Unit 5: Applying for a job - Pearson Education Ltd

Unit 5 - Applying for a job 16 It is a fact of life that we all need to get a job. Most people eventually get a job they enjoy doing but often have other jobs along the way. Sometimes people miss out on their ‘dream’ job because they don’t prepare their application with enough care. The purpose of this unit is to give you the best possible chance of getting a job you really want to do. It will help you prepare a solid job application: highlighting your abilities and minimising common mistakes. Learning outcomes and assessment criteria Unit 5: Applying for a job Learning outcomes Assessment criteria 1 Be able to access different methods of applying for a job 1.1 Investigate different methods of applying for a job 2 Be able to prepare a job application 2.1 Collate the appropriate information for a job application 2.2 Prepare a thorough job application 3 Be able to present the job application appropriately 3.1 Select and use the conventions, formats and styles of presenting job applications appropriately 4 Be able to reflect on the appropriateness of the job application 4.1 Evaluate the suitability of the style and information in the job application in relation to its intended audience T DRAFT FT FT FT FT FT FT AF F F DR FT Ass rent r a job 1 Inv of are a job cation 3 Be ab ap 02-WB1-Unit_05_016-031..indd 16 16/2/11 10:27:26

Transcript of Unit 5: Applying for a job - Pearson Education Ltd

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


It is a fact of life that we all need to get a job. Most people eventually get a job they enjoy doing but often have other jobs along the way. Sometimes people miss out on their ‘dream’ job because they don’t prepare their application with enough care.

The purpose of this unit is to give you the best possible chance of getting a job you really want to do. It will help you prepare a solid job application: highlighting your abilities and minimising common mistakes.

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

Unit 5: Applying for a job

Learning outcomes Assessment criteria

1 Be able to access different methods of applying for a job

1.1 Investigate different methods of applying for a job

2 Be able to prepare a job application

2.1 Collate the appropriate information for a job application

2.2 Prepare a thorough job application

3 Be able to present the job application appropriately

3.1 Select and use the conventions, formats and styles of presenting job applications appropriately

4 Be able to refl ect on the appropriateness of the job application

4.1 Evaluate the suitability of the style and information in the job application in relation to its intended audience




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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Worksheet 1: Methods of applying for a job

Unit LO AC Descriptor

5 1 1.1 Investigate different methods of applying for a job

In Unit 4 you learned about how to search for a job. Now you will apply for a job.

1. What the employer is asking for

2. How to apply (i.e. read each advertisement carefully).

There are various methods of applying for a job. Different employers will ask for different forms and paperwork. Why is this?

Different employers need to see evidence of different skills so they will ask for various methods of application. If you know what each method means and how to use it effectively, you will stand a better chance of getting a job.

Complete the table on the following page to summarise your knowledge.

I wonder what they want…?

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job








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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Worksheet 2: Collating and preparing the information

Unit LO AC Descriptor

5 2 2.1


Collate the appropriate information for a job application

Prepare a thorough job application

Look at this job advertisement.

The company has sent you a job description to help you with your application. This is shown opposite.

Customer service support advisorsOur new department store in Newcastle upon Tyne is opening soon. Opportunities are available for enthusiastic individuals to join the Customer Service Support Team.

We are looking to recruit self-motivated team players who can deliver high levels of customer service both on the telephone and in a customer-facing role.

Knowledge of computer systems is desirable. The following qualities are essential:

An organised and methodical approach to workA smart appearanceAn approachable and friendly personality.

Full training will be given.

Hours of work are 39 per week over fi ve days with a Saturday and Sunday being worked on a rota basis.

We offer a competitive salary and benefi ts package with the opportunity for on-going personal development.

Please forward your CV to the Regional HR Department. Alternatively, telephone for an application form.

Closing date for applications: 31 January 2013

We are an Equal Opportunities Employer.

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Job descriptionJob title: Customer Service Support Advisor

Location: Customer Service Department: Newcastle upon Tyne

Reports to: Customer Service Support Team Leader

Salary: Above National Minimum Rate of Pay

Hours of work: 39 per week over fi ve days, which includes Saturday/Sunday worked on a rota

Type of contract: Permanent

Job outline: To help resolve customer enquiries, both face-to-face and on the telephone, in a prompt and professional manner ensuring high standards of customer service are delivered.

Key responsibilities and duties

1. Answer the telephone in a prompt and courteous manner listening to the customer enquiry; where possible answering the enquiry or arranging for an experienced member of staff to make contact with the customer.

2. Work on the main customer service support desk greeting customers and listening to customer enquiries; where possible answering enquiries or arranging for an experienced member of staff to meet with the customer.

3. Complete the online customer query form for all enquires while the customer is present or on the telephone. Submit the document to the relevant department Team Leader upon completion.

4. On a daily basis, update the computerised spreadsheet from the information available on the online enquiry forms received that day; forwarding the report to the Customer Service Support Team Leader before the close of business.

5. Carry out any other administrative duties as requested by Team Leaders or Management.

6. Adhere to all policies, in regard to health and safety, Company practices and procedures.

7. Work as a member of the Team.

8. Attend all training and take responsibility for personal development.

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Think about the job advertisement and job description shown above, What skills do you think you need to do the job? Will you need any new skills that you don’t already have? These skills can be personal or practical.

List three skills in the space provided below:




What skills would you need to develop to be successful in the job? Describe two of these skills in the space provided below:





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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Worksheet 3: Selecting the information

Unit LO AC Descriptor

5 2 2.1


Collate the appropriate information for a job application

Prepare a thorough job application

Look at this job advertisement.

Remember that you only get one chance to make a fi rst impression so it’s crucial to convey a good one.

