promised Land. It is fourth book of Law. The books of Law are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let’s say the first five books of Law together: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Attention Getter: A SpyDo you know what a spy is? A spy is a person who collects and reports information on the activities, movements and plans of an enemy or competitor. He is sometimes called a secret agent; an undercover agent. A spy is generally employed by a government or an organization who wants to obtain confidential information about another country or business. A spy has to be on the lookout and keep a close watch of what others are doing or saying. They often have to examine something very closely or carefully. In this lesson we are going to learn about some men who were assigned to go on a spy mission! Listen to discover what they found. This story is found in the book of Numbers. Opening Prayer: Father, when we are tempted to doubt the promises You have made in Your Word, help us to stop leaning on our own understanding. Help us to remember that You never make mistakes. Help us to remember Your goodness and all the ways You have helped us in the past. Then, help us to have the confidence we need to do the things You want us to do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. Memory Verse: The memory verse is Deuteronomy 13:4 " You must follow the LORD your God and fear Him. You must keep His commands and listen to His voice; you must worship Him and remain faithful to Him." Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/pSPCdtHs2us When Moses was on Mount Sinai God gave to him the Ten Commandments and the plans for building the Tabernacle. After Israel build the tabernacle God began once again to lead the nation of Israel to the land that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This was called the Promised Land. For two years the nation of Israel walked through the Sinai desert. They followed the column of a cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. After many days of walking they had finally reached the land of Canaan. They stopped in the Desert of Paran which is in the wilderness of Zin at a place called Kadesh Barnea.

Transcript of Unit 5: Life of Moses OT5.13 The Twelve Spies Lesson...2 OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson...

Page 1: Unit 5: Life of Moses OT5.13 The Twelve Spies Lesson...2 OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson 2017 God had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that he would give the Promised Land


OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Unit 5: Life of Moses OT5.13 The Twelve Spies Lesson

Scripture: Numbers 13-14

Lesson Goal: After constructing the Tabernacle and camping at Mt. Sinai for a year the Israelites followed the cloud of God to guide them to the Promised Land. In this lesson we will learn about the first time that Israel reached the Promised Land. We will see how they failed to trust in God and were prevented from entering it.

Introduction: This is the thirteenth lesson in Unit 5: Life of Moses. After constructing the Tabernacle and camping at Mt. Sinai for a year the Israelites followed the cloud of God to guide them to the Promised Land. In this lesson we will learn about the first time that Israel reached the Promised Land. We will see how they failed to trust in God and were prevented from entering it. This lesson is found in the book of Numbers. Numbers was written by Moses and tells the story of how Israel was prepared by God to enter the Promised Land. It is fourth book of Law. The books of Law are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let’s say the first five books of Law together: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: “A Spy” Do you know what a spy is? A spy is a person who collects and reports information on the activities, movements and plans of an enemy or competitor. He is sometimes called a secret agent; an undercover agent. A spy is generally employed by a government or an organization who wants to obtain confidential information about another country or business. A spy has to be on the lookout and keep a close watch of what others are doing or saying. They often have to examine something very closely or carefully. In this lesson we are going to learn about some men who were assigned to go on a spy mission! Listen to discover what they found. This story is found in the book of Numbers.

Opening Prayer: Father, when we are tempted to doubt the promises You have made in Your Word, help us to stop leaning on our own understanding. Help us to remember that You never make mistakes. Help us to remember Your goodness and all the ways You have helped us in the past. Then, help us to have the confidence we need to do the things You want us to do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Deuteronomy 13:4 " You must follow the LORD your God and fear Him. You must keep His commands and listen to His voice; you must worship Him and remain faithful

to Him."

Lesson Video: https://youtu.be/pSPCdtHs2us When Moses was on Mount Sinai God gave to him the Ten Commandments and the plans for building the Tabernacle. After Israel build the tabernacle God began once again to lead the nation of Israel to the land that He had promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This was called the Promised Land. For two years the nation of Israel walked through the Sinai desert. They followed the column of a cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. After many days of walking they had finally reached the land of Canaan. They stopped in the Desert of Paran which is in the wilderness of Zin at a place called Kadesh Barnea.

