UNIT 4 - inglesparaespanoles.com · PRONUNCIATION = pronunciación say = sei says = sez Las ......


Transcript of UNIT 4 - inglesparaespanoles.com · PRONUNCIATION = pronunciación say = sei says = sez Las ......



Copiar el vocabulario (págs. 21 – 22 - 23); solamente

el inglés.

Memorizar el significado de cada palabra.

Cubrir las palabras en español. Mirando las palabras

en inglés, intenta traducirlas.

Estudiar las reglas gramaticales (págs. de 3 a 15).

Resolver los ejercicios de las págs. de 16 a 20.

Traducir oralmente las páginas 1 y 2. Si no te acuerdas del

significado de alguna palabra, consulta el vocabulario.

Escuchar la grabación de la ‘unit’ mirando el libro.

(un par de veces)

Volver a escuchar la grabación sin mirar el libro.

Se tiene que escuchar tantas veces hasta que se

entienda perfectamente.

UNIT 4 1

Reading a Magazine

(Margaret knocks at Tom’s door.)

(Margaret l lama a la puerta de Tom.)

Marg. - TOM! TOM! I t is t ime for lunch! Tom - COME IN, dear! Marg. W hat are you doing, dear? Are you wr i t ing that let ter to

your brother James? Tom - No, dear. I am reading “The New American”, my favour i te

magazine. Marg. - W hy are you always reading that bor ing magazine? Tom - Because there are a lot of beaut i ful pictures in i t . And

there are always many interest ing ar t ic les, too.

L isten to this, for example. I t says, “There are many pret ty

women in the wor ld. But there are very few beaut i ful

women. Beaut i ful women are rare." Marg. - W ho is a beaut i ful woman, according to you? Tom - Hm … well … La Gioconda, for example . . . and . . . and . . .

Demi Moore . . . and Jul ia Roberts . . . er . . . Marg. - Yes, Tom dear, and . . .? Tom - W ell, dear, you are not beaut i ful , but you are very, very

pret ty. Marg. - Oh! - Tom!? Tom - Yes, dear? Marg. - According to you, is your cousin Mary pret ty? Tom - W ell. . . er . . . no. (cont inúa)

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UNIT 4 2

(cont inuat ion) Reading a Magazine

Marg. - No, she is not pret ty. She is ugly! Tom - You always exaggerate, Margaret . Poor Mary is not ugly,

she is only plain. W hy are you so unkind? Marg. - I am sorry, Tom. Tom - Very wel l . - Now l isten! This ar t ic le also says that a lot

of women are vain and si l ly. But , on the contrary, there are only very few vain men.

Marg. - W hat nonsense! Tom - Ha ha ha

PRONUNCIATION = pronunciación say = sei says = sez Las palabras subrayadas deben pronunciarse con más énfasis.

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UNIT 4 3

GERUND = gerundio

El gerundio se forma añadiendo “- ing” a l inf in i t ivo s in “ to” .


to read leer read ing leyendo

to wr i te escr ibi r wri t ing escr ibiendo

to do hacer do ing haciendo

to exaggerate exagerar exaggerat ing exagerando

to think pensar th ink ing pensando

to learn aprender learn ing aprendiendo

to work t rabajar work ing t rabajando

to sw im nadar swimm ing nadando

to stop parar stopp ing parando

to run correr runn ing corr iendo


1. Si el verbo termina con una “ e” , ésta se qui ta y se le añade “-ing” .

to wr i t e wr i t ing etc .


Si el verbo t iene una sola sí laba, con una única vocal y termina en una sola consonante, se dobla la consonante f inal .

to sw im sw i mm ing to stop sto pp ing to run ru nn ing etc .


Más adelante estudiaremos otras reglas que t ratan de la formación del gerundio.

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UNIT 4 4

to read = leer

PRESENT SIMPLE = presente s imple I read = yo leo

you read = tú lees

he read s = él lee we read = nosotros leemos

you read = vosotros leéis

they read = el los leen

PRESENT CONTINUOUS = presente cont inuo


I am reading = yo estoy leyendo am I reading ?

you are reading = tú estás leyendo are you reading ?

he is reading = él está leyendo etc. is he reading ?

we are reading are we reading ?

you are reading are you reading ?

they are reading are they reading ?


