Unit 4: On the Move

Unit 4: On the Move


Unit 4: On the Move. 1. wrong= incorrect 2. Sure = certain 3. Plane = a flying machine 4. To have a word with = to talk with 5. To fly = to travel in the air 6. To travel = to be on a trip 7. To visit = to go and see 8. Festival = party. Unit 4 – ex.3: Synonyms. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Unit 4: On the Move

Page 1: Unit 4: On the Move

Unit 4: On the Move

Page 2: Unit 4: On the Move

Unit 4 – ex.3: Synonyms1. wrong = incorrect2. Sure = certain3. Plane = a flying machine 4. To have a word with = to talk with5. To fly = to travel in the air6. To travel = to be on a trip7. To visit = to go and see8. Festival = party

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Unit 4– ex.4: Labyrinth1 castle = kasteel 2 realise = beseffen 3 driver = chauffeur 4 elderly = bejaard5 coach = bus6 airport = vliegveld7 fly = vliegen

b) Mogelijk antwoord: When the elderly coach driver drove us from the castle

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Unit 4 – ex.5: ComparisonAdjective(Bijv. Nmw.)



1 lettergreep:- nice- wise- smart- wide- hot- neat Met 2 lettergrepen:eindigend op le-er-ow-y-som:- shallow- simple- funny 

+ -er- nicer- wiser- smarter- wider- hotter- neater   - shallower- simpler- funnier NB. Watch the spelling rules!

+ -est- nicest- wisest- smartest- widest- hottest- neatest

  - shallowest- simplest- funniest NB. Watch the spelling rules!

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Unit 4 – ex.5: ComparisonMet 2 lettergrepen:klemtoon op de 1e lettergreep: - serious Meer dan 2 lettergrepen:- intelligent- fabulous

use: more - more serious  - more

intelligent- more fabulous

use: most - most serious  - most intelligent- most fabulous




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Unit 4 – ex.6: Present Perfect1 has (never really) liked 5 have (not) read2 Have (you ever) been 6 Have (you) eaten3 have looked 7 have failed4 has met 8 have decided

See PPT on the Present Perfect

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Unit 4 – ex.7: Wordorder1. Kate did not go to football practice last night.

Last night, Kate did not go to football practice.2. Are we really going to France next summer?3. I met Harold in the library last Tuesday.

Last Tuesday, I met Harold in the library.4. My mother was a Beatles fan when she was young.5. I will see you at school tomorrow.

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Unit 4 – ex.7: Wordorder1 Lucia often misses lessons because she has to

go to the doctor.2 Have you ever been to Tokyo?3 We usually spend our summer holidays in the UK.4 You are always angry when you lose a game, how

childish!5 You never do as you’re told!6 My gran sometimes falls asleep in front of the telly.

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Unit 4 – ex.8: What do you say?1. Are you sure they are that cheap?2. It says so in my guidebook.3. Would you like a banana?4. I thought it was a BMW.5. I must have got it wrong.6. I didn’t realise you were a dancer.

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Unit 4 – ex.14: Double puzzle1. often 5. particularly 9. passenger2. chuck 6. upper deck 10. leave3. assault 7. confirm 11. bill4. confess 8. fare

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Unit 4 – ex.15: Complete…1. bill 5. conductor2. confirm 6. am bored3. confessed 7. regularly4. insult 8. cause

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Unit 4 – ex.21: Fill in…1. sudden 5. funny2. at the bottom of 6. straight3. fault 7. painkiller4. avoid 8. across

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Unit 4 – ex.22a: PS or PrP?a) verb PS or PP? clues?1. has trekked PP –2. talked PS this morning3. heard PS the first time4. have (you) felt PP before5. happened PS when I lifted the box6. ’ve had PP never7. ’ve said PP always

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Unit 4 – ex.22b: PS or PrP?1. walked (the day before yesterday)2. did – marry (they are already married)3. listened (all afternoon)4. has broken (result of sth happened in the past)5. have lived (since 1976)6. Had (when…)7. Explained (yesterday)8. Have – climbed (you don’t know the answer yet)9. has worked (for quite some time)10. Did – feed (this morning)

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Unit 4 – ex.23: The Gerunda) ‘I really hate moving house. It’s so stressful! Yesterday we kept on carrying boxes until it was dark. I started getting annoyed with my brother because he wasn’t pulling his weight. We were arguing all the time. He just said he wasn’t really good at lifting heavy stuff. My parents were saying something about ‘being nice to each other’, but Ididn’t feel like talking to him any more.’

b) 1. travelling 5. raining2. reading 6. moaning3. being 7. singing4. losing

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Unit 4 – ex.31: Irregular Verbsa) 1. became 5. ran 9. made2. forgot 6. kept 10. found3. read 7. drank 11. ate4. taught 8. caught 12. fell

b) 1. become 5. run 9. made2. forgotten 6. kept 10. found3. read 7. drunk 11. eaten4. taught 8. caught 12. fallen

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TOETSSTOF Unit 3+4TB: Words & Phrases - pages 33,35,37,40,45,47,49,52TB: Grammar

- 3.1: past Continuous- 3.2: if / when- 3.3: adverbs- 3.4: much/many + little/few- 4.1: degrees of comparisons- 4.2: present perfect- 4.3: wordorder- 4.4: past simple / present perfect- 4.5: gerund- 4.6: the / a(n)- 4.7: irregular verbs

WB: Unit 3 – ex. 3,4,5,6,7,15,19,21,22,29 + CHECKWB: Unit 4 – ex. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,15,16,21,22,23,24,26,27,31 + CHECK