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OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson 2017

God had promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that he would give the Promised Land to their descendants, but now there were many people groups living there. They were called Canaanites. The Canaanites did not believe in God. They worshiped false gods and did many evil things. God told the Israelites, “You must get rid of all the Canaanites in the Promised Land. Do not make peace with them and do not marry them. You must completely destroy all of their idols. If you do not obey me, you will worship their idols instead of me.” The Lord told Moses to select a leader from each of the twelve tribes of Israel to go and spy out the land ahead. Moses chose a leader from each tribe. The tribes of Israel were groups of families in Israel. Their names were Shammua, Shaphat, Caleb, Igal, Joshua, Palti, Gaddiel, Gaddi, Ammiel, Sethur, Nahbi and Geuel. Moses then gave these twelve men very specific instructions. "Go up through the desert, "Moses said, "and into the land God has promised to give us. See what the land is like. Is it good or bad? Find out whether the people in Canaan are strong or weak. What kind of towns do they live in? Are the cities unwalled or fortified? Look at the soil. Is it fertile or poor? Do your best to bring back some of the fruit of the land." Moses knew that it was the season for the grapes to be ripe and he wanted to see how big they grew there. The twelve men gathered the things they would need for the trip, said good-by to their families and began their exciting mission! They were going to be the first to see the wonderful country God was giving them! The twelve spies set out from Kadesh Barnea through the Negev desert.. They came the Engredi Valley which is just outside of Hebron. This is the largest oasis on the west coast of the Dead Sea. The oasis sits down in the Valley surrounded by mountains. It is watered by a huge waterfall called the Waterfall of Engredi. This water makes the whole valley a lush paradise. After walking in the desert for so many years the twelve spies must have thought this was an incredibly beautiful place! The Valley also has lots of springs which make the vegetation grow. The temperature all year round is about 80

o so the weather is perfect for growing plants. The area is famous for growing lush grapes.

This is a picture of the Vineyards of Engredi. But living in this Valley were the Amalekites. The Amalekites were enemies of the Israelites and they had already fought with them before. Remember when they had come out into the desert and killed some of the older men and women and children. With God's help Joshua had led them into battle with them and God had given them the victory! Next the spies moved up through into the hill country. This land is very rocky and very difficult to cultivate. Some bushes grow there along with a few small animals live. Living in this high area were also some very tall and strong people who were descendants of Anak. They were giants of men! They then moved further north through the hill country where the Hittites, Jebusites, and Amorites lived and then on around the River Jordan and Lake Galilee. In the Canaanite Valley they saw large cities. The towns and cities were large and well fortified. The cities had big walls around them. Here is picture of some of the ruins today of those cities. Look at all the walls that were running throughout the towns. These walls were made of stones piled up one on top of the other. The walls were 20 to 30 feet high and provided lots of protection for the people inside the city. Conquering these cities would not be easy. They traveled as far north as Rehob before turning back and retracing their steps. Rehob is a city that sits on a mountain lake. It too was a beautiful place high in the mountains. The city was inhabited by the Amorites. God had indeed given them a wonderful place called the Promised Land but it would require some battles to take the land. Surely God would not tell them to go to this place if He would not promise victory.

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Now it was time to return to camp and give a report. They returned back down through the Valley of Eshkol where they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. The cluster of grapes was so large that it took two men carrying it on a pole between them. The spies also took some pomegranates and figs from the trees that grew there. They wanted to show their families back at camp just how lush the Promised Land was. Besides Moses had told them to bring back some fruit if they could. For over a month the people waited for the spies to return. Mothers and children must have wondered when their husbands and fathers would come back. After all, this was an exploration into unknown territory. They all wanted to know what the Promised Land was like. Were God's promises true? Was the land really as wonderful as He had promised? Would they be able to take over the land? After forty days the twelve spies returned to camp. They were busting with news! Everyone gathered to hear their report and see the great fruit that the spies had found in the land. They reported to Moses and the children of Israel. "We went in the land that you sent us. The land does flow with milk and honey! Here is some of fruit that we picked! The bunch of grapes was so BIG that it took two of us to carry it back! Excited murmurs ran through the crowd. The grapes must have looked especially delicious to them since they had only been eating manna in the desert! "But," the spies continued. "The people who live there are fierce and powerful. The men there are very tall--especially the descendants of Anak! We saw the Amalekites who live in the Negev. We went up into the hill country where the Hittites, Jebusites and Amorites live. Then we went down near the sea and along the Jordan where the Canaanites live. Their cities were huge with high walls built around them. A shiver ran through the crowd. The people began to mutter and complain about the frightening things they heard. They got louder and louder. Then Caleb, one of the spies who trusted in God, called out to everyone and said, "Silence! Joshua and I saw the same fierce people and walked in their cities. But we remember the promises that God has already given us! The country is already ours as far as God is concerned." So Caleb said, "We should go up and take the land, for we can certainly do it!" But the other ten spies disagreed. "We can't attack these people. They are all stronger than us. All the people we saw are huge. We will be swallowed up! Compared to them we looked like grasshoppers. If we attack them, we will surely die!" The news wasn't quite true but it traveled with lightning speed! Soon everyone heard and they were really afraid. That night the Israelites grumbled and wept. They complained to Moses and Aaron. "Why is the Lord bringing us to this land only to die in battle? Our wives and children will be taken as plunder." God's promises did not seem real to them now. They started planning to choose another leader and go back to Egypt! Moses and Aaron fell down in front of everyone. Caleb and Joshua were so upset they began to tear their clothes. This was a customary way of showing deep sorrow, mourning, or despair. They were very upset that the people of Israel were considering NOT going into the Promised Land. Joshua and Caleb stood up and said, "The land we explored is exceedingly good. The Lord will lead us into the land flowing with milk and honey, and give it to us. Don't rebel against God or be afraid. The Lord is with us not them! We can defeat them! God will fight for us!" Nobody was convinced. In fact they wanted to STONE Caleb and Joshua. Moses was heartbroken at the sinful, fearful way the people had acted. God had done miracles EVERYDAY for these people. He brought them out of slavery in Egypt, fed them, given them water