I am not reading am I not reading ?

you are not reading are you not reading ?

he is not reading is he not reading ?

we are not reading are we not reading?

you are not reading are you not reading?

they are not reading are they not reading?

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UNIT 4 5

PRESENT SIMPLE = presente s imple El presente s imple se usa para hablar de acciones habi tuales, que t ienen lugar con cier ta f recuencia. • I read Time Magazine.

(Yo leo la revista TIME.) (habi tualmente)

PRESENT CONTINUOUS = presente cont inuo El presente cont inuo se usa para hablar de acciones que se están desarrol lando en el mismo momento en el que se habla. • I am reading Time Magazine.

(Estoy leyendo la rev ista TIME.) (en este momento) What are you doing? (¿Qué estás hac iendo?) Are you writ ing that letter to your brother James? (¿Estás escr ib iendo aquel la car ta a tu hermano James?) I am reading “The New American”. (Estoy leyendo “The New American” . ) Why are you reading that boring magazine? (¿Por qué estás leyendo aquel la aburr ida rev ista?


to be = ser; estar Cuando “to be” va seguido del gerundio, s igni f ica: estar.

• I am reading. = Yo estoy leyendo.

He is wr i t ing. = Él está escr ib iendo. They are sw imming. = El los están nadando.

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UNIT 4 6

1. What …? = ¿Cuál…?

• - W hat is your name? ¿Cuál es tu nombre? - W hat is your address? ¿Cuál es tu d i recc ión? - W hat is your telephone number? ¿Cuál es tu número de te léfono?

2. What …? = ¿Qué…?

• - W hat are you doing? ¿Qué estás haciendo? - W hat are you reading? ¿Qué estás leyendo?

3. What …! = ¡Qué…!

• W hat nonsense! ¡Qué tontería! W hat good cof fee! ¡Qué buen café!

<<<<<§>>>>> There is = hay (cuando sigue un nombre en singular)

> There is an interest ing ar t ic le in the magazine. There are = hay (cuando sigue un nombre en plural )

> There are many beaut i ful pictures in i t .

Is there…? = ¿hay.. .? Forma Interrogat iva Singular

> Is there an interest ing ar t ic le in the magazine? Are there…? = ¿hay.. .? Forma Interrogat iva Plural

> Are there many beaut i ful pictures in i t?

There is not = no hay Forma Negat iva Singular

There are not = no hay Forma Negat iva Plural

There isn’t = no hay Formas

There aren’t = no hay Contractas

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UNIT 4 7

Traducción de “mucho” “muchos” En frases interrogativas y negativas much = mucho -a

> I haven’t much t ime. many = muchos -as > Are there many pictures in the magazine? > There are not many beaut i ful women in the wor ld.


En frases afirmativas (en singular) a lot of = mucho -a > I have a lot of t ime. I have much t ime. ¡Error!

plenty of = mucho -a > They have plenty of money.


En frases afirmativas (en plural) a lot of = muchos -as > Tom reads a lot of magazines about sports. plenty of = muchos -as > Margaret has plenty of books about ar t . lots of = muchos -as > Tom has lots of f r iends. many = muchos -as > There are many pret ty women in the wor ld.

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UNIT 4 8

PREPOSITIONS = preposic iones

Observa como las preposic iones modi f ican el s igni f icado de los verbos. to come = venir to come in = entrar ( l i t . venir adentro) Come in! = ¡Entra! to put = meter, poner to put on = ponerse (prendas de vest i r ) Put on your hat! = ¡Ponte el sombrero! to take = tomar to take of f = qui tarse (prendas de vest i r ) Take of f your hat! = ¡Quítate el sombrero!