When they read your application, the company is ‘interviewing’ you, forming impressions and making decisions about whether you fi t in to their business.

It’s time to apply for the job. Before you start writing your application, you need to collect all the relevant information.

In the space below list the subjects you are studying together with grades achieved or predicted grades. Also list any other academic achievements you have.

How will this help with your application?


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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


1. Describe your hobbies and interests.

How will this help with your application?

2. Describe any employment you have had including work experience. This is a good way to ‘sell’ yourself.

How will this help with your application?

3. List any voluntary work you do in or out of school/college.

How will this help with your application?

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Worksheet 4: Presenting the job application

Unit LO AC Descriptor

5 2




Prepare a thorough job application

Select and use the conventions, formats and styles of presenting job applications appropriately

The following checklists provide some reminders of things to think about when you present your job application. Read these before completing the application form, covering letter and CV below.

Checklist for completing an application form:

Copy the original and have a dummy run Use the correct colour ink (usually black) Use your own handwriting (unless specifi ed otherwise) Use a dictionary Be honest Complete the form fully Sign and date the form Make a copy of the completed form to take to the interview or refresh your memory beforehand

Checklist for writing a covering letter:

State the position you are applying for and its reference number

List your contact details Make sure you use the correct contact details for the person you are writing to

Run a spell check Check the application arrives well in time of the closing date

Checklist for writing your CV:

Be honest Provide references List your contact details Describe your working experience Provide details of any voluntary work List awards you have achieved (e.g. Duke of Edinburgh) List your qualifi cations Run a spell check

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Now complete the application form, covering letter and CV below. You are applying for

EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORMTo be completed in block capital letters and black ink

Position applied for


Please state how you learned of this vacancy



Contact telephone numbers

Mobile Land line

Email address

Do you hold a current driving licence?

If applicable you should declare below any current driving convictions giving the date, fi ne and points received

Have you any relatives working for the company?

If yes, please state each relative’s name and your relationship

Qualifi cations: please provide information relating to your education, qualifi cations and training

School/college attended Dates Qualifi cations(Please list subjects and grades)




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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Present employment

Name and address

Your position

Date employment commenced

Reason for leaving

Present salary

Please give a brief outline of your current job role

Notice period

Previous employment

Dates to & from

Employer’s name & address

Job title & description of duties

Reason for leavingDRAFTTT



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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Voluntary workPlease give a brief description of any voluntary work undertaken

Additional informationPlease use this section to describe your skills, abilities and experiences, and why you consider yourself suitable for the job role

Please declare details of any unspent convictions or cautions or details of any criminal proceedings which are undergoing police investigation

Sickness absencePlease list all sickness absence within the last two years detailing the dates

Do you consider yourself to be disabled? If so please detail any special arrangements you may require to attend interview

ReferencesPlease give the name of two referees whom we may contact for a reference once an offer of employment has been made. These should be your present and previous employers. Alternatively, where there is no previous employment, you should give the names of professional contacts (e.g. teacher, lecturer). You should not give the name of relatives or employees of the company.

Name & address Name & address

Position Position

Telephone number Telephone number

Email address Email address

I declare the information supplied on this application is true and accurate. I understand that supplying false and misleading information may result in my application not being considered or, if appointed, may result in my dismissal without notice.

Signed Date



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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Now write a letter of application for the job.

Here is a suggested format. You can either hand-write your letter in the space provided below or word process it and attach a printout to this worksheet.

You will need to create a CV for most job applications. You can look up CVs on the internet, in books or using the resource pack from your teacher. Look for a CV style that you think will give you a competitive advantage.

Now create your CV. You could create an electronic one. This would be easy to update later. Attach your CV below.

Now re-read the checklists provided on page xx. Check that you have considered all these elements in your own application form, covering letter and CV.

Your addressPostcode

Telephone numberEmail

Company addressPostcode


Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms (name)

RE: (Job) ___________________

Paragraph 1 – Say who you are and why you’re writing

Paragraph 2 – Sell yourself and your skills

Paragraph 3 – Outline any follow-up action

Yours sincerely,

Your name

DRAFTour skills

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Worksheet 5: Is the style and information suitable?

Unit LO AC Descriptor

5 4 4.1 Evaluate the suitability of the style and information in the job application in relation to its intended audience

In this worksheet you will consider whether the documents you produced for your application are:

the best you could do

properly prepared

in line with what the employer wanted; i.e. ‘fi t for purpose’.

Use the table below to record your comments about the strengths and weaknesses of what you produced. Consider the following suggested areas:

Was there suffi cient detail?

Was the handwriting good or poor?

Was the font size appropriate?

Were the rubrics given by the employer followed?

Was the layout professional?

Strength Weakness

Of course, you may think your own application is good but what do other people think?

Swap workbooks with a partner.

In the table below ask your partner to record their comments about the strengths and weaknesses of what you produced.


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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Strength Weakness

Now ask someone who isn’t on your course to review the job application you prepared in Worksheet 4 so that you get a balanced view and a good evaluation of it. For example, you may ask your parent/guardian, employer, form tutor or team manager.

In the table below ask your reviewer to record their comments about the strengths and weaknesses of what you produced.

Strength Weakness

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Unit 5 - Applying for a job


Worksheet 6: Improving the style and information

Unit LO AC Descriptor

5 4 4.1 Evaluate the suitability of the style and information in the job application in relation to its intended audience

In this worksheet, you will think about how to improve your job application. For example:

Would a page border help?

Do I need to gain more experience?

Can I ‘sell’ myself better?

State four areas that could be improved in the job application you prepared for Worksheet 4. Explain how you would improve each area.

Area 1:


Area 2:


Area 3:


Area 4:


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