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and even kept their clothes from wearing out! He promised over and over that HE would give them this land. All they had to do was obey Him. And now they didn't believe ANYTHING God had promised! Just as those listening were muttering about stoning Joshua and Caleb, the glory of the Lord appeared at the Ten of meeting. God was very angry. God called Moses into the Tent of Meeting before all the Israelites. Moses prayed to God and said, "Because of your great love, forgive the sin of these people just as you have forgiven them over and over again since we left Egypt." Then Lord told Moses, "How long will these people refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the miracles I have performed among them. Except for Joshua and Caleb, all of the people who are twenty years old or older will wander in the wilderness until they die. They will never enter the Promised Land.” I will strike down the other ten spies with a plague and destroy them, but I will make you into a stronger nation. God told Moses He would punish their rebellion by keeping them in the wilderness for 40 years, one year for each day the spies had been in Canaan. And just as He promised, the ten spies who brought a bad report died of a plague. Only Joshua and Caleb survived. They were the spies who trusted in God to keep His promises and give them the land. When the people heard this they were sorry they had sinned. They took their weapons and went to attack Canaan. They decided to attack the Amalekites just north of their camp. Moses said, "Why are you disobeying the Lord's command?" But they went ahead. The Amalekites were helped by the Canaanites from the hill country. They came down and attacked them and beat them into a swift retreat. God did not go with them into this battle so they were defeated and many were killed. Failing to trust God always brings more problems than we originally faced! God's judgment came in the way that the people had feared most. When we run from God, we always run into bigger problems. For the next forty years the Israelites wandered around in the wilderness. God could have killed all of them right there but He didn't. God allowed the people to live. God had promised to bring them to the promised land and He did but they didn't want it! Now the whole nation showed contempt for God except for Joshua, Caleb and Moses. So God had to punish Israel. During that time of wandering, God provided for them. He gave them bread from heaven, called “manna.” He also sent quail (which is a kind of bird) into their camp so they could have meat to eat. During those forty years, God kept their clothes and shoes from wearing out. God even miraculously gave them water from a rock. But despite all this, the people of Israel complained and grumbled against God and against Moses. God was still faithful to his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. All those who rebelled against God died. A new generation grew up willing to trust God and take the land God had promised to them. They were now under the leadership of Joshua who was supported by Caleb. These were the two spies who had trusted God and now God would use them to conquer the Promised Land! Caleb and Joshua didn't follow the crowd even when they were threatened with death. They believed God! And forty years later, Joshua led the Israelites into the land that God had given them. He and Caleb knew God keeps His promises! It might seem easy to say at church that we trust God and will obey Him. But when our friends think that we are silly to believe in God or want us to tell lies, it can be very hard to trust God and do what He wants us to do.

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But obeying God even when others don't will help us to grow to love and trust God even more! And our obedience can help our friends see that they can trust and obey God too. Let's trust God like Caleb and Joshua did. When we think about all that God has done for us in the past, we will not be afraid of the future. Let's pray. Father, when we are tempted to doubt the promises You have made in Your Word, help us to stop leaning on our own understanding. Help us to remember that You never make mistakes. Help us to remember Your goodness and all the ways You have helped us in the past. Then, help us to have the confidence we need to do the things You want us to do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen. Remember trust God and obey Him even when others don't.