<<<<<§>>>>> many = muchos -as There are many pret ty women in the wor ld. few = pocos -as There are few beaut i ful women in the wor ld. • Tom l ikes to read many magazines. He l ikes to read “The New American” because there are many

interest ing ar t ic les in i t . Margaret , on the contrary, reads few magazines. She prefers books.

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UNIT 4 9


Hablando de una mujer: a beaut i ful woman = una mujer bel la

a pret ty woman = una mujer boni ta

a plain woman = una mujer corr iente

an ugly woman = una mujer fea

Hablando de un hombre: a handsome man = un hombre guapo

a good- looking man = un hombre atract ivo

a plain man = un hombre corr iente

an ugly man = un hombre feo

<<<<<§>>>>> Why...? = ¿Por qué…? Because… = Porque.. . • - Tom has a red car. - W hy a red car? - Because he l ikes red things.

• - W hy is Tom reading “The New American”?

- Because there are many interest ing ar t ic les in i t .

• - Margaret has a big hat on her head. - W hy?

- Because the sun is very hot .

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UNIT 4 10

to = a

to go to = i r a to write to = escr ibi r a to speak to = hablar a to say to = decir a

• Tom and Margaret are going to the beach. Tom is not wr i t ing a let ter to his brother James. He is speaking to Margaret about Jul ia Roberts. He is saying to Margaret , “Jul ia Roberts is beaut i ful . ”

<<<<<§>>>>> always = siempre • W hen they go to the beach… (Cuando van al mar…) Tom is always swimming in the blue sea. Margaret is always reading a book. W hen the sun is very hot , she always puts on a big hat . === when = cuando

<<<<<§>>>>> to ask = preguntar to answer = contestar • Margaret asks Tom, “W ho is a beaut i ful woman according to you?” And he answers, “ In my opinion, Jul ia Roberts is beaut i ful . ”


Margaret asks to Tom… ¡Error!

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UNIT 4 11

boring = aburr ido (que aburre) The magazine is bor ing. = La revista es aburr ida. bored = aburr ido Margaret is bored. = Margaret está aburr ida.

This morning Margaret is very bored. Tom is swimming in the blue sea, and she is s i t t ing on the

beach reading a magazine. The magazine is very bor ing. There are only ar t ic les about

sports and pol i t ics in i t . She thinks that sports and pol i t ics are bor ing.

=== si t t ing = sentado about = acerca de, de she thinks that… = el la piensa que… pol i t ics = pol í t ica


so = tan The sun is so hot today! = ¡El sol está tan cal iente hoy! • - Engl ish pronunciat ion is so dif f icult ! - Yes, but Engl ish grammar is so easy! Tom and Margaret - Margaret , this issue of “The New American” is so interest ing! - On the contrary, I th ink that i t is so bor ing. - There are a lot of pictures of Jul ia Roberts. She is so beaut i ful .

And so charming! - Tom, you are so si l ly! === issue = número (de una revista) di f f icul t = di f íc i l on the contrary = al contrar io easy = fáci l I th ink that… = Yo pienso que… charming = encantador -a

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UNIT 4 12

about = alrededor de; acerca de, de • There are about s ix bi l l ion people in the wor ld.

Tom l ikes to read magazines about sports and pol i t ics. Margaret prefers to read books about ar t and music. === bi l l ion = mi l mi l lones people = personas

<<<<<§>>>>> according to = según

1. in my opinion = en mi opinión

2. according to you = según tú

3. according to him = según él

“ according to her = según el la

1. in our opinion = según nosotros

2. according to you = según vosotros

3. according to them = según el los


according to me ¡Error!

according to us ¡Error!


1. that = aquel - aquel la • This car is red. That car is black.

2. that = que (conjunción)

• Tom thinks that “The New American” is a fantast ic magazine.

Margaret says that i t is very bor ing.

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UNIT 4 13

also = también too = también • In The New American there are many pictures and many

interest ing ar t ic les, too.

Tom l ikes sports, and he also l ikes pol i t ics.

Margaret l ikes apples, and she also l ikes oranges.

Margaret is a pret ty g ir l , and she is c lever too.