Review Questions: “Archeology Dig” Preparation: In a large shallow baking pan or box lid spread a layer of sand about 1-2 inches deep. Hide in the sand small alphabet letters, beads with letters, OR pennies printed with letters, OR selected tiles from a Scrabble game. Hide the letters to spell the words TRUST AND OBEY GOD. Spread newspaper on table and place the pan with sand on the newspaper. You will need one pan for each group of three to four students. Procedure: Say: “Archeologists carefully dig through dirt and sand to find objects that give clues to the past. To find very small objects like beads, pieces of broken pottery or small bones archaeologists shake dirt through sifters. Today we are going to pretend that we are archaeologists as we look for objects in this dig.” Divide the class into groups of three to four. Ask the following review questions. When a student answers it correctly their team may dig through the sand to find one hidden letter each. Continue until all the hidden letters are found. When each group has found the letters in their “dig”, they are to then to take turns rearranging the letters to form words. Give a hint that the words begin with the letters T, A, O, and G. Say: “Our memory verse in Deuteronomy 13:4 gives us a command that can be summarized by this short phrase. See if you can figure out the phrase using the letters that you have found in your “dig.” 1. Why were the people crossing the desert? (They were heading from Egypt to the Promised

Land.) 2. What were the people doing down in Egypt? (They were slaves to the Pharaoh) 3. When they got to the edge of the Promised Land, who did Moses send in to look the land over?

(12 spies) 4. Why were the 10 spies fearful about going into the land? (They saw the giants and the fortified

cities and their faith in God was weak.) 5. When the spies came back, what did they bring with them? (Fruits and vegetables, including

some huge grapes.) 6. Who were the two spies that had great faith in God? (Caleb and Joshua.) 7. What did Joshua and Caleb do that was different from the other spies? (They trusted in God’s

promise to give them the Promised Land.) Why do you think they were so different? (They believed God!)

8. What did God tell the Israelites that they needed to do in order to inhabit the Promised Land? (They must kill all the Canaanite people.)

9. Why were the Canaanite people to be killed? (The Canaanites were idol worshippers and if they lived they would influence the Israelites to worship their idols.)

10. What kind of land did the spies see in the Engredi Valley of the Promised Land? (They saw lush vineyards with a spring that watered the oasis and made the vegetation lush.)

11. Who did the spies see in the hill country? (They saw the tall men of the descendants of Anak who were giants of men. )

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12. What did the Canaanite people have that frightened the ten spies? (They lived in tall walled cities made of stones.)

13. What did the twelve spies bring back with them? (They brought back fruit from the land. The grape cluster was so large it had to be carried on a pole by two men. They also brought pomegranates and figs from the trees that grew there.}

14. What crazy thing did the people want to do because of their fear? (They wanted to get another leader and go back to Egypt!)

15. What did God want to do with the people for lacking faith in Him? (He wanted to wipe them out and start over!)

16. What did Moses do when God said he wanted to wipe out the people? (He begged God to forgive them.)

17. What punishment did the people receive from God for their sin of unbelief? (They had to stay in the hot desert for 40 more years!)

18. What happened to the ten spies who did not want to enter the Promised Land? (They all died of a plague.)

19. When the Israelites were told that the men over 20 years old would die in the wilderness wandering, what did they try to do? (They unsuccessfully launched an attack on the Amalekites in the Promised Land and lost the first battle. Many died.)

20. How did God provide for the Israelites while they wandered in the wilderness? (He gave the manna or bread from heaven to eat. He provided water and meat from quails. He kept their shoes from wearing out and their clothes did not need to be repaired or replaced.)

21. Who were the only men who entered the Promised Land and lived in it? (Caleb and Joshua were the two spies who got to enter the Promised Land.)

22. When are sometimes when it is hard to trust and obey God? (It is hard to trust God when others make fun of you for obeying Him. It is hard to trust God when you don’t know His promises.)

23. At these times, how can you show you trust God? (You can tell them why you are obeying God. You can find other friends. You can spend time alone with God.)

24. What can you do when you feel that it is hard to trust and obey God? (Pray to God. Sing Him songs of praise. Talk to parents. Read the Bible for God’s promises.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “Verse Go Fish” Our memory verse is Deuteronomy 13:4 " You must follow the LORD your God and fear Him. You must keep His commands and listen to His voice; you must worship Him and remain faithful

to Him."

Have students look up the verses in scripture and read aloud. Repeat verse several times together. Say: “We can trust God to help us obey Him because He has promised to do so and God always keeps His promises!”

Preparation: Print the words of Deuteronomy 13:4 on sheets of paper leaving blanks for the words: “follow,” “fear,” “keep,” “commands,” “listen,” “worship,” “voice,” and “faithful.” Print each of these words on separate index cards making one set of cards and a paper for each group of no more than six students. Shuffle sets of cards together.

Procedure: Students are to play a game similar to Go Fish. Divide class into teams of no more than six students. Give each team a sheet of paper and six of the index cares. Cards are distributed equally among the players on each team. Teams place cards that they can use in the appropriate place on their papers to see what words they need to complete the verse, keeping their extra cards hidden.

Volunteer from first team tries to guess who on another team has one of the missing words by saying, “I believe (Tom) has the word (follow). If the named player has the card, he or she gives it to the first team who then places the card in the appropriate place on its verse paper and takes another turn. If the named player does not have the card a volunteer from the second team takes a turn. Continue playing with teams taking turns until each team has collected all the cards needed to complete the verse.

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OT5.13 The Twelve Spies ©Beverly Wilson 2017

Group Learning Activity: “How Big?” (Grades K-3) Purpose: To help students understand how large the grapes may have been in Canaan and how tall the giants were. Preparation: You will need the following materials: two cardboard paper towel rolls for each student, glue or tape, purple balloons, yarn, tape measure; roll of cash register paper. Procedure: Say: “Today we are going to pretend that we are one of the spies who is searching out the Promised Land. Let’s see what the Promised Land looked like.” Have students glue or tape two cardboard paper rolls together to look like binoculars. Talk about how the leaders spied out the land. They climbed the mountains and looked across the valleys. What did they see? (They say big walled cities, many grape vineyards, waterfalls, and lots of trees and plants.) Say: “When the spies went down into the Valley of Engredi and saw the vineyards what did the grapes look like?” (The grape clusters were so large that it took two men with a long pole just to carry one cluster.) Have students blow up purple balloons and tie them together with yarn to resemble the big cluster in the Bible story. “The Promised Land was very lush with vegetation. The Waterfall of Engredi made the whole valley a lush paradise. The temperature is very moderate and perfect for growing plants. After living in the desert the spies must have thought they were in heaven. What a beautiful place God had promised to give them.” Say: “When the spies went up to the high mountains, who did they find living there?” (There were giants in the land.) “How did the spies feel?” (They felt like they were grasshoppers. They said, “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes and we looked the same to them.”) Using the tape measure and the roll of cash register tape, measure out eight to ten feet of the paper strip. Tape the paper strip up the side of the wall to show how tall the giants of Anak were. Say: “It would be scary to try to fight a giant but we know that nothing is impossible with God. Joshua and Caleb were very courageous. They knew that with God’s help they could fight these giants and win!! They were the only two spies who stood up for what was right. What are some examples of how you can stand up for what is right at school? At home? At the playground?” Bring real binoculars or a magnifying glass if you have one. Place an object far away and try to zoom in with the glass to see it.

Group Learning Game: “I Spy” (Grades K-3) Purpose: To help students experience that the spies must have done as they entered the Promised Land Preparation: No tool, accessories, cards are needed! Just need at least two players who are can see and name objects around them. Say: “In our lesson God told Moses to choose twelve spies to go into the Promised Land and bring a report about it back to the people. Moses told the spies to check out the people, the land, the cities, and the vegetation. We are going to play a game that will help us understand how the spies had to look carefully at all the things around them and then choose words to describe them to the people of Israel when they got back home. The game is called “I Spy.” Procedure: Choose the players. You need a minimum of two but there is no limit on how many can play the game. Choose one of the players as a “spy.” The spy looks around the room and selects an object. The spy is to give verbal clues as what the object is while the other player or players take turns guessing what the object is. Once the first hint is given then the players take turns asking

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questions that can be answered with “yes or no.” Example, “Is it a (name an object)?” After all players have had a turn to guess, then the next clue is given. Play until the object is named. Encourage “the spy” to think about the object’s color, height, weight, shape, first letter of the name, the material it is made of, or a word that sounds like it. The spy says, “I spy with my little eye something that ….(finish with the description)” Be sure to not look at the object when you giving the description. Ex. “I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter c.” “I spy something with my little eye that is made of wood.” “I spy something with my little eye that you can sit on.” Object: Chair Say: “When the spies went into the land what things did they see? (They saw giants, walled cities, lush vegetation, huge clusters of grapes so big that it took two men with a pole to carry them, good fruits to eat like pomegranates, dates, and nuts, and beautiful waterfalls.) Why do you think that the ten spies used different words to describe the Promised Land than the two spies—Caleb and Joshua? (The spies looked at the land differently. One group looked at the land as a great blessing that God was going to give to them and the other viewed it with fear.) Why is it important to use God’s eyes when we look at things in life? (We will learn to give thanksgiving instead of have worry and fear. We will live in obedience to God and learn to trust in Him and do His will.)