Nota also Se usa en medio de la f rase, y a veces al pr incipio. too Se usa generalmente al f inal de la f rase.




El super lat ivo absoluto se forma poniendo “very” delante de adjet ivos y

adverbios. very good = buenísimo; muy bueno very far = le j ís imo; muy le jos very big - grandísimo,

very beaut i ful - bel l ís imo

very ugly - feís imo

very interest ing - interesantís imo

very much - muchísimo


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UNIT 4 14

Cuando se pronuncia la “r” :

1. La “ r ” se pronuncia solamente cuando le s igue una vocal.

> Rome Fr ance r omant ic r ed st r ong

2. Cuando la “r ” va seguida de una consonante, no se pronuncia.

> ar t spor t Ger many mor ning wor k your g ir l etc.

3. Cuando la “r ” va seguida de “ e” muda, no se pronuncia.

> ar e rar e ther e pictur e

OBSERVA Si una palabra termina en “r ” o “- re” , y la palabra que sigue empieza por vocal, la “ r ” se pronuncia débi lmente. • Her eyes are blue. Your ideas ar e or ig inal. W e ar e I tal ian. You ar e Engl ish. They ar e American. etc.


tS S ou ¨:

ch i ld conversa t ion bo th wor k ch i ldren Engl ish no wor ld French pa t ient o ld wor d (pa labra) much pol i t ic ian o nly r ich Russ ian pho to teach er sh e Ro me which Spanish to smo ke

tS = ch S = Como en “Engl ish”.

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UNIT 4 15

opposites = antónimos

beaut i ful = bel lo (para mujeres) ugly = feo

clever = l is to stupid = estúpido

good = bueno bad = malo

handsome = guapo (para hombres) ugly = feo

kind = amable unkind = “no amable”

many = muchos few = pocos

much = mucho l i t t le = poco

old = viejo new = nuevo

old = viejo young = joven

old = ant iguo modern = moderno

pat ient = paciente impat ient = impaciente

pret ty = boni to plain = corr iente

rare = raro common = común

r ich = r ico poor = pobre

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UNIT 4 16

READING = lectura

An Interest ing Magazine

- W hat is Tom doing? - Is he wr i t ing a let ter to his brother James?

- No, he isn’t . He is reading an American magazine. - Is the magazine interest ing or bor ing? - According to Margaret i t is bor ing, and very stupid too. But Tom

thinks that i t is very interest ing. He also says that i t is his favour i te magazine.

- W hy is i t h is favour i te magazine? - Because there are lots of ar t ic les about sports and pol i t ics in i t .

And there are also many pictures of beaut i ful women. On the cover of the magazine there is a photo of Jul ia Roberts.

Tom thinks that she is a beaut i ful and interest ing woman.

*** Tom is now reading an art ic le to Margaret . The art ic le says,

“There are a lot of pret ty women in the wor ld, but there are not

many beaut i ful women. Beaut i ful women are rare.” Margaret asks, ”W ho is a beaut i ful woman according to you?” And Tom answers, “W ell , in my opinion, Jul ia Roberts is a very

beaut i ful woman.” - “Am I pret ty or beaut i ful?” asks Margaret . - And Tom answers, “W ell , er - you are not beaut i ful , but you are

pret ty, very pret ty. ” ***

Tom has a cousin. Her name is Mary. Margaret says that she is ugly. But she always exaggerates.

Poor Mary! She is not ugly, she is only plain.

Tom asks Margaret , “W hy are you so unkind?” And Margaret answers, “ I ’m sorry, Tom.”

=== cover = portada (de una revista) asks = pregunta answers = contesta

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UNIT 4 17

TRANSLATION = t raducción 1. Traduce oralmente. En la página siguiente está la clave de esta traducción. 2. Copia toda la página.