Group Learning Activity: “Trusting God” Bible Study (Grades 3-5) Purpose: To understand that we are to trust and obey God and that our obedience can also influence others to do what is right. Say: “In this lesson we learned about the spies who entered the Promised Land and came back with a report and a recommendation as to what the nation of Israel should do. The ten spies showed a lack of faith in God and they were able to influence the all the people of Israel to not go into the Promised Land. Our words and actions can influence or change the behavior of others. When is a time that your words or actions have affected the actions of other kids? When have you been influenced by someone else’s words or actions? (Share a personal experience.) Today we are going to read some scriptures that teach us to trust God. We will think about how our trust in God can positively affect others to also trust Him.”

Locate Deuteronomy 13:4 in scripture and read aloud. “You must follow the Lord your God and fear Him. You must keep His commands and listen to His voice; you must worship Him and remain faithful to Him." Say: What does this verse tell us to do? (Fear God and worship and obey Him.) Why do you think doing these things is important? (These things please God and help us to stay focused on Him. Otherwise we will begin to put ourselves and other things first. God must be first in our life if we are to be pleasing to Him.)

Locate Psalm 56:3, 4 in scripture and read aloud. “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Say: “When does the writer of these verses say he will trust in God? (He will trust God when He is afraid.) Why can we trust God to take care of us and not worry about what people do to us? (Mortals or people can only hurt the body which will fade away eventually. God however has more strength and lives for an eternity. We can trust Him because He is eternal and never changes.)” Locate Proverbs 3:5, 6 in scripture and read aloud. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Say: “What does it mean to trust in the Lord rather than follow your own understanding? (It means that we will choose to do what God wants even when we don’t understand in our own human way how things are going to work out.) Leaning has the sense of putting your weight on something, resting on and trusting in that person or thing. When we have an important decision to make, we sometimes feel that we can’t trust anyone—not even God. But God knows what is best for us. He is a better judge of what we want than even we are! We must trust Him completely in every choice we make.

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We should not omit careful thinking or belittle our God given ability to reason but we should not trust our own ideas to the exclusion of all others. We must not be wise in our own eyes. We should always be willing to listen to and be corrected by God’s Word and wise counselors. Bring your decisions to God in prayer, use the Bible as your guide, and then follow God’s leading. He will make your paths straight both by guiding and protecting you. How can praying and reading God’s Word help you to remember God in all your actions? (Reading God’s promises in His Word helps us to remember that God always tells the truth and will never leave or forsake us. He loves us and always wants what is best for us.)” Locate Galatians 1:10 in scripture and read aloud. “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Say: “Do you spend your life trying to please everybody? What does Paul say would happen if he was trying to please men? (When we are trying to please people we are probably not pleasing God. Doing our own thing is always in contradiction to God’s way.) When are some times that it is harder to please God than men? (It is harder to please God when others are making fun of us, when others do not understand or want to please God like we do. When this happens we should ask God for strength to obey Him when the people around us do not obey. We should seek God’s approval above anyone else’s.)”

Group Learning Activity: “Water over My Head” Object Lesson (Grades K-5) Purpose: To teach children that God can do what seems impossible to us. He has promised to love and protect us when we obey and trust in Him. Preparation: You will need a 12 oz. clear drinking glass, water, and a plastic coated playing card. Procedure: Fill a clear drinking glass with water to within an inch of the rim. Place a plastic coated playing card over the top rim of the glass making sure that the card completely covers the edges of the glass. While holding the card firmly to the drinking glass, quickly turn the glass over with the water upside down. Hold the card to the glass for a few seconds, then remove your hand. The card will hold the water in the glass! Once you have the cup turned over, and before you let go of the paper/card over the cup, put it over someone’s head, and say something like “I hope this works!” This comment adds a little extra fun to the object lesson! Physics explanation: Suction at the top of the cup holds the card in place. Water has surface tension. Say: “In our lesson today God told Moses to send the twelve spies into the Promised Land to get a preview of what the land was like. God wanted them to know the good place He had waiting for them. He had promised to protect them and give them victory in chasing out the inhabitants of the land. However ten of the spies were overcome by their own fears. Only two spies—Joshua and Caleb—trusted God to fulfill His promise. They trusted God in spite of what looked as though it was an impossible task. In this experiment we thought that it was impossible for the water to not to spill out of the glass when it was turned upside down. Sometimes we may think that a situation is impossible to be resolved but if God has commanded us then He will help us accomplish the “impossible.” God never sends His people on a mission without equipping them! He wants us to have faith and trust in Him to do the impossible.