1. This woman is beaut i ful . That woman is ugly.

2. The opposite of beaut i ful is ugly.

3. The opposite of pret ty is plain.

4. The plural of much is many.

5. The opposite of c lever is stupid.

6. The opposite of r ich is poor.

7. The opposite of rare is common.

8. This g ir l is unk ind. That g ir l is k ind.

9. There are a lot of blonde g ir ls in England.

10. There are few blonde g ir ls in Spain.

11. There is a man in the sea. There is also a chi ld.

12. There is a woman on the beach.

13. - W hy is Tom reading the art ic le?

14. - Because i t is interest ing.

15. Tom has a cousin. Her name is Mary. Poor g ir l ! She is not pret ty, she is plain.

16. But Margaret exaggerates, and says that Mary is ugly.

17. - Have you a cousin?

18. - I have two cousins, and they are both pret ty.

19. - W hy are you always so bored?

20. - Because my work is very bor ing.

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UNIT 4 18

TRANSLATION = t raducción

1. Escribe en un cuaderno la traducción del español al inglés. 2. Corrige los errores. En la página precedente está la clave de esta

traducción. 3. Traduce oralmente del español al inglés.

E l español ha s ido“ ing les izado” para fac i l i ta r la t raducc ión.

1. Esta mujer es bel la. Aquel la mujer es fea.

2. El opuesto de bel lo es feo.

3. El opuesto de bonito es corr iente.

4. El plural de mucho es muchos.

5. El opuesto de l isto es estúpido.

6. El opuesto de r ico es pobre.

7. El opuesto de raro es común.

8. Esta chica es “no amable”. Aquel la chica es amable.

9. Hay muchas chicas rubias en Inglaterra.

10. Hay pocas chicas rubias en España.

11. Hay un hombre en el mar. Hay también un niño.

12. Hay una mujer en la playa.

13. - ¿Por qué está Tom leyendo el ar t ículo?

14. - Porque es interesante.

15. Tom t iene una pr ima. Su nombre es Mary. ¡Pobre chica! El la no es bonita, el la es corr iente.

16. Pero Margaret exagera y dice que Mary es fea.

17. - ¿Tienes tú una pr ima?

18. - Yo tengo dos pr imas, y el las son ambas bonitas.

19. - ¿Por qué estás siempre tan aburr ido?

20. - Porque mi t rabajo es muy aburr ido.

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UNIT 4 19

EXERCISES = ejercic ios Las respuestas a estos ejercicios se encuentran en las páginas 24, 25, 26 y 27. ¡No escribas en el l ibro! Escribe la pregunta y la contestación en un cuaderno. Contesta siempre con una frase completa.

1. Contesta a las preguntas siguientes.

1. - W hat is Tom reading in the dialogue of “Unit 4”?

2. - Is the magazine interest ing or bor ing?

3. - Are there many or few pictures in i t?

4. - Are there many or few beaut i ful women in the wor ld?

5. - W ho is a beaut i ful woman according to Tom?

6. - W ho is a beaut i ful woman according to you?

7. - Tom has a cousin, what is her name?

8. - Is she pret ty or plain?

9. - Have you a cousin? Is your cousin pret ty, plain or ugly?

10. - Is Tom handsome or ugly?

2. Escr ibe los antónimos de las palabras s iguientes.

1. clever 6. poor 2. k ind 7. bad 3. ugly 8. old 4. pat ient 9. r ich 5. young 10. pret ty

3. Cambia las frases siguientes al plural .

Ejemplo That old man is very poor. Those old men are very poor .

1. There is a photo in the magazine.

2. I t is a beaut i ful photo.

3. This ar t ic le is interest ing.

4. This is my favour i te magazine.

5. That man in the car is my f r iend.

6. This g ir l is his f iancée.

7. That pret ty woman is American. She l ives in Boston.

8. This chi ld is Indian. He l ives in Bombay.

UNIT 4 20

EXERCISES = ejercic ios

4. Cambia estas frases en interrogativas. Ejemplo I t is t ime for lunch. Is i t t ime for lunch?

1. Tom is wr i t ing a let ter to his brother James.

2. He is reading an American magazine.

3. The magazine is interest ing.

4. There are many beaut i ful pictures in i t .

5. There are ar t ic les about pol i t ics.

6. There are many pret ty women in the wor ld.

7. Beaut i ful women are rare.

8. Margaret has a brother and a sister .

9. She has a pret ty green dress.

10. She has big blue eyes.

5. Cambia las frases del ejercicio nº 4 en forma negativa. Ejemplo I t is t ime for lunch. I t isn’ t t ime for lunch.

Escribe la 3ª persona singular del “Present Simple” y 6.

del “Present Continuous” de los siguientes verbos. Ejemplo to read He reads. He is reading.