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Group Learning Activity: “Delectable Dates” (Grades K-5) Purpose: To give students an opportunity to taste test some foods listed in the Bible lesson Preparation: You will need Bibles, water or apple juice, measuring cup, blender, sliced almonds, pitted dates, medium bowl, pita or other flat bread, paper towels, plastic knives. Procedure: Say: Moses commanded the twelve spies to do several things while exploring the Promised Land, One thing he asked them to do was to bring back samples of the food from the Promised Land. What kinds of food do you think they found? (Have students look up Numbers 13: 23 to find the answer.) Today we are going to sample some food that is still eaten in the land Caleb and Joshua explored.” Have students wash their hands before handling food items. Taking turns have students prepare date spread: Pour approximately ½ cup water or apple juice into blender. Add ¼ cup of sliced almonds to liquid and blend together. Add ¾ cup dates to mixture. Supervise as students blend the mixture into a paste adding more of each ingredient as needed. Place mixture in bowl. Distribute the flat bread, paper towels and plastic knives to students. Place bowl of date spread in center of table. Students are to place the flat bread on paper towels and spread on a thin layer of the date spread. Provide grapes, cheese, and pistachios or other nuts for students to sample along with or instead of the date spread. Students may also put date spread on apples or crackers instead of flat bread. *Be careful that students are not allergic to these foods. Check with parents prior to activity.

Craft Learning Activity: “Egg Shell Grapes” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need a printed pattern of the grape cluster on cardstock for each student; cardstock, broken egg shells, newspapers, paint smocks, small paint brushes, pencils, glue, purple or red acrylic paint. Procedure: Say: “The spies brought back grapes to show that the food in the land was good. Today we are going to be decorating a picture of grapes using egg shells. We will make this art picture to help remind us of the Bible story of the Twelve Spies and to help us to remember to Trust and Obey God.” Help students into paint smocks to protect their clothing (men’s old shirts work well.) Spread news paper on the work area. Show how to paint the broken egg shell pieces. Only one side of the shell needs to be painted. Set aside to dry. Have the students write the memory verse on the back of the printed cluster of grapes. Let the painted egg shells dry. Show how to gently glue the broken egg shell pieces onto the grape pattern to form colorful Egg Shell Grapes.

Craft Learning Activity: “Egg Carton Grapes” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need recycled egg cartons (cut cardboard dividers apart), scissors, green felt, purple acrylic paint; and paint brushes. Procedure: Have students use paint brushes and purple acrylic paint to paint several egg carton cups (approximately 10 cups per student). Let dry on newspaper. Place dried egg carton “grapes” onto a white paper plate. Glue in place to form a cluster of grapes. Cut leaf shapes out of green felt with scissors. Place above the cluster of purple grapes. The rim of the paper plate should act as a frame for the grape picture.

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Craft Learning Activity: “Grapes with Bottle Caps” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need plastic water bottle caps of the same size (ten per child), purple, navy blue, or green acrylic paint, paint brushes, hot glue, branch of a tree with a forked stem (see photo). Say: “The spies brought back grapes to show that the food in the land was good. Today we are going to make an art project to help remind us of God’s blessing in the Promised Land.” Procedure: Take 10 plastic water bottle caps of the same size and paint them with purple, navy blue, or green acrylic paint. Let dry. You will need to paint a second coat of paint to completely cover the cap with a solid color. Let dry. Mix a lighter shade of the color you used to paint the grapes by adding a little white. Using a stencil brush, paint a light shaded area in the center of the cap. This lighter shading gives a little more depth to the grapes. Glue the grapes together with hot glue. Start with a row of four grapes, then three, then two and finally one grape. This will form a cluster of grapes. (For safety reasons only the teacher should do this step.). Hot glue the small branch to the bottom edge of the triangular shaped cluster of grapes. Draw a vine leaf on green paper or on a sheet of craft sponge. Cut out the leaf shape. Outline the leaf veins with black marker. Glue the leaf to the branch. Display the clusters of grapes in classroom.