1. to wr i te 6. to repeat

2. to speak 7. to smoke

3. to say 8. to work

4. to l isten 9. to ask

5. to exaggerate 10. to answer

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UNIT 4 21


about Ebaut alrededor de; acerca de, de

according to EkØ:ding tu según

address Edres dirección

a lot of E lØt Ev mucho

also Ø:lsou también

always Ø:lweiz siempre

artic le a:t ikl artículo

to ask tu a:sk preguntar

to answer tu a:nsE contestar

because bikØz porque

bi l l ion bil iEn mil mil lones

book buk l ibro

bored bØ:d aburrido (estar aburr ido)

boring bØ:riN aburrido (ser aburr ido)

charming to come


tu kúm

encantador, -a


to come in tu kúm in entrar

common kØmEn común

on the contrary Øn TE kØntrEri al contrario

cousin kúzn primo, -a

cover kúvE portada (de revista)

dialogue daiElØg diálogo

diff icult difikElt dif íci l

to do tu du: hacer

door dØ: puerta

easy i :zi fáci l

to exaggerate tu igzAdZereit exagerar

example igza:mpl ejemplo few fju: pocos

four fØ: cuatro (cont inúa)

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UNIT 4 22

VOCABULARY good-looking gud-lukiN atract ivo

grammar grAmE gramática

idea aidiE idea

impatient impeiSEnt impaciente

important impØ:tEnt importante

Indian indjEn indio

interesting intrist iN interesante

to knock tu nØk golpear

to know tu nEu saber; conocer

letter letE carta

to l isten tu l isn escuchar

lots of lØts Ev muchos, -as

lunch lúntS almuerzo

magazine mAgEzin revista

many meni muchos, -as

mother múTE madre

nonsense nØnsEns tonterías

now nau ahora

number númbE número

on the contrary Øn TE kØntrEri al contrario

opinion EpiniEn opinión

opposite ØpEzit contrario

original EridZinEl original

page peidZ página

people pi:pl personas

photo foutou fotografía

picture piktSE fotografía, imagen, dibujo

plain plein común

plural pluErEl plural (cont inúa)

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UNIT 4 23

VOCABULARY pol i t ics pØli t iks polí t ica

poor puE pobre

rare reE raro

to read tu ri :d leer

r ich ri tS r ico

to say tu sei decir

si l ly si l i tonto

six siks seis

sitt ing si t iN sentado

to smoke tu smouk fumar

so sou tan

strange streindZ extraño

stupid stjupid estúpido

telephone tel ifEun teléfono

that TAt aquel, aquel la / que

there are TeEr a: hay (sigue el plural)

there is TeEr iz hay (sigue el singular)

to think tu † iNk pensar

to tu a

today tudei hoy

too tu: también

ugly úgli feo, -a

vain vein vanidoso

why wai por qué

world w¨:ld mundo

to wri te tu rai t escribir

UNIT 4 24

1. Contesta a las preguntas siguientes.

1. - W hat is Tom reading in the dialogue of “Unit 4”? In the dialogue of “Unit 4” Tom is reading a magazine.

2. - Is the magazine interest ing or bor ing? According to Tom it is interest ing, but according to Margaret i t

is bor ing. 3. - Are there many or few pictures in i t? There are a lot of (many) pictures in i t .

4. - Are there many or few beaut i ful women in the wor ld? There are few beaut i ful women in the wor ld.

5. - W ho is a beaut i ful woman according to Tom? According to Tom, Jul ia Roberts is a beaut i ful woman.

6. - W ho is a beaut i ful woman according to you? In my opinion … … is a beaut i ful woman.

7. - Tom has a cousin, what is her name? Her name is Mary.

8. - Is she pret ty or plain? She is plain. But Margaret says that she is ugly.

9. - Have you a cousin? Is your cousin pret ty, plain or ugly? I have a cousin / I haven’t got a cousin. She is pret ty / plain /

beaut i ful / ug ly. 10. - Is Tom handsome or ugly? Tom is handsome. 2. Escribe los antónimos de la palabras siguientes.

1. clever / stupid 6. poor / r ich 2. k ind / unk ind 7. bad / good 3. ugly / handsome / beaut i ful 8. old / young 4. pat ient / impat ient 9. r ich / poor 5. young / o ld 10. pret ty / p lain

UNIT 4 25

3. Cambia las f rases siguientes al p lural .

1. There is a photo in the magazine.

There are photos in the magazine. / magazines

2. I t is a beaut i ful photo.

They are beaut i ful photos.

3. This ar t ic le is interest ing.

These art ic les are interest ing.

4. This is my favour i te magazine.

These are my favour i te magazines.

5. That man in the car is my f r iend.

Those men in the car are my f r iends.

6. This g ir l is his f iancée.

These g ir ls are their f iancées.

7. That pret ty woman is American. She l ives in Boston.

Those pret ty women are American. They l ive in Boston.

8. This chi ld is Indian. He l ives in Bombay.

These chi ldren are Indian. They l ive in Bombay.

4. Cambia estas f rases en interrogat ivas.

1. Tom is wr i t ing a let ter to his brother James.

Is Tom wri t ing a let ter to his brother James?

2. He is reading an American magazine.

Is he reading an American magazine?

3. The magazine is interest ing.

Is the magazine interest ing?

4. There are many beaut i ful pictures in i t .

Are there many beaut i ful pictures in i t?

5. There are ar t ic les about pol i t ics.

Are there ar t ic les about pol i t ics?

6. There are many pret ty women in the wor ld.

Are there many pret ty women in the wor ld?

UNIT 4 26

7. Beaut i ful women are rare.

Are beaut i ful women rare?

8. Margaret has (got) a brother and a sister .

Has Margaret (got) a brother and a sister?

9. She has (got) a pret ty green dress.

Has she (got) a pret ty green dress?

10. She has big blue eyes.

Has she big blue eyes?

5. Cambia las frases del ejercicio nº 4 en forma negativa.

1. Tom is wr i t ing a let ter to his brother James.

Tom isn’t wr i t ing a let ter to his brother James.

2. He is reading an American magazine.

He isn’t reading an American magazine.

3. The magazine is interest ing.

The magazine isn’t interest ing.

4. There are many beaut i ful pictures in i t .

There aren’t many beaut i ful pictures in i t .

5. There are ar t ic les about pol i t ics.

There aren’t ar t ic les about pol i t ics.

6. There are many pret ty women in the wor ld.

There aren’t many pret ty women in the wor ld.

7. Beaut i ful women are rare.

Beaut i ful women aren’t rare.

8. Margaret has (got) a brother and a sister .

Margaret hasn’t (got) a brother and a sister .

9. She has (got) a pret ty green dress.

She hasn’t (got) a pret ty green dress.

10. She has big blue eyes.

She hasn’t big blue eyes.

UNIT 4 27

Escr ibe la 3ª persona singular del “Present Simple” y del 6.

“Present Cont inuous” de los siguientes verbos.

1. to wr i te 6. to repeat

he / she wr i tes he / she repeats

he / she is wr i t ing he / she is repeat ing

2. to speak 7. to smoke

he / she speaks he / she smokes

he / she is speaking he / she is smoking

3. to say 8. to work

he / she says he / she works

he / she is saying he / she is work ing

4. to l isten 9. to ask

he / she l istens he / she asks

he / she is l is tening he / she is ask ing

5. to exaggerate 10. to answer

he / she exaggerates he / she answers

he / she is exaggerat ing he / she is answering