Craft Learning Activity: “Toilet Paper Grasshopper” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need a toilet paper roll, green construction paper, glue, and scissors. Print the template onto a sheet of cardstock. (Template) Procedure: Color and cut out all of the pieces. Cover a toilet paper roll with green construction paper. Glue the legs onto another sheet of cardstock or even a piece of cardboard. You will need the strength so the legs can support the body. Cut out the legs once again. Glue the wings to the top of the toilet paper roll. Glue the face to the front of the toilet paper roll. Finally glue the legs to the sides of the toilet paper roll

Say: “In our lesson Moses sent twelve spies into the Promised Land . Trust in God is what ten of the spies lacked. They saw with their own eyes that the land was just as God had said it would be. They saw how God protected them and sustained them in the desert. Yet they focused on the difficulties of the situation. They said, “We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes and we looked the same to them.” The spies were not looking at the Promised Land with God’s eyes. Nothing is impossible for Him to accomplish.” Sometimes we all feel like grasshoppers in a world of giants, just like the spies that were sent to check out the land of Canaan in today’s story. Ask the children if they can think of a time when they were scared or felt like they couldn’t do something. Ask them if they ever said “I can’t do it.” OR “It’s too hard!” Maybe it was when they were learning to read, or learning to ride a bike, or learning to put their head under the water, or going to school for the first time. Maybe it was when they had to meet someone new, or make new friends in a new class or at a new school, or being nice to their brother or sister, or remembering to pick up their toys, or obeying their parents, etc. Ask them if they gave up or if they kept on trying. Talk about how they were able to accomplish their “giant”. God does not want us to give up just because something seems to be too hard. He is always with us and He will help us. He can give us strength to face our fears and our giants. The Israelites in the story forgot all about all the time God had helped them in the past. (Review with the children a bit some of the recent lessons where God helped the Israelites, even when they complained all the time!) Every time they had to face a new challenge or problem, they got scared and they forgot to trust God. We always want to trust Him, because remember: “My help comes from the Lord.”

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Craft Learning Activity: Grasshopper Clothespin Magnet (Grades K-5) Purpose: To help students remember how the ten spies felt when they saw the giants in the land. Preparation: You will need the following materials: wooden pinch style clothespin, green acrylic paint, 3 or 4 long green pipe cleaners, hot glue, magnetic tape, and two googly eyes. Procedure: Paint the clothespin green with acrylic paint. Let dry. You may need to use several coats of paint to hide the wood of the clothespin. Cut a piece of magnetic tape the same length and width as the clothespin. Attach the magnetic strip to the clothespin with hot glue. (You can use self adhesive magnetic tape.) Glue googly eyes to the end of the clothespin near the opening. Use a long piece of green pipe cleaner and pass it through the hole of the spring in the clothes pin. Bend the green pipe cleaner to form the back legs. Cut the length of the pipe cleaner to an appropriate even amount. These hind legs should be longer and allow the grasshopper to jump long distances. Cut two small pieces of the green pipe cleaner to represent the antennae. Using two small dots of hot glue on each side of the eyes attach the antennae to the grasshopper’s head. Cut two more pieces of pipe cleaner to represent the pair of front legs. Open the clothespin and put hot glue in the opening. Slide the two pieces of pipe cleaner inside the opening and secure with hot glue. Center the two pieces of green pipe cleaner in respect to the clothes pin. If necessary cut the legs to the right even length. Bend the front set of legs forward. Bend the middle set of legs backward. Bend the antennae of the grasshopper forward.

Say: “In our lesson the ten spies returned from the Promised Land with their report to the nation of Israel. They said that the giants in the land made them feel like grasshoppers. How do you think the world looks to a grasshopper? How would you look to a grasshopper? Would you look like a giant? Are you really a giant? (No, it is only in how you look to others). What lesson can we learn from this account? (How we look at things can often determine our attitude and actions. The men did not look at the giants the way God looked at them. They thought they were huge and impossible to conquer when in God’s eyes they were nothing! Sometimes we want to look at problems in our life as impossible situations. But God has promised to be with us and to guide us and to give us strength to deal with whatever faces us. Let’s look at life through God’s eyes!”

Life Application Challenge: “Overcoming Fear” Journal Say: In the Bible story that we studied today, Joshua and Caleb were able to put aside their fear. Despite what the other spies said, they knew in their hearts that God was with them and that they were doing God’s will. Because of that they were not afraid to try and enter the Promised Land. We can remember Joshua and Caleb and these experiments to remind ourselves to trust in God when we find ourselves in scary situations. We can remind ourselves that we have nothing to fear when God is with us.

Hand out pencils/pens and the folders for each child.. Hand out a journaling pages. The children should find a place to sit quietly and think and write in their journals. You and the guide may need to help the younger children with their writing. Another option for younger children is to draw a picture about the topic. Grade 1-2: What is one problem that you can trust God with? Grade 3-5: What is one problem or fear that you can entrust to God?

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The Twelve Spies Numbers 13-14

Deuteronomy 13:4 You must follow the LORD your God and fear Him. You must keep His commands

and listen to His voice; you must worship Him and remain faithful to Him